Professional Cards AARON WAIL La-w^er Practice* in all Court* Loup CitT, Neb. ROBT. P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOCF CITY. BEBRRSKR. R J. XlGHTLMiALE tern id CfOKtfM&v LOUP CITY, NEB R. H MATHKW, Attorney-at-Law, And Hooded Abstractor. Loop City, Nebraska o. K. LONG ACRE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 3» A. J. KEARNS ! PHYSICIAN ANDSDRGEON T« •• Uhht, b4 «<" Gunl Loup City - Nebraska A S M AIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. OOee el Residence. Teteplxjoe t onnectioa ROBERT P STARR 'Successor to M H Mead. Bonded Abstracter Uocr Cttt, Nebraska. Oely set nf A bs tree I books in county S. A. ALLEN. DEJTTMST, LOl'r CITT. - - NEK. Otter ■p stairs in the new State Bank buildinp. w L. MARCY, DEXTISTf LOUB CITY, NEB OFFICE: Kart Side Public Sauue. PGooe. 10 on 36 DR. J R. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON Loup City. Ncbr Trest* all dUeaae* of domestic ani mal* Tee-tii work a specialty. Office Phone. - 3 on 72 The Labor of Baking l* uai limes reduced if you use the rigid kind of Flour, and if Uie ques tion What i» the best Flour?" was put u» tote among tie bakers and boosekerprrs in this fart of Lie ouuniry. tie unanimous reply would be White Satin You would *ute for it if you were used U» K Isn't it wortli giving a trtai Loup City Mills MUni C TO Vtttf ILKklDKKT l*EKKN£> *>Tfc Cumn ml Mna OmI; Sr mm mm* li*:t* U Ur~* P»*j.t run district jlix.e I hereby present myself ns s candidate for Judge of this Twelfth Judicial District, sub ject to the decision of the Republican electors or Buffalo Custer and Sherman counties, com prlsiae sold judicial district 1 would appre dale roar support Aaron Wil.t For Cocrtt Stpehiktkndkrt I hereby announce myself a candidate for Superintendent of Schools of Sherman county, subject to tbe will of I be democrat and popu Mat voters at the roniiev primary election. K D HENDRICKSON. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of County Su|*ertntendent of Schools of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the Repub lican ticket subject to the will of tbe voters at the August primaries. Your support will he appreciated. Mary, a K. Hendrickson. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools of Sberruan county, subject to tbe yood will of the Democrat and people's independent voters at the August primary election I earnestly solicit your support L. H Cc BRIER FOR OOFNIY TREASURER 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the of hce of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the will of the democratic and populist vot ers asrxprexsrd at the coming August prima ry election Frank Lobchice. I hereby announce myself k candidate for the office at Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the democratic and populist voters at the coming August primary elec tion O. F Petersen. 1 kereby announce myself a Candidate for tbe office of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the a ill of the Republican voters as ex prsssed at tha coming primary election. Your support will be appreciated F. M Henry. I hereby announce myse If a candidate for the mmmal County Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to ibr decision of the Republican vot ers as expressed at the coming August prima ry election w H. Simpson. rug .orxrv Jrix.R I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Judge of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the democratic and people's independent party voters at the com >ng August primaries E A. Smith. ron sHKHirr To My Friends and the Voters of Sherman Coanty I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff .>f Sherman county, sub ject to the good mil of the Republican voters at Ibe August primary election I earneatly -dlrit the support of :*!• moral, upright citi zens HIRMAS J JoH ASSES'. I hrrooy aaiiounce my self a candidate for re elortioa to the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the will or the Republican voters as expressed at the coming August pri mary eloctioo L. A Williams 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the of fer of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the coming August primary election. H. G. Mimek. