The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 15, 1911, Image 5

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    If You Are a Farmer
Wt wish to impross on you the advantages
and convenience of a bank account
Right now is a good time to put your business
on a systematic basis. After once you have used
the chock plan of paying all bills, you will realize
the risk of the haphazard, lose money in the pock
et method you are now using. The old
First National Bank
of Loup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman
county and conducts its business on such system
atic and independent lines as to make us a neces
sity to you. and we cordially invite you to come
and do business with us. Come and see us about
opening a deposit account
Isa E. Williams. Brest. L. Haxsew. Cashier
A. B Ot th*k *e. V. Brest 0. E. Adams, Asst. Cashier
mitluT. JUNE ft, Ml
A Ff» Vartrt ((loUtitik.
Cor* per be.> <f >»
*>eet. per b» ..Ti *« .*1
* «*u per be .* * -i.
ftt« per tM .
BuUrt per lb . -3»»,
fc(l» per Am. .. lrf
• tut
Burliartwii Tim#- < ard
i t*
*■* -
fNe m *«-* >* depart*
tn »x ■ *♦ ■”«K
t. ta*. Wmr
l*k» •> M-iAdAt drp*'t»
rr-. »t v>n
IttMk Mti MM AM Ul UM
k «• J t U»XIU>t.V Arret
jr* ttt
r.« « * « f
its B H p
x> T M Kred t r Feed brinder*. |
>prnd U*e ¥ -rill at Jenner * Park
a» »ttr
MtiieC A.U 't and < ane >eed »l
T W Ered*
He*>ry «*fi M-n t.»d tonine** a: St
Plal S»t>i rdny.
i:epa.'«--ri ueaPy and promptly;
duOt »t St *M»r »
Mr* Mb *:arp made a Uuaineso
trip u> A*i u<e> M «day.
Trt out fur (Mir cuofc
. .* J'jt «*ic t»« L <• Ta» lor.
f r Ur HI>T uut o the *»> erf
( ram VfBrau^ »ee T. M Heed
trt t uwr »*m to la*t
»»■._rjn to attend U>e »uU> rare*.
• *m> you b nice
Vt• !: « act < 'all and Mol out
tiiv. i.ertie Li.trfj erf the M. tlmo
■ i, iU iwt *«t aitii tofoUitfc
t»dr* t- tedt ft I* warranted. »S
the ^r» - at s l.nanerV t»«r je*ri«
« ..*» Maun r*. .rued TueMiay tte
IMBI !fjc a Cerda * trip U* * Mnatia
Make tour eirin'rmrtiU U> upend
u* »uur-.i. ti.n .-ear at Jenner*
Vo Front Martin and children
»ro: t *:rafa.*o M »t*day on a
• Mt.
Tate yc-nr bother and ffn to Coo
u***-r» nhere you can ret anythin*
ioc want
\ o Lr iar>i rf Aon* armed
t- , rtdat lot a *i*lt nlth Mr*. T.
M lined
tor H i <m .hrher a* a rift ab
-jr . FlitU. at A uaiUM-r » >ati*-j
iktuf) >toO
} r u i cheap. one recond-harai
n* -ju,i .amand jnion tanner. h>
the editor w thm pal*'
The Fourth at J enter * lark tbia
tear • . 5»r J«r of lie beat ce>ebra
u «• e»er led in L®*> Oty.
The Ktirnta ( rtaaen (a pavaj
the iocboA caw pnee ior «*** de
1 leered at the creamery here.
Tie create*: di»i*ay of Fire Worar
• ci*en the f •urtl> at
. fare eter *1»e* in tin* *et -
The wuntt uapa* are t<a«inc little j
U«htt their e-jua.nation nwettnc;
■ i,u *eri. hdt *ery fe» complaint* }
letar reentered
Nr Jl B V»u% our popular bar
ter on MuMU> of Uu* meek pur
the property iatei* occupied
W* f l ooper on earn'- Mam >treet
» letter from Will *eik. at Lead.
