The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 29, 1911, Image 5

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    k If You Are a Farmer
We wish to impress on you the advantages
And convenience of a bank account
Right now is a good time to put your business
on a systematic basis. After once you have used
the chock plan of paying all bills, you will realize
the risk of the haphazard, lose money in the pock
et method you are now using. The old
First National Bank
of Loup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman
county and conducts its business on such system
atic and independent lines as to make us a neces
sity to you. and we cordially invite you to come
and do business with us. Come and see us about
opening a deposit account
_ Isa E. Willi ah*, Prr*t. L. H ansen, Cashier
A. II Om»«Ta, V. Prcat O. F. Adams, Asst. Cashier
A Few larlet ({uUfioik.
Cora, per be...> W «•
•'neat per be .ti e .'.I
UkU per U. - .JM * i
Bye per le.....
Butter per lb... 3»
kgg* per dot .. 14
v» T M Heed lor Feed tl finders.
The Industrial srietr of tie Pres
Interim duiirti will meet ■ itii Mrs.
ll M Eisner next Wednesday after
« rope 5“aper Luirt nh* at Variety
spend Ue Fourth at Jenner s l*»rk
line year
The people in Webster umoahip li«
iag near the <«eurffe Zimmerman laroi
• i.i base a Fourth of July p*mk and
/pud time there
Mitirt Alfalfa and Cane >eed at
T. M Herd »
tiepair •ort neatly and promptly
«iunr at Nii»wrf »
Mr* Ji- *uau«uf idiie and Mrs.
Mil Annabel! Katerina are (MUie'
at Ue h »nr of the. r sister Mrs II L. !
Hell in Webster Umushlp.
Try Alter nut «il f-»r >..«r
shine lor sale i« E. «• la«k#r.
• e.eUra’.e •itli Fife»orVs and Fire
* r»r*er> from the Variety st->re
Mrs A. E. M >user «a- up from Am
r fa u«e< _.i > tula), ia*.ittr»*r her
m -tiier and » -ter. Mrs Margaret arid
Miss 1.1/ile l.niiliuter arid .-ther re.a
tfin ret .mini i*jwe Monday.
F >i the HOT wil in Ite »ti of
I 'twaai Separator*. u» T. M Ured.
i on tor want* to give you a nice
Willow Ik* ker i all *>d tad out.
A L hmairriiiU] returned Mon
day ■»>« from t>i> business and pleos
trt tiwt in tl<eeastern states Mrs.
/.snwrrmn is ripcctei iioaie witliin
a few day*.
Evert artine fuiiy warranted, also
the prinr. at s» bsaner s. tlve jeweler.!
Make y our arrangements to spend
t-ar i rtii this year at Jenner's
We understand Jaiai Needham lias 1
rented the is * Lrininger laotnr. hav -
ing V» give up tin- parsonage to tlie
lev I’aWK j Ulster st>o is to be
ijefr about the first of July.
Take your butter and eggs to Can
luve* k sierr you can get any tiling
you want
Mr» Wallace and little sun returned
T uesday to lie-ir home at idarva.'
\ Kansas after a ten dais' visit with
the adi * father I V >ya*. and fam
Nvcr Wi «.» Worker as a gift, ab
mvo te y U:EE, at Caaiiiser S Satis
factory store
Tlve Fourth at Jenner s Park Uiis
vear si., (e utsr of tL* br*t ceiebra
ti us* ever lied in Loup City.
Tive l!a>ewa < rea iiery Co. pavs
live bigtvew* -Osi. price for eggs de
livered at the creamer; here.
I lev P Jur.tngof titeVveruian Evan
geiist rb«ft-h wi! ivoM services at Kel-.
