The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 13, 1911, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
volume xxix
Cawaswas e Me ■ Few Lines for the
Rruiit of toe Busy Mat*—
UtMi Personal Infcr
r xt'xtau Xorr.* of SttintU. la
a if'rr -c-lr-tHd to the Nebraska
Proft-ti r Irjwbilcu lessor. makes
the ass«:*ivB 'bat Charles D HLiles
•snsisn to President Taft, is set me
Ss tie head at a political news bu
raaaT »Li<k ' suppreaae* truth" sad
a^t ’ -t_rr-nmded sod false" state
»<-ats aa to aettimeat rotctnuai
p>csnAct.i:». candidates
'La”r*L-4 President Taft atth at
•-e-c.ptIt* to osemde the CanslttfU*
by aas t. • ( - be potr.uat of execullee
and i«a sis or. Senator Groans of
North Dakota cade a sensational at
tack t tor met procity bill on the
•oar a1 'to I'htted States senate
Aa taternate -r*de commission of
fir* acc-M, to control industrial
corpora- mas as the interstate com
metre ruermtsauat r jttroia the rail
roads- is proposed ta a bill it.trod i>-*d
ts -to V S wtr# by Senator Nes
Ethel Barr?mote, the actress, whe
is i st-tt at Doe An*e>es. CaL. took
steps to sue for divorce in Nesr Vor*
from kussell Gris void Col’, a youn*
matti-mllUooalre. to • bom she sat
married It as than tao pears ago. The
papera ser* takeB east by a special
scent and are to be bled immediately
spue his antral
A Sunil? tc’mnotile party. touring
from Portland to Sot F maclaco. came
>c gnat Mtr ( rancent City. Ore., when
’he Skachine’# fu-i ‘t:t rxpieM. fa
tally burning Mias Myrna Kelly and
n£>' ■—* :nycn»w upon bet
'we little brothers. for whoa* protec
uaa tlx save ter life
By the 'erm* of a teal treaty *:cnetl
-s. Wash rgtoo by representatives of
the Aotncuk. Japanese. Russian and
British got emmet's pelagic aeallng lc
protfbned in ting hm at Bering. Ok
hunk Kaa>' tatka and Japan.
In a epee -fc at the International
fcr.stiar LiAtetor convention at At
taste- City. X J.. President Taft said
-i*e L**o alK«i for ft>e arbi* ration
reaty bet seen Great Britain and the
Cni-.ed State# tare reached a point
*Ut* * ter* a no doubt aa to the sign
ng of tb* tgreeaw
\y. - ting ’bat ber husband Is being
curved by It Slat my at ire. who desire
tbe return of a Bartrknuly hideous
-mg be peas—a aa. Mrs Josepbloe
Asaitaa of < ’beater. England, arrived
t Hnsias on tbe tour hundred and
dst?-fifth da* of her search, which has
arrlcd bee to India and across the
xstlMt to Hastes
Two gi-.f gt'itig 'be name* of Mary
icbstoc and Clara Peterson of Scott’s
Maff Vet « st tired in boys’ clothing,
•ere arrested at Tbermopolls. Colo
They had beaten their way from
tan s Bluff aa freight trains
The Va*k>nal Kef ten. association.
hrv_gt Clement H t .ngdon. Its ei
-rr.o agent. Selected Fort land. Ore.
or tbe areloB in :*J3 at tbe world's
amtun -ongresw Tbe session will
efit> June » and close July i.
• a #
IXre which started m tbe kitchen
< the dining room building at tbe
l«wm Mich I prison for the criminal
insane threateaed fan- a time to reach
tbe man mane Spontaneous com
bastion H tttppoaed to have been tbe
f»*a* Tbe .im on tbe burned build
ing and »detents is
Popr Fias X, la at autograph let
tar received by the apostolic delegate
ta Waal-sgtae applauds the lead tak
«* by the ratted S:r*e* tn tne sorld
aide campaign for late motional peace
although tbe does not mention
Presides• Taf* specifically by name,
a taf at tbe ever was forwarded to
the hilts Hows i
• • •
Ten «» 'welve passengers and mem
Xtl at the crew at the s recked steam
w Santa Kona at tbe Pacific Coast
~-earns!:* Ime were drowned In the
•oaf while trying to escape from that
* eased, which stranded near Point Ar
falln. ata miles notch of Surf. CaL
Bert Carry, n Kansas City net
ad a man who go*, tangled I
apes of tie balloon, were enrr
iaa feet With the gas bag afire at
Taps ha Tbe air traft fell and both
•era shaft* n *bC amteied. but «fl
Pr*-» Jdent Taft in n speech at the
ftabgne' of tbe Merten dub at In
diaraw is declared that reciprocity
is *anuine Kepubiacnr doctrine end
tSrnt the Canadian agreement now
ft—1"—*T Blaine and McKinley.
