The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 01, 1912, Image 6

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Rroeaos—A maa is never a hero to
kl> I SiM
Woodson—So, tat considering the
chance* I As ire teamed to take with
«-.• Atikiat, i ought to be o’.e to my
“E*d Eft' Based on Fact.
Most hate beard of the “Evil
Eye." and now we are informed by
« ha lies I. Stni h a noted New York
retrae-iot .*!. that the superstition
•nw because everyone, without know
ing B has one eye that is different In
power iBd activity from the Other. He
draamateo it the “don!!.ant eye." and
a* cording to whether i* is the left
or lb< right c hildren will grow up left
handed or rirhl handed. It is sheer
erweit. sad may <-nt-ii! life-long mis
•-ry to force a child to become am
iadesircv.> Much a course may result
la* the nervous system, and
can only be ured by a reversal of the
so that ti.o 'dominant eye"
■nay regain urn! and undisputed
sway Men who are ambidextrous had
A**.ter keep a Strict guard over their
action* lest they should be credited
with the “evil eye ”
important to Motive rw
Examine caret uUy every bottle of
«' i*-"1 wltlA a sal- and sure rt medy for
a*lafc'-s wiiU chilcren. and see that it
Bears the
la t'ne For
1 fa.Uitvn I’tj for FJrtfkef’i Castori*
Ft*/s cal Sympathy Wanted.
dr* F.<■> How can you look so
iffictaceigrc) when you know 1 am
*1 :>cnt:g with the cold*
Hr ) tYhat can 1 do?
Mrs You might at least shiv
er too Horton Transcript.
C 'rckttsuntta’ Evtdenee.
‘ -tote* «2* mi (iri^j of h.i boy ard
• tit In- «i* *otas to 61 Bat the
>«wr»’-r kill sever make a cuts* la
lie ooeM "
*4 4m.'t know about that. He'* just
Vtnod a bran baud "
tHimixt i vast it •.»«..• i n kMi»
'>■11111 U* *« * .. *» 4 rw*T I***, und hMN>f.
U *m (* W* '«** 44 «w?lte44r at te.a»r H.,« W nuk<
- t nCl • * 0r - 1 • •*. )»'«-««.Tr t «T
•• J far S-or iowa.ffce-1. (kart «.«% Mb »*•*•% Willi
|NM» **•>• w «%l» acuf iMkii. Sufi «•! eff*
■B^P «m **■» Z ■ r*fc #• —r1v -» v:fe» . Jug ri^rtr^r*
^ * U*T 1 fci.£ « L IfeU KK. kaiiNt .
M«||lf A i—•*- «"'»m#«aMnr. mV# «4lr>'k
Tt« Meanest Man.
Ks- k»f - Why Lo Stank set up a
Itx i»t—To trt'l the cuv c2 hi*
• ik onto hi j srifUnr a
'"mV* Cart. : MaliLly r'd^vra and
ctar*”• V*w»i.«.e ji h-i a-.4 ter4 arms skin
«L«^«*r» It .! »* .titir lb*- |u:n of
W.r»* r-.twm »m*«t vin. 3e and K
hr 4ra*»-.«ta Fur »r • vrt- t»
a *. C -v «k C«, tl. k Kirtr Falla. «4:<
ka ■•'■<! ht '.i*1-tor «i'! stay out till I
a ci ti fc • lit» to. but he miasea the
Iks o try its to sneak upstairs with
fell short ciS
For health and energy eat it for
breakfast. Reduces cost of living.
Free Silver Spoon in every package.
Ask your grocer for a package.
Write it on your heart that every
day is the last day in the year. Xo
man has learned anything rightly, un
j til he knows that every day is dooms
! day—Emerson.
IV Fierce» Plei nt Fe'leis regulate
-el invigorate stomach, l.ver and bowels,
j Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to. take
as candy.
We are often admonished to “take
i the bull by the horns," but the trou
i ble is to find a bull that will stand
j for it
ru.i s crr.Kii ix a Tin i days
Y-'**' !»l hi . r .un-l iu<>ri«») ii I’A/AJ UlNT
MfcNT I* x t tir** tiiiv c.v ..f Itching. blind,
b « n* ur l‘a*iruUn*i I* 1-x in G tu 14 <U>3. 60c.
