The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 17, 1911, Image 5

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    Rain Tomorrow!
If the weather man predicts rain for tom morrow
you arange your plans accordingly. Are you do
ing the same for the rainy day off your life?
No man can tell you when the day of adversity is
coming and the only safe thing to do is to build
up a Bank account against that day.
This bank affords you a rare opportunity for sav
ing by accepting any deposit from a dollar up, and
will pay you 4 per cent interest compounded
First National Bank
Ira K Williams, Piv*t.
A. B OiTMtM'RE, V. Pre*t
L. Hansen, Cashier
I*atl I*. Plat/., Asst. Cash
Bariiirloa Tim** Card
t~- im.
£« he fw M kaMnKrfwu - «
% *fn «*«*• ■•4><ktan- i: »p H.
%- *rn r» ■»*» WM*. It »t ■
• * bt
«* • r». « - ir i»t t~ p> —* * op b
«*. M rn -rt - ■ jrmm - : U p. m.
P*M \imm 1*1 m lain Hk! **> atorwttk*.
<*li m* i k.tUVtKLk<W Arret
A Fra Market ({lotktioia.
Com. per bu..> # .fa*
W imt- art t*u.*s ** .*»
•Jain. per U. .J» <• -Ai
Rye. per t*u.
Baltef. per lb. -S'
per doc . li
The coutii * Uaid m*rt» x*r»in the
( uol.iM-r aMUBun l>k *peetal Mir
Ultca 4»;t
Lor brother* bare a number of
pickle larrrk for Mir
I*u«r at JriMK-r * I'ark. uijrl»t> of
lia« Kali Tournament
t W « uohner »a*called u><fOLhen-j
M( Tumiai mortiin* by the nine** ,
of hr* brother. Adam t'otthher.
A bar fax ol net* budgie* Ju*l re
crli«l lii T M Urrd
l.afxaitt* of tbr Uffoi kind run- ■
'ihur at I for lu da>*.
Mr understand Itird 1 ‘raper rented
hi* proprrti at i>fribull. W>> .. and
cum template. ret u mint with hi*
Tamil) to till* country tortiir • inter.
I* m t forr A Confafawr'* Kir >pe
< .a >aie continue* 1-1 day*.
Clark lie;. Hold*. I lie popular clerk
at * on. iser ». tie* an a month* ' a< a
ttun M o!ai. Vi- >«aa*)» taking
hi* piare behind tlie *-ou«ler* in tire
ibtrdn jt *
IV *>pe. .a. Hal; t* *till on at Con
hi*er'*aud will he for hi data.
I rank Mrep.c and »tie of Coui*U*k
»rr» tn till* (it) Mooday ' hHing
friend* and interiteaed the dental,
fralernitt Mr Meeple i» a prom
inent turii iaiii in lit* little city.
Tr> A -tn nut cua. for jrmr cook
kto»r. For *aie in K. «1. Taylor.
Ifamce each night at Jefiner'* I'ark
PailllMt <turu>r tlfr Ba*e Hall Tourn
► r ii«r UGstT out in tin way of
• ream V|«rst<io. x» T M. Heed.
UarHrr Young last Thursday inored
into lii> pru,irrt)' purdiUrd tilth kirnrill occupied bt C- f*.
• - <tM-r Hike • le- editor. be will net
tv at tl»i* turret 11 ie rented luiuv.
If you want to borrow
money on land, write for
application blanks.-Gen
tral Nebraska Land and
Loin Co.. Wolbach. Ord
or Loup City. Nebraska.
Try liar str**ud * llrnrirk«m dray
itaw Tlir) will gi *e too S-iud *er» lit-.
Hi. Krtli Oartu WI baby Mint
t j.hi <ntrMi« morning to (Ut
a art. va* 4i * Ilia irf li U.tiand s
;«r. *i.m hie- will return and
o*tMur irr rWt here ivfore re
l^tw«£ iMer to * tinny side. Wwli.
Take your twitter and egg* U> <oo
liiw-rh where you ran ret anythin*
you want
Mi** Jess t’uUr and Mf*. I.«*na
Sant.: went to « «>i>rad • last week
«■* a fortnight* tacaUun and *ighl
We are i«yin* II cent* ia*li for
< ream deh'ered at tie creamery.
IUicmi (’luuaui Co.