The prernment will renew the fight
to separate the great coal carrying
railroads from their virtual control of
mines, and thus vitalize the com modi
ties clause of the Interstate commerce
law. A test case against the Lehigh
Valley railroad was filed in the United
Stales court in Philadelphia.
• • •
What is said to be the greatest oil
*ell ever struck in Oklahoma is on
fire and oil is being burned at the rate
of lio barrels an hour. The well is in
the Osage nation and is the property
of the Northwestern Oil company.
• • •
Advices received by Seattle banks
say that the season's gold output of
Tanana iAlaska) district will be at
least $5,000,000 and may reach $6,000,
• • •
For the first time in the history of
the New York state department of
health no cases of tetanus have been
reported as a result of Fourth of July
celebrations this year. There were IS
cases a year ago.
The New York Spectator says that
the su'.'-tde rate in American cities de
creased to 19.7 a 100 000 of population
during 1910. as against an average ol
21 for 1909 and 21.S for 1908.
Counsel representing J Ogden Ar
mour. Edward Tilden and other pack
ers indicted for violating the Sher
man ann-trust act. appeared before
Judge George A. Carpennter in the
United States district court and en
tered pleas of not guilty for their ell
ents The packers did not appear in
Reward.- aggregating $1,050 are out
- landing for the capture of W. H.
Wolfe, believed to be the murderer of
me two young children of W. H. Over
man. who were killed at their home
near Calexico. Cal.
• ■ •
The measured swing of Referee
Wt ish's arm, tolling off the fatal ten
se< nds over the writhing and un
conscious body of Owen .Moran of Eng
land, brought victory to Ad. Wol
gast in tbe thirteenth round of the
:i terns t rial battle for the light
we.ght championship. It was a clean
knockout, and a decisive victory for
the champion.
Her. Jobe H Dietrich, who resigned
•b* pastorate 0f St. Mark's Reformed
burcb Pittsburg, when the Allegheny
classic charged him with failing to
preach in accordance with the creed
jf the Reformed church, has decided
. to unite with the Unitarian church.
Mrs. Maid win Drummond, who was
Mr*. Marshall Field, Jr., of Chicago,
gar*- a dinner and ball at her new res
idence in Carlton House terrace, Lon
don For two years the place has
: —en In the hands of architects, who
have convened It into a palace.
Alan Lyle Corey of New York and Marguerite Johnson of Detroit
were married in the latter city. Mr.
, Corey is a son of W. E. Corey of the
United States Steel corporation and
was captain of Y'ale's baseball team
this year.
• • •
The International Christian En
deavor convention opened at Atlantic
| City, X. J.. with a record-breaking at
tendance. President Taft and many
other noted men are on the week's
program as speakers.
• • •
About 15.000 teachers assembled In
San Francisco for the forty-ninth an
nual convention of the National Edu
cational association, which began with
a session of the national council.
Charles R Crane of Chicago has
given f 100.000 to be applied toward
relieving misery among the Albanians.
The money will he distributed in cash
or necessaries under the direction of
Miss Edith Durham, superintendent of
the Podgoritza hospital.
• « •
Lieut. Tonneau, w hose racing name
is Andre Beaumont, w on the 1.000 mile
international circuit aviation race
which ended at the field at Vincennes.
France. As he had won the Paris to
Rome contest, Conneau brings added
glory to the French navy, of which he
is an officer.
Alarming renorts of revolutionary
sentiment are being brought from the
, Cuban provinces Discontent is said
u> he rampant in the rural guard and
an uprising Is Oriente and Pinar del
Kio is freeiy predicted.
• • •
Because Ambassador Henry Lane
Wilson did not interrupt his meal to
stand when the band played "America”
, July * at the presidential breakfast in
Mexico City there is a movement to
ask for his recall.
• • •
The employes of the great car sys
tem in Mexico City went on strike and
I increases in wages varying from 20
to 150 per cent.
• • •
Cipriano Castro, the exiled presi
dent of Venezuela, has eluded the vig
ilance of the nations of the world and
landed in his native country in dis
guise at Castilletaa on Gojira penin
sula. according to a report to the
United States state department from
• Caracas.
