The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 27, 1911, Image 4

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    Will Continue Until Saturday, Aug. 5th
Every Jtepi ip Dry Goods, Potiops, Shirtwaists, jVluslip Updejwear apd JVIep’s purpishipgs are
pow op sale at Peduced Prices. Oply Six |Vlore Weeks Uptil School Opeps; here’s your opportunity
to prepare for it at an UNUSUALLY LOW FIGURE. Right now is the time you need Toweling, Table Linens, Dishes
and Such Items tor Harvest.
Profession Cards
La-wy er
Practice* in all Court*
Loup City, Neb
tern a: Snam<it<Liv
And Bonded Abstractor.
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank
*■*■■■- *• •« Knlilnr.
T««• (*■<■» but <4 Tcir|<bMe < 'rural
Loup City. - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
Ofttot it Residence.
Teiepltone < onnectior
Sucreaaor U>M. H. Mead;
Bonded Abstracter
UurCiTT. - Nebraska.
OoIt *tt nf ilMirtcl hooka in count)
>. aTajllen,
LOl r CITY. . * . NEB.
Offer up stair- m the new Stall
Bank bulditu>.
OFI It’k: Kant Side Public Souue.
Phone, 10 on 36
Loup City, Nebr.
Trr**£.*ii diseases, of domestic ani
mals. Teeth work a specialty.
Office Phone. - 3 on 72
The Soap That’s Best
for jour complexion depends upon
the condition of your skin. We car
ry all kinds: tliere's one here to
suit yon. Our toilet section is a
model complexion simp, were all
Toikt Sosp*, Creams
and Powders
mil he purcliaeed
Tl»e quality *-■ pure, tlie prices
iust rufht: alia lexer your toilet
need we can sene you best.
Swanson 9l Lofholm,
Up-to-Date Druggists
tCnierrO At tbp Loup City PoslofHce tor tran'
mlHioo through the mails as second
claas matter.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
J. W. ItUKLKIGH. Ed. and Pub
Candidates' Cards
I bmby present myself as a 'candidate foi
Judge of thi* Twelfth Judicial District, sub
ject to the decision of the Republican elector?
* i iiufialo. l uster and Sherman counties, com
pr.sine said judicial district I would appre
ciate vour support. Aaron Wall.
1 hereby announce to the electors of the
twelfth judical district that I am a candidate
at the primary election tube held August 15.
1 tyu for the republican nomination for the
I ••Sice of District Judge to succeed myself 1
I shall stand for the fearless enforcement of the
a«i the punishment of crime: speedy trials:
the strictest economy in the business of the
court and exact justice for all. without regard
i to race cr nationality wealth or poverty, po
litical or religious t»eliefs- If your judgment
j approver mjr cone uct as district judge in the
past I w ill appreciate your endorsement at
tbeptimury Yours sincerely,
Kruno 6. Hostetler.
I hereby anoountr myself a candidate for
* uprnntendent of Schools of Sherman county,
subject to the will of the democrat and popu
iwt voters at the comiug primary election
1 thereby announce that I am a candidate for
•he office of County Superintendent of Schools
i of Sherman county. Nebraska on the Re pub
can ticket subject to the will of the voters
at the Atitrufet primaries. Your support will
be appreciated.
Matty. A. K. Hendrickson.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
1 the office of County Superintendent of Schools
J Sherman county, subject to the good will ol
ihe Deni*«t rat and people's independent voters
> tb»- August primary election 1 earnestly
; solicit four support L. H Currier.
1 hereby announce my candidacy for the of
nee of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject
i-> the w ill of the democratic and populist vot
ers a* expressed at the coming August prima
ry election Khank LoRCBICK
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject
: to the decision of the dem<icraiic and populiat
voters at the coming August primary elec
i O. F Petersen
I herebx announce my self a candidate for tb€
i office of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject
to the will of the Republican voters as ex
• pr^v^ed at the coming primary election. Youi
support will be appreciated. F. M HENKT.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer of Sherman county,
subject to the decision of the Republican vot
ers as expressed at the coming August prima
ry elect ion. _ W. H. SlMPSON
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate foi
the office of County Judge of Sherman county,
subject £o the decision of the democratic and
people s independent party voters at the com
in* August primaries. K a. Smith
To My Friends and the Voters of Sherman
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate foi
the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, sub
, ject to the cood will of the Republican voters
at the August primary election. I earnestly
elicit the support of all moral, upright citi
***n> Herman j. Johansen.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re
election to the office of Sheriff of Sherman
county, subject to the will of the Republican
voters as expressed at the coming August pri
mary election L. A. Williams
1 hereby announce my candidacy for the of
lice of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to
the decision of the Republican voters at the
coming August primary election.
