The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1911, Image 5

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Go Carefully over the condition of this
bank ai different intervals.
De|’o*itor»' interests are protected first,
before any body or anything else.
The continued growth of this bank ia
the best possible evidence that we treat
all patrons with courtesy and extend to
them every facility to be found in a mod
ern banking institution.
Your account is welcome here.
SDL f. Man. h«t A B. Outhouse. Ticc-prcs.
L rauum. Caahkr
The Gem Theater
■Wt jo® ue I® un coat 4tn
and visit the Picture Shew Our
dome are always open and you are net*
eoase We run a
Bitiiff m Saturday Afternoon
Specul tor Udto and Children
Every Saturday
Chaa*e ®f ptcteres Each W*ht
Ole Swanson”
vrlii play la this bouse
Friday Eve.. Nov. 3
Come dona and spend an bou with
ta tUir you rest
A. O. LEE. Prop
Blanket* are cheap at Arthur's.
< m«*t» ib bulk at Reynolds' meat
black cat hosiery out* ears them
all re* Uvea at Arthur's.
A tor I erf nr* b just re
ceived by T. M. head
< I IV-nv-iaser. last »erk began
nwurf In Lis nr* leudnrr
Toe owgivt U> *•* the blanket* tiie
Loop CHy Mrrcuta Ga sell.
listen peter pail for Hides by r
K. Roynotds. Pioneer Meat Market
Fjt the KErT out la the nay erf
• me a V|»r»Uf> «i* T M Reed
lies LmmiU made a short business
trip to Lincoln U« IM of tie week
raocr kraut, meet pickles and dill
pickles at Bey sold' meat market.
An GitUr. * ic« remdenr* east of
l*e H EL cfcerri .» ready for the
Ta * at* sou ovaaket*. tin Loup
< tty Merrant: e to. *ei» mast all the
•eui blanket* In Lwy City.
-uln»L»;.<. K. beaushausen
and K. H. MiUn accompanied W.
J. bryan toOrd ia*t neck, folioaring
the latter » spend. !«ere
If you want to buy. sell
or exchange any kind of
property anywhere quick,
send or bring full partic
ulars to Central Nebras
ka Land Sc. _oan Co., wol
bach. Crd or Loup City.
■I to»r ud » I>. Zicnci*
man trtcnwd iM Thntwar from
tbrir tr.ji Ut kantu.
Tt* -and kiUert dra» ing t*-ran at
Taomt. Wonder if an; of
Mr jet jde sii'i le found ! uckjr'f
Wanted <.ir.*t«» J- art. <Jre-» uafcing
s*se Mr* iie-l.rcu* in-" boune cant
«f». F &r;i*oid> rentdeace.
Hef e* ]mnii*i>iTiff ;<wr woolen
Swdeo for sinter, ***- tie nice;
•Ori >j»t nrritrd b* II. L Arti.ur.;
►* F.fittf m «oor *prtqr ride kens and
odd bos u» Lee Brotier* air! wrflv*
tin t.tcfe«t strut price f»r tne
1* Uk tine. a»mc» drawn from
tarn catrlsp* at *irr* ry iani dran
tm Tuesday its am from SLerman
eeuMt came -at «?tbe t« i aititourb
A mite * ’em stork. >arcef>t- Vortto
Loup andOrdearb lta>l lucky numbers
Te U* *sc ksoe«r Utemselm In
debt Ve me. on aecouatn. or note.
pism r raU and make settle men’, and
■nee me the eiprtne driving out to
T M ttneu.
|r>. L C. Me Keen sat taken «to
«K wet nbue attendant U* Presby
tartsa byasd at North Platte law
Friday and returned borne at <ni
and bn* beo confined to bH bed for
Use poet several days. - Kearney iJem
Mrs. O Benscfaoter left Thursday
■Mentor tor a «hit to Kdpeeood.
lew. <« dsit a siwer a bo la in poor
Mrs. Gina* O'Bryan, and
Sw T. M. Reed for Peed Grinders.
A trig drop in sugar. See Loup City
Mercantile Co.
Spring chickens and old hens wanted
by Lee Brothers.
Pure kettle rendered lard at Rey
nolds meat market.
Try tl>e C. S. Stroud dray line,
lie will gj\e you good service.
bring your chickens to Reynolds.
He pays tlte highest market price.
H 11 Hehnke and Theo. Wilson
of Rockville gave this office pleasant
calls Tuesday.
C. S. Stroud successor to Conger,
will do your hauling promptly
and satisfactorily.
Jas. Kanunek, the harness man. is
1 taring a cement block house erected
in the rear of his store.
