The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 30, 1911, Image 5

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* 4
•»t» Carefully over the condition of this
bank at different intervals.
Heritors’ interests are protected first,
before any body or anything else.
The continued growth 0f this bank is
•he t***t p “ihle evidence that we treat
ill patrons with courtesy and extend to
then every facility to be round in a mod
ern bankin'; institution.
\ -ur account is welcome here.
GB f Haw* ►>*«*! H. B. Outhouse. Ylcc-pres’
L. hjefetr. Cashier
The Gem Theater
« Mi Account of
»c niil only run
Pictures Three Nights
Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays
After This Week
4 >a*r 4. wn and »pmd an i>o-r with
*a while %ou re*'.
A O LEE, Prop
v* T M Rend for Feed Grinder*.
Maj jou :4«( a Joyful Tliank*cn
sprtng * beat and old i.en» » anted
Uf Lor Brotier*
A tnr . A «f new baggie* ,a*t re
*ii<d U T M UmL
Try tUr 4 * 'trood dray line.
He give>ou goodaervke.
j-*rpa .!.- m U«* tuantet* at Bar
tunrfc * in on the few .eft.
i 4 ( »- ~ u ten . in tiie Scottish
iivgiru d. ing* at Lincoln last week.
Far u# BEi»T out in tier wav of
4 was. neparatort. e» T. M Herd
The Baptist »opper la»t Friday
e**--.»ng be jft.t the ladies in some
Ja» Bartunek *de a buwtneas trip
to Lw-jid icVrrlij, to return nest
4 » str jiud su -Ttitor to Conge r.
»t.. da i ji*r promptly
and *att»f actonly.
w« ha** a fu '-ppiy of all kind* of
_®p eua and ur price* are right.
■ .a, at Tatior* Eirtitor
Mr Louie Bechthoid made a bu*i
new tnp to i.rand Island Monday
returning W nisedij nemnj.
House and lot for aaie. ju*t across
the street fr n live i'rewbrtertan
Main* w-r - - bar particular*.
i. W ( ONGEU
Kiui Wedir. -ante up from Aurora
H >sa> Cf«n«t on businem. return
.rug h ue r~r»dat moraine
Kartonr* .» £U :ci£ a ipociillj .ow
s’. . r on in r*r ■ srisets (iltr your
^ rsrs reason for Ttoanksctvhw
A.tmoa • *•...>*■« went to Lincoln tts
terda« U spend Ttiaokstfivina With
» Ut jUxt ii<-man at the Cntversity.
At ar« patina ;i cent* cash for
rtraa de. tried at (be creamery
Mr and Mr* It H Matliew were
hi Li at -4*i iast »*t* in attendance
41 M*-i.i£an Ne’-raska fnttail game.
• i.irtt proved a tie -*Ui k
M> two vacant rnrr iota, north
*-< • ti.e — rt house are for sale.
Price. i>»* J. * (O.N6U
i.nna in n -pnng chickens and
d bens i Lee BroUter* and receive
u.r t.i*t«-st market price for ute
y - »a • me 4-hoie Eureka Cora
' • rr ii t ..*1 repair. W rite l'ete
kn-Hwi Itjra. Houle N'o 1. Loup
<111. *etor
A n« jot »isinn/ some special thina*
n tie fums:-re .me for 'liristmas.
, a r v iur rder with tl«e Ferdinandt
Fumirure Co.
i _-ri Kg'* r»p u> a fountain
:«en < ’<• ■»: can ime axt by calling
tl Henry K.*ii« » g»fin store, and
paving for Uian ibe.
If 70a want a dray, phone A. L. Kr>
irrM * m «ii o» eave your order
•tu> eitiier .-a,t*r yarn or E G.
■— Ta>.0* Heat of service guaranteed.
Mr \ P swarivjnof Aurora, tie
£jud iabUer of our popular merchant.
■ j 'saosun. waa vtailing tier* a few
daya .asl week gving home Saturday.
-1 nivo- wi coal?" * Yek. Pinnacle
nut eta tlu» i> a rood coal for
.«jk »to»c~ !rre from stack and eaay
u- start T ry it. Kor anie at Tay"
ior'a elevator
Tie induatria society of tie Pres
b« tertan church meet* next week
Mwdneaday afternoon with Mrs J. VV
Kerleiri A oordtal welcome to all
U> be preacoi
To ticaaa knowing fitemelvea in
itou u> nr. (W vecucat*, or note,
pea—- rail and «vake oitlrntnt anc
save e-e tie rtjirtar dri» ing out U
awe roa a» 1 awd Uae munri.
