The Uip City Northwester! J W JICHUStCH. Pnbitaker LOOP CITY. . . KEWAIIU HOW HE WOULD GET EVEN »*•••*€ Piammac fey Editor W*>m KuitH That m« Had A ‘f' - ahdnr, hat mg tews cut •a the Atlantic City beach by a plait: ante mm,a atm •mramiir podded than dits said le hi* alt* U. < 1 plana "Wefl. »t| shouldn't he rat 00* He haa produced a beet aeller. and all great roan arc ram Look at Gibbon "Ottos « pea bnce. wrote is hi* diary 1 aro the greatest historian (hat over bred No one rat equal roc ~Ylrtor lingo a rale to Klsmarch The gtaa; greet* the giant the foe the toe. the friend (he Intel 1 hate thee furiously because thou hast hum b*od irate* 1 lent thee because 1 aro greater than thou an ' "And h«di««nl *ald of the Swan ut Avon There b as utBetiti) os trie* a take arose If I had a mind, f could ante 'kail; Uh. Shahr Ko voder thru, the weed; III tie chap eat we." the editor ever .tid ed ~H«t I 0 get eves atth tUSl I'll j anapvho: him tt hi* baiting sut; and ; aarod the jnctare to the Looses' ilia* traced Tht» am cause bit sale* to ' tali uC at krost to per cent.* A Pszslinf Aeaoer. Otaer lav>ea aaa riding on the ( entral branch the other da; * Leu a very logaai toaa Individual sat uuvi I ■ nd i airo and togas buatbarding him atth dvi lose my »!*ht and hearing. and. if la conversattoa. ran net say nst* than yea' or 'ao be • sue 1 am ao fatal and listless then I km the power of stlkltf quite s-raicht and rhoose the mail side of the path, lastly. I break oat into a pctrrsl persidratloa. and etthla forty »se ales | return to my senses Mew Trt Tribune too ta tkt Mine* Tkoatt L Leva, ott* prealdt n( ot tbe fasted Mine Worker, at America, ha* gone "bark to tbe mine* witb a tetxrau* He caa pick coat aad put ta etgbt hard koars a day a* aeU aa seer “I aeeer fei* better Id my dfe." be sold tbe other day (Jf course I aa a ttttle acre a'ter not La ilex daae any hard ;«b>rtcai labor to** years, kut talng* alii come ta me aa easy as net ta a tea day* " Lest* meat bark to hard day tabor otter baring held «*«» ta tbe miner*' ogaLlM'int tor fourteen year* "Mj work as a miner to certainly easier tkaa my work a* preside*: ot tbe miners, said Lento Aa president I •orbed hfteea boor* a day. Sow | work eight boon, and my day'* work to done, aad I can park coal a* well today as 1 could kfte*a >aar* ago " Ta* Hoad ta Matrimony. Mm* eiiaabotb Marbury tbe ora mat lot agent, wa* talk use at the Col aay dub ta Sea York about toauty Tbe paper* aad magazine, are full af their adrertlaemenu ' abe .aid They meat make a great deal of kits* Marbury said a young lawyer. 1 base beard that MtUMW are dangerous - -YoU. you might call them dan goroua ta a way.- Ml** Marbury agread 1 know, for example, a eery rick widow of daty-tuo years g*e took a course of tea beaut* treat mu aad last month married bet Hif* bundmg There ta no doubt ta tbe world taax Jonah was aa exceeding:' good mf truthful man. attjoytag tbe reaped af all Wbo knew him” ktoi remtada you af all ttls*~ Tbe tart that nobody attempt o-i to gym, m*m Ms story about a fi»h Hfprt WMti Fwl. Mm Wood**. Lag —Your cfesrs* tor rmutiM to nkortotui y^r««r at cwtaatorr— Wall. »• »»U ttoroo of M r*r coat- la yocr caaa «a accouat ef your wood«a lag. Tba Waa*M Mrs Youagsrad (boMtligiy* • aiaj Ml fc« BBorh U a cook, but Mr but bas acrrr rat tvlitad m about O BtAtHk *t>ti Hops Tos cut go ?’jy ttt bars »OiaM it that New News fj -1 Of Testermy _JE(fuiafx/^' They Put Aside Presidency _ __ Sft«rman and Sheridan Both Declared They Would Not Accept the Nom ination, Not Being Fitted for the High Office. Genera! Sheridan and General Sher man were of the aame opinion respect ing the expediency of electing to thl presidency a man who had made his career in the army. Sherman ex pressed his opposition forcibly and publicly. In the latter part of Presi dent Arthur's administration there was the nomination of General Sherman for the presidency in 1884. At lirst Sherman paid little heed to it. but when his brother John assured him that the movement was gaining bead, he wrote the now historic letter in which he intimated that even If elect ed be would not accept the office of president Sherman never concealed his opin m that Grant, for whom he bore •b*- most devoted friendship and af fection. would have acted with greater w:adorn had he declined to permit any organization to be effected for his nomination for the presidency. In Sherman s view, to lie general of the army was for a military man a great er distinction than to be president of the I'nited States. f Some of Sheridan s friends said to him