The Lady and the Car A PTE* stark ripmaetist oe tie ran «f sUitsera. and but tnela oe the par. of deleter* ad tbe W-CKitlk. tie probies «* tie bat far CrtrSg appear* to tare •****€ km*4 * a rest roe:ta* la **•« sat aad boeaet abape* Tbe **-- *: *1 e a* leaeatt*. a* tbe sat. ** *>« faotebed to It. but r* •***"*• *» There are b®we**r. bos her* of aeto bat* akeva. Se atsick the **■“ f«*s* a ;ert of tbe trussed Tire are iesigaed for lots* rtta* aad loer*. 2re< i or tke! etruraict* I*r far tbe better piaa for tboae a bo buy tost tee tec of tk:» Km :• t**i , f •••tit a •rb-rru* eeil Sock tat* are asJfted to tdier wear aad. tier* fcee men practical • >-»« tboae ia ■: t -ae tea .* part of tbe {ma de** H* u :< of lets* f U toe bad that aanftjac Mi, beatsttfel aad beautify ** * :t-d be won ** aa eekaeeneg aoc to *ay ertgartag. sasaer. Wo*, e- wbaor rnnacta ate aid teert ties be-'e* -»» Ties tigbtiy about tie bead dsapeeecxg wtti aat or boeaet. ar« :e»ir» t: egMetwea to ride wses tie Wtbd bioweti Wiitber It llrtrUi a* ma. bed tboy art ear U gath er tsare lias tbe uamtl asoaat of da#- rs tier protected face* With as sr-sorioeaaeM oely bteftal to lb itiai ;*e« they jolt tbe ttrosg* of care-rTy grocaM« aad beautifully dreeaed* a tie faehittaabie cate* aad aotacr cardee*. aad are •>-«* use* tie a—i.akfy. for a frow*/ iwit'f baa no attraction*. aad •her* u sc gaisaariag that acmes must manage to look neat always—o: -ose act wuen comparisons are made. Lithe auto bonnets are most becom •ug and fetching, most simple and not expensive The illustrations giv en Cere show tow well the small tats and bonnets protect the nead and face Why in the name of good Judgment, should women go hatless to ride when they are much prettiei with their m.ilinery than without it? Tire- types of hats are shown here, suited to the car. The smoothly-cov ered t -met-like state of velvet and silk with a velvet rosette, is to be * >m with a veil pinned on for mo tc-tng It is comfortable and becom mg an altogether practical affair. The bonnet of silk braid with I-'-ffeu crow- of velvet is trimmed * itt narrow bands of marabout out the veil, which is draped about !• Tia* a a beautlfi' model in mole skin ve.iet with natural marabout and Persia., braid. The veil matches t:.e velvet in color, and is long, so •cat It may cover the face and be wound about the throat, where re quired It is distinctively an auto bonnet, but an exquisite piece of mil tv as well, always an adornment. The small, roan., soft turba- , ft.own :s of velvet with two s^ft and t* xit > quills and a bead buckle. It does n"t suggest the auto at all. but. w-th iil add:*i n of a veil, prettily a - ted Is as complete as the hats. »: : are dei gned solely for motor Lg This hat is just the thing for those who ride only occasionally. JULIA BOTTOM'.EY. IbEW MODEL HAT. f-"r« u* at r « uc« tc the* a t —*•» c* c«rtA Vat— o* Ci—!■«—a T—ta try* cj**£ ae—« uoai: en tm • -Ca. b*4 iitii* Oss* *wit4 t8 lArartiaii ■ • Hair fcajx cwu bua* •to* :<>r it* M«r oa Sktc • k— oi ::&«■ ta HEW RIBBONS FOR MILLINERY Trey Are Very Wide and Soft. De Sign«d for the Making cf Hat Bowt. Tie new millinery ribbons are enor tr' - tide and soft, for bows made -■ 'aff-'a are really smarter than rib ■ l and the ribbon makers have bad *' pet t special widths to please t-e * men mho preler to make big nat »r oi conten.-ntly finished ribbon cither than hem and wire silk bows. Ti>- grace:ui toes are arranged at ' nt. ba- k or side of the hat. accord ag • the requirement of Its shape ' Its mearer s fancy. The big bow across :h- ba-g is undeniably youth - • and girlish in suggestion, though n»- Pom m tront is more becoming to • 'tun types of face. Trimming at nd« should only be worn by wom en woo can stand dashing and Jaunty effects. Taffe'a is 'he millinery silk par ex celirnt* Just no*. and the new colors are c» lectabi*—soft gray reds called ras; erry and cyclamen, rich olive aid tronxe greens; a sumptuous American beauty rose and several j -hades of the vivid geranium red called coronat!on." There are two tone silks with Jacquard weaves which make stunning bows, the velvet brim iaclng of velvet matching one or the shades; but perhaps the most beaut:fsl of all the new millinery silks ;» the beau d or or gold skin, which is a glace silk woven of yellow threads which have a high <-joss and glisten ke goid A cross weave of colored i.'eads produces a most beautiful 'hangeable effect, most often In stripes or 'ague East Indian" patterns. HEELLESS SHOE COMES AGAIN Vfttorta* •tft* a Lataat Fb**e» i*» to **" Faceted h »»» to to that tilth tto •tor*** ft m> urn* Victor*** :wt tec* 'to htoUto* at.pper ftJth tt* fcmtot tto. tofufl amtito tto aaloea •r-s. am tttto*. *uoft eotu* toe* tou> «trw Tto** ar* eo* tto latest taacy t* F*fti* Tto *to* ft exact!; UX* tto •to •« htoftd** *s« Tto Irtttor 1* **ft. Mft tto otly ftCtoeto* to !