Tie at«.trru: aIon met on|
Monday afterm-wi in tire Herman
chur* i. andat the meeting It *a*de
• lie irnrr. of Sunday evening
Aug SI. too dismissed lirat lire people
mar take nfiuiifr of tire fhautau
<iua wmIud tlrat evening.
Hour < (Hub lii.awn Leghorn ro>»,
U for TSr. Ilwi |>er 1«*»
Iir% and Mr» Emert. fatlierand
mother of Mr. W f \ Ilarivr left
Tuesday • rain* for their home at
Savannah Mo Mt»> tir*« r Enyert
|.f..eded thrm MIC day. Happing off
at I*ni»rr*ft» l*lheU>ihitlerrniid.
mrtiirr. and Joined lier parents at
IJnmtn t.*r low.
V «i • ill win it If you don't take
adi Mat' of fluaiiMT’i >perUI Sale
nhu-ti ^Wtlwin toe U data.
Jdr an I Mr. W «' I'uOrr were ore'
f- |a4n i ra <ittff no Monday of
I1U. are. Mr K.nter wa» very ei
tiiu.ia.ii * orer rr «p condition*. Haiti
ktMf l»ni more pieiaieiit witii them
itian iw i hi* section and lie corn Ik
fairly p-omin* from ti»e ground.
Tie usual Saturday night dance*
fur the summer at Jetiner * Hark. will
far held nrrt Saturaday night unUI
turthur notice Hood music and best
of order.
We understand a tele*ram was rr
reiied hr flint OuUwHIse lad evening
tram K>id liurruwes that the car
cliNUi*Wf his si low tent all parm
uivrrulla was burned up yesterday
while in transit from Litchfield u
M a soli « tty. • lie re lie was to shew
last night. A man in the car savci
Uls life bv Jumping from Uie moving
grain So furtnrr particular*.
you can pay now and $2,
500 more March 1st?
Then we can sell you an
improved farm of 320
acres 2 miles from the
county seat of Sherman
county. You can have
almost your own time to
pay the balance at 6 per
cent. All the very best of
soil. Price only $40 an
acre. Central Nebraska
Land and Loan Co, Wol
bach. Ord or Loup City,
>ec T. M. Heed for Feed Grinders.
>pring chickens and old liens wanted
by Lee Brut tiers.
Mis> Mad a Parlett left Monoay
morning for Fullerton. Nebr.. to visit
till school commences.
Conhiser's special sale gathers the
crowd. He one of 'em.
Kditor Beider of the Arcadia ('ham I
pi"ii »i' in this city las! Friday bar
gaining for tlis purchase of the cylin
der press owned by Mr. Gibson.
It member that t'onhiscr continues
his special sale 15 days.
L. Gee last Saturaday ordered the
Northwestern sent to Komeo Conger
who is at Idaho Springs, and who)
reports his wife as gainiugg in liealth
very satisfactorily
Just 15 days, Conhiser continues
Ids special sale. Take advantage of
the great inrgains.
A II. Mead, a grand old republican
war horse of Grand Junction. Colo.,
writes us this week advancing his
subscript<>n to the middle of 1913. Of '
course lie was from the best county
on earth Sherman.
I*wn't f.irget that Conhiser contin
ues his sp*dai sale for 15 days longer,
lie has bargains you want.
Stroud Ilenrickson. successors
to Conger, will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
it you want to Duy, sell
or exchange any kind of
property anywhere quick,
send or bring full partic
ulars to Central Nebras
ka Land & Loan Co., wol
bach, Ord or Loup City,
Vc will bojr wliat you do not want,
ami >-ii uu wliat you do want cheap.
The Second Hand Stose.
Miss Bes-i»- Sinitli returned last;
»r.-k from her visit totirerbull, Wyo..
and tour of the Yellowstone Park, j
the Ilr-ipersacvoaipaningherthrough !
Ute park She report* a magnificentj
and w > riders of tin-Park unspeakably,
jr rami
An i .1. gating ready for tlie1
( 'las:ia aqua. which beginsin this city
the ■' this month and lasts live
day s'
••|»id jou savcoai?’’ “Yes. Pinnacle
nut cm I ‘ Tliis is a pood coal for
• . *k si >v«—. fre from slack and easy \
to start Try it. lor sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Bring in > >ur spring chickens and |
oel nens to Lee Brothers a ml receive
ti.e highest market price for tne!
