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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1911)
LSTEY ! INS] Are Humming in Every Department _ '__|_.__^..1—_:_ UNDERWEAR Men’s Fleece-lined Shirts, each.39c Men’s Half Wool Shirts, each.69c Men’s All-Wool Shirt? and Drawyers..$1.16 Children's All-Wool Garments.. .,.48c Children’s Fleece-lined Garments......from 24c to 39c Women’s All-Wool Pants, each.83c DtCK COATS fkbout 3 dozep Duck Coats for Boys apd |\flep apd Boys, odds apd epds of stock, price to close,... .. 98c JVlep’s Sheep-liped Coats, 7*ipch fuf collar $3.98 JVlep’s Blapket lined Goats, 7-ip- wool collar 2.98 SPECIALS A few pieces of best quality Satin Foulard, price to close79 Gepts. About 2 dozep Boys’ /Ul Wool Shirt Waists,, age 8 to ]2 yeafs, colors, at 58 Gepts. About 6 dozen Men’s Gloves and Mittens, lined or unlined, from 48 cents to $1.19 per pair. About 3 dozen Monarch and Cluett Shirts, assorted patterns, from 83c to $1.18. The Quality House Established, Inns -.1 _ __ THE NORTHWESTERN - it* re* TUk iv paid ip a&vapci Inere* at lA 7 Ui9 Oil PtAUilrt for iruik Phi—in* tkrr^gu IW mm1H mm mmcornc cimmi Buiirr. Office Phone. - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 J. W. RCILCMHLGi «»<1 »*«»* TO SUBSCRIBERS On and after March I, 1912. the Northwestern will be $1.50 per year. At the advanced cost of print paper, the present rate of $1 per year rep* resents loss instead of profit In the meantime the rate will remain the same to all. old and new readers-*$l per year, in advance. Notice to Subscribers After Jan 1. Mtt, we shall require all subscriptions on our single list to be paid in advance, unless guaranteed bt our hoar people. We are now sending upwards of 3M papers in <M«ie wrappers bo almost every state la the union, and we find as a too cowm an rule that little attention is paid to li* date to which their paper i» paid, and boo often, liter the paper lias been taken for a period beyond ■e are notified Ut stop same, either by postmaster or subscriber without remittance of amount due Hence cash in advance will be our motto on all.single wrappers. ties. Aldrich baa filed bis candidacy for lewumisaUoo and election aschlef executive and it is liardir probable that be win have any opposition on the republican side, altltough live 1 aft contingent does nob feel very kindly disposed toward him for hie stand in favor uf La Foilette. Cdi. Matter** of the Louisviiic ( ouriwr Journal H recorded as saying that “If Roosevelt is put in the M hit* House in IM2. we will nevei get hi* out again except feet first." Mender If the Kentucky colonel ex pects Teddy to meet the fate of Lin o4n. Ga field, and McKinley* Judge Num» propose* Introducing a MU In congress after the holiday' piaring all fetal employee under ctrll sen Ice rules and to reduce t lir •atari** ot all pastma-ters no* re < ei' ing In esceaa of C »tt per year If the ref rm worm la* imbedded itself la the judges epidermis tc May. wo Id It not be to order foi bus bo tag* a liU-e whack at Uw salary ui bis oOctai peers and reduce tu* and their salt:' a • Tdinglt. It is a poor role that will work reform cm Is- other feikiw onti. As the j «• I a candidate for U. S. sena tor. be might make a leu-strlke in pr gMsibg a eat bbat will elect his Maryland. My Maryland" seems U> be trying to tfnd some new way to settle tiie negro question. Last Sat urday a mob took a negro from jail after his arrest for killing a white man. and chopped iiim to pieces with hatchets Even that is more merci ful than death by burning at the stake as is tiie custom in the south ern states. Senator Xorris Brown will again make tiie race for the D. S. senator ship. There seems to be no special reason that can bt urged for theelira ination of the present Xorris in the upper house of congress and the sub stitution of tiie otiier Xorris. Tiie word "Reform" meanstoooften"Put the other fellow out. I want in." as tiie only argument. Tiie Loup City, (Xeb.) Xorth western published by tiie editor's brother J \V. Burleigh, announced last week that tiie subscription price would be raised from $1 to $1.50, com mencing March 1st, 1912. That cer tainly is a move in the right direc tion. All magazines and most news papers iiave advanced tiie subscrip tion price u> meet tiie increased cost cost of everything the printer lias to eat.