The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 15, 1911, Image 7
■ How “Insane’ Man, ■ Mourned as Dead, I Built Up Fortune gt'lg TORS ~x i. il HaI^L A roc*k!yt:. X C.A A ppts jtTfd >S3tmme fivi i£C >ii • ;n,»;*raai mtofa «er«r it tl.ct *.<*4 Vi, *cere tie » a* known B K Bectot Ot April 14 Justice Ria-1 ktnar It, the supreme court Hrw/iujnB - g t e t • tie*- t» a aoru t«' e* arm* -.u' ? R Beat-m cf Birfeaeat and !U.;t A Claifc* of Mwi.»i c.-'» n* these fire years ■«~e — e u4 tie -:.rr- e« Tfe- ua» »'rot- of the Judicial pee 'rwm Clarke* !.:* the mlt of leui'o ttat had been piared there by -he aupreme -our1 at Jen*- lbvS. «BC •** **--- • him tr" ~3T the* ted bee* h- ^ it -r-j#t for his. since that <IT Tie f try of t4 rare*r at R_!pb A ' a-»- e.: P R !J>: ton may a-rtt tre by him for --e Ne« York Render World frosn which i» copy CUA-rCS t£W**K 48LE STORY. Ii tad foreseen tit# aaoat: I of jwtority -tat fcaa result - J trr»m my reappearance , a* Ralr-fc A tTarke I should Berer sate rerealed my __, te'-arrty AiE R Benton I • a- happy ant *utce*aful; tb* Ra T>1 A "lark#- of tie o-H da * »a» f- et It all : robabi.ty I •bon if ■* are Bred the rest of my life cad-- - t l-m rame tad BO- Romlare J Sjr.e» an o!d Birxia'yn friend. di* corned &t Et —n hr rat pledged to rv T b-’* be ■--•.ailed on me to clear bj the mjrstorv of my disc-pear •w* and i la:* -he enm of *3A <KKt - bar *t -zt In -he Ham.l-oE Tra*r «;*tt • raaht -mce I eat declared iue- it .■ 1 rare done •o with the feral- -ta* 3 am a mac •tti -»c name- and la a tangle of eplicati cr Of oarse my real ■*■ -t : : a '..i-r* cu-for near -* ffte year* I tare been tisorrn as B R He—ton end 'be htkoc.aflons I have mid- urd*r feat time ;c R. fcmond •re 'be tap; -rt m my hfe. ! bare aor a** -ded whe'her to -- main la Rich ■kond or ret art to \>a York :o J '«••• nsj story I want t tsak» one point clear The only per son I ever harmed was myself In fea»-n* me commoted to a sanitarium «.» family did what the-. tko tbt br*t a»d I hear ao grudg again*: them 9»t the fgrr that I vac • omsnlttsd re ‘«J a ooaditio® that ought not to east- No man i> tale f-ont be.rg :n an asyimn by hi* relatives aac fortune oonffseatad by them if ‘ ♦ fca- pen to be ue roplioi* Sly fcrat* «.« ac* tooebed. bat tf I had ■ot escaped from r»r Parkers a an; 'artaa. and banged my nuns*- nearly *4s years ago 1 might tare remained iSr** until this day On e in a eani tirwt M ai *rt«ar!v d:ff~uh to b? re' ward and the aj-sotiatlsBS the~e *rr ap* to taafce one t.-ane even if «e la of eossd m.nd. a* l trmly be ’-ese S mas shea I was placed 'here oa* aad day in Jaly sii years ago. eiead T>tm*a by Success. I wa* bore in Tennessee frry *:a years ago. bet moved to Brownsville .'efferso* -oanty X y at the death ef my father a 1ST* 1 attended the i.nfc:. M-htx>i» there and a* ’be age of twenty came to New Tort to seek my bftSM I otota_ned employ tnect in the o?oe» of H L Judd bras* eovelty masefa'-'nrer a: Xo M Chambers «r>e*i. where 1 remained for five years In that time n._ salary was ! nr reared from S. to S25 s week I lived sim gl« sad made several fortunate invest ments with -he money I saved from my salary »*;tt tn.r capital I started to the business at No S4T !*aan street. Brooklyn Again I was —rcssaful and foe tec years my bus! sees prospered I became well ac gsunted la Brooklyn joined several dabs as well as the Elk* and the son* A tattering offer was made for my store however and 1 sold ont h ans the ume of the gold -20 I for the Klondike. * ' v‘:t some success a? a prospec • sl ' u d- 1 • my growing fortune ’•"ten tie Tcnoysi district opened up • NVv_da I was among tie first to' 1 • -r.d th-xc I added to tit; store o' ». _ *t By this 'itne I had more "2 *' tit actual cash, and '-g • t-- I l ad seen enough of the ' 1 trued to New York and en ■ -■ in the lumber and cement busi uewt. with an office at No 20 Broad For two years—front I9f‘3 to ' - ' -I e\o*ed all my energies to this -' 1 a* x 'he par* fortune smiled on * "V np other activities, includ •ecefvership of a chemical cmt.any Money began to pour in wed j- to turn tr.y head. 1 nr-d xto wild extravagance and r. with the result that my ' ' *and sis'ers. feanng for my i-al't and believing tha* I had los* r rt i had me committed to Dr. 1 Parker's sanita-ium. The Knolls, at 1 " . ' j. . ■ ar : Two Hundred and Tfcir • r:xtt f"ee- The coum ordered my ■ rut-m- r t r thotrt so much as azt \ .