Ikd l»raiH-r left iast Saturaday for
(• Wyo.. hi> family avcon •
j.jiiu . him as far as Ansley. where
Mrs Iirijier's sister is quit* ill and
a he re they will remain, pending,
the untinunance of her illness.,
If y want a dray, phone A. 1,. Kn
derlee. s on »sl. of leave your ordef'
with eitlier I urn Ur yard or E. (i. j
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mes-ers. Aden. Brown and Weity, I
the coinlttee of the board of super-1
visors selected to attend to the leas
ing of tin pOOf farm, succeeded Mor
dav <■ thi- week in leasing the same
to Barn \ Beccard of Bockviile for
ater;; f three years at a yearly
rental of hw. which is an increase
of tfl'i per yea. oier tlrai received I
overau. ureceiing lear. The board i
is b • cmigrat ulab d over succeeding!
in the matter so satisfactorily.
\V«- regret to note the ser ous illness j
of Mi-si.ra. e Adamson, at the lunnv
of her paren s in this city, which lias
count limed some four weeks. :■ nd
a coiculiation of pnvsiciari' last
saturaday pronounced her as suffering
I from a severe case of JppemPcitis. : n
opjwration being necessary and wilt
I U* periuriued jus* as sooii as s]is :s
able t*> undergo tbe ordeul. Sl:e is
reported in a serious condition ai
; present
Some months since, it will Ik* r*
I meiu'eii i that Wm. Sharp w as con -
j milted to the asylum at Hastings
as 6f unsound mind arid in a lew
I montlis was discharged and returned
home. A little later he went to his
oid home in II inoise to n ake his
Itome with a sister. A short time
Mince he returned here and lastThur
day lie was Drought before the com
missioners of insanity, who took test
imony for the better part- of the day
resul rig in a tie vote as to his in
Mani member of the com mission
not voting being disqualified by reason
of being counsel for Sharp*. Just
what further action, if any there will
be in Uie matter, we know not.
Yesterday, Wednesdty, August 16,
1911. at high noon, in tiie Methodist
church in this city, before 150 or
more invited guests, occurred the
nuptials of Mr. Bobt. Dinsdale and
Miss Cora Belle Fross, Rev. W. C.
llarper officiating. The pulpit was
beautifully festooned with flowers
with an arch overload, and a carpet
of roses beneath wheron stood the
bride and groom during the ceremony.
At tiie hour of 12 the folding doors
opened and the happy couple, preced
ed by ushers, and supported by Mr.
(ieorge Dinsdale. brotherof the groom,
as best man. and Miss Velva Fross.
sister of tiie bride, as bridesmaid, and
to the sweet strains of a wedding
march given by Miss Emma Outhouse,
passed up tiie aisles and under the
arch, where the impressive ring cere
mony was given. At the conclusion,
Mr. and Mrs. Dinsdale received con
gratulations, later repairing to the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. O. S. Fross, in Webster town
ship. whese dinner was to be served
to a few of the Immediate relatives
and friends. Mr. Dinsdale is one of
our best young business men, while
his bride is one of our most popular
young ladies, both bride and groom
being earnest and zealous members
of the M. E. church. They will, we
understand, make their home here.
May their new life so auspiciously
begun be followed with a long, hap
py and and prosperous future.
Mrs. Mathew returned from Kan
ras City Srturday.
Ed Angier ann wife are eujoying a
two-weeks' visit in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Nightingale are
exfiected home from the Coast today.
Mrs. M. A. Phillips and ehildren
are visiting at Elk Creek and Aurara
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. MuHck left
last week to visit Will and DinMulick
out in Utah.
Tom Caddy was over in Boone coun
ty last week and reports the corn
badly fired.
Clnton Houseman of Carlyle, 111.,
is here visiting his uncles. A. B. and
C. C. Outhouse.
Miss Ediili Williams of Lincoln,
Nebr.. is visiting at the home of
A. B. Outhouse.
Misses hmma Outhouse and Addie
Leininger, visited over sundav at the
Metcaif ranch near West Union.
The ladies of the G. A. R. present
ed Mrs. Geo. Gibson a souvenir spoon
at a farewell party given her last Sat
Mr. 1!additie and wife, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Rey
nolds. returned home to Batavia, HI.,
Miss Frances Corning intertained
a large number of voung people at a
lawn party at her home last Thurs
dav evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. T. Snyder are en
joying a visit from their grandson,
Geo. 1 ngersoll. and family from Ly
man, Colorado.
1’. W. Curry and little son and S.