If a woman is a clever actress the
chances are that 1 r husband w ill find
the chorus more interesting.
Sr*. trimlcwT Booth I "e Syrup for ChiMren
eoftewa 1 Uc i: .-n -. r.-.lia-vs inrtamma
■ .On. *•«*>» 1-all. cur -•> » m J colic, 2&c a bottle.
A good conscience makes an easy
couch.—Jackson Wray.
If there is a ke'eton in your clos
et. lock the door and lose the key.
No. Alonzo, it isn't difficult for a
aoman to keep a secret—going.
H-althy cows £ *e more n. k. make richer
fc-t-ct. a* 4 rc.ju.-e irst care. ROW KURE is a
cow toed.. • c, n t a food. It regulates the
t ic»'.»-e and generative organs ard tones up
the * • • -a. A pcs iivc cure and preven
other a*..-sects i hat tap . he strength of (silking
coat. Thaa*«- ds of printable herds owe their
health to KOW KURE
Be sure to aend for our valuable free bock,
* More Money From Your Cows.”
L>adooville, Vt, L'. S. A.
' '•Ra*iaxa raMA— Send for our T*12 rat&ioirue »*«>ntain
fulidracript.cnof ocrumut, r land* mills,
oiAia*. soil. m-irketa, n* and other inferma
l*oa. Am A Niawior, Traveler’s BM«., RirLw«.s<l, fa.
From New England Women
Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound Does Restore the health of Ailing Women.
h Mi—-| *U passing through the Change of Life and suffered
&»■ Waanfiy i (witift lasting for weeks), and could get nothing to
• ■* n- I began taking Ljuia 11 P.nkham’s Vegetable Compound
* " 1 -rt f. n :) on 1 V.ay. and the f<i.lowing Saturday morning the* hom
c r»*i«fi ■ at uppent 1 bait tatel them regularly ever since and am steadily
fa.n ~.z.f •
1 certainly tblak that every one who is troubled as I was should give
’ ‘ -r ‘ > ■ -nd Tab a faithful tr hand they will find relief.”—Mrs.
towu Jot. *12 Fifth Street, South Boston, Mass.
Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Phoenix, R.I.
Phnnl*. X-L—“I worked steady in the mill from the time I was 12 years
o'j£ said I had kuu married a year, and I think that caused my bad feel
W|a I had wwimcii in toy side near my left hip that went around to my
hack, aad aartiaa I weald hare to :m in bed for two or three days. I
was wot able to do mr b—arwiirk.
* Lydia & l*iakhsm« Vegetable Compound has helped me wonderfully in
•eery way. Von may o-< my letter for the good of others. I am only'too
afad to do awythiag within my power to recommend your medicine."—Mrs.
Jills Kim. But 2s2, PoeniL ILL
Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan,Willimantic, Conn.
XT. iimantir. Conn.—" For fire years I suffered untold agony from female
tNshiwwadsf ksdnebe, irregularities, dizziness, and nervous prostra
t«a It was impossible f>.r me to walk up stairs without stopping on the
way. 1 was mil run d vn in every way.
*" I ir<ad three doctors and earn told me something different. I received
■■ hewrtt from any of them hwt seemed to suffer more. The last doctor
said it was we was far as to take anything as nothin? would restore me to
health again. So I began taking Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
to m what it would do, aad by taking seven bottles of the Compound and
BlftNr Uewtmrat joe advised. I am rt- torrd to tnj natural health.”—Mrs.
Ena Donors*. TuJ M un »lre<Willi mantle, Conn.
Letter from Mrs. Winfield Dana, Augusta, Me.
Avgesta *•!. —v* Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has cured the
backache, headache, and the bad pain 1 had in my right side, end 1 am
perfectly wriL’—Mrs. IVuruxu Dili, K.K.I). No. 2, Augusta, Me.
Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Newport, Vt.
w-. <r\ Vl— “ I t . ,nk y< u for the great benefit Lydia II Pinkham’s
Vigvlsi i- Compound has dome me. I took eight bottles and i: did winders
far ar, as 1 was a am iss snri when 1 tiegan taking it. I shall always
a** : word for It to my friends. "—Mrs. Jons A. Thompson, Box 3,
he ' purl Cctier. VermooL
Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H.
Bethlehem. Jt.H.—By working very hard, sweeping carpets, washing,
baaisr. Irfliwff her.,V basket* of ciothea, etc., I got all run down. I was
ack m bed tuiy aostti.
“Thm -♦ my mother got Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
paa -i m i fai I like another girl I am maaiiar and do
wot have Use pains that I did. and do not have to go to bed. I will tell all
my friawds what the«anpomd is doing for me.”—Miss CitAcix B. Dodds,
Bus 1X1. ifathlrhem. X. U.
For 90
I.vdla E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
ha* been tli<- standard remedy forfe
Noon*- -.irk with woman’* ailments
JMetier to herself « bo will not try this fa*
medicine, made from roots and herbs, it
■o man) suffering women to health.
MinUCSnUi LTXH, liMk, for advice.
will be
read and
Fancy Dress
Photo. Copyright, by Underwood & Underwood. N. Y.
This elegant creation was designed for a fashionable fancy dress function
this winter.
White Net in Combination With Other
Materials Is a Touch Sent Over
Here from Paris.
White net is most favored of the
materials in a display of newly im
ported neckwear from Paris. Plain,
plaited or embroidered, it looks dainty
and fresh and it is combined with any
and all of the other materials. A
favored device is an edging of perfect
ly plain lawn around a collar, a fichu
or jabot of the net. while more pre
tentious articles edge the plain net
with figured net or lace of a fine and
neat pattern.
One real novelty is a combination
collar and Jabot. The collar is the
regulation soft turned dpwn affair of I
imbroidered linen handkerchief linen,
and from each side of it hangs half a
jabot—not a side frill but a real jabot
shape. The two halves differ in fab
ric and design, one being of the hand
kerchief linen with solid embroidery
and the other consisting largely of
lace insertions. These just meet down
the center of the front of the bodice. I
A large fichu of white net has its i
fronts delicately embroidered in a
sprawling flower design and has a nar
row edging of figured net.
Contrasting Fabrics Frequently Em
ployed—One of the Newest Ideas
Is the Close-Fitting.
A good many sleeveless waists of
more or less jacket appearance are be
ing used with sleeves which contrast
In fabric. Lace sleeves with satin
and wool gowns are more usual than
anything else, and if the lace sleeves
are long they are close-fitting and ex
tend well on to the back of the hand.
If they are short, they often have a
slight flare, which has occasionally
; been helped out by a fine wire. Dou
ble and triple sleeves, in which all the
abrics introduced into the costume
tave a part, are numerous.
One of the newest sleeves is long
ud very close-fitting, with a slash
rom the shoulder to deep cuff depth,
vhere a row of buttons makes a tln
sh to the band. The slash is tilled in
with soft, scanty lace frills, or with
one long lace puff of scanty fulness.
Sometimes, when a touch of bright
color is used with a dark tone, the
deep color appears under this slash.
There is no end to the possible varia
This Durbar cap is copied from the
ones worn by the Indian princes. It
is of dull red velvet interlaced with
jeweled gold ribbon and has a gold
motif in front, holding a white os
Caesar—Better first in the village
than second in Rome.
_ !
r.ould Always Be Cleaned at Regular
Intervals—Best Methods cf
Provide yourself with an o!d tooth
..rush and a soft brush such as jewel
rj use, a bottle of grain alcohol and
j a box of jewelers' sawduct. You will
j also need a soft cloth, a piece of
plain chamois thoroughly impregnat
ed with rouge powder. A few addi
tional small bits of chamois are also
necessary for polishing. Then pro
vide two dishes of lukewarm suds,
made with fine white soap, and your
outfit is complete.
