The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 21, 1911, Image 3

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ta V*e* of Ejit'-aors.nary Occasion
"•buksj” argot WtH Be E>
cosed for Absence
*hsi«r* is tt* KrtKiCf cl i»*
ebaoan.:«-erdo»»d Osrsterbeld vko
i««mo <K«r tkt tar la a tssaaii
uai*ae iM wn-oHfc uj liquid re
f?c*Lmeat r>^l>u>kari.' :a Wasbuu.
-os («*: cute trf tiesshaper rarre
sits. «iwttat t «-*«-lirmes sad got •
mrntLam u«*Jais He is a great
“1' M-r, sad detMC: bis on* ft cnlbg
‘of a «<ek le bis serersi lodge du
Has rag KI»Md oa uae of these
a tij one Of tils IrieOdS and
I*- roaa »U bad lagged to bis place
a m*a of eoeciag nett** * fcirb be
It -gi* VOtiM flt the I’llkenOLUIi
fora., us be cast einslee regretlui
re*. ■ 1; - ass made to It. the salt
*-» it;* • *tu»M ue aaotoer. a
• ador » a rival bas'Krj.
ek'« obliged to J«i sab,"
gr«iu.«4 . ^JUf, ' =dgbt» otiittrC. Jes
t* Tbi» reset me a ie&soa
to «ts>- «*n rae jot ”
At'* , ate it s-tmr k*dge meet
«■*» 1 - ! i .»»r qm-Tiei tie irr**ad o:
rite 'deev',4, Sait
»• . : it e tartly, sab." replied
i •• r*. *'s >t etartl* sab You see.
*• »i ft my»nnsf roe >.oiored
Bai m»if F'-e«*ch
t . r toil* Of 0
» uf a that city *ho Ja’eSy an
d That tif had takes »p the
* *-« Tr*-t. to long uagr
lit >«« find K M**aaary lHrr,i?T*'
**Mti tfcr patron to * bo:. the nuns
: 4»*-t ..* bit of isfu—utiias
X • . •»• ».r.' explain -d tfce wait
• • t>*t tie beet. vSeTed a Steady
j- b t f*»r - at tor of the bxrli if 1
' OB iron. Preen t ”
f.«i Parle i* full of Pretrb wait
*" - -• ■*.!« -be patron *Ttn afraid
yes re faotpg fw-riird **
' Xo. a.: *aid the mat. with much
niMtiro end abaoitro simpliciti
?%» I»t ;-•» t— a a straight c.r The
,♦ v‘ r r f ’t* hotel says the' thi
o«JWrr# to t,u east under»tand
Treat-* aa we Hal uncotear.* apeak it
uf that a what ho tin n for. you
*•» -Lnd—tt a
wnat' Huh a K m Off?
*' tW trader age of throe ma*ru
■'**■ na—it had grt}rpod that emal!
wey with a r*-lot.tlea* dutch Ho had
«ta»od a irttie girl of three, and abt
»t» rubbing her i.p* i igorously.
V* hi via'at do that again.'' aaid
'.t,r hojr’a aaotbor Sbo doesn't Uk*
h i at mo um hard she la trying
to rah jact h *r < S *’
CMl ao. Uo aaid the boy
it* * ruMuag u it'
Home a«d Functtoe
Tfco follow mg nary ta tout of Dr.
ti 'd Can—to:, the bishop of Hi pot
ic tfco deye of hi* ear!; mints’ry 'here
rae>o to him oao day a young mac and
a rrndofc «*ry bashful. *ery toll-con
x *ua. u — a lory oimeu* orraad.
Are yw» Mr Car pew ter'* asked the
mw# tt.« it a fa.'onug voire.
■ To* wa* 'he roaeaurihg reply. ;
1 am Carpamer—and Jot: or “
tmcl Dr*: ' pt i0
Ur t' baa ;u»t got a snap of
* J“* “
“Wfcaf * ft—
"SutURC tram ”
Coa*‘««'t Bej• ( (M of Him.
