The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1911, Image 5
IRaiu To orrow! I H the weather man predicts rain for tommorrow ifyou arange your plans accordingly. Are you do I >ng the same for the rainy day of your life? I l No man can tell you when the day of adversity is I coming and the only safe thing to do is to build | up a Bank account against that day. I This bank affords you a rare opportunity for sav | inf by accepting any deposit from a dollar up. and I will pay you 4 per cent interest compounded I semi-annually. I First National Bank T LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA E William*. Pr*-st L. Haxseh, Cashier A. B «th* sL. V. Prest Pai l P. Platt, Asst, (.'ash [ THE NORTHWESTERN BiHiartM Time (ird * a m nte*» fate, aai **< aloraaiia tea J a Ui!fl£ix« ani '----’- ” A IVw Market Quotation*. Corn.- tar tw .. .. > # W Wiatl per b_ .% <« -It Oat* per Ik. .30 ti Si. M>* per .. J Butter, per lb -. -3* E<n per due. -La LOCAL NEWS. Boy t llai* for 3Sr. Coahwer / Ed Had. ,:fe* fatter u tare nailing /ua If 4 brt> Ivtrnrt. t» making a <t*it to I point* n i uairado Lee Bnihrr* ba»e a number of ptrfcir tar ret* for tte A bar «ut at nr* boggle* ju*t re mird by T. M Mr aad Mr*. ««eo. lluMer and cbil <2art. are i* >n tlUaou Try Aztec nut nai for your cook iter Euf ite b» E l*. Taj lor. Mn* Maud Brynoid* attended tire iratioc meeting rt • -rand U.and For lire BEST -at :■ Uie nay of 4 'ream neparalor* »ee T M lined Try l!* Mrnud A Hennck-ti dray iae Tbey an gne you good *eri ice. Ntaonrr vdaunua s cwnahae ing aad at:, rra regain ler u*u * Bargain* in n.en » parr.* *ee A L « attef at 4/ Omter r m»w Fritz JouatMett left lut »eek to »nut re.ati«e* and friend* at • >rand Ju»taa <'-•** • Fire l-irurmc« .*> . . loop cit» sun % • (fate «mnte up from Aurora ia*t >ai~rdaj riming oa matter* of U-*ir«ea* for a tea day*. Tate y our butter and egg* to < 'oa Liter » a 1*-re you aui gel ^fBt* Mlfi*.. M >~*r» H-rdr Veedliam and Ella Taylor are tawing in Ur aiiaiion *igt<t» at i.rani 1» and .% toia on aa» burn Eridir morn ing a*: V Mr and Mr*, lam lnveu pn All get ittg akoag aell. ir you warn to Borrow V* money on land, write for ■application blanks.-Cen tral Nebraska Land and Loan Co.. Wolbach. Ord or Loup City. Nebraska. V«ng r«upie Stir your money. *;»' a «*> Mrujut i! Loup City S:«•« Bant Mr* La B!r>l oil! *u>m V boute Ir^si iLr market* «»U. hrr tie-* and lip iw-litr . «r ur iiiiinner. good* M iii ahuman and tun Lang men «net !y « Adi!<« Tueuray in Wlif* n*u» gmUw Uatr May friend* K if a Ifen * orltuoi *utt u on-ialf i«w*. vr \ L (intiinr at C. W. « .aii.Mr? » dufr Mr*. J " Cu'leifl. entertained the -ad>e* of the Latte Moo* Club at a»*r imur ia*' isatv-rday afternoon. We are i*>iig 21 rente ca*L for rnaa driiirnd at the creamery Li<»M I EU1UV Co Mam \ddar Lnnmger L taking Mr*. Angier • plane in lie telephone man ager » An nbiie tie 1* t toiling in Iona Home Gmk lirrtnn Leghorn egg*. In bf«r*> « * per A. J- JoUKMI*. Nm Nellie Mcfmaald. oho km hreu . t>.u*{ iter aunt. Mr* S. I. Itemed* nft L»»t Saturday for iter Itume id Chicago m «Unr. C- W. Coabher and Will /Jn.merwian are among tlie Loop ( Hi pe .po- wtao attended tie (.raid Ir ano aviation meet. Iky*:' nior *ating* in Loop City State Sank Tiny are backed by Guarantee Fund, state of Mebra*ka Jacob A iber* ha* *old III* resldrnct U> Mr* Man A k flendrk-k*- and l a* atarted a ne* 'rudenre a *l**n dntanre ra*t of tie >«erUaad block. Kur stale l*o a nd t tuna boar* and tom pig* at fl» If taken «oon. Mill Bake gad breeder* K.W l*arkburat Mr* <‘ar*tr« Trueken and daugh ter Irene left for their home at Uemearf .California. Thursday eon in^ uturr a fen neek*’ vWt lie re nttii pir-nta are) friend* Lad*-* and children* Men Cloak* are