The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 04, 1912, Image 4

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    Beginning THURSDAY, JAN. 4th, and continuing for TEN DAYS, I am offering the best bargains in Dry Goods ever
quoted in Sherman county. My new line of spring goods is now arriving and in order to make more room must make a
big sacrifice, so my loss is your gain. Come early and avoid the rush.
Outing FJarnels
Me aad a Me values. now going at ...8c
Fleece-lined Dress Goods
i'jc aad tt Me values. In thh sale at ..Sc
Window Scrim
Me valuaa la enaa colon.19c
Mr valaaa la flasai tea. flae. 42c
Serpentine Crepe
Me valaaa. float't min It. oa vale at..ltic
Checked Apron Ginghams
ac aaa fcr Glaflaai aoaoo aleat . tic
Me Gtagfewaa. your choice for..8c
UeGinghams. you'll want them, on sale at..12c
1 > :■ .v:aa» at . -lflc
Dress Goods
Juc All-Wool Trim Drees Goods, in this sale at..23c
Me values la Dcaos Goods..39c
<■* >1 .r, 1'. u.}. .49c
flLM valaaa gaktg at..69c
Ml valaaa voa caa have at...89c
Gieea aad Browa Corded Mika. 50c values, now going at.39c
ivrstaa Mika Me values you can also have at.39c
Light Blue Taffeta Silks of SLOO values for only.75c
B-*. a TaSrt* Silk. » laches wide, value *1.25. now on sale at .89c
Calicoes, 7c and 8c values, in this sale at only - 4c
Table Linens
50c Colored Damask Linens now going at___39c
60c Colored Damask Linens, can’t be beat, now at..!_____44c
50c Mercerized Bleached now at.......39c
60c Mercerized Bleached, line bargains, at......_..45c
75c Mercerized Bleached, you can get them in this sale at only......49c
*1.25 values, Pure Linen....._._.88c
Pillow Tubing, 45-in., 25c value. - 18c
Woman’s Flannelette Gowns
*1.50 values can be secured in this sale at_$1.19
1.25 values now....... .98
00c vales in Boys' Flannelette Gowns in this sale at___49
Children’s Heavy Ribbed Hose
17 1 2c values, now.12 l-2c | 30c value, All Wool.19c
Wool Shawls; 81.25 value, now on sale for 79c
Sateen lining, white and green, 50c value, now 39c
Canada Maple Syrup *i.60 per gal. now *1.00 Mustard Sardines at.6 l-2c
Canned Corn, and ii is tine, at.6 l-2c Best Head Bice.7 I-2c
Oil Sardines.3 1.2c Grape Nuts.12c
Cream of Wheat for 12c
A Big Discount in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes
• Men’s Heavy Underwear
50c and 60c values, now.38c | *1.25 Union Suits, on sale at.89c
*1.50 Wool two-piece Suit, now 98c
Ladies’ Underwear
*1.25 Union Suits in white.98c ] *1.00 Union Suits in white. 89e
50c two-piece Suits, at 45c
*9.50 All-Wool Blankets at.*6.98 ! *2.75 Wool Nap Blankets.*2.39
5.50 All-Wool Blankets at. 3.79 I 2.00 Wool Nap Blankets. 1.49
*1.40 Cotton Blankets at 98c
Winter Caps
*1.25 Caps at. 75c | 85c Caps at. 45c
50c Bovs Caps at 39c
*2.50 Silk Shirts at.*1.69 *1.00 Shirt of extra good value at.80c
1.50 Mercerized Dress Shirts at... .-... 1.19 .75 Shirt at.65c
1.25 Mercerized Dress Shirts at.85 .50 Shirt at..43c
Men’s Sheep-lined Coats
Extra good values at *5.00: my price now.c&o qq
All other coats In proportion. Don't pass this up.
On all goods in Dry Goods Department not quoted in
this Adv. a discount of 10 per cent will be given this week.
This Sale is for Spot Gash Only.
Successor to
c. w. eopHfSEp
■uiv « ■ n a mi. if mu i* ivrooi
• «■ vie Uw Cur Pesu»BU* Mr irut
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence. - - 3 on 21
4. W. ht'KI.M«.H. K4 mad P«b
On and after March I.
