The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 13, 1911, Image 7

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- or THE, -
Black Step
moreucy. sot of one of
Pi'tsburg s steel king*. had
l'-*t his SM’tl
of M.W*c> .c a Forty-third
street gambling house. He
bad also g:r« t. cotes for
*- M<® store. To make matter* worse.
Sit** Ta:tkS« "oe* of the chorus
tm£ swiM Lie that unless he pave
t»r »: 4m she *ot!d sue him for
* ■ for breach of promise of mar
rsate .md c *i - pub!.c his lore letters
“Old Van” Kuu*mc rency learned of
t.s safe j/red. aBftt through hit
•ife s *j :«a! for more motley for their
"Reggie s in trouble!” pleaded the
st flier ir» must help him.”
V•» we must h^lp him.” mid the
*■•• . tie We nest teed for Roper
OKarn ”
So Roper- OMara was sect for The
•Raatio* was explained to him The
•am* ft; t he let* for Xew S'orb.
A week 1: -er Be glim Id Montn orency
«*• ba-b st Sale The notes he had
s;sued, as well as *he fervid lore let
tees, wer- a Roper O' Mura s posse*
aiort Ih:«> Tw.nkietoe# vis
derm r* all her -la* to a Chicago
r*'”b packer a: was t-rece la the
Kora-tscy household. Roger
° Star*. * work was done, writes Karl
K Er -hea. in the World
Perhaps rot hare guessed It. Roger
‘ ' Wan u the shepherd of the black
Sbeep When the sous at rich pitts
bs.-pers pet into trouble Roger O’Mara
U -ailed ; oe to gey them out. For
41 ; earn J'Stara has bee* a deteetire
ia Rr-aburg Thirty-four years were
•peat ob the police force, where be
»»s i e*d of the deteetire bureau for
the greater part of the time. While
hr a* Eatara^j *aken aa actire pan
ia all 'he tig criminal cases that hare
*• • ” :-rd it tb* raokr city, the most
if et eg pan of his work has been
•a w the gilded youths of Pitts
burg out of di Acuities.
E—gicyee in Thaw Case.
New tpaper reader* will recall how
1 am K 7i.ii summoned him -o Xew
Sork - cr > afvrtbe Madison Square
*traae^y Nobody worked hard
er to extriraie the young Pittsburg
r. : 'Air. from his diAculries than
O Mara. btr of courw. his efforts were
hopeless Today OMara is Thaws
'"r" !’d hi* most valued adviser
Le*» - an taro month# ago O'Mara
»»«• -- ; tig young Griscorn -be son of
Cc rge Gns-om of Pi-aburg. out of
fcts d.»eal-!ea Young Griacom. it will
b -emembered. tfce dance of Dor
*rry Arnold, the Xew York heiress,
•hose disappearance was and is a
great mystery
Two mark money is the ruination of
most of tie rich young men In Pitts
burg. he declares. With an endless
supply of money it is only natural
‘1 at they fall into all sorts of disst
I ' m. Drinking. gambling and wom
n sooner or later involve them one
way or another. and exposure and dis
c-ice are inevitable. And the sons of
r parents in Pittsburg, he declares,
are typical of the rich young men in
every large American city.
"The first thing I do when 1 am
all-, d upon to help get a young man
out of trouble is to make his parents
promise to cut off his supply of cash." j
said O'Mara to the writer, who found
tt in his office in the Oliver building
in Pi—sburg the other day. “The rea
son the so-called gilded youth of this •
c-'-intry are continually getting Into |
trouble is that their parents give them
tea times as much money as they
need. If they were put to work and
forced to earn thenr own money they
would be far better off—and I should
probably have much less to do.
“Cut Off Supply of Cash.”
“Of course there is another side to
•:..s There are schemers who make
a business of preying on the sons of
rich men. They try to involve them
in all sons of difficulties. And of
course there are adventuresses who
seek to trap the gilded youth. A young
man sometimes becomes involved
quite innocently, but no matter bow it
has happened or what difficulties he
may be in. the first thing to do is to
u' oS his supply of cash. That will
bnr.g him to his senses more quickly
than anything else, and unless he has
■ nir.mitted a felony he can then be ex
•r.-a’ed from his difficulties and put
on his feet.
