UNITED STATES] | BANK EXAMINERS i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ' * Carefully over the condition of this bank at different intervals. l>ep ^ifor< iuterests are protected first, • « -1 r»- any Udv or anything else. I he r • taiu»*d growth of this bank is ' he js 'sible evidence that we treat patron> with courtesy and extend to • :u every facility to be found in a mod ern banking institution. \ >ur account is welcome here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ul f Mi-..-". JVest .-1. B. Outhouse. Ylce prts L. hausen. Cashier The Gem Theater • *n *-.*unt of COLD WEATHER and OPERA SHOWS »«* mill i*iti run Pictures Three Nights EACH WEEK Tuesdays Thursdays.Saturdays « ! «n an>: »i n * an .. >_r with A. O LEE. Prop THE NORTHWESTERN ADVERTISING RATES In Effect After Jan 1st. 1912 - ' • t I ’ \ %pte; munnirt ■-•*» lor .*•%• ttiAt tir p*-r 4 mamrr iMUMpr prr *r - k lieu: ;«4fcarw pr- »• . * just r«re*t«d a*. Arthur'* A umr •* : *.a utinn («r *ale at the Variety Store. httfitiukK to near.ns aparel at ■ ar.-ain* at 1. rmt. IIi£..*-*t i-ti ■ paid fur chicken* at •Eefaotd * BM-al market. Try t: • « >. >:r ■-<«u sroud service. K ,t the liEsT nit in tie »a> of i re. u vianltr-. T M. lU-ed. Vi ti ai pr i«-rt» i* for sale or rent. Kill Kullui. Loyalty to Our cuttomtr* that * the *'.04.an •< Lou? city State Bank Mt** l«» Heart neat to * teslield M n lay : (!•• <> - »s*it with rcla A-i ^ool* »i _’•< «neap for tlie . f I • t.ruary at tl«e Variety 3*1 re A t nr in of !*r> - TritinuinK* tr •«-.*■> 1st \r' ir *. 1 u should MPf thrill. Han* In. ' i ■ »-. fr**.i Jersey ro* : jt »-•*» *i L-y i err. I'll one 11 ** *** a lit do your Iibl lav; promptly i anf satisfactorily II J i Moti» :*g stork arm farm Mbiitf- ry »a.e last Thursday l< -u/t»t ri * i.eol prior* and »a» most »*'. Wtdoft. We iate a ! f ail kind* of Jump coal and *.ur price* are right. < a > at Taylor » Elevator. L. II S|a! r < mi- and repairs all liuivof vtitif Machine*. al~» >up puss, for a.. ...a* . Fail at one*. An entertain newt is to be given at tiie lrraprr *-i. *.»i Immmmi. l»»*trict 44. let- 2re.ii »;tb a !••*. supper ikiayg* lie Ererytrody united. Mrs. if- 3d Maliawa eft M inlay for h. Jo* and Kansas 4 ity to lay in iter sprint »' r > ol dainty wear for her lady c ustomer-. • -inIjwi «ay«*i?" *'Y«a. Mnnaele. oat . <**!/• Tiii* is a good coal for fra stove*. tr*e from slack and easy to start Try It. For saw at Tay lor'* driitar y* istn»*’->er l.ro* last *eek Went to 4 liiraru aod various paint* east ow a two or more weeks' vaca tion and visit to old scenes He will tiait vim Si® Itoownat Luana, Iowa, before bis return. .. !'. M. Ueed for t’eed Grinders. 1 ■ n't forget tiie clothing sale at Lorent/. \rthurhasa fine line of ssmples, for your spring suit. Loup City State BanK strong conservative-reliable. Take your watch to Schuaner’s for • Iuh k\ sure and permanent repairs. K r a satisfactory repair job go to Schwaner's. IM. -rie •’*' for tiie highest market hn • nchickens S. K. Rkyxolds. i < i on •• • and have your 1’iano tuned. 2-22. j S. hwancr can and will make your watch run right. Ground bone for chickens in any ■i antitv at Lee Bros, meat market. > Mas Jeffords for Piano tuning, an 1 repairing of (irgans. 2-22' A w rk and goods fully warranted at Schwaner's. ttuly about two weeks longer for y i U* get in on tiie dollar rate for! s«i»s. ription. Hurry. Havey a seen that dainty line of I»:,s, Trimmings just received at »:.r'sr Tiie nobbiest things out want a Singer Sewing ma ine. call ii L. II. Spalir. general r»-; air. s|, .p for urices. ■ leyn el', the Butcher, before! ;• - i y r chickens He pays the high- st -market price. Mrs Ii D. Grow and cliildren left :a~: week for a visit with Mrs. Crow’s father and sister in Oklahoma. The statement of the Loup City State Bank just published, shows them to be very strong institution. "e are [laying 2i* cents cash for ••ream delivered at the creamery. We | te>t and pay cash for cream. Uaven’.na Creamery Co. Will tak- limited number of cattle to feed till grass: good sheds: water and pienty of good feeti. L. Smith. Mr. -lames Barge of Central City i' a guest at the St. Elmo, being in-re to buy alfalfa hay for the Cen tral City alfalfa mills. This ott -e n Tuesday of tliis week • 'jrni-d out sale bills for O. (i. John - in of los kville. for the 2sth inst. Further notice next week. \ I- autiful line of imported Em or -li-ir nress patterns direct from <.ermany. Call in and see them. Vic Swanson. If yo>, want adray. phone A. L. En deriee. 