“Hr* a* Hgtot erf mr lil*. pa"
I Cat k* ♦ ..git tn my cyca”
Par me. vorr tia talr pretty cloa?
to tn eye*—but nobody e»er called
fetgl a loar brr a •
Nebraska Directory
pn aprtatsaa- Sc pay until cared. Writs
lit «ttt. Mt tn IHnkt >,£.
Hoi >«attts.
EUlOffM Pl»»
•—» tn* Hat a*- ant-'. t» ecu* up 4uatMe
nrroscwoot. insrsMsa
itsift. •asm. McaaASaa
*.z.umt» s >*i ai-n a:. eepaikisc:
Better Things to Eat.
Of*f T«Ur OLranai bar auZ. Atk far Nr»
CasuBgar ITU a Ita^Us is. . GnOz. Kcb.
ik.«: .1 :t# a mi Wnir f .s
• i» i«
Pun. Im. ZZ1 1 11 f
f cm* hr •rlfco* your
l^n f*mrvt* I* »*u •
Detotinfye Sight
*> K»9»r Hi* Snirftmoc Gdruteed
Aotmma «Mto| Ftriftire and
lafort Toa Bay
■I UnO w* w ti«h
L ■ ■ K o «&•
P ||IIV Hides, Furs.
| Pe:.ts,Tau.ow and
W iou Write lor cmr price
lb* ud ta(t iod..v. We have no
brooch Mooses. GREAT WESTERN
HIDE * FIT COMP ANY. 1214-1218
Street - - Oaiht, Nebraska
l'XGEET the prophet held up
big hand _
A sudden cry smote the chil
ly air. the red edge of the sun
■ reeptng behind the snow cap
or Everest seemed to the mill
titude a reflection on the
scythe which Gungeet held in
hi* band, reddened with the
blood of the Ranee's first born,
which had been offered as a
propitiatory sacrifice to the
Pun God it was mid-winter—
the winter solstice—and the
sun rays were so feeble that
ti e sun worshippers were sore
afraid that unless the blood
of a royal prince was shed for absorption by
-:r weakening god the world would pass
into darkness and ali would die
A» the sun rose higher in tne heavens the
multitude of worshippers exchanged gifts, and
on the ( rags and ta.ah places of the Mount of
CbooK which ig above Darjiling, in the Hima
layas, goats were sa< i ificed to the sun god.
who was hailed by the multitude aE a new
born babe, refreshed and renewed with the
blood of their princeling offering
For thousands, of year* before the birth of
Jess* of Nazareth this drama was enacted in
mountains of India and the tradition Was
arned by the'-hants into Persia. Egypt
and China to become later part of the Pagan
saturnalia of the Romans and the Druids
Fnr two <-enturies if the Christian era there
it no Indisputable evidence or any celebration
of Christ's birth. The primitive Christians,
like sensible opportunists, made it the festival
of -he "Light of A! Sations." borrowing from
the east, the birthplace of all religions, the
h-r’hdat of the sun god. which was held by
the Hotrais ion the day when light got the
betetr of darkness and the days began to
pet or.geri as a great festival, in celebration
of the birthday of the unconquered sun.”
T* e first historical account of the celebra
tion of Christmas day is connected with the
I*ersectitor Dioclietian who. when bolding
n -irt «t Ntcomedia. about 300 A. I)., on learn
r.e that a multitude of Christians were as
st a.hied in The city to celebrate the birthday
of Jesus ordered the church doors to be clos
ed and the building to be set ablaze, so that
all ’he worshippers perished in the flames.
Di 1 >*.an was possessed of the most terrible
of all heresies that moral forces can be put
down by physical ones. Christianity by fire
t.nd sword, but his successor, .Julian, in the
n« j.t generation, when Diocletian had done bis
worst, and done it thoroughly, had to admit
that all was In vain. He may not. in fact,
have said. "Thou hast conquered. Oh, Oali
lean'“ though Julian proved it
Karly in the thirteenth century the Chris
tian church sanctioned feasting on Christmas
day by removir.c the obligation of observing
abstinence whenever that festival should fall
on a Friday. By abstinence is meant that
flesh meat shall not be Indulged in. and as
every Friday throughout the year was a day
specially marked for such mortification. Christ
mas must. iDdeed. have been somewhat cheer
less when the feast was in reality more than a
fast by reason of its occurrence on a Friday.