after it was known that Sherman had put his foot upon any movement having his nomination for the presi dnecy in view: 'General, they are be ginning to talk some of you as a pres idenfial candidate.' "Sheridan laughed and made no oth er utmnenr than. "Oh. I guess not." "But |hey are. general." his friends Insisted. who ur Well, some Republicans up in New Turk state. They say that if you are nominated fdr president you will sweep -he country, and get as big a majority as Grant did in 1868." Well, they had better look out,” Sheridan replied. “I know what 1 am 8t for. I don't want the presidency -nd wouldn't take it.” Nevertheles. in spite of Sheridan's statement, there was begun an organ ization which had his nomination for the presidency in view. The Repub lican leaders wanted some man of universal popularity, for it was known that there was grave danger of fac tional disturbance in case either Gen eral Arthur or James G Blaine were nominated. A curious and unexpected incident, however. put an end to the Sheridan mo\ement. A little conference of his friend* ' ook place in New York city. In the midst of it one Republican, who was a most enthusiastic Sheridan ad mirer, said: "It wouldn't do; you can't do it.” "Why not? Why not?" broke forth t a chorus. “We'll nominate ‘Little 1 Phil' in spite of himself.” "Well," said the friend, "the diffl | culty is just here: There has always been grave doubts whether Sheridan was actually born in Albany, or wheth er he was brought there by his parents 4£hen an infant only two weeks old. j Sheridan himself has always claimed Albany for his birthplace, but there doesn't seem to be any authentic rec ord showing that he was actually born there. "His parents came from Ireland in 1S31 by emigrant ship. They went to Albany, where they had friends. They had with them an infant, and that in fant was Phil Sheridan. Just as sure as the attempt is made to nominate him for the presidency, just as cer tainly the claim will be made that he is ineligible because he is not native born. He would be elected hands down, if he were nominated, but the chances are that the convention would not nominate a candidate for the presidency about wbose constitutional eligibility there is the slightest doubt.” "They nominated Arthur for vice president. although it was said of him that he was born in Canada. Just over the Vermont line." a member of the conference declared. “Yes, but it took a search of the rec ords and an actual measurement from the parsonage in which Arthur was born to the international boundary line to demonstrate that he had miss ed ineligibility by only a little over a mile. But you can't find any record of the emigrant ship upon which Sher idan’s parents came to America, al though you might get some record that would identify him. No, it won't do to make him a candidate.” When Sheridan was informed of this discussion, he simply said: "They needn't bother themselves about my eligibility; 1 am ineligible simply because 1 don't want it and wan’t take it." So both Sherman and Sheridan turn ed aside from the temptations of a presidential nomination, and they are , believed to be the only persons in ! the entire history of tne United States j who have done this. (Copyright, 1911, by E. J. Edwards. A1 j Rights Reserved.) How He Planned to Go South _ __ i General Sherman Was a Little Un certain About George H. Thomas’ Position When War Broke Out, but Was Soon Reassured. A few years before his death Gen. W. T. Sherman was asked: ’ General, you knew Gen. George H. Thomas well, didn't you?" "Knew him well?” was the reply. “I should say 1 did. We w ere in the same class and very intimate at West Point, and we saw a good deal of each other after we had been graduated. 1 came to know him at West Point as one of the noblest characters that I have ever met. He was absolutely truthful. He was the soul of honor. He plant ed his feet slowly, but when he did plant them they were planted surely upon principle. We drifted apart, how ever. about 1848, or right after the Mexican war. although we kept track of one another. 