The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 08, 1911, Image 7
Hoods Sarsaparilla Cut* > ail humor.', catarrh and rbeumati- m. relieves that tired feeh.nn. restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system. it u4>r m ii pi’ Iriiixd f ra or «* ' v. •-.» to -ri I tto Pnan of Lirtoalo WCQoat-T - 1 I fton Iroo la iiwt j fa to Mori to a fro I ■ • 't < re* iw. tt*r Ncor^arr ■ ■ a . . - • T. C. - J wLai u a Sat» ■ I CoOloMrA. 1 I Cm *• CmO ■ ito. f f! Cm to tort wator tor tar but* ud 1 ■£T8B PARKER’S HAIR bALSAM 0«aBa>t *■ -4 -* * Lit. tin in — • Ihuk« Wt*.M 1» JtMMdorr Oragr kKt U M TaviAfLl Color. Omm *• * £ —X a SA.r t* iWg. Jme.*** f - *’ * I>T4pM c:~ Tiwpun’s Ey Watte THE DARWINIAN THEORY. SUM C<mt' l*- Brt*—1 would like to show you my family tree Miss Cetroi—Ok' pie*** do; I've Sever sees a corotrs* tree' A pa r.g Excuse. “This is the firrfc ux* you have Met. fcftmsbt before is*- this term.** •a d the ;-d«- fronwtag seventy upoa Ihr pRausrr at the bar. > * - *>ur b t-« r.“ sasd 'be prisoner. Tots know a nan is indeed by the Company be beep*, asi 1 like to be sen talkin' to jour buoor (or tne cake at me credit " “.All ncbt." *atd »he Judge. "'OfBcer. tab* UAs mas *t<. to 'be Bland and tell them to site him a credit ot ZV day a"—Harper * H «—-kir The Real Reason. "1 aw c> : c to *eod you my little fclttes to beep you company “ "He* S«od at Jou " ^ “law • m»-St> n it. Besides, we are moms A Formal Carden. K -ke*r—ii. . tbe-j sot a formal gird*-** Boehrr—Yes. so chi -ken* allotted. A tbitiS of beauty t* a Jot forever. —Km'* •CSINCSS WOMEN A Lunch Ft fer a K rj. An «')»♦ arid successful young Indy tells her food experience: “rreoe years ago I s.ffc-ed from fcer\>. ..« proetrniieo, ind e ed by con fine'1 a* i.-rs_n strain and Improper food, added to n great grief. "1 *aa ordered to give up my work, as ’here was g-eat danger at my mind fa Tg me nlnge’h* r. My stomach was r. had rood ' n inervous dyspep sia. 1 think now* and when Grape X *« f<- d was re- m mended to me. I had no faith in It. However. I tried It. aad soon there was a marked im provement in my condition. *1 had been troubled with faint opefia. and had used a stimulant to revive me I found that by eating ■-■* Grape Xuts at such times 1 was re lieved aad suffered no bad effects, wlx-h was a great gain. As to my other troubles—nervous pros’rat ion. d< tpepsta. e*e —on the Grape-Xuta diet (hey soon disappeared. 1 *ish especially to call the atten Bon at office girls to the great benefit 1 drifted from the use at Grape-Nuts ss a noun turn been. I was thoroughly Bred of cheap restaurants and ordin ary lunches, sad so made the experi ment of taking a package of Grape Nuts food sith me. and then slipping out at noon and getting a nickel's worth of sweet cream to add to It “I found that this simple di*h. fin ished off with an apple, peach, orange, nr a hunch of grapes made a lunch fit for a aiag. aad one that asreed with ma perfectly. throve oo on my Grape-Nuts diet that I did not have to give up my work at all. aad ta the two years have had only four lost days charged up against “Let me add that your surc-<"i'-ns ta tbv liitlo book. -Road to Weilville,* arc in my opinion, invaluable, espe rla!‘y to women." Name given by Pos'um Co. Battle Creek Mich Read "The Road to WeUriile" in Wn r. =j | STIMSON NEW WAR SECRETARY | Henry Lewis Stimson. the new sec retary of war. is a progressive Repub lican of the Roosevelt stripe and has been considered as Roosevelt's right hand man in politics. Stimson is forty-three. He comes of a Knicker bocker family and was born in New York September 21, 1S67. At Yale he was a member of Psi Upsilon and Skull of Bones. After he graduated from Yale in SS he went to Harvard and received his master's degree in '89 and his law schotrl diploma in ’90. In 1S93 he became a member of the law firm of which Elihu Root was a member, and in 1906 President Roose velt took him from a lucrative private practice to make him United States j district attorney for the southern dis trict of New York. During the three ; years that followed Stimson dlstin- j guished himself in the prosecutions oi : the sugar trust. Charles \V. Morse ! and railroad reouters. tail Roosevelt nom nated him for governor of New York and Stim- 1 ten and '.b»- colonel stumped the state, going down to defeat in the Demo cratic land.-lide. ater a spectacular campaign. In i • r: on. Stimscn is tall, slender and impressive. He has dark hair and j » a~s a small mustacle. His diction is precise and his delivery much like that of an attorney reading a brief in court. » When .Mr. Dickinson, the retiring secretary, took the war portfolio, he athe position ci g neral solicitor for the Illinois Central Railway sys '-* • ai-d a -alary of $3;*.0l'9 a year to enter the cabinet. He was born in Co 1-' M in ’S3i and studied at the University of Nashville, Columbia • I.