The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 01, 1912, Image 4

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    : :ssionai. Cards
K-t'tr.P. STAKE
tear -jd SousmUiv
1 U? <3ITY. NEB
And R wkd Abstractor.
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
L>»ap Citr, Neb.
ftf to I!. P. Starr)
Bonded Abstracter
Uir I'm, Nebraska.
Oalt set of Abstract books in county
Office. Over New Bank
3# oA< r »t K«st4e«rt
f «v U» n fttm of Tr^ptobc C« ctrml
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
OSe* at Ltkldencr
Teirptioiw Connection
UH P cm. • - XEB.
Ofier up ilurt in the new State
Bank baiidiop.
" • ' ie Publir Satiate.
Pfaaaa. lOoaat
Prompt Dray Work
I’HOXE. ; on i«.
Or L :.irf Ymi* and Ty ior's Kie
ii' >f goftuiteed
0, E. Thornton
The Drayman
. - ler> pr> aptly and
e: J : !••• eitl* r 1 TiU-r yanl
m rai r * eictator.
Let Us Book Your Sales
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Phan* 2 on 20. Laup City. Nab
* Loup City, Nebr.
Gl»e sue a trial. Guarantee >atis
factkw Iti-ioe. on Ufi.
m*dt from
You wig:
The Labor of Baking
i» many tlx** reduced if you use the
nth! kind of Flour, sod if tlie <jues
UjB, “W till is the best Flour?’' wu
|n*t to tote among the takers and
housekeeper* in tills part of the
country, the unanimous reply would
White Satin
You would vote for it If you were
usnd to it isn't it worth riving a
Loup City Mills
Nor i i- hereby given that bids will
be "• ■ ■ i at tie o!Bce of Ueoiunti
C -rk sneroiaa Count). Nebraska,
on «r r- it noon of tl*e tilth day ol
klar.ii. fortlte letting«>f a yarli
huntr. building of wood
- tvirigaa. ae per> and
■MMeetiaaB adopted by the < <>unty
5 in ~ per>kan ei Sbemn
< oct!'; NVbta>ka. on Uie *tli day of
'4a o Ur. are on tile in
th« Of, • f ' ' I y < 'lerk All
US must he accompanied try a cer
tided r.i Vi. <>f • ' . w. The board
Tt--~T- -~ ih. right ; reject any or
ail 'lids
V >i. s* m ha'el and seal of said
e» • ’ '• •’"* aftfs*d tins lutii dat
ed January 1912.
tt c IheikBicHs
County Clerk
Entered at tbe Loup City Postufflce for tract
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
J. \V. Bl'Kl.KHiH. Ed. and Pub
On and after March I,
1912, the Northwestern
will be $1.50 per year.
At the advanced cost of
print paper, the present
rate of $1 per year rep
resents loss instead of
profit In the meantime
the rate will remain the
same to all, old and new
readers—$ I per year, in
Bryan has lad his name taken off
the primary ballot. Teddy hasn't.
Harmon's name lias been placed
on tiie Nebraska primary ballot as
presidential candidate. Bryan off
again. Harmon on again; how do you
like it. democratic Flannagans?
Law ver Clarence Harrow, attorney
for the McXaniary dynamite fiends at
Los Angeles. has had two indictments
returned against iiim for alleged at
tempts at bribing jurors in that case.
Twould be mighty funny if he was
sent to keep company with the Mcs
at the San Quenten hotel.
We liave received a circular letter
from Mr. Henry Howard of Elm Creek,
who is out for land commissioner.
A mong the gentleman's qualifications
lie claims to be an expert accountant
and bookkeeper, is a veteran of the
Civil War and is now serving his
fou/teenth year on the republican
state central committee.
Woodrow Wilson is busily engaged
in smoothing the ruffled plumage of
< ol Harvey and Marse Watterman,
and lias been forgiven by Col.(‘?) Bry
an for the unnice tilings said of Billy
when the latter was trying to hypno
tize the country a few years ago. The
demos are crying “Peace, peace:-' and
the more they cry, the less chance
they have of getting it.
Ceo. W Wolfe, yielding to the so
licitations of his friends throughout
the county, came over from Litch
field yesterday and tiled as republican
candidate for representative. We are
pleased at this, knowing his sterling
qualities as a man. his loyalty to re
publican principles and his eternal
fitness to handle the legislative job
in the best possible business way.
Of course it is an open secret that
all newspapers, the Northwestern
among the number, are running the
business simply for their health and
quite a cohort of the fellows that
have the itch to get into the limelight
of ihe odoriferous primary ballot
have “Caught On,” as witnessed by
the "Petition” oft received at head
quarter-. personally, or from friends,
"Please announce and give a little
write-up of candidacy,” etc., if it
won't cost anything.” RATS: If any
one really wants to dance, let him
"Cough up” for the Fiddler. Catch
The M. E. revival services, which
were started Monday evening of this
week, are proving quite successful
and a surprising amount of interest
has been shown from the first even
ing. the number present each even
ing being augmented by nearly twice
the number the following services.