■utt in.Joocss k nest Sunday morn
Tue greatest of Fire Work*
win hr guen tlve coming Fourth at
JeMtet * Park ever given in this sec
Have you seen ti*me nor Willow
Barkers i«i « a 4 oniiiser * window''
He will gne you one FUKE and lias
enough to supply art and every ooe
of hi* many customers
The Loup City Mercantile Store
w ill close at l«» o ciork on Uve morn
nig of the Fourth <4 July for tlie day.!
1 ovU'trrv mill genera themselves ac
cording, y
Loup < itj was imiled with a spien
ddd. wr. p ur of rain :ost Sunday
ev el. I tig to tierlttul of three-fourth*
_at an inch. Saturday evening pre
■"*■"* vious. a good ram viatled a goodly
vrtMS id lie nearby country u> tlie
west north and east.
(lea- S Lrininger left Monday noon
with his car of 1. .usedvoid gouds for
ilk new ivovne at Gordon. Mrs. Lein
mger and the rest of the family were
logo thh morning As we have here
tofore sad. may »ocren> attend them
in their new home.
nupt Alien E Fisher, of tlie Au
rora schools. »ilii Uv wife and two
chidren were guests over last Sun
day at tie ivome of Hanker Ira E.
William*, the two gentlemen having
hero od friends and neighbors at
fhvever. Uusstate >ujd. Fisher ranks
among the best edu.tabors of tiie state
•sen tors will be I veld os usual at Uie
Fir*’- Presbyterian church nett Sun
dad. Jail 2. Morning subject, lo JO.
Then jui s Independence I*ay. >uiiday
—had at il ia: C. E at * in tbeeven
Ing: « o'clock preaching sen ice* Tlie
story of the hymn. “Jesus Lover of
My *w»al.~ will be given Subject for
eseni-vg sermon will tie announced at
Last Mcedar while Art Wilson was
gting a piece of sheet at hi* home in
Che Wiggle Creek district, a piece of
tilt-1 Ism than the site of a point of
a pin. struck him in the left eye. pene
trating the pupil. Hr. Kearns was
called and removed the liny atom
imbedded la the eyeball and no cer
ins results art bo be feared. It was
For buggies see T. M. Heed.
I*o roo want a Rocker free? See
I CooLiser s adv.
Miss Anna >yas tliis week begins
.earning tlie art of printing in tills
Kat. drink and be merry at Jenner s
Park tlie coming Fourtii.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster were over
from A ns ley trading on Tuesday of
tills week. granite ware and notions
ci>eap. at the Variety Store.
Try tlie Stroud & Henrickson dray
me They will give you good service.
John Warneke left Tuesday morning
for Auroraforan indeiinlte visit, and
will perliapsstay as long as they treat
him rigiit.
Schwaner can and will save you
money on anything in tlie jewelry
An elegant Willow Rocker given |
»»»i as a premium by Conliiser. See
bills for particulars.
Hira u Cramer and family will leave
nett M onday morning for a two
months' visit lack in old New York
Stroud & Henrickson. successors
to Couger. will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
Icj«e C cnb Crown Leghorn eggs.
l-"» lor TV. * per l»w*.
A. J. Johnson.
Rev. Mr Powers, the new liatitist
minister, is e v pec tea lie re today with
hi- factiiv ami will occupy tlie pulpit
•iev: "undav buffi morning and even
Mr ar» paring 1* cents rash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Cream kkyCo.
We wi buy what you do not want,
and sell uu what you do want cheap.
The necomi Hand Stose.
From wliat we can learn, tlicre will
be Fourth of July picnics and enter
tainments at a dozen or more points
in tills county, besides celebrations
at each village and hamlet.
-prink.c your potato vines witli
Antbichtr i Fur* Faria Graan. Its
pure. It kills Uie bugs. For sale by
Swan-on & Lofholm.
t hariey Larsen is on the market
buying 1. <c> and cattle for sliipment.
sec him for top notch market prices,
or call him up. phone •> on 43.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. - on tii. or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor Best of service guaranteed.
