Loup City VOLUME XXX ■.. j— LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911 NUMBER 7 Professional Cards KOBT.P. STARK Attorney-at-Law. _LOOP CITY. SEBRSSKS. NIGHTINGALE & SON LOUP CITY. NEB U H. MATHEW, Anorney-at-Law, And Bunded Aleinctor. Loup City, Nebraska AAEON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup Citv, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW (Shot—or to |J. IV Starrj Bonded Abstracter Locr Cirr, • Niuaika. 0*1} mil of AbeUnct book* is county o.'K. LONGACKE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Of&ce. Over New Bank TILKPBOn CALL, NO. 3* A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fw Pmw Em* <4 Trirykutt < Vttrmi Loup City. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Loup City. Nebr. Ottee at Reettenc* TeJepttooe ( onnecUon S. A. ALLKN. DEJVTiST, UM P CITY. NEB. Oftee up elair* in ike new Stale Bank baildiar. W L. MAltC V, DENTIST, LOUP SITY, NBfi. OFFICE: Eael Side Public So awe. Phone. 10 oa 36 EARL ITRRTiFiP. Prompt Dray Work PHONE, i on .Vi Or Lumber Yard* and Tailor's Ele vator MUtftrliMl Kuaraillrtd C. E. Thornton The Drayman Attend*- alt order*, promptly and i »arefuilr IItune either lumber yard or Tay lor * elevator. Let Us Book Your Sales HALE Ml PAGELER Auctioneers Satisfaction Guaranteed Wnm t on 20. Loup City. Nob. The Labor off Baking 1* mb; Utm* reduced if you use Uie rich: Lind of Flour, and if tiie ques tion. “flat i* tiie best Flour*” was put to tote among the bakers and housekeepers in this part of ti*e eouatr;. the unanimous reply would be White Satin You would vote for It If you were used U> it. Isn't it worth giving a trial? ___ Loup City Mills I have a few choke Poland China Boon for mit at Farmer*' Prices. Lonrtb ana bone the kind to raise WILD ROSE STOCK FARM 2 oa 12. Mile Bast of Town Along R. R. No. 2. Kuhl Bros, shelled corn for Henry Neisner and Alfred Jorgansen the past week. Stewart McFadden has rented V. T. Wescotts place for next yt\u. Carl Vian was breaking a colt last week. Miss Anna Steutheit was doing dressing at W. Hawks last week. Miss Uubv Vian visited at the home of Jess Fletcher the past week. Boy Conger will be home soon. Alfred Jorgensen sold hii corn to tiie W. 11. Gunn ranch. John Squires went to St. Paul Sat urday and stayed over Sunday with his wife, who is at the hospital there. Daniel Uolmberg came near being killed last week when on his way home from town. In some mannor the wagon tongue broke in twopeices letting the wagon run into the horses One part of the tongue was forced through one of the horses feet and Mr. Uolmberg was picked up. uncon clous. but at this w iting is getting along as well as could be expected. Plea.se mail your Christmas pack ages. Get your stamps of the mail carrier. Luther Goodwin and John Holm liave been hauling hay from the west side of the river this week. The debate at the school house on Wiggle Creek last Friday night was won by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder and family visited at the home of Fred Johnson's. Sunday. Will Bihrens sold 20 tons of hay to E. G Taylor the lirst part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller visited at Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Koch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Heitz and fam ily skent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Brehens. Clear Creek Itens A party was given at the home of Mrs. Bryan last Friday evening in honor of Miss Rosa Schmidt. Mr Russel and Lewis Adam were Grand Island visitors Saturday. Mr. Claude Stapeieton and Mr.. Harry /aim are spending a few days at Shelton. Nebr. A Christ mas tree and program Will be given at the Lone Elm school house next Saturday evening. All are cordially invited. Mr. Miller and Virgil Weller have been shelling corn in this neighbor hood during the past week. Every fell our exchanges print nu merous recipes for the cure of corn stalk disease, but no one ever yet in our knowledge found them to be of any benefit. Here however, is a cure all for tlie disease: On some conven ient hill, if you are fortunate enough to have one. dig a cistern as wide and deep as you want to. Cement this in the same manner as thougii you wished it to hold water. Get a chop per such as is generally used for pre paring ensilage. When your corn is hard the husks beginning to turn a little brown but the sulks still green cut whole blamed coni field, chop it up and dump it into the cistern, spreading it around carefully so that St will pack down evenly. Put a floor over tiie liole and a roof over the w hole. When winter come draw this fodder out with a windlass or a horsa and feed it to the stock. Everything will eat it and prefer it to alfalfa of any other of the best feeds. And you wil' thrive and such a thing as corn sulk disease will be unknown: Fur thermore the cost of corn'husking will be saved and your corn field will feed out 4o per cent more than it does now. it will cost you some work in tlie early falf but you will liave a bank account jn a few years if you will follow this advice, where you have an overdraft now. If you can’t put your silo down then put it. up using some of tlie many weM-knywn makes.' But by all mean$ have one of some sorfc. If you ure going'to put it down in a hill.it wMl be a good winter job this winter.—Ord Quiz. A Parental Duty William Hawley Smith said in part of a lecture pertaining to schools os follows: "You will go out three times a day to see how the hogs are getting along but you will not go into the school from September to June to see how the children are getting along: and yet the children are ail that makes life worth living. There is no power that wields so great an influence on the minds of your children, as the public school, and what is done there you ought to know. Gentleman, I know vou are busy, but you should have a little time to loaf in the school room. Ladies, you are busy, but take your work and call on the schools; go and sit down with. the teachers and children. It wiu.do them good, and do you good. Don’t go to criti cise, or to annoy them, but go in a friendly way. It will be worth while.” How louse Red Cross Seals. With the sale of Bed Cross Seals In progress in almost.#very state and city of the United states, The Na tional Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis is issuing the following instructions to its fifty thousand paid and volunteer workers engaged in selling the seals, and to the millions who will buy these hol iday stickers for use on.their Christ mas mail. The Post Office Department has approved of the Bed Cross Seal design and they may, therefore, in accordance with order No. 5020 of the Post Office Department “be affixed to the reverse side of domestic mail matter.” Bed Cross Seals must be placed only on the back of letters and not on the address side of any packages that are going through the mail. They may be placed anywhere on matter going by express. As manv seals may be used on the back of a letter or pack age as may be desire. Everyone is urged to use them liberally, since every seal is a bullet in the fight against tuberculosis. Care should L