1 say all this to ex plain what 1 am leading up to. "1 think it was in June, 1861—any way, 1 know that hot weather had come In that year—when 1 happened to call at the White House one day. having some business with President Lincoln. “1 don't remember now what it was Grant’s Opinion of Sheridan M« Connacrtd Him. ac a Fighting Commander, an Extraordinary Combination of Great Dar ing and Caution. John Husk!! Young, the distin guished Civil war and Pranco-Russian war correspondent and newspaper edi tor. who accompanied Genera] Grant is his lour of the world, was chatting with some friends at his hotel in Washington shortly after President McKinley, in 1SS7. bad made him libra rian of the new Congressional library, when some reference was made by me of the party to General Grant, and especially to Grant's very high regard for General Sheridan, both as a soldier and as a man. “Yes. 1 know," said Mr. Young, "in what high regard General Grant held Sheridan, for i often beard Grant say that he was sure that Sheridan bad no superior, living or dead, as the com mander of an army. “1 remember, on one occasion. Grant met several Americans one evening »fter a reception, and In the course of conversation he waa asked what he thought Sheridan would have done had be been in command at Gettys buig Instead of General Meade. Gen eral Grant replied practically in these words: “ There should be very little or no 1 criticism of the manner in which Meade fought the battle of Gettysburg. In n three days' battle there are al ways sure to be some mistakes. What ever these may have been upon our j aide. Meade speedily rectified them. “ 'Hut you have asked me what Sher , * dan would have done had be been there Sheridan, as a fighting general, •na an extraordinary combination of great daring and great caution. His judgments were intuitive. He believed in very swift action and in taking great risks, if the chances were in his favor. He had no patience with those critics who spoke of a battle as a drawn battle. He was of the opinion that every battle was a victory to one side or the other, although the advan tage may have been slight. Now, his temperament, his understanding of warfare and his methods would, I be lieve, have persuaded Sheridan, had he been In command at Gettysburg, that there was only one thing to do after Lee began to retreat, and that was to follow Lee so swiftly that he would be unable to reform his lines. I have sometimes thought that if Sher idan had been there there wouldn't have been much of Lee’s army left after Gettysburg was fought. How ever, I do not say this in the way of any criticism of General Meade.' " ‘If Sheridan had an army of not more than 20,000 men, every man in that army being a soldier trained un der Sheridan. aB much like Sheridan as it is possible for private soldiers to be like a commander to whom they are devoted, then I am certain that Sheridan, with such an army, could defeat any army in the world. I don’t know how I can better express my opinion of General Sheridan as a sol dier, so that I will say again, an army of 20,000 men, trained under Sheridan so that each man was as nearly like him as possible, and commanded by Sheridan, would, I am sure, be the match of any army in the world. He would have had an army of that kind had he baen at Gettysburg. You re member How, under him, and with a rather small army at his command, the Shenandoah valley was complete ly cleared of Confederate soldiers and remained in our hands until the close of the war.’ ’’ (Copyright. 1911. by E. J. Edwards. All Rights Reserved.! Took Many Men to Move Him. It took 30 men to transfer Luke Ma I lone a fisherman weighing 285 vounds. from the deck of the fishing schooner Viking to the ambulance of the United States Marine hospital the other morn !®f- Malone was seized with an at tack of rheumatism while the Viking **» at sea. Members of the crew suc 1 i eeded in rolling him up on deck, but • hen the ambulance arrived the at tendants had great difficulty in getting him up on the wharf. The tide was low. and the deck of the schooner was about fifteen feet from the top of the j wharf, a ladder was brought, and the ' basket stretcher placed up as far on it as the crowd on the boat could shove It. Then the ladder was raised by the men on the schooner, and with much pulling by the crowd above the good natured giant was finally landed on the wharf and safely placed in the ambulance » •y Permission. Going to quit your Job. are your “Yen; I '*—«r—accepted the firm’s Invitation to look around (or another that called Sue to the White House, but 1 do remember that the president told me that he was going on that day oi the next to send several nomination; j to the senate for brigadier general j He asked me to look over the list. 1 | glanced at the names rapidly, and saw that they were all good names. But j it occurred to me that the president i had overlooked one army officer, and I ventured to say to him: “ 'Mr. President, 1 don't see tht ! name of Col. George H. Thomas here.' “ ‘I don’t know much about Thomas.' j said Lincoln. 