That, however, is quite forgotten by present
dav observers; and for cIosp on TOO years
A Cnrittmat Tableau.
Many year® ago says an old legend, there
llted in a mysterious region a band of Chris
tian monks whose life duty it was to plant
seeds and grow crops of toys for Santa Claus
to distribute These monks dressed in white
eowrs and wo-e Ohris'mas wreaths about their
FVctr this tradition a Christmas pantomime
••ould be devised A clever person can make
many additions Arrange stage as a beautiful
garden, and pla<-e small Christmas trees here
and there On these trees dolls and other toys
appear to be growing While music is played
softly the curtain rises, disclosing the monks
working in the garden. In the distance is
heard the muffled sound of sleigh bells. Santa
Claus enters, bows reverently to the monks,
shows bis empty pack, which they slowly til!
from the laden trees.
The music <-ontinues. the curtain falls, then
rises, disclosing Santa Claus only, who distrib
utes the gifts to the children of the Sunday
The monks can be personated by older boys
or girls.
Christmas day has been observed by even the
most piously inclined as the occasion for in
dulging in gfeod cheer.
In "Merry England" the festival is made a
thoroughly enjoyable one, though the days
have changed somewhat since Dickens rode
through the streets of London and told of the
scenes of Christmas joy he witnessed in the
lampMt streets. Nowadays electricity has tak
en the place of gas and lamplight, and in
stead of the slow, wheezy horse vehicles of
Dickens' day the streets of Merry England
are traversed by electric and oil motor car
riages. Hut the good, old-fashioned dinner pre
vails. and from king to commoner all go to
the place each calls home to eat well-made
soup, goose or turkey, potatoes, sprouts, mince
pies and Christmas pudding.
“Stille Nache. beilige nacht.” has been sung
in Germany for many untold Christmases be
l eath the illuminated pine tree, and its popu
latiou of sixty-five millions will enjoy their
gingerbread and honey cakes.
In Denmark Christmas is a most important
and beautiful festival. Despite all other
changes, it preserves its old character, and is
universally celebrated among rich and poor.
In Russia the spirit of St. Nicholas Is ram
pant. and the streets of St. Petersburg. Mos
cow. Riga and other centers are alive with
silvery-belled drochas, all bearing happy mus
covites exchanging calls and bearing each oth
er presents, which are opened at sweet-laden
tables shrouded in vapor from the steaming
In New York City there will be millions of
conspiracies to surprise the children, for with
our polyglot peoples no nation realizes to the
extent the United States does the inner mean
ing for the world of the festivals of the Christ
child. Here, more than anywhere else in the
world, the spirit of Christmas invites our own
happiness in seeking that of others, and in
the accomplishment of good will toward men
we know we yearly replant the rose that
blossomed in the snow of the first Christmas
HE idea of a new coming of
Christ today is an influence, if
not an obsession with count
less millions of people in all
parts of the world.
With all Christians it is a
thrilling thought, or a devout
j— wish. With some it is a faith
and a prophecy. The Advent
ists. under their various de
nominations—Evangelical, Ad
vent Christians, Seventh Day,
Life and Advent Union and
others—look for Christ's re
turn at a nearly date within
the present age, according to
the same Hebrew prophecies
whr-ch forecast his birth at Bethlehem of
Ju-lea. There are in tb? United States alone
2.544 Adventist churches, with an aggregate of
10c .000 communicants.