First work on your plain, bright
gold jewelry, or other material, which
requires a high polish. Rub gently
but thoroughly with the rouge cham
ois until you bring It up to a brilliant
polish. Next select the gold articles,
which look most difficult to you, put
them in the suds and scour thorough
ly with the toothbrush. Practically
all the dirt should come off in this
When completed, rinse in a second
suds to clean still better. Then dip
in alcohol and give a further brush
ing. Then dry carefully on a soft
cloth and drop Into the sawdust and
rub about until they show a bright
luster. With the jeweler's brush re
move every particle of sawdust and
give the articles the degree of pol
ish they ought to have, using the soft
brush and the plain chamois for this
purpose. The rouge chamois is the
highest polisher, but it can be used
only before an article has been
washed, because it leaves rouge pow
der on the jewelry.
All precious stones, except the
pearl, will be beautiful after such a
cleaning, nor will It dim the bril
liancy of semi-precious stones, or
even of common glass imitations. It
will enhance their brilliance.
Silver jewelry that looks black will
come out of this process with a fine
white luster and gold will be returned
to Its original richness. Sterling sil
ver jewelry can also be cleaned with
remarkable ease by boiling In sal soda
Strange Dual Personality Was
That of Wright Lorimer, Pas
tor and Actor, Who Believed
He Had a Message to Deliver,
and After What He Considered
Failure Died by His Own Hand.
EW YORK—Wright Lori
mer, actor, lived a dual
personality. He died a
Upon the man shape
mound which marks his
new-made grave in God's Acre, a lit
tle way out from the sleepy drone of
Dana. Mass., two offerings of flowers
rest side by side—one the remem
brance cf a friend of Lorimer. the
star of the drama, the other the token
of a friend of Lowell, the pastor of a
Lorimer was both. He lived his
life along parallel lines. He believed
be was called to deliver a message to
mankind. But. while knowing in
which direction his life work lay. he
was not so certain how he should
play his part. And so he told his
story, now to a congregation in a lit
tle church with helpful voices in the
organ loft, and now to an audience in
a theater, with orchestra in front of
the footlights. He was dramatic In
the pulpit, he preached from the
And at thirty-seven, believing that
he had failed in his mission, he fixed
a day on which it should end, and
died tragically.
One may not write the full story
of this actor-preacher’s mysterious
life. There are gaps in it which are
hard to bridge, as there are things in
it which are hard to explain.
May Be Story cf His Life.
It may be that in the novel "Against |
the Tide.” which he himself penned j
during his early ministry, and which 1
strangely turns up just after his ;
death, the story is told. Rev Dr. i
Baldwin, a Baptist clergyman of Troy,
who prepared the preface to it. says
that it is.
While he. whom theater goers knew
as Lorimer. was still a slip of a boy
in Athol, Mass., he was left an or
phan. A family of the name of Low- |
ell. at Cape Elizabeth, up the bieak
Maine coast near Portland, adopted
him and gave him the name—Walter
M. S. Lowell—by which, in turn, he
was known.
A fund was forthcoming to educate
him—a fund large enough to see him
through Colgate university and per
mit him to enjoy the broadening ad
vantages of Oxford university, Eng
land. As a student he became an
idealist He took a step to the seri
Returning to this country he enter
ed the ministry, believing, as he said,
that one whom kindly fortune had
favored with an education should use
his talents in a field wherein there
was an opportunity to uplift others.
His first pastorate, as the story now
is told, was in the arsenal town of
Watervllet, a suburb of Troy, in 1902.
where he was admired alike for the
fervor of his oratory and his earnest
ness and enthusiasm in the service of
his flock.
Ability Manifest.
At the start he gave evidence of
ability to fill all the requirements of
a leader among his people, but later
on, whether from inexperience—he
was scarcely more than a youth—or
a failure to realize that a struggling
church organization requires careful
financing, he became Involved in
money difficulties. They were simply
the ordinary embarrassments that any
young minister is apt to meet, and
which some knowledge of business
would have adjusted without serious
friction. To young Lowell they were
as a millstone about his neck.
Suddenly, and scarcely without no
tice, the young minister announced his
Intention of resigning his charge Soon
he went away.