«- rg university and in Paris. He was counsel for the Alaskan 1 ...d ry C n:mission in 1907 and 190S. From 1895 to 1897 he was assistant • rr.-y c. "eral of the United States. For some years he has made Chicagc L > betne and in politics Is a Democrat. j THE ORIGINAL INSURGENT Representative Henry Allen Cooper of Ha :ne. Wis . is declared entitled to the distinction of being the first In surgent in congress. Mr. Cooper was ::n :nsu.-g-ni before the word "insur t. r.t came imo use. He has been in ngr> -s 1C years, and he has been an its urgent 1C jears Bt iort the "stalwarts'' In Wiscon sin hid Robert Marion La Follette to trouble t*'*-ua. Henry A. Cooper of the First Wisconsin district was inclined to muss up the program of the regu lars He was elected first to the Fhfty-thinl congress. Once or twice an effort was made to defeat him for the nomination, and after that they trued to defeat him at the election, hut he has be ?n returned to each suc ceeding congress. hen Cooper went to congress for : .« first term he was placed upon the fonmittee on Pacific railroads The railroad funding bill was be fore tie committee, and the young man from Racine proceeded to raise a r,m- ' —*as ar- innovation for that committee on that particular hill. He ] was ser.t for a number of times, and s >me of the big lobbyists for the rail road .at'ired with him to get him to "see the light," but Cooper refused tc i *"*• n He f* ught the claim of the railroad and spoiled the program. At the ; teat es.-. n he was removed from the committee as a punishment for his impudence. At* the opening of ihe session of congress in 1907 the Democrats undei ; *..e leadership of DeArmond, of Missouri, made the first assault upon the rc - g.eing the speaker such great power, and Cooper was the only Repub ! lit an w ho joined with the Democrats. | IS NOW PULLMAN PRESIDENT Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abra ham Lincoln, presented his resigna tion as president of the Pullman Sleep ing Car company the other day, ant ! John Sumner Runnells, vice-president and general counsel of the company was elected president. Mr. Lincoln, who is retiring fron active office on account of ill health has been president of the car com pany since George M. Pullman diec ; in 1897. He is now 68 years old, anc I has been away from his office on ac count of poor health much of the time I for several months. Mr. Runnells meanwhile has administered the office duties. Mr. Runnells has been general coun sel of the $120,000,000 Pullman com pany since 1887, and has been vice president since 1903. He was born ii Effingham. N. H., July SO. 1841. grad uated from Amherst college in 1865 and after studying law at Dever, N H. removed to Iowa and became pri \at*- sect'-tary to the governor of the state, from 1SS1 to ISSo he wae United States district attorney for Iowa. In 1878 and.1880 he was a member of the Republican national committee ; tr.d in 1880 was a delegate to the Republican national convention. Mr Lincoln, retiring president, was born August 1. 1843, at Springfield 111 During the Civil war he served as captain on the staff of General Grant and was admitted to the bar in 1867 at Chicago. From 1881 to 1885 he was secretary of war In the cabinets of Presidents Garfield and Arthur, and froa 18>8 to 1883 was United States minister to Great Britain. During the life of George M. Pullman, founder of the car company, Mr Lincoln was his special counsel, and on Mr. Pullman's death he was made president. CARNEGIE GETS GOLD MEDAL| What he called his greatest mark of honor was received the other day by Andrew Carnegie, when 21 American republics bestowed upon him a gold medal bearing on one side the words ' Pent factor of Humanity.” and on the other "The American Republics to An drew Carnegie." It was the first time in history that such a tribute from so many nations had been paid to an in dividual. and the scene, which took place at Washington, was highly im pressive. Senor de Zamatona. the Mexican ambassador, made the presentation speech Secretary of State Knox pre sided and President Taft spoke in eulogy of the gifts which Mr. Carne gie has made for the cause of peace on this hemisphere and throughout the world. Members of the diplomatic corps end men high in official life filled the hall of the Pan-American Union building, wnere me ceremonies were held and for the erection of which Mr. Carnegie gave 11,000,000. In accepting the medal Mr. Carnegie told of his deep feelings cn being informed last autumn of the honor conferred upon him by the Pan-American conference at Buenos Ayres, when 160,000.000 