T SI Uw>.
Tie Vhsr- Alberta Outlaouae anc
liable larpew went to Llnr'.in inter
day morning to visit over Ttiankaglr
ing Hay with Him Minnie outhouse
to return Monday.
Mr and Mrs A L. Zimmerman ex
part to leave next week Tueedai
morning for a two month* wojurn li
tie extreme southwest corner o
Texas, where Mr. Zimmerman ha
Ear saie. ' me aet driving Umm
one set work lamin, one Great Mewl
* wrn Man-re Spreader, good aw new
r and erne Empire cream separator it
ewry ten of shape Dor particulan
Mi-s Mildred Todd of Comstock is
here visiting her relatives.
We issue the paper on Wednesday— !
ne day earlier—this week, so our
.arge w >rking force eaa l ave a genu
ine Thanksgiving vacation.
Wright Reynolds and w ife and Mrs.
.1-dge Wall left Tuesday morning for
an extended trip through Oregon.
Washington and California.
Tl«e moving picture show last Fri
day evening, under tiie auspices of
the Ladies Aid Society of the Meth
odi*t cliurct. brought in some 135 rec
eipt* at tiie door. Besides the show
ing of the films, there were several
vocal and instrumental pieces and il
iusirated songs rendered.
Miss Ada Wilbur, who has been
erklng at Swanson's general store,
re-igned her p oition last Friday and
ret u rn. <1 to her home at Hazard. Miss
Peir Keeler accepted the vacant po
sition and being a saleswoman of ex
perience will prove a valuable assis
tant in this popular store.
Besides the Entre Nous party at!
the borne of Mrs. E. G. Tty lor. last
Thursday. Mrs C. C Carlsen enter
tained a number of the younger mar
ried set at dinner that evening: Mrs.
J > entertained the ladies of
tb. and Mr-. M. A. Phil- j
ip* entertained a number of ladies
at iter tome.
Mr and Mrs A L. Baliman and
Mr. and Mrs. C. X Lambert autoed
to Loup « ity Saturday to visit rela
tive*. Tiiey returned Monday Mr.
ita.inran reports that tiiey have just'
organized a good roads association in
'herman county and that they arf
d :ng a lot of road improvement in
that countv St Paul Republican.
Judge Waiter Moon returned Loup
City last saturdv n ion from an ex
tended trip hack to his old home in
Lawrence county. New York, anti
variou- p ‘ints in tiie New England
-tales < m his way home he took in
Niagara Fails, the Thousand Island
and nume ous srenlc points of inter
est He is looking well and feeling
toe. He wiil be heresome little time
before going on to westean Nebraska.
Mr and Mrs. Ben Pagelar. accom
panied by Mr Wilcox, a brother of
Mr- Pagelar. arrived last Thursday
evening from Filer. Idaho, w here they
went some eighteen months' since tb
make their home. Ben is looking as
though the country agreed with him
:mmen-ley from a physical standpoint.
They expect to visit here for a short
time, thence to their old home be
tween Freemont and Lincoln and af
ter about a month return to Idaho.
«»ur columns are crowded with ad
vertising and will be till after the
h idays. heme the news is cut down
to the minimum. Look pleased and
thank the lucky stars of the printer
man that it is k>. and also know that
we w hi make it all up to you later,
when our space is not so crowded. In
ttie meantime look over theadvs. and
see the prices and good things our
-p ended merchant* have in store
lor you. take advantage of them and :
it will be worth more to you than all
tiie news we could crowd into tiie
spa«-e tiiey occupy.
IAJ lidi c a 1 LIU I LI 1
articles of incorporation for the same
having been gotten out. We under
-tarid tiie new paper will be republic
an in * olities and is another evidence
'if >pite" newspaper business. Au
rora can very comfortably support
two good newspapers and three seem
to have done fairly well, but it is the
sheerest nonsense to incorporate a
fourth, which will be a losing game
from the start. "Spite" newspapers
generally spite the projectors more
than anybody else, we opine this one
will prjve no exception to the rule.
Mr Henry Jenner of Jenner s Park
left Tuesday morning of this week
for several months' absence in Eng
land He goes from here to Portland
Maine, wl,er lie takes the IxAt across
the water. landing at the London
docks Prom the docks he takes a
train for a tifrv-mile ride to the home
of a sister at Hove. Sussex. England.
