NO MAN’S v LAND* LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE ^lUUSTRATIONS BY tonsM/natS ccj*r*fc#r r. c sno^/i .csrsn m/ycs SYKOPSIS *-*r**-tt « • *« * man nf N«-tr i >.*-» O’l o-« ?» !k^u» itu k stork. who *•»«■'» rs» l«* a < .rj I*arf > Hr arrrpu. h- ftuteV— H. -*• ?*c *- *• * i. »: »•. :..r With Kath .tUw. T> -,«?.! \ .*? foil* * .* ronst&cv hrr ***** f*:»c W. -k * utm 41. v of li*-r • >'?- ' - ’ »* f. . • . f 4*. •*! ro*rt* two *Ua*Ei-J I* U'!«* a* I Vim Tu|l Th'-r** I* - Htuut i *« ■; f : t •»*♦> a tlNKitf Van Twirl 4r-m4 CVt»i wt: . * ir« •■" ■* t® wvwwt ihr % napaa trmi. . a, Ihta* ft.#* police it** • sasi Oaks? ur r r-J f»*r munler If* i» of^A *rWid. 1*4 4* «>r ht» *"f1 l-2»r» 1 -• f . ftliH’t * !ui'k AS * «* f»* iv‘ k * .» *r!f Coat! tw *<<»> f* * tf.a*iurf(rk la* raarr^*4 !»**• fb* T* ♦*.--! «*04JM pttf* t *or» • * . ’ • . : wlaW ***-*-» a t ■ »- • ... * * ! I, H. ri*. * f i»w ! 1 W m .* n.:ai A r*t»l**v »r»l k *» •* U ' ;. a* !*j»twl * **t mart* out to «rat f!#r |n -'-r asw# r t:a*-* r {MMR »omi* ou offe red yourself—" "1 like that." Coast commented. “Anyway r.y u:agi.i!lcrnt Imagine Hon offered you to me." Appleyard r? ut d w. 'ht :: loss of countenance. CHAPTER XI—(Certimied.) ~A ' is- ’ tiu> rt tse i vor s pint : « *. cream yes: Ari-» = rd IB- j q tr- \ lki |. -d on ttiS nu • »•<« .r.: ■ !i ti maki «t»*- »k:c» seem | Hjt r \u! that at t-*-. us* to affect ] •it* ceatht-r any it * t!i ck a* curds V. • ought to pick up ?!.a! i-Ojr belore ‘ -i - -wti‘1 bt- ttn • t‘!| | jet It." Vi t !«■ rare about ;hi» thing?” i -*■ ! * t - i f -rasp* r t quae co- 1 her- t.'iy The other s*enied to un trr'-ad six. a. ae the lr» s* Iv L-*- return'd “I *: •* »t. , tr r.. ,.::d uttat ■»• - ai* t g t« -. *ji.* :» a perfectly ct" - ‘•0P15 * :.c you k<-«p It :* * flag a *:i Ik- coll: and I re *—d* allemance lor m I—-tiue You ~a*rb'“ * ? Jl dOAtr * •Veil?” be said. ‘ "a tt~ a.r of cue bo larger to le 1c: el •' - I ..ul the little r an re £!!>-. • a you Bunt knew all < u ' ret* veil an -mused • .user “I read the paper*/* W hat’s that co to do—” So. »b*-n you here kind enough to tell u.e your real name, alter your —II—t rescue yesterday morning. I kn k ut uuce fust a ho and what you were:** tf said Coast, a thought blankly. Iu> t a It t. ur occurred to you *bat »ou wrrr a public character, tn 4 - way? I noticed that And your lack • 1 t-eif-con < -ustirss interested me. •l*o the aroma of mystery you ex Lai*, ietrtguled ill I may coin the • '•-dt m> romantic itnagiratk:n.~ Co&*t dashed "The deuce tt did!” he exclaimed a: crlly. “Don't e - yeur temjier—please. I In- - 1 a ..A in.penitent, tat 1 - -i t mean to be so; it's just my *-• 'tpryrneat makes me such a cut up When I rtktd up before you ltd yesterday. I tnought it ail out. sod I set to myself, set I: 'His btog ain't hall written yet. and un less l a a- ken toui-'blr g grievous, Kawtsi r l» a: adia of him by the hand, lik- a Inti- ct« Id If 1 can work :t I’m goin' to stick round and * tv. huj-pen* next You see. It's i ’ i-->u to go about nosisg loio ether 1*1154*1' “I »«*,' taW Comm curtly. with a jr i? .'•aft'BijK which be took no unable to* V«.' aen*wted Appleyard serene "I trait* my lit lug that wav. «. remrw-nt pay* cat* a hands-ome sal ary Cor doing It ' tt tut’" A t :i fit was beginning to to da * o upon Coast. Tt-- . uu:. nodded gravely “The I S S *rvtre.* be affirmed Let us bt s-t at the beginning. lot r! .r*-r uf drs-standlng." Appleyard • 4»tl “I b bcx here Cor toy a-alth—Is on the yob; and things bar* fki ; -l round m that I want >o*-r t*ip lamp .warily—sbil* you cor te-J trine That'> why Ira let :: g you in by the b;;M :ent door and step • »ti If perm You get u • * V, hat I ts telling you is to be kept under your bat-’* “Certainly; that "a understood.” "iligb you are . • . Now. the ; articular phase of lawless Industry at present encasing ray distinruishc-d yn^twkoai ir^itloa In'—h* allowt-a ntmscll tb* dramatic pause—"smug Slit* for some time