18 on . Ci.em.ma Conger. A. B. Young lias had two rooms of residence painted and grained. ■: vking a nice improvnient in the ap pcarance. Artist Stork did the work in iiis usual workmanlike manner. When you buy your next sack of .r. buy White Satin Flour, made >i*ur i uie mill, from home grown w: at. All merchants in town handle it bur • ity Mill and Light Co. ll*-ri**rt Nightingale is reported quit* ill with symptoms of typhoid f« >-r. h .t which may Ive a severe case • >f .a grippe. Tiie family physician wa> called late in the evening. Full si/e :7iM-iikh *1.7o Rugs on sale at -1 .«C». Come and see these l* utiful rugs. A lot of traveling men's rugs also on sale. LifavK' IIale Fi kmtuke Co. All Cantons are requested to appear at tic ir hall next Sunday afternoon F-lstli. in full uniform, at tiie h"jr of p. in. the object of which is to have tiieir handsome faces Hashed into tiie camera. Cha». liiehl and family left the first of the week for a fortnight’s visit at Lexington, and at various P i ds in York and Hamilton coun ties before settling down in their I Loup City home. Vic Swanson's new line of spring g • "Is now in stock such as Marqrete silks. Ginghams, Percales, Flaxons, in facr all lines in summar goods. Do up your spring sewing now a splendid selections in all patterns and prices are right. Remember the place, Vic I Swanson'* the house of quality. St. Elmo Again Changes Hands We understand that J. L. Jaeger, the gentleman who purchased the St. Elmo hotel from Tony Erazim, has disposed of the same to W. F. Mason, and that negotiations are under way tnat will assure Loup City of ade quate hotel facilities at an early date. We have not interviewed the gentleman as to what his future plans and intentions may be. School Entertainment Tne sixth and seventh grades of our schools will give a "Washington Day” entertainment at the opera In use, Friday evening. Feb. 23. The program will consist of recitations, songs, special music, dialogues, tab leaus and a play entitled "The Vision.” “Plato” promises to be a very amus ing character. Everybody attend. Admission. 15 cents. Program opens at 8 o'clock. Will Examine Various Electric Light Plants E. G. Taylor and Nelson Smith of the Loup City Mill and Light Com pany are taking in some of the light ing plants in the eastern part of the state which have been installed during the past year. They believe by visiting and examining various kinds which have been installed by different parties, they can better de cide what Is most practical for ouj own plant. They expect to secure an experienced electrician to wire houses as soon as they decide on the kind of a system they will install. Embryo Electric Plant C. R. Sw eetland has installed a min iature electric lighting plant in the S. X. Sweetland store, of sufficient capacity to give some 40 lights of 10 candle power. At the meeting to or ganize a commercial club at that store last Friday evening, the little two-horse power dynamo was eagerly examined by all present, as an ad vance agent of the electric lighting plant to be established by E. G Tay lor in Loup City this year. Being very little acquainted with the mys teries connect, d with electricity and its workings, we may be crude in ex pressing our thought in regard to the little beauty installed by Clarence, but we'can tell you something about it and you would be interested in goin'.' around there some evening and seeing it for yourself. Editor Anslie Davis of the Greeley Didependent, with his family, came over last Sarurday for a visit with Mrs. Davis' parents. Editor Davis lias put a man in charge of the paper and will go on the road as a traveling man. leaving for his future duties Monday morning. Mrs. Davis and children will remain for a further visit.' A marriage license was issued the 9th instant to Herbert Mortez of Rockville and Miss Lucille Froblew ski of Ashton. Also, on the 10th in stant, county judge issued another license to wed to Allen V. Cash and Mi.