% !• . be ta yet in U* land of
. it* and enjoying the ne<*
Um u*d Loup < it» !*o«*r through Uie
H»«r i<w nn* tlww (in* Wilton
l..Wr, a( W t utditoer * Wtndo*
Hr m.U gi»e you f UKK and liaa
r^nifti \t. »~ppl> «nrti and every one
of ip many mtonm
Hr » arenre I». t^dfrtl and Nr*.
Lioisa « Inorr. tuUT ol A allton.
mrr auirMd in UU> Ctt* bf Re* W.
i lUr^rr «a Monday ot Uih »eek.
TNr* n me up >unday to pet the 11*
oil t »^iK»d. t»ul had to
^jat arUoa for another da*.
IV tnrnrf* on * Iggiet. reek met and
-*■ to hull* a triephone ayatetu
» (tun. ( rank Caateei. Henry
fc^-i r«nd Jimiumm and John ftap
*,r ro*D*<l(er tor Mifanrription. An*
..Me nanniw to tokeatork. aee aotnc
^ Men Committee.
t Conn convened Tueeday
nth Judge iloatrtier pre
Uen He porter llerman
1 to record the »ork. and
, W' uaual iloatrt ier rapidity
r a | U t ugh the equity calendar
i to adjourn the lohoning aft*
ifortable th*
in »e**ion
thh veek
Aden. Wolfe,
id tiie real
in the court
_much to do
^__ rollicking atoriea
■ a ill. interpolation* by the
aeaiunp the end of the three
Hon ever, n farm nork
to the lack
a 'goodly number -ere
nt to enjoy U
For buggies »*f T. M. Reed.
I*o vcu want a Rocker free? See
Conhiser s adv.
Judge Wail had legal business at
A»hu>n ast Saturday
Eat. drink and be merry at Jenner's
Park the coming Fourth.
Earl Harper went to Cedar Rapids
Monday for a weed's visit.
Try the Stroud & Henrickson dray
me They will give you good service.
Nchwaner can and will save you
money on anything in the jewelry
A dandy bail game will be sched
uled for the Fourth at Jenner’s Park.
I*on't miss it.
An elegant Willow Rocker given
away a> a premium by Conbiser. See
Mils for particulars.
Mr and Mrs. M Biemond left last
Friday morning for a three or four
months trip to Holland.
Stroud A: Henrickson. successors
to Conger, will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
Mr and Mrs. A Anderson return
ed to Aurora Monday after a few
days visi’ at the Lorentz ltome.
Ruse Comb Brown Leghorn eggs.
15 tor T.V, *X«*M per J«k*.
A. J.Johnson.
Miss Anna Syas. wito has been
visiting friends at Burwell. is expect
ed home the last of the week.
We are paying is tents cash for j
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Ckeameby Co.
W n. Brown orders me North
western to tie sent to M. A. Gillett
at Batavia. Ills.. with this issue.
Mis« Kerdic Lofhoim is a sufferer
fr ai a severe attack of yuinsv and
unable to leave tier home or room. j
We mi buy what you do not want, j
and seJ. you w tiat you do want cheap.
Tut s bound Aanp Stohk
.Miss Henrietta «'on^er went to
Lincoln and Pleanantdale. Monday,
f >r a : * weeks' visit witli relatives.
Miss Ina K. Tavlortliis week w rites
fr Burbank. Calif., renewing for
an •t:.*-r year's reading of tlie North
The nti dads convened Mon-1
dav a? errit ri in regular session
1. . >»ing it up Tuesdav a- a lioard ;
of equalization
Sprinkle your potato vines with
Anabachwrs Pura Paris Crssn Its
pure It si s the bugs For sale by
Swanson A Lofholm.
I' ''.master '.row Went to York i
T .e^dai rimming to attend the state
p stn.asters convention in session ,
tliere three davs this week.
Chariey Larsen i» on the market;
buying hugs .and cattle for shipment,
see him for top notch market prices,
or call him up. plione <S on 43.
First the June bug. then the pesky
miller and neat the industrious ant.
Surely this month is proving a
strenuous time for the people.
Mrs Ida Lambert left Friday
m ruing lor Bed Oak. Iowa, for an
extended visit with her daughter, i
Mr- Newton Vance, and family.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En * m #3. or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor Best of service guaranteed.