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sheriff of Sherman county, sub ject to the decision of the democratic and peo p.r a in lependem party voters at the coming primary election R. X. Pritchakli. you < orSTT CLERK To the Democratic and People's Independ ent voters of Sherman county: I hereby make snowa that I an. fiefore you for renomlnation fur Ibr office of County Clerk and will esteem your totes and efforts in my behalf at the pri mary August IMh lull. _\V (' Dietekichs The democratic state convention is slated for Fremont the 25th of this month, and Sherman country is en titled to six delegates to the Great I'nterrified._ Among the announcements this week in our columns will he found tiiat of It. N. Pritchard asking nomi nation for sherifT at tiie hands of the democratic and populist voters. Bob is mighty popular with the rank and tile of tiie opposition and will prove a strong man in the primaries with good chance of winning the prize. Socialism was condemned as a her esy and an evil and all Catholics were warned against it by A rchbishop Seb astian G. Messmer of Milwaukee, one t one of tbe central figures in last week proceedings of tbe Catholic Educa tional congress In session in Chicago. ! "Socialism i-a heresy and an evil, the virious|ie» of which is apparent to every thinking man." said the Mil wakee archbishop. “The dangers | it leads to can he averted only by tiie influence of religion and religious tsrhlti “ _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’ 1 suw of Nebraska, i Sherman County » Slate of Nebraska . In County Court within and for Sherman county Nebr June suth 1811. In the matter of the estate of Mary E. Weller. | deceased. 1 To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City in said cuonty on the 15th day of January. 1812. at the hour of loo clock a. m.t to receive and exam ine aU Claims attains! said estate, with a view U> their adjustment and allowance. The ume limited for the presentation of claims atrminst said estate Is the lath day of January A. U. 1812. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said lith day of January. 1812. W mess my hand and tne seal of said coun ty court, this 20th day of June. 1811. IkSALl K. A. SMITH. County Judire. I _(Last pah. July IS) BO AD NOTICE (Nowak) The commissioner appointed to lo ' >ate a road commencing at the quar ! u*r stake between sections thirteen and fourteen, and running thence . south one-half mile on section line and terminating at the southwest comer of said’Section thirteen, all in j township fifteen, range thirteen, has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must I be filed in the County Clerk's office 1 oo or before noon of the .list dav of July, 1911, or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto, w. C. Dietkrichs. Co. CJerk. (Last pub. June July 13) ROAD NOTICE (Pedersen) To All Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the south west corner of the southeast quarter of section thirty-one. township four teen. range thirteen, where the pres ent county road ends, and running thence in a southeasterly direction, along the north side of the IT. p. R. R. Co. right of way to the southwest comer of the northwest quarter of section 5-13-13. running thence due east along the quarter section line of said section 5 to tlie southeast corner of the northwest quarter of said sec tion 5, thence due soutli on the quar ter section line until it reaches Rail road avenue of the Village of Rock ville. thence due east along the north side of b'ock 4 of said village, and ending at the east side of Webster street of the said Village of Rock ville, has reported in favor of the es tablishment thereof, and all objec tions thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the olfiee of the county clerk on or before noon of the 14th day of August, 1911, or such road will be established without ref erence thereto. W. C. Dutcbiohs, Co. Clerk. (Last pub July 29) Six Hurt When Motor Hits Freight A bad accident occurred on tne U. P. road about a mile an a half out of town Monday afternoon, the cection motor car crashing into the caboose of the out-going freight, resulting in serious injury to live of the seven men on the car and bruising tiie body of tiie sixth, only one escaping un nurt. The eastbound freight had just pulled out. with the section mo tor car closely following to put out a tire a short distance down the track, when about a mile and a little over east the freight slacked up. signaling tiie motor car, which made a inef fectual effort to stop, but the break failing to work the littie gasoline car, which had gained too much momen turn could not be stopped and crash ed into the wa.f car. All the men jumped just before cars came to gether, save Yal McDonal, who alone received the full impact of the blow, cutting his head and face and using body up badly. Of the other six who jumped only one escaped injury of a more or less serious nature. Fore man Enevoldson, who alone received no injury, explained to a Northwest ern reporter that a small bolt slip ping down into the machinery of the car prevented the break working hence the accident. The freight at once returned to the city with the injured men who were taken to the office of the company surgeon, Dr. O. E. Longacre, who attended them. The injured