Loup City Northwestern • « VOLUME XXX _LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 NUMBER 1 .VMM EVERY Garment TO BE BieiT! IF IT IS NOT BIGHT YOU HAVE NO TO TAKE III GASTEYER THE QUALITY HOUSE ESTABLISHED 1888 *L DdWWe ,v co» C «? f” atip *■* *£0 >°° ’”T Xbso\'i'^|J *h* iS{ ***%! v^f " Th« Labor of Baking hi amt U not reduced if you uu tiie right kind A Flour, end if the ques tion. ‘Wm, U the best Flour?" was put to vote aiuung the Inkers end Imnekeepen in this pert of the country, the uneaiuious reply would he White Satin You would rate for a if you were und to a. Isn't it worth giving a I-friftM Hill. LOUp wily —HIS miwgti Budding Materials And Lumber of every sort. Shingles Flooring. Planicing. Framing Timber and Lath. We are now in a position to make TEMPTING OFFERS * % to early buyers. If you are going to do any building or repairing this is a fine opportunity to get a “lot” for a little Keystone Lbr. Co. Coal yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Austin. j s 3 pr i — * if JQ ^ a- ^ 1 ZS 2 o -r ■■ i g- §£'?§■ 3 H " sWZ i *s«l‘=0 3^ ^ on W5 © V ▼ 1 |?|B&m 15 =3fR5■1 " *hb‘?S 2 ibiejtj o ■*• sj © ^ £ Vf s ?°3F}M s §01? g 72 s * 0 5 a •** • o * S » -v ^ 4 S’ S A CHI With aTboutht la It What other Christmas present costs so little and means so much as a sub scription to The Youth’s Companion —52 weeks for #1.75? It is a gift which benefits not only the one who receives it, but every member of the same household. With many Christmas presents the sense of novelty wears off by the week’s end, but The Youth's Companion is as new and sought after the fifty second week of the year as the first. It is elastic in Its adaptability, too; for it does not matter whether the present is for a boy or a girl, young married people, sedate couples, grand parents— there never was one yet who did not set store by The Youth’s Com panion. You cannot make a mistake if you give The Companion—and it is only S1.75 a year now. On January 1,1912, the price will be advanced to 2.00. The one to whom you give the sub scription will receive free The Com panion's Calendar for 1812, litho graphed in ten colors and gold, you too, as a giverof the subscription will receive a copy of the Calendar. The Youth'sCompashxk, 144 Berkeley St., Boston,Mass New Subscriptions Received at this Office. Crop Statistics Despite an unfavorable crop season in some portions of tbe state. Ne braska shows np a-good average vain of cereal staples of this year, state Labor Commissioner Louis X. Guy* has prepared a tabulations of tbeagrl cultural data gathered by bis office and finds tiiat where there has been a loss of crop value in one section or on one kind of grain it is made up by gains on other products or in more favored districts. Regarding the results of this year’s investigation, Ur. Guye said: “The 1911 report white being slight ly below the general avenge yield, seems to have gained through the .ad vanced prices and our enormous gain In fruit crops, hence the total value of our 1911 crop will beslightly in ad vance of the 1910. “The rapid strides made in fruit growing have necessitated the getting out of a separate bulletin on this sub ject and tbe total result of the fruit crop for 1911 will not therefore be known until this bulletin is com pleted.’’ The estimates on valuation for corn wheat, oats, rye and barley for 1911 and 1910 was based upon the current market value of crops at date of com pilation, which wae: 1910 1911 Corn.• .50 t .« Wheat. 90 L0I Oats. .25 M Bye.. .00 .* Barter. -46 A DAGOES ON THE WAR-PATH Oe After Train Craw at Hazard With Knives and tens. A Burlington train crew made up of Engineer George Hicks, Brakemen Polenzand Hu tchison, and Conductor Lawson were attacked by a gang of Italian track laborers at Hazard, one evening last week, in which guns and knives played a very conspicuous part. The train in switching at that point accidenUly struck the string of board ing and bunk cars occupied by the Italians, Jolting them up quite a bit. This infuriated the dagoes and they swarmed out of the cars fifty or sixty in number and took after the train crew armed with knives, revolvers and clubs. One of the Italians made a vicious jab at Brakeman Hutchison with a knife, catching him in the sleeve of the coat, but inflicting no wound. Others pulled a gun on En gineer Hicks and forbade him moving his engine, but he pulled out just the same and with the train crew got away from the infuriated mob with out any great damage being done. The Burlington sent officers to Hazard the last of the week, but we have beard of no arrests being made.—Ra venna News. Have you read toe Trap Law? Talk about class legislation, dis crimination, etc., have you aver read the state law relating to tramps? If a tramp refuses to do some work for you after he has asked you for food clothing or lodging, and you have asked him to do the work, he can be fined or imprisioned for failure to perform his part of the contract. If a tramp—and this applies only to roving vagabonds—grows angered over a refusad to give him a handout and assaults you or your property, or by threats or force secures food or clothing, he is guilty of a peniten tiary offense. And no officer need have a warrant to arrest a tramp for any offense. Furthermore, this law does not apply to women, to blind persons or boys under sixteen. Don't beieive it? Well, here’s the law: “Any person going about from place to place and asking or subsisting upon charity shall bs taken and deemed to be a tramp. “Any tramp wbowhail ask and re ceive from any person of any precinct town or village or city within this state any food, clothing or lodging or other assistance, may be requested by such person, in bis or her discretion to form a reasonable amount of labor therefore and any such tramp who shall refuse to perform any such labor when so requested shall be demed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviction thereof shall be fined not less than three dollars or more than twenty dollars and cost of prosecution and shall stand