The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 09, 1911, Image 7

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PIANO manufacturers forced
The Ac-r-ctt Co of OtjKj Js.ns
"Syreert*" W*..h Sc/s and Sens
Em n* of Seven
t**' Mahers.
The urs*** stacle purchase of p!
aa*» c~wr a>«< or coetraeted lor west
at the MUeusipp.. has Just beea
brwjgbl shout by Mr » M Rotoia
aor. ikweraJ Maaagrr o! the J'lano
Deft at Tb ilesihe.t Co. of I£tb A
Harr,.* ft*. Osaka. Vet,
Riaao mamafhethrurs throughout ho
«ae- are te* .tug the ikrwad* u-ade by
jhjtf i-tibu*. aatotuLtu . tic- £bi
ha*e (tachfef that "fir.-: tors is best
to* ahd ba.e there.-.-re suid
e ewr.-e overy adurtioa to a tyaficit*
of base «*. Tt Jhi. The litsrtt Co.
of belts cue of the larges: of
ai! tuts'.mrued
Mr. ito. u.w a. acting tor The lb*
oet: fa, has junttrd as i'eescu •
•hare of the “SyadJcate Bstjr.” I.WM
tes ftrss. aad with a : br.*c best
beso ability lutnicd by years 01 cx
ynrwcr Mr iifV_*os has purrha <-d
three toe iso gi. to eiatle The i>n
ara Cc -o reaed theta at pn cs iftrt
urti! cause a lurore.
htud nes fall t.ted absolutely per*
le.t yoaho.- of ri. < Ut ai ■ uiu be
UCercd at as tow as fill. tut. owtag
to the « *: ■ er_ugly ciase mat gib. theso
mu.f U >uM tor carls. (The regular
Mars rarr 1 b? The HeBSsetl Co., boa.
eser. wiM be euM <a very c**y pay
Bw£f s ju»* a* heretofore t
Ivsthr’t's ova stork of “used* in*
•truces** will go for a proverbial
Vs* ' of a pm*. first class upright
pm hue t .sag okerei at fu aad used
erg»a» aa low as $12
Tbr . addrr*; tag a regarwt to The
fvewett Co. l*»h A Hareey ft*.
Omaha. Neb. will receive circulars
cam aad prying an of the pianos,
otr. so be sold at cost aad less lor
I __
H»—?o*'r» »ortk a million mad I'm
yewniirss. wui yon cutt me?
She- vn Why did yon ask me?
He—I wasted to tee how a man
Vli warn he tore* a tnli'K* dollars.
“Three years ago this «tour 1 bad
a break;: s « s that mi:<d my whole
body. It Itched ao it seemed n U I
she Lid go cmjr It Its: t ame out in
at tie yhc pie* uo my hark and spread
tR! K covered my whole body and
dews to my knee*, also my anus
dual ia my elbow a. Where I
V scratch** It made nores. and the ter
rible lu-hisc and Urttug kept me
Iron, t-Wpm*. I tried set era! reme
dsri ait to no purpose Then 1 coa
c-shd to try the Cuticara Remedies. 1
taed the Cntirura swap sad Cuticura
oisamt. also the Resolvent. tor
stoat Umr months. and they com
pletely cured cue at etrmt I hare
had wo return id the dUeace store. I
never had a |oal bights rest alter the
skin erupthm And broke oat till I com
m»weed watns the t'aiirara Soap and
OtctmaL 1 had only used them a
lew days Mott I could see they were
te-gtnams to howl, and the terrible
it- bier was cure.
“Thom that lived in tbe bouse at
the ttme know bow | suffered, and
how tbe Cetlrwrw Soap and Ointment
c-.rwd me 1 never taka a bath with
out using tbe Cutlrura Soap, and I
da nat believe there are better rem
edies for say skin diseise than tbe
*stlrura Suspend Ointment.” < Signed |
Mias Sarah falkins. Waukegan. III..
Mar. IC. Itll. Although Cut leu ra
Sana and Ointment are sold by drug
gist* and dealer* everywhere, a sam
ple of each. • i'h 32-page book, will be
mailed In* ob a'lp'ieatlon to "Cutf
•- cun.' Uejrt- t K. Boston.
