The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 15, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Along R. R. No. 2.
Bev.C. G. V Johnson and family.
S Youngland and fami!> and John
Okoa and family took dinner at tiie
home of Mr L-Johnson last Wednes
Mr C scbwaderer marketed hogs
last week.
Mb* Viola Kilpatrick has not been
shir to attend school the oast week
on account of sickness
Mr King entertained the C. W.
Burt and Frank < 'aeteel families at
the home of Stewart McFadden Fri
day night with several violin selec
Mk* Made* Holmes school has
hongbt a new organ: they will also
lme a valentine hot.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs Vern Alli
maa visited at AibertSovddr sThurs
Mrs. Wilber Curry b still very
Joe >pangsherg is working for W.
H Gunn
Fred Johnson is ev per ted home
am week
Clark Hill was hauling corn to Loup
Oty >auirday
\cisea Smith went bo < • malts the
past week
Frank From is working for Geo.
Mbs Ur 11a William* visited at
Harard Monday .
Lamest Garnett is having a tussle
with the grip this week.
J B Bainsfortb s building on Clear
Creek is completed
Lugcne Miller has been a constant
su deerr with rheumatism this winter.
Nis Winnie i’arslej visited her
friend Miss Fear, Garnett over Sun
Mies Lthr Mickies of Loup City is
working at tin borne of Will Mender
Mr John F hrUnen «u quaran
tined for scarlet fever Mandat.
Mia. John Peach is at home now
after »pending a week with her daugh
ter Mrs ( any.
»upc ( urrier and assistant state
superintendent visited at tiie Wiggle
("rack srtooiw. ia»t Frida;.
Mr and Mra. Arnett are expected
lent from Phillips. Meter., the first
of the week
Mrs (itM Youugiand tinted rela
tives near Aurora last week. She re
turned home Frida;.
Ralph Teeter* lias rented Kugene
t'hllbeuuk s place just north of Frit/
Tuere was a pie social at the lira;
■rhool house on ('tear ('reek last Fri
da; evening
MO* Flossie Spencer, of Mason (It;,
was t tsiiing at the Spencer home on
i Tear (reek this week.
Oma. McFadden W Hawk and W.
O. Brown each have from one to two
cars of hog* to mil when Uie price
gets right
The road commissioners were out
eiamlning the grade at Ute Austin
river bridge and decided to fix it
Hear; Nfimtr has been doing some
improving on bis farm.
Me Fsdden. Henry and Fred
Band were iiauiing lumber for Ute
Austin bridge
The new flag for the school in dis
tort no v la* arrived. It is 4 by *
John Feugh delivered a can of cream
at the ( reamer; that netted him
Ml.J*. being Use higest price paid for
«e can at . ream by the Itavenna
creamery this winter.
Albert snider lias commenced to
build and addition to his iaxiae.
' hris (Mtjeabrun lias named his
farm the Fieniaiit i*aie farm and liad
it pot on record that waj.
W ither Carry is iiauiing his wimat
to market this week.
Awtuw spotanski ia building a new
ban this seek.
Miss Marie Wilber visited her
friends. Miss Lillie and hdith;Brown,
over Sunday
&. li. tiendricMn and Luther Good
win attended the I. O. O. F. Lodge
at Loop City Saturday night.
Mr. and Mm. Stewart McFadden
and family spent Sunday at Lite home
of Mr. and Mm. Gordon Snyder.
J»nn Meaka bought a quarter lec
tion at land near < oomuick the past
Literary will again commence at
the Wriggle Creek school one week
lean- Friday, the program will be a
good one w everybody come out and
enjoy youmeif.
Stewart McFadden tiaa purcliaaed a
•pan ef mule* of V. T Wencuu
otto Holm landed his car of house
hold goods and kepartad for Wyonlig
bd Wvdiiediy Die brother. John
Holm, went with kirn.
The patrons on route two will be
oerry to learn that Andy Gray is suf
fering again with cancer. He went to
time he again Saturday to see if any
thing coeld be done for it.
Gd#- Mchddn while on hb nj
I home frern Omaha stopped off at
York to visit his son Ernest.
Cbas. Golus lias commenced to more
on the old Joha Daddow place.
Holland Goodwin sold his wheat on
tiie Loep City market last Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Ferguson moved seven
miles west of Litchfield last Thurs
J. M. Cummings has had two weeks
of sickness which lias been very pain
ful. He was able to be out Thursday
for kite first time.