1912. the Northwestern
will be 91.50 par year.
At the advanced cost of
print paper, the present
rate of 91 per year rep
resents loss instead of
profit. In the meantime
the rate will remain the
seme to all. old and new
readers—91 per year, in
.. .. ■ ii ■■ t
Lmt week Thursday. Hoo. Wllbui
S. Waits, of Loup Mty. who repre
siid Shtrau county in the last
IHiiktuit. paid his tin and filed hii
candidacy with Secretary of State
Wait as republican candidate for tlx
State office of tom miss loner of Pub
tie * and Building* -abject U
Urn darts Inn at bis party voter* asei
peemed at the coming primary elect
ion in an Interview the day lie filed
Mr. Waite stated that he had no in
If m >nn» at filing for the above namec
office tilt a few days previous, but 1m
lag’tbaT he do an. and that he wouM
make an active ran van for the nom
Mr Waite baa bean a re*
deal at Sherman county for the past
twenty years, coming here from Val
ley county, where he lived for so cm
time, coming to Valley county fron
Iowa, where he waa born in the bam
let of Palmyra.aoar the state capital.
Uea Motive* Cp to the lime be waa
elected representative, two yean
■tone, he bad never held ^office^ otitei
died in-the-wool republican, with
Abe Lincoln ashis hero-worship, anc
B one of the old. reliable wheel-horse*
of the rrpublicaa party in this count)
He is thoroughly capable and sboulc
he receive the nomination and sub
■iiijii mi election wiU prove a faithfu;
and efficient rommlamoner of publk
and buildings.
And non that Teddy itoasevait i
to hr placed on the primary ballot a
preferential republican candidate fo
president, parties are getting up i
Bryan on Um
Sudden Death of Brother
Clarence Burt was called to Fuller
ton last Thursday noon on receipt of
tile sad intelligence that his brother,
H. II. Burt, of that city had died
suddenly the day previous from a
stroke of apoplexy. He was aged
about ju years. The many friends of
Clarence here will sympathize with
him in his deep affliction.
OperaUor for Appendicitis.
Dr. O. E. Longacre of thiscitv went
to Grand Island New Year's day,
where he went for an operation for
appendicitis, which has been troubl
ing him for some time It was under
stood the operation would take place
yesterday, delaying it till he had
somewliat recovered a severe cold
Tire doctor underwent the operation
Tuesday, but report* are to the effect
that Ire did not rally from the shriek
a* well as wished for and is not doing
well, although no great fear Is felt
as to the outcome.
Andy Cray to Hospital.
Some months ago, our friend, Andy
Gray, had an operation for cancer of
tire face. He returned later, and it
was thought the operation had been
suoceasrul. Of late, however, he has
not been doing so well and Tuesday
morning of this week he returned to
the hospital at Omaha. It is to he
slncerly hoped that his ill feelings
may be only temporary and that he
may be relieved under treatment
without having to undergo another
operation, but in any event that he
may be speedily ' returned home
secure from the dread disease.
Jacob Agor Insane.
The commissioners composing the
insanity board, Judge wall, Dr.
Kearns and Hislrict Clerk Hein, were
called to Ashton last Saturday to pass
upon tiie case of Jacob Agor of that
village on complaint of insanity, and
after a thorugh investigation of the
case found him of unsound mind and
on Tuesday of this week he was taken
to the asylum at Hastings by Sheriff
Williams. Jacob Agor had lived in
this county for some 20 years and
was 14 ysars of age. He lost his wife
soas two weeks ego Twelve years
ago he lost both legs below the knees
m e result of those members being
frmen. He had several times at
tempted to take his life, some few
weeks ago slashing hii neck with a
razor and later trying to pound his
head to pieces with a hammer. He
wae a charge on the village of Ashton
having no money nor property. He
will be remembered by many of our
people as being seen on our streets
! a number of times, walking about
on his knees and was a familiar sight
on the streets of Ashton for years.