It is unimportant to set down in
order the list of the other pulpits
which he filled. The interesting fact
is that his failure to achieve a real
success at the start did not discourage
him or turn him to other things. He
preached to the people of the coal
mining community of Honesdale and
later ministered to the congregation
of the Baptist church of North Scran
ton. In the latter town his sermons
shot wide of the Raptist doctrine and
there was a severance of relations be
tween church and pastor.
Turns to the Stage.
From this time on until he finally
transferred his work from the pulpit
to the stage, a struggle w-as going on
within him as to how he might best
live according to his ideals. The
pulpit still continued to call him. but j
he began to have doubts as to his own j
ability to accomplish in his chosen
field the good that he felt should come
from his efforts. He wanted to in
spire men to well-dcing in a way that
was new.
While he was still a minister in
Groton, Mass., whither he went from
Pennsylvania, and in Richmond Hill,
the Brooklyn suburb, he began work
ing on a play.
All through his life he had a fond
ness for Biblical art. It inspired him.
He became convinced that the subject
and the spirit of a great painting
could be given a dramatic setting and
made to do the work he, with indiffer
ent success, had sought to do in the
He saw a picture one day in which
was a figure of a young shepherd and
some sheep. It was entitled “David
Watching His Father’s Flocks on the
Hills of Hebron ” The story of young
David was familiar to him. He had
read it and preached from it He set
about to make a stage character of it
—and succeeded. He called the play
“The Shepherd King.” Others aided
him. but it was his thought
Considered Play Taught Lesson.
"I do not know if the dramatic pos
sibilities of the character of David
have ever occurred to a playwright or
an author before,” he confided to
friends who knew of his ambitions,
"but to me the story from a dramatic
point of view is intensely interesting.
There is every known passion that
can enter into a stage portrayal—
love, envy, hatred, malice, jealousy,
joy and courage are all set forth In
the story of David. It teaches a les
son such as I have tried to teach.”
For three seasons he played David
in "The Shepherd King." It was
profitable in a money way, and to him
a satisfaction, for he felt that he
could so interpret the Bible character
as to make it a portrayal worthy of
one who had started out In life to
preach the gospel.
In the booking of the play he had
the opportunity of appearing more
than once In cities where, under other
conditions, he had appealed to the
On the occasion of his professional
appearance in the opera house at
Troy he was warmly received by
members of his former congregation.
In Scranton old parishioners came by
his invitation to the stage and dined
with him amid scenes showing the
country of David. He told them he
had transferred his ministry to the
Defended His Course.
“I beg of you not to upbraid me for
doing this,” he said, “for the inspira
tion which came to me when I stood
alone in my pulpit and preached to
you is still my inspiration in the
drama, and I am quite certain that my
success, which is now of larger meas
ure than it used to be. is productive
of even greater good than it used to
When he was at the height of his
tage success and his purse was well
filled. Lorimer lived in fine hotel
apartments, in which his taste for the
artistic in furniture, art and draperies
was seen in many rare examples His
library was valued at that time at
not less that $10,000, and no volume
on his shelves was prized so highly
as the Bible, book-marked at the text
of his last sermon, which he kept for
daily reading.
The dark days came to Lorimer the
second time in his life when he got
into a legal controversy over the
rights of the play in which he had
successfully starred. The play was
withdrawn from the stage and. not
withstanding his best efforts, he could
not again secure employment in a
role such as he had come to believe
he was fitted by nature to interpret.
Planned Return to Pulpit.
Then, for a time, reduced in cir
cumstances and forced to withdraw
from the society of those who enjoy
ed his fair weather companionship.
Lorimer thought he again heard the
call of the pulpit. He spoke to one
or two of his friends about It and
they discouraged him, saying that
having abandoned the pulpit for the
stage the church folk would not be
likely to accept him again. With that
he abandoned the idea and set about
looking for another play in which the
religious theme was dominant.
Still holding to the idea of teach
ing a moral lesson from the stage,
Lorimer’s final effort was with a play
let called "The Crucifix.” It did not
succeed, and in his despondency the
young enthusiast ended his life.
The discovery of the novel came as
a strange coincidence on the day that
the actor-preacher’s body was borne
to its final resting place.