'Would he make a good ; general?' “ 'None better,' I said, 'and if you want any guarantee for him. I'll give it.’ " ‘Well, Sherman, Mr. Lincoln re I plied, 'if you say so, it must be so, and ; I'll send his name in soon.’ “A little later, as I was on my way up to the capitol to see my brother, John Sherman, it suddenly flashed over me that I had not seen Thomas for some 12 years, that he was a Vir ginian by birth, and that possibly he might take the same view that Lee had in April, when he resigned his commision as lieutenant coolnel in the Second cavalry, with which Thomas had been stationed since 1S55, to go with the Confederacy. It was a start ling thought in view of the fact that I had just guaranteed Thomas to the president. 1 worried over the situa- i tion for awhile, and then I said to my self: 'Well, I know what he was, and | I will find out what he is. My own I intuition tells me that he says with the Union, but I will find out.' "I learned that Thomas was with his regiment in Pennsylvania, not so very far north of Baltimore, and I hastened there as soon as railroad train and horse would carry me. When I reach ed the regiment and was shown to the colonel's headquarters, I found no body there but an orderly. He told me that Colonel Thomas had gone out a little ways on horseback, but thought ’ hfe would be back speedily. “By any by I saw him coming and I went out in front of the tent to greet him. He knew me instantly, and called out: “'Hello, Billy!’ “ ‘Hello, Tom,’ 1 replied. We always called him Tom. “He dismounted and we sat down together. 'Tom,' I said, 'I have come to tell you that the president has told me that he will nominate you for brig adier general.' "He showed his joy, more by the ex presion of his countenance than by any words. He simply said: ‘Billy, you couldn't have brought me any more agreeable news. “ 'But,' said I. 'Tom. I have come to find out exactly where yon stand “‘What do you mean. Billy?’ he ! asked. “ ’Well, you know that Lee has gone over to the other aide. You are both from Virginia.’ “ ’Oh, that’s what you mean, is it?’ said Tom. ’Well, I’ll tell you. Billy— I'm going south.’ ’’’You are going south?’ I said. “ ’Yes, Billy,' he said. T am going south, but I am going at the head or my boys, and I am never going to turn my face the other way until it’s all over.’ “And he never did." said Sherman. (Copyright, 1*11. by E. J. Edwards. All Rights Reserved.) Protection for Wood Bison With the object of preserving to Canada the last herd of wood bison in the world. G. A. Malloy and an other employe of the forestry branch of the interior department will short ly set forth on a mission to the banks of the Great Slave river, over 500 miles north of Edmonton. The herd of wood bison numbers from 150 to 300, an exact count be ing almost impossible to obtain on account of the thickly wooded coun try in which they live. They are heavier and darker than the plains bison, and as stated are the last of their species. At one time numerous, like their cousins of the prairies, they have been killed off until now only this remnant Is left, and even this is being slowly depleted by wolves, which hang on Its flanks and kill the young calves. It will be their duty to count the herd, arrange for the trapping of the wolves which prey upon it, and look into the general question of its pro tection. It is not the intention of the department to remove the bison to a park, but simply to make it easy for th^m to grow in numbers in their own. wild retreats.—Ottawa Citizen. America at a Distance. A man may see American countries, from the pine wastes of Maine to tne slopes of Sierra; may talk with Amer ican men and women, from the sober citizens of Boston to Digger Indians in California; may eat of American dishes, from jerked bufTalo in Colo rado to clambakes on the shores near Salem: and yet. from the time he first “smells the molasses" at Nan tucket lightship to the moment when the pilot quits him at the Golden Gate, may have no idea of an Ameri ca. You may have seen the'east, the south, the west and the Pacific states, and yet have foiled to find America. It is not till you have left the chorea, wrote Sir Charles Wentworth Dillt* that her Image grow* up In the mint MULES ARE MOST NEGLECTED AND ABUSED OF FARM ANIMALS In First PI*, t it Should be of Good Stock. Not From Scrubby Mare, but Dam of Blood Breeding Qualities_by Proper Treatment and Attention it Can be Made in First Year—Good Feeding Essential. Prize Winning Jack. Mules, much