The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 21, 1911, Image 4
Profession*i Cards KOBT.f. SrABK Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. NEBRiSKM. NIGHTINGALE A SON kKcaij uiCiutiicr<it4av LOUP CITY. NEB It H. MATHEW, Anorney-ai-Law, And Bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska 11 MI WALL Lawyer Practice* in all Court* I <np City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW NKoaaur to K. H Starr Bonded Abstracter Bu4.rC*trr. Nukok*. 0*11 set of Abstract book*in ounty O. K. LONOAC RE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank JKLKPBOWK CALL. NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS Loup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. at BfiMracy. i'ciepiione 1 uuuectioa S. A. ALLEN. OE.YTiST, LOl*P CITY. - - NEB. Oftoe up stair* . u the ur» Stale Bank Uaildioif. W C MARLY. DENTIST, LOUP CITY. NEB. OFFICE: East Side Public Suuare. Miont. 10 un 36 DU. J. U. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON Loup City, Nebr Treat* aii diseases of domestic ani mal*. Teetli mark a specialty. Office Phone. - 3 on 72 Building Materials AM Lwilvr of «en »rt Mangles Fk. rjMr 1'lansing. Framing Ti inker **** Sc are non in a position to nt»k< TEMPTING OFFERS to* eeri> Uijcn. If )uu art* going to do ant building or repairing Uiis is a tor r*ppurtunit« to get a "lot” for a Mule. Keystone Lbr. Co. Itml yards at Louj» City, Ashton. Kockrilleand Austin. The Labor of Baking u many Uaa reduced if you use the rigid kind of Flour, and if the ques Uoii. "What Is the beat Flour*” »u put to role among the baker* and housekeeper* in this part of Uie country, the unanimous reply would White Batin You would rote for it if you were wed to it. laa’t it worth riving a trial* Loup City Mills Mai CMaa Boars far Sale I hair a line bench of spring bom aired by King Wonder 56741* and raw* nee Lad 54X74. and c.Uf of such sows a* lioLook(ll*:>o ,,Lady ItoeilSni Jessie Belle. Big Vuecn. Lengthy. Nis Moow and others. If you want the big boned, big titter kind, come enriy and wake your selection. Farm i liiwue fourths mile MuUeut of Loop €kf- U* JL JOUAKSKN. Owner. THE NORTHWESTERN rums —ttm rn ybait. ir paii> ih aiitaka Law-red »i Ue Loup Cl if Poslottlc* for trus ■1—1 on in much Ihe mail* a* second ciaM matter. Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence, - - 3 on 21 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. aftd Pub Notice of Primary Notice is hereby given that a Re publican Primary Election will be held at Thaw. Parsley residence in Elm Townahip. Sherman County Nebraska at n o’clock p. in. on Sept. 22 1*11 for the purpose of placing in Domination a candidate for each of the Twp. offices and to transact such otiier business as may properly come twfore said meeting. Adam Zahn Twp. Committeeman And now a Cincinnati docUu comes out with a claim that eating sauer kraut will prolong the life of the consumer. Newark. N. J. is the tirst town in America to try telepoone newsservice. 'Hiere are some people on party lines in tills vicinity who have been get ting news tint way for a long time. One Lincoln man called another a liar and now Uie otiier. meaning the one who was called, brings suit for tlo.ikki damages. We are willing to admit that we are a liar for half the money. It cost a Tccutnseh young man #25 to attempt to iiug ids best girl while escorting her home the other evening. Even fci.'* per is pretty heavy let alone Hat amount for an unsuccessful at tempt' An Omalia debating society lias derided that a horse is more desirable than an automobile. Notwithstand ing this we presume people will still go on mortgaging their homes for tlie latter. An Ohio man boasts that he can rock tlie cradle with one hand and liuttonhis w ife's dress with the other. We presume also that the gentleman has learned to speak distinctly wiht his mouth ful of pins Tlie Burlington estimates tlie corn crop for lids year at between 5,000.1X10 and lO.iXXMXiu bushels better than last year. Others who have equal opportunities for getting information place it at less than last year. Tliomas Parker, a three year-old child of Jersey City. N. J., threw stones and hit one Joseph R. Blum enthal and the latter had the little fellow arrested on charge of assault and battery. Joseph should have the sympathy of tlie entire comunity. Tlie Bankers of the state met in < »maha Monday and Tuesday of this week. Several noted speakers were present and the meeting ended with a banquet at tbe Omaha Field Club. Loup City was ably represented at the meeting by Mr. Austin of the Loup City State Bank. Lafoilette is unfortunate in ills Nebraska booster. Tlie fame of Frank Harrison is such that his red-handed attempt at butchery of all who favor anything tiie immortal Frank does not favor, will put quite a damper on Lafoiletteism throughout Nebraska. Dr Wiley, the pure food expert, will not give his scalp over to his enemies. President Taft upholding the chief chemist. Now what will Taft's defamers, who felt sure the president would be a puppet in tlie hands of his advisers, say to this? "There is a difference between a a vacume cleaner and a panent milk ing machine, although they work on tlie same principal" says the Custer Countv Beacon. You can see tlie latter in operation if you visit the farm of Kd Gibbon near Comstock. With the machine one man can milk eighty cows in about the same lenghth of time It would take him to milk one by the old hand method. Tuesday and Wednesday at North Loup the annual “Pop Corn Days” were celebrated. Tlie citzens of that thriving little city provide a novel entertainment for their visitors in as much as there is no admission charged to any of tlie attractions, no entrance fee to any of the contests and quantities of pep corn, coffee, with cream, sandwhiclies etc are free to all. Tlie Ravenna News of last week is responsible for the following: The -u>ry comes from Lincoln that a baby was recently born, and it was desired to ascertain its weight, but unfortunetly there was nothing in tlie house in tlie wav of a pair of scales, so next morning when tlie iceman called on his dailv rounds tlie ’ baby was wrapped in a napkin and taken out and weighed in tlie iceman's scales. It weighed 36 pounds. Since Harmon lies received tlie nomination for railway commissioner Mike Harrington had subsided til[ a few days ago. when he opened his sluice gates of wrath on the success ful Nebraska Harmon. He claims Harman was nominated through the ■combined railroad and liquor interest and that at tlie primaries even then lie received less than lialf the votes | of tlie three other candidates and °"'r received a small plurality vote ! It is evedeni Mike will use all his in‘ ! Hoence to encompass the defeat of ! Hi?. ™l'ro4<* candidate, but Uiat will hardly be necessary as Ills *as been assured since the day of his successful nomination by a small plurality of tlie democratic vote. CM* Hut Up CrudaotlMrt Shawl Edith M. Weidenfeld, writing in the fashion department of the October Woman's Home Companion aays: “Fortunate Is the woman who in herited from her grandmother or her great-grandmother, a handsome lace shaw l either black or white, for lace shawls arranged in new ways are again in vogue. One of the new ways of using an old-fashioned lace shawl is in in tlie sleeveless jackets seen a great deal in Paris and New York just now and though many of them are made of silk or satin, those of laoe are decidedly modish. It is caught in at tlie higiit waist-line with a black and white silk cord and it fastens in frono with tiny black buttons. A lace shawl used lids tills would be all tlie trimming necessary for a plain satin or chiffon gown.” HEALTH AS AN INVESTMENT Fraternal Orders, Labor Unions and lusuranco Cos. Errect Tuberculosis Sanatoria As an investment in the health of their members, four large fraternal orders, two international labor unions and one of tiie largest insurance com panies in tiie United States have es tablished sanatoria for tne treatment of tuberculosis according to a state ment issued today by the National Association for the Study and pre vention of Tuberculosis. The Royal League the first fraternal order to establish a sanatorium conducts a hospital for its tuberculosis members at Black Mountain. The Modern Woodman of America conducts one at Colorado Springs, the Woodman Circle at Liberty New York, and the Independent Order of Foresters have one at Rainbow Lake. N. Y., and will soon open a second one at San Fernando, Cal. The Internationl Typographical Union has since 1898 condncted a sanatorium at Colorado Springs, and the International Print ing Pressmen and Assistants Union of America has recently opened a new insitution at Rogersville, Tenn. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is now erecting a sanatorium at Mt. McGregor N. S'., which will be the first of its kind to be established by Q n “aIi! I ilia" inciii’iinna nomnenv In addition to these institutions already established, the Benevolent and Prospective Order of Elks, the Foresters of America, the Knights of Oolambus, the Independent Order of Odd Fellowes, and several other or ders considering the advisability of erecting sanatoria for their tuber culosis members. Some of the large fraternal orders and labor unions like Ladies of the Maccabees of the World the lntarnational Photo-Engravers I’nion and othersconducteducational campaigns against tvberculosis though they do not have sanatoria of there own. The Equitahie Life Assurance Society also lias recently established a "Conservation Department” in which the prevention of tuberculosis will be given especial attention. Other insurance companies are con sidering similar action- Since the membership of the leading fraternal orders alone is nearly 15.000.000 the National Association estimates that about 30,000 members of these lodges bie of tuberculosis alone every year. Since more than half of these ‘lives could be saved at a comparativly small outlay, the Association figures that the fraternal orders are losing millions every year in death claims which might be saved. Where He Cot It “Yes, Sir,” says the man with the determined air, “1 heard my boy using slang last week, and 1 soon put a stop to it.” “Children are apt to pick up slang expressions very read ily,” soothingly says the man with the beniguant look. “Well, I didn't bother about investigating as to where he got on to such a line of talk. I just trotted the youngster into the bed room, took up my slipper and told him this slangy wav of hand ing out conversation didn't go in my neck of the woods, and he had tc cut it out forthwith or else he would get what was coming to him. And you can bet your life he laid down his hand right away.”—Exchange Nine persons were killed at Syra cuse last Sunday afternoon and four teen others injured by a racing auto skidding from the track at the State Fair grounds during a fifty-mile automobile stunt and plunging into the greatcrowd witnessing the sights. FILLING TEETH WITH CEMENT Plastic Mass Cannot B« Massed As Permanent, but It Has Many Advantages. Nearly every one. at some time In Ms life, has had a cement filling placed In a tooth, and yet to most people the suhject of cement fillings Is a hazy one. Many confuse this fill lng with amalgam, porcelain and gut tapercha. and while It may have char acteristic* akin to these three, yet It Is of an entirely different order. Those who wish their teeth attend ed to intelligently can do no better than to Investigate the merits of the different kinds of filling, for although It Is the usual thing to leave this mat ter to the dentist, there Is a great deal of truth In the proverb about two heads being better than one. Cements usually consist of a powder and a liquid, which, when well mixed together with a spatula, will produce a plastic mass that In time will be come hard. Those who have ever watched workmen laying a concrete curbing will see this process on a large Beale. If cements were only durable they would make the ideal filling, for they present many desirable characteris tics. Among these may be mentioned the ease of matching the color of the tooth, the sticky quality, which adds strength to the tooth, the low cost, the ease and quickness of insertion, and the fact that the tooth filled with cement needs less cutting than when other materials are used. Even If cement cannot be classed as permanent. It still ranks as a very valuable filling material. In children’s teeth. In frail teeth. In discolored teeth and In teeth where temporary work is required. It has a useful field. As a medium for attaching crowns, bridges, posts. Inlays and bands ft Is unex celled. It la largely used for sealing medicines In the treatment of teeth, and some cements have certain anti septics Incorporated In them to serve a* treatments. The poor have often blessed the ce ment filling for preserving their teeth until they were able to bear the ex pense of more pnnanent work. Cement. Uke