The Jews expert a Messiah yet to come
The Rehaists. or “Truth-Knowers.” whose
cult, a mrdern offshoot of Mohammedanism,
has made remarkable headway in Europe and
America during the past decade or two. be
lieve that the re-incarnation of the Master has
already taken place in our time. Their priests
and propagandists declare It their mission to
make Known to the world the glad tidings
that Beha Vllah. the head of their faith, who
dwells in the flesh at Acre in Syria, is none
other than Jesus Christ re-incarnated and
come again to earth in fulfillment of the an
cient prophecies
The Theosophists. whose “T'niversal Broth
erhood’' was founded by Mme. Blavatsky in
1875. with headquarters at Adyar, Madras, In
dia. believe the incarnate appearance of Christ
in this world to be imminent at the present
moment. They believe that the Jesus of our
faith, even now incarnate but not manifested
to man, will take a new body, manifest himself
visibly and lead mankind in the evolution of a
higher civilization, an epoch of Christian so
cialism in which wisdom and compassion will
make a true brotherhood of man at a time
HI there. Mister Santa Claus,
Hiking through the sky,
Careful lest you break the laws
Speeding swiftly by.
Better give your car a rest
In its onward flight.
Come down here and be my guest
Just for Christmas night.
I’ll show you a thing or two
You'll do well to see;
Little people—not a few—
Waiting wistfully;
Hoping you will not forget
They are waiting there.
Doomed. I fear, but to regret
In the frosty air.
Cheery lot of little souls
You would find them all
If. in seeking out your goals.
You should pause to call.
There they stand all in a row.
Wondering what's the hitch;
Wondering why it is you go
Solely 'mcngst the rich.
They would deem at bit of cheer.
Tiny though it be.
Sign that, when the Yule is here
With its songs of glee.
They were not forgotten: sign
Sent them from above
They wer* heirs to a divine
Thoughtfulness and Love.
Leave the wealthy to their own!
They don't need your care.
Let your loving smile atone
For the cupboard bare.
Seek the children of the poor.
Make their need your cause.
And you'll make your wreaths secure.
Mister Santa Claus.
—John Kendrick Bangs in Harper's Weekly.
within the lives of the younger people of the
present generation.
The above enumeration includes omy a tew
of the world-wide sects and creeds that either
look tor a new birth of Christ, or believe that
such a reincarnation has already, and recently,
taken place. The idea, more or less definitely
formulated, animates an incalculable number
of smaller communities and individuals not
taken account of here.
And it is a significant fact that, however
widely at variance their theories and grounds
of faith may be. all these millions of Advent
ists meet on common ground in the popular
belief that this present age reproduces, in the
world's cycles, the Augustan age of old Rome,
with its over-ripe and decadent civilization
and accompanying spiritual unrest.
The earthly scene is set for some new and
awesome act in the drama of Eternity.
The Scriptures of old and the signs et Tba
times today, thoughtful men point w*t, Aiike
warn us that the hour of fate is at hand.
Christians have done their best and tbefr
worst to the Church of God for now over eight
een centuries, and she stands today a mournful
exhibition of their devastating work. Broken
and divided into hundreds of warring sects,
she no longer hears the voice that Inspired the
early church. Truly it is time to expect that
the Lord will himself arise and come to re
build the spiritual Zion and restore the waste
places of the spiritual Jerusalem. Although
we “know not the day or the hour.” yet the
time when the Lord's coming is at hand is not
altogether hidden from us. The signs which
are to precede and usher in his coming are
plainly and abundantly set forth in Scripture,
and we are exhorted to watch for them and
know that the time is near. All these pre
dicted signs in the social, moral, political, civil,
ecclesiastical and spiritual spheres, declare
the Adventists, are now either fulfilled or ful
All the ecclesiastical prophecies of Christ’s
second coming rest on the same foundation—
namely, the fulfillment of previous Biblical
prophecies and the assumption that this In
dicates further fulfillments yet to come. It Is
claimed that inasmuch as the birth of Christ
was foretold (Isaiah vii., 14). and that the
birth should take place in Bethlehem of Judea
(Micah v„ 2), and the several other prophe
cies concerning a Messiah (Isaiah liii., S-9;
Psalms xvi., 10). all came to pass precisely at
the time and in the manner prescribed, that
the fourth prophecy, relating to the second ap
pearance of the Messiah, demands expectant
In the New Testament the third and fourth
chapters of Second Timothy and the twenty
fourth of St. Matthew are regarded by many
as forecasting the present condition of Chris
tendom We are living in the divided state
of the decadent Roman Empire. The nations
are torn with strife and contention, and are
supporting millions of men in arms in antici
pation of vast wars in the near future. Such
was the condition of the world at the time of
Christ's first coming. “In the last days, peril
ous times shall come;” men were to depart
from the faith and go in devious ways.