abused and neglected ; animals, are not generally understood by farmers. A mule in the first place i must be of good stock, not an off ; spring of some scrubby mare, but a mare with good breeding qualities. ! writes Ed McLaughlin in the Rural j -',ew Yorker. A mule of the mam moth stock is supposed to be the best j mule under all conditions. Mules are | cheaper than colts, for the service fee 1 is not generally as high. Many peo ple make a mistake in working the , mare too soon after foaling. Never j work a mare under ten days, then she ■ can do light work, but the mule must j be left in the barn. W hen the mare is brought in from I *orfc never allow the mule to suck as | long as the mare is warm. After a mule is two or three weeks old turn it out in a lot away from the mare, especially at night, for a mule is very hard on a mare, much more than colts. \\ hen the mule is about two months old he may be allowed to eat a few oats, about a pint in the beginning. Increase as he grows older, or the ! same amount of bran along with a lit ! tie hay. alfalfa is preferred. At the : age of nine months a mule should be weaned, not gradually, but all at once, j Take it away from the mare and ; never let It suck afterwards. He should be put by himsei' or tied up. At this time you can give an ear of corn at a meal and a small amount of bay. The mule should be turned out in fair weather and not left to stand in the stable. A mule should be made before he is a year old. This can be done by good breeding and the proper care. It is net necessary to give a great quantity ot food to him during the winter, but it must be of the kind to keep him growing, such as alfalfa hay. silage, some corn fodder, some corn and chopped food occasionally. Oats are very good, but very expen sive food. In spring he may be turned out on pasture during the day and fed some hay at night and morning, because grass at this time is very washy. As the grass gets older leave on pasture, but be sure to have plenty of shade and water. A mule should not be broken until he is three years old. although many arc broken before they are near that age. . Supply Summer Pasture. We always plant a piece of corn as early in the spring as the weather will permit, to supplement the pas ture. which is sure to dry up in late summer. DIRT THAT POISONS THE MILK i The difference between a clean cow and a dirty one is strikingly shown in the picture. The cow on the right had been running on pasture ten days, sleeping out at night, when the photo graph was taken. Naturally a great deal of the filth she had accumulated in a vile stable had been rubbed off and Washed off by the rains, but enough remains to show that her milk would carry poison to hundreds of gallons when added to that of other cows in tbe dairy. At the Illinois station it was found that the milk j from the average, unwashed, un brushed cow contained many times as much dirt as that from a perfectly clean cow. This is not guess work as a glazed dish equal in size to a paii was held under a cow's udder 4Vi minutes, the average time consumed in milking, while motions similar tc milking were made. The dirt caught in the dish was then carefully weighed. It was then found that milk from soiled and muddy udders similar to that shown by the cow on the right contained from 20 to 24 times as much dirt as from that from a clean cow. HORSE VALUE IS INCREASED Accord las to Government Reports Average Price of Animal in United States Is #111.07 — Increase of $9. According to the government re j ports the average value of horses In ! the United States is $111.67, which is J nearly $3 more than it was in 1910. Since 1900. when the automobile fce : gan to be regarded less as a toy and ; more as a possible necessity, the av j erage value of the horse has m ! creased from $44.61—a gain of $77.07 I a head. The gain has kept up every ! year except one, when there was a loss of ten cents a head between 1907 and 190S. The period from 1894 to 1901 was the low-water mark for horses. In 1897 the average value dropped to $31.51. During the years 1895. 