• • •
Censored telegrams from Italy print
ed in Vienna report cholera through
out the southern seaports of Italy. In
Palermo there are 100 cases daily,
with an average of 50 deaths. Condi
tions at Messina are also very bad.
What Is Going on Here and Thors
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Kenesaw.—Fire swept through the
business section of the city causing a
total loss of $12,500. The fire broke
out in Hershey's blacksmith shop at
10:30 a. m., and although the city has
no fire department, the fire was kept
under control by means of a bucket
brigade for some time. The Hastings
department was called and came to
Kenesaw in automobiles, but the fire
was partially burned out by the time
i they were able to reach this city.
. Remains Brought Beck.
West Point.—The remains of the
late D. W. Clancy .former treasurer
of Cuming county, who died at Port
land, Ore.. July 13, 1910. were brought
to his old home at West Point by his
children, and, after brief ceremonies,
interred in St. Michael's cemetery be
side the remains of his wife, who died
thirty years ago.
Crops Good Near Albion.
Albion.—Crops in this county with
i few exceptions are looking fine. The
oats crop is spotted and the grass in
the pastures is short., but aside from
that the crops are good. The wheat
I crop will be above average and is ripe.
; Corn is exceptionally good, being well
advanced and most of the fields are
1 clean.
Surprise for Raw. C. W. Wells.
Ong —The Rev. C. W. Wells, a pio
neer preacher in Nebraska, was sev
enty years old Wednesday. Several
of his friends arranged a surprise for
him. A purse of over $25 was present
ed and an address was given by his
pastor and a response made by Rev.
Mr. Wells.
Ranchmen Bound Over.
Valentine.—Kenneth Murphy. Harry
Heath and Alma and George Reed,
charged with the murder of Charles
Sellers on a ranch near Cody, were
bound over to the district court. They
are being held without bail.
West Point will built a $15,000 au
\\ ork has begun on the new water
works at Wolbach.
The contract has been let for the
erection of the new Cheyenne county
court house.
James Melik, a Wilber boy, was
killed by the accidental discharge of
a shotgun he was handling.
The bond election for the erection
and equipment of a new school build
ing at Sutton carried by 115 majority.
Plans have been finally completed
for the Broken Bow Chautauqua, which
will begin August 8. It will last a
, week.
The people of Jefferson county are
. considerably interested in a proposed
new automobile road from Oklahoma
City to Minneapolis.
Carl Mattson, near Holdrege, had a
foot nearly taken ofT when a fractious
young horse caused him to fall in
front of the sickle bar of a mowing
During a thunder shower the bam
of Eman Skala. a farmer living near
Howells, was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground with six horses
and several head of cattle.
The illustrated and attractive pros
| pectus of the Nebraska Epworth as
sembly is now available to all who
j will send their address on a postal
to President L. O. Jones, Lincoln.
Director E. S. Luse and Mrs. Luse,
who have been at the head of the
I Whitcomb conservatory of music of
Doane college at Crete the past four
j years, have resigned their positions at
j the college to accept similar positions
at the state normal school at Spear
i fish. S. D.
The E. G. West elevator at Gothen
burg was burned to the ground, to
gether with a half car of grain. The
loss will be about $7,000.
A fire which started from a gasoline
generating lamp in a pool hall at
Dunning destroyed nearly half the
business part of the town.
A kernel of com stuck in his throat
i caused the death of Carroll Porter, the
four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Porter of North Platte.
Five prisoners in the county jail at
Beatrice made an unsuccessful at
tempt to escape, but were detected by
Sheriff Scheick in the nick of time.
An electrical parade on the order of
the parade of the Ak-Sar-Ben pageant
will be one of the features of the Ger
man day celebration to be held in Lin
coln. prcbably September 27 and 28.
R. N. Weed, while excavating a cel
lar at Wolbach was seriously injured
by the ground caving in. He was
taken out unconscious and it was
found that he had several ribs broken.
Mrs. J. A. Ollis. wife of State Sen
ator Ollis, was badly bruised up when
an auto rolled down a thirty-foot em
bankment near Ord. Her two daugh
ters and a son in the car with her
were also more or less injured.
Work of making the state auto high
way has begun, and will be pushed
to completion. Some of the sections
are already completed.
Lee R. Hurst, a grand Island rail
road man, was thrown from a car and
lost a leg, besides being otherwise se
verely bruised up. It is thought he
will recover.
Dollar gas. Omaha’s dream of the
millennium, is in a fair way of being
realized. The city council has passed
the ordinance fixing that as the max
imum price to consumers.