I*r jgist Swanson left Monday
m mitig to attend the Pharmaceuti
cal AsMiciation to be held at Fair
bury the 13th. Hth and 15th instants.
(.uuntv Judge Smith yesterday
issued a marriage license to and
united in wedlock Geo. P. Ileapeand
E May Md ormkk. both of Litch
"I»id >i*u sty coal?'' ••Yes. Pinnacle
nut coal.” Tills is a good coal for
cook stoves. free from slack and easy
to start. Try it. For sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Editor Beushausen got intoa rough
hot. •«- with a scantling a few days ago
a?»d ca i e out second best. It is not
true that bis big son gave him the
bid between the eyes, although per
liaps tie deserved it.
Clarence Burt a few days ago re
ceived a letter from his old home a
short distance east of Hastings say
ing crc.|*» mere in very bad shape, and
could not realize but a small per cent
at liarvest.
A marriage license was issued
luesday of tnis week to Aaka A.
Clark and Miss Lottie M. Schwaaerer,
both of Loup tltv township, and an
hour later were cinched intothe mat
rimonial harness by llev. W. C. Ilar
Supt. James O'Connell left last
Saturday morning for Lincoln, where
tie w ill remain for a season and thence
to Fairbury. where he has financial
interests and where is really his
home. We consider Supt. O'Connell
one of (lie best educators in the
state and his superintendency of the
Loop City Schools has resulted in
placing them among the foremost of
the smaller towns of the state, and
iter graduates among the best inform
ed of any passing through the grades
so far as they go. Supt. O'Conneil
will not teach the next two or three
years, but will take a much needed
rest from school duties. We have a
warm spot in our heart for James
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hale left this
morning for a trip to the mountains.
Miss Mary Domgard is attending
the State Normal at Kearney, fitting
herself for teaching.
Mrs. Boyce went to Lincoln Mou
day morning, where she will take
care of Mrs. W. K. Mellor in her ill
H. P. Ferdinandt went to Lincoln
Monday afternoon to attend a state ,
meeting of undertakers. He will re-!
turn today or Friday.
Arthur Brown came up from
Lincoln Monday evening for a week's
visit at his old" home and with his
, host of friends. He may be here
over next Snnpay.
The little Misses Hosier left last
Friday morning for a visit with
mends at St. 1‘auf. Mrs. Hosier's
good mother returned home to I>anne
urog the same morning.
Mrs. Emma Wallace and son of
ldana. the former a daughter ofl.
N. S\as arrived Monday evening on
a surprise visit to him and family, j
They w ill re nain several days.
The three oldest children of Mr.'
and Mrs. A. B. Young left Tuesday j
■ morning for a visit with friends at j
Centra! City. The little ones will;
remain as long as they are content.
Jenner.s Park the com inn Fourth ;
»ill prove Ute most satisfactory place
to spend the da v. A 11 sorts of sports. 1
with a wonderful pyrotechnic display
in the evening wili In* given. See
j program later.
Among our pood readers who have
, sided 1'. S. cartw heels at us the past
few days were S. S. Polski, L. Dom
pard. Ina Taylor. W. O. Bromn for M.
A. Gillett. Will Xelk. H. S. Shipley
and many others. Thanks, everyone.
Mrs Zua Davis and baby left for
their home at Greely Center. Tues
day morning, accompanied by Miss;
Leda Ileed for a visit. “Editor Davis’ I
eyes, we are glad to note, are much
improved, the trouble being only
j local.
Mrs Albeit Johnson went to Cent
ral City Tuesday morning as a dele
gate to theslate meetof tlieP. E.O.
sisterhood. Mrs. R. P. Starr is also
a delegate and went Yesterday morn
ing. accompanied by Mrs. C. *C. Out
< inly one new quarantine registered
the past week—that housing up Mrs.
Willie IJowe and baby. All the bal
ance of those in durance vile have
teen turned loose, save Ilobt. Young's'
family, who will orobably get cut
this week.
E. G. Taylor and family eipect to
leave for lienver and other points in
Colorado next Tuesday on a t wo w eeks*
( vacation. The hip grain dealers con
vention is scheduled for lienver next
week, and Mr. Taylor expects to at
| tend that.