were: Yal McDonal. cut about head and face and body bruised. Walter Fronck. right hip and right shoulder hurt and breast crushed. He was taken to the hospital at Grand Island. John Contor, left arm broken at wrist and half way between wrist and elbow: both staightaway breaks. Geo. Gasek. hurt in back. Robert Gretter, right shoulder hurt Geo. Oltmann. bruised over body. Notice of Articles of Incorporation of tho Depot* Disc Sharpener Company. State of Nebraska. i -SS. Sherman County. I Notice is hereby given that the l>epew Disc Sharpener Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, at a regular meeting of its stock holder* held at its office in Loup City. Nebras ka. ou February 25th, 1911. by the unanimous vote of its stockholders. adopted the following Articles of Incorporation, and has caused them to be tiled and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State of Nebraska, and also in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, to wit: Article I.—Know all men by these presents: That we. James I. Depew. John W. Long and William K. Mellor. hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corpora tion in the Slate of Nebraska for the transac tion of business as hereinafter described. Article 11.—Tbe name of tbe corporation shall be the "Depew Disc Sharpener Compa ny. ' and its principal place of business shall be at Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska. Article III —The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted by said corporation shall be tbe manufacture, sale and jobbing of disc sharpeners and appliances and accessories thereto, and any and all kindaof machines and machinery. To buy, hold, encumber, operate, sell and convey plants, patents and other prop erty of other corporations engaged in the man ufacture nr sale of any such disc sharpener, appliances or machinery. To buy, bold and sell stock in any such corporation. To buy. sell and encumber all property, real, personiri and mixed necessary in tbe conduct of said business and to do everything necessary or customary in the conduci thereof. Article IV —The authorized capital stoch of said corporation shall be twenty thousand dol lars i$,JU.0UU) in shatesof one hundred dollars <(HX>' each, teu thousand dollars <110.000) of which shall be paid in before commencing business. One hundred tiuu shares aggregat ing ten thousund dollars ((10.000) shall be pre ferred stock, and the balance of one hundred (100) shares shall be common stock. Each share outstanding of preferred stock shall receive an annual guaranteed income of six (6) per cent, and no more, of the face value of said stock and for the payment thereof the net revenue of said corporation shall be pledged, and if that be insufficient to meet such payment, in any year, the annual income of said preferred -dock for said year shall he paid out of the assets and property of said corporation, and said preferred stock shall constitute a first lien upon all assets and prop* env of the corjxiratlon after the payment of its debts shall first be used In declaring as*et or liquidation dividends upon the preferred stock and redeeming end retiring the same on the basis of one dollar five i(l.0Sl for eacb one dollar i (l .ud) of the face of said preferred stock, together with accrued interest, and the balance of said assets and property thereafter remaining and the profits thereof shall be dis tributed in equal and pro rata dividends on the common stock then issued and outstand ing. and said corporation reserves tbe right to take up ami cancel any preferred stork at any annuai dividend paying dote upon said above described basis of one dollar and live cents id <*) and accrued interest, and during said period any of said preferred stock may be taken up by said corporation and cancelled at any time by agreement between said corpora tton and the holders thereof. Tbe holders of preferred stock shall have no voice in the management of said company, and no vote in any meeting of stockholders. Tbe management and conduct of the business of said compuuy to rest with the holders of the common stock acting by and through the Board of Directors and Officers as herein pro j vided: provided, that said corporation shall issue no bonds while any of said preferred stock is outstanding. Article V.