John Ainley, an old time and very
prominent citizen of Farnam, died
very suddenly of heart failure. He
had attended a ball game and died a
short time after returning home.
The bodies of three men were found
in a Burlington car of heavy bridge
lumber at Seward. It is supposed
their lives were crushed out by the
shifting of the lumber in the car, as
two of the men's skulls were crushed.
Jerry Stees. roadmaster of the St.
Joseph & Grand Island, with headquar
ters at Hanover, lies badly injured in
a hospital as the result of a head-on
collision between his railroad motor
tricycle and an an incoming St. Joseph
Priests of the Lincoln diocese are
making plans to present an automobile
to Blsbop-elect Tihen upon his arrival
in Lincoln. July 19. According to pres
ent arrangements, the motor car will
be presented to the new bishop when
he steps from the train.
Vandals entered the Overland thea
ter at Nebraska City, broke open the
safe, strewed the contents over the
floor, took the house tickets from the
rack, tore them up and poured ink on
them and destroyed many valuable
papers and other property.
The board of directors of the Grand
Island Chautauqua association has de
| cided to cancel all engagements and
| no assembly will be held this year, if
ever again in the future. The effort
has never received the support to
make it self-sustaining.
Bernice Mink of Ainsworth was al
most instantly killed when a piano fell
on him. He was standing in a wagon
steadying the piano when the wheels
went into a hole in the road upsetting
the piano and pinning Mink under
neath and crushed his right breast.
The Nebraska supreme court has
confirmed the right of W. J. Furse,
appointed railroad commissioner to fill
a vacancy by former Governor Sbal
lenberger, to retain the office.
George W. Kline, a well known
Lincoln newspaper man, was elected
secretary of the state university
alumni association at a recent meet
' ing of the board of directors. Mr.
Kline has accepted the tender and
will take up the work August 1, giv
ing his entire time to the development
of the association under the plans for
reorganization adopted at the annual
meeting June 14.
Inspector Harnlev of the food com
missioner's office was at Ohiowa Sat
urday investigating the conditions
there with regard to eggs offered f->r
sale and shipment. He found that he
merchants are ail candling eggs and
the farmers are offering few that fail
to pass muster. The inspector candle!
a large number to satisfy himself and
found the number of bad ones very
small. The dealers told him they are
pleased with the new system and that
it brings them a better price for eggs.
The food commissioner's office has
word that some dealers over the state
are still selling eggs by case count.
Where this is done and some of the
eggs prove to be rotten, the merchants
will be liable for prosecution.
To Hold G. A. R. Reunion.
Pierce.—Arrangements for the North
Nebraska district G. A. R. reunion at
this place from July 11 to 15 are about
completed and from the communica
tions being received from all over the
district there will be a record break
ing attendance during the entire week.
The committee has secured as speak
ers, Governor Chester H. Aldrich, ex
Senator William V. Alien, Judge Jacob
Fawcett. ex-Governor Shallenberger,
F. H. Free, and others.
State Bank Deposits Decrease.
The quarterly reports of the state
banks in Nebraska show a decrease of
$2,218,984.13 since February 17 of this
year, when the previous report was
made.- A compilation of the reports
of the condition of the state banks
at the close of business June 1 has
been completed by Secretary Royse of
the state banking board. It shows that
on June 1 the total deposits in state
banks was $71,88G,4S3.16. Last Febru
ary the deposits aggregated $74,105,
467.29. One year ago they were $76,
"Farmers can Increase the yield of
corn ten bushels to the acre,” said
Secretary Mellor of the state board of
agriculture, "if they will continue to
cultivate their corn every week from
now on. They have the cleanest fields
now that I ever saw in Nebraska, bat
they will make a mistake if they cease
cultivating. By much cultivation from
now on and the constant stirring and
pulverizing of the ground the farmers
will be able to make up what they
may lose on a short crop of «w»n
grain. I hope farmers who grow eon
will try this experiment this Tear.
La Follette Ha* a Number of Propos
als and Will Probably Do Con
siderable Talking.
Washington.—A lively clearing of
the way for the passage of the una
mended Canadian reciprocity bill by
the voting down of the Cummins and
Simmons amendments, and continued
discussion and action on other pro
visions in connection with the bill
will keep the senate busy all week,
while the house, which will meet on
Wednesday, and quickly adjourn un
til Saturday, will be active only in
its committees.