Clarence Sweetiand arrived from j
I Arkansas Monday evening. Mrs.
Sweetiand coming in advance last;
week Wednesday evening, and they
will make there home here. Their,
many friends will be glad of their
return to stay.
The Rt-. Rev. Geo. A. Beecher, sue-1
cessor to Bishop Graves, will preach1
in the Presbyterian church in Loup
Cit.v Tuesday evening. June 30. Bish
op Beecher is a remarkable person
ality. a strong preacher and is chap
lain of the Masonic fraternity in Xe-,
braska. Come out and make his ac
quaintance. ***
It is reported that Will Minshull.
who is in Spokane. Wash., was to lie
married this week in that city to j
Miss Ollie Gallup of Grand Island, a
sister of Mrs. LBanks Hale of this
city, we understand the bride-to-be
and her mother left Grand Island
Tuesday, and were to reach Spokane 1
for the nuptial ceremonies this morn
Invited by the Swedish church,
the Rev. F. <>. Gustafson of Aurora
and G. I). Hall of Stromsburg visited
our community last Friday, remain
ing over Sunday. A number of Gos
i»el meetings were held, when these
ministers delivered the Gospel truth
in ati old-fashioned Pentecostal man
ner. All these meetings were greatly
appreciated by the Scandinavian
people here.
Mrs \V. O. Brown and two child
ren and Mrs. IieGolver. sister of D.
C. Grow, left last week Wednesday
morning for Chicago. Batavia and
other points In Illinois for an all
summer s visit. Bill says it is not so
that he is feeling downhearted over
the temporary loss of wife and child
ren. but says it beats the quarantine
all to nieces, as they are so far away
there is no chance for his conduct to '
be looked after.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. of thisi
city gave Grandma Haney a pleasant'
surprise party yesterday afternoon at
the home of her granddaughter. Mrs.
.1. W. Conger, on the occasion of her
Slst birthday anniversary. Those
present were: Mrs. L. Becbthold.
Mrs. B. T. Snyder. Mrs. W. H. Con
ger. Miss Nettie Couger. Mrs. Ed.
Angier. Mrs. S. F. Reynolds. Mrs.
Burns. Mrs. G. H. Gibson. Grandma
Gibson. Mrs. O. Dubry. Mrs. Yal Mc
I*onald. Mrs I. S. Keith, Mrs. Jeff
Williams. Mrs. S. A. Pratt. Mrs. A.
S. Conger. Mrs. Wm. Larsen and Mrs.
John Fisher.
Rev. Mr. Tourtellot.tlienew pastor
of the First Presbyterian church in
this city, with his wife and little
daughter, arrived from Montezuma.
Iowa, their former home, last Thurs
day. His goods came in a few days
later and they are now at home in
the manse. i>ev. Tourtnllotgave his
first serman to his congregation last
Sunday morning, confirming their
most favorable opinion of him. it is
the general feeling of the congrega
tion that their new pastor is just the
man for the place and are entnusias
tic in belief that the church will take
on a new life and build up rapidly.
Our people will extend theglad hand
to the new pastor and family ana
wi>h them success and happiness in
their new home.
Geo. A. Leininger returned home
last Saturday evening from a trip to
various points in southern Nebraska,
and around by Gordon. Nebr., at
which latter place lie purchased a
lumber yard, which be will take
possession of the first of July. The
family will go to their new home the
last of this month. Gordon is one of
the nicest and most up-to-date towns
in the north part of the state, pro
gressive and peopled with the best
on earth, and we congratulate our
friend Leininger and family on secur
ing a fine business there! and con
gratulate Gordon upon securing this
worthy family as residents. And we
give warning to Friend Lyon that we
will disown him unless he sees to it
tliat the Gordon Lyon growls most
j friendly and shows the best the city
I affords to friend Leininger.
4th of July
■5— '.t—^
Jenners Park
The Only I face to
For Billing, Invoicing, Bookkeeping,
Correspondence, Etc.
It is a thorough systematizer.