•2.:..' »n of me. and one morning • men appeared at my office and utried me *c The Knolls. 1 was no -v -- insane 'tan the excellent doctor .' r narge o' the ir.s'itution. It is true ' 1 : -d been dissipating and that I - : c* r 'he best of hcai'h. but my m r. i was normal In every way. A *a,s Under Espionage. White I was not placed under lock ad * y a- The Knolls at least one at •endar- »as always with me I had a -or • rtabie room to myself and I was a owed to v ander about the large nr .unds tha- surrounded the institu ' on There was always so mapy at teedants around that escape seemed impossible Besides, even if I had hee-t at.e 'o eS' ,.pe. I knew I should • - •' :med All my money was taken fr m me v hen I was placed in the ani'ar .a, and 10 or 15 cents at a was doled out 'o me for popcorn or chewing cum My fortune, which <* -?ipa' on had reduced from more t an l: " to less than $30,000. was •--red ever to the Hamilton Trust mpany to hold in trust, and I was - lu'ely dependen* upon the small inis civer. me by Dr. Parker. When I then- a cumulate the attendants nltnly took away my savings, so that • I rare!;, had more than 10 cents. Fo- two months I remain at The Km Is regaining my health and spir ts Tne regular hours, the good food a solute r-s' w orked wonders, and ! w as myscIf again I mean I felt my eelf auax A cording to law I was an • ompet-nt the inmate of an institu tion for the insane. < me vro has never been under re “urt cannot understand the terrible • tig that results from constantly ng wanted. My every movement j was observed from the time I awak- ! er *-d in the morning until I went to -u • night Even when I was asleep at f- near: was constantly outside r.y door I began to realize that *1 i s1 ' uid soon become insane if I re mained there any longer I knew I • us sate, but how could I establish the fa< * I was without funds. I was unable to communicate with friends Dr Parker, of course would not hear of my leaving so but one thing re mained to be done—take French eaTe After I was free I would de termine what to do next. Sc by dis-'acung the attention of •be one attendant who was always with me I managed to slip through the shrubbery by the side of the sani tarium I reached the high fence whirr surrounded the grounds with out being observed A moment later I was on the outside of the fence, a free man A free man yes. But with only five -enu in my pocket. I knew that any attempt to obtain more then would re sult in my capture and return, so I made up my mind to seek no help, but to trust u> my own resources. I waited to Spuyten Duyvil and mere '-■oh a car for New York. My five cents got me as far as Fourteenth street. I was now in the heart of New York without a cent and without the power of appealing to any of my friends for aid Fortunately I had a gold watch for which I had paid $200 the year be fore. It never occurred to me thcrt I might pawn it until I saw the three bails on a pawnshop at Third avenue and Fourteenth street. I entered the shop and "hocked” my watch for 513 With this money in my possession I regained confidence. I had always been able to make my own way in the a?t In fact. I had always been a money-maker Why not again? So I determined to start anew in life I would forget that I had ever been Ralph A Clarke. In the future I would be B. R. Benton. The name came to me like an inspiration. I read of my escape from The Knolls, and I even dropped into a po ’ e station to see if a general alarm bad been sec*- out for me. Finding out there was a general alarm for me ' r d chat I might be arrested at any ir treat and returned to the sanitar :m. 1 decided I had better leave New York. Practically all of the 51" I had ob tained for my watch had V -n spent or food and shelter during (hose ‘hree days. In fact I had less than TO en;.