At the present rate the services will
be so generously attended that the
worshippers may have to appropriate
some of the out-of-door space to ena
ble all to attend and hear. This is a
good showing for our Methodist
friends and we trust their most san
guine expectations may be realized.
According to date given last week,
a nlimber of our business men met at
the Sweetland store.Monday intent of
which was the organization of a com
mercial club. Very little was accom
plished—a temporary organization
being made and a committee appoint
ed u> secure from other clubs neces
sary information of procedure, and
adjournment was taken to meet at
call of chairman. It is the unani
mous opinion of our people that we
should have a strong commercial club
and it Is felt equally strong that only
our ablest and broadest-minded men
should be in the lead. Even one nar
row-contracted, officious, self-predom
inating individual, if given lead
strings, can do incalculable damage
to any organization, which to be ef
fective, must relegate such hurtfulls
to a rear seat.
Private Sale
Will offer my Automobile for sale
at a bargain price for cash or bankable
not* at 8 per cent for one year. If
that is disposed of on or before Feb
ruary first, will offer all articles of
household and kitchen furniture, in
cluding thoroughbred Jersey cow, as
it will not pay me to ship less than
a car load w hen I remove to Oregon.
Have many articles of furniture that
1 would dispose of immediately and
make the price to suit you. Call at
my home and look over the list and
see if there is anything you can use.
Ika E.\Villiams.
Loup City, Xebr^.
Improved Farm for
Rent See W, F. Mason.
Along R. R. No. 2.
Mrs. Wilbur Curry is slowly im
John Haller isagain attending school
in the Biehel District.
J. H. Bone was hauling corn to
Loup City last Friday.
The mill put out 20 cars of flour
and feed the past month.
Ray McFadden shipped a car of
cattle to Omaha Monday.
Clark Alleman was hauling corn
from Hugh Cash last Thursday.
Ben Wilkinson and Frank Wagnor
putting up their ice last week.
The trained nurse that was at Wil
bur Curry's returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger visited
Sunday at the home of John Gallaway
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Criss and 5*eoma
Criss visited at Loup City last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dick Brodock moved
on Mrs. Daddow's place on route 3.
Miss Minnie Obermiller visited at
the home of Will Kneopful last Wed
Ernest Garnett was visiting, you
know who, at Loup City Sunday
C. W. Burt and Frank Casteel
finished putting up their ice house
last week.
C. R. Spencer is hauling feed from
Robt. Dinsdale's silo south of tow n
this week.
Mrs. Kate Steel and the Gray chil
dren visited with Miss Bertha Smally
last Sunday.
Mrs. Jim Arnett on route one
visited at her father's home on route
two Monday.
Jake Tessman from near Litchfield
lias rented the A. D. Peters place for
the next year.
Roy Conger has gained so much
since his operation that you would
hardly know him.
The ladies’ aid society on Wiggle
Creek will not meet again until the
scarlet fever is over.
Chas. Brown, son of Sim Brown at
Luano, Iowa, will work for W. O.
Brown the coming year.
The culvert just west of the Aus
tin bridge was washed out by the
river but has been repaired.
J. E. Andrew, brother-in-law of Al
fred Jorgenson, is here painting the
inside of Alfred's new house.
Harold Burt and a man by the name
of King visited at the home of S. M.
Smally last Wednesday evening.
Some of the patrons on route two
must have been reading Gibson's
paper, as they have already got their
garden seed planted.
The families of Loren Gee and
Romeo Conger arrived safe in Cortez,
Colorado, last week, Mrs. Conger
standing the trip well.
Mr. J. W. Cummins was taken
quite sick with pleuricy pain in his
right side last Thursday and was un
able to work for several days. He is
improved now.
Mallory on Route 4 out of Litchfield
met carrier at the Bichel school house
and showed him his new mail wagon.
It was his first day out with it and
it is a dandy too.
Nine stringers on the new steel
bridge at W. O. Brown's place were
broken last fall by heavy engines
crossing the bridge without planking.
All engines crossing the bridge here
after will have to plank the bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Squires will
soon move to Comstock, where John
has bought a half interest in a livery
barn. Mrs. Squires health has not
been in the best of health since her
operation but we wish them success
in their venture. Their sale is Feb.
Mr. and Mrs. Bichel and family
were shut up with quarantine for
about two months and when let out
last week would not leave the place
for several days until the house and
themselves were thoroughly fumi
gated. If every one would be as care
ful at this time any disease would be
easy to stamp out.
Fred Daddow has had a cancer
growth on one side of his face foj
some time and lately applied a poul
tice that was recomended by different
parties. He suffered intensely from
the effect of the poultice and was al
most more than he could stand but
he was rewarded by seeing the core
come out. It is claimed that it will
not come back again.