The Machine You Will Eventually Buy
Underwood Typewriter Companv
Omaha Branch, 1621 Farnam Street
Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares
to the Pacific Coast
From Loup City to California.. $62 10
to Northern Pacific Coat Points. 62.10
to Califoni'a one way via North
Pacific Coast Points. 77.10
Tickets on Sale June 1 to September 30 inclusive. Final
return limit to October 31. 1911.
In addition to the above, the following low fares will be
in effect:
From Loup City to Califiunia.$52.10
to Northern Pacific Coast Points 52.10
to California one way via North
Pacific Coast Points. 67.10
Tickets on Sale June 10 to 22, inclusive, and June 27
to July 5, inclusive Final return limit Septem
ber 15. Also August 7 to 11 inclusive, and 14
to 17 inclusive. Final return limit October 18, 1911
Union Pacific
Standard Route of the West
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Protected by Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining Crrs on All Trains
For all additional information, and illustrated Cali
and l*acitic Northwest book, call on or address
G. W. Collipriest, Agent
Little Miss Bessie Conger went to
Schaupps Monday for a week’s visit
at the nome of Ed. Oilman.
Mrs. Clarissa Mooney of Loup City,
Nebr., visited from Wednesday to
Friday with her sister. Mrs. A. W.
Cornell, at Ellston.—Tingly (la.) Vin
Miss Marie Cooper Tuesdav morn
ing accompanied her fattier Mr. C. C.
Cooper, on his trip up into the north
and west part of the state. They
will visit the Callahams and Moons
and other friends up in that western
country before returning. It will
be an interesting trip for the young
Jolly Jack Downs of Broken Bow
was here last Thursday greeting his
scores of friends and handing out his
ready-made smiles to all. A little
bird whispers to us that Jack may
conclude to come back to Loup City
and open a tirst-elass restaurant and
chop iiouse. He and Mrs. Downs are
prince and queen of caterers and
everybody says “Come.”
We visited Dr. Marey's dental
rooms in his new brick building the
first of the week and can commend
the Doctor for having one of the
neatest and completest offices in this
section, with dandy furniture put
in by our own H, P. Ferdinandt and
latest dental equipment as well.
A visit to the dental rooms of the
doctor is a real pleasure for the
artistic taste displaped.
Editor Reider of the Arcadia
Champion took in Park Opening last
week and incidentally pave this office
a pleasant call. The younp man is
making pood with the paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larsen of Loup
City were in Aurora a short time last
Monday. From here thev weht to
Hampton for a short visit" with Mr
Larsen s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Han>
Larsen. Mr. Larsen volunteered the
information that business is line In
Loup City and that crop conditions
in Sherman county are ne plus ultra.
There has been plenty of moisture, he i
says, and the outlook for a bumper |
crop is pood — A urora Republican.
Sunday's Omaha Bee has quite •
an article telling of the presenta-!
tion by the seniors of Bellevue
College of the Shakespearian play.
“A Mibsummer Night s Dream" i
and giving pictures of the Seniors!
taking tire various parts, among
whom are our Loup City graduates.
Miss FrancesSweetland as"Hermia"
Raymond Kearns as "Demetrius"
and Archie Kearns as “Snug the
Joiner." The play was staged in the
natural amphitheatre just north of
the college campus last week Monday
evening, a large and appreciate audi
ence being present to witness the
rendition, which the Bee speaks
most highly of. You can always
count upon Loup City people, both
young and old, being among the fore
most in all good things.
A Great Cash Discount Offer
How to get
one of these
Ask for one of
the HiiIs ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
•fhe Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don't believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a favor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don't stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It's the sum of small things that
makes this bank great.
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and^Directors:
J- S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. C Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetiand
E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co
To rhe East
Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this summer
to eastern cities. There are 30-day tourist rates to New York, At
lantic City. Boston. Montreal, Portland, Buffalo and other places:
slightly higher 60-day limit tourist rates to many of these cities:
there are diverse tours via Old Point Comfort, thence ocean voyage to
New York and Boston: this tour recently introduced by the Railroads
has become one of the most popular tours of American travel.
Daily excursion fares to COLORADO. YELLOWSTONE PARK.
COAST, also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive lo
calities in one tour
Call or write for leaflets describing any tour y< u expect to
To the West
J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agert
L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt, v,...