- wren I cros-ed over to Jersey on the fc-rr> and took the trolley to Trenton. At Trenton I managed ic ue: a fre er:- rraiti, which landed me at Perryvili-e. Md. There a contractor was tearing :o-ve an old railroad bridge, and I ap , iied for work as a laborer. The boss scanned me for a moment He told me frankly that he didn't think I'd do. but that, as he needed men. he'l give mo a job. So I started to work at once for S2.1jo a day. I found a cheap boarding house across the r:\cr and began my career as R. R. Senior. For four weeks I worked at this job and saved enough money to buy a ticket for R:rfcmond. Va.. where I expected to get a position at the American Loco motive Works. Succeeded in;. I was successful in getting employ men' at tee locomotive works in Richmond, and 1 remained there until April, 19 ". By that time I had ac cumulated a nest egg from my sav ings. and I began to look around for some better way of making money. I answered an 'ad." and got a posi tion as a salesman with the Columbia Shoe company, but left its employ for a better position as a traveling sales man for Smith & Hcmenway of Ner. York. I sold safety razors for this concern a!! over the middle west and south. I gave my name as B. R. Ben ton and my heme as Richmond. While working for this concern I met a man who was traveling for the Parker Chemical company of Chicago, and through him I got a job as sales man for that concern. My headquar ters were located at Richmond, and my business brought me into contact with prominent and influential per sons there I made good commissions as a salesman and constantly added to my savings. Two years ago I deter mmec to emc-ara in business lor my self. With Dr. W. H. Parker, one of the leading physicians of Richmond: Dr. Ferguson of the state board of health, and two others I organized the Chemical Supply Company. I became its secretary and general manager, and later, upon the withdrawal of Dr. Parker, its president. As B. R. Benton I became acquaint ed with Miss Nannie Proffitt of No. 314 East Cary street. Richmond two years ago. and on March 30 of this year we were married in Washington by the Rev. E H. Swen of the Second Baptist church. So determined was I to forget that I had ever been Ralph A Clarke of Brooklyn that I did not even reveal my identity to my bride until after we were married. Then when I was induced to come to New Vork and reveal my identity it was no longer possible to keep my bride in ignorance. During the five years I lived in Richmond I saw many of my old friends, and one of them. Will Ketch am of Brooklyn, stopped me and ask ed if 1 was not Ralph Clarke. I met his eyes calmly and told him he was mistaken. Rowland J. Simes. another oid friend, was not so easily deceived. He saw me in the grill room of Strumpfs Hotel in Richmond on the 7th of last January and immediately hailed me as Clarke. I tried to throw him off. even insisting that I had nev er heard the name Clarke before, but he knew me too well and I was forced to admit my identity. We had dinner together and spent an evening talking over old times. Before he left me he was pledged to keep my secret on con dition that 1 meet him in Washington on Jan. 30. Returns to His Aged Mother. When I met him at the Raleigh ho tel on that date he pleaded with me to release him from his pledge or se crecy. He argued that it was unfair to keep my family, especially my aged mother, in ignorance of my fate. So, principally for the sake of my mother, I agreed to let it be known that Ralph A. Clarke was still alive. Simes in terested Bernard J. York, a New York lawyer, in my case He had known me in the old days in Brooklyn, and when the necessary affidavits that I was alive and sane had been prepared he had no difficulty in having the courts set aside the commitment and return the $27,737 in cash which the Hamilton Trust company was holding in trust for me. Justice Blackmar in the Supreme court. Brooklyn, signed the necessary papers on April 14. What next? I dont know. I am too well known In Richmond as B. R. Ben ton to discard that name, but of course Ralph A. Clarke is my rightful name. I haven't had time to solve the perplexing complications which have resulted from my strange career. of a Leader “Ha»e jo* aecered fcarss.joj ia jour parr* urcartamoaT' Set exactly. replied Sen ter Sor "Ba: 1 LLitk we hare rotxd a e a b?£ csouca to the diaecrd." Bet: of Evidence. 9w!>crta* Girt—U» jam rwtly iota Be. Geortt’ Geerse—Dc I? Dos : I Late to watt *b 3 co.d abed -aery r..ght for ttm owl ear BcL.e*—Cockit Visitor # His Rutan. Rural Voter (decided! t)—Ahm votin' for t'cthar nion. Candidate—But you say you're sever seen fchn. Rural Voter—No. but Ab'ee sees ttee —M. A. P. It Sure Is. ■"W*hst you need is outdoor exer- i dse “But a cm can’t take outdoor exer crske at this season doc It's too . cold to tit on Use bleachers now.