H. G. Miner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, sub
ject to tbe decision of the democratic and peo
ple a in iependent party voters at the coming
primary election. _ R. N. Pritchard.
To the l>emoeratio and People s Independ
ent voters of Sherman county: I hereby make
known that I am before you for renomlnation
for the office of County Clerk and will esteem
your votes and efforts in my behalf at the pri
mary August 15th. 1911.
W. C. Dirterichs.
I rirxre of Grand Island is out for
| tlie republican nomination for con
| gress in the Fifth district.
Frank Harrison should be happy.
Uev. Paulson lias resigned as head of
tiie state anti-sal loon league.
The Canadian reciprocity bill passed
the I . S. senate last Saturdav by a
substantial vote of ;'*3 to 27, and re
ceiving tiie president's signature now
i becomes a law . Norris Brown al
ligncd himself as in favor of tiie bill.
i The opposition to republicanism in
i Sherman county, call it what vou may.
but tiiis time captured by the demos,
held a mass meeting on the court
house lawn last Saturday afternoon,
some 4« in number, and elected the
follow ing delegates to the democratic
state convention: O. F. Petersen, Les
lie Sweetland, Chris Neilson.S.S. Pol
ski. Ifiyo Aden and John Boecking.
C. F. Beushausen was re-elected chair
man of the county central committee
and R. H. Matiiew was selected as sec
retary. Asking for tiie names of the
members of the new county central
committee, we were informed they
were to be appointed later by tiie
ohairinan and noL named. It is said
tlte pop contingent was quietly swal
lowed by the demos and held no dem
onstration. A little bird whispers
tliat some discord was manifest and
some left the massdisgruntled because
Uiey couldn't “swat” the 8 oclock
closing law, but proved too much in
the minority.
Republican County Convention
The Sherman County Republican
convention met in the court house in
Loup City, Saturday, July 22, 1811, at
2 p. m., as per call of the county cen
tral committee
In the absence of the chairman, the
convention was called to order and
L. W. Callen of Washington and Geo.
W. Wolfe of Harrison were elected as
temporary chairman and secretary,
said temporary organization being af
terward made permanent.
John Welty, Wm. Hulbert and Jiio.
Chipps. as committee on credentials,
reported the following townships rep
resented, to-wit:
Ashton—Julius Beushausen. Clyde
Wilson and J. L. Davey,
Clay—Jos. Daddow. James Me Beth,
Clarence W. Burt and John A. Peugh.
Harrison—Wm. Huldert, H. E. Ben
nett, S. C. Wall, F. T. Richmond, G,
W. Wolfe. Wm. Mills and C. H. Wall.
Wrashington—L, W. Callen. B. A.
McDowell, J. H. Welty and J. S. Tur
The following were admitted as
delegations from said townships:
Loup City—H. J. Johansen. Lewis
Bechtliold, Jacod Albers, W. T. Gib
son, A. J. Johnson, J. W. Burleigh, J.
H. Miner, O. Dubry. A. H. Hansel, J.
S. Pedler, F. M. Henry and C. C.
W'.bster—S. S. Reynolds and Milo
him -T. C. C hamberlain and Steve
Following were elected as delegates
to the state convention: Aaron Wall,
L. W. Fallen, F. T. Richmond. John
Chipps and T. C. Chamberlain.
Delegates present at state conven
tion empowered to cast full vote of
said delegation in absence oi any.
The following-named, with the post
ottice addresses, were elected as mem
ber of the county central committee:
Chairman. Aaron Wall, Loup City.
Ashton—A. E. Wanek. Ashton.
Bristol—Geo. W. Holmes, Ravenna.
Clay—Clarence W. Burt, Loup City.
, Elm—Adam zahn, Huxley.
Harrison—Geo. W. Wolfe, Litchfield
Hazard— Emil Swanson, Hazard.
Logan—E. E. Tracy, Loup City.
LoupCity—A.J.Johnson, Loup City
Oak Creek—Mike Maminski, Ashton
Rockville—Thos. Lay. Rockville.
Scott—W. II. Douglass, Litchfield.
Washington—L.W. Callen. Arcadia.
Webster— F. A. Pinckney. LoupCity
Owing to the lateness of the hour
and the time it would take to care
fully prepare resolutions, such com
mitte work was suspended.
Convention adjourned.
Last week Comstock had a six-inch
rain, which made Beatrice go her
some better with an eight-inch rain,
which Hooded the streets last Satur
day night to a depth of five feet,
while CrabOrcliard in Johnson county
went still wetter with a ten-inch rain.
Thanks: Loup City does not wisii to
enter the contest.
