Professional Cards ' aabonwall ; Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup Citv, Neb. j ROBT. P. STARR Attorney-at-law. LOUP CITY. EEBRMSKE. R. J. NIGHTINGALE ittnr ul SflBMMUtv LOUP CITY. NEB- j R. H MATHEW. Anorney-ai-Law, ; And bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska ■ a EL LONG AC RE ! PHYSICIAN ail SHB6E0N' Office. Over New Bank. TKLEPHOXE CALL. XO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i T»« liners of Trirpkoer Ceairat Loop City. - Nebraska A. & MAIN i PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON! Loup City. Nebr. Utter at I&etidencr. Telephone t onnection i, ROBERT >. STARR Sucmnor to M. II Mead) Bonded Abstracter Uk p Citt, Niiiaika Only ret of Abnlrnrt books in county S. A. ALLEN. "* DEJTTIST. DOLT OtTT. - - NEB. OCne ap rtair* in the new State Bank building. W. L- MARCY, DH5TISTf LOUP CITY, NEB OFFICE: Kart Side Public Suuate. Phone. 10 on 3d DR.J.R. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. Treat* ali dheaner of domestic ani- j man Teeth »urk a specialty. Office Phone. - 3 on 72 Th«* Snap That's IWt r >our cots pie tiun depends upon the condition of your skin. We car* ry ail kinds: there's one here to wall M. Our toilet section is a model completion shop, were all delicate Toilet Soaps, Creams and Powders mat be purchased. The quality is pure, the prices ;ust rtjriit: whatever your toilet need we can sene you best. Swanson It Lofholm, Up-to-Date Druggists ss«m«*E to »w resident defendant Tfcr M«* of Nri»r»hi* T» ticorw* r nhrucr, nun resident defend ant '« Will Uto notice that on the luth day of .nil the First National Hank of Loop * tty. N. orasaa plaintiff beren. filed it* petf hm m the Uisiru t t'evrtni - be raisa county. heUrmaa agamst you impleaded with An draa # Pttarster iT.aesler H rot her-, and toals a Hoar Lbe object aad prayer of shirk are ta forte lose iso certain chattel mortgages esrrutrd by fen aad tbs said Andres W. FMaesser and Pliarstcr Urol her. upon remain chattel property situate la Sherman county. ^rbft*4A Ur s it One rbattel mortgage, dal-1 ad Horsier 11 It 10 and filed for record Jan ■ary II IMl la the county clerk , office of said rotaaiy execute,: by tbe decision of the Kepublican electors of Huffalo Cuater and Sherman counties, com prlslae said judicial district I would appre ciate your support. A a Hun Wall. 1 hereby announce to tbe electors of the twelfth judical district that I am a candidate at the primary election to lie held August 15. tell for tbe republican nomination for tbe otBre of District Judge to succeed myself. 1 shall stand for the fearless enforcement of tbe laas the punishment of rrime: speedy trials; the strictest economy in tba business of the court and eiact justice for all. witbout regard to rare or nationality wealth or poverty, po litical or religious beliefs. If your judgment approver my conduct as district judge in tbe past 1 will appreciate your endorsement at thepimarv Yours sincerely. Hsrso O. Hostetler. For Cot’RTT STPEK1NTENDENT 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Superintendent of Schools of Sherman county, subject to the will of the democrat and popu list voters at the coming primary election. K D HENDRICKSON. I hereby announce tbat 1 am a candidate for tbe oIBce of County Superintendent of Schools of Shrrman county. Nebraska on tbe Repub lican ticket subject to the will of tbe roters at the August primaries. Your support will be appreciated. Mart. A. K. Hendrickson. 1 hereby at bounce myself as a candidate for th. office of County Superintendent of Schools Of HkiRil county, subject to tbe good will of the Democrat and people's independent voters at the August primary election. I earnestly solicit your support L. H CURRIER for corn it theanther 1 hereby Announce my candidacy for the of fice of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the a ill of the democratic And populist vot er* m» expressed At the coming August prima ry ejection Frank I.orchick. I hereby Announce myself a candidate for the office ol Treasurer of Sherman oouuly. subject to the dens on of the democratic and pcpullAl voters at the coming August primary elec tion O. F Petersen I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ■ ffi. e of Treasurer of sherman county, subject to the mill of the Republican voters aa ex prssscd at thocoming primary election. Your • upport mil be appreciated F. M. flENHT. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for tile office of County Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the Republican vot ers as expressed at the coming August prima ry election W H. Simpson. for OUCNTT JcDtiK 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Judge of Sherman eounty. subject to the decision of the democratic and people » independent party voters at the com ing August primaries K A. Smith FOR SHERIFF To My Friends and the Voters of Sherman County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, sub ject to the good will of the Republican voters at the August primary election I earnoatly solicit the support ol all moral, upright clti icos Herman J. Johansen. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the will of the Republican voters as expressed at the coming August pri mary election L. A. Williams. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of fice of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the coming August primary election. H. G. Miner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, sub ject to the decision of the democratic and peo ple a in lependent party voters at the coming primary election K. X. Pbitv Hahd For youNTT CLERK To the ib-m.s-ratic and People's Independ ent voters of Sherman county : 1 hereby make kDosu that 1 am before you for renominalion for the office uf ‘"oumy Clerk and w ill esteem vour vines and efforts in my behalf at the pri mar\ August t.iih. lull. W. C UlKTF.KH'ns Date of Filing Past Last Saturday being the 15th of July, and the last day for the tiling of party nominations, we can say that all tiling of candidates before the coming primary election is closed, unless indeed some one may tile by petit icfi. which is not probable. Th'e list of candidates for the various county offices and judge of this tweifth judical district complete is as followes: For District Judge Republican. Aaron Wall of Loup City and B. O. Hostetler of Kearney. For County Clerk-Democrat, W. j Dieterichs. For Treasurer—Republican, F. M. Henry and W. II. Simpson: Democrat, O. F. Petersen and Frank Lorcheck, ail of Loup City. For Sheriff—Republican, L. A. Williams. Herman J. Johansen and II. G. Miner: Democrat. R. N. Pritch ard and W. G. Tucker, all of Loup City. For County Judge—Democrat, E. A. Smith. ForCounty Superintendent—Repub lican. Mrs. Mary A. K. Hendrickson: Democrats. R. D. Hendrickson of Loup City, and L. II. Currierof Rock ville. For Districtclerk—Democrat, Louis Rein. As will be seen by the list above, the democrats of this district have no candidate for district judge, and as an offset, the republicans of Sherman county have no candidates for county clerk. districtclerk nor county judge. For treasurer, both parties are repre sented by two candidates each, while for sheriff the republicans have three candidates to democracy’s two, which is nearly evened up by the su perintendency, where the democrats have two candidates to the republi cans one. Had we the old-time con vention plan, the showing would have been something different, but under the primary system the Lord only knows just what the future may bring forth. Last Saturday evening just before the expiration of the date for filing Mr. Louis Rein filed as candidate for district clerk, being the only one coming out for that office in Sherman county. Mr. Rein was a few months since appointed district clerk by the board of supervisors and the judgment of the board in making said appoint ment was considered good judgment by the people, as Mr. Rein is thor oughly competent for the work, from his thorough knowledge of the clerical work of that office. That he would have been elected to the office, with whatever opposition he might have had. isf the general belief, and the fact that he has no opposition shows the good judgment of any who might lisve considered candidacy in their behalf for the district clerkship. Under Iowa's new law, a woman was arrested last week for deserting her husband. This is where man gets his laugh when he thinks that woman gets tier share of the desertion busi ness, as heretofore man was the only critter that got bis in the desertion law of various states. Among the candidates for state railway commissioner, we notice the name of our friend, E. Z. Russel of Blair, formerly treasurer of Washing ton countv and for years connected with the Nebraska State Fair Associ ation. The voters of Sherman county will make no mistake in casting their suffrages for Mr. Russell, as he is a first class man and thoroughly com petent for the position of railway commissioner. A mong the political announcements at the head of our editorial columns this week will be found that of Judge B. O. Hostetler of the District Court asking for re-nomination and re-elec tion to the office he has so faith fully filled. Wliat the Northwestern has heretofore said in commendation of Judge Hostetler as presiding judge of this judicial district it is ready to reiterate at this time. He has made a splendid record and his thorough knowledge of the duties involved, by years of experience on the bench, prove his entire fitness for re-nomi nation and consequent re-election. Notice Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the county clerk for the leasing of the County Poor Farm up to noon of the 7th day ol August, 1911. Terms of lease