Found Insane and
Sent to Hastings
Complaint was entered on Monday
of this week that one Walter Franzik
a young Polander, who has been
around here for the past two years,
working on the section and doing
odd jobs, was insane and he was taken
in cliarge of the sheriff that after
noon. and Tuesday morning being
brought before the commissioners on
insanity, was adjudged of unsound
mind and committed to the asylum
at Hastings, and was taken there
yesterday morning by Sheriff Wil
liams. Some months ago. and as we
remember in July or August of last
year, while working on the IJ. P. sec
tion. the young Polander was on the
section motor car which! owing to
some defect in the machine, crashed
into the rear end of the outgoing
frleght on Uiat road, and with nearly
all of the section men on the car was
badly injurgd when the crash came.
With tiie others he was brought to
Hr. Longacre's office, his injuries at
tended to and being without a home
and a fit subject for the hospital
from the injuries received was taken
to Grand Island tliat evening by the
freight crew and placed under the
care or tha company in the hospital.
Later lie was discharged as cured and
well and returned to Loup
City where he has been working on
tlie road and toarding with John
Czaplewski. For some time he lias
been an ting <|ueeriy and as late as
Mondav was up at tlie school house,
no doubt tiiinkiug lie was in church
and went through devotional servioe,
much to tlie alarm of the children
and it was then decided his mental
ity was such that lie should be cared
for. lie is about 23 years of age. can
not speak English, nor can lie read or
write in his mother tongue and is
witlial a stranger and alien almost to
Ids own people. His dementia seems
to take tlie form of melancholia, and he
i» not in the lesat violent, but seems
feeble in physical powers and just
sick, as an eminent ptisician once
told us of those under ids charge at
the Lincoln asvlum. It is to be hoped
tlie poor boy will be benefited by his
stay at tlie hospital and be restored
to vigor and full health by his stay
Services everyS unday. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 11:45 a.
m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
service and Bible study at the par
sonage Thursday evening at 7:30
Swsdlsh Chriatian Church
Sunday. Feb. 16. Sunday School at
2 Jo p. m. Service 3:15, Subject “The
Children of Ligiit,'’John 12:36.
Method iat
Special Service at the M. E. church
neit Sunday morning and evening.
Tne service in the morning will be
one by special request and at night
"The claims of the sons of Ham’' will
be considered. See bulletin for de
tailed programs. All are most cor
dially welcome and invited.
Sunday service: spreaching at*10:30
a. m. and 7 JO p. m. Sunday School
11:45 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30
p. m. Week day services, Teache s’
Training class. Monday 6J0 p. m.
Bible study and prayermeeting.Tliurs
day 6.30 p. m. February 18th, service
3 p. m. at Austin.
German Evangelical
Services Feb. 18th; Ashton 10:00 a.m
Rockville 3 p. m.
For Cash Rent
On or before Feb. 15, my farm one
mile north of Loup City.
Mss. Iona Sharp.
Notice to Stallion Owners
The 1812 Stallion Registration Law
requires all males, pure bred, cross
bred, grade or Jack to be examined
by a State inspector. An Inspector
will be at the hotel in Loup City at
8:21 a. m. on Feb. 22; at the hotel
in Arcadia at 11:35 a. m. on Feb. 21st
at the hotel in Ashton on Feb. 20:
Farwell Feb. 20 at 8 a. m., Austin,
Feb. 23, at 1128 a. m: Rockville Feb.
23, at 8:45. Boelus Feb. 23, at 1:35
for t)>e purpose of inspecting all Stall
loos and Jacks that have not been
inspected in the vicinity of respective
towns named. Horses should be
brought to the nearest point mention
ed above. The inspection will cost
•5.00 for each animal and will begin
at time set each day. Copies of the
law may be had from W. R. Mellor.
Secretary Nebraska Stallion Registra
tion Board Lincoln. Neb.
Contract for Moving
Flouring Mill Let
E. G, Taylor has let the contract
for moving his mill and flour house
from its present location near the
river to a new location on the rail
road tracks up in this city. This
will be quite an undertaking and
possibly take near sixty days to com
plete the work. There are several
different parties here bidding for the
work, but we understand the con
tract goes to a Hastings company at
considerable less than $2,000. There
was considerable difference in the
amounts asked for doing the work.
New Planing Mill
The new planing mill being erected
by Ed. Radcliffe, our popular carpen
ter and contracter near the Keystone
yards, is now enclosed and fast near
ing completion. The mill will be
24x48 and will make a good addition
to Loup City interests. The machi
nery was purcliosed some time since
is already here and it is expected
will be installed and ready for busi
ness within the next two weeks.
The commissioner appointed to va
cate the following: That part of road
No. 45 known as the old Delaney
road which crosses the northeast
quarter of section six (6), township
fourteen (14), range fourteen (14)
Sherman County, Nebr., has reported
in favor of the vacation of said road
and all objections thereto or claims
for damage must be filed in the
County Clerk’s office on or before
noon of the 5th day of April, 1912, or
such road will be vacated without
reference thereto. Dated this 5th
day of February 1912.