committed untlll the same is paid, but not exceeding one day for each dollar of fine; or may be imprisioned hi the county Jail at hard labor, not less than three days nor more than twenty days in the dis cretion of the court: but no such tramp shall be required to perform any such labor before six o'clock in the morn ing nor after six o'clock in the even ing. “Any tramp who shall wilfully and maliciously do any injury to any per son, or to the property real or personal of any person of any person, or who shall procure food, clothing or other property from any person by threats or by force shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by confinement at hard labor, in the state prison for a term not exceeding three years and not less than one year. “This act shall not appu to any minor under the age of sixteen years nor to any femal or Mind person.. “Whenever, any tramp in this state shall have committed any offense de scribed in this act, any sheriff, debuty sheriff, constable, city marshall, or poUoeman of the county, precinct, town or city in which such offense is committed may without warrant, and it is hereby made their duty to ap prehend such person and retain him in coitodjat the expense of the county city, town or Tillage in any place within the oonnty, and to prepare and file with the proper magistrate or court Me complaint against such offender and it shall be the duty of the officer making the arrest, to forth with jUe with the proper magistrate, or court hie complaint against such offender, and to prosecute the same.” Send fifty cent* to the Lincoln State Journal and you will receive that Mg state daily all the rest of the year. It will stop at the end of that time. The Journal is different from other state papers. It is Independent, pro gressive and fearless, not In politics for its owners or friends, does not print liquor or nastv medical adver tising, spends more money for state news, all the amoctated Press, splen did Washington aerrioe and does good things for Nebraskans. It prints more columns or reading matter than any other state paper, has many high clan special features, and Bixhy himself \ is worth the fifty cents. Try It at , this out price. Including Sunte] Special Prices 6 SIX DAYS ONLY 6 Calicoes, 4c per yd. Dress Gooods , * ” .. --* Very Latest Patterns, 76c values, now 49c Serpentine Crepe, 20c value, now 16c Ginghams, 18c vrlue, now 12c Aprons, big values, each 35c to*60c We Sell the R & G Corset Nothing Better A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Ladies’, Children’s and lien’s Up-to-Date Shoes Just Arrived And Our Prices Are Right MEN’S CAPS It a big discount Call in and look over our stock. We will meet any prices our competit ors give you, and then some. The House of duality and Low Prices Vic. Swanson. "** 4 Successor to C. W. Conhiser. ._sits ’ ’Rah for Rebraska Secretary W. R. Mellor of the state board of agriculture, in a speech as presiding officer at the Omaha land show during the Nebraska day excer cises last Friday handed out a bunch of facts about the fanning and live stock industries of this common wealth and its per capita possessions which made the alluring advertisements of other states look cheap by comparison. Mr. Mellor took the ground that Ne braska’s resources afford the best promise of returns for honest indust try that can be found in the union. “We do not see any reason why a citizen of Nebraska should be attract ed to some other state to seek a home or make investments,’’ he said. “Why do you know that the average corn production of Nebraska during the past ten years has been 175,000,000 bushels per annum; that wheat has averaged 45,5000,000 bushels and oats 61,000,000?” Detailing further the wealth of Ne braska, Mr. Mellor gave the following data; “We have in Nebraska 3,000,000 cattle, 3,000.000 hogs, 500,000 sheep. 1,000,000 horses, 1,000,000 mules, and 23,000 automobiles. Nor is this all of the wonderful showing of Nebraska. The last bank statement shows that we have more than 6200,000,000 in bank deposits. Nebraska has a mil lion two hundred thousand inhabit ants: therefore, the per capita wealth of each man, woman and child for products named shows for each in dividual; “145 bushels of corn, 38 bushels of wheat, 50 bushels oats 1 horse, mule or automobile, Seattle 3 hogs, ^ sheep “And in addition 6166,00 in cash de posited in the banks. The amount of cash for all the people of the United States is given out at about 636 per caoita while that in Nebraska is 6166. In the face of these conditions actualy existing, why should our citizens search elsewhere for a home of in vestment?” To Oor Row Trade Our old wheat flour is now all sold but we hare flour that is fully up in quality to any flour on the market and is sold by all merchants in town. Loup City Mu. aku Light Co. Notice Having sold my store, 1 wish tc notify all parties knowing themselves Indebted to me to please call and settle at once. ' C. W. Conhiser J . ' Careful Men; those who have made a financial success of their business, will tell you they started an account with their town bank when they were just boys. Some of their com panions took no interest in “a bank account” and today amount to prac tically nothing. Young men, if you expect to become successful busi ness men, save part of your earnings and lay them away in a strong bank and you will have made an excel lent start for a bright future. Come in and get acquainted with us. Loup City State Bank. RUGS, LINOLEUM, WALL PAPER, PORTIERES, DRAPERIES Everything to Beautify your Home can be bought of the Ferdinandt Furniture Company at Lowest Prices that can be obtained anywhere- Please compare below with any competitor. 9x12 Smith Axminster Rug.. .$23.00 9x12 Smith Saxony <>ug. 21.00 9x12 Ten-wire Brussels Rug.. 19.00 9x12 Wool Fibre Rug. 9.60 12ft Wide Linoleum, per rudning yard 2.76 6ft Wide Linoleum, per running yard. 1.10 W e meet all mail order prices. Bring us your . order and let us show you the goods before you have to part with your money. H.P. FertiMi FMr Cb.