For Many Years After Its Introduc
tion It Was Considered an Ab
surd Affectation.
The Italians, with their delicate
good taste, were responsible tor the
substitution of forks for fingers, but
it is difficult to trace their use there
further back than the time corre
sponding to the reign of Queen Eliza
beth, and then they were not widely
In some parts of Europe forks were
considered a useless luxury and sinful
indulgence and were for a long time
under a ban of the clerics, though
these latter eventually had to give
way and tolerate their use by those
who wished to keep their fingers
In Germany the ordinary people re
garded the innovation an absurd af
fectation, while the clerics considered
them an insult to Providence, who
had given man wholesome food which
he ought not to be ashamed to touch
with his fingers. In courtly France,
however, forks were a welcome addi
tion and speedily became popular.
The custom in England was of very
slow growth. In the reign of James l.
and Charles I. the fork was only par
tially used, according to the writers
of those periods, and even under the
commonwealth honors were equally
divided between them and fingers
Later on, at the Restoration, their
use became more general, but people
were by no means agreed on the best
method of handling them, and rules
were soon formulated for guidance, so
that genteel persons could pride them
selves on the nice conduct of the font
after the manner observed at court.
Yet it is difficult to overcome the
prejudices of old customs, and the
satirists of the day often amused
themselves describing the awkward
ness of their country cousins who. on
visiting town and using the instru
ment for the first time, thrust the
morsel they had transfixed over the
shoulder, while their linger^ from
force of habit, found their way into
their mouths.
Its Possibilities Sometimes Exagger
ated. but Scientists Acknowl
edge Its Efficacy.
Most persons, especialy those who
have lived in rural districts, have seen
the so-called “mad stones.” Frequent
ly physicians are asked whether there
is actually any virtue in these stones.
At least one medico has gone on rec
ord with the opinion that they do pos
sess some value, but that they should
be of still more value were their lim
itations understood.
There is no particular variety of
stone or substance that may be desig
nated exclusively as the madstone.
The authority referred to has seen
many of them, so called, and no two
were of exactly the same composi
tion, geologically considered.
Madstones, it appears, act on the
same principle that blotting paper
does when absorbing ink. and there is
nothing that makes a better one than
baked pipe clay. A new clay pipe,
costing a cent, cannot be excelled by
any madstone, no matter bow much 1i
may be "cracked up.”
The action can be clearly demon
strated by placing a common dry red
brick in contact with the margin of a
puddle of water and observing what
capillary attraction will accomplish.
In order to be efficient, therefore, the
prime requisite is that the stone shall
be porous and show strong adhesive
and absorbent qualities. There is
nothing mysterious whatever about
your true madstone. There have been
those that appeared to be connections,
either vesical, renal or biliary, that
were found in the bladder, kidney or
liver of some animal—those taken
from the deer are popularly supposed
to be the best.
When a person is bitten by a rep
tile or a dog supposed to be mad. and
the porous stone applied to the wound,
the blotting paper action,begins, and
the blood saliva from the mouth of
the animal and whatever poison these
fluids contain will naturally, by cap
illary attraction, be absorbed by and
Into the substance applied, whether
'the madstone be the madstone of the
superstititious or not.
There is absolutely no truth In the
statement that If a stone sticks, the
wound is poisonous, and that if it does
not take hold, there is no venom pres
ent If the stone be clean and dry It
will adhere when moisture is within
reach until the stone becomes satur
ated. For example, a new brick will
absorb one pint of water. After the
venom has been taken into the circu
lation the madstone is worthless- but
as the victim usually is filled 'with
whisky at the time the stone is ap
plied. the spirits may counteract the
effects of the poison.
Collapsible Water Towers.
Collapsible water towers adopted by
the Berlin fire department are but
five feet long when closed, yet can
be extended to throw a level stream
of water into a window on the eiehth
floor of a building.
Cause of Appendicitis.
One of England's most eminent phy.
stcians has advanced the theory that
the increase in the number of »snca of
appendicitis in recent yearn is due to
modern methods Of sriadin* wheat.