• - _
WKet Travelers Needed
A travelers outfit IN years ago
was finasrabat different from tbe
H*seai day la "Touring in 1M9."
by K fi Hates, the fol.uw Ing list is
i'Kfji “First among requisites is a
heal of prayers and hymns effective
for sukrauoct without being so pugna
cious. dm-triwally. as to cause *o>
pwrma Nest a notebook; a watch,
or a ports-t* undial: if a watch, not a
-trik«» lor that warns the wicked
yon kite rwab; a broadrimmed hat.
gaiters, boots. breeches las if his
friends would let him start without
an?' i. gVriaa. shoes, shins,
cbied*. etc.”
Not ter Hun.
kanter Hayseed tin the city)—I
want tar dad an antin' bouae
Accuse* 4 Fadeatnaa—Are yoa tank
<sg tar any particular place ?
Farmer H — Walk not toe darned
plickier —Boston 'Irauscnpt
Tbe love at tbe beautiful is becom
mg not only tbe pnaerasiou of tbe rich,
hot tbe deuitw and possession at the
•ary poor —Rf Hon. John Burns.
I ——
leva' Fugle BsaAer. nsrv quality to
ftuma. met* mww than other Sc tgsrs.
In order la become a nuisance yoa
Nava auiy ut tout up a grievance.
CVS>Y/?/C//r. /3/d 3YIO///5 Jtu&w rd/*CS /
Os .-t Const, a voting man of New
V - ■ if- ■ la Douglas Blackstock. who
i.. -•» .. .i »•> a card party. He accepts.
- - !i»;:k.s Blackstock. the rea
• >th are In love with Kath
• vter. Coast falls to convince her
' t: liiatastoek is unworthy of her
!»■ :• At the party Coast meets two
Dundas and Van Tuyl.
CHAPTER II.—(Continued.)
f!!i. kttock interposed hastily “That
fu-rtbl.-st spade of yours certainly
did lead him up to slaughter." He
d ai bed over and took up the deck at
Truax’s elbow, spreading the cards
with a dextrous sweep of his strong,
blunt fingers. “New game. Cut. you
fellows ”
“Tb invitation tempts; but there
are • spins too thick . . Van
Tuy! purse d.
Tr mx pushed back his chair, ned
■ ■ - ' - ■ 'o Co..St But for a
b* ight-t • J tint of color he showed no
:r;’’ e of bring aware of Van Tuyl's tn
: ii l'ttfe. “Cut in. Garrett; it's your
turn I'nleis.” he added.
?<ci-al! want to quit. It's pretty late.
1 think III drop, for one.”
"Drop." said Van Tuyl sweetly, "and
be damned ”
What do you mean by that?” Tru
ax. on his feet, turned upon his tor
mentor wi b an Imperceptible tremor
in his voire
Prudence is the better part of
br:dg«.“ Van Tuy! explained careful
ly "He's a prudent man who be
r- 'me* conscious of chilled extremities
when ahead of the game.”
Crimson with resentment. Truax
hesitated, the retort on the tip of his
f ugue only withheld because of
Ccast's appealing and sympathetic
look Then with a lift of his plump
shoulder* he turned away, nodding to
his host. Dundas and Coast.
"Good-night." he said brusquely, and
•o betrayed the effort his self-control
<e*t him. "You-ail can send your
checks if I am anything ahead.”
We il try not to forget, thanks." A
t» ric smile on Van Tuyl's thin lips
* tngi d the Parthian dart.
Truax did not reply, but left the
ro m abruptly. Ulackstock accompany
ing hlta to the door. In his absence
Coast rut in ns Van Tuyl's partner
and took the chair Truax bad just va
"Deal?" he inquired.
"Your- " Dundas told him.
"And." Van Tuyl interjected as
Coast took up the cards, "let us trust
rouge more bridge sense than that
professional dummy.” He nodded to
Indicate the departing Truax. “I care
fully told him. early in the evening,
•hat when i doubled I wanted not his
highest heart, but the highest card of
tie weakest suit. Do you think you
can remember that?"
"Yea." said Coast shortly, annoyed
by the other's offensive manner.
"I sincerely trust so. I didn’t come
bc*e to be rooked by everybody, by in
competent partners included."