non in Wire not call and eelect me ie-fore the he*t are gone. Loup Crtt Me-cantlle Ob. Mr* J. t LeiningerTueadai umm Wf entertained the ladte* of tlie Fn Ur Son* <1«b in honor of Mr* Car* ipi True meet, oho left Wedneuda. morning for her home in California Mr* Matben announce* her mllM nrr opening for Thuraday. Aug. elM~ and Fridai and Saturday. Sept. 1*1 2nd Everrbadv Invited. Mm* Takntt of the Chautauqua ... |mt a *ii«er natch aotue ebeteon tt*e ground* Sunday, and /tnner nil! confer a favor by leaving Utr e«e mtUi any of the Chautau ua* people or at the North nmten. odke. If found after the cioae of Ute eaaertaJnmenta. dtflfff-ll HAVE YOU $700 you can pay now and $2, 500 more March 1st? Then we can sell you an improved farm of 320 acres 2 miles from the county seat of Sherman county. You can have almost your own time to pay the balance at 6 per cent. All the very best of soil Price only $40 an acre. Central Nebraska Land and Loan Co. Wol bach. Ord or Loup City. Nebraska. Coats Mr> Mathew has ju-t received a iriutiiuI .;ne of tailor-made coats. Fit guaranteed. Iie~t quality and reasonable prices. >ee T M Ueed for Feed Grinders. spring chickens and old liens wanted by Lee lirotliers Call and see Lite Ladie- and Chil dren - ci-iais Loup ( 'in Mercantile Co. Till- c; -tiling must be sold regard •-'* of cost, A L. Conliiser at Con's shore Loup City Mercantile < have cer tain v g -t a line line of Ladie s Cloaks Uai. fail. Mrouo .v llenrickson. successors t ' Conger, will do your hauling pr -mptly and satisfactorily. I.< Wall apd wife were over from lla/ard vesteroav attending Chautau |ua. afternoon and evening. If you want to buy, sell or exchange any kind of property anywhere quick, send or bring full partic ulars to Central Nebras ka Land &. Loan Co., wol bach. Ord or Loup City, Nebraska. We wi) buy wiiat you do not want, and -e ' >u w .at you do want cheap. . in. >k- <>m> Kami Stohk. I< ■ t f ’i-get the Farmers' tele pl*oi« i.ctmg at the court house tills week Saturday afternoon. Wi! <’lift on and wife were up from v*-r ia-t Sundav. guests of C. W. < onhi-er and family. bring m -or spring chickens and old liens t< Lee brothers and receive ti*e liiglic't market price for trie sa toe s F Re in.,, it-at U»e old Pioneer m-r»»- wants a whole lot of spring < iii<-k- ri' Highest market price will be paid Mis- \ia id Reynolds will teach in the l.ncn n district, four miles east \ > !:a. ner -cbool beginning next M t«n. . L \ pair of gold-rimmed glass t> witii h ack case. Reward for the return of same to Connty Clerk I hetericbs. Mr- \ rsen and Mrs. Hansen of Ai >ra. mother and sister of Mrs. h Y unquest. are visiting her tills week. Mak Loup City State Bank head luater - in financial matters. Uiey iiave a -ir rig liank and are careful iii all tiieir dealings: 1 f y U w ant a dray. phone A. L. E» derie* • on or leave your order wit! ,:her lumber yard or E. 0. Taylor, Best of service guaranteed. ( w Coffin of Omaha was at j L »up > :• . tlie l*>tii and 17th. instruct ing the Canton inemljers. A numtier flic Ihskville Cantona were present. Mr- John Becker, who lias been vise, it.g her mother. Mrs. (Jeo. Keeler and if. her relatives here, returned to i : erl me in Omaha vesterdav morn ing T: -u»l Saturday night dances for t:"'s Park, will! ne he 1 every saturaday night until, furtiior notice. Cood music and best. of order. “l*ul you sav coal?’' “Yes. Pinnacle out «mU." Thi- is a good coal lor; .