The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 09, 1911, Image 6

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Tlu' Cu«|« has * np'.llr <o
W“* In#i ta the |u» < ra y -at* t« am
P»t Rm. ie the r,*uit» of the u-ghi
*a4e (rehfiti-. The pu;..,toUoa
«< the Uoeuetoe It/bow pUceR at
?. *tA». watch at!« emtlyias yotaia
■» ha heart It tea , t-na* it up to
■RHoao s* 'Oto;«reR with 5.37T,*
21i to INL Th-*ceh tf <**e hsurv* are
hrn. the) Re oo* Riwat a total aa
C-P m *i, eip----<4 hut they 4o
• boa a rfrr«.r iarr- ur of perveataco
»* pnjr.lo ../a '--r the ur,ate skits any
atttttlar tokteaer :a the Tot'.-R £*aie».
The fcsra * ~-t a. . e erer rea. It 4
by the KtyeMi' tu 24*1; the prr
»»ttiape of ttx .a 4aa*4a for the
Re.-aRe to ST' . Tina it wrlfl he .eett
that the planar"* -»t of the lake*.
*sl the srcat hr ji i fertile a, re*
rcaRy far ti.e arwi&a a*4 :aiin«-4ia:e
tot-** of crata a..4 the Valleys of
t /total • . _p»hle of ;*rodo',u(
ftx*t trith arbe-h to eapiM.r i’> : "»»t
hoeta* tat •taret -,a of the moca
***•*. hare att.a rR t.uathera. which
Las eace*-4e4 t* - meat op. .stirir of
the nprifeMU of tea year* ip.
t mm the prairie* of the tea yean
~JCJ it—-fe tu It: s t.ure scutierias
at p-opie; kw today. sut miter la
•fc-Tb say » w ra.* any directioa.
•• 4 }to bad ikons u»4 fa-sis a ad
g -*d na-a ton. tj .--d by 'to tfjy
bn* c izns *d ..of*-- »* t'»ad aland set
tit-arenMi »Hi pint) U ura for Bva
•r an leers am maur -a j--. TV- x»p
a’vten at Aito-na a m w.b i: :7i
4;*. as (vaioikd a tk Ti.fJi ia ISpI:
*■ 4.-tckr«an duSj&ac as aatpared
* -b M*I# ia mi; HsnJotet dii.*
*-*l euntnm »«9 »:ib r* in
1*!; and as dues lbs' of ®rt utb Co
laarida—MSJTCi as again* I7*.C7 ia
* *♦!; to* ta a tmrsr? as !kgr as
tto a papula* ten at I • «» is Nrtl*
»»r- lisa lumailfir ‘a p-iat of num
bs**- Iks sorb (knack it ksi been
O'* Ind at tto *naas lir. Lain
b*» baik ty; its t'Mna. Wuutipeg
r '.tto; Va»< no.. * wi*h upwards
<4 inStoO. Calgary *. h K4
Kegma. £ ■aks'noa; i.etfc
Mrbriai Hat. Mouaeja*.
oiks note better any
where; a i4J aniau ud sal t-cc pjwd.
Tbean have come vr.:b existmc-a and
tom toll! aa they fca.w toea by
reason at tto splendid ag-w-.Jtcral
conatry by aUeb they are summed
ed Tto popniarie* is t an-fly dis
cern u« k p .puis*. a lei or * stive
tiffiea that utsr* b‘- r bn recent
rrasna rasli to easily tu. trained ia
eve* greater fnCi than .hat which
ta*retains tto prvwm- numbers Them
U oHttalr a wenderf J fa* are for
Hesters Castads and *b*f arh! b fm
tn tto 4r*«tept*ri of tto non: nrill
et-rkb tto lam. This Is tire growing
•mtn ia Canada and * to- has been
'toe to tto past tea .-ears is tot a
1 ■eiaswBg Tto aeg> decade will
rato a far grant** »4-*a -•«•. In
tn* atenattain is bidding w*>
ewae tto pmgr*"*». - aatd ia irstnont
ev.sto. Tto tan u k>a I* a standing
toe. At tto faMtototiag land expos!
f»oe fa CMmcn. c*naia win tore one
of tto tom rifk •* of far* predicts
***** has ever tom ae*i it trill
k* v*8 Worth trb:‘e ia**e<—teg ’t and
gc tog tafnvmarine frotc :bo*e who
may to ia duigt.