Mr and Mr-. I. A. Bowser.and son
arid daughter and little nephew were
< »er fr cu the west part of the county
trading ve-terday and gave this office
a pleasant call.
•Did you say coaly" “Yes. Pinnacle
nut coal." This is a good coal for
>k -tove-. free from slack and easy
to start. Tr> it. For sale at Tay
lor'* elevator.
‘ *ur jolly son of Erin. Ed Flynn
brought s hunch of hogs to market
vesterday. as he said to provide the
wherewith for he and the editor to 1
do the y ourth proper. He got to ”0
rate Tor tliem.
<• II I.itidali a few days since
wr -te us from Keamey that he and
Mr- Lindall could not make their
arrangement* to leave for their
future home in Sweden before some !
time in July.
The M isse- A rile Corning and Emma
Borne were to leave this morning
for a month's visit to Salt Lake City,
<• rand Junction. Montezuma Valley,
lienver aad other points of interest
in Uie mountains.
Jenner’.- Park the coming Fourth
will pr >ve Uie most satisfactory plate
to -pend the day. AII sorts of sports,
witli a wonderful pyrotechnic display
in Uie evening will be given. See
program later.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baiilie left yes
terday morning for their extended
visit to the 1‘acifle Coast. They go
by way of St. Paul, up through* tiie
British provinces to Vancouver and
down to Seattle by boat. They may
be absent three months.
Mi— Bessie Smith left Tuesday mor
ning lor a month's visit with the |
Iiraper- ct Grevbull. Wyo.. and while I
absent will visit Uie Yellowstone1
Park. Site was accompanied as far I
as Grand Island by her sister Lena1
and Mr-. S. F. Reynold*, who returned
the same evening.
We have a numberof friends who
are readers of the Northwestern at
a distance who are a little behind
on their subscription. We dislike
sending tliem statements to that
effect and we trust tids item will
call tlieir attention to the matter
and tiiey remit at an early day.
Mr. E. S. Hay hurst was taken U>;
U>e hospital at Grand Island Monday ‘
morning and an operation followed
Tuesday morning, and reports are to
Uie effect Uiat he is doing as nicelv
as Uie result of an operation could tie
expected. Mrs. Hay hurst and Miss
Hattie went to Grand Island Tues
day evening to be with him.
A* will be noticed, this week, as
well as last week, our columns are
overcrowded wiUi advertising and le
gals to tiie crowding out of almost
all local news matter. As that is
what enables the printer to keep the
gaunt wolf from the door our readers
will overlook lack of news and re
Bice with us over our good fortune.
owever, after this wees we wili
again Itave Uie usual space to devote
to news.
Now is the Tine to Swat the Rjr
If you see a fly walking over the
food and dishes, or alighting on your
baby's face, remember that he is a
messenger of disease and death, says
the J uly Woman’s Home Companion.
The rules for dealing with the fly
nuisance, published by the Merchants'
Association of New York, and widely
circulated by them, are worth reprint
ing. We repeat our suggestion that
an excellent work for any live
woman's club would be to reproduce I
these rules on cards and distribute
them broadcast.
Keep the flies away from the sick,
especially those ill with contagious
iiseases. Kill every fly that strays
into the sick room. His body is
covered with disease germs.
IK> not allow decaying material of
any sort to accumulate on or near
your premises. All refuse which tends
in any wav to fermentation, such as
bedding straw, paper waste and vege
table matter should be disposed of or
covered with lime and kerosine.
Screen all food. Keep all receptacles
for garbage carefully covered and the
cans cleaned or sprinkled witli oil or
Keep all stable manure in vault or
pit. screened or sprinkled with lime,
oil or other cheap preparation. See
that your sewage system is in good
order: that it does not leak, is up-to
date and not exposed to flies. Pour
kerosene iuto the drains.
Cover food after a meal: burn or
bury all stable refuse. Screen all
food for sale.
Screen all windows and doors,
especially the kitchen and dining
Bum pyrethrum powder in the
house to kill flies.