any other temporary filling, Is good In Its place, bnt too much must not he expected of It, and It will bear close watching. (Copyright, Western Newspaper Union.) Qoaslp In Olden Time. “I hear,” says Methuselah’s niece, "that Tllsah, the daughter of seth, Is to wed Bllflle, the son of Kooth.” "Yes.” replies Asapa. the daughter of Megog. "The Idea! Why, he la young enough to be her great-grand Road Notice (Tliode) To all whom it may concern: The I Commissioner appointed to locate a ! road commencing at the quarter stake between sections 30 and 31 and Tun ing thence south one mile arid thence east and terminnating at Road No 390 all in Twp. 16 Range 14. Road to be 4o ft wide has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections therato or claims for damage must be tiled in the ottlce o! the Countv Clerk on or before noon of the 30th day of October 1911 Sept 11 1911 W. C. Dieterichs County Clerk if you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. 8 on t>3, or leave your order with either lumber yard* or E. G. I Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. ' Road Notice (Lonowski) To all whom it mar concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the intersection of Road No 17 on the setion line be tween sections 29 and 32 in Town ship 16 Range 14 and running thence west on section line between said sections 29 and 32 and between sec tions 30 and 31 in township 16 range 14 and between sections 25 and 36 and sections 26 and 35 in township 16 range 15 and terminnating at the Loup Valley Road No206 has reported in favor of the establishment there of and all objections thereto or claims for damage must tiled in the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of 8he 1st day of November 1911. Sept 14 1911 VV. C. Dieterichs County Clerk !■■■ JUST ARRIVED!! ' Sweaters 1 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY | I | 1 i g . _ puree, sweaters are tS r3 more popular than ever before and this is the Largest and Most Com- .< t plete Stock ever displayed in tiie city. We can Fit tiie Whole Fain- : ? C| il.v at prices ranging from 50 Cents to $6 2 I ---—--R P 'i lie Ladies should visit our Dry Goods Department and Examine our ;8 fj Display of New Dress Goods p £s They are dust In and tiie Latest Patterns and Fabrics u •J We have just received a line of 1 MEN S OVERALLS 1 AND WORK SHIRTS [ A Full Line of the Famous j A. B. C. 1 | CANNED GOODS | I A Full Line of Ladies and Cents Furnishings | R. L. ARTHUR J Low One - Way Colonist Fares SEPTEMBER 15 to OCTOBER 15, 1911 $26.00 To California $26.00 To Pacific Northwest ? Union Pacific Standard Road of the West s Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining Cars further information relative to fare, routes, t-tc., call on or address ^ G. W. Colli priest, Agent. BUY YOUR % APD SUPPLIES OF Swanson & Lofholm They Have a Full Line What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last forever. We Like to Take Photographs of voung people, and judging by the samples we have, young people like to have us do It. Come and learn the reason. Then probably you will decide to have us photograph you. EDCAR DRAPER, Photographer. Successful Men All Say That It Pays to Advertise Thankful for tf^&LSTONS Every day. will be Thanksgiving if you wear Ralston Shoes. They are not built for the general shape / of your font, but for its exact shape. We have proven to our own satis- QQ faction that shoe** made on right principles can combine style with comfort—may we $4".50 prove it to yours? R H H You’ll say “Ralston for Mine.” LORENTZ-The Clothier FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all | kinds of building material on band. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 25c. No trouble to figure your bills and show lour stock. LEININCER LUMBER. CO., Loud City Neb eg § * O +3 o o Q T. M. Reed lour CIT Y "CEMENT UK CHI) See Us for Solid Gopcfete Work Sidewalks, ploofs, Etc. Call and get our prices. We have in connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and Baled Hay. GUY STOUT. Manager. ^0MAH^!wANT5 YOU! r*' - • •*■ • - -BEN li OGARNIVAL ^PARADES 27. to OCT. 7. 1911 • •* parade ELECTRICAL «/ THURSDAYAFTERNOON.OCT 5 FRIDAY Mfru. _ o ^‘Tp parade- . coronat?okT'bS?c *y* s!SRBja(°sg NOW is the^flME fo Subscribe for the Northwestern. Si the year.