Luther Goodwin an old time resi
on route two has resigned his position
with W. O. Brown which will take
effect the first of March, 1912. Ib is
thought by some that Luther is in
tending a matrimonial venture and
by others that his land interests in
Texas and different parts in this
are the real cause. Luther has worked
for W. O. Brown for the past five
years and any fair one wanting to
know more about Luther can get de
sired information by draping a card
to W. O. Brown. Eastern papers
please copy.
Herman Johansen, as will be seen
by his sale bills gotten out at this
office, and by his mammoth adv. in
tills paper, will have another one of
bis big sales of horses, cattle and
Poland China hogs at his farm a mile
southeast of town, next Thursday,
Feb. 8tli. C. S. Branson, the famous
auctioneer, will cry the sale, and will
be assisted by our own Rol Hendrick
son. Mrs. Johansen’s famous cooking
will be in evidence, serving free lunch
to all present. Don’t miss all above.
By request, the Northwestern gives
the first license and wedding in Sher
man county: The parties were Frank
Ingram, age 21 years, and Fannie I.
Taylor aged 19 years. The license
was issued Dec. 18,1873. by R W.
Russel, then probate judge, and the
parties were united in marriage at
Loup City, on the same day by John
Wesley' Eddy, a minister of the gos
Having sold part of my farm, 1 am obliged to sell a portion of my stock. Therefore, I will sell
at Public Auction on my farm, one mile southeast of Loup City, Nebraska, on
_Commencing Promptly at 12 O’clock, Noon, on Said day *
12 Head of Horses, All Blacks
Consisting of: One Mare, 7 years old, in foal; one Mare, coming 4 years
old, in foal; one Mare, coming 3 years old; one Gelding, coming 4 years old;
four Geldings, coming 2 years old; and four coming yearling colts>-2 mare
and 2 horse colts. J
These Are All the Big Kind ^
14 Head of Cattle 14
Four Milch Cows, Four young Bulls,
Two Yearling Heifers,
and the rest young stuff
Come and Look at Them
Otis White will sell at my sale: One bay team of 3-year-old geldings, weighing about 2200 lbs.*
one sorrel gelding, 4 years old, weight 1300: span of coming 3-year-old mules, span of coming 2
year-old mules and fifteen fall shoats.
Consisting of one binder, two riding cultivators, one lister, and other things too numerous to
mention. Everybody invited to attend the sale, whether they wish to buy or not.
Free l_.-u.rLd3. at 11:30 -A-. IMI, Sale to Follow
r£sf Bums °f |10 aad under, Cash: over that amount, a credit of Nine Months will
IIIO VI be given by purchaser giving note with approved securitv, bearing 10 per cent inter
est from date of sale, before removing stuff from the place.
C. S. BRANSON, , _
R. D. HENDRICKSON, t Auctioneers
C. C. CARLSEN, Clerk.
While Forrest Larson was deliver
ihg poods last Saturday noon, and
while near the residence of Otto Pe
tersen. the buggy tonpue broke and
the team threw the boy to the icy
sidewalk, bruisinp his body and cut
tinp pash in his lower lip causinp
several stitches to be taken in same.
He was not seriously injured.
The sad news was receeved by Mr.
and Mrs. S. S. Reynolds of Webstor
township of the death at San Diego.
Calif., on Monday, 29tli inst., of their
brother-in-law, S. S. Hage. in that
city, resulting from operations for
cancer of the stomach. Mr. and Mrs.
Wright Reynolds, who are out on the
coast, werere there at the time.
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don't
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J. S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
John W. Long. Vice President w. J, Root Assistant Cashier.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 120 to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock.
Many Women Know This Is True
. You fhouW, at all times. exercise the greatest caution in the selection
oi family Remedies.
Tins is especially true in the choice of medicines used in female weak
nesses—then it becomes absolutely imperative. You should know in detail
just what the remedy is composed of and the action of each and everv in
gredient. '
When you are in need of a remedy for female weakness
orders—insist upon this information being given you.
We have in
Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription
i a preparation that you should know and use. We can tell vou all of the
drugs used—more than we can say of any other female tonic—and for that
reason we heartily recommend its use.
Nyal s Vegetable Prescription contains no injurious
drugs—it is purely vegetable, safe and
efficient in its action
Functional disorders, irregularities ef Hie
corrected and the entire system toned up.
most sensitive organisms are
Its use obviates all unpleasantness, physical and mental strain in evi
dence during such periods. •
We are very enthusiastic over the results obtained from the use
^ cgetable Prescription—let us tell you more about it.
One Dollar the Bottle.
A very tine line of rubber goods, such as hot
syringes, etc., now in stock.
water bottles, fountain
Swanson-Lof hoi:
$1.00 Dozen Photos
SATURDAY, JAN. 20,1912
I will make the regular
$3.50 Per Dox. Photos for $1.00 Per Doz.
In the seven years I have been in Loup Gitv I
have made more than
in this grade of work. You know the quality
These prices will only last for a very short time
It is up to you to get here in time.
Loup City, - - Nebraska