Oast quietly put down the cards
without completing the deal. "Aren't
you spraining something in your at
tempt* to be insolent. Van?” he in
quired as Biarkstock reappeared. “It
happens I've been your partner this
evening more frequently than anybody
else "
"And you "Link jourself justified in
suggesting that I’ve played against
Van Tuyl's dark eyes met bis stead
ily in a sardonic stare. "I’m the heav
iest loser here.” he said VYou've
played like a raw amateur every time
jou'vc played with me. Interpret that
to your liking ”
"I shall " Coast got up. white to
the ;ips. “|t spells good night to me."
liiackstock struck in with a heavy
tote of Insincere suavity. "Oh. come
now’ it's early yet. Van doesn't
know what he's saying—”
It «u Van Tuyl* turn to rise; he
accomplished the action with surpris
ing dignity ir with a slight unsteadi
ness "Since when did I appoint a
bounder like you to read my mean
ing?" he asked crisply.
Diuuion nesnaieo. swaying a lit
tle as bis temper strained at the
leash. “1*11 take that from you in
vour present condition. Van Tuyl," he
said slowly.
in bis nervous anxiety to avert the
quarrel. little Dundas blundered and
precipitated it "Oh. say now!" ne
piped. "We're all good friends. Don t
let's us slang one another. Come on.
Van Tuyl—let's have a drink and
make up."
At the suggestion Van Tuyl’s weath
ervane humor veered "All right." he
assented; "that listens like sense."
He turned to the buffet. Dundas with
"Good night. Wackstock." Coast of
fered his hand “I'm off now."
"Why goodnight.” Hlack
stock's mouth smiled, but his speech
was mechanical and his eyes, slightly
prominent and magnified by thick
lenses, met Coast's with an opaque
look singularly suggesting a cast.
"I'm sorry our party has to break up
so early—"
"Look here!" Van Tuyl 'swung
round with a gias3 half-fuil of raw
Scotch in his band. "Aren't you going
to Join usr
"Thank you. no." said Coast dryly.
"No." said ll'.acksicck. "And.” he
added, “if 1 were you. Van. I'd chop
that drink. It won’t do you a world
of good."
“Oh?" Van Tuyl smiled acidly.
“Don’t you know I reserve the priv
ilege of acting as my owu wet-nurse?”
“I advised you as a friend, but I’m
willing to push the trespass and tell
you something you evidently don't
know. Van Tuyl; drink makes you
Coast, lingering In anxiety, detected
suddenly the gleam of drink-insanity
In Van Tuyl's eyes. Alarmed, he
moved to place himself between the
mea. and in the net received full in
. the face what had been intended lor
Biackstock—the contents of Van
Tuyl’s glass.
Half-blinded and choking, he Btepped
back, groping for his handkerchief.
The alcohol burned bis eyes like liquid
fire, and the fumes of it in his throat
and nostrils almost strangled him for
a moment, preventing his clear under
standing of what was taking place.
Dimly he heard Van Tuyl raving in
| his curiously clear and incisive ac
| cents, heard'him stigmatize Black
| slock card-sharp and blackguard.
; More vaguely he heard him name
Katherine Thaxter—in what connec
tion he did not know. On the heels
of that something barked hideously;
Dundas screamed like a rat; Van
Tuyl said: Oh, God!” thickly.
Dazed with horror. Coast managed
to clear his vision.
Biackstock had moved to the other
side of the room, where he stood at
a small table, the drawer of which he
had evidently jerked open the instant
before he fired. His feet were well
apart end he leaned a little forward,
j his large head lowered upon its heavy
! neck. His lips were compressed to
; the loss of their sensual fullness, his
j eyes blazed beneath knotted, intent
j brows. One hand was clenched by his
; side; the other he’d an automatice pis
j tol from whose muzzle a faint vapor
j lifted in the still hot air.
In a corner little Dundas was hud
i died with a face of parchment, mouth
i gaping, eyes astare.
Both men were watching Van Tuyi.
| Coast saw the tali, graceful figure
j sway like a pendulum gathering mo
to the ether end of the room and
threw himself, a dead weight. Into a
chair, facing the wall. In the silence
that followed Coast could hear his
deep and regular respirations, unhur
ried, unchecked. After a moment,
however, he swung round, dug hts el
bows into his knees and buried hU
i face in his hands.
“Good God!” he said. "Why did I
do that?”
Dundas coughed nervously and
moved toward the door. Blackstock
looked up with the face of a thunder
“Where are you going?”
Dundas stammered an incoherent
“Well, you stop where you are.1 Get
back to that window-seat—and try to
keep your miserable teeth still, can't
you? D'you think I’m going to let
you desert me now. after all I've done
for you, you uegrateful rat?”
