I The Store is a Regular Beehive of Splendid Bargains Men’s Arrow Bfand Collars, 4-ply Uipep, Price per Dozep, 89 Cepts GLOVES MITTENS Men* 8 Leather Gloves and Mit tens, both lined and unlined, values from 75c to $1.75, price to close - 48c to $1.25 Boys’ Leather Gloves and Mittens - 41c All-Wool Golf Gloves, all colors - - 19c UfIDEBWEAP Camels Hair All Wool Underwear-one of the best values ever put on the market, separte gar ments, price to close, Only 48 Cents cotton FLANNEL Splendid values in Cotton Flan nels, both bleached and un bleached, to close, - 6-8-9c Heavy Mitten Flannels, special values, - - 14c and 17c Mep’s Celluloid apd Rubber Collars, look like linep, . . Price to Close, 3 for 35 Gepts flQomen’ Shirt Klaists White Lawn Waists, each - 48c to 98c White Lioen Tailored Waists, 98c to 81.98 A few i umbers in Wool Tricot and Wool Batiste, to close at 89c to $2.48 Men’s and Boys’ Caps Knit Goods Ladies’ and Misses’ Scarfs 38c to 78c Unit Shawls, red, gray, black, 43-58-78c Stocking Caps from - - 21c to 41c Men’s Sweaters, vests and coats, each 81.98 Ladies’ and Children’s Sweaters, 98c, $1.19 to $2.89 Old Fashioned Velveteen Skirt Binding, nearly all colors, price per yard, . . lc Splendid Quality Wool Brush Binding, nealy all colors, price per yard ...... 2c A. Splendid Line of Holiday IIa,ncLl5:©:rciLi©fiS will be placed OH sale H©2Ct SsttU-ITCLa/y morning at pricey to moye them quickly. Prices will range from 2C to -4©C* Come ealy and avoid the disappointment. T The Quality House Established