•♦»* It u4 M* tfftftr I* a *14* rut t. .. «• * Lirt .* put at tto «aU ft tto »ae.; After* rmtt urn »**nn« at rcaoru tto* are to* cat oto* ft puect tofttof uftuk u* < ,r**4 la utoer tto to*'.; Mi *tok tot* aa upper oo* tftt tort- ft *ra; »j* plied: "Well, 111 tell you what 111 do with you. Hillis. They say you're I a pretty goewi preacher, and you seem to^'tir.k 1 am a fair doctor, so 111 make this bargain with you. I'll do all I can ;o keep you out of heaven if you do all you can to keep me out of hell, and it won't cost either cf us a cer.-. Is it a goT’—Cosmopolitan Magazine. “WHY SHOULD I USE CUTICURA SOAF? “There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for skin troubles.” True, it is for skin troubles, but its great mis sion is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its delicate emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to it all the advantages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in keeping the hands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents mere than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such care and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several , cakes of other soap, and making its use. in practice, most economical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by sending to “Cuticura.” Dept. 23 L. Boston, for a liberal sam ple cake, together with a thirty-two page book on the skin and hair. Where It Points. "For whom is she wearing black— her late husband?" “Xo. for her next. She knows she , looks well in it.”—Judge. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Seat 3c stamp for flw sample* of my very choic est Embossed B rbdat. Flower aod Mou< Post Canls: beautiful colors ami loveliest Iv^ns. At Post Cam Club, Jacfcsoc Sl. TupeAa, K*nf1 Slang to Define Slang. “He's in bad ” “Yes; he's all in." Mr* Wiasiov's Soot inn* syrup for Cbildret. teetinn*. soften* the reduce* inflamma tion. aJiaj* pain, cure* wina colic. 25c a botUe. Whoever complains of not having found a true friend accuses himself. Sintenis. Lewis' Single Binder, extra quality to baeco, costs more than other 5c cigars. If you have occasion to pick your company, use a magnifying glass. AFTER 7 YEARS SUFFERING I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound ■Waurita. Okla.—“I had female trou bles for seven years, was all run down. u uu o v lit l IUlia X could not do any thing. The doctors treated me for dif ferent things but did me no good. I got so bad that I could not sleep day or night. While in this condition I read of Lydia E. Pink fcam's Vegetable C ompound, and began its use and wrote to Mrs. I’lnkham for advice. In a short time I had gained my average weight and am now strong and well.” —Mrs. Sallie Stevens, B. F. D., 2\o» S, Bos 31, Waurika, Okla. Another Grateful Woman. Huntington, Mass.—“I was in a ner vous, run down condition and for three years could find no help. “I °ye “y present good health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier which X be lieve saved my life. “ My doctor knows what helped me and does not say one word against it.” —Mrs. Mari Janette Bates, Box 134, Huntington, Mass. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound a trial. It surfly has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, nice ration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, and nervous prostration. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quicklv be overcome by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and gently on the liver. Cure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature For the treatment of Chronic Fleer*, Bone Fleer*.Scrofulous Fleers.Varicose Fleer*. In dolent Fleers.Mercurial Fleer*. White Swell lnc< Milk Leg. Feeer Sore*.all old tore*. Very *ucces*ful- By mail 50 cent*. J.P. AFFES’ MEDICINE CO., Dept-A9. St. Paul, Minn. niTPIITO Wautau K. Culeiau PATENTS ga& W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 37-1911. W. L. DOUGLAS •2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES WOMEN wear WJ_Dooglas stylish, perfect fitting, easy walking boots, because they grre long wear, same as WX.DoogUs Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has madeW.L Douglas shoes famous the world ova » maintained in every pa*. If I could take you mto my large fariories B at Brockton, Mask, and show you how carefully W J—Douglas shoes arc made, you would then understand why they are war- A ranted to hold die* shape, fit betta and^fl wear lenger than any other make for the price Bj CAUTION ecu nine have W L DonelasH — ‘ IUn caw and price stamped on bottom H XI you cannot ota.n w Douglas shoes in — - —" jour town, write for catalog. Shoes sent direct ONE PAIR of my ROYS’ S2.S2.50or lirEri?f*£7 rrrp-VA W-L. *3.00 SHOES wiu positively outwear POCCLAS, 14E -park Su. fel l Ik >11 Km*. TWO 1*AUKS of ordinaty boy.’abacs 1 ^B BBB|jj^V ^^B HjH dflbi^B ^^B j®nS*'