‘: blackmailers are to be found every
where. and every year they get scores
of rich young men into their clutches
Especially if the rich young man is
married he is threatened with ex
posure Our rich young men have a
habit of being indiscreet—especially
when they go to New York—and black
mi..!crs are always in readiness to ‘get
something on them.' My advice to
them is never to pay a cent of black
mail no matter bow badly they may be
.nvolved. It is better to risk exposure
first as last, for If blackmail be paid
once the payment has to be repeated
as often as the blackmailers wish
Blackmailers can frequently be bluffed.
Typical Case Quoted.
"Just the other day," O’Mara con
tinued. “a well-known Pittsburg man
called me up and said a woman was in
town who was making trouble for his
son. It seems »be young man had met
her in New York, given her a few
costly presents and perhaps been a lit
tle too carelessly free with his terms
of endearment. At any rate here she
was in Pittsburg demanding that he
marry her. A 6candal seemed immi
nent. Well, I -went over to her hotel
and had a talk with her. She was a
beauty—there was no mistake about
that I asked her if the young man
owed her any money. She said he
did not. So 1 told her there were two
trains out of Pittsburg which she could
take, and 1 would let her choose be
tween them. One was the 9:40 train
for New York, the other the 11 o’clock
train for the workhouse. She said she
would not take either and hurried off
to the office of a prominent lawyer
Half an hour later she emerged from
his office, went to the hotel and packed
her belongings. One of my men re
ported that she had taken the 9:40
train for the east. So the next day I
dropped around at the lawyer's office
and asked him about his fair client.
He laughed and told me she wanted
him to bring suit against me for or
dering her to take her choice between
the two trains. ‘What did you toll
her?' I asked. ‘I told her she had bet
ter choose the 9:40 for New York,'
said the lawyer, ‘for I knew you’d see
that she'd take the 11 o’clock for the
workhouse if she stayed.’
The Old and the New Rich.
“Thirty and forty years ago. when I
was a young man in Pittsburg, a man
who had $100,000 was accounted rich.
The young men of those days, even
those who had the richest parents, had
comparatively little money to spend.
And, what is more, most of them
were put to work by their parents.
Nowadays the sens of our very rich
men not only receive enormous sums
to spend, but are not required to do
any rtal work. It is no wonder they
cause their parents so cany heart
aches. Of course there are many ex
ceptions to what 1 have said. No
generalization is wholly true—not even
this one. But the rich young men of
this country would be far and away
better off—mentally, physically and
morally—if their parents made them
go to work and earn their own spend
ing money. The hard-working young
man rarelv has bad companions.
"Sometimes a father realizes these
things and cuts off the son's allowance
But mothers always take their sons’
part. They will continue to send them
money without their husband's knowl
edge. In fact, the more dissipated the
son the more money the mother will
send him _ „ji~ y*
Lure of Broadway.
“Broadway is the Mecca of the gild
ed youth. A young man can get into
more trouble in New York in a day
than he can in Pittsburg in a month.
But it takes money to get into trou
ble—don’t forget that.”
“What precisely was your connec
tion with the Thaw case?" was asked.
"Well, I knew Harry Thaw ever
since he was a little boy. I knew his
father well, too. So when he got into
trouble it was only natural that he
should send for me. I did what 1 could
for him, but his lawyers spoiled all
his chances of freedom. He's as sane
as anyone in America today. The
trouble with Harry is that his parents
gave him too much money and always
allowed him to have his own waf. He
was a spoiled boy from the time of his
birth! ”
Record Is a Distinguished One.
Few detectives have had so many
adventures and been connected with
so many celebrated cases as Roger
O’Mara. He became a detective the
first year he joined the Pittsburg po
lice force, back in 1867. In order to
round up a gang of crooks O'Mara,
then only nineteen years of age, had
himself publicly discharged from the
police force. He then Joined the
crooks and when he had obtained all
the evidence he needed he placed them
all under arrest. He was the detective
who attested Alexander Berkman. who
shot Henry C. Frick, and it was large
ly through his efforts that Laura Big
gar, the actress, was prevented from
getting the Bennett millions. It will
be remembered that Laura Biggar of
"A Trip to Chinatown” fame, claimed
she was Millionaire Bennett's widow
and the mother of his child, who had
died. O'Mara, retained by the Ben
nett heirs, succeeded In finding evi
dence which prevented Laura Biggar
from establishing her claim.