M. L. Fries of Arcadia wants to the
nest lieutenant governor of Nebraska
and tiles for the republican nomina
tion. Mr. Fries is a wealthy lumber
dealer, was formerly president of the
state lumper dealers’ association, and
some years ago state senator from
Custer and Vally counties. Two years
i ago he was spoken of as republican
i candidate for governor, but did not
- materialize, probably waiting till a
> more opportune time, whieh he sees
i in the race for the second biggest
John Wall Seriously 111
We learn that Mr. John Wall of Ar
cadia, brother of Judge Aaron Wall
of this city, is in a dangerous state
of health, with the probabilities of
his ultimate recovery very doubtful.
He had been for some time at Omaha
undergoing medical treatment, with
no beneticial results, returning home
where he is at present, his nerve for
ces in bad shape and it is said is af
flcted with the very rare trouble
known as the hardening of the arter
ies. which caused the death of ex
Oovernor Mickey. Mr. Wall was
formerly clerk of the courts of this
county, removing from here to Ar
cadia where he was for many years in
the general mercantile business, later
going in the banking business, in
which he is engaged at present. He
was for a number of sessions of the
state legislature chief clerk of the
bouse, was later a prominent candi
date for governor before the repub
lican state convention, and is one of
the widest and most favorably known
men in the state. The Northwest
ern sincerely trusts rest and success
ful treatment may restore him to
his fonmer health and vitality.
Remedy for Corn Stalk Disease
Owing to the large number of deaths
to cattle and horses this winter by
what is termed “cornstalk disease,’’
a number of remedies have been ad
vanced as sure cures when taken in
time, but the latest and most simple
is by Jacob Wisner, a farmer and
stock raiser who claims actual ex
perience and tests for his remedy,
which is pimple and easily prepared.
The formula is merely to take a
quantity of lard and heat it until it
is all dissolved and luke warm, dis
solve all the salt in this that it will
take and drench the animal afflicted
by means of a long-necked bottle.
There is go danger of an overdose as
this formula is harmless and in severe
cases the dose may be repeated at
short intervals.
People who Bore you Talking
About their Children
In a New Year’s talk in the Jan
uaro Woman's Home Companion Mar
garet E. Sangster reports what a
brother said about his own married
sister: “I never dine at Mary’s. I
used to enjoy going there, but she
and Jack are at present so engrossed
with the rising generation that there
is no fun in being their guest. The
chrildren are permitted to interrupt
conversation; their father and mother
stop in the midst of a sentence to
answer their questions and to con
duct their education; and worst of all
their wonderful sayings are repeated
in their hearing, and a bachelor un
cle is frowned upon If he does not
rise to the occasion and express his
amazement at the brilliant speeches
of the small people. When Mary’s
children are grown, I shall visit her
again: but, for the present, I drop in
only when I think they are safe in
It is said the primary ballot this
year will be a monster affair. Over
300 names will appear on the ballot
outside of county and precinct candi
dates and the printer will have the
job of his life in getting the plaguev
tilings out.
Change at State Bank.
Mr. F. N. Austin severed his con
nection with the Loup City State
Bank last week having purchased a
controlling interest in the Commer
cial State Bank at Amliearst, with a
capitalization of tlO.OOO. He Is suc
ceeded at the State Bank here by Mr.
W. J. Root, who for the past nine
years had been connected with the
First National Bank at Sargent till
lately, when he severed his relations
there and spent some time in Mexico
lie is a young man of splendid bank
ing reputation and very pleasing ap
parance. and will undoubtedly be
valuable addition to our strong bank
ing interests. Mr. Austin and fam
ily have made many friends since
their arrival here a few months since
and their departure will be regretted
bv all. He expects to move his fam
ily to Amliearst the last of this week.
Furniture Store changes Hands
Last Friday, H. P. Ferdinandt sold
his furniture store to LBanks Hale,
but will retain the undertaking bus
iness and will also remain with Mr.
Hale in capacity of salesman. Mr.
Ferdinandt has made hosts of friends
who will regret his selling out his
furniture business, but will be pleased
to know he is to remain a fixture In
ttie house. Mr. Hale is an enter
prising young man and has grown up
from early boyhood right here where
lie goes into the retail trade and will
be congratulated by all over his ac
quiring the fine business worked up
by H. P. Ferdinandt.
Services next Sunday as usual. Ser
vices both morning an evening.