We lta\e a full supply of all kinds of
lump coal and our price* are right
Call at Tav lot's Elevator.
1L J. Nightingale was cal led to Au
rora Monday on legal matters, re
turning the following day.
We are paring 25 cents cash for
cream delivered at Lite creamery.
KiriSSA ( uuheky Co.
t'^nducter J. W. Amick left for
• 'maha yesterday to enter a hospital
for an operation for ulcerof the stom
We received a pleasant cal! front
Mr. C T. Mouthy of North Loup,
last Ti-urday. who was in the city on
Why >a> a big price for potatoes.
«l<en y >u can buy all you want for
Ti. per bushel of Ute Loup City Mer
cantile Co.
Mrs Ashley ( onger and baby dagl -
ter went to Biair. Neb.. ye*terdav
meriting to r isit a week or ten days
with her parents.
Lit’ e Margaret Long gave a party
last Thursday afternoon to some
of her tittle friends in honor of her
7th birthday anniversary.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
tieriee. • on «C. or leave your order
with eitlier lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mrs H. L. Wycoff of IHxie. Wash.,
arrived Iasi Thursday, with herdaugh-!
tei. for a visit with her parents. Mr.!
and Mr> S. S. Reynolds of Webster
ton as) ip.
Grand Chancellor Long and Sir
knight* Pedier and Will went to
llavrnna Tuesday night to assist in
making a number of Sir Knights of
"INd you say coal?” “Yes. Pinnacle
nut coal." This is a good coal for
gook stoves, free from slack and easy
to start. Try it. For sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Conductor Am ick lias been on the
sick list the past fen days. Mr. E.
Buster being iiere to take his place
a* condu.'ter. he and his wife being
guests at tlie St. Elmo.
<»ur -lock of I>ry Goods is complete
New line just arrived ef the latest
design^. Call in and price our goods
and note quahtv. We will treat you
right. Pleasant clerks at your de
mand Vic Swaxrox
The house of quality and low prices.
We ieam that Chas. Masiri the pop
•nan. has sold iiis residence adjoining
the Methodist parsonage, to A. O. ;
Lee. our moving picture man. and
with his broth-in-law will open up a
pop factory dn Broken Bow. We under
stand Masin will continue hi« pop
fAlton at tills place.
If you want to borrow
money on land, write for
application blanks. Cen
tral Nebraska Land and
Loan Co., Wolbach, Ord
or Loup City, Nebraska.
If you enjoy a good laugh and want
u> spend a pleasant evening see “Oie
Mranson" at the opera liouse nest
week .'riday evening. Nov. 3. The
play i* a pretty story fuil of bright
comedy. Good acting by a suberb
company of players. Pienty of songs
dance* and specialties and an abund
ance of special scenery. Positively
one of the beet entertainments seen
tier* tills season. A play like the
<Md Homestead and Ole Olson will
Hire forever.
Dr. S. A. Allen went to Omaha last
I Saturday afternoon to be in attendance
' at a dental meeting in that city the
early part of this week.
The state inspector of liorses was
scheduled to be here yesterday. No
tification of bis coming received too
late for publication last week.
Mrs. A. P. Culley returned home
from York the early part of this
week, her sister, Mrs. McPherson of
that city returning with her for a
Miss Meroe Outhouse, who came
iiome last week from her school at
Fairbury, quite ill. lias so far recovered
as to be able to return to her school
duties this week.
The first real snow of the season
fell last night, or rather began just
before daylight, continuing long enuf
for even late risers to see it, about an
inch falling.
We learn that Alex Dzingle had a
shoulder dislocated last week Friday,
while working with a thrashing ma
chine just east of town. We did not
learn particulars.
E. M. Marvel of Hamilton county,
who purchased the J. T. Hale farm
south of town, is in the city today,
accompanied by his friend. B. M. Dry
den. of the same county.
Will Mason. Frank Grow. Ashley
Conger and some other mighty hunters
went to the country Tuesday to find
some grme. It is said they returned
with a plentiful supply of—rutaba
gas. No remarks.
The walls of the new brick store
buildings of Lorentz and Betts are
completed and the rooting is being
placed. Henry Ohlsen and his ener
getic band of workmen are rushing
the work fast to completion.
It is the intention of Mr. Archie
Zimmerman to go to New Mexico for
the winter in the hopes that the
change of climate may be of benefit
to ins wife’s rather frail health. They
will go some time next month, as
soon as Mr. Zimmerman puts his
business In proper shape.