—The existence of Mid corpora tion shall begin on the first day of Marrn Mil. and and on the fimt day of March, 1M1 Said corporation can be dissolved prior to •aid mentioned date only by the aetion of the holders of two-tbirda («,) of the common stock of said corporation, which aetion mnst be entered on the records of said corporation. Article VI—The business of said corpora tion shall be conducted by a board of not less thaa three (S) directors, to be elected by the holder* ot the common Hook, such election to be held on the first Tuesday of March in each year and to be conducted In such a manner as shall be described by the by-laws of said cor poration. Said dirt ctor* shall hold their office for a period of one year, and until their suc cessors shall be elected and qualifiad. Tba in corporators thereof at tlielr first meeting alter tli* filing of these articles shall elect di rectors unUl th* finit Tuesday in March. Mu. Article VII.—The officers of said corpora tion shall be a President. Secretary and Treas urer. who shall be choeen by the Board of Pi rectors, and shall hold their offioes for a peri od or one year, and until tbelr successor* shall lie alected aud qualified. Twe or mere or the offices of said corporation may be held by one and the same person. No salary shall be paid except to officers who take an active P«m in the management of the business of the oompauy. devoting thereto a greater por tion of their time and effort. No officer, in cluding the position of manager aud sales manager, shall receive a salary greater thaa $120 advance of the original amount per vear for a period of four years thereafter. After the expiration of said tour-year period the uinual salaries of the President, secretary Treasurer and Sales Manager, to wit; of nil officers and employees atiove the position of superintendent of the fee ton of anid com pany. shall remain the same at the expiration »f said perion; provided, that at the time of •ny year after March lat, 1*16, in addition to such salary, and as part of The compensation for services so rendered, n percentage of the groes annual business of said company for aidd year, may be paid to said officers last above named in such an aggregate amount that the sum of the regular salary of such of ficers for the year in question. and tne aggre gate percentage so paid to then, shall not ex. ceed five (5) per cent of the grogs annual business of said Company for said year No director shall ever receive more than one sal •ry at nay given time. . Xrticls vIII.—The highest amount of in debtedness to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two thirds (S) of the common capital stock Ariide IX.—The annual meeting of the stockholders shall be held on the first Tues day ,.f March In each year, for the election of dim-in- • and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the same, and the methods of conducting the business, as may properly come liefure the same, and the methods of eondnctliur the business of the corporation shall be provided in the by-laws adopted by the Board ot Dl l' eturs. Only holders ot the common stock shall bo entitled to vote at Mid meetlug. Article X —These articles mav be amended at any regularly called meetiug'of stockhold ers holding common stock, upon the vote of stockholders owning three-fifths on rertain chat I el property situate in Shermau county. [ Nebraska, to-wlt: One chattel mortgage, dat- i ed Decembers). I9IU. and tiled for record Jan ! uary II, 1911. in tbe couuty clerk's office ot said county, executed by George F. Pttaester and Andrew W. Pttaester to the plaintiff to secure the sum ot fJUOUOO. payable on April Su. 1911. with interest from date of ten per cent per i annum, and one certain chattel mortgage ex ecuted by Pttaester Urothers to the plaintiff on March 24.1911. am) tiled for record in the county clerk's office in aald county on March 23.1911. to secure the payment of the said sum | of $3000.00 on April 30. 1911 and also the fur ther amps of $293 65. payable January 31. 1911. $1(10.50 payable on demand, and #124.75. paya ble on demand, with interest at ten per ceut • per annum, and upon which said mortgages there is due the plaintiff the sum of *911 is*, with interest on *085 81 from Uav 3. 1911. and on #225.25 from’March 24. 19lh at ten per cent per annum: and plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant lie required to pay the same, or that tbe following described chattel prop erty t>e sold to satisfy tbe amount found due by the court, to-wit: 27 head of cows. 5 years old and upwards: one span of mules, named; Jack and Jennie: one double harness for; mules: one 7-year-old mare, named. Bessit. sorrel with bald face: one 8-year-old mare, named Dotlie. bav with white stripe in fare: one children's swinging hay stacker, oue hay wagon, one set of harness, one scraper, one lister, oue disc, one old wagon, one corn bind er, two riding cultivators one three-row cul tivator. oue sulky rake, one hay aweep. one two-scctlon harrow, one double harness one walking, aixteen-inch plow, one sulky disc plow, one set of pump tools, consisting of two chain wrenches and two pipa wrenches, one grindstone, an undivided one-half interest in 1 all the corn, except the Criss oorn. 554 bushels, \ and an undivided one half interest in two sor- j rcl mare yearling colls now on the Howe farm. You are required to answer said petition on i or before the 14th day of August. 