Don't forget, if you see flies, that
their breeding-placais in near-by filth.
It may be behind the door, under the
table, or in the cuspidor.
If there is no dirt and filth, there
w ill be no flies.
I f there is a nuisance in the neighbor
hood, it would be advisable to write
at once to the health department.
Notice of Articles of Incorporation of tho
Depew Dice Sticrponor Company.
I State of Nebraska, i
I Sherman County. >
Notice is hereby given that the Depew Disc
Sharpener Company, a corporation organized
and existing under the laws of the State of
Nebraska, at a regular meeting of its stock
holder* held at its office in Loup City. Nebras
ka. on February 25th. 1911. by the unanimous
vote of its stockholders, adopted the following !
Articles of Incorporation, and has caused
them to be filed and recorded in the office of
the Secretary of state of Nebraska, and also
in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman
county. Nebraska, to-wit:
Article I.—Know all men by these presents:
That we. James I. Depew. John W. Long and
William K. Mellor. hereby associate ourselves
together for the purpose of forming a corpora
tion in the State of Nebraska for the transac
tion of business as hereinafter described.
Article II.—The name of the corporatioa
shall be the "Depew Disc Sharpener Compa
ny." and its principal place of business shall be
»t Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska
At tide III—The general nature ol the busi
ness to t»e transacted by said corporation shall
l>e the manufacture, sale and jobbing of disc
sharpener'- and appliances and accessories
thereto, and any and ail kind* of machines and ;
marh.nerv. To buy. hold, encumber, operate. |
Wdl ana convey plants, patents and other prop- j
ertvof other corporations engaged in the man- I
ufacture or sale of any such disc sharpener. |
appliances or machinery. To buy, hold and
sell stock in any such corporation. To buy
sell and encumber all property, real, personal
and mixed necessary in the conduct of said
business and to do everything necessary or
customarv in the conduct thereof.
Article IV.—The authorized capital stock of
said corporation shall be twenty thousand dol
lar*. t f jo.out)) in shades of one hundred dollars
9100 each ten thousand dollars <910.000) of
which shall be paid in before commencing
business One hundred (1U01 shares aggregat
ing ten thousand dellars (910.000) shall be pre
ferred stock, and the balauce of one hundred
(HV' share* shall be common stock. Each
shar** outstanding of preferred stock shall
receive an annual guaranteed income of six (6)
permit ami no more, of the face value of
said stuck, and for tht payment thereof the
net revenue of said corporation shall tie
pledged, and if that be insufficient to meet
such payment in any year, the annual income
of said preferred stock for said year shall tie
paid out of the assets and property of said
corporation, and said preferred stock shall
constitute a first lien upon all assets and prop
erty of the corporation after the payment of
its debts shall first be used in declaring asset
or liquidation dividends upon the preferred
stock and redeeming and retiring the came on
the basis of one dollar five i$l.Q5) for each
one dollar SI 00) of the face of said preferred
stock, together with accrued interest, and the
balance of said assets and property thereafter
remaining and the profits thereof shall be dis
tributed in equal and pro rata dividends on
tbe common stock then issued and outstand
ing and said corporation reserves tbe right to
take up and cancel any preferred stock at any
annual dividend paying date upon caid above
described basis of one dollar and five cents
■ SI (Bland accrued interest, and during said
period any of said preferred stock may be
taken up by said corporation and cancelled at
any time by agreement between said corpora
tion and the holders thereof.
The holders of preferred stock shall have no
voire in the management of said company, and
no vote in any meeting of stockholders The
management and conduct of the business of
said company to rest with the holders of the
common stock acting by and through the
Board of Directors and Officers as herein pro
vided: provided, that said corporation shall
issue no bonds while any of said preferred
stock is outstanding.