Back in the eighties he captured
"Shoe Box” Miller, the famous crook
who escaped from a Pennsylvania pen
itentiary in a shoe box. Miller had
robbed a family named Connors, liv
ing at Catfish, near Pittsburg, of $21,
00C. By torturing Connors’ wife Miller
succeeded in learning the hiding place
of the money, and with it he fled to
Canada. O’Mara tracked him all over
the country and finally brought him
back after one of the most remarkable
man-hunts in recent times.
These are only a few of the cases in
which O’Mara has figured. Since he
resigned from the Pittsburg detective
force nine years ago he has been in
business for himself. The greater part
of his time has been spent In getting
the rich young men of Pittsburg and
other cities out of trouble. This is
his specialty.
“Boys will be boys,” he says, but
he adds that they will be better boyB
if their parents give them less money.
A fine, kindly old man Is Roger
O’Mara, the shepherd of the black
* Manosom# Fact tcrtswljr
H.ix«r«a On* M* 3«r From FmO
>«* Empttymmt
A lew >«-r» ago there <u a belief
tt*t the pretty stenographer found
mor* places open to her than the one
mt only mediocre st tram fences Hut
*a employer srbo has a large office
iOTr* bek of act and young women
said tbe other day:
"ErjrfTknre has taught me that It 1*
t*« in to hire aa utrrartv attractive
atewognpher I And that she soon be
comes the renter at ad a.! ration for the
men rhrk* Considerable time u spen
ta 'Joliytag.' sad if ihe ha;;>. ra to
drop a tend pencil or wants to put on
bee Jacket, every mas on the force
jumps to help her. This take* too
much time, and. beside*. 1 bare r<-:.soc
to think that the pretty girl takes
more time from office hours for primp
ing than the others.'*
If It so happened that you were an
extremely pretty girt, but la other
ways sere last Ilk* other girls and
wasted to earn your Uring in a dlgnl- ;
fled way. and could only do it by j
stenography; if it also happened that
you especially wanted to earn money ;
by office work for a couple of years be
cause at the end of that time you ex
pected to marry and wanted to get
your trousseau and help along the
folks at borne beside, what would you
say at being turned down because you
were pretty?
That is what happened to a girl who
tried to get stenographic work in
! Washington. Her name was Miss
Marj- Todd and she came from a little
country town with its freshness still
upon her. She was taken into an office
where there were 17 girls, and at the
end of a few weeks she was embar
rassed by frequent offers of company
and of flowers from different men in
the office. It made the other girls her
enemies, even though she declined all
such attentions, and she finally left
and began to look for another Job
where she could work In peace.
The same experience, in so far as
having the girls in the office become
Jealous of her, happened to a girl in
. Chicago. Being a sensible girl an^
caring for the approbation erf her com
panions. she dressed plainly and re
moved herself as far as possible from
any appearance of “showiness.” This
was not hard, as she had a quiet taste
naturally. But the next thing she did
required courage. She smoothed back
her light brown hair straight from her
forehead in a way that was hopelessly
old-fashioned. But. as it happened, she
was of so unusual a type that this only
gave her distinction. Her brow was
low and well shaped and the hair line
so good that this only served to draw
attention to it Her eyes were a won
derful blue and her teeth perfect as
they were disclosed by the sweetest
and most womanly of smiles.
Her little ruse did not hide these
things from the more discriminating
but fortunately, it worked with th*
girls in the office, who no longer con
sidered her a rival.
Mrs Hoyle—Who was the best
at your wedding? Mrs. Doyie—Then
were only two in the wedding party,
and so it is proper to call one the
better man.