A city <nw.a l u t -*a s'aytng at
tto (am tor ton »«-■*.» *-»<.ag up for
(to a'it tor's rawed of i>< us. re Oan
tissig after sapper sir- sjgges'ed to
tor s -.entry cstrti i •*• taey get up a
7 *T* party seto* e »t eg
2| sake* At_ eilt ' ass "be h»«r
t S-d reply T * v.t no blidg
reantf than font w'f »«d 'hat one's
»wtm ntdpny TJ»j» t at* nr tto year
rm. d all tor- |r* nttnia. Far crazy
new (sagit d tdc-s c -• ate poa c'ly
• Tuny Ai Knew.
A vsats Urf- a Near York
t-Si-re ter rj tba; “we aotoea
taeee'- c*ne»»'r*rton Car minds Just
*• toettag *»<* -d and d at ge- any
wtere" tc»vdr-sa« a tub. ia .t not
, Turetowto tar a.c.e a>.a to siusa
, *t«w ta *ot»wa» state* vars they
know (krawltri an veiIVSt. Ijottis
kwptra v ' i Vomjr*
r.uauor € »! -tel:, f <-rj BJtt> A
* UlOilii.tftJrwJlRR’rtWM^/ flM
■•t>BU -1»4 iMMmk »— I Lit U
• far l or to' .
i h.idreu Cry .V K •*• t’astori*
Oal| i («• jw<'ll fdlsar >he
|t»M at Ira*' rr*Ut~»r« and urr. (Ue
aiaraa rirra at «br usk Oat*
a fc» Sr-hn to tin-.* that ha
Foe! {ajorfy most of the
time—fUMUth had -ap
petite poor — a!! run
down ? You shouiii try
at out e. h has heljvti
■ thocuands who suffered
and will Rid you, k too.
Equal Suffrage May B?
Factor in Presiden
tial E ection
Matter Which Chairmen of Na
tional Committees Will Be
Called Upon to Consider—
Some of the Laws for Which
Women Are Responsible. At- j
trbi-ted Direciiy to Their Vote;
and Influence.
WtSIfiNGTON — Almost 1,000 !
■W wojjtu will be eligible
tn v :e for thitr choice for i
! • - J* lit ol the United j
S'a-'-s ia 1912 These woin
■3 to bj» found In the six western
- t -s At > h have already granted
, J s'jffn the number of women
:n h • •-«:.• a ho ate eligible to vote
befag about loHmra: California.
Co'oiado. lfid.OOt); Idaho. 4S,- !
'• »0; Utah. iia.oOO; Washington. 120,- j
•*<W. and Wyoming. 22.000. or a total '
of 92S.W0
Those figur s are rot exact, but
’•is't'utc .the tiest possible estimate
until such time as the census bureau
-•-is out Its figures showing the analy
is of the population by states. It is
t ossible that before tb? election in
3932 more Mates may give ihe women
a chance to vote for the presidential 1
and antes as the equal suffrage cam ;
■u.eaers l:ave et ch states as Nevada.
•• -u<-3. Kac - as and Wisconsin marked 1
« tremblirg it> the ba'ance on the 1
suffrage question.