The amendments proposed by Sen
ator Cummins of Iowa, insurgent re
publican, which would add steel, iron,
coal, lumber, wool, cotton and othet
products to the free list, and the
amendments proposed by Senatot
Simmons of North Carolina, demo
crat, are somewhat similar in na
These are expected to be bowled
over, which, under the agreement for
a vote then, might extend the day inic
the night or over one recess after an
other for several calendar days, il
necessary. After the voting on these
amendments, the senate will proceed
with the consideration of the reciproc
ity bill, and amendments by Senator
La Follette and others will be put be
fore that body for action.
The proceedings will begin with a
set speech by Senator Simmons in
support of his own and Senator Cum
mins' amendments, followed by roll
calls on the amendments. The buga
boo of a filibuster practically has been
raised and friends of reciprocity will
watch for attempts to intersperse
with speechmaking, in which they
will interrupt the institution of a fill
Dilatory tactics will be met witn
such acts of coercion as the majority
might decide would expediate busi
ness. Mr. Cummins has indicated
that he will ash for separate rotes on
all his amendments, and has said he
would demand at least a dozen roll
calls. Mr. Simmons will not be so in
Senator La Fol.'ette said he prob
ably would presen, amendments on
Monday or Tuesday. As soon as they
are printed he will take the floor and
probably will speak for the greater
part of several days in explanation
and advocacy of them.
The prevailing opinion is that with
the reciprocity bill out of the way
final adjournment soon will follow.
Wiped Out by Fire.
frttawa, Ont.—Two-thirds of Egan
ville. Ont.. sixty miles west of here,
was wiped out by a fire of unknown
Killed on Way to Game.
Barboursville. Ky.—One man was
killed and one fatally injured when
lightning struck a carryall filled with
persons going to a base ball game.
Big Lockout in Sweden.
Stockholm.—Forty thousand build
ing workmen in Sweden, who have
rejected the state arbitrator's award
in the labor dispute, will be locked
Aviators Start on Race.
HalberstadL Prussian Saxony. —
The aviators in the German circuit
races started from here for Berlin.
They ascended at intervals of three
Ninth Cavalry Leaves.
San Antonio. Tex.—The last section
of the Ninth United States cavalry
left the maneuvers' camp at 6:30
o'clock Sunday night for Fort D. A.
Russell. Wvo. The Fdurth Field ar
tillery is ordered to leave Monday.
Raise for Rural Carriers.
Washington.—The 40,000 odd rural
free delivery carriers in the United
States are to receive a salary increase
as a result of a decision reached by
Postmaster General Hitchcock. The
order will provide for the disburse
ment during the current fiscal year
of $4,000,000.
Robert P. Neil is Arrested.
Boston.—Robert P. Neil, president
of the Brotherhood of Railroad Em
ployes. was arrested on a charge of
using the United States mails to de
fraud. It is alleged that Neil on De
cember l, 1910. issued circulars so
liciting advertisements for a maga
zine. the proceeds of which were to
be used for death and sick benefits
for railroad men. and that the funds
received were diverted to Neil's own
Conditions in Mexico.
Washington.—Conditions in Mexico
are rapidly assuming a normal and
healthy state, according to advices
received at the Mexican ambassy
here, which on Saturday made pub
lic the following telegram from Bar
tolome Carbajal, acting secretary of
foreign affairs. “The condition in
Mexico is much improved. The dis
banding of the revolutionary forces
is going on rapidly and we hope it
will be completed soon. The eco
nomic condition of the country is
New York.—The tale of a bride
whose skill with a rifle had consider
able to do with saving her husband's
ship from Chinese pirates was told on
the New York water front by the
crew of the Juteopolis, a four-masted
clipper in from China.
The 12-month trip from New York
to China and back was the honey
moon tour of Capt. Frank Downs and
his bride, formerly Miss Nellie Carter
of Baltimore.
The Juteopolis was many miles up
the Chu-Kiang. a river of unsavory
repute, when the attack by pirates
same. There were 60 of them. They
swarmed aboard the vessel while
part of the crew was on shore leave.
Bride Routs Pirates.
The officers and the skipper's bride,
who is a crack rifle shot, were ready
to receive them, however, with sev
eral lines of hose, pistols, belaying
pins and the bride's rifle.
A terrific fight followed. In this
Mrs. Downs took a prominent part.
The pirates closed in on the little
company, swinging knives and clubs.
Mrs. Downs stood a short distance
away and made two effective shots.
Finally the pirates fled.
The attempt to loot the ship was
reported to the authorities and later
the skipper and his mate were invited
to Canton to see ten pirates executed.