Sunday Jan. 7th Sunday school at
2-30 p. m. Sermon at 3:15Subject “My
Fathers Business" Luke 2:42-52.
Services every Sunday Preaching at
10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 11:45 a.
m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
service and Bible study at the par
sonage Thursday evening at 7:30.
Presbyterian »
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. regular
preaching Services. 11:45 a* m. Sun
day school. 7:30 Thursday evening
Bible study on the Life of Paul.
There will be preaching at the Aus
tin next Sunday afternoon, 3: p. m.
Order of Hearing
In the County Court of Sherman county. N’t
In the matter or the estate of Jost Blumer, de
Now on this 2nd day of January. 1812. upon
readme the petition Of Snmnel J. Blumer. ad
ministrator of said estate. Bled on the 30th
day of December, 1911. for lallowance of his
final report and for a final deoree of distribu
tion, it is ordered that on the tSd day of Janu
aly. 1918. at two o'clock p. m., be assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons inter
ested in said matter may appear at County
Court and shew cause why the prayer of said
petition should not be granted, and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereon be given to all persona inter
ested In said estate by publication In the
Lonp City Northwestern, a legal newspaper
published and of general circulation in said
connty, for three aueeessive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
laaai.] k. a. Sura. County Judge.
(Lent peb. Jaa U)
To Our Flour Trade
Our old wheat flour is now all sold
but we have flour that is fully up in
quality to any flour on the market
and is sold by all merchants in town.
Loup City Mill and Light Co.
Legal Notice
Frank H. Morrical: Emt L. Morrical, wife of
Frank H. Morrical.
The unknown heirs, legatees and devisees of
Frank H. Morrical. defendants, will take no
tice that on the 7th day of November, mil,
Emery Bly. the plaintiff herein, filed his peti
tion in the district court of Sherman county.
Nebraska, against the said defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to quiet the
said plaintiffs' title to the east one-haff of sec
tion thirteen (13) in township fifteen (15) range
fourteen (14) in Sherman county. Nebraska,
and to find and adjudge the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee of all of said east one-half section
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 5th day of February.1912.
Dated this 19th day of December. 1911.
EMERY BLY. Plaintiff,
a By T. T. Bill. His Attorney. .
(Last pub. Jan 18)
ROAD (vacation) NOTICE
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to va
cate a road commencing at the North
west corner of the Southwest quarter
of section twenty-three, Town thirth
teen, Range sixteen and running
t-ience in an easterly direction about
one-half mile and terminating at in
tersection of said road with the road
running along the east line of above
described land, has reported in favor
of the vacation thereof, and all ob
jections thereto, or claims for damages
must be tilled in the county clerk’s
office on or before noon of the 7th
day of Feburary, 1912, or such road <
will be vacated without reference
thereto. W. C. Dieterichs
Last pub. Jan. 11.
Building Materials
And Lumber of every sorb. Shingles ]
Flooring, Planking, Framing Timker
and Lath. We are now in a position
to make ]
to early buyers. If you are going to I
do any building or repairing this is a I
fine opportunity to get a “lot” for a I
little. ■
Keystone Lbr. Go.
Coal yards at Loop City,
Ashton, Roekrille and Austin, J
Like a Swiftly moving Train
the New Year is coming on us, and we
want you to place your financial mat
ters in our care during 1912. Fortune
may smile on us and give us bountiful
crops and good times; fortune may go
against us. Be carefull in all your
business deals, dontbe backward about
asking advice from others, keep ever
lastingly and diligently at your labors
and learn to save and lay away part of
your earnings, and you will sure come
out ahead. Remember, we are ever
ready and glad to help you.
Loup City State Bank
J, S. Pedler, C. C. Carlsen, F. M. Austin.
President. Cashier, Asst Cashier.
J. S. Pedler, J. W. Long, W. R. Mellor,
C. C. Carlsen, S. Daddow, E. G. Taylor,
S. N. Sweetland
What a Splendid Picture
youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
of young people, and judging by the samples we have, young people
like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason. Then probably
you will decide to have us photograph you.
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 250
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock
Take advantage of the $1 sub
scription rate belore March 1st.