Swedish Church
Sunday, July 30: Sunday school at
10:30 a. m. Sermon iu Swedish and
also communion service at 11 o'clock,
sudjeet,“Christ Transfigured.” At 8
p. ra.. sermon in English, subject,
“No Room for Christ.” All welcome.
Genian Evangelical Church
Next Sunday, July 30, services will
be held In Loup City at 10 a. m. Sun.
daySchoolat 11a. m. P.Jueling,Pas
To All Whom It May Concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the north
west corner of the northeast quarter
of section thirty-six (3*1), township
fourteen (14), range fourteen (14),
Sherman county, Nebraska, running
thence east and terminating at Road
280, has reported in favor of the es
tablishment thereof and all objec
j tions thereto or claims for damages
j must be filed in the otiice of the
I county clerk on or before noon of the
12th day of September. 1911, or such
road will be established without re
i ference thereto.
| Dated this 20th day of July, 1911.
W. C. Diktkr'ichs.
County Clerk.
(Last pub. Aug. 24)
Order or Heariig 01 Petition for Appoint
ment of Adniustrator
In the County Court of Sherman County. Ne
State of Nebraska, l
> as
County of Sherman 1
To the heirs and to all persons interested in i
the estate of Michael S. Taffe. deceased:
On reading the petition of Mary E. Taffee !
praying that the day may be fixed for the bear-'
ing on her anal account, and for her Onal set- ■
lleinent and discharge as administratrix. H is
hereby ordered that you, and all persons in.
terested Id said matter, may. and do, appear
at the Connty Court to be held la aad for said
county, on the 5th day of August. A. O. 1*11. at
10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be
why the prayer of petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and that the bearing thereof be
given to all persons in tores ted in said matter
by publishing a copy of tbla order in the Loup
City Northwessern. a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, tor three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said court, this
12th dsy of July, A. D. 1911.
tacAbj K. A. SWIM, Couaty Judge.
(Lmrt pafejJatyS?)
Coming to Loup City
3 Nights, Beginning July 31
Boyd Burrows Dramatic Shows
Under Our Mammoth Pavillion
Opening Play
“ The Pride of Virginia ”
Special Scenery Elegant Costumes
Concert Orchestra
The Greatest List of Specialty Features of any Show Traveling
Popular Prices,.15-25-35 Cents
Free Exhibition First Night at 7:30 O’clock
Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares
to the Pacific Coast
From Loup City to California.t.$62 10
to Northern Pacific Coat Points. 62.10
to California one wav via North
Pacific Coast Points. 77.10
Tickets on Sale June 1 to September 30 inclusive. Final
return limit to October 31, 1911.
In addition to the above, the following low fares will be
in effect:
From Loup City to Califrunia.$52.10
to Northern Pacific Coast Points 52.10
to California one way via North
Pacific Coast Points. 67.10
Tickets on Sale August 7 to 11 inclusive, and 14 to 17
inclusive. Final return limit October 15, 1911.
Union Pacific
Standard Route of the West
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Protected by Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dininu C;rs on All Trains
For all additional information, and illustrated California
and Pacific Northwest book, call on or address
G. W. Collipriest, Agent
eb :
1890 YORK COLLEGE 1911
The 22d Year Opens on September 11
Officially Recognized by the State. Issues all grades of Teacher's State
Collegiate, Academy. Normal, Pharmacy, Business, Stenography, Music,
Oratory and Art Departments.
Thorough Courses. Strong Faculty. Good Equipments. Pleasant and
healthful surroundings. Town without Saloons. More than 500 Students
each year. Books Free. Lowest Rates fqr Tuition and Board. Give us a
chance to save you money. Catalogues sent free on call.
WM. E. SCHELL, Pres , York, Nebr.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 25C
No trouble to figure your bills and show |
our stock
Here With the Goods
{feed's place is here with the goods every time
0^cei!ent grades in the Implement Line
0very need of the farm to suit the demand
J)esirab!e tools are at your command
Superior machines are alWays on hand
Best makes of Windmills and Plows in our stock
^[nexcelled Drills, at prices bedrock,
Quperiyr wagons, to haul heavy goods
J n herk are neat buggies to spin o’er the roads,
]\o Windmills are better than makes that we sell
Excellent repairing we do here as well
Step into Reed's and find it is true.
Spading money with Reed is saving for you.
T. M. Reed
Is now open for the Spring Trade
See Us for
Solid Gopcfete Wofk
Sidewalks, Floors, Etc.
Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hay.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
Special Sale
Now is your time to get your suit at
Men’s ami Young Men’s Suits
$ 7.50 to $10.00 for
10.00 to 12.50 for
15.00 to 18.00 for
* 20.00 to 25.00 for
■*et S°Br s“lIt,?,s monty and save $1.50 to
>n ail Boys Suits from 98c to $6.98
At Lorentz’s.