Loup City Northwestern S VOLUME XXIX LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 191 i NUMBER 51 □ EVERY Garment CTO BE liil IF IT IS NOT RIGHT TO TAKE H! GASTEYER THE QUALITY HOUSE ESTABLISHED 1888 4 RdtaWe ****** wr,v _ yS&9 - **T!S“ssS *«• **r^ *” u*r *€rT «i*{»eioT? • i »*“ “ . Loft°* S*aM* ^ *" Tho I ibif off Bakin# to mmmj U mm ntoacod if you u*e the HrK fctai ad now. ud It the »>•-? in moderate oven for fifteen minutes. Serve with whipped cream, or Snow flake sauce, which is prepared as fol lows; Cream ooe-half pound of butter and 1 pound of pulverised sugar to gether. Add gradually while beating constantly, 1 cupful of rich cream. This is necessary in order to m«.by * mixture of proper consistency. Flavor to taste and place on ice before using. euAPB PUC Take the skins off grapes and stew pulp five minutes put through strainer to remove seegs, then put skins and juice together and have enough to make one and a half cupfuls of grapes Add to the grapes one and a half cup fuls of sugar. 2 level UUespoonfuls of flour. 1 tablespoonful of butter and 2 eggs, stir ail together. Bake in rich crusts. Our sympathy is with Mrs. John Goodpastor who jabbed her husband with a hatpin for snoring in church, it is one thing to sense a feelii* at weariness when listening to a sleepy sermon and quite another to let go and make an exhibition of yoQraelf as John Goodpastor did. Worse Um all, when his wile did him the kind ness to bring him out of it, instead of signifying his appreciation of her kindness, he biffed her one for luck, and broke up the meeting. The hniww of worship la no plaoe for a man like this one. He should be domiciled in a bam with his ktacL-Btx hi State JoofcaaL -n IS I —— “Queer" Bunch at York Excelsior Lodge No. 168. 1. O. O. F. of Loop City, put up the necessary amount to guarantee a special train over the B. & M., from Sargent to York, to witness the dedication of the I. O. O. F. home at that place Wed nesday, the 18th. which special train left Sargent abeut6:30 a. M. arriving at Loup Cl tv about 8 oelock, where about fifty Odd Fellows and Rebakalis boarded the train, arriving at York about noon, just as the special with the grand lodge officers and delegates to different grand bodies arrived from Lincoln. The chevaliers In uniform and Odd Fellows were formed in line and marched up town, where they disbanded for lunch. The Loup City bunch tried headquarters, several cafes and the Lutheran church, that all seemed to have a tip as to the capacity of the bunch in that line and unwilling to take chances, when our venerable warden, wno can tell an M. E. Minister at sight, succeeded in getting the M. E. church aggregation to take them in and you should have seen the price of flour go up. At 1:30.the chevaliers in uniform, followed by the Odd Fellows, were formed in procession and inarched to the home, a distance of two miles, where they were pleased to find a beautiful structure of pressed brick located on a quarter section ol York coun' y land, which will be a lasting monument of generosity to Odd Fel lowship of Nebraska. After vie wing the interior of the building, the ded icatory services were announced and as many of the vast throng as could witnessed a most beautiful ceremony of dedication by the grand officers of different I. O. O. F. grand bodies consisting of the building of a rep resentative temple of Friendship. Love. Truth. Faith and hope on a foundation of purity capped with a copestone of charity, which ceremony conveyed to the thinking mind the moe>t beautiful lesson that a structure built on principles and a firm found ation will last through all ages. After the ceremony. Past Grand Master Norris gave a practical address which was enjoyid by all wlto could get within hearing distance, at the close of which the procession was again formed and marched to town just in time to secure a lunch before starting on the train home. The rear guard upon arriving at the tain found ail excitement, the captain of the Loup City squad having lost his wife and suitcase, the Ensign his coat, and the report of the marriage of the Lieutenant proving to be a false alarm. In time matters became settled and the train pulled out for home with a tired, sleepy, hungry bunch on board, and just as the boys were about to court martial Jimmy Conger for desertion his amible wife sprung a lunch which reminded the boys of mother’s cooking and re stored strength and vigor, after which Ashley pulled his guitar and accom panied the boys in a desperate struggle to sing a few familiar songs, followed by a speech from Ashley which was ▼ery elevating, until the rope broke, when there was a certain decline. Uncle Joe was too much for the boys on the trip, but they evened up with him next day by reporting to his wife that since be bad become young and giddy she had better go along next time. For certificates of good be havior. apply to Rev. Shurley of Central City and Clark Reynolds of Loup City. The Latest Swindle The latest smooth swindle that is being worked on the unsuspecting farmer is reported from Iowa. A stranger will happen by looking for work and the farmer will hire him. After a few weeks be informs his im bloyer that he has to write to his former employer who owes him some money, the amount being a consider able sum. In a few days he gets a check from his former employer and of course be has to be Identified in order to get the check cashed. The ; farmer Identifies him at the bank end endorses the check. Soon after Che fellow departs, the check is re turned to the batik as bogus and the farmer has to pay the amount. It would be well for farmers to be on the lookout for this fellow.