the Treasury In-panar at hue been as are that a »*r> considers bio quantity ej highly goods sas finding Its nay into lbe aouatry —main)} for tbe New York mart eta— without paying toll A synd-cate of UiWrr Luce jeweler* has been reaping most of tbe profit, although other goods have been com sug through, but that's by tbe way. No* the Customs net a fine er.ougb to assure us that no such hoary tin povtatiwas could bare be. o sneaked •a through any regular port of entry. Ail *e were eeitatn of was that It naa getting in duty free—though we eocidnt prne ere* that- ... So the*. I was turned loose on the prob irtu. ard l'»e been puzzling over It Cor slz months " He was briefly silent apparently in reminiscent mood. “Early in tbe gam- h* resumed. "I bad cause to be*, te that moat of the stuff was seep .eg i* through New England So I sat me dow n and tried to figure tt out fr :s the other aide s point of »ww—suiposlrg | wanted to turn the trick un tty oti account. See?” “Clearly. tio os' TMt| a product of this neck o' th* woods made It some easier; I know tbs coast pretty thoroughly. It •truck me bow all fired easy It would be to establish a depot for the rw ceptiua of goods oa one of those little islands ber«-abo.. e how easy It would be to snoop along the coast as your crew —Inconspicuous, unsuspected. You eemed to have only the vaguest Idea of what you wanted to do. where you •••anted to cruise. And I'd begin to - ispect myself of failure of the parts . Bar nes, ex - Sheriff of Warren County, T e nnessee, in a letter from Mc M i nnville, I T e nnessee, | writes: “1 h a d | t h r o a t j trouble and had t h r ee doc tors treating m e. All failed to do me any i d o o d, and p r enounced my health ponr. 1 con- Mr. B. W. D. Berne*. c ] u ded to try Peruna, and after using four bottles can say I was entirely cured.” Unable to Work. Mr. Gustav Ilimmelreich, Hochheim, I Texas, writes: “For a number of years I suffered when ever I took cold, with severe attacks of asthma, which usually yielded to the com mon home remedies. “Last year, however, I suffered f jr eight months without interruption so that I could not do any work at all. The va rious medicines that were prescribed brought me no relief. "After taking six bottles of Peruna, two of Lacupia and two of JIanalin, I am free of my trouble so that I can do all my farm work again. I can heart ily recommend this medicine to any one who suffers with this annoying complaint and l>elieve that they will obtain good results.” THE USUAL WAY. ******_ Mrs. Brown—Where did Mrs. Close wad go for her new suit? Mrs. Jones—Through her husband’s pockets. Quite So. The teacher in the primary depart , ment of a Philadelphia school had been holding forth at some length with ref erence to the three grand divisions of nature—the animal, the vegetable and the mineral. When she had finished she put this question: "Who can tell me what the highest form of animal life is?" Whereupon the pupil nearest her hastened to supply the answer as fol lows: “The giraffe.”—Lippincott's. Deep-Sea Version. Tommy Cod—What is it they call a pessimist, pa? Pa Cod—A pessimist, my son. is a fish who thinks there is a hook in ev ery worm!—Puck. A Possibility. “He’s gone to that meeting, full of fire.” “Then he had better be careful or they will put him out.” If a leap year girl has money to burn it isn’t difficult for her to find a young man willing to furnish a match. It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to believe as he hopes. r Like a Pleasant Thought of an old friend— Post Toasties Sweet, crisp bits of white Indian corn, toasted to an appetizing, golden brown. A delightful food for break fast, lunch or supper—always ready to serve instantly from the package. “The Memory Lingers” For a pleasing variation sprinkle some Grape-Nuts over a saucer of Post Toast ies, then add cream. The combined flavour is some thing to remember. Fortum Cereal Company, Limited Battle Creek, Michigan with cream.