HERE Is a short cut to power:
It Is the discipline of doing
uungs mai are nara. suppose we maxe
It the rule of our lives to choose the hard
things first, the hard things then will al
ways be behind, finished, done away
This is a recipe which won a prize
of twenty-five dollars as the best one
in a maple sugar contest:
Maple Surprise Balls.—Core and
pare six apples that will cook tender
without losing their form. When cool
have some rice that has been cooked
in milk until tender, flavored and
sweetened to taste. Cover each apple
with a coating of rice, using butter on
the hands. Now set away to become ;
thoroughly chilled. When the time
comes to serve them, have a pint of
maple sirup boiled to a waxy stage,
and insert a fork in the center and
dip in the sirup, dripping it from a
spoon all over until the rice is cov
ered. It hardens as soon as it covers
the cold balls. It is better to beat the
sirup until it is quite creamy before
dipping the apples. Set on individual
plates, fill the core with chopped nuts
and sirup, after rolling the apple in 1
browned cooccanut. This dish may be !
prepared by using pears or fine fla- I
vored quinces. Of course this is not a j
dessert one would care to prepare tor j
threshers in the busy market time.
Cccoanut Pie.—Line a plate with
plain paste: fill with the following
mixture: Two cups of milk, three egg
yolks, one-half cup of sugar, one cup
of grated coccanut. a fourth of a tea- j
spoonful of salt, the grated rind and i
juice of a lemon and a tatle^poonful i
of butter Hake carefully until the
custard Is thick.
Chocalate Cream Pie.—Melt two
squares of chocolate or a half cup of
cocoa; add four tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch, three egg yolks, a little
salt and a pint of milk. Cook in a
double boiler until thick, stirring con
stantly. Flavor with vanilla. Pour
Into a baked piecrust shell, cover with
a meringue made with the whites and
three or four tablespoonfuls of sugar,
and brown in the oven. Serve ice ,
V'GMIKS are pygmies still though
perched on Alps:
Each man makes his own stature, builds
himself. —Young
For dishes of this sort It Is tetter
that they should be not too heavy.
Cutlets, chops, sweetbreads and meats
of that kind are appropriate.
Escalloped Veal.—Mince cold cooked
veal very fine. Butter a baking dish
and put a thin layer of veal in the
bottom, with a sprinkling of onion on
top. Then add a layer of finely-pow
dered bread crumbs. Dot with butter
and chopped parsley, then add anoth
er layer of veal, and so on until the
dish is full, having buttered crumbs
oa top. Pour milk into the pan until
the dish seems moist, and bake slow
ly until it is done, with an inverted
pan over it to keep in the steam. Ke
move the pan ten minutes before serv
ing. and let the top brown. Sprinkle
with grated cheese or parsley.
Ham Croquettes.—Mince cold boiled
ham very fine. Mix with an equal
quantity of crumbs, cold boiled rice
or mashed potato. Add a little thick
cream sauce to bind; roll in egg.
crumbs and fry in deep fat.
Fried Sweetbreads.—Wash and
drain and dry on a cloth. Lard witn
strips of salt pork and cook in a but
tered frying pan until the pork is
crisp. Serve with tomato sauce.
Scalloped Chicken. — Take the
meat left over from boiled
chicken, put in a buttered bak
ing dish a layer of the chicken then
a layer of toasted bread crumbs and
hot boiled potato; moisten well with
the broth thickened with flour and
seasoned with salt, pepper and butter.
Bake three-quarters of an hour.
Veal Chops.—Wipe the chops and
make an incision and put in a few
drops of onion juice and lemon juice.
Dip in egg and crumbs and fry in a
little butter or pork fat. SciYe after
seasoning well with salt and pepper
ESPISE not small things.
Tne soul that longs for winir>
11> to Home great neigr.r or iacnn«,
too oft
Forgets the dally round
Where dal**- cares abound.
And shakes off little duties, while she
looks aloft.
During the summer months dishes
with smaller amounts Of meat are
more appealing to the average appe
tite. This is the time to use eggs,
sauces and cheese, and let roast pork
and such heavy meats have a vaca
Cream toast makes a very nice
luncheon dish and one that is suffi
cient in nourishment The up-to-date
housewife plans her meals so that
there will be plenty of food to repair
waste and build tissue.
Rarebit Cream Toast.—Trim off the
crust from six slices of bread. Toast
delicately and dip quickly into toil
ing salted water. Spread with but
ter, cover in a tureen and keep hot.
Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a
saucepan, add two tablespoonfuls of
fiour or one of flour and one of corn
starch, stir and cool until smooth.
Season with salt and pepper and two
tablespoonfuls of cheese after adding
a pint of hot milk. Just before serv
ing add a tcaspoonful of Worcester
shire sauce. Pour over the toast and
serve hot.
Mock Terrapin.—Cook together two
tablespoonfuls of cornstarch and one
of flour with two tablespoonfuls of
butter, salt, mace, cayenne and a half
a cup of cream. When smooth add a
half a cup of cooked rice, a half cup
of cooked calf's liver, chopped, half a
cup of cold cooked veal, two hard eggs
and a teaspoonful of finely chopped
parsley. Mix well together and add
a teaspoonful of lemon juice, simmer
and serve in ramekins.
Delicious Creamed Potatoes.—Cook
new potatoes with the skins on in
boiling salted water. Let 6tand until
the next day before using. Peel, cut
In small cubes, sprinkle with salt and
pepper. In a double boiler put two
tablespoonful6 of butter, add the same
amount of cornstarch and cook until
smooth, gradually add two cups of
thin cream and cook until the raw
taste has left the starch. Turn in the
potatoes, add a few drops of onion
juice and a dash of grated cheese and
tfERE are plenty good fish in
the sea that never were
It Is not so much what a woman has
that makes her happy, as it is what she
does not want.
Baked Codfish.—Cover one cupful of
shredded salt codfish with toiling
water and set aside. Beat together
two capfuls of cold mashed potatoes,
two cupfuls of milk, two eggs beaten
and half a cup of melted butter. Sea
son with pepper. Drain the codfish,
mix with the potato, put into a but
tered baking dish and bake half an
hour. Half this recipe is sufficient for
a small family.
Cuban Codfish.—Chop an cnion fine
and fry light brown in butter. Add
a cupful of canned tomatoes and a cup
of freshened codfish. Cook ten min
utes, stirring constantly. Serve on
buttered toast.
Line a baking dish with seasoned
mashed potatoes, fill with creamed
codfish, and cover with the potato.
Bake and serve in slices.
Fish a la Vinaigrette.—Use any cold
fish that has been baked or boiled,
free from skin, fat and bene, and pile
in the center of a platter. Make a
ring of sliced hard-cooked eggs around
the base of the fish.
Make a sauce of three tablespoon
fuls of olive oil. one tablespoonful of
vinegar, a pinch of salt, a dash of
paprika and a tablespoonful of chopped
pickle. Pour over the fish and gar
nish with lemon and parsley.
Jellied Fish.—Soak a package of
gelatine in cold water to cover, then
add enough more water to make a
cupful and dissolve by gentle heat
until the liquid is transparent. Have
ready four cupfuls of flaked, cooked
fish, stir untfl it begins to thicken.
Pack into an earthen jar or mold that
has been rinsed with cold water, and
set away to harden.
Salmon Croquettes.—Mix a cupful of
canned salmon with an equal quan
tity of cold mashed potatoes. Bind
with beaten egg or very thick cream
sauce. Shape into croquettes, dip in
egg and fry in a wire basket in deep
Deep Mourning.
The manager of the theater racked
his brain in vain. ,rWe must do some
thing," he repeated, bitterly. “Peo
ple will expect us to do something
to show respect to the proprietor,
now that he is dead.” ‘•Shall we
close for ve night of the funeral 7"
suggested the assistant stage man
ager. “With this business? You’re
a fool, laddie, a fool. No; put the
chorus in black stockings." And it
was even so.
Looked Easy to Him.
Graydon's father is dead, and the
child, hearing other children talk of
their fathers, began to importune his
mother for “another papa." Mamma
tried to explain that she couldn’t con
veniently grant this wish, at the mo
ment. but Graydon didn't consider any
of the suggested reasons adequate.
"It ought to be easy enough, mamma,
with so many loose men all around!"
Stupefy the Snake.
Snake charmers takr snakeroot and
put it into an earthenware pot with a
snake, and he toon becomes stupefied
and seems torpid and too weak tv
fight or bite. They put the snake un
der the influence of the root before
pulling bis fangs.
Youth and Age.