Atheism, infidelity, socialism and anarchy have
risen in a great wave that is eating at the very
foundations of our religious, political and so
cial life.
In the way of physical portents it is esti
mated that there have been more earthquakes
within the last century or so than in all pre
vious times in the recorded history of the
What do these signs of the times, heavenly
and earthly phenomena, political and religious
upheavals, mean? To the Adventists they
mean that Christ is coming again, and soon
The Mistletoe.
Some of tbe names by which this plant was
called are “misselden." or more common!v.
This plant was venerated by the pagans of
Greece and Rome. There is reference to the
mistletoe in the works of Virgil, in the Edda
and in Celtic legends.
Druids collected it with great solemnity.
The Prince of Druids cut it with a goidea
Ancient Britons reverenced only that mistle
toe which grew up on the oak trees.
The white berries which bring a blush to the
fortunate maiden's cheek, give the quick ad
mirer tbe right to kiss any person caught under
the mistletoe bough. Its charm U against the
evils of a lonely, single life.
The world baa been flooded of late
with don't* tor the Christmas giver.
Enough advice has been offered to
lift the atandard of our holiday giving
to the ideal point.
Now la the hour of the Christmas
receiver. Truly doth she need a
course of don’ts; yet few there are to
meet those needa
There are more wrong ways of ac
cepting a gift that "folk* do wot of.”
The maker of Christmas presents who
has not swiftly learned to be an In
dian giver when those gifts are re
ciced is very lucky in appreciative
friends or very thick-headed.
Receiving should be in the true
Christmas spirit, but—it frequently
What if you are disappointed? I
Make a stagger at concealing it It
is one of the times when deception is
Don't feel it necessary to gush; to
be gracious in receiving the simplest
i gift Indifference spoils the pleasure
of the giver and ie dreadfully bad
Don’t bring the spirit of barter into
Christmas receiving. To say or even
thing. “Is that all she has given me?
I wish I’d saved my peninea on her.”
is what is bringing a pretty custom
into disrepute.
Don’t get grouchy if you get a gift
that does not come up to your expec
tations. All tastes are not alike and
you have not a corner cm good taste.
Don’t, as you value your reputation
fcr good breeding, make fun of a
present you have received or count
its probable cost.
Take an unexpected gift graciously,
without apologising that you have
nothing to return. Don't be rude
enough to send off a gift as payment.
Tour gift may have been given for
some past kindness and all joy in it
is lost If not taken in the spirit in
which it was sent.
Don't be so critical that your
friends hate to send you presents,
nor so condescending in your accept
ance that you enrage the giver.
Kquaiize your transports—at “least.
*hile the giver is present. Dont. la
showing your presents, gush over rich
Peggy's generosity in sending you a
gold vanity box and dismiss with a
careless toss the pretty doily that
Helen at your elbow has sat up nights
, to embroider.
Don’t make your notes insincere.
Silly gush irritates. A few words of
cordial appreciation never give the
sender the notion that her gift was a
failure or your thanks would ring
It is gratifying to note that tbe bill
for tbe creation of a federal health
board will not be allowed to pass with
out a protest. Reports of organized
resistance come from all parts of the
country, and it may be that the oppo
sition will soon be sufficiently solidi
fied to defeat a project that promises
infinite mischief for the community,
and suffering and injustice lor the in
The proposal is based upon those
specious claims thut are notoriously
hard to controvert- If a federal health
board were to confine its activities to
the promulgation of salutary advice
upon hygienic matters, to the abate
ment of quackery, and to the purity of
drugs, it might be possible to say
much in its favor, although it would
still be difficult to say that such an
organization is needed. But we know
that it will attempt to do far more
than this, seeing that its adherents
have loudly proclaimed their inten
tions. Indeed, there is no secrecy
about them. It is confidently expected
that the board will consist of advo
cates of one school cf medicine only
and that the methods of that school
will be not only recommended, but
enforced upon the nation. Indeed a
board that was In any way representa
tive of the medical profession as a
whole wouid be stultified by its own
disagreements. Outside the domain
of simple hygiene, for w hich we need
no federal board at all, there is no
single point of medical practice upon
which allopaths, homeopaths, eclectics
ana osteopaths could be in unison.