on file in the county clerk’s office. County board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. C. Dietekichs, Clekk. I The Loup City Mills are more than rushed at the present time. They have a great many car orders for old wheat flour to go out before they begin to grind new wheat. They are shipping in several cars of old wheat ! at present. A pitcher may go to the well many i times before it is broken, so may 1 public tilth disseminators regale a dis gusted public with matters of scan dal and of unpublishable nature and : continue so to do from week to week, yet as the pitcher goes to the well once too often, so it mav happen that the same fate will be the portion of foul birds of the latter species. it is not obligatory to answer wed ding invitations at a church wedding nor is it necessary to send a gift. One can do so however, and it is probably always best to write a letter of con gratulation and send a small gift, pro viding the friendship is of longstand ing. There are no hard and fast rules governing such cases since many church weddings are partially private, with the understating that interest ed friends and acqaintances can be present, if they so desire. Invitations to a home wedding, if not including a recption card, do not necessarily need to be answered, altho most per sons do answer them. When the invi tation to a wedding or reception is extended, the recipient should send a gift on the day of the wedding and be present or send regrets. Special Sale CLOTHING LO R ENTZ’S Now is your time to get your suit at Bottom Prices: ' Men’s and Young Men’s Suits $ 7.50 to $10.00 for $ 3.75 10.00 to 12.50 for 7.50 15.00 to 18.00 for 12.50 20.00 to 25.00 for 18.00 Get your suit this monty and save $1.50 to $3.00 on.all Boys’ Suits from 98c to $6.98. At Lorentz’s. Music’s the Thing! You’ve been hearing about Chautauqua. Have you heard tsat music’s to be the feature of the big week? % It’s so. Five great musical companies on a five days’ program. That’s a featuring of music, isn't it? Plan for that season ticket and you’ll be planning for the most enjoyable, the most delightful week of the year There are a host of other big things, too. Starts Aug. 27, Lasts 5 Days Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares to the Pacific Coast From Loup City to California.$62 10 to Northern Pacific Coat Points. 62.10 to California one way via North Pacific Coast Pointa. 77.10 Tickets on Sale June 1 to September 30 inclusive. Final return limit to October 31, 1911. In addition to the above, the following low fares will be in effect: From Loup City to Califojnia.$52.10 to Northern Pacific Coast Points 52.10 to California one way via North Pacific Coast Points. 67.10 Tickets on Sale August 7 to 11 inclusive, and 14 to 17 inclusive. Final return limit October 15,'1911. Union Pacific Standard Route of the West New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park Protected by Electric Block Signals Excellent Dining Ct rs on All Trains For all additional information, and Illustrated California and Pacific Northwest book, call on or address 6. W. Colli priest, Agent INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other typewriting machines into one and compare it fea ture with feature, working part with working part, with the Underwoi >d Standard T y pewriter and the UNDERWOOD stands out as the best machine -one per- q mitting the greatest latitude ol work, doing more and better work per given effort, and is The Machine You Will Eventually Buy It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every trying condition and is simple in construction. The Underwood Type Bar Stroke has but three ele ments: the Key Lever, Connecting Link and Type Bar. Underwood Typewriting Company (Incorporated) OMAHA BRANCH, ------ 1621 FARNAM STREET !— © 2 ** II® S-§*» T1 mr|-3 5® m s §■" g® ® S2 ® s” Z 09 K : |: “ |T| S = S £® £ 1 1 ?* ®h 53 s gioiEr-p -■ jo^i^o S!j* o _g w g 5F“3!!tA CD ®C0§?-5 —I 3 M 01 § SB 4a z ®pgj g.C0 CD O 0D 55 * sr = * 1 I I |=&r?i§8. Q-® O 5r? !:»i £*§•*“(!» S-s^sf ^ -A ?§ — - j v v Qi [JJ® o» A a5| o|?“3 |n >to£o °5 "sits "= o|;^ 13 s»H55 s ^-15 T>=£ ? ~ S si* : 70 s| * 5i" • s U 3 o _ 9 3 ? s* s’ o I -r £ Z ?s s: % £ $ 5 || « S v I ? II ! g>s *< 5T CT Burlington Time Card Gome East: I No. 5* Pass, (ex Sunday) departs - »:» a. m. No. SB rn. Mods. Wed’ys departs - U:30p. m No. 80 Frt. ex Mods Weds, Sundays 11:20 a. m GonraWasT: No. Cl Pass. (ex. Sunday) departs • 5:40 p.m. No. 51 Frt. (ex. Sunday) departs - 2: 15 p. m. For time table rates aad any information, » J. A. DANIELSON, Aceat. FARMERS FOE. Mowing Machines * Sweeps and Stackers SEE T. M. Reed LOUP CITY CEMENT Is now open for the Spring Trade See Us for Solid Copcfete Work . Sidewalks, floors, Etc. Call and get our prices. We have in connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and Baled Hay. GUY STOUT, Manager.