In mentioning the box social given
by the ladies of Cleora church last
week, the date was given as the 20th,
when it should have been the 27th
(tomorrow) evening instead. Now. if
vou get your paper witli this correc
tion therein in time this week, make |
it a point to be there and enjoy the j
the good time in store for those who;
The Northwestern office printed
invitation cards to the wedding at
Ashton next Monday. Oct. 30. of Mr.
John S. 1‘apieanik to Miss Clara,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bra
/.inski. tlie eeremony to occur at St.
Francis church at 8 o'clock in tlie
morning. The Northwestern wishes
in advance a world of happiness to
these worthy young people.
A ftei a hard day's work in the office,
at the factory, behind the counter, or
wherever it may be. what is more re
freshing or restful than a hearty,
wholsome laugh. One forgets his or
her own troubles and worries. If you
care for an evening of pure, clean and
refined entertainment, you should not
overlook seeing that funny, good
natured Swede. "Ole Swanson." at
the Opera House next week Friday
And still Loup Citv improvements
are adding in number. The Loup
City Mercantile Co. is the next one
on dock and is making arrangements
to add another story to their line
business block, besides tearing away
tlie wooden building in the rear and
replacing it with brick. This will
give tills enterprising store double
the amount of store room and its
made necessary by tlie fast increas
ing business.
Rev. Mr. Blom and family will oc
cupy the old residence of Mrs. Hawk
west of the M. E. cnurch. as soon as
Bro. Beushausen moves into her new
residence. In the meantime. Mrs. j
Blom is having a visit with friends i
at Stromsburg. till they can have po
ssession of the new home. They move
from Ed. Angier's house, into which
lie will move from telephone head
quarters. into which the new man
ager of the telephone company moves
as soon as vacated.
Miss Zeipha Reed's school in the
Charleton district will have a "Slave
Sale" on Friday evening. Nov. 10th.
The nmel method of selling the an
gelic portion of the audience to the
highest bidders, instead of the usual
metlcd of -selling the baskets of
provinder. will obtain. The slaves
will lie divided in two groups—mar
ried and single—thus prevent ing tlie
old IUld-headed heathens form buying
out of their class. It should be a
verv "taking" affair.
A jieculiar suit comes off Ire fore j
.iucsfi* Smith next Monday, in which!
the Union Pacific sites Mr. L. Han
sen, cashier of i lie First N'atinnal
Bank of this citv' for eight, dollars
and a fraction over, alWed balance
due itie company in the of
two tickets to the Pacific Coast and
return. Some time since, Mr. Han
sen and iris wife made a trip to the
coast, purchasing, paying for, receiv
ing and using two round trip tickets,
at the publishod tariff rate. Upon
their return the company demanded
the addition of some four dollars and
over on each ticket and the suit is
ahe outcome of Mr. Hansen's refusal
to come across with the rhino. It
will be of interest to future purchas
ers of railroad tickets, to know the
outcome and the whys and where
fores of the contention.
Dr. Leeper is in Lincoln attending
tbe Congress of Nebraska Methodism
this week. He will however be at
home for the regular service nextSur»
We understand that A. L. Zimmer
man and wife intend wintering in
Texas and have already rented their
residence property for the winter
months, in event of their going.
Frank Winklemanr.'s infant daugh
ter died last Friday .norning from
an attack of whooping cough. The
funeral occured Saturdav morning
from the house. The Rev. Powers of
the Babtist church officiating
Last Thursday night presented this
section with the first good hard freeze
of tbe season, followed Friday after
noon with a light snow and rain and
that night with a heavy frost. What
has become of the summer's wages?
Wednesday evening of this week
occurred the installation service of
Rev. J. C. Tourtellot. at the Pres
byterian Church. Rev. L. C. McEwen
of Kearney, former pastor of this
church, preached the sermon of the
evening. Rev. Davies of Ord.gave the
charge to the people, and Rev. W. W.
Smith, of our Presbyterian College
at Hastings, gave the charge to the
pastor. The service was an inspiring
one, and of great interest.
Wanted—Good Housekeeping Mag
azine requires the service#of a rep
resentive in Loup City to look after
subscription renewals and to extend
circulation by special methods which
have proved unusally successful. Sal
ary and commission. Previous ex
perience desirable, but not essential.
Whole time or spare time. Adress
with references. J. F. Fairbanks,
Good Housekeeping Magazine. 381
Fourth Ave. New York City.
The record breaking comedy drama
“Ole Swanson" will be the attrac
tion at the Opera House next
week Friday Nov. 3. Tins is the most
complete and best Sc&ndinavian
American dialect comedy now before1
the public. Enhanced by a senic
equipment of beauty and magnitude
the leading roles are in the hands of
some of the foremost comedians and
commediennes on the American stage
and specialties introduced during the ]
play assures yon thn* t' is is or" f:
the theatrical events the >n
School Notes
Every Friday afternoon the sixth
and seventh grades hate a “Base Ball"
I spell down. Last Friday the score was
i 10 to lo.