-s Mabelle Whittaker, and on St. Valentine Day issued a license to Sennett Richmond and Sarah Edna Cornford. No returns on these have yet been made. Now is the winter of the printer's discontent made glorious by a harvest of business, and the Northwestern is at present and lias been for the past six weeks fairly swamped with job wor«. Hence, if we are a little direlict on news for the paper, or you find mistakes in print, just lay on the shoulders of our good patrons, who are keeping us out of mischief and busy from early morning to late at night with their favors—all of which means good fortune to us and food for the babies. Henry Dolling has leased the lots west of the Leininger lumber yard and instead of selling his building now on the lots purchased by Mrs. Viola Odendahl for hotel purposes, j will move said building on said lots and continue his shop in the same. We are glad Mr. Dolling proposes to continue his business and has found so good a location. He has leased the above lots, eight in number, for a term of three years. The Rebekah lodge installed its officers last Wednesday night and a very protitableand interesting session was held. The Cantons who were Kebekahs(V) attended in uniform and helped with the installation cere monies. After werk was completed all passed into the dining room, where the tables were bountifully supplied with good things and all did justice to the delicious repast provided un der the skillful hands of the commit tee. The membership is looking forward to future evenings of like en joyment. The lecture at the opera house Monday evening, by Newton Wesley Gaines under the auspices of the Ly ceum Bureau, in charge of our best bunch of girls, drew forth a splendid house, the miserable weather being taken in consideration, and he han dled his subject, ’Brain and Heart,” in a most interesting manner, elicit ing frequent appluuse and won the highest encomiums of those present. The younir ladies of the B. & S. club, are to be congratulated on taking in a handsome sum at the door in ad dition to the regular season tickets. We hereby vote that this same bunch of enterprising young ladies hereafter take charge of all entertainments, Chautauqua, and everything along entertainment lines, iu which suc cess without the shadow of failure is to be achieved. Carried, without a dissenting vote. Cbe “Sear'of Your Hpproval Will Be Upon Chase & Sanborn's “glAL BROWN” COFFEE If You Appreciate the Best “Seal Brand” is the cream of the World’s Best Coffees, put up in air-tight tin cans, All the goodness and freshness for you. * “SEAL” EVERY MEAL For sale at Gasteyer’s The Quality House Established 1888 AT I4c PEP POUPD Wedding j One of the most sumptuous and! elaborate weddings which has taken place in this community in uany a j day occurred at the beautiful country j home of Mr. and Mrs. (>eo. \\ hitta-1 ker. who live one and a half miles i north of this city, when their daugh- j ter, Mae Belle, was united in holy ^ wedlock to Mr. Allen\V.Cash. About j one hundred guests witnessed the ceremony, among whom were several from a distance. Promptly at S:.lo. Miss Beta Gasteyer rendered Lon gren's wedding march, in response to which Dr. D. A. Leeper, who per formed the ceremony, led the bridal party into the parlor, when, amidst beautiful decorations, the few words were solemnly spoken which made two hea rts one. The bride was taste fully dressed in soft and dainty white and wore a bridal veil of rich mate rial carrying in her hand an exquisite bouquet of bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and costly presents. About March 1st. they will be at home on Davis Creek, where Mr. Cash will engage in farming. May kindly for* tune smile on them all