Any board that could be devised by
the wit of man must be composed of
representatives of one school only,
and this means that all other schools
are branded as of an inferior caste,
even though nothing worse happened
to them. And something worse would
happen to them. If we are to establish i
a school of medicine, if we are to as
sert that the government of the Unit
ed States favors one variety of prac
tice more than others, why not estab
lish also a sect of religion and be
stow special authorities upon Bap
tists, Methodists and Episcopalians?
An established school of religious
conjecture seems somewhat less ob
jectionable than an established sect
of pseudo-scientific conjecture.
Those who suppose that a federal
board of health ■would have no concern
with Individual rights are likely to
find themselves undeceived. It is for
the purpose of Interfering with indi
vidual rights that the proposal has
been made. We need no special
knowledge of conditions to be aware
that what may be called unorthodox
methods of healing have made sad in
roads into the orthodox. Homeopathy
claims a vast number of adherents
who are Just as well educated and just
as intelligent as those who adhere to
the older school. Osteopathy, eclecti
cism, and half a dozen other methods
of practice are certainly not losing
ground. Beyond them is the vast and
increasing army of those who may be
classed under the general and vague
name of mental healers. Those who
are addicted to any of these forms of
unorthodoxy need have no doubt as
to the purposes of the federal health
board. Those purposes are to make
it difficult for them to follow their
particular fads and fancies, to lead
them, and if necessary to drive them,
from medical unorthodoxy to medical
Now the Argonaut holds no brief
for any of the excesses and the super
stitions connected with the care of the
body in which this age is so rife. Gut
it does feel concerned for the preser
vation of human liberty and for the
rights of the individual to doctor him
self in any way he pleases so long as
he does not indubitably threaten the
health of the community. He may
take large doses or small ones, or no
doses at all; he may be massaged,
anointed with oil, or prayed over, just
as the whim of the moment may dic
tate, and probably it makes no par
ticle of difference which he does. But
he has the right to choose, just as he
chooses the color of his necktie or the
character of his underclothing It is
not a matter in which any wise gov
ernment will seek to interfere. This
is precisely the liberty that the health
board intends to take from him.
Orthodox medicine, conscious of Its
losses, is trying to buttress itself by
federal statute, to exalt allopathy to
the Btatus of a privileged caste, and
to create an established school of
medicine just as some other countries
have allowed themselves to create an
established school of religion. It is
for the common sense of the commu
nity to rebuke that effort and to re
pel an unwarranted invasion upon ele
mentary human rights.—San Fran
cisco Argonaut.
A Drain of the Company.
On tls way borne from the theater,
wuere he had seen a performance of
“Othello.” Bobby was unusually quiet.
"Didn't you enjoy the play.” his
grandfather asked at Ia6t.
“Oh. yes. very much." replied Bobby.
"But. grandpapa, there's one thing I
don't quite understand. Does the
biack man kill a lady erery night?"—
Youth's Companion.
Natural Deduction.
“Papa, are lawyers always bad-tem
pered ?''
“No. daughter; why do you ask
“Because ! read so much In the pa
pers about their cross-examinations."
Kindred Spirits.
“Lady." said Plodding Pete. "I ain't
nad a square meal in two days .”
“Well," said the resolute woman,
as she turned the dog loose, “neither
has TowBer. so I know you'll excuse
Its Status.
“Our congress Is the finest legisla
tive body going."
"No, the British house of commons
is. and 1 can prove it”
“How so?"
“Why. you must'kdmlt the house of
commons Is without a peer ”
A Business Connection.
Messenger Boy—Who's the swell
guy ye was talkin' to. Jimmy*
Newsboy—Aw, him's walked
togedder for years He's the editor o*
one o' my papers.—Life.