There ar.- in the United States to- :
uay j- st 19 states which have no form
f suffraee for women, although some
cities tn them hare Those states are
Nevada. Texas. Missouri, Arkansas,
Mississippi. Jtialina. Kentucky. Ten |
tnent for woman’s suffrage gained
strength throughout the country, but
it was always granted in modified
form as the right to vote on school
matters. local tax questions, municipal
suffrage, etc. In 1S6P Wyoming gave
the full suffrage to women, being the ;
first state in the country to do so
School suffrage was granted to the
women of New Hampshire in 1878. by
Massachusetts in 1S79. by Connecticut
In 1883 and Vermont in 1880. In addi
tion to thd six states in this country
which have given the full suffrage to
women, there are many countries
which have given a modified form of
suffrage to women and full suffrage
has been granted the women by the
i t'e of Man, New Zealand, South Aus
'raiia. West Australia. P.nd in 1902 full
suffrage was granted the women of
Federated Australia and New South
in Ft. ;, the reports show that 75
per cent of the women voted in Bear
River. 95 per cent voted in Garden
City. 95 per cent voted in Grouse
Creek. 90 per cent voted in Keysville,
90 per cent voted in Logan aud 90 per
cent voted in Nephi.
In Kansas the reports from these
same sources show that 80 per cent
voted as Eskridge and £0 per cent
voted at Miltonvale.
Seem to Frize Vote.
In Wyoming the reports state that
the women voted as strongly in pro- '
portion to registration a6 did the '
tr.a’cs, if not to a larger extent In i
Denver. Colo., in the election of 1909.
no less than 30.000 women voted and i
only about 500 of that number were
classified as vicious women. In other
words, in that Denver election 43 per
cent of the vote was cast by women
and only 40 per cent of the vote was
cast by males.
Both houses of the National Parlia
ment of Federated Australia for the
session of 1909-10 passed a resolution
saying that after 66 years of woman’s
suffrage in varying parts of the coun
try and nine years as a common
wealth, the reform has justified the
hopes of its supporters.
Relative to the percentage of wom
en voting in the states where they
have that right, the woman's suf
frage organizations point out that
men do not exercise their right to vote
as they should, and that, therefore,
the question as to women doing so is
not very material.
They point out that in the presiden
tial election of 1904. the vote cast was
only 13.961.560. while 21.000,000 men
were eligible to vote. Then again, they
say that ir> the city election in Phila
delphia, in 1903, the Reform party re
ports that 49 per cent of the men fail
Colorado gave equal suffrage In
3S93, and since that time the women
claim responsibility for securing the
passage of laws forbidding the Insur
ance of children under ten years old;
establishing a state home for depen
dent children, with two of the five
members of its trustees to be women:
statute requiring three out of the six
county visitors to be women: estab
lishing a state industrial home for
girls, three of the five trustees to be
women; statute malting women equal
guardians of their children; statute
raising the age cf protection for girls
to IS years; requiring one woman on
the board of the State Insane asylum;
establishing parental or truant schools,
providing for the care of the feeble
minded; providing for tree preserva
tion; requiring public school teachers
to teach humanity to animals; making
the Humane society a state bureau of
child and animal protection; establish
ment of juvenile courts; compulsory
education: establishing state traveling
libraries, commission of five women;
against the employment of child labor
in mines; providing accident and for
eign life insurance companies that
have to be sued be made to pay the
costs; restricting hours of labor for
children, and for women; free em
ployment bureaus: making it a misde
meanor to neglect to support aged or
infirm parents; abolishing system
binding out girls of the Industrial
school; and in Denver other beneficial
legislation lies been secured by them
Work of Women in Idaho.
Idaho gave equal suffrage in 1896.
Since then women claim to have been
instrumental in securing these laws
Making gambling illegal; raising the
age of protection for girls to 18
years; establishment of libraries and
reading rooms; requiring 3 per cent of
the school funds to be expended for
school libraries, the books to be chos
en by the State Board of Education;
establishing the State Library com
mission; providing for a department
of domestic science in the State uni
versity; providing for a course of do
mestic science in the Academy of
filabo; establishment of the industrial
reform school; pure food act; statute
giving married women the same right
to dispose of her property as men.
