The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 08, 1911, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Into a Ft* L net for the
Parwaa’ of tno Busy Man—
Latoat Peraonal Inf or
K H <»ary. rbilrmis of the failed
States St««i corporation directorate,
laid >he boons committee lnvesllgal- j
itg the meet Industry that enforced
patiirttr and government control of I
corporations must rosne. even as to
pricea He said he believed the Sber
man atutrust law was too archaic to
Seal with modern situations and never j
onld fully prevent great combinations
4 capital.
• • •
A lively controversy over the evecti
i.ves ngbt to withhold confidential |
Iaprrs from a congressional invest!- I
Cai&g committee was prectprated by ,
a fiat refusal of Secretary of State
knot, on the instruction of President
Taft, to lay before the house commit
•e c* raped!lures In the stale depart- i
meat hooks showing the record of the
payment for the portrait of et Secre
tarjr of Suu bay
The aenate of the f nlted States
pasted the resolution offered by Sen
star Sian.a of Virginia, directing the
standing committee oa privileges and
elections for the second time to as
ertaln if corrupt methods were used
.a the eiertkaa of William Lorimer as :
venator fn* 11.mots, and to probe into
the world laasous 'Jack pot** fund of
the llcaoto assembly The vote was
t* to St
• • •
Offering to lay bare all the facts
'oaremmg the failed States Steel
urporvtluc. denying that he Is plan
ning to form a monopoly to control
•tee! products of the eatirv world,
and frankly admitting that the steel
'arysrWKO Las absolute domination
4 subsidiary companies. Elbert H.
tart appeared as a wita-ss In the in
pury conducted by the steel
investigating o maantea of the bouse
af represet. stives
• • •
Criminal prosecution of tbe officials
d the Standard CHI company, the
American Tobacco company and tbei.
-onstKuect com panics is proposed in
s esmeurreet resolution introduced by
Senator Poems# of Ohio. Tbe reso
lution would instruct tbe attorney
general to proceed against the offl
ctais at once under the recent de
rising# of the Supreme court.
• • •
Tbe d cessions of the Supreme court
a 'be Standard OH and American To
hacco ctarpany cases will result in s
iaeejilng attempt to secure criminal
matter ion of Violators of the anti trust
as. according to Aforner General
Wickers ham. oho appeared before tbe
-oust comm'(lee on espendltures in
he department of justice.
• • •
Preside*' Taft went to Chicago as
he gae*t of the Western Economic
society to deliver an address on the
Canadian reciprocity measure
• • •
Eapressing the belief that any fu
ure aar la wbich the i'nited Stat.s
may engage will be decided largely
jy battles on the sea Assistant Secre
tary a# the Mac j Winthrop in an ad
lrew to -he graduates of the Annap
*H» naval academy said he was 1m
pressed strongly with tbe necessity of
maintaining a nary sufficient In power
■jo diminish to a minimum any danger
M losing control of the sea
• • •
Tbe bitter taste of (*# grains of
strychnine in less than s pint of milk
sored Mrs Ralph Kafel. the young
mother of a ► x month*old baby at
Lsm Angeles. Cal. from death by poi
too. Her n-stand has been arrested.
• • •
Tbe na* tonal anthem sung on the
Streets of Lteaver by lOOOGO people.
*IU be one ot the features of the
safe and sane" Fourth of July cele
srauoB planned for that city.
• • •
N ft* hundred can* of opium, rained
st !:*•*•. were seized by I'nlted
States customs nSrisU cm the Japan
e*r liner America after the vessel
pnased nan Francisco quarantine.
• • •
An amieabte adjustment has been
reac tied 1 ■*'»eec representatives of
tbe car men. boilermakers, black
rn.:th» at d sheet metal workers of
tke Southern railssy and other lines.
ar< ordi'.g to a statement issued by
tbe American Federation of Labor.
• • •
Capt. A. J Henkel s jeweler of An
gu*t*. On, was killed, bis wife suf
fered severe injuries and his son
Louis and daughter Vivian were
bruised in a collision between their
automobile and a buggy near Otis
Creek. Ca.
• • •
Kdward Moys* *■ Co. , cotton
brokerage house, was expelled from
membership in the New York cotton
exchange k:lowing an investigation
extending over many mor hs Al
leged violation of n customer's order
wa* given as ihn cause
Although the wheat will not * be
ready to cut for two or three weeks.
Kansas fanners have called for 12,000
harvest bands. Charles Harris, direc
tor of the state free employment bu
reau. said that the bureau expected
to ask for 15,000 to 18,000 men this
• • •
The Yale Art school announces that
J. H Halladjian. a student from Ani
tab. Turkey, is the winner of the Ethel
Child Walker prize and the Yale
anatomy prize, two of the most
coveted awards of the year.