people, forming 21 sovereign nations, through their representatives voted to bestow upon him this signal honor. The great steel master was visibly moved by a powerful sense of this remarkable evidence of appreciation. In offering thanks to the nations for the honor thus shewn him, through their dipion ats present, Mr. Carnegie asked them to accompany the expres sion which the ardent wish on his part that prompt action should be taken by j the t' ■' ! cs tc establish a reign of peace by adopting President Taft'a 1 r> tting all disputes to arbitration. Lace Millinery Copyright. Underwood & Underwood. N. T. THE keynote of fashionable head wear for women is lace, as shown in the photograph above. The hat should be of dark straw so as to form an effective background for the delicate tracery of the lace, which may be Irish. Cluny or better still of Xacrame. In this instance, the hat is of dark blue straw, trimmed and rimmed with babe Irish lace. A pom-pom of fluffy white feathers completes the confection. LIGHT CLOTH WALKING SUIT Hay Colored Material Most Effective for This Peculiarly Jaunty Cost ime. Hay-colored cloth is used here, with trimming of wide black military braid; the narrow skirt has a strip , of the braid taken down the left side of front. The coat Is cut so that the braid corresponds, the right side of front being cut slightly wider tna^ the left; j the large revers and collar are edged 1 with braid; the cuffs are also trimmed i with It. Hat of hay-colored straw trimmed with roses. * Materials required: 5 yards cloth ' 46 inches wide. 6 yards braid. S but- j tons. 4% yards silk or satin for lining coat Tulle Trimmings. Very spring-like, indeed, and a very j pleasant change from the heavy win- I ter trimmings, are the soft, fluffy hat : trimmings of tulle which sojne of the i smart French chapeaux show. Usually the tulle or maline is in a hue to match the color of the hat. ' though occasionally one notes white ; tulle on a black hat, or the reverse— 1 an effect which is always most strik ing. To completely cover the whole top of the hat was one milliner’s idea, though other chapeaux show plaitings, choux or soft folds. This soft, filmy drapery always gives a hat a light, airy and graceful effect which is be coming to many types of women. Cretonne Cabinets. The small cretonne-covered cabinets are becoming very popular. These, too. may be placed on the dresser. They are of various sizes and heights and are provided with drawers for handkerchiefs, gloves, neckwear. Jew els. etc. Similar cabinets are also pro vided for men. These have convenient compartments for collars, handker chiefs. pins, ties. etc. GOOD USE FOR EXTRA SCARFS May Be Made Into Blouse by Any One at All Clever With the Needle if you have an extra scarf in Jlhe Palisley, Dresden or Parisian design and want to have a blouse to match the scarf which you wish to retain, fot scarfs still have wide fashion, the idea of turning the extra one into a blouse is one you can snatch up and put to good use. Scarfs, mufflers and kerchiefs ol these silky crepe materials are easily cut up and made into neat and becom ing blouses by the home needlework er who takes advantage of the inno vation. Almost invariably the middle pos sesses a figure design, while the bor der is also composed of figures with a band of white or light color between these two figured portions. Make it a point to use these strips of mate rial for the lower part of the blouse or the inside of the sleeves, and in thus utilizing the plain strip a lero effect is secured. One must choose for onesself ac cording to the largeness of design whether to set in the figured parts lengthwise or crosswise. ;he length wise effect being rssumed generally only when the figure Is very large. These with smaller figures can sc well be arranged in a series of cross wise bars that it would hardly be be coming in the lengthened effect. These crepe scarf waists are draped under sheer veiling, to which they adapt themselves readily without any nerve jarring aspect that attend some of the innovations that are executed in such an off-hand manner. For the Traveler. The traveler who is fastidious about the boiling of her eggs should invest in one of the egg-shaped boilers of cop per. small enough to pack in a trunk. It will cook four eggs. This lamp is like a huge egg, has an alcohol lamp beneath and a tray with four compartments to hold the eggs erect in the water and make re moval easy. For the girl In an apartment who likes to do light housekeeping such a cooker conld be utilised for making cup custards and other dishes cooked in water. The New Jabots. With the laying aside of furs a new style of jabot was demanded for wear with the single-breasted coats of this