>Ak -loves, free from slack and easy to start. Try it. For sale at Tay-1 ior's elevator. As will be seen by notice in anoth er coin inn. that jsipular meat carver, j S F lley riolds. w ill reopen his Pioneer uieat market Saturday. Everybody will l*e glad to see him at it again. Mr. tilen A. Stevens, the new man ager o: our telephone system, vice W S Waite, resigned.came up from his home at Slielton. Nebr.. Monday evening to look over the system and make arrangements to bring his fam ily to Loup City. The change of man ager- i- scheduled for Sept. 1st. when Mr Waite steps down and out of the arduous and thankless job and breathe freedom from those cares, and in a ■ few days goes with nis brother Will ' to Uk- latter's home in Mexico on a two months' vacation, where lie may make some financial investments, but not with any intention of changing bis home from Loup City, by the* way Mr. Stevens’Jwife and da ugh ter w ill be here permanently in a few days and will occupy the residence of ! the central office. Mr Angier moving | into hi* own residence. Clifford Bone and Will and Orsie Henderson went to South Dakota Tuesday morning to be present at the South Dakota land drawing, and in hojies of making a lucky draw of soil from Uncle Sam. As usual, quite a bunch of Loup City people will have positions at the State Fair, a number going down this week to get ready for their work at the fair which commences next Monday morning, Sept. 4th. Tiie zone of war has now changed along newspaper lines to a spat be rween the Times of this city and the Republican of St. Paul, the Standard iauge having gone out of commiss ion Tut tut. boys: there's nothing in it for your reader. Owing to later arrangements, the Koval Italian Guards band will give only one entertainment in this city on Friday ot this week, instead of two and that will be in the evening. All intending to witness this great band concert will take due notice. Our friend. Andy Gray, left Tues day morning for Omaha, where lie will have another examination by tiie specialists at the hospital OTer his recent operation for the removel of a cancerous growth in his face. Tliis is done to ascertain if the opera tion had been perfectly satisfactory. We trust no further operation will become necessary. Mr. Carl Anderson writes from Omaha that lie underwent a success ful operation for appendicitis at the Emanuel hospital in that city Mon day. tiie 21st instant and that it will be some 21 days before tiie doctors w ill allow liis return home. His many friends will be pleased with the good news of liis safely passing through the ordeal. The last day of tiie base ball tourn ament Thursday of last week—was given over to games between Arcgdia and Loup City, in wuich tiie Arcad ians nearly shut out our locals, tiie score being 6 to 1 in their favor, while the second game between Ashton and Rockville was pretty evenly played. Ashton winning over Rockville by a score ot 4 to 3. We understand the recipts at the gate will allow of about “5 per cent returned to tiie subscribers of the fund for Hie tournament. Wednesday morning of tliis week Miss .Meroe Outhouse left for Fair-, burv, tliis state, where she will teach in tiie public schools of that city tiie coming schools year. Miss Emma Out house left the same morning forSpen cer. this state, where she takes the principalship of their public schools. Also that morning. Miss Alberta Out house went to Lincoln to visit friend during tiie State Fair. The legion of friends of the Misses Outhouse will follow them with the best of wishes for their success in tiie school work for which they are so well epuipped with all necessary to make a splendid success. Delbert and Clifford Ward, sons of Thos. Ward of Webster township, j were more or less injured last Tiiurs- i day evening in handling the horses] on the farm. The fcther being absent from home, tiie boys who are both of tender years, attempted leading tiie horses to water, when one or tiie horses in a playful mood kicked tiie older boy. striking him on the shoul der