* Well. Hardly. "Are you a friend of the groom's family?" asked the usher at the church wedding. "I think not." replied the lady ad dressed. "I'm the mother of tfc~ bride."—Yonkers Statesman. Might Spell the Match. Suitor—4 would like to see the phe to of the lady with the S530.00C dowry Matrimonial Agent—We don't show photos with the large dowries - Fliagende Blaetter. BEGINS WAR ON CONSUMPTION With the same energy which marked his operations in grain, ccttcn and Scar e. James A. Patten, the Chicago tnulti-iniiiicntcire. Las set about the dis bursement of his wealth in financing . the biggest car on disease that has ever been kncVn in the history cf the world Kis caring speculations, -which attracted wid? attention a fee years ego. ecs for him a fortune estimateJ . „T fi . ■ With this fortune or a - large part of it. Mr Patten now pro poses to carry cn a personal campaign of social servi e. Daring the past six months he has conaTed S- 1 .000 fot such charities and public werus as ap peal to He ha? given Northwestern Uelver c;ty 51 0,0 a basis on which tc begin medical re-earch into the pre vention and cure of tuberculosis and will increase this sum * ;0 as fast as the coney is needed Otbei millions will be devoted to battue? *-it£ tee wnite plague. a war of which he win race persona: ccarse. ne iw Issvc - the disease can be stamped out in a few years. Mr. Fatten was prompted to take up this great fight for humanity by the death of his brother, and later his son. who succumbed. K*e trill abandon all business and devo'e himself and his immense fortune exclusively to the battle which he has taken up. He declares that "a man should dispose of great wealth for the benefit cf the community, social serv.^e being the cne great thing in life.” SENATOR STONE OF MISSOURI One of the best parliamentary tac ticians in the United States senate is William Joe! Stone of Missouri. He is a veteran in legislative experience, having sat in the house from 1S95 to le31. Then he was elected governor of his state and in 1903 was seat to the Federal senate. Senator Stone is an uncompromising letsocrat and believes that his party will be successful ia the next presi dential campaign. However, he be lieved the same !h;re In 1900. when he managed Fryau's ''.:nt...;gn. The senator is one cf the most pict uresQ- -* figures in congress. He is six feet in height, is as slender and straight as a poplar and wears dress cha-a at eristic of htmself. His face is wrinkled, his skin somewhat e parchment, his speech, when he is : calm and without excitement, slow and deliberative. But when stirred by an ger or emotion, his words flow with i at? cusu ana iury oi a mountain tor strong— sensationally strong. rent- on sucn occasions his words are PLEDGES IRELAND HOME RULE I —--—_i Assurances, the sincerity of which there is no doubting were recently given by Premier Asouith in the house of commons that a full measure of self government would be granted to Ire land. after the veto power of the House of Lords had been dealt with In replying to the statement John Red mond. leader of the Irish Nationalists, rreclaimed his willingness to accept the government measure as a full set tlement of Ireland's claims and said that with this concession of national justice Ireland would acknowledge En gland's king as the ruler of Ireland. Hitherto the Nationalists have con sented to accept whatever England granted as a step toward final separa tion. but the Irish leader, in indorsing the prime minister's statement of the measure of home rule to be granted, astonished his hearers by applauding the autonomy granted to South Africa by King Edward and expressing the nope mat King oeorge wouid open tee irisn par*lament ana so nasten tne day when Ireland, reconciled, would become a loyal unit of the British empire. JAMES MARRIES FOURTH WIFE Although past his 50th birthday. General Thomas L. James, once post master of New York and postmaster general of the nation under Garfield and Arthur, recently married his fourth wife The bride is Mrs. Flor ence Gaffney, of Rochester. General James was bora In Utica in 1831 and served