I'tab gave full suffrage to women in
IS9S. Since then the women ciaim
these laws as a result of their efforts:
Requiring that women teachers be
paid the same salaries as male teach
srs; raising the age of protection of
girls to IS years; establishing free
public libraries in cities and towns;
requiring in all educational institu
tions supported by public funds In
struction in physiology and hygiene;
c=\mm.jurmcrf ^ ^
mm smEJUf/me omy
noDiriED isoEiwj JtJ/Fimez
Alabama. Florida. Georgia.
s 'nth Carolina. North Carolina. Vir
- VV*-*t V:-gis;a, Maryland. Penn
>'.rr.a. Rhode island and Maine.
*m October 12 last California joined
the t-i'-.e* granting <-r|ual suffrage to
ott.en. the vote on that occasion be
lt '13.0t« for and 117.-1 OS against ihe
..tea .rt- or a majority ol 1078 tor
u. suffrage, with some minor towns
» ..- ».r from California had rejected
- proposition in 1836. Oregon and
-ereral of tie ether western states
several times rejected the
amesdaK-bt. and Massachusetts in
: '3S voted on the question and refused
*<I ial suffrag-. the vote in this statp at
that time be eg Yes. 103 204- Nn
! 87.840. or 7S.626 majori’y against
e ; iai suffrage. Since then the ques
t-on has not been brought to the ref
• renoutn in this commonwealth.
In the western states the question
t as come before the voters quite reg
ariy. for. according to some of the
opponents of the equal suffrage in that
Motion of the country, "a ‘yes’ vote
settles the matter and a no’ vote sim
ply means the question comes up
scam in a couple of years.”
Kentucky Pointed the Way.
Kentucky w;»s the Hrst state in this
country to give women the right to
< ote In 1828 that state gave the
=chool suffrage to widows with chii
d-en of school age. and in 18C1 Kansas
cate the school suffrage to all women.
Yeer by year from then on the move
I ed to vote, and that in the same year
I in the election in New York citj' 60,000
' registered voters failed to cast their
| ballots.
Their Choice of Political Offices.
In the states where full suffrage
has been granted to women for some
time experience has shown that wom
en do not to any great extent run for
political office. Going through the
i records of those states it will appear
I that, for the most part, women have
I been candidates for educational posi
j tions and for the office of county or
! state treasurer. Those are the two
I classes of offices which they seem to
i have singled out as being most desir
j able from their standpoint, and to
I which they have been most generally
In several of the states giving full
equal suffrage women have sat on Ju
ries and have done acceptable service,
but there are no statistics available to
show the number who have done such
d, ty.
Laws Women Have Helped to Make.
The male mind tfaturally inquires as
to what laws the women in the equal
suffrage states have been responsible
1 for? For this question the women’s
j suffrage organizations have evidently
I primed themselves. Here are some of
; the laws adopted in the equal suffrage
; states since women had the right to
i vo*e. which they maintain have been
I championed by women, and that wom
en are practically responsible.
I creating a state art institute; provM
; ing free lecture courses each year at
; the capital on sanitary science, hy
giene and nursing; curfew bell; mak
ing it a misdemeanor to sell tobacco,
etc., to minors; providing for the pro
tection of dependent boys under 14
and girls under 16 years and tbe pun
ishment of persons responsible for
their care, neglect or ill-treatment; re
quiring the establishment of kinder
gartens in ait school districts of a
population of 2,000 or more.
Record in Wyoming.
Wyoming gave equal suffrage in
1869. These laws made since that
time v.omen claim chief responsibility
l for: €qual pay for men and women
! teachers; raising the age of protection
for girls to 18 years; maktng child
neglect, abuse, etc., punishable; for
bidding the employment of boys under
14 and girls of any age in tbe mines;
forbidding the employment of children
under 14 years in any public exhibi
in ten years of equal suffrage In
Colorado only one woman has been
convicted of illegal voting Relative
to the intelligence of women as voters
the equal suffrage organizations point
out that the 1907 report of the Na
tional Educational commission says
54,183 girls were graduated from the
public high schools as compared to
23.202 boys from the same schools,
and there were 116.841 more girls
than bovs in the public high schools
The Lid • « On. but There Are Way*
t-j Lift It—Public Balls. Popu
lar Furetions.