Article V —The existence of said corpora
tion shall begin on tbe first day of March,
lilll. ami ead on the Bint dav or 'March, ltfij!
bant e»r|airation can he dissolved prior fo
said mentioned date univ by fbe action of the
holders of two t birds (SI ot the oonuuon
stock of said coriKiration. which action must
lie entered on the records of caul corporation
Article VI—The business of said corpora
tion shall be conducted by a board of not less
thus three (1) director*, to be elected by the
holders ot the common stock, such election to
be beld on the first Tuesday of March In each
year and to be conducted in such a meaner as
shall be described by the bv lave of said cor
poration said dirt clove shall hold their office
for a period of one year, and nntil their suc
cessors shall be elected and qualified. The in
corporators thereof at tbefr first meeting
after the filing of these article# shall elect di
rectors until the first Tuesday in March 1911
Article \ II —The officers of said corpora
tion shall be a President. Secretary and Treas
urer. who shall be choeen by the Board of Di
rector*, and shall hold their offleea for a peri
od nr one year, and until their successors
shall he elected and qualltrd Twe or mure
of the offices of laid corporation may be held
by one and the same person. Mo salary (hall
be paid except to officers who take an motive
part in the management of the business of
the company, devoting thereto a greater por
tion cl ibeir time nod effort Ho odoer, in
cluding the petition Of manager »nd aaloa
lnansesr. shall receive a salary greater than
•ISO advance of the original amount par year
tor a period ef four years thereafter, after
the expiration of said tour-year period the
annua! salaries of the Presldsat. secretary
Treasurer and Salas Manager, lo-wlt; ef all
officers and employees a'ova the position at
ruperiotendeiit of the feetory of sold eom
paa y. shall remain the same at the expiration
of Said perlon ; provided, that at the time of
any year after March 1st. l»lt*. in addition to
Such salary, and as part of tha compensation
for services so rendered, a percentage of the
gross annual business of said eomuany for
Bald year, may be paid to said officers last
above named In such an aggregate amount
that the emu ot 1 be regular salary of such ef
Ocers tor the year in question, and the aggro
gate Itercenlagc so paid to then, shall not an
evert Bye (5) per cent of the groas annual
business of Said company for said year Mo
director shall ever recolva more than one sal
ary at any given time.
Article vlll.—The highest amount of In
debtedness in which said corp-wallon shall at
any lime subject itself shall not exceed two
thirds iS) uf the common capital stock.
Artior IX.—The annual meeting of the
stockholders shall be held on the Brat Tuws
t-sy. t March In each year, (or the election of
dirccto a and for the transaction of such ether
business as may properly come before the
same, and the methods of conducting the
buslueas. <*a may properly oorue before the
same, and the method*, of conducting the
business ot the corporation shall be provided
In the by-laws adopted by the Board ot Di
rectors. Only holders ot the common stock
shall be entitled to vote at said meeting.
Article X.—These articles may be amended
nt any regularly called meeting of stockhold
ers lioleing coimnou stock, upon the vote ef
stockholder* owning three-tfthe (34) of the
common Mock outstanding; provided, that
Articles IV and VII hereof shall act be
amended w hlle any preferred Mock issued by
this corporation Is outstanding.
Utven under the hand and seal at wid cor
poratioo this ttth day of June. A. D. tail.
Tbs Dxrsw Disc shabpubb Oompaut.
. By Its Beard of Dlrwetom:
James I. Dxrsvr. Director.
[skalj John W. Lcmo. Director
William R. Mbllok. Director.
Attest: Josh W. Loro, Secretary.
Last pub July tt
4th of July
Jenifer’s Park
Program of the Day:
Rase Ball—Fats and Leans.
Basket Ball—Ladies versus Men.
Wild West Exhibition- Ropeing.
Tug of War on Horseback.
Saddling and Riding Contest.
Boys' Foot Race.
. tiirls' Foot Race.
Hurdle Sack Race.
Duck Race.
Rooster Race.
High Jump.