"Things are never just right in this
world.' complained old Si Chestnut to
the Sedgwick Pantagraph. "When I
was a young man I never could buy a
buggy with a seat that was narrow
enough. Now that 1 am an old mar
ried man I can't find a buggy with a
seat that is wide enough to suit me."
One Estimate of Philosopher.
A philosopher is s fool who tor
ments himself during life, to be spoken
of when dead.—D'Alembert.
Still the Open Kettle.
One very seldom sees a washing
machine in use In the south, says
Frank P. Fogg in the National Maga
zine. The old-fashioned way of wash
ing In the open air at the side of a
brook or at the well and boiling the
clothes in an iron Kettle over a smok
ing open fire is still in vogue.
A Real Improvement.
“How do you like your new house?”
“Great! There’s a place in it for
me to hang my razor strop."
toYearGeod Health ui Pleasure
Come—follow the arrow ’til you join
the merry throng of palate pleased men
and women who have quit seeking for
the one best beverage because they’ve
found it—
Real satisfaction in every glass—snap and sparkle—vim
and go. Quenches the thirst—coois like a breeze
L Delicious—Refreshing—Wholesome
Send for
our interest
ing booklet.
**The Troth
About Coca-Cola'*
Sc Everywhere
A:iarta, Ca.
you sec an
Arrow think
of Coca - Cola
“My beau he is particular.
About the way I'm dressed.
So Maggie uses Faultless Starch,
So I can look my best”
FREE with E*J> Me Podufe—As luntsuif Sock lor ChiMrca
The Girl's Handicap.
Ir. her pretty uew frock sister Mabel j
felt quite proud as she sat on the front
step and watched some boys playing
on the sidewalk.
After a time one little boy came up
to talk to her and to admire, in his
rough little way. her bright shiny
shoes and pink sash.
"See my nice square-cut waist.” ex
claimed the girlie, "and my nice coral
beads! Don't you wish you wuz a
“No sire-ee,” replied the boy. “1
wouldn't want to be any girl at all.
because lookie how much more neck
you haf to wash.”
"A few days after birth we noticed
an inflamed spot on our baby's hip
which soon began spreading until
baby was completely covered even in
his eyes, ears and scalp. For eight
weeks he was bandaged from head to
foot. He could not have a stitch of
clothing on. Our regular physician
pronounced it chronic eczema. He is
a very able physician and ranks with
the best in this locality, nevertheless,
the disease began spreading until
baby was completely covered. He
was losing flesh so rapidly that we be
came alarmed and decided to try Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment.
“Not until 1 commenced using Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment could we tell
what he looked like, as we dared not
wash him. and I had been putting one
application after another on him. On
removing the scale from his head the
hair came off. and left him entirely
bald, but since we have been using
Cuticura Soap and Ointment he has
as much hair as ever. Four weeks
after we began to use the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment he was entirely
cured. I don't believe anyone could
have eczema worse than our baby.
“Before we used the Cuticura Rem
edies we could hardly look at him, he
was such a pitiful sight. He would
fuss until I would treat him, they
semed to relieve him so much. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment stand by
themselves and the result they quick
ly and surely bring is their own rec
ommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. B.
Rosser. Mill Hail. Pa., Feb. 20, 1911.
Although Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment are sold by druggists and deal
ers everywhere, a sample of each,
with 32-page book, will be mailed free
on application to “Cuticura,” Dept.
29 K, Boston.
A man can't always depend upon a
grass widow to see that his grave is
kept green.
There imitations, don't he fooled,
j Ask for Lewis' single Binder cigar, 5c.
Watch the hobble girl trying to
skip over the cobbles. ,
' : .. -. .
Instead of Liquid
Antiseptics or Peroxide
100,000 people last year used
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
The new toilet germicide powder to b#
dissolved in water as needed.
For all toilet and hygienic uses it is
better and more economical.
To save and beautify the
teeth, remove tartar and
prevent decay.
To disinfect the mouth, de
stroy disease perms, and
purify the breath.
To keep artificial teeth and
bridpework clean, odorless
To remove nicotine from the teeth and
purify the breath after smoking.
To eradicate perspiration and body
■ odors by sponge bathing.
The best antiseptic wash known.
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