a very severe blow and cutting quite a gash in tiie side of his head. Tiie other boy in attempting to get his brother out of reach of tiie horse also received a severe kick on one! hand. Fortunately, neither of tiie little fellows were injured so severe-; ly as to require the services of a phy-1 si can. Church Notes German Evangelical Church—Next Sundav Sept, 3rd service will be held at 10.30 a. m. at Kelso. P. Jueling. Swedish—Sunday Sept. 3rd. service at 2.3o p. m. Sunday school at 315 Sermon in Swedish, subject "He hath done all things well" Mark: 7: 31-37. Presbyterian—Services next Sun day as usual. 10:30 a. m. and 8.oo Installation of the elders not yet or dained will take place at the * morn ing service. The Sunday School will have a picnic next week Thursday, Sept 7th. and the Kibie study service will beheld Wednesday evening, the 6th. please note the change, for the week only. Next week announcement w ill 1h* made detinitly about a Sunday evening service in the near future to tie conducted by the men of the church, with interesting talks by men indifferent professions, and good music. Pont miss this meeting. Next Sunday. Sept. 3rd. pastor will preach at Austin, at 3: p. m. Ladies You will save money by purchasing your fall and winter outfit at Mrs. Mathew 's, where you will find coats, hats, skirts, waists corsets and un derwear Every tiling carefully se lected and of best quality. Prices reasonable. Try it and see. Pioneer Neat Narket Opens S. F. Reynolds will open the Pion neer Meat Market at the old stand Saturdav morning of this week. Mr. Reynolds is a thououghlv experienced butcher having lieen in the meat business in this city for fifteen years prior to past two years during which time has had his shop rented, but has decided to re-open it himself and having secured competent help will f»e founa ready to serve his trade at all times with the verv best of meats of all kinds. Mr. Reynolds is too well and favorably known in the business here to need any comment on our part. Poland China Boars for Sale 1 have a fine bunch of spring boars sired by King Wonder 56749 and Paw nee Lad 54324. and out of such sows as Do Look 118709), Lady Rose (122324) Jessie Relie. Rig Queen. Lengthy, Miss Monw and others. If you want the big boned, big litter kind, come early and make your selection. Farm three-fourths mile southeast of Loup City. H. J. JOHANSEN. Owner. Public Sale of Land Having decided to go into the con crete business, i will sell mv farm at Public Auction Sent. 9. 1911. Sale will take place at the south door of the court house at 2 p m. sharp, at L< up ('iiy. Nebr. If you want a good river bottom pasture, it will pay you to look at this land, located on the Loup river, nine miles northwest of Loup City, one mile west of McAlpine and about seven miles southeast of Arcadia, de scrilied as the W1, of SW^ and El4 of SW>4 and lots 5 and 6 all in sec. 17, twp. 16. range 15 north of 6th P. M., containing 217 acrer. good sod house, barn, windmill and well. Terms. $100 cash on day of sale, balance as follows: Purchaser is to assume and agree to pay mortgage of $1,000, hearing 6 per cent interest, due July 1st, 1916; $500 October 1st, 191R balance March 1st, 1912, de ferred payments to bear 6 per cent in terest, A. E. H1NRICKSEN, 1 Boelus, Nebr. Clear Creek Iteas Miss Grace Adams returned Tues day from Lincoln. Nebr Several from this vicinity attend ed the pidnic at Anslay. Wednesday. Mr. Lorn Hayden and George H. Zahn marketed hogs Wednesday. A social was given at the Lone Elm school house Thursday evening for the benefit of tlie church. A short program was rendered. Miss Edna Hendrickson returned to her home at Cairo. Saturdav morn ing. Misses Lowa Woods and Fern Tuly. Mr. Emery