The Sophomores entertained the
Juniors on a "trot" last Friday night
Every one reports a good time.
Mr. Syas. the lecturer, gave a very
interesting talk at chapel Monday.
Oct. M.
The fourth grade has lost one pu
pil, Lucile Tavlor.
The entire school was dismissed
Tuesday morning Oct. 17th in order
that the pupils and teachers might
be able to hear Mr. Bryan speak.
Miss McGovern visited at her home
in Comstock from Friday until Mon
Helen Taylor a third grade pupil
has stopped school.
I>eltaar Hraper a former high school ,
pupil is visiting school this week. ;
Having sold my store. 1 wish to;
notify all parties know ing themselves
indebted to me to please call and
settle at once. C. W. Conliiser
Notice of Referee Sale
Stave of XebYaska.)
- ss
Sherman County, 1 Tbe state of Nebraska.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby giym That by virtue of an
order of the District Court of Sbermau coun
ty Nebraska, made on tbe 30th day of Septem
ber. 1911. in a suit tberein pending, wherein
Clara Barcus is plaictiO and Charles Van Bus
kirk and J. II Barcus are defendants, that I.
Robert I*. Starr appointed by said court as
referee, to <ei! the following described prem
ises. to-wii: lots one dk two '2). three'S',
ten (He and eleven (11‘ in bloek fourteen (M).
in tbe village of Hazard, in Sherman county ,
Xenraska. wiit offer tbe aforesaid propersy for !
•ale to tbe highest bidder for cash on the sec
ond day oj December. 1911. at one o'clock p. m.
in the afternoon of said day. Said sale to take
place at me south door of the court bouse in
Loup City, in said county.
Dated this iith dav of October. 1911.
Robert P. Starr. Referee.
Last pub. Nov. 39
w inter Goods
to select from, and everthing is of the
Latest Patefp apd of the Best Quality
Everything we sell is guaranteed, and it you
once try us, we are sure you will stay with us, as
our aim is to satisfy our customers.
Boys Blue Serge Suits
Extra good value, peg-topped and
full-lined, age 9 to 16 year
price, $5.00
Ladies’ apd Childfep’s Cloaks ip the
Latest Styles.
25 per cent off for 6 days only
Commencing Saturday Morning, Oct. 28th
We have an Up-to-Date line of Shoes, and a big
line of School Shoes. We handle the
W. L. Douglas apd Star Brapds
'7*r® Better”
Dress (roods!
We have a big line in very latest patterns
and at prices that are right.
Poland China Boars for Sale
1 have a fine bunch of spring boars
sired by King Wonder 56749 and Paw
nee Lad 54324. and out of such sows
as Do Look {1187091. Lady Rose (122324)
Jessie Belle. Big Queen. Lengthy,
Miss Monw and others. If you want
the big boned, big litter kind, come
early and make your selection. Farm
three-fourths mile southeast of Loup
City. H. J. JOHAXSEX. Owner.
Range or Heater
Those who rise to be
■ big men, rise ear
ly every mom
Big Ben
Does It
The Reliable Jeweler
^» I
■■■■■■hhmbbhbbhhk i i
October Special Rates.
October 15th.
THE DRY FARMINQ CONGRESS at Colorado Springs Octc. r
16-30. will lie one of the most ihstructive conventions ever held In the we-t:
special rates.
THE OMAHA LAND SHOW, October 16th to 28th. Here v ,u
will see under one roof the remarkable products of irrigation and dry fas :n
i hig: it »ill lie a great educational show of farm and orchard products from
every state in the west.
closing a most successful season ;»i heavy crops. Filings for Goverment irr
igated homesteads this Autumn will be very numerous. Some of the finc-t
lands that the Goverment has evt ■ i - -stowed are for you in these regions. A
party of twenty-one new paper cor re,- (-ondents has just made a tour throu
I the Big Horn Basin and the Sheridan Country and they wcr? ami/ed at t e
; wonderful Helds of grain and alfalfa, the ample water s'uop.v th- :>erman* -it
; canals, Uie progressive new tow ns, the productive soil, t: e climate the s -
1 rounding and seme mountains, the mineral wealth, the industrial possil. -
ities and the hospitality of the people.
Join our personally conducted excursions the first and third Tues
, days of each month apd keep ahead of the coming movement.
J. A. DANIEIjSON, Agent, Loii[< <1ty.
| L. W. WAJCELEY, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.