W. Allison of the west side >vere in
town yesterday chuckling over their
tine prospects for a bumper corn crop
Albert Stengerand family, returned
to Columbus Thursday. Mr. Fred
Stenger and daughters, came up
Wednesday to accompany them
Miss Nettie Conger and her infant
terribles are having a picnic at Jen
ner's Park today, and that they are
having a good time goes without
The reception last Friday evening
at the Babtist church, given to the
pastor. Rev. Powers. and his good
wile, followed by a light lunch at
the parsonage was a very oleasant
Our Catholic friends will hold a
picnic at .ienner's Park this week
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Base ball game at '2 p. m., followed
by sports, and dancing both after
noon and evening. Everybody wel
Loup City was enlightened!?) upon
socialistic doctrines Monday evening
of this week, w hen an orator of that
faith gave a two or three hours' speil
in the court house lawn to a motly
crowd of curiosity seekers and a
sprinkling of belivers. When we
mention the fact that Geo. H. Gibson
was chairman of the meeting and
introduced the speaker, it will not
be necessary to further comment over
the affair.
Irvin Conger last week purchased
the old Frank Foster barber shop of
(’lias. Grow and took possession of
the same on Monday of this week.
Mr. Conger is a tirst-class workman
and we have reason to beleive now
that in Messers. Young and Conger
as proprietors of the two shops we
have two first-class tonsorial parlor
proprietors who will remain with us
without further change in shops for
a long season.
Miss Melvia Uanielson left last
Saturdav for a tour of the east. She
went direct to Washington. D. (’.,
thence bv water to Norfolk. Ya., to
New York City by ocean steamer,
thence up the Hudson river by boat
to Albany, thence to Niagara Falls
by the New York Central and home
by the Michigan Central. She will
be absent several weeks and visit all
the principal cities and points of in
terert en route.
Presbyterian Bulletin
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Interesting subjects, good music and
a warm welcome will be given you.
11.45. Sunday school: 7 p. m., C. E.,j
and Thursday evening Bible study.
You are cordially invited.
The Soap Thai’s B-st
for your complexion depends upon
the condition of your skin. We car
ry all kinds: there's one here to
suit you. Our toilet section is a
model complexion shop, were all
Toilet Soaps, Creams
and Powders
may be purchased.
The quality is pure, the pfices
just right: whatever your toilet
need we can serve you best.
Swanson & Lofholm,
Up-to-Date Druggists
Deposits Guaranteed
John Smith came to town a few
days ago and having several hundred
dollars to deposit in the bank asked
which was the State Bank. He said
he wanted to put his money in a
bank where the depositors were pro
tected by the new Nebraska Deposit
ors' Guarantee law. He said he had
no fears about losing his money when
he knew that every State Bank of
Nebraska was backed by the Deposit
ors' Guaratee Fund of the State
And. by the way. he was right.
While we do not think the law is
just, from the bankers’ standpoint,
j et we can't help but admit that the
depositor is entitled to be absolutely
secured. This new depositors’ guar
antee law will now bring a lot of hid
den money into the State Banks.
My Lease For Sa|e
I will sell mv lease on the north
half of 34, 170 acers, known as part
of the A. L. Bailie farm, in Washing
ton township, with *27 acers of grow
ing corn and 100 acres of pasture,
said lease expiring March 1st 1912.
_L. K. Baillie.
German Evangelical Church
Service at Ashton 10:30 a. m.: at
Rockville at 3 p. m._
Swedish Church
Sunday school at 10:30 a. m.: ser
mon in Swedisli at 11 a. m., subject.
“If ve believe not.” John 8:12-29. Ser
mon in English at 8 p. m„ subject.
“The work of the Shepherd, Ezekiel
34:11.12. All welcome.
Baptist Church Notes
Be sure and remember regular ser
vices each Sunday. We were pleased
to see many new faces last Sabbath
and hope to see many more this com
ing Sabbath.
The interest is steadily growing in
every department of the church.
Services as follows: Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
at 11:45 a. m. Prayer service and Bi- j
ble studv Thursday evening at8 p. m. i
A hearty welcome to all services.