They attended, but did not recognize
any of the pirates, chiefly because, as
they remarked, all Chinamen looked
alike to them.
The headman's work was skillful.
The Americans heard that he was ex
pected to decapitate at the first blow,
and that a failure to do so would
send him to death by the same sword
he had wielded. He did not miss a
Woman Wears Unique Jewel After
It Is Turned to
New York.—The appendix jewel is
the latest. Miss Vera Cornell is wear
ing hers as a watch charm. Her ap
pendix after an operation first was
turned Into silver and then heavily
plated with gold and swings jauntily
at the end of a Blender gold chain. Its
graceful fish hook form having a de
cidedly decorative effect. The doctor
who removed the appendix detailed
the processes by which the appendix
was transformed into an object of art.
• ~“I first prepared a strong solution
of pyroxolin.” he said, “in which I
The Appendix Watch Charm.
dipped and washed the appendix re
peatedly. 1 then Joined a small piece
of copper to the appendix and placed
them in a solution of silver cyanide
A galvanic current is run through
them continuously for perhaps two
days. The current causes the silver
cyanide to permeate every part and
the silver sergregates every atom in
the tissue and surrounds it com
Dies in Fit of Laughter.
Salem. Mass.—Frank Paine, the
artist, died of heart disease here in a
street car. The attack was brought
on by hearty laughter at a story told
by a friend who was sitting beside Mr.
Sociable Marauder Complimenta Hia
Intended Victim on the Skill She
Displays, Foregoes Rich Haul and
Leaves House Unmolested.
Helena, Mont.—The remarkable abil
ity of Mrs. Charles V. Holmes of this
city to play “seven up" the other
night prevented the robbery of her
residence by a bold burglar and
showed the other side of a Black
Knight’s heart.
Mrs. Holmes was awakened shortly
after midnight, while alone in the
house, her husband being absent from
the city, and went to the door in an
swer to the door bell, presumably tc
greet her returning spouse.
Instead, she faced the blue barrel
of a big revolver and wa^sternly told
to throw up her hands and keep her
mouth 6hut, both of which she did. The
robber entered the reception room as
the woman backed in and closed and
latched the door behind him.
Then, keeping his unwelcome host
ess still under cover of his weapon,
he calmly removed his coat and got
out a bag with which he intended to
carry off the plunder.
At this juncture Mrs. Holmes, who
was in her night dress and half dead
with fright, regained her self-posses
sion and in a voice which had but few
traves of quiver in it asked her “rob
ber guest” if he would not like a “bit
of something” as ah “eye opener” be
fore beginning the ransacking of the
The robber accepted the invitation
and entered the dining room, where he
took two drinks from a decanter of
bourbon. Mrs. Holmes then begged
him not to rcb her of her silverware
Woman Defeats Burglar at Cards.
and prized trinkets, and offered tc
give him all the money in the house
and remain quiet if he would leave.
"Do you know anything about ‘sever
up’?" the robber unexpectedly asked.
She said she did. and a little game
was proposed. The woman won. Then,
regaining her self-control, she offered
to play four games with the bandit
with the understanding that If she lost
i the robber was to be permitted to ran
sack the house and carry away every
valuable which It contained. If the
woman won the robber was to leave
the house without taking anything.
The woman won the first game, the
Black Knight the second, and with
trembling fingers the little woman won
the third. The robber dealt the cards
for the fourth game and Mrs. Holmes
won again.
The robber put the gun in his pock
at, swallowed another drink, this time
as a nightcap, then, raising and kissing
the hand which had extended the
glass, he called his unwilling hostess
one of the best card players he had
ever known. He added that her voice
was the cause of his loss of a mid
night haul and that if she ever were
in trouble her sole protector need only
be a melodious bit. of speech such as
had charmed him that night.
With that the Black Knight had
passed the threshold to the porch, the
hall light went out, and little Mrs.
Holmes fell in a faint on the floor.
Next morning she told the story.
An Indiana Woman Says It Is One
Shs Swallowed Eighteen
Years Ago.
Logpnsport, Ind.—While Mrs. Petet
Whalen was pulling off her stocking
her hand was pricked and she found
the point of a needle protruding from
her ankle.
Mrs. Whalen says that 18 years age
she became excited while holding s
needle in her mouth and that when
the excitement was over she could
not find the needle. During recent
years she has had pains in her left
leg which she thought were from
rheumatism. She now believes these
pains were from the needle while It
worked its way down to her ankle.