1911. Dated this 28th day of June. 1911. The First National Bank of Locp Citt. Nebraska. Plaintiffs. By R. J. and H. S. Nightingale, its attorneys Last pub. jul.w<0 Straw Hat Season Now On I have prepared to meet the de mand in Straw Hats. Prices, 25c to $3 PANAMAS, $4 to $7 LOflENTZ The Reliable Clothier FARMERS FOR Mowing Machines > » Rakes Sweeps and Stackers s EE T. M. Reed We have a ..good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 120 to 250 No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock IEIN1NGER LUMBER, C0„ Loud City Neb. What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last forever. We Like to Take Photographs of voung people, and judging by the samples we have, young people like to have us dd it. Gome and learn the reason. Then probably you will decide to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer. A BARGAIN Barrels to Pickle Pork in, Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens. Pickles in Bulk Olives in Bulk. A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens. Lee Brothers.! The Loup City Chatauqua Starts in Less than Nine Weeks August 27th is Opening Day And then it lasts Fl\ E whole DAYS, Plan for it It's a great list. ^.,e Chautauqua is a growing, fast developing in- Yon never saw a better one Anv where at Anv stitution. Time. And, by the way. this great Middle West is the The program this year is featuring music and en center of the Chautauqua movemeut-not the East tertainment as no Chautauqua has ever featured mu nor the South nor the North—but right here in this sic or entertainment, prosperous Middle West. .. They are the things You like. But, plan a week off and attend this Chautauqua. . ( There won't be a dull moment—not a second when IK) that. you'll tire or get sleepy and want to go home. It’s easy enough to plan for it- and take the whole 11 wi** thrill and interest pou every Minute. No musical compauy—no entertainer—no orator— Five days is not too much for rest and recreation. no lecturer—no one of these famous taleut folks makes and the Chautauqua is the place. more than one day's stop. It is a whole-community affair. It's a different program every dav—constantly We are atvluj you a list of the talent. demS" *“d x’u!'m “ “u,t e,eVy “s“ aod e,ery SEE THE TALENT LIST : The Killarney Ladies' Orchestra ihis orchestra was organized by a selection of the leading members of great concert companies on the two continents. They represent a collection of some ut tho great est stars in the musical world. They are specializing in Irish music—everything from the simple Irish balads to the classical. They are gorgeously costumed. Allen A. Taylor, on Labor Problems. A \ ale graduate who studied labor problems for two years as a wage eari er. H. Ruthven McDonald, Canadian Baritone. Known the world over as the favorite baritone of the Dominion of Canada. William Rainey Bennett, Lecturer. The Boston Lyric Concert Company. Alton Packard, Cartoonist. The greatest Cartoonist on the platform. Eugene Laurant, Magician. Chas. M. Mayne, Lecturer. Kvello-Leigh-Cedargreen Trio. Rev. C. Kleihauer, Lecturer. The Singers and Players. More than a male quartette—a male quartette that sings and plvs too. Rev. V. E. Shirley, Lecturer. __ _ A ' And then there is the Boys and Girls Play That couldn’t be better. You can buy the Indian suit of the Indian girl We will send a well-trained playground expert to direct the boys' and girls' play Chautauqua week. when site comes two or three days before the Chau A week of fun for them! They need two things to get in-a Chautauqua tauqua starts, or make it. season ticket an an Indian suit. But get it ready. AND REMEMBER THIS: This Chautaqua stars August 2ve way under the strain, the blood becomes impoverished and the result is a complete collapse. ]Vyal’s Vegetable prescription If taken in time, will guard against this-its tonic properties will fortifv the system, supply a nourishing blood tlow, act as a sedative and tonic to the nerves, and bring about regularity in body functions. pjyaPs Vegetable prescrip non is the foundation for the building of perfect health,—one that will stand the strain imposed upon it Remember that this is not a -patent" that we are recommending— it & prescription medicine, composed of ingredients of well known virt we can tell you what they are »iroues and We will stand back of Nyal's Vegetable Prescription-results have, proved that it does as represented. 19.00 for a large bottle. % A very tine line of rubber goods, such as hot water bottles fount*!,* syringes, etc., now in stock. Swanson & Lofholm.