1896, 1897 and 1898, the figures were under $40 for the only time In the history •f this country Although Illinois is the first state with respect to the number of horses, the most expensive are found in Mas sachusetts and Rhode Island, where they average $148 each. Connecticut and New Jersey are next, $142. The average value of the horse in Illinois is $123, which is $1 less than in 1910. In Wisconsin the average value is $122. which is $1 more than 1910. The gain in Massachusetts has been $20 a head in one year; in Rhode Island it has been $19 a head. The southern states lead by a large margin in mules. The most expensive are in South Carolina, where they are worth $173 each. Georgia is second, $163; and Florida is third, $161. Mules in Illinois are worth $130 and in Wisconsin $122, the same as horses. A mule is worth $15 more this year than last in South Carolina, $6 more in Georgia and Florida, $1 less in Illinois, and $7 more in Wisconsin. A Connecticut farmer's daughter, who was obliged to remain at home with her mother, engaged in raising Japanese spaniels for a livelihood. She cleared $300 last year. FEELS LIKE A BOV. Since Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Him of Terrible Kidney Trouble. Sheldon Smith, Prop. Arlington House, Woodland, Cal., says: "Thre* years I was almost helpless. Kidney se cretions scalded ter ribly and obliged me 1 to arise ten to twelve times a night. - My left limb became so stiff and sore I could hardly walk — just hobbled around with ^a cane. 1 had almost every complaint that diseased kidneys pro duce. and Doan's Kid ney Pills removed them all. At the age of 76 I feel like a boy and enjoy health and comfort. Can anyone wonder at my gratitude? Remember the name—-Doan's. For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Did the best he could. Mr. Bugg — Why, 1 expected this message two days ago. Snail Messenger—It's not my fault, the company only gave it to me a week ago. BABY’S HAIR ALL CAME OUT "When my first baby was six months old he broke out on his head with little bumps. They would dry up and leave a scale. Then it would break out again and it spread all over his head. All the hair came out and his head was scaly all over. Then his face broke out all over in red bumps and it kept spreading until it was on his hands and arms. I bought several boxes of ointment, gave him blood medicine, and had two doctors to treat him, but he got worse all the time. He had it about six months when a friend told me about Cuticura. 1 sent and got a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent, a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. In three days after using them be began to improve. He began to take long naps and to stop scratching his head. After taking two bottles of Resolvent, two boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Soap he was sound and well, and never bad any breaking out of any kind. His hair came out in little curls all over his head. I don't think anything else would have cured him except Cuticura. “I have bought Cuticura Ointment and Soap several times since to use ; for cuts and sores and have never known them to fail to cure what I put them on. I think Cuticura is a great remedy and would advise any one to i use it Cuticura Soap is the best that i I have ever used for toilet purposes." : (Signed) ^Mrs. F. E. Harmon. R. F. D. 2, Atoka, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1910. I _ The Same, but Different. "When it comes to the task of tak Ing up the parlor carpet, do you run away from the job?" "No! I beat it.” Religion, which was once an institu tion of the state, is becoming more and more the faith and ideal of the individual soul. Smokers find Lewis’ Single Binder 5c cigar better quality than most 10c cigars. If a girl is in love with a young maa she can't see any one else in a crowd OWES HER HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Scottrille, Mich.—“I want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Com pound and Sanative wash have done me. I live on a farm and have worked verv hard. I am forty five years old, and am the mother of thirteen childmn. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of mv fam. liy, out x «H inem or my good friend, your Vegetable Compound, and that there will be no backiehe £»d bearing down pains for them if they will take it aslhaje. I am scarcely ever with out it m the house. “I wiii say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls to build them up and make them strong and well. My eldest daughter has taken Lydia E Pink, ham’s Vegetable Compound for pain ful periods and irregularity, and ithas always helped her. “I am always ready and willing to a PS1 w<£d for the Lydia E PmkhamTs Remedies. I tell eVery one I meet that I owe my health and hap. pmess to these wonderful medicines/* ~Mra J. G. Johnson, Scottville.Mich.. Lydia RPinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm, ful drugs, and fcwlay holds the record S'fcS&'ss?" <*•<*«•> «>£ W. N. U„ 0MAHa7 n0. 27-1I11.