W. C. Dieterichs.
County Clerk
To All Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate it road commencing at the South
west corner of section ten (10) in
township fourteen (14). range four
teen (14), and running thence on sec
tion line east to the sontheast corner
of said section and terminating there,
has reported in favor of the location
thereof and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in
office of the County Clerk on or be
fore noon of the 10th day of April
1912. Dated this 3rd day of Febru
ary 1912. W. C. Ductkriciis
OMUit* Cteck
To All Whom It May Concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the south
east corner of section seventeen (17)
in township sixteen (16) range four
teen (14), running thence west on sec
tion line to the southwest corner of
section eighteen (18) in said township
and range, and running thence south
on township line to a point where
said township line intersects the
public road, No. 46, known as the old
Delaney Road, and terminating there,
has reported in favor of the estab
lishment thereof, and all objections
thereto and claims for damages must
be filed in the office of the county
clerk on or before noon of the 25tn
day of March, 1912.
Dated tills 20th day of January,
1912. W. C. Dietkrichs.
County Clerk.
Last pub. Feb. 22
In the County Court or Sh erman County Ne
braska. .
In the matter or tbe estate of Carl L. Keeler
State of Nebraska.
Sherman County.
Notice of hearing on final account and tor an
order distributing the residue of said estate.
To the heirs and next of kin and all persons
interested in the estate of Carl L. Keeler,
You are hereby notified that on the Sbth day
of January. 1912. Della Keeler, administratrix
of said estate filed the final account of her ad
ministration of said estate, together with her
Eetition, the object and prayer of which is to
are same allowed and for an order distribut
ing the residue in her hands as such adminis
tratrix to the widow of the deceased under the
law; that the hearing on said final account and
petitions was fixed by the court for February
17th. 1912. at ten o'clock in the forenoon; at
which time all persons interested may be
heard concerning same. It was furtheu or
dered that notice of the filing and pendency of
said final account and petitions be given by
publication three weeks successively in the
Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper
published and of general circulation in said
Witness my hand and official seal this 27th
day of January 1912. ‘ K. A. Smith,
Ishal] County Judge.
Keystone Lum
I A Man Is Known by His Clothes
the same as by the company |
he keeps. That is why well
dressed men everywhere are
proud to acknowledge that
their clothes are made to
order by our famous Chicago
Ed. V. Price & Co.
If you’ll have us send them
your measure for a Spring
and Summer suit, the exclu
Isive woolcrs, correct fit, late
Three-Bot:on Novelty
style and fine tailoring will Sack •Vo- 782
give you the distinction of being a high grade
| dresser. See the woolens today at our store.
[ For a Good
Range or Heater
T. M. Reed
I will offer for sale at Public Auction at my farm, six miles north of Loup City, on Oak Creek,
near the school house in District No. 52, Sec. 17-16-14, Logan township, on
Thursday Feb. 22,1912
Commencing at Ten O’clock, A. M., Sharp
Ten Head of Horses
As follows: One gray horse, fourteen years old, weight about 1300 lbs.;
black horse, nine years old, weight about 1250 lbs.; black mare, seven years
old, weight about 1250 lbs., with foal; black mare, fourteen years old, weight
about 1250 lbs., with foal; black horse, four years old, weight about 1200
lbs.; bay mare, five years old, weight about 1300 lbs., with foal; bay colt,
coming two years old, and three yearling colts.
28 Head of Cattle 28
Consisting of
Two cows giving milk and ten dry cows; five two-year-old heifers;
ten calves and one Red Polled bull
40 Shoats, 51-2 Dz. Chickens , 7 Geese
Consisting of two farm wagons, one with rack; good top buggy, Deere binder, Keystone press drill, two 16-ineh plows, two
Moline riding cultivators, 3-row Erway, nearly new McCormick mower, nearly new McCormick rake, endgate seeder,
14-inch Moline lister, four sets of harness—three team and one double buggy harness—nearly new Moline disc, McCormick
sweep and stacker, 100 rods of hog wire and some barbed wire, road scraper, Hoe corn shelter, Buick 22-horse power, five
paseenger car, Majestic range, Oak heater, kitchen cabinet, sideboard, two dressers, commode, two bedsteads, two rocking
lhairs, six common chaira, three Axminster rugs. Family Friend sewing machine, One Minute washer and wringer, Queen
cncubator holding 160 eggs, 200-chiok brooder, and all other machinery and household goods too numerous to mention.
T"QaI**-.-A11 8ums of *10 and under« Casn: over that amount, a credit of 10 Months will
V'fel be given by purchaser giving note with approved security, bearing 10 per cent inter
est from date ot sale, before removing stuff from the place.
HALE & PAGELER, Auctioneers, A_
C. 0. CAEL8EN, Clerk, UWH©!.
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