Without a protest Dundas sidled
fearfully between him and what had
been Van Tuyi. and returned to the
1 window-seat. Blackstock’s glowering
gaze fell upon Coast. A sour grimace
twisted his mouth.
“You’re not a bad fellow. Coast,” ne
said—"to stick by me. . . ."
Exerting himself. Coast tried to
master his aversion and contempt for
the man as well as his blind horror of
the crime.
"Wbat are you going to do?”
"Do?" Blackstock jumped up and
began to pace to and fro. “What the
heil can I do but give myself up?"
“You mean that?"
The question was involuntarily on
Coast's part, wrung from him by sur
prise. so difficult he found it to credit
the man's sincerity.
"Of course," Blackstock explained,
simply; "it's too late now to make a
get-away. ... It it hadn't been for
that racket . . . They'd cop me
before I could get out <nf town." He
paused, questioning Coast with his In
tent stare. "You wouldn't let me off.
would you? You'd te'l the police, of
“Of course."
Coast, with a little cry, dropped to
| his knees beside Van Tuyl. Already
i the man's eyes were glazing, the movc
i ments of the hand that tore at bis
j breast were becoming feebly convul
i sive. While Coast watched he sbud
i dered and died.
"Well?” lilackstocks voice boomed
| in his ears as the man's hand gripped
' his shoulder. Coast shook off the
I grasp anil rose.
‘'You’ve done for him.” he said,
wondering al the steadiness of his
own voice.
Blackstock shook his head, blinking
like a man waking from evil dreams.
“Why . . .?” he said huskily.
He turned away as if to lose sight
of the figure huddled at his feet
Dundas in his corner whimpered.
Blackstock swung to him with an
oath. “Shut up, damn you! D’you
want—” He clicked his strong white
teeth, jumping as the bell of the
house telephone interrupted. Then
he went heavily to the instrument in
the short hallway that led to the en
trance to the apartment. Coast heard
him jerk down the receiver.
"Well?” he demanded savagely.
“Yes. An accident.”
“One of mv guests. Yes, badly.
You'd better call up police headquar
ters and tell them to send an ambu
lance. (
“And don't let anybody up here un
til they come. Understand?”
He hung up the receiver with a
bang and tramped back into the din
ing-room. “That damn' hallboy!
... They beard the racket in the
flat below and called him up. . .' .
1 have made a pretty mess of things!”
He went to the buffet, carefully
avoiding the body, and poured himself
& stiff drink, which he swallowed at a
Blackstock strode restlessly back
“Three RV Are Cut Out and Children
Are Taught to Be Happy
The man In the club had been talk
ing politics with a school inspector,
until the gentleman declined to dis
cuss the subject any more.
“We’ll talk about the youngs: ers
themselves, for a change,” he said
"Do you know that both in France and
Belgium reading, writing and arith
metic are being omitted from the sub
jects taught in infant school? The
children are simply taught to be hap
py instead! And when they bring
their dinners to school, the food has.
under the official regulations, to be
put into a basket, which must be la
beled at the school, and put on a spe
cial shelf in a clean, airy place. Fancy
such regulations here! Any old news
paper and any cupboard is good
enough for offr children.
"In Germany, toys, are provided for
play time, and all little children are
compelled to bring a clean pocket hand
kerchief to school, and they must have
a bath once a week.
’’In Fipland. the tiniest children are
taught to wash dolls, dust, sweep, look
after flowers, and so on; and in sons
Japanese schools a resting room with
a bed Is provided, so that over tired
children may have a nap!”—Answers,
The Craze for the Weird.
The artistic craving today is for
novelty—for new expressions of form
and combinations of color, the more
strange and weird the better; hence
the passing fashion for post-impres
sionism and other kindred cults, in
which neither truth nor beauty la the
inspiring motive.—Connoisseur.
Blackstock Moved
rr.entum. An expression of strained
surprise clouded the man’s face. He
lurched a step forward and caught
himself with a hand on the card-table,
and so held steady for an instant
while his blank gaze, falling, compre
hended the neat black puncture with
its widening stain upon the bosom of
his shirt.
“God . .’’ he said again in a voice
of pitiful inquiry.
Then be fell, dragging the table
over with him.
On the sound of that. Blackstock
moved for the first time. He drew
himself up, relaxed, and dropped the
weapon upon the table beside him.
His fiance encountered Coast’s, wa
vered and turned away. He moistened
his lips nervously.
fcr the First Time.
Blackstock codded as if he found
the reply anything but surprising. "Of
course. He was your friend.”
“Yours, too. Why did you do it?”
“This damnable temper of mine.
He—didn't you hear?—threatened to
tell Kate Thaxter. . . .” Black
stock resumed his walk.
"Never mind—something to prevent
our marriage.”
“And you killed him for that?"
Blackstock stopped, staring down at
the body. "Yes," he said, in a sub
dued voice.
"If that's your way. you’d have to
murder me also, you know, before you
could have married Miss Thaxter."
Young German Prince Says This
of Americans.
Adelbert, Third Son of the Kaiser,
Says We Are the Rudest Peo
ple in the Whole
New York.—We are the rudest peo
ple In the world. Prince Adelbert,
aged 27. third son of the Kaiser, says
so and when a prince makes a state
ment it is never quite polite—nor safe
—to contradict him. The fact that
recently two young Americans did re
fuse to acknowledge his royal prero
gative to "boss" is the reason for his
conclusion that "Americans have ab
solutely no manners.” The young
man has been spending the summer at
a famous European pleasure resort,
also patronized by a large number of
society folk from this country. Ten
nis has been the favorite sport of the
young folks from “the Statc-s” and the
prince, who is a splendid player, made
a great many friends among them.
One Saturday afternoon he had been
watching with great interest the bril
liant play of Bernard Dell, the well
known athlete of Princeton Univer
sity. The game over, he asked Mr.
Dell to play a single with him on the
“Sorry,” said Mr. Dell, “tut 1 never
play games on Sundays.”
“But I ask you.” insisted the prince.
"Sorry again.” replied Mr. Dell, “but
1 cannot go against my religious prin
ciples—not even for vcu.”
Well, this was a situation with
which the prince had never had to
cope before in the whole course of his
life, for when royalty says “1 ask” it
means nothing else but “I command”
and here was a jierson who refused to
be commanded. There was nothing
he could do so “he done it,” but it was
a wrathy young prince who strode
away from the firm-jawed American.
Not long after that most astonish
ing experience Prir.ce Adelbert. in
tending to give a dinner to some ot
the Herman nobility passing through
Prirsce Adeibert.
the resort, suddenly made up his
mind that his American friends should
i be his guests as well and. forthwith.
; he walked to the tennis courts and
“asked" ail of them. Now it happen
ed that a Philadelphia girl was also
' to give a party on the day the royal
Germans were to be in the place and.
■ as the prince knew, the Americans
; were to be her guests. So when the
| invitation to attend his dinner was
given the Americans politely declined
it, saying that they "would not disap
point Miss Blank for worlds.” Then
they resumed their game as if noth
ing had happened. The prince was
astounded. Could it be possible that
any one should dare to turn down a
last-minute invitation issued by one
; of royal blood? That ordinarily un
; titled human beings should not be
! willing, yes. should not jump at the
I chance to cancel any other engage
ment for the honor of sitting at his
table was most amazing. But what
could he do about it? Nothing, obvi
ously. He tried to work off a little of
his indignation hv giving out the state
' ment that we were rude and unman
I nerly, but the Americans, who had
1 treated him quite as if he were a
somewhat too haughty young society
; man, didn't seem to mind greatly.
Kuropean society, however, is much
excited over the affair, one section sid
ing with the prince, maintaining that
the invitation of a member of a reign
ing house should be regarded as a
royal command by everybody, without
distinction of nationality; while on
the other hand, all the Americans and
a great many Europeans are taking
the part of Mr. Dell and the girl, argu
ing that they were not impolite and
only acted quite as sensible young
Americans should.
Prince Adeibert. who. like the rest
af the Kaiser's sons, is rather prepos
sessing in appearance and manner,
was married three years ago to his
cousin. Princess Victoria of Schles
Spent Thirteen Years in Prison for
Crime Friend Did—Story
Wins Parole.
Sing Sing. N. Y.—Edward Wise,
convict, in whose behalf thousands of
dollars have been spent to prove hire
guiltless, was released from Sing
Sing recently. As he departed he
said to Warden Kennedy:
“I have been here 13 years for a
blow which another mas struck. At
my trial 1 refused to testify to save
my own life that I might shield an
other man.”
Wise was indicted for murder in the
first degree by the grand jury of New
York county, and was convicted and
sentenced to death on March 31,!
1S99. Theodore Roosevelt, who was
then governor, changed the sentence
to life imprisonment. Last week Wise
appeared before the board of pardons,
which ordered his release.
Wise says he kept quiet until be
was convicted, and then he told his
story. But it was too late. The ether
man had disappeared. Wise’s mother
is still living in Boston, and he harried
there to see her.
Place the Dinner in a
MOTHER’S OATS Fireless Cooker
It will be ready to serve when you get home
1 his achertisement
is good for 10 cou
pons—cut it out and
you have a big start.
Then in every pack
age of Alather's Oats
you will find a cou
pon. Save the cou
pons and get the
cooker free in a
hurry. Only one ad
vertisement will he
accepted from each cus
tomer as 10 coupons.
Get a
Mother’s Oats
in a Hurry
Buy a package of Mother’s Oats today.
Send a postal for complete premium book.
Dunn—Ah, you are In this time;
! I've called five times with this bill,
but you've been out.
Owens—Indeed? Well, you are out
; this time. Fine morning, isn't it?
Awful Tale of Suffering From Kidney
j Alfred J. O’Brien. Second St., Ster
I ling, Colo., says: “I was in the Bal
! timore Marine Hospital nine months.
The urine was in a terrible state and
some days I passed
half a gallon of
blood. They wanted
to operate on me
and 1 went to St.
Joseph’s Hospital at
Omaha, patting in
three months there
without any gain. I
- ' was pretty wen dis
couraged when advised to use Doan’s
Kidney Pills. I did so and when I had
taken one box. the pain left me. I
kept on and a perfect cure was the
; “When Your Back Is Lame, H#
j member the Name—DOAN’S.” 50c a
j box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co.,
i Buffalo. N. Y.
Appetite Not a Necessity.
Dr. John R. Murlin of New York, as
' sistant professor of physiology at the
j Cornel! universsity medical college, in
an article in the October number of
the Journal of the Outdoor Life, com
pares the food we eat to the fuel used
1 in furnishing steam and power fer an
' engine. In selecting our food he says
: that we should eat enough to furnish
! energy for the day's work, but that
much more than this is not needed.
He holds that the appetite is not a ne
cessity for good digestion. “There is
no fallacy of nutrition,” he says,
j “greater than that which supposes
; that a food cannot be digested and
utilized without appetite.” Most of the
food we eat, fully four-fifths, goes to
| supply energy for our every-day tasks.
| while less than one-fifth goes to sun
ply building material.
Shipwreck Up to Date.
“Captain, is there much danger?"
"Not a particle. A moving picture
outfit will soon be along and rescue
us after they have taken a tew films."
A woman may not be able to make
| a fool of every man she meets, but she
! can make something just as good.
44 Bu. to the Acre
Is a heavy yield, hut that's what John Kennedy of
EdoioaUiH, Alberta. Western Canada, got from 40
acres or Spring Wheat in 1910 Report a
from other district* in t hat prov
ince showed other excel
lent resn it*—such a* 4.
000 bushels of wheat
from 120 acres, or 83 l-'t
bu. perm*re. 25.30and 40
bushel yields were num
erous. As high us 132
bushels of oats to the
acre wen* threshed from
Alberta Helds in 1010.
The Silver Cup
at the recent Ppoknne
Fair was awarded to the
Alberta Government for
its exhibit of grains,grasses nr.d
Vegetables. Reports of excellent
yields for ItflU tune also from
Saskatchewan and Manitoba in
Western Canada.
Free homesteads of ICO
acres, and adjoining pre
emptions of 1 GO aerostat
S3 per acre) are to be bad
in the choicest districts.
Schools convenient, cli
lUHte excellent, soil the
very best, railways close at
hand, bn tiding lumber
cheap, fuel easy to get ami
reasonable in price, water
easily procured, mixed
farming a success.
Write as to best place for set
tlement, Settlors’ low railway
rates, descriptive illustrated
**Last Best West” (sent free oa
application) and other informa
tion, to 8up*t of Immigration,
Ottawa. Can., or to the CunaOnn
Government Agent. (30
Roost 4 Bet Bid* taaha, JGb
Please write to the agent nearest you
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Many women snffer needlessly from girlhood to woman
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