Ladies aid meets with Mrs. Clar-1
ence Sweetland next Wednesday aft- .
order or Heariii us Nonce 01 Pennoi lor
Settlsment of Accomt
In the bounty Court of Sherman county. Ne
State of Nebraska, j
Sherman County. I
To the creditors, heirs, legatee* and all per
sons interested in the estate of Fred Wer
ner. deceased:
On reading the petition of Mike Klimek. ad
ministrator. praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account filed in this court on
the 5th day of August. 1911, it is hereby or
dered that you and all persons interested in
said matter may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said county, on
the 26th day of August. A. l>. 1911. at one
o'clock p. ni . to show cause, if any »h<*re be
why the prayer «.f the petitioner li mid not
be granted, uud that n« ti«*e of the p* i.tlcncy of
said petition and the hearing thereof In given
to all persons interested m said matter by
publishing a copy of ibis order in the Louj»
City Northwestern, » weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for three successive weeks
prior to said dav of hearing
[seal] E. a. Smith. County Judge.
Last pub. Aug 24
Here With the Goods
s are here with the
0_, _ ery time
correct, and dean service in the Liv
L ery Line.
goods, evt
..orrect and cl<
ery Line.
Look up this place for conveyances
^nd teams that are handsome and
steady and fleet.
■JJuexcelled drivers that
the roads,
flood men to take care of
and of loads.
Here is the place that pleases trav
eling men
Like flies to tiie sugar they come
back again.
Jn here you will lind outfits that are
alio. K.
eatest'of neat rigs in the livery
Superior service you'll fina here
every day.
¥ ook up this barn for feed and for
t’s rates are as low as the markets
lTery neat and commodious always
“ is found
celled by
up McLaughlin's any old
ou’ll find here the best in the liv
ery line.
Excelled bv no place in the country
St. Paul Normal
Business College
Makes a specialty of every student. Provides thorough
and practical training for young men and women for success
ful business life for teaching not for university.
High Morality—Located in a town of 1800. St. Paul
is noted for healthfulness, natural beauty and freedom from
bad influences. Churches of all denominations.
Fine Equipment—Big, roomy, well furnished building.
Gy nasi um for indoor sports. Strong in athletics.
Expert Faculty—Thoroughly trained Christian men
and women. Sound, practical and '.horough study courses.
Fall term opens Scpiember 4. Easy terms; living inex
pensive. A beautiful, illustrated catalogue sent on request
Ask for it today.
President. Secy.-T reas.
Attend Frontier Days
Celebration at Cheyenne
A four-das' revival of the stirring scenes of the old
time “Wild West. Held at Cheyenne, Wyoming,
August 23, 24, 25, 26, 1911
Low Round Trip Farrs in Effect via
Union Pacific
Standard Route of the West
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Protected by Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining C^rs on All Trains
New and direct route to Yellowstone National Park.
Passengers holding tickets for Denver will be allowed
oves at Cheyenne.
For further Information, call on or address
G. W. Collipriest, Agent
r&£ PT. 4™roR™
15 Days
Won’t put its money in a bank that does
not guarantee it against loss. Why should
you? The United States will not deposit a
dollar in a National or any other bank un
less the bank furnishes a bond for twice the
amount deposited. The United States gov
ernment can at any time make an investiga
tion of any National hank and learn all
about its resources. But still the govern
ment demands a guarantee for its deposits.
Why shouldn’t you have protection? Yonr
deposits in this bank are protected by the
State Guarantee Law. No matter what
happens, YOU CAN T LOSE
Sewing Machines
Sold on Easy Terms
Full Quartered Oak and <
Guaranteed for
Ten Years by your
Home Dealer
of the leading machines, all nickel trimming on copper and
will nerer tarnish or come off. It is light running and easy
to operate.
We carry Repairs and Needles for all kinds of
of Sewing Machines.
Come in and see what kind of a deal you can make on a
Sewing Machine.
It. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
Traveling inducements for August
Yellowstone Park
This glorious vacation region daring August is the rasgnet for thousands
of tourists and campers; there is no nicsce tour In the world lik the Park
To the East:
The 30 and 60 day excursion fares will oontinue In effect. They embrace
the whole eastern country. Ask for special leaflet of eastern tours.
Coloiiist Rates Far East
The very low *25 one-way fares to the Pacific Coast will be In effect Sep
tember 15 to October 15. You should go during the earlier period of
these rates to avoid the final rush.
Through Coast Sleepers
The Burlington runs through standard and tourist sleepers every day to
California via Denver, scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, with choice of
routes beyond, via Southern Pacific, Western Pacific (Feather River Can
you or Salt Lake Route; also complete through trains with all classes of
equipment to the Northwest via Billings.
Homeseekers Fares
contini/e first and third Tuesdays to the west.
Write or call and let me help you plan an attractive western tour
L. W. WAKELEY, 6. P. A., Omaha, Neb.