A* TO HEROISM. Rroeaos—A maa is never a hero to kl> I SiM Woodson—So, tat considering the chance* I As ire teamed to take with «-.• Atikiat, i ought to be o’.e to my rtltfug. “E*d Eft' Based on Fact. Most hate beard of the “Evil Eye." and now we are informed by « ha lies I. Stni h a noted New York retrae-iot .*!. that the superstition •nw because everyone, without know ing B has one eye that is different In power iBd activity from the Other. He draamateo it the “don!!.ant eye." and a* cording to whether i* is the left or lb< right c hildren will grow up left handed or rirhl handed. It is sheer erweit. sad may <-nt-ii! life-long mis •-ry to force a child to become am iadesircv.> Much a course may result la nrre.-i.is* the nervous system, and can only be ured by a reversal of the so that ti.o 'dominant eye" ■nay regain r.at urn! and undisputed sway Men who are ambidextrous had A**.ter keep a Strict guard over their action* lest they should be credited with the “evil eye ” important to Motive rw Examine caret uUy every bottle of «' i*-"1 wltlA a sal- and sure rt medy for a*lafc'-s wiiU chilcren. and see that it Bears the Signatured la t'ne For 1 fa.Uitvn I’tj for FJrtfkef’i Castori* Ft*/s cal Sympathy Wanted. dr* F.<■> How can you look so iffictaceigrc) when you know 1 am *1 :>cnt:g with the cold* Hr ) tYhat can 1 do? Mrs Fl-.it You might at least shiv er too Horton Transcript. C 'rckttsuntta’ Evtdenee. ‘ -tote* «2* mi (iri^j of h.i boy ard • tit In- «i* *otas to 61 Bat the >«wr»’-r kill sever make a cuts* la lie ooeM " *4 4m.'t know about that. He'* just Vtnod a bran baud " tHimixt i vast it •.»«..• i n kMi» '>■11111 U* *« * .. *» 4 rw*T I***, und hMN>f. U *m (* W* '«** 44 «w?lte44r at te.a»r H.,« W nuk< - t nCl • * 0r - 1 • •*. )»'«-««.Tr t «T •• J far S-or iowa.ffce-1. (kart «.«% Mb »*•*•% Willi |NM» **•>• w «%l» acuf iMkii. Sufi «•! eff* ■B^P «m **■» Z ■ r*fc #• —r1v -» v:fe» . Jug ri^rtr^r* ^ * U*T 1 fci.£ « L IfeU KK. kaiiNt . M«||lf A i—•*- «"'»m#«aMnr. mV# «4lr>'k Tt« Meanest Man. Ks- k»f - Why Lo Stank set up a vitWHIl Itx i»t—To trt'l the cuv c2 hi* • ik onto hi j srifUnr a '"mV* Cart. : MaliLly r'd^vra and ctar*”• V*w»i.«.e ji h-i a-.4 ter4 arms skin «L«^«*r» It .! »* .titir lb*- |u:n of W.r»* r-.twm »m*«t vin. 3e and K hr 4ra*»-.«ta Fur »r • vrt- t» a *. C -v «k C«, tl. k Kirtr Falla. «4:< ka ■•'■ri«») ii I’A/AJ UlNT MfcNT I* x t tir** tiiiv c.v ..f Itching. blind, b « n* ur l‘a*iruUn*i I* 1-x in G tu 14 3. 60c. If a woman is a clever actress the chances are that 1 r husband w ill find the chorus more interesting. Sr*. trimlcwT Booth I "e Syrup for ChiMren eoftewa 1 Uc i: .-n -. r.-.lia-vs inrtamma ■ .On. *•«*>» 1-all. cur -•> » m J colic, 2&c a bottle. A good conscience makes an easy couch.—Jackson Wray. If there is a ke'eton in your clos et. lock the door and lose the key. No. Alonzo, it isn't difficult for a aoman to keep a secret—going. FOR SICK COWS H-althy cows £ *e more n. k. make richer fc-t-ct. a* 4 rc.ju.-e irst care. ROW KURE is a cow toed.. • c, n t a food. It regulates the t ic»'.»-e and generative organs ard tones up the er.:.re * • • -a. A pcs iivc cure and preven ter lor LOST APPETITE. BARRENNESS. ABORTION. SCOURS. MILK FEVER, and all other a*..-sects i hat tap . he strength of (silking coat. Thaa*«- ds of printable herds owe their health to KOW KURE Be sure to aend for our valuable free bock, * More Money From Your Cows.” OAKY ASSOCIATION CO. MFRS. L>adooville, Vt, L'. S. A. ' '•Ra*iaxa raMA— Send for our T*12 rat&ioirue »*«>ntain fulidracript.cnof ocrumut, r land* mills, oiAia*. soil. m-irketa, n bo.il* and other inferma l*oa. Am A Niawior, Traveler’s BM«., RirLw«.s ■ -nd Tab a faithful tr hand they will find relief.”—Mrs. towu Jot. *12 Fifth Street, South Boston, Mass. Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Phoenix, R.I. Phnnl*. X-L—“I worked steady in the mill from the time I was 12 years o'j£ said I had kuu married a year, and I think that caused my bad feel W|a I had wwimcii in toy side near my left hip that went around to my hack, aad aartiaa I weald hare to :m in bed for two or three days. I was wot able to do mr b—arwiirk. * Lydia & l*iakhsm« Vegetable Compound has helped me wonderfully in •eery way. Von may o-< my letter for the good of others. I am only'too afad to do awythiag within my power to recommend your medicine."—Mrs. Jills Kim. But 2s2, PoeniL ILL Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan,Willimantic, Conn. XT. iimantir. Conn.—" For fire years I suffered untold agony from female tNshiwwadsf ksdnebe, irregularities, dizziness, and nervous prostra t«a It was impossible f>.r me to walk up stairs without stopping on the way. 1 was mil run d vn in every way. *" I ir