After visiting various points of in
terest lie goes back to Londornand re
main for the most part of his absence.
Luring his absence, his brother,
Kobert Jenner. will have charge of
tlie park and Mr Jenner'sother busi
ness interests. May he have a safe,
liappv and royal good time in his
mother country.
The St. Paul papers, following the
custom of most of the country papers
in Nebraska, have advanced their
subscription rates to *l.5o per year.
T)>e fact Uiat tiie subscription rate
of *1 per rear does not. with the ad
rrinced prices of print oaper. pay the
cast of producing the same and makes
a net hiss oa every paper putoutfrom
the print shop, makes it the only
thin* to do play even. The Loup
City papers have not concluded to do
«o a- v*t. but may in the near future
as it I* poor business principles to sell
anything at a loss. In the mean
time come in and subscribe at the
dollar rate, or renew at that rate
quickly as the subscription price may
be raised in the near future. The ad
vance does not mean much to each
individual reader, but in the aggre
i gate means several hundreds of dol
f lars difference to the publisher.
Card Of Thanks
We extend our sincere thanks w
friends and neighbors for their aid
. and kind words of sympathy in oui
i late bereavement.
, Mb. abd Mbs. W.C. Dlktbbichs
Violently Insane
Mrs. Chris Haines of this city was
on Tuesday of this week brought be
fore tiie commissioners on insanity
and .committed to the hospital at
Hastings. The poor woman created
quite a scene before the board by her
iolent ravings requiring the guards
to hold her in check. She was taken
to the asWum yesterday morning by
Sheriff Williams, accompanied by Mrs.
S. F. Reynolds. The loss of two chil
dren a few months' since and other'
distressing conditions are thought to
be responsible for her mental trouble. |
Charley Gibson Married.
Gibson-Hall. Mr. Chas. E. Gibson
and Miss Edna M. Hall, both of
Zephyrhiils Fla. were married at
Itede City, Fla., County Judge Wil
son officiating on last Monday Nov.
20 1911. Mr. Gibson is a native of
Nebraska while Miss Hall is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.
Hall formerly of Ohio but now living
three miles east of Zephyrhiils. Miss
Lottie, a sister of the groom, accom
panied the happy couple to Dade City
wiit-re they were accompanied to the
Judges office by Mrs. Annie M. Wi
borg and Mr and Mrs. A. G. Waldron
of the Record, where the knot was
properly tied. They were proDerly
received at the depot at Dade. and
Mrs Wiborg and Mr. and Mrs. Waldron
accompanied them home. Thev ar
rived on the four o’clock train and
w ere met at the depot by about two
hundred people and given a shower
bath of the little white kernals again.
Supper was had at home and a jolly
time in the evening.—Zephyrhiils Col
Opens Garage In Crawford
Rev. Charles H. Burleigh, former
pastor of the Methodist church at
Hemmingford. and one of the most
widely known preachers in north
western Nebraska, was in Alliance
recentlv and informed The Herald!
that he intended to remove from his
place near Lakeside to Crawford,
where he will have charge of a gar
age. and which we understand he
has purchased. Mr. Burleigh found
it necessary to retire from active
work of the ministry to which he has
devoted the best years of his life, on
account of his wife's ill health. He
and Mrs. Burleigh will make their
home with their daughter. Mrs. Ray
Woods, at Crawford, to which place
they went last week. The Herald
will keep them posted on Box Butte
county affairs and joins their many
f riends in this and neighboring countie
in wishing them health and success.
—Alliance Herald.
The representative of the State
Federation of Retail Merchants, who
failed to organize a branch at this
place last week, succeeded in organiz
ing a big membership at St.Paul. in
cluding nearly every business interest
in that city.
Communion Services next Sunday1
morning. Regular Service in bhe j
evening. All are invited to be pres
Sunday Dec. 3. Sunday school 2:30
p. m. Sermon3:15Subject Wnatsoever
amansoweth, that shall he also reap
Galations t>: 7.
German Evangelical
Next Sunday I»ec. 3 there will be
services held at Kelso at 10:30 a. m.
Saturday. Dec. 2. Lesson in German
at the Loup City church at 10: a. m.
Next Sunday lo:30" Has God Reason
to be Thankful?" Euening 7:3o Our
Church, 3: p. m. at Austin “Our life
Partners." There will be preaching
at A ustin at 3: p. m. Subject “Our
Life Partners" Also talk to boys and
girls about “Cameras.”