his apprenticeship as a printer. After serving ‘his ap prenticeship he published a Whig or gan at Hamilton, X. Y., and took an active part in opposition to the Know Nothing movement. In 1861 he en tered the customs service and in IS71 was appointed postmaster of New York by President Grant. Later he became postmaster general and soon after the assassination of President Garfield became president of tfc. Lin coln National bank. His investiga tions while postmaster general re sulted in the “star route" trials and in ten months of administration he savea tne government a-.wu.wj - General Janes first wife was Emily Ida%reebum. of Hamilton, and a rear after her dealt, which occurred in ISS5, he carried her sister. Jcane. widow of Dr. E. R, Barden, of A,ken. 8. C. The Child ana the Eee. Charity is a naked child, giving ' money to a bee without wings; cakeii. because excuseless and sizaple; a child, because tender and growing; giving honey, because boney is pleas ant and comfortab.e; to a bee. be cause a bee is laborious and dest,rv tng; without wings, because oeipiesa and wanting If thou demest to such, thou killest a bee; if thou givest to other than such, thou preserrest a drone.—Quarles: Enchiridion. Originality. Strictly speaking, it is impossible, of course, to be original. Originality consists in perceiving the permanent behind ephemeral, he old behind the new. in tracing the ever-U> og spring of human motive from its latest mod ; era faucet deep do-vn and back to its ' hidden souths *a consciousness and i will.—AUcn puvaiL 1 » Atlantic. . The Way of the Laundry. “1 had my office coat washed last week." said Mr BUnxom. -and cow ifs an office Jacket" WcSiter'i Most Profitable Book. "Noah Webster," says the book ot copyrights, “probably got more for kti spelling book Uian was ever paid for any other book is the United States are unable to state the entire sum Uiat was paid him for the copyright of 1 that little book, but think it must have been more than $50,000. Hi. large dictionary, a work on which he spent the greatest part of his life, did not yield him a tenth part of the 1 profits of his spelling book." -— Bachelor's Misfortune. It Is the misfortune of the bachelor that he has no one to tell him frankly kts faults; but th_ husband this happiness superiority of Reason. There is no opposing brutal tceee to * he strategics of human —earn - ! L’Estracge. Where. Oh Where? Where Is the man wbo has the pow er and skill to stem the trrrent of a i woman's will?—Old Rngii«k Musical Note. A music teacher in a New England school was trying to make the chil dren in the fourth grade understand the value cf a triplet—to get them to know that three quarter-notes under a brace were equal to two quarter notes. She couldn't make them under stand: and finally, in despair, she asked: "What are three littie babies born all at the same time called?” “Accidentals!" shouted a small boy. with a vague remembrance of the les son of a week before. Sincere Prayer. Teacher—Now. Tommy, suppose a man gave you J'.OO to keep for him and then died, what would you do? Would you pray for him? Tommy—No. sir; but I would pray for another like him.—The United Presbyterian. When 3 iasa'.ivp is needed, take the al ways potent Garfield lea. Composed of Herbs. It's easier to put up a bluff than It is to put up the stuff. Iff"' Wtns>we Soottice s-rnp for Children tretnirii* me g-jui-. reduce- inRamma tion. aliajre paui.c ,.re4 colic, tic a uotwe. A bachelor is a man who thinks it wise to view matrimony from a dis tance. Mere Palatable.. Mr BenLam—I'll eat my bat! Mrs. Benfcam—Try mice, there's some fruit on it.—Judge dear; Are You Poeriy? If your digestive system is weak, the bowels clogged, the liver sluggish, you can not wonder that you feel 44 half sick ” all the time; but listen— Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters is a good remedy for such ills as well as Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try it today. Makes You Well Again Gentle and Effective, NOTE THE NAME CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the Circle, on evenj Package of the Genuine DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU SYRUP OF FIGS A?3> CLTUR OF SENS A HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEA2S PAST. AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS THEREFORE. WHEN BUYING. NctetfeMName of the Gompam CALIFORNIA F10SYRUP CO. PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM. AM) IN THE CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE. OF THE ONLINE- REGULAR PUCE SOc PER BOTTLE: ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. [cent, or ALCOHG .TOSIKPC •UMATUM ncnXE strut or ncs and elixir of sgw» b the most pleasant, whole. SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILICU-SJCS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS tT IS ICCESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. WHICH B MANUFACTURED BY THE Cali forn i a Fig Syru p cov WHAT. INDEED. Marias—Caroline says she paid SIS a dozen for those photos of herself. Maxine—But they don't look a bit like her. Marion—Of course not. 'What do you suppose she paid $1S for? Nowadays. Grandmother—And not*- would yon like me to tel! you a story, dears? Advanced Child—Oh. no. granny, not a story, please! They’re so stodgy and unconvincing ar.d as out of-date as tunes in music. We should much prefer an impressionist word picture. or a subtle character sketch. —Punch. Beautiful Past Cards Free. Sent Zc stamp f t five samples of cur very oest Gold Embossed Birthday. Flow er and Motto Post Carls; beautiful cc .i-s and loveliest designs. Art Poot Card Club •31 Jackson St.. Topeka, Kan. Probably there is nothing so in sincere as the struggle between two women to sc-e which shall pay the car Garfield Tea aeer-s the bodily machinery j in , rtie ; it rcgu.-ites the digestive - , and overt tries constipation. —— The love of a mac for his wife may be the real thing, but it doesn't seem to interfere with kis appetite. Lewis' Single Binder e-ear. O-i^na! Tn Fon smoker Package. 5c straight. Some people seem to make a spe Calty of thinking only near-thoughts Instead of Liquid Antiseptics « Peroxide 100,000 people last year used Pax tine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to b# dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic rises it ia better and more economical. To save and beautily tee teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the month, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgewors clean, odorless To re more nicotine from the teeth and purify the breat'n after ano ting. To eradicate perspiration and bod] odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inflamed eyes. Heals sorethroat. wound* and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box. dratrtrist* cr bv mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO..Borro».M*sa. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That'* Why You’re Tired—Out of Sorts —Hare No Appetite. CARTER’S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS will put you right, in a few days. ^ They doi their duty,. Cure Coo J stipation, I Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature DAISY FlY KILLER »l—■ < — T»Wr*.«» trams a»4 ku* ail flm. Nac. fir—, OTiantti. rc«Tf*. irii-,ri—g UiulI mmmam. Cas'tspiJw bp C**5. Will 1C <ict| cr —are u/thaf. Ucarusni ftecs = ~ WmA «f«lfnof «*t prrpaM nAEOLi* PHTBBE.S \tm Pm lllk Av*. KODAK FINISHING SSL .S3 iliect.ofi. Ail *»npp.*es» for Uf Affiau;ur *»inct IJ fresk. Send for cauiogoG *jnd tnis»uii:» r«Mo.\HE ROBERT OEMP8TER COMPANY, Box 1197, Omaha, Neb. W.N. Ur OMAHA, NO. 24-1911. If the blood is poor and Tilled with the poisons from diseased kidne>s or inac tive liver, the heart is not only starved but poisoned as well. There are many conditions due to impure blood—such as dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debil ity or the many scrofulous conditions, ulcers, 'fever sores,” white swellings, etc. All can be overcome and cured by ur. fierce s Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood—by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation and imparting tone to the whole circulatory system. It’s a heart tonic ■“d a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with net vous irri tab.lity. take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer to insuh your intelligence with the “just as good kind.' The “Discovery” has 40 years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing oniy- Send 31 ooe-cent i cloth-bound book. " stamps for the French < Dr. K. V. Pieree. MWa. N. V.