• • •
Pat Crump, a negro, who. It Is
charged, tried to attack the wife of
a planter at White Haven, Tenn., was
hanged by a mob near Memphis.
• • •
"Not guilty" was the verdict of the
Jury in the trial of Dr. George B. |
N'ye. representative from Pike county.
Ohio, charged with bribe solicitation.
• • •
Report made at the convention of
the National Electric association iu
Xew York shows that the total Invest
ment in electric light plants of the
Cured States Is more than $2,000,
UOt'.OOO. covering 6.000 stations.
. . .
Twenty-five thousand Bibles are on
their way from New York to San
Francisco. They are a gift to the
coast from the National Gideon so
• • •
With nearly an eighth of a brigade
out of ranks, the ambulance filled and
scores riding in wagons, the sun
wrought havoc among the soldiers of
the first separate brigade "hiking"
from Galveston to Houston. Tex.
• • • -
Professor Abel of Johns Hopkins,
formerly of the University of Michi
gan. has produced a heart stimulant
from poisoned toads. His idea was
gained from the Chinese doctors, who
ground up toads for medicine.
• • •
Mrs John F Jackson, wife of a Mil
waukee business man, jumped from a
fourth siory window of the Parker
b. „se 'n Boston and was killed. She
was on the way to a sanitarium.
• • •
In the l’utnam (Conn.) city court
William White, twenty-seven years
Id. of Plainfield, was sent to jail for
i year and fined $265 for placing his
arms about a woman as he passed her
an the street.
• • •
A move that is strongly suggestive
f railway operation on the scale of
the Northern Securities company was
announced by J. J. Hill, chairman of
'he Great Northern Railway company
when in a typewritten statement he
made known the execution of a $600.
*Rt 000 first and refunding mortgage
to secure bonds of the Great North
ern and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
• • •
Miss Mary Mannering. the actress,
was married in her apartments in
the Presada, N'ewr York city, to Fred
erick O. Wadsworth, a wealthy manu
facturer and clubman of Detroit.
• • •
The will of Richard H. Clarke, law
yer and writer on Roman Catholic sub
jects. who died recently, leaves the
large income on his residuary estate
to his' daughter. Mary Ada Clarke, so
long as she shall not become a mem
ber of any monastic or religious sister
• • •
For a consideration of one dollar
half of the *10.000.000 Waldorf-As
toria hotel. New York, has been trans
ferred by William Waldorf Astor to
his eldest son. Waldorf Astor.
• • •
Renjamin Priest of Sumter post, G.
A R . Canaan. Me., was 100 years old
May 11. and marched in the Memorial
day parade there.
• • •
Congressman Henry George at a
New York Memorial meeting in honor
of the late Tom L Johnson of Cleve
land characterized Mr. Johnson "the
greatest mayor of the best governed
city in the world.’'
• • •
For fame, fortune and the glory of
the automobile, one life was sacri
ficed and seven men injured in the
first 50'>-mile race on a speedway at
Indianapolis. Ind.. the greatest test of
skill and endurance in the history of
•be sport of motor racing, being won
by Ray Harroun, driving a Marmon
car, in the time of 6:41:08. Ralph
Mulfbrd in a I.ozier was second. For
ty cars started and ten finished.
• • •
Gen. Porfirio Diaz has said his fare
well to Mexico. With his wife and
other members of the family he board
ed the steamer Ypiranga at Vera
Cruz. Mexico, bound for Spain. Speak
ing to the little group of soldiers who
had served as a guard on his trip from
I the capital, he declared the present
government must yet resort to his
1 methods if peace is to be re-estab
• • •
Gen. Francisco I. Madero departed
for Mexico City without knowing that
an attempt which almost succeded
was made to assassinate him and sev
eral hundred of his guests as they
danced in the customs house at
Juarez. Cruz Rey, former mayor of
the town of Guadeloupe, was arrested
and a bomb was found upon him.
• • •
About 150 soldiers were killed
and the presidential palace and other
buildings were damaged when Las
Lomas, the fortifications overlooking
Managua. Nicaragua, were blown up.
What Is Going on Hero and Thsrs
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Seward.—As Menkin Taege and
Richard Hart wig were returning to the
city from a trip in an automobile, the
steering gear of the machine broke,
and the car became unmanageable.
Both men- saw that a disastrous acci
dent was about to occur and leaped
from the 'machine. They landed
against a wire fence and the car
turned turtle, striking Taege in doing
so. Town people were notified of the
accident at once and the injured were
brought to a local hospital. Both were
badly cut by the wire and bruised bad
ly. but it is not thought fatal results
will follow.
Experiment With “Alfalfa Culture."