Same Americans who don't like the
curly closing la* in London are for
tunate enough perhaps to get taken
to one of the better theatrical clubs,
where they don't have theatrical clubs,
early as do the restaurants and the bo
•e.bat more perhaps make the ac
quaintance of a little club in a street
tear Piccadilly Circus, w here the meai
- tM-rship is made up of men and wom
en who are supposed to be vaudeville
There are lots of people who go
there who are not vaudeville artists.
!-*or instance, a visitor who was taken
there one nigh: last summer found him
self seated nest to a wealthy young Ger
man. who is a steel manufacturer, and
cross the table was another Ger
man. who was only theatrical by asso
ciation You can enjoy a short term
cembersbip if you want, and if you
• aJoy drinking beer In a stuffy room
that is filled with smoke you can have
a good time.
Supper clubs of the old type do not
exist in London nowadays, at least so
far as is known to the police, who raid
ed them out of existence during a
moral wave. But there is the Grafton
Galleries, where frequent balls are
held, and practically every Sunday
j night there is a dance there. To have
; a public ball and remain open after the
legal closing hour a hotel must pay
heavily for a special license, but dur
ing the season and out there Is occa
sionally such an event at the Savoy,
where for a guinea per head you may
' go and have supper at the end, with
wine extra.
There was one in the early part of
last summer, for instance, which was
called "The Variety Artists' Ball.” the
name, it was explained by an Ameri
can, being assumed for the occasion,
because few of those in attendance
were on the stage. The American who
paid his guinea and went downstairs
to the ballroom—some things are up
side down in London—found a lot of
other Americans there, some of whom
lived in London and others who had
been fellow passengers, and as every
other piece played was two-step, the
occasion seemed almost homelike.
One hears more about the Covent
Garden balls than of any other public
function in London. These take place
with considerable frequency through
out the autumn and winter and are as
sembling places for the gay youth of
London and such similarly disposed
visitors as may be there. One is sup
posed to go masked, and prizes are of
fered for handsome costumes. The
"gayety” is apt to appeal to the aver
age American visitor as funereal.
Like Homicidal Mania.
"A man who has once murdered the
queen’s English always reels as If he’d
got the body under the sofa, it’s like
homicidal mania: the poor wretch
may be cured, but he Uvea in terror o(
an attack returning. He knows tt
doesn’t matter what he ie or what be
does; he may live like a saint or
write like an arch-angel; but one aitch
omitted from bis conversation wUl
wreck him at the last “—May Sinclair
^_I _
Attractive Hats j
THE two hats pictured here are of
that useful variety known as semi
dress or tailored hats and are de
signed for general wear. They
are of substantial materials well put
together. They are quite elaborate
enough to harmonize wtih a dressy
costume and not too much trimmed to
be worn with the plainest of tailored
gowns. Where women do not have oc
casion to go out a great deal, such
hats are the best choice. ("Going out'"
in this connection signifies filling so
cial engagements).
It goes without saying, almost, that
every woman should walk in the open
air for a time, every day of her life.
Most of them do, going about the busi
ness of life—marketing, shopping or
getting out to other lines of endeavor.
Very plain hats will answer for wear
in the morning, but every woman
needs a tailored hat Tor church—and
other occasions demanding the proper
attention to her personal appearance.
omen going to and from business
choose the plainer types of tailored
millinery, or rather those made ofr-the
most durable millinery materials, such
as beavers, felts and cloth covered
shapes, with trimming of silk velvet
or fancy feathers.
Fig 1 Is a shape which may be had
in felt or velvet, with a Taney braid
crown. Velvet loops and chenille ro
settes and tassels with a narrow
crushed band of velvet makes up the
trimming. The color combinations pos
sible in this model are very fine. The
>cnnet-like shape adapts the hat to
Almost any dress material can be
made up in this style. The round
yoke and collar-band are of tucked
net, the shaped trimming of fancy
silk piped at the edge with some
plain dark-colored silk: the sleevt3
are set into the armhole with a little
fullness, and are finished with cuffs
of silk to match the trimming.
Materials required: 1% yard 42
| the faces of older as well as young
j women.
The moderately large hat of felt,
shown In Fig. 2 is faced with velvet
and has a velvet collar about the
crown. A large handsome pompon of j
' short ostrich tips forms all the trim- i
ming it needs. This hat may be made j
in any good color or combination of
colors. It protects the head and eyes
' and is very generally becoming—a hat
to be worn with almost any costume.
We should beware of the “bare-head
ed” fad that possesses some communi
j ties, as it is very bad for the hair.
Just now more caps for morning and
evening wear are made than for many
years. Nevertheless girls and women !
ride about the city and country roads I
with the hair unprotected and blowing ,
about to become loaded with filthy
dust. The hair is naturally oily and ;
dirt sticks to it. Too frequent washing
: makes it brittle and injures its texture
; and color, yet there is no other way or
. keeping it clean except to protect it
j from the dust laden air. In the country
■ one may wear sunbonnets: those cut
: gracefully are as pretty as any head
' covering ever made. In the city there
; are well fitting soft street hats that
! protect the hair and eyes. Mothers j
should insist on their daughters wear
j ing hats, or caps, to and from school.
, as a matter of cleanliness. If this pre
, caution is taken, the hair may be
kept clean without literally wearing it
' out with washing. Once a month will
be often enough for the shampoo,
leches wide, % yard silk 22 inches
wide. *4 yard dark silk oa the cross,
H yard tucked net.
- —.
Garment Practically Indispensable and i
a Wide Choice of Materials
May Be Made. j ,
If you would profit by the example (
of French tailors, you will order sep- i
arate skirts of one of the following ■
First, a double-faced cloth that has
leaped into important place is being ! '
used It practically trims itself, and i <
will be very popular for this econom- 1 ■
leal reason.
Then there are cheviots and serges '
for light-weight models, and all colors
are In vogue, the neutral shades and j ,
dark blue leading.
Heavy fancy suitings are very popu
lar. The English tweeds and mixed i j
suitings are having a tremendous ■
favoritism shown them by the lead- '
ing houses.
Tailored skirts are not so straight
In outline, many showing slashed ef
fects at the side, and all are made
walking length.
Some have a slightly aised waist
band, so that no belt is needed, while;
others show a normal line, with a
stitched band attached to the skirt.
On others a back panel Is attached,
with a modified front edge that ex
tends towards the front, thus forming
a belt or girdle.
Here Is Still Another Sandwich That
It Is Claimed Is Just the
Right Thing.
The hostess is always on the look
out for some little dainty to serve at
afternoon tea time. It must be light
and delicate, for otherwise it might
endanger the dinner appetite, and for
the same reason too many sweets are
not advisable.
It seems that the poor sandwich is
a most overworked commodity, but It
will not down and bobs up serenely In
a new guise in the most unexpected of
places. And here It Is again, this time
with grated cheese and finely pow
dered pecans held to the thin rye
slices with a wee bit of English mus
tard. On another tray are round sand
wiches, a lettuce leaf and a thin slice
of tomato, with a small amount of
mayonnaise, and the cutting leaves
the edges smooth.
Sttll another filling is made by boil
ing a wee piece of calfs liver, chop
ping It very fine, and adding it to a
package of cream cheese, with the
juice of a small onion, pepper and
salt, one very finely chopped gherkin,
one olive and one sweet pepper. Add
enough sweet cream to make a paste,'
and spread the sandwiches very thin
ly, and cut in diamond shape. The
old-fashioned cookies of our grand-'
mothers’ day are again finding favor,
and at many tea tables the cookies
dear to our childhood will be found
making their debut, and will be en
joyed with almost the same zest as
they were before we grown-ups began
to dodge birthdays.
Polish Silver in Fashion.
Over in Paris they are wearing a
great deal of Polish silver which does
not tarnish. The shops will probably
bring it here, and it would be wise
for women to look it up and use it.
Belt buckles, buttons, antique brooch
es, and the heavy crosses which wo
men are wearing on the black velvet
ribbons around their necks are all
made of this metal, and the prices in
Paris are very small. They will dou
ble, of course, when they get to Amer- 1
ica, but even then they may not be
expensive. 1 *
Her Terrible Experience Shows
How Peruna Should Bo in Every
Home to Prevent Bolds,
Mrs. C. S.
Sa g e r s e r,
1311 Wood
land Ave.,
C i t y, Mo.,
"I feel it
a duty to j
you and to
others that
may be af
flicted like
myself. to
speak for
“Mv trou
b 1 e fi r s t
came after
la g ri p p e
eight or
nine years
ago. a gath
ering in my
head and
neuralgia. I
most all the
time. My
iit.xr. ears \ ^
and eyes Rfr6, Q, 3. Sagsrssr,
were badly
affected for
the last two years. I think from vour
description of internal catarrh that l
must have had that also. I suffered
very severely.
"Nothing ever relieved me like Pe
rnna. It keeps me from taking cold.
“With the exception of some deaf
ness I am feeling perfectly cured. I
am forty-six t ears old.
'T fee! that words are inadequate to
sxpress my praise for IVruna.”
General Idea That Too Much Food
Cannot Be Given Is Shown to
Be Erroneous.
JIan3- traditions with regard to the
reeding of tuberculosis patients and
with regard to food in general, are
given severe blows in a series of ar
ticles published in the October num
ber of the Journal of Outdoor Life,
the official organ of the National As
sociation for the Study and Preven
tion of TuJjerculosis. Dr. John R.
Mtirlin of New York, assistant profes
sor of physiology at the Cornell uni
versity medical college, holds in an
article entitled "The Dynamic Princi
ples of Nutrition,” that a consumptive
will gain weight and do well on three
pints of whole milk, eight ounces of
cream, five ounces of milk sugar, six
eggs and two slices of buttered toast
as a ration for 24 hours. The entire
diet, with the exception of the bread
and butter, could be prepared in ad
vance and served for a cost of about
Bftv cents for the day. Miss Cecilia
Flick of the Henry Phipps institute of
Philadelphia also offers some sample
iiets which the ordinary family can
prepare for even less than fifty cents
i day.
Dr. David R. Lyman of Wallingford.
Ponn., and Dr. Paul B. Johnson of
Washington. D. C., both agree that
:he ordinary person eats too much,
uid that the old notions about stuffing
* tuberculosis patient at all times and
seasons have been proven false. Dr.
Lyman holds that eggs are not a nec
?ssary article of the consumptve’s
liet. but that a tuberculosis patient
should eat anything that agrees with
aim that is nourishing. He thinks
:hat a tuberculosis patient should eat
Jnly a little more than a person in
jrdinary good health.
Her Infinite Variety.
A woman smoked a cigarette, and
nade thereby a sensation.
Such a sensation, in fact, that short
y another woman was smoking, and
hen another.
But as more and more women smok
ed the sensation they made grew less
tnd less, until at length they made no
;ensation at all.
That ended it.
“Well, what next?” quoth woraan
tind, for age could not wither her nor
ustom stale her infinite variety.—
Natural Ending.
“Our cook's dead.”
"Indeed? Did she die k natural
“Yes. the natural death of a person
vho tries to light a fire with ken<
ene!"—Stray Stories.
To Be
In the
Have some
with cream
for breakfast.
The rest of the day will
take care of itself.
Post Toasties are thin
bits of White Indian Corn
— cooked and toasted un
til deliciously crisp and
“The Memory Lingers”
Sold by Grocers
Postnm Cereal Co., Ltd
Battle Creek, Mick.
b_ J