through the walks of life. Albert Fiebig sold bis tine Poland China male to C. C.Outhouse Monday The big porker was 20 months old and weighed 00.") pounds, and was in poor flesh at that. Mrs. ffm. Engle went to the hos pital at Grand Island yesterday morn ing. where we understand she goes for another operation. Surely that good lady is having more than her share of illness. The Misses Berdie, Etta and Lillie Lofliolru gave a St. Valentine party at their home last evening. Some eighteen young lady friends were present and the house was was beauti fully decorated, hearts predominat ing. A most enjoyable time N'as had. Mr. and Mrs. .T. B Ford returned to their home at Canorado. Kansas, last week, where they have a tine quarter section farm within two miles of that village. .1. B. is highly pleased with his new location, and we wish them the best of success. The Northwestern rises to remark that from actual experience it has the best and most prompt paying patrons of any other paper on earth. And we are receiving most satisfac tory evidence of that every day from the pocketary standpoint. We received a pleasant call last Friday from our old friend. Wash Peters of Route 1. Wash added his name to our growing list and inform ed us he would move onto the Fow ler place in Washington township the first of March, and we opine he will make that farm blossom as the rose. The Northwestern again, this week begins the printing of three pages of the paper, made neceesary by by our business taking more space in ni invitations to buyers of their goods. We hope to soon print four pages at home and increase our reading mat ter as well. Mrs. Gertie Bentley and daughter, Miss Lois, who have been visiting their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder, were called to their home at Lyman, Colo., Mon day morning, by the illness of Mrs. Bentley’s son. They received the telegram just in time to catch the morning Burlington. Farmers' Institute The next Farmer*' Institute will be held in Loup City, on Thursday, Feb. 22. (next Thursday h Below we give the program: 12:30 p. m.— Basket dinner in base- j ment cf M. K. church, under t-heau-l spices of the Domestic Science Club. 1:30 p. m. —Afternoon session to be held at the court house: •'Corn. Ilogs, and Alfalfa in a dry year," by o. Hull of Alma, Neb. "Thirty Years' Ex perience with Fruit Trees in Central Nebraska." by .1. I). Ream, of Broken Bow. 2aio p. m.. separate ladies' session in the basement of the M. E. church, subject,"Food* and Their Value.’’ by Mrs. A. E. Davisson, of Lincoln. This will lie followed by a cooking demonstration. 7:30 p. m.. evening session at the M. E. Church, with the following program: Duet by the Misses Depew, “Keeping Our Boys and Girls on the Farm." by Mr. Ream: piano solo by Mrs. R P. Starr, vocal solo by Mrs. Lou Schwaner, male quartette com posed of Messrs. Schwanner. Allen Smith and Johnson; “Housekeeping a Profession," by Mrs. Davisson of Lincoln, and the "The Farm Home," by Mr. Hull. This is held under the auspices of the extension department of 1'ni versity of Nebraska and the local Farmers’ Institute organization. Everybody invited .to attend these sessions. O. S. Fross, President. L. M. Smith, Secretary. Chickens I want two car loads of chickens at once. I will pay the highest market price for them. S. F. Reynolds. I * For Sale Some voung draft horses and colts at prices that will suit buyers. Three miles northwest of Loup City. Chris Domgakd. Notice 1 wish to sell my building, in which 1 have the shoe shop, on or before Feb. 20th, at private sale, as I have to move it otT the lot by March 1st. If purchaser lives in town, I may move it for him for the same price. Come andseeme. Henry Dolling. Notice If your stock is not doing well.give them some Standard Stock Food, or your hogs Regulator. ands.