- Tingely Iowa Vindicator. (»ne John Veisor of Omaha lias tiled a petition to place Roosevelt on tiie piitnary ballot in Xebraska as a can didrte for president. Of course tiie La Follette leaders are yelling that ids coming out is at the instance of the Taftites. who are bringing him forward to assist Taft at tiie expense of tiie Wisconsin statesman, and credit young Rosewater as being tiie republican Santa Claus tiiat hung up tiie Roosevelt political stocking. Democratic office seekers are get ting busy. The senatorial plum looks very tempting to ex-Gov. Shallen berger and so Tie tiled Christmas dav as a candidate for election to the l*. si. senate, to compete with “Little Giant" Thompson of Grand Island, who vagin or yit" bobs up for that office in perennial hunt for* some office. Besides these two. Chris Gruentiier. the Platte river states man from Columbus, has had a peti tion gotten up in his interest for the same office, and goes one better by iiaving another petition out and signed for him as a candidate for governor. Besides the above we hear of several other democratic pie-hunters who are likly to file either for governor or for the C. S. senate at an earlv dav. Clear Creek Itens Mr. Harry Sobers returned to bis home at Shelton. Nebr.. after a few week's visit here. Mr. Wash Peters and family took Christmas dinner with Andy Copper smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Xahn spent Christmas with their son Arthur of Mason City. Mr. ('liester Adams, the Misses Crace Adams. Inez Van Dyke and irma Lowry came down from Broken How and spent Christmas with their parents. The pupils of the Lone Elm sehool are enjoyinjr a week of vacation. Mr. Warren Edson returned this week from Iowa where lie has been tMUbk with his parents. THE GHURGHES Swedi sh Sunday Dec. 31, Sunday School at 2:3o p. m. Service at s:15 p. m. “The past and the future”. Methodist Regular services as usual next Sun day. Morning theme, “The Citadel of the Soul.” Evening, “Good Res olutions.” Baptist Services every Sunday Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 11:45 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer service and Bible study at the par sonage Thursday evening at 7:30. Presbyterian New Year,s Sermon next Sunday morning. Musical service by choir in the evening, entitled “The life of Christ in song and scripture.” As we enter the New Year, will it be asking too much of each member to think more, work more, and pray more for God's work as carried on by our church. Some have been negli gent: how will your excuses therefor look to your Master and to the lifters let us not be weary in welldoing, but with reliance upon thedevinestrength anew presss on in the service of onr Christ. To one and all. We desire God's richest blessing at this ha liday season, Musical Program The Life of Christ in Song and and scripture. Musical Christmas program at the Presbyterian Church. Sunday evening. 7:30. I>ec.31st. Anthem. •‘Hark, the Herald Angels sing" Choir. Invocation. Duet. "The Babe of Bethlehem." Mr. and Mrs. Schwaner. Scripture reading. "The Epiphartv" Luke 2:1-12. llymn, "Joy to the World" Congre gation. Anthem. While Angels Watched" Choir. Solo, Mrs. Schwaner Seri ptu re.“TlieChildhood of Christ” Luke 2:41-52 Anthem. “The- first Christmas Morn,” Choir. Duet, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mathew Scripture. "Christ's Life,” ?sk*ah 5:2-5:Mal. 3:2-3: Mk. 1:35^30. Song. "Christmas Bells," by seven girls. Solo. Mrs. R, H. Mathew. Scripture The Triumphal Entry and Shadow of the Cross Lk. 10:35-45 Anthem, “Jerusalem" choir. Congregation. "In the Cross of Christ 1 Glory" Solo, MissLeininger. Anthem. “Christmas Praise” Choir Scripture. "The Aseention."Acts 1 6-11. Prayer. ('losing Hymn. "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." Congregation. Benediction. La|il Notice Frank H. Morrical: Emi L. Morrical. wife of Frank H Morrical. The unknown heirs, legatees and devisees of Frank H. Morrical. defendants, will take no tice that on the 7th day of November, 1911. Emery Hly. the plaintiff herein, filed his peti tion in the district court of Sherman county. Nebraska, against the said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the said plaintiffs' title to the east one haff of sec tion thirteen (IS) in township fifteen (IS) range fourteen ill) in Sherman county. Nebraska, and to find and mljudge the plaintiff to be the owner in fee of all of said east one-half section You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. theSthday of February, 1912. Dated this 19th day of December. 1911. BMERY BLY. Plaintiff. ■ By T. T. Blbk His Attorney. (Last pub Feb lkj Miss Abi Beynoti left Saturday fo Wyraore to eat Christmas turkey at home. NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska. / ,-ss. Sherman County. 1 In the County Co.urt of Sherman County. Ne braska, Decembers. 1911. In the matter of the estate of James F. Rey nolds. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby qotihed. that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, bn the 29th day of June. 1912. at ten o'clock a. m. to receive and exam ine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the presentation of clatms against said estate Is the 29th day of June. A D. 1912. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 29tb day of June. 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this •2nd dav of December. A. D 1911. [SEAL] E. A. Smith. County Judge. Last pub. Dec. 28 ROAD i vacation) NOTICE v Smith To all whom it may concern: The commisstoner appointed to va cate a road commencing at the North west corner of the Southwest quarter of section twenty-three, Town thirth teen. Range sixteen and running t.ience in an easterly direction about one-half mile and terminating at in tersection of said road with the road running along the east line of above described land, lias reported in favor of the vacation thereof, and all ob jections thereto, or claims for damages must be tiled in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 7th day of Feburary. 1912. or such road will be vacated without reference thereto. W. C. Dieterichs COUNTY CLERK Last pub. ian. 11. Notice to Bidders I. W. C. Dieterichs, Cleric of Sher man County. Nebraska, estimates the following books,.blanks and stationary will be required for the use of the county officers for the ensuing year: LOT ONE—Thre: gross lead pen cils. best grade: one gross pen holders twelve quarts Arnold's writing fluid twelve gross steel pens: twenty-four gross assorted rubber bands: two reams Columbia legal cap: one gross indel ible election pencils: three dozen elec tion ink cones: eight eight-quire rec ord books (two printed head, two printed forms, and four plain) patent flexible back, flap opening, best linen paper: four loose leaf records. 700 pages to book(two plain and two printed forms) best linen: 3,000 trip licate tax receipts, blocked: 4,000 tax receipts in triplicate, bound and perforated, 200 in book, for county treasurer to fold for use with carbon paper: thirteen sets of poll books, en velopes and ballot sacks: seven chattle mortgage files 200 in file. LOT TVFO—1.000 1-8 sheet blanks: 5.000 1-4 sheet blanks; 3,000 1-2 sheet blanks: 5,000 full sheet blanlis: all blanks to be of good quality paper: 3.000 note heads 6,000 letter heads, fiote heads and letter heads to be of good quality paper: 4,000 64* inch xxx envelopes: 2,000 10 inch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE— Six-thousand elec tion ballots. Sealed bids for each or any of the above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City, Nebraska, on or before noon of the 30th day of De cember. 1911. Sealed bids will also be received and must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of t he 30th day of December. 1911. for publishing the delinquent tax list, county treas urer's financial statement, road and bridge notices, and other notices re quired by the county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 12th day of December. 1911. W. C. Diktkkichs. County Clerk. Last pub. Dec. 28 What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last forever. We Like to Take Photographs of young people, and judging by the samples we have, young people like to have us do it. Gome and learn the reason. Then probably you will decide to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 120 to 260 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock * LEININGER LUMBER. C0q Loud Citv Neb, Like a Swiftly moving Train the New Yearis coming on us, and we wantyou to place your financial mat ters in our care during 1912. Fortune may smile on us and give us bountiful crops and good times; fortune may go against us. Be carefull in all your business deals, dont be backward about asking advice from others, keep ever lastingly and diligently at your labors and learn to save and lay away part of your earnings, and you will sure come out ahead. Remember, we are ever ready and glad to help you. Loup City State Bank J, S. Pedler, C. C. Carlsen. F. M. Austin. President, Cashier. Asst Cashier. —DIRKCTORS:— J. S. Pedler, J. W. Long, W. R. Mellor, C. C. Carlsen, S. Daddow. E. G. Taylor, S. N. Sweetland RUGS, LINOLEUM, WALL PAPER, PORTIERES, DRAPERIES Everything to Beautify your Home can be bought oi the Ferdinandt Furniture Company at Lowest Prices that can be obtained anywhere- Please compare below with any competitor: 9x13 Smith Axminster Rug.$23.00 9x12 Smith Saxony i-ug. 21.00 9x12 Ten-wire Brussels Rug . 19.00 9x12 Wool Fibre Rug. 9.60 12ft Wide Linoleum, per rudning yard. 2.75 6ft Wide Linoleum, per running yard. 1.10 We meet all mail order prices. Bring us your order arid let us show you the goods before you have to part with your money. H. P. Filmil Frotfli Ct Take advantage of the $1 sub scription rate before March 1st.