season's fashion. For this purpose the graduated side frHl is the favorite. Next come6 the cascade just long enough to fill the neck opening of the coat. A dainty touch of embroidery in pastel shades is sometimes added to the new neckwear with good effect. The materials used in making Dutch collars, side frills, fancy stocks and jabots are white batiste, net, marqui sette, fine lace and beads. Survival of the Kimono Sleeve. It is strange how faithful Dame Fashion is to the kimono sleeve, which still appears on the latest models, and we have gone back to the very high waist effect In most of the new skirts there is a loose pleat at the back which hangs down to varying lengths but generally reaches the hem. This has a charming effect and takes away the extreme severity of the plain tight skirt The train which has made its appearance is either cut quite square or is very narrow indeed. SHE KNEW ALL ABOUT SILAS Mrs. Hopkins Well Understood the Frugality of Her Esteemed Fellow Townsman. Mrs. Wiggins had ‘Tun in” for a minute to talk over the latest news of the village with her friend. Mrs. Hopkins. “Do you know.” she said, “they tell me that old Mr. Magee didn't sub scribe but 50 cents to the minister's salary. That doesn't seem possible, does it?” "To anybody that knows Silas Ma gee real well, it does,” replied Mrs. Hopkins. “You haven't lived in thi3 town ail your life. Mis’ Wiggins, and you don't know what Silas is capable of. Why, I remember once when he was a young fellow, going to singing school with the rest of us. we got up a picnic. \ “One of the girls spoke up and said she'd bring some chicken sandwiches. “ Til bring some frosted cake.’ says another. “ Til bring some sliced bam.' says another. “ ‘I'll fetch some jelly and cookies,’ says somebody else, and so it went on till we had most evertyhing we could eat. promised. Then one of the boys who had no sisters said he would bring the coffee. That gave Silas his chance. He’d been sitting by. listen ing to it all. and now he spoke up real brisk, and says he: “ Til bring the water for the cof fee!” “Xo. Mis’ Wiggins. I ain’t surprised a mite at his subscribing only 50 cents. The only surprising thing is that it wasn't a quarter.”—Youth’s Companion. THREE CURED OF ECZEMA “When a child, I suffered eight years with eczema. I could not sleep at night, and had sores all over my chest. We had doctors and none could do any good, until my mother saw the advertisement of the Cuti cura Remedies in the paper. We used the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, and they cured me of eczema. I also used them on my five children. Two of them had eczema very badly. When my children had eczema, I was not worried at all, as I knew the Cuticura Remedies would do their work. They had sores all over their heads, their hair would fall out, and they would scratch all night and day. They had it on their heads, face, and in back of the ears so that I thought their ears would drop off. I washed their heads and bodies with Cuticura Soap and they are as clean as the driven snow. Cuticura Soap and Ointment also cured my children of ringworm. I would not be without the Cuticura Remedies. They are wonderful.” (Signed) Mrs. Violet Cole, 26 S. Redfield St., Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 29, 1910. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole props., Boston, for free book on skin and scalp diseases and their treat ment. And Tney Adjourned. The Mutual Admiration society met and was called to order. “What of all the things in this world do you like best?" asked the giri. angling for a compliment. “Reefsteak!” cried he, taking un awares, and a moment later the so ciety adjourned. DISTEMPER In all its forms among all ages of horses, as well as dogs, cured and others in same stable prevented from having the disease with SPOHX’S DISTEMPER CURE. Every l>ottle guaranteed Over 600.000 bottles sold last year §.50 and §1.00. Any goes! druggist, or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind. Privilege. Visitor—W'hv don’t you cot out of this town? You can never make a success in this dull hole. Native—No. but 1 can always tell what I could have done elsewhere it I’d ever have gone away.—Puck. Beautiful Post Cards Free. Send 2e stamp for five samples of our very best.Gold Embossed Birthdav. Flow er arid Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Pout Card Club .31 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan. To save a man. give him good friends or bitter enemies; these by love and these by their hate to keep him from evil doing.—Antistheces. Eye Salve la Aseptic Tubes Prevents Infection—Murine Eye Salve In Tubes for all Eye Ills. No Morphine. Ask Druggists for New Size 23c. Val uable Eye Book in Eacb Package. And lots of people who think they have nothing but trouble don’t know what trouble really is. Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Real happiness is cheep enough, yet how dearly we pay for it with counterfeit.—Ballon. Start afresh this Spring—cleanse an.l purify the system by a course of Garfield Tea, Herb laxative and blood-purifier. Many a man has discovered that popularity is not worth the price. Smokers like Lewis’ Single Binder cigar for its rich mellow quality. Isn’t It about time to bury the dead languages ? SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but it Paid Chicago. III.—“I suffered from a fe male weakness and stomach trouble, and I went to the store to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, but the clerk did not want to let me have it— he said it was no good and wanted me to try something else, but knowing all about it I in sisted and finally got it, and I am so giaa l aia, ior it nas cured me. “I know cf so many cases where wo men have been cured by Lydia E. Pink | ham’s Vegetable Compound that I can : say to every suffering woman if that medicine does not help her, there is j nothing that will.”—lira. Jaxetzki, ; 2968 Arch St., Chicago, 111. ! This is the age of substitution, and women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound just as this woman did, and notaecept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. Women who are passing through thia critical period or who are suffering irom any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots ar.d herbs, has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. In almost every community you will tind women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pint, ham’s Vegetable Compound. The Farmer’s Son’s Great Opportunity Why wait for the old farm to become your inheritance? Bcgincowto prepare for your future Srusperity ar.d indepen ence. A great oppor tunity awaits you in Man 1 toba. £as ka tc hena n or Alberta, where you can secure a FreeHome strad or buy land at rea sonable prices. Now’s theTime —not a year from now, when land will be high er. The proiits secured rmm the annnuant crop* or Wheat, Oats aud Barley, as well as cattle raising, arc canning a steady advance in price. Government returns show that the number o» settlers In Western Canada from the IT. 8. wan GO per cent larger In 1910 than the previous year. Many farmers have paid for their land out of the proceeds of one crop. Free Homesteads of 160 acres and pre-emptions of 160 acres at 83.00 an acre. Fine climate, good schools, excellent railway facilities, low freight rates; wood, wa ter and lumber easily ob tained. For pamphlet “Last Best West,” particulars as to suitable location and low settlers* rate, apply to Supt of Immigration, Ottawa. Can., or to Canadian Gov't Agent. W. V. BENNETT Room 4 Bat Bldg. Omaha. Rib. Pleaee write to the agent nearest you Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble — act surely p»rvrrn'c but gently on SnOAi r the liver. ■ JTLE Stop after ■ IVER dinner dis- H tress—cure M^^B indigestion, - improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature PHEUMATISMwoGOUT PROMPTLY RELIEVED »V JJH mm I ^1 |sAFE&EFFECTIVE 50 &3 I DRUGGISTS. ^^^•^JtNmrj^BROOKurjjN^^ DAISY FI Y Kil l FR g—BteS i^ flies. Neat, clean* ornamental, coavea* ieat,chcap. Last* all muix Can't spill at tip over, will nc* soil \ or injure anything. Guaranteed eficct* ire. Of all dealer* o* sent prepaid lor 20cl HAROLD 9011 ERR ISO D« Kalb At*. Uraoklja, Jl. X* Allen sUlcerineSa ire cure sfhronicl leers. b«n« lice r» .Scrofulous Tice rs.Varicose r leers. In dolent llcer*.Mercurial l lcerm. White Swell ing. Milk Lec.Fever Sores.til*w em. PMi*l*»lyaa teifiie. ItmIIUc. JJ* ALLEN,Dept A8.3t.Paul Jlinn. KODAK FINISHING given special attention. All supplies for tiie Amateur striot ly fresh. Send for catalogue and finishing ; ROBERT DEMPSTER ; COMPANY, Box 1197, Omaha, Neb. I PATEnlo aiTiiiis I W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 23-1911. Womans Power Over Man Woman’* moat glorious endowment ia the power to awaken and hold the pore and honest love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, so one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of • man. Her general health suffers and she loses her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability •ad her power ead prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cored many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for women’s ail mean. It is known as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise you to aocept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MARTS WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WEXX.