Services every Sunday Preaching at
10:30 a. m. Sunday School at 11:45 a.
m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
service and Bible study at the par
sonage Thursday evening at 7:30.
Those who have no church home and
those who are strangers in the town
or community are especially invited
to attend these services.
Along R. R. No. 2.
Fritz Bichel sold some cattle this
Dr. Longacre was out on routt 2
last Friday.
I»elia Bichel has been quite sick
the past week.
Will Hawk's corn made strong 43
bushels per acre this year.
Howard Smithy of Kearney is work
ing at the Gunn ranch now.
Ernest Garnett was storm stayed
at Loup City Sunday night.
W. H. Gunn has been very sick the
past month and is at a hospital now.
Mr and Mrs. Henry F. Newfeldt
are visiting at Henderson Nebraska
this week.
Jo’ n Foy is painting Miss Hattie
Hayhursts new buildings on her farm
south of town.
Arthur Kowarski. Tony Johns and
John Dietz were musicians at the
Otlewski dance.
Ernest Garnett and Carl Yian at
tended the show at Loop City last
Wednesday night.
V. T. Wescotts hogs are dying with
a disease similar to the corn stalk
disease among cattle.
Mallory on No. 4 out of Litchfield
met carrier at the Bichel school honse
the first time for over a year
Carl Weldon has I. A. Bowier’snew
house about completed. It is north
of C. A. Clarks on Clear Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley, their
daughter Winnie and Ernest Garnett
were at Hazard Sunday in their auto.
Henry Kuhl, Henry Goodwin, fcnd
Y. T. W escott have been losing several
head of cattle of late with corn stalk
Mrs. J. E. Rainsforth was called to
i Prosser Nebraska last week to be at
the bedside of her sister who is very
low at this writing.
The foundation for J.E.Bainforths
new house is completed. Carl Weldon
, has the contract for the work and
he will soon be busy on the house.
1 This house is also on Clear creek.
Dont forget Miss Lula McFaddens
| slave sale at Prarie Gem school house
| in the Schwaders dist. Saturday night.
Before the sale there will be a fine
entertainment. Supt. Hendrickson
will be the auctioneer. Everybody
invited to attend.
Fifteen High Class
Duroc Jersey Boars
I am now offering the choice boars
at farmers’ prices, Haedelers Choice
Goods, No. 103899, Sire heads my
herd. Mypigs are growthy and ready
to ship. Write me. Farm two miles
west from Ashton Depot.
Wedding Bells
On Tuesday. Nov. 28. 1911. at the
Presbyterian manse, just before the
noon hour. Mr. Roy T. Fisher and
Miss Marie Schneidereit, both of this
city, were united in the bonds of
matrimony. Rev. J. C. Tourtellot offi
ciating. They took the noon train
for their future home at Loekport.
Ills. The groom lias been for tiie
past year or more engaged in the
painting and paper hanging in Loup
City and is a bright, capable and en
ergetic young man who has made
friends with all whom he became ai
quainted. The bride is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs! Fred
Schneidereit, living a few miles east
of this city, and a most estimable
young lady, who has been for the
past two years an efficient clerk in
the mercantile house of C. W. Con
hiser. and of his successor, Mr. Vic
Swanson. Mr. Fisher has formed a
partnership in the painting business
at Loekport. Ills., and the North
western. with their host of friends
here, w ill wish for these young people
success, happiness and prosperiti in
their new home. Like all our best
young married people, they take the
Northwestern as their favorite paper.
Stiu vfirurDruas* I
Joiict Orgies .etc. at 3
A Reliable
can be properly com
pounded if brought here.
We are carefu'ly exact
in putting up drugs and
medicines, and vou raav
• *
Rely Upon Us
to give you exactly what
the doctor ordered. Our
Drugs are pure and fresh
our service prompt and
prices satisfactory.
Swanson & Lofholm
The Labor of Baking
is many times reduced if you use the
right kind of Flour. *nd if the ques
tion. "What is the best Flour?” was
put to vote among the bakers and
housekeepers in this part of the
country, the unanimous reply would
White Satin
You would vote for it if you were
used to it. Isn't it worth giving a
Loup City Mills
Building Materials
And Lumber of every sort. Shingles
Flooring. Planking. Framing Timker
and Lath. We are now in a position
to make
to early buyers. If you are going to
do any building or repairing this is a
fine opportunity to get a "lot" for a
Keystone Lbr. Go.
Coal yards at Loup City,
Ashton, Rockville and Austin.
We have one of the most complete lines of
Dry Goods
Ever Brought to Loup City, and we have bought it
the very cheapest Cash would buy it. and our aim is to
sell it as cheap as we can afford. But the only way for
one to know how complete our line is, is to com and see
for oneself. We guarantee everything we sell.
Clothing for JMen and Boys
Men’s Suits.$15.00
Men’s Overcoats, regular $1S and $20, we sell at . 15.00
Men's Odd Pants..$1.25 to 5.00
Boyys’ Suits in all colors, Knee Pants.. 5.00
Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks
. We have a most complete line. Ladies’ range fro.: $8 to $25
Children's from 82.50 to $16.
Drpcc finnHc Our’s is one of the most complete ..
VJUUUbi lines we evar had, such as
^an(^e only Skinner’s Satin, as most ladies know
this fabric, and it is the only one on the d*1
market that is guaranteed for two seasons, and price.. Box Coat Mack m
Try our new Corduroys for Suitings and waists, $1.25 per yard
Finck Overalls that will outwear two pair of any $1 overalls, we sell at $1.15
Try us for vour Winter Underwear. We can save you money. We have all kinds
Men' e gray, heavy fleece per garment$ .50 Men's tan heavy fleece, each.$ .50
Union suits, price.$1.00 to 3.00 Ladies’ gray fleece, 1 piece each.50
Ladies’ white union suits medirn heavy 1.00 Ladies’ white fleece. ,50
Ladies' whjte « ool mixed union suits 1.50 Children's silver gray wool union suits,
One lot baskets childrens underwear as per age.96c to 1.40
each.18c to .23
Sheep-liped Duck Goats apd Overcoats
No. 1). 103, Men’s Sheep-lined Duck Coat. Beaverette Collar.$ 3.98
Dl(4, Men's Sheep-lined Duck Coat, Beaverette Collar. 4.48
105 Men’s Sheep lined Duck Coat, 36 inches long, Beaverette Collar. 5.9s
C116, Men’s Corduroy Sheep-lined Beaverette Collar. 4.98
Men’s Reversable, Leather and Corduroy, can be worn either side out. 6.49
Men’s Sheep-lined Ulsted Duck Coat, 52 inches Ion*, lined t^ru body, 12 oz. 9.98
Boys’ Sheep-lined Duek Coats, Beaverette Collar, only. -.75
Men’s Black China Dogskin Fur Coat, is easy worth $25; our price. 19.95
Men’s Black Kersey plush-lined thru bady, Muskrat Collar; our price. 19.95
We also have a fine line uf Men's Overcoats. Our price on them is. 15.00
See us for these goods before buying, as we can save you money.
Do not make your Gomforts- We have them. Prices from $1.25 to $3 00
Wool Blankets, we have them, at from.$3.50 to $7.50
Wool Nap Blankets. 1.75 to 2.50
Cotton Blankets.75 to 2.00
We have them Black Velvets at $3-50. Ladies'
Tan high-top Shoes at $3.00. Ladies' Black
Suede Shoes at $3.50- New line of Men's Doug
las Shoes at $3.50 to $6.00
To Our Flour Trade
Our old wheat flour is now all sold
but we have flour that is fully up in
quality to any flour on the market
and is sold by ail merchants in town.
Locp City Mill and Light Cc>.
Those who rise to be
1 big men, rise ear
ly every morn
Big Ben
U Does It
1 HepryElsper
The Reliable Jewele
November Special Bates
WINTER TOURIST TICKETS at low rates, to Florida. Texas. Gulf and
Southern Resorts and Cuba. To many destinations tickets are good via
diverse routes through Kansas City. St. Louis or Chicago.
Basin. Yellowstone Valley, Southwest and South, on the first and third
ALL YEAR TOURISTS TICKETS to California and Pacific Coast dest
inations via diverse route>. that include Southern routes: always one
way via Dsnvsr. Scsnic Colorado Salt Laks City.
fornia destinations, via many combinations of going and returning routes
including Denver. Scanic Colorado, Salt Lake,
Consult your nearest ticket agent, telling him about the winter jour
ney you have in mind let him secure through birtiis and make the jour
ney interesting and comfortable.
J. A. DANIELSON, Agent, Loup City.
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
I '