and Willie Runyon of Mason, vistited with Miss Grace Adams Sunday. Several from*this community att ended the Temperance Lecture given by Thomas A. Darnell of Lincoln, Sunday evening at Liberty. A few are contemplating on att ending the picnic at Liberty Friday. From last Week Claude Stapelton returned from a visit with friends aDd relatives at Shelton. Nebr. Lorn Hayden. Geo. Zahn and Rus sel Adams attended Buffolo Bill's show at Grand Island Friday. Lorn Hayden left for a few days' visit at Kearney and Lexington. Nebr. Andy Coppersmith is building an addition to his house. Miss Ruth Adams is suffering w ith an attack of poisen ivy. Some of the farmers of this vicinity are busy plowing for winter wheau Mr. Hennriekson and daughter Edna, of Cairo. Nebr.. are spending a few days at the home of M r. and Mrs. Van Dyke. Frank Kuhn's new house is about ready for the plasterers. This vicinity was visited by a heavy wind-storm and rain Sunday night. The wind blew Mr. Hager's Garage over but did no futher damage as we know of. Mrs. J. M. Lowery is enjoying a a visit from her sister, Mrs. L. D. Coguill, of Cody Wyoming. Maurice Lowery. Miss Irma Lowery and their aunt.* Mrs. Coguill spent Sunday with Mrs. Susie Lowerv of Ansley. Mrs. Coguill of Cody. Wyo.. visited old time iricnds at Mason City and Litchfield last Friday and Saturday. An Ice Cream social was given at the home of Mr. Van Dyke's last Tuesday evening for the benitit of the church. Everybody turned out and a most enjoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs*. Adam Zahn were called to the bedside of their daugh ter. Mrs. Albesl Burke of Mason, last Wednesday. Mrs. Burk's illness is re ported somewhat improved at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bishop and little daughter visited at the home of Mrs. Bishop's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Tuesday. An invitation has been extended to the people of this community to attend the temperance lecture, to be given at Liberty, Sunday evening. Aug. 27. Also to attend the picnic, near Liberty, Sept. 1. Miss Grace Adams left Monday morning lor Lincoln, where she goes as a delegate to the Sunday School Convention. Mr. Emery Runyon of Mason City visited at the home of R. D. Adams, Sunday. Mr. Russel Adams was a Broken Bow visitor Monday. The Misses Mabel and Hattie Had dix spent Sunday at Ute home of their sister. Mrs. Ed Fielding. County Supervisors Loup City A up. 22. 1911. Connty Board met at the Court House pursu ant to adjournment of A up. 8 1911. All members present, with R. P. Starr Co. Atty. and W. C. Deiterichs Clerk minutes of last meetinp read and on motion approveq County Atty. was to pet waivers of damapes from heirs of VV. H. Stephens, decesed. for land to be taken for Road asked lor in Ped ersen Road Petition, the County Sur veyor was ordered to survev the county road on fourth line of sect 35 Clay Twp. Clerk was ordered to take #19. 10 for taxes from John Skibinski claim for road damapes. Henry Beccard w ho leased the county poor farm app eared before the board and pave bond in the sum of #2325.00 and sipned the lease. The report of theco. Poor Farm committee was then presented and motion approved, said committee leasd said farm to Henry Beccard for the sum of #775 per anumn for the term of 3yrs. Letter was read from Stand ard Bridpe Co. in which said states that they will comply with the request of co board in repare to the removel of old bridpes where new one's are to be built. Claim committee reported they had allowed all claims and made deductions for taxes. Report.accepted and clerk ordered to draw warrents on the inspection bonds. General Fund—Dr A. J. Kearns, #8.00: Louin Rein, 5.25: W. S. Peter sen 2.00:Georpe Petersen, 2.00:Georpe Kettel. 