*e the gain if your hens are not laying these pay days. give them some Standard Poul try Food and then gather in the eggs, we have all kinds of stock preprrtions, they are guaranteed to do all we claim it will do or your money back, also molasses feed. For sale by Robert Hinsdale. Loup City, Nebr. Fresh Jersey Cow, Or will be in* a short time. My price is $100 and guarantee her to be in good condition after calving. She is 6 years old and nearly as good as her mother who was regarded as the milker and butter fat producer of the Wisner herd of pure bred northern Jerseys. Look at her and if you don't want her at my price leave your best offer in writing under seal with Mr. Hansen at the First National Bank and if not sold by noon February 20th Mr. Hansen will declare her sold to the highest responsible bidder. Ira E.Williams. Loup City, Nebr. [ KirschJtmim Clothes. I Ml WOOL HAND TAILORRD | Don't Forget we handle the best of Clothing. Lorentz, The Exclusive Clothier WHY DO YOU RENT A FARM when you can homestead Government Irrigated farms in the Big Horn Basin Wyoming, and Yellowstone Valley, Montana, on the ten payment plan, with out interest? Why not decide right now to become the owner of a good farm? Sit down and write me what kind of a farm you want. I will write you full partic ulars about wiiat the Big Horn Basin has to offer in that line. It may be worth thousands of dollars to you and it will only cost you very little. • • Drop your posal in the box today. v.' p? D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent pS * 1004 Farnam St„ Omaha, Neb. itH . £ The President is Comine This will make one hundred and one regularly adver tised visits to Nebraska, and to celebrate this visit the com pany will give one month's treatment free to every new pa tient. Frederick Wellington Buck, M. D. M. E.,head Phy sician of the Quaker Indian Specialists of the United States and Canada, will visit Sargent. Wednesday, Feb. 21; Loup City Thursday, Feb. 22: Ashton Friday, Feb. 23; and Far well Saturday 24. All people suffering with chronic diseases of any nature shou’d take advantage of this opportunity to consult one of the most prominent and successful Specialists on Chronic Diseases in the world. Chronic Diseases of the Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Stomach and Bowels; Undeveloped children afflicted Cretenism, Rickets, Malasimilation and Idiocy; Diseases of the Glands like Goiter and enlarged Prostate; Rheumatism, Dropsy, Asthma, Catarrah and Cataarhal Deafness; Diseases of the Nerves, Female Generative Organs, Tumors of the Non Malignant Variety and some forms of Cancer can be cured at the patient's home just as well as as at any Institute or Hospital, after first being examined by one of our Special ists, but we positively will not furnish mail order treatn ent to anyone for any disease until we have had the privilege of making an examination and finding out the exact cause of the trouble. Those suffering with more malignant and danger ous diseases will have the privilege of going to one of our City Offices where they will be under the constant care of one of our Specialists and will be advised in each case which City will have the best climate and altitude for their particular trouble. We do not believe in nor use the knife for the cure of Appendicitis, Hernia (rupture) Haemorrhoies, Hydrocele, Varicocele or Cancer except in rare cases. As this is purely an advertising trip, all examinations will be ABSOLUTELY FREE, except in consultation witn other physicians when a reasonable fee will be charged. Dr. Buck will tell you exactly where your trouble is located and the nature of the disease and if vour trouble is beyond the reach of Medical Science your case will not be accepted i'or treatment under any conditions. Remember the date and call early. As Dr. Buck makes this trip every two months, each pa tient will be expected to take two months' treatment and call upon Dr. Buck On his next visit, but will only be required to pay for one month's treatment, as we give one month’s treat ment Absolutely- Free. This free treatment does not include treatment for Hernia, Hydrocele or Varicocele, but on all such cases applying for treatment we will give a discount of $15.00 from our regular price. The Quaker Indian Specialists Denver, Colorado,