—Shelton Clipper. Soae She U Ctmry Couty Cherry county, Nebraska is 90 miles long by 60 miles wide, containing 5, 400 square miles. From Cherry coun ty could be csrvbd two states the size of Delaware, with enough territory left over from which might be carved seventeen District of Oolumbias. Or two states the size of Delaware and Rhode Island might be territory left over to make another carved from Cherry oounty with enough state the size of Delawaro and throe District of OolunMas. A state the size of Cherry county with enough territory left over to mate seven District of Oolumbias. The population of the globe is estimated by statisticians to be a billion and half. Every last one olthm eoukMbad room In Chany Along R. R. No. 2. Mrs. Henry Heed and rliilqrrii ar rived from ibeir visit in Iowa last Saturday evening. Mr Ira Daddow and wife. Mr. Ear nest Daddow and w ife and M r>. Je»it McFadden visited at the iiome of Homer Hughes last Sunday. Mrs. L. P. Squire came home from her visit at Comstock last Wednesday Ed Flynn, Luther Goodwin. F. A. Pinckney. Milo Gilbert went to York with the Odd Fellows. Mr. W. H Hughes and wife and Mr. Yestis Paswater visited at the home of In Daddow last Monday. E. G. Taylor has a gang of men busy digging a new onli race a short distance below the bridge that crosses the nee west of town. The ladies aid society will bold their third annual ovster supper on the night of election in the Wiggle Creek church. They will also serve lunch from 3 o'clock in the afternoon on. They will sene a regular meal at about six o'clock in the evening and their bazaar will be in full sway during all this time. Everybody is invited. Mr. Junl Wescott from Oklahoma is here visiting his brother Yan T. Wescott this week. Will Dnper had a new windmill put on his farm west of town last week. The new house of Mr. Barrick shows up fine in the distance. It is just west of John Olson's. The big four have been grading the road in Webster township the past week. Otto Holm got back from his land seeking trip in the west last week and was busy hauling corn to Loup City Saturday. Geo. Hosier was out on route two last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boss of Omaha visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jorgenson. Mrs. Boss is a sister of Mrs. Jorgensen. They have been visiting at Salt Lake City prior to their coming here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hansen or Ash ton visited at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. Obermiller last Sunday.' Alfred Jorgenson would like to get j some one to paint his new barn he intends building soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Gallaway and family will be patrons on route two about Dec. 1st. They will move into the new house of Miss. Hattie Hay hurst. Fred Johnson and Paulsen's young people visited at the home of Albert Snyder. There will be a box social at the home of Harry Shipley Friday even ing Oct. 27th. Everybody invited. Ed Flynn's com is yielding from 30 to 33 bushels per acre. Mr. and Mrs. SimCriss were visiting at Loop City one day last week. There is a man by the name of John son moved on the Rev. Miller farm at Round Grove. There are about as many Johnsons on route two as there are Daddows. Will Petersen made another trip up to Minnesota the put week. Will Hawk sold somthing like 300 bushels of apples from his place this year. Jim McBeth drove down to Polk county and got a wagon load of apples from his father’s place this month. Clear Greek Reas Mr. Van Dyke was a Columbus visitor last week. Mrs. Thompson and daughter Mabie of Ulysses Sebr., are here keeping house during Mrs. Lowry's absence. Mas tor James Thompson is attend ing school at Lone Elm during his mother’s star here. Mr. Chester Adams was a Broken Bow visitor last Saturday. All the farmers of this vicinity have commenced husking com. Mr. Frank Kuhn and family have moved into their new house. Mfe Harter Ukes HorMa We have received the following letter fro% Judge Hunter which tells its own tale: "Zephyrhills, Fla.. Oct. 19.—"Dear Burleigh: Please find en closed *1- I want your paper that we may bear what is going on in old Loup City. We often speak of the good people there, but you may toast your toes by the fire for the next six months, while I live in the queen state of the union, the land of fruit and flowers. This certainly is the place God intended for the old veteran to pass his declining years in. We have a pleasant home here got a lot of sweat potatoes growing and like It fine. Our beat regards to all friends yourself Included Just drop the old quill, when the hltnsrds begin to howl, and come down here and task Geo. W. Hunter.” ™ Fifteen High Class Duroc Jersey Boars I am now offering the choice tears at farmers’ (aloes, Haedelers Choice Goods, Ho. 193899. Sire heads my head. Xy_a(p are growthy and ready to ship. Write me. Farm two miles went front Ashton Depot. m m an The Groceryman Sells the best goods, fills all orders promptly and endeavors to fill all the demands ol his custom ers in a satisfactory manner and is the man who should get your orders. We claim to be able to please any one. OUR GROCER IES are the kind that will bring you here with a duplicate order ECONOMY Is the National watchword these days. Economic methods are replacing more extravagant ones. We are passing through a period of economic changes. Our bank offers the best of facilities for the handling of all financial mat ten, and these are times when you stwaM use economy and good lodg ment. What a pleasure it is to old people, when they reach mature yean, not to lean for financial help on their young er relatives. Start a bank account and resolve to add to t each month. Tou will not regret it. Loup City Strife Bank. Loup City. Nebraska OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. S. Pedler.President John W. Long.Vice President C. C. Carlsen.Cashier F. N. Austin.Assistant Bashier W. R. Mellor, E. G. Tavlor S. N. Sweetlsnd. Sami. Daddow RUGS, LINOLEUM, WALL PAPER, RORTIERES, DRAPERIES Everything to Beautify your Home can be bought of the Ferdinandt Furniture Company at Lowest Prices that can be obtained anywhere- Please compare below with any competitor. 9x12 Smith Axminster Rug.... $23.00 9x12 Smith Saxony Rug.. .. 21.00 9x12 Ten-wire Brussels Kug. 19.00 9x12 Wool Fibre Rug. 9.60 i 12ft Wide linoleum, per radning yard. 2.76 6ft Wide linoleum, per running yard. 1.10 We meet all mail order prices. Bring us your order and let us show yon the goods before you have to part with your money. H. P. FenMl r ' iCi What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last forever. Wa Lika to Taka Photographs of young people, and judging by the samples »* have, young people Uke to nave ns do it. Come and lean the reason. Then probably yon will decide to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.