2 00; Jerry Shettler. 2.00: Mrs. Wm. Sharp. 2.0*1: Beth Sharp. 2.00 VV. J. McLauphlen 7.00 Carl Anderson 4.00 Wm. Minnie. 4.00 Willis Holcomb 4.00: A. P. Malom. 4.00: L. W. Callan, 8.00: School Dist 43 2.50: F. A. Pick ney 4.00: Chriss Oltjenbruns 6.60: C: J. Norstedt, 4.00: W. Hawk, 4.00: J. A. Mcllravy. 4.00: School Dist 12, 2.50 John Stewart 4.00: Clark Alleman, 4.00 Joe Daddow 4.00: Clarence Burt, 4.00 Nick Daddow 6.60; School Dist 36, 4.00 J. y. Pray, 7.00: Hans John son 4.00: Henry Thode4.00H. N. Fish er 4.00; Andrew Kowleski.4.00: School Dist 31. 2.50: Henry Diefenbaugh, 4. Myers Benson 4.00: W. J. Comfort! 4. R.' Farnsworth 8.50; Henry Doon, 4.00 School Dist 53. 2.50 G. W. Krammer, 8.00; Wm Snyder; 4.00: Jas. llurgta 4.00 Frank Kro. 4.00: Harry Treon 4. .School Dist 42, 2.50: Wencel Rewol in ski 7.20: Adam Radke. 4.00: Jess Man chester, 4.00 S. Lewandowski 4.00: Anton Ovent 4.00: School Dist 56 2.50 M. E. Alexander 6.00: L. F. Sweet land 6.00; R. L. Arthur 6.00; C. H. French 6.00 W. T. Owens. 6.00: R. HJ Mathew 6.00 F. N. Austin 4.00: W. C. Dietericlis 4.00: Chriss Zwink 6.80: Porter Curry 4.00: G. A. Richmond 4.00: Harvey Burtner 4.00: R. E. Dale 4.00: Klopp & Bartlett. 15.30: Klopp and Bartlett, 11.25: Jas 1 Depew. 8.00: W. O. Brown 10.40: G>.:s I.orenz** ,7.10: F X. Badura. 4.00: Juiiu- Beu shausen. 4.00: Ed Jamrog. 4.00: G. I.. Pol ski. 4.00: Mrs Ja/.owski 5 <><•: Geo Woten <5.68 tax)7.5n: \ug Ka'kewski 4.0O: Will Leifert. 4.00: Cris Neilsnr ! 4.0d: T R. Lay. 4.i*o; John llelmke. 5.0t»: John Boeoking 7 si); Emil Swan son 4.oi*: Carl de la Mott 4 00:C. W Trumhle 4.00: Fred Fuller 4.00: Neb. School supply House .3 O0: Klopp & Bartlett 107.77: M. H. Rightenoui 8. George McKenzie 4 i>«*: Pete Bundage 4.00: Ed Slott 4.00: B. H. Achenback 4.00; O. F. Petersen Co. Treas. 6.81*: C. H. French 9.0i': W. C. Detericbs Co. Clk 137.5i» Louis ReinClk DistCt : 124.05: Hammond & Steplien Co. 14 90: C. F. Beushausen 129.10: Geo. H. i Gibson. 4.00: G. H. Gibson 4.00: J. H. Welty 11.00: Thomas Jensen. 5.70: A. Waskowiak 6.00; Hiyo Aden 12.00: I Road Fund —John Kosmicki. 7.i*0 I John Raker 9.00 Martin Zaruba 8.00 Earl White 2.00 E. B. Corning Co sur . veyor 65 45: Bridge Fund Andrew Enevoldsen, i 3.75 A. Waskowiak 5.20. On motion adjourned to Sept. 5, 1911. W. C. Dietericlis. County Clerk We own 240 acre improved farm located three miles from town, on main traveled road, telephone and : rural route. Land is level: clay loam soil. 100 acres under cultivation free ; from stumps and no stone. 140 acres good timber: pood well, spring creek j crosses farm. New six room frame I house, complete, goodcellar. New frame barn 32x64x19 ft. Fine grove of slude trees around buildings. Price 822 per acre. Terms $1000 cash balance long time. We also own sev eral smaller farms: will sell on easy terms. Send for list. We are lo cated 78 miles Northeast of St. Paui, in Barron county. Address Wiscon sin Colonization' Co.. Cumberland. Wisconsin. aug24-4 My Lease For Sa|e 1 will sell mv lease on the north half of 34. 170 acers. known as part of the A. L. Bailie farm, in Washing ton township, with 27 acers of grow ing corn and 100 acres of pasture, said lease expiring March 1st 1912. L. K. Baillie. Wanted to Buy An improved eighty. Price must be right. Also an improved quarter, with some hay and pasture. Must be close to school. Write me prices, lo cation etc. M. A. Beckwith, li*9 East 15th St. Columbus. Nebraska. NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS Notice is hereby given that the rental upon the lease contract to the following described school land in Shermau county. Nebraska, as set op posite the name of the hoider there of. is delinquent, and if the amount which is due is not paid within sixty days from the date of this notice, said contract will be declared forfeit ed by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and said forfeiture w ill be entered of record in ttie man ner provided by law: NE‘4. 