FAN and the UMPIRE = A BILLY EVANS i — AMERICAN LEAOUE UMPIRE *■ i —COPVTJtGHT &y~ *^SS^iSSS®©! pEAPsaw PUB. ca ET your giaajmi on " i am tetter con. ult an op IM lit. “ - -oil I »* rirf gal a cioao imeumm'T’ Vi to «-rer fol4 you Ihtt yr«M> uiujurt*" Url to tk>- nbU>t> count er tor you tery t tartly, IVrcy.” S;». h horn c:uci» ■ ft- ■- ■ lot throwing the *»a»r Uoh'l you ktw>K enough to wir. v two you iuttr son* totally W»(jr You o - 'Wit own bare must* -J i.* an ;mr btm to ho'J four jub." 7' i .. , thing ii M>«l U»>k» i.k* M ■a.1 & .» your rna-.h >e4 prut •« tor.“ > . Mtu start to run -ua Ik imagine* (he empire hat niriie a tnat 4*~ tuna that faaa apparently put hia club out of 1W raaulng Proauiaasit r viiPt. l-rtlng rtahed doctor*. neU-taovn actor*, stain boatmv*t men. tn fact men nr all rhma. id! mranabl- Jump to their feet « shu they cucvhSer a punk fcHitca" and -hake (heir tiu violently, utter ail kinds of iro e «*• remark* and ift»:st that nothing ■ta M.tuff their thirst (or r-»enge but the Me hkaad «( the poor, defeats!*** umpire. The neat day. arbeu same one meet* one of the frenzied rooter». and in a J thing nay ** p_s t - to him boo be * ted and tell* him tome ut the thane* ne said about the umpire. Mr. Loyal Meaner *ake* a ros then and there that he aria Merer again open hi* mouth a* a ball game no spatter hoar thrilling the a!'nation. Perhaps the eery e-ft afternoon, if the prop «r snaftn met, m o'ill unknowingly com mx the aery art of (be prertons day iiik pride la to bo admired is all thing* K t— iHi— tan who dor** ■ want to see tae home •eta triumph Is tmtoAf a p*ra!lir sort of man. IVluj* it might be veil for him to hare his •a*..'* tpaeengated Dei ire to srtn at any cost boeoea Sira make* mtri’** at person* abno |r»!j unfair It their ru-wt and opinion* The eateni to atkt the fas alll allow hia nan (aide tn dominate his opinion was sd Mmsrated to me one day last year While on my nay to the bote! after a jaricahrlr b-... not gaue, which the home team tad Ins: by a sens* of 1 to • after a desperate Rtrug g.r I mas orach amored at (h> roarer sat ion of a icvsle of cy-d athewwi fans srbo happen «d te be m the name car !■ was unueitixm* o;.:aw* of or ery «U *ba» -he t:«K4f team needed good Biwd board* instead Of regulation UU. if ’bey o..- .M Ut* »o* The cam t»-: AU of ib-?» »e»* «*< to forget that for 11 mains* It. htttin* of the nation was Just as treble as that of the bunt teats That The hit that ml the at; run of the (tat acros* the (hat* was doe to a larky bound which seat it over the snood baseman's head To me It «a* on tf (fee let usm of the year The fellow tag day the how team son by a aery oae»iM score of It to 1 As. fate ■tail hen- k. I bumped tato several fans of the pr« tho day oo the ear dowa town TW control was a decidedly poor one. I thin mill the owe aad ooly r*d**aln( feature betas 'he heed Inttisi of the home chib The Ice* were aa'lifted. however, for it was au>totoaely «r-t«n that the home boys had raceimd their turtles eye*, aad that from aow am they e mM soahe tV ben of them Met the IMBM to Wla forget a tilth id*