LongJump. And many other sports
See the Cages of Rare Animals, Birds and Reptiles
An many other interesting attractions
The Park, with its magnificent shade and fountain, in*
sures an inviting, unfatiguing day. x
DANCING in the Open Air Pavillion, with the best
floor and the finest orchestra in the city.
Refreshments of All Kinds on the Park Grounds
Positively, the Greatest
Display of Fireworks
Ever Shown in Loup City
Admission: - Park, 10*25c; Ball Park, !5-25c
Kapen for the Spring Trade
Solid Concrete Work
Sidewalks, Floors, Etc.
Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hay.
GUY STOUT. Manager.
Barrels to Pickle Pork in,
Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens.
Pickles in Bulk
Olives iu Bulk.
A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens.
Lee Brothers.
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the quar
ter stake between sections thirteen
and fourteen, and running thence
south one-half mile on section line
and terminating at the southwest
corner of said section thirteen, all in
township fifteen, range thirteen, lias
reported in favor or the establish
ment thereof, and all objections
thereto, or claims for damages, must
be filed in the County Clerk's office
on or before noon of the 31st day of
J uly, 1911, or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto,
W. C. Diktkrichs, Co. Clerk.
(Last pub. June July 13)
To All Whom It May Concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the south
west corner of the southeast quarter
of section thirty-one, township four
teen, range thirteen, where the pres
ent county road ends, and running
thence in a southeasterly direction,
along the north side of the C. P. R.
R. Go. right of way to the southwest
corner of the northwest quarter of
section 5-13-13. running thence due
east along the quarter section line of
said section 5 to the southeast corner
of the northwest quarter of said sec
tion 5, thence due south on the quar
ter section line until it reaches Rail
road avenue of the Village of Rock
ville, thence due east along the north
side of b>oek 4 of said village, and
ending at the east side of Webster
street of the said Village of Rock
ville, has reported in favor of the es
tablishment thereof, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in the office of the
county clerk on or before noon of the
14th day of August, 1911, or such
road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
W. C. Diktkrichs, Co. Clerk.
(Last pub July 39)
Lumber Direct to Consumer
Parties wishing to build can save
all kinds of money by buying White
Pine from Big Horn Lumber Co. Club
together with your neighbors and we
will call on you and make prices. Di
rect A. M. Templin. Room 6, Elks
Block, Omaha. Cut tnis out for fu
ture reference.
Residence for Sale
My house and six lots for sale.
Phone 6 on 13, or see me for particu
lars. Ward Yrr Valin.
Straw Hat
Season Now On
I have prepared to meet the de
mand in Straw Hate.
Prices, 25c to $3
PANAMAS, $4 to $7
The Reliable Clothier
A Great Cash Discount Offer
How to get
one of these
i I
| absolutely
Free i
Ask for one of
the bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
•fhe Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don’t believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a lavor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don’t stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It’s the sum of small things that
makes this bank great
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and"Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland
E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Sewing Machines
Sold on Easy Terms
Full Quartered Oak and
Guaranteed for
Ten Years by your
Home Dealer
of the leading machines, all nickel trimming on copper and
will never tarnish or come off. It is light running and easy
to operate.
We carry Repairs and Needles for all kinds of
of Sewing Machines.
Come in and see what kind of a deal you can make on a
Sewing Machine.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
To rhe East
Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this summer
to eastern cities. There are 30-day tourist rates to New York, At
lantic City, Boston, Montreal, Portland, Buffalo and other places;
slightly higher 60-day limit tourist rates to many of these cities;
there are diverse tours via Old Point Comfort, thence ocean voyage to
New York and Boston: this tour recently introduced by the Railroads
has become one of the most popular tours of American travel.
To the West.
Daily excursion fares to COLORADO, YELLOWSTONE PARK,
COAST, also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive lo
calities in one tour
Cbll or write for leaflets describing any tour you expect to
J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent
L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. A|t., Cir.Jia