36-15 16. Jacob J. Klippenstein Dated Aug. 17.1911. E. B. CCWLES. Commissoner of Public Lands and Buildings. Last pub. Sept. 7 Just the Stockings for tarrf School Day Wear Now on sale right here in yonr own home town. Don’t worry about darning and shabby stockings. fief oUCK Ink BWCmmgM They wear like leather and they look simply great. The kids like them as well as the mothers. What's more, to encour age home trade we are giving that f Great Game “ Jumping Black Cats” Fra* with every Black Cat Pmckeae More fun than a cage full of monkeys! Keeps the kids laughing and amused at home for honrs at a time. Yon will like to play it yourself—it’s so much fun! Yea Ba the First ta Bat this 8am For Sale by R. L. ARTHUR State Fair Union Pacific $3.10 Round Trip LOUP CITY TO LINCOLN AND RETURN On Sale Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Return limit Sept. 11 Comelto Conhiser’s Come to Conhiser’s after our sale O ur new stock of goods please without fail ISTewest and neatest in all Dry Goods way Here are latest of styles in the city today Tn here are dress weaves, all faqrics first-rate, 51 Ouperior White Goods in styles Up-to-Date. Every value is best in this part of the state, •Right lines <rf Furnishings—Hats, Shirts and Collars, Selling at Priees to save you some dollars. Look up Conhiser’a for good things to eat, In here is a Grocery line most complete; N o prices are lower, all the way through, E. very trade at Conhiser’s saves money for you. Conhiser’s MONEY Carried in the pocket de creases. Deposited in the bank increases. Hid away at home gets stolen or de stroyed. We welcame the small account as well as the large one. Make our bank a depository ior all your savings. Our bank is backed by strong men and carefully managed. LOUT cm STATE Ml LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms Full Quartered Oak and Polished $30,00 F. O. B. LOUP CITY Guaranteed for Ten Years by your Home Dealer The NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINE is one of the leading machines, all nickel trimming on oopper and will never tarnish or come off. It is light running and easy to operate. We cany Repairs and Needles for all kinds of of Sawing Machines. Gome in and see what kind of a deal yon can make on a Sewing Machine. H, P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co. Traveling inducements for August Yellowstone Park This glorious vacation region during August is the magnet (or thousands of tourists and campers: there Is no nicace tour In the world Ilk the Park To the East: The 30 and 60 day excursion fares will continue in effect. They embrace the whole eastern country. Ask- for special leaflet of eastern tours. Golouist Rates Far East v The very low $25 one-way fares to the Pacific Coast will be in effect Sep tember 1.5 to October 15. Tou should go during the earlier period of these rates to avoid the final rush. Through Coast Sleepers The Burlington runs through standard and tourist sleepers every day to California via Denver, scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, with choice of routes beyond, via Southern Pacific, Western Pacific (Feather River Can yon or Salt Lake Route; also complete through trains with all classes of equipment to the Northwest via Billing*. Homeseekers Fans continue first and third Tuesday* to the west. Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive western tmr J. A. DANIELSON, Agent, l*»np t_u . L. W. WAKELKY, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.