Broken Bow.—C. S. Martin has se
cured from the government laborator
ies at Washington a pint of alfalfa cul
ture. This is a preparation which the
dejartment of agriculture is experi
menting with and is expected to make
germination more certain and give the
growing plant a better chance to live.
It is inoculated in the seed by a pro
cess of soaking and must be used
within thirty days after sent out.
Bad Fire Narrowly Averted.
Genoa.—While a heavy gale was
blowing. Kent & Burk’s large grain
elevator was burned to the ground in
a very few minutes. The city fire de
partment and the Indian school fire
department were both on the ground
shortly after the alarm was given.
Only by their heroic efforts was the
balance of the town saved.
Suicide at Fremont.
Fremont.—H. C. McHenry, a carpen
ter living in the northwest part of the
city, was found dying Sunday at the
home of a friend, from the effects of
drinking carbolic acid. The county
physician was summoned, buj was un
able to save his life.
Japs to Work in Beet Fields.
McCook. Xeb.—The Great Western
Sugar Beet company and other beet
growers in this vicinity’ have shipped
in a large company of Japanese to
work in the beet fields about McCook,
where about a thousand acres of sugar
beets have been planted.
Hold Stranger as Suspect.
Beatrice.—A stranger was arrested
at Wymore as he stepped into the
Farmers’ State bank and presented
two badly torn and mangled $5 bills
for change. He is suspected of being
a bank robber and refused to give his
Farmers Want Elevator.
Surprise.—The farmers of this
vicinity held a meeting Saturday after
noon to organize a farmers’ elevator
company. A temporary organization
was effected. The town now has two
i -:
j McKinley Hutt of Elk Creek had his
collar bone broken by the kick of a
Former Congressman Dorsey, who is
in a serious condition at Fremont, had
his leg amputated.
The Norfolk Commercial club has
elected A. W. Hawkins, a prominent
traveling salesman, as secretary of the
Robert Burger, an undesirable alien,
has been deported by the United
States government from Nebraska
The new electric light plant at Sur
prise has been put into operation. A
i number of street lights have been in
I stalled.
The matter of installing manual
training in the Fairbury schools is
now occupying the attention of the
people of Fairbury.
Moorefleld is putting forth an effort
to secure the location of the new state
tubercular hospital and Curtis, the
first town west, is after the agricul
tural college.
Thirteen corporations of Omaha will
be affected by the decision of the su
preme court in the Standard Oil
Elmer D. King and Andrew A. Hani
ka. the latter of Shubert, were caught
between two street cars at Lincoln
and both badly injured. King escap
ing with bruises while Hanika suffered
several broken ribs and a crushed
Crawford has a four-days' Fourth of
July celebration advertised. The last
time they held one they kept it up for
five days.
Omaha has been chosen as the
meeting place of the annual conven
tion of the inspectors of animal in
dustry of the department of agricul
ture. which will be held June 12 and
13 of this year.
Dr. William Protzman, the oldest
practicing physician in Lancaster
county, died Tuesday after an illness
of less than a day. He was 83 years
old and had practiced medicine in Lin
coln twenty-eight years.
Burglars are getting in their work
at Union.
Gordon now has an underground
telephone system almost complete
The cables are laid in tile.
Frank Macha, aged 21, and J. W
Conlon, aged 21, both of Omaha, were
killed by the collapse of a brick kiln
at Gibson, Neb., in which they were
The Tilden volunteer fire depart
ment is making preparations to cele
brate the Fourth of July and is spar
ing no money to make it the grandest
celebration in that part of the state.
Oscar Holmes walked part way oul
on the Douglas street bridge at Om
aha, calmly lighted & cigarette and
jumped over the rail into the Missouri
river. He was rescued after a hare
A real lion scattered 500 Shriners in
the Masonic temple at Omaha. The
animal was finally caged, but the
Shriners were so far away they could
not get back in time to participate ir
the meeting.
Daughters of the Revolution at Ne
braska City will erect a monument in
the shape of a monster boulder to
mark the spot ia that city said to be
the starting point of the overland Cal
ifornia trail.
The Rev. Grant B. Wilder, who for !
more than a year past has been pastoi |
of the Congregational church at Hast- I
ings, preached his farewell sermon ■
Sunday and departed for his new
home at Spokane. Wash.
Martin Buettgenbaeh of Hickman,
who resisted an officer and afterward
refused to pay a fine of $25. must now
pay in the neighborhood of $300. fol
lowing a decision handed down by the
district court in the matter.
At the meeting of the ministers in
attendance at the northern conference
of the Nebraska German Lutheran
synod, the city of Schuyler was chosen
as the place for the 1912 meeting
which will be held during the month
of May.
Wolves or coyotes visited the farm
of Charles Diers. near Fremont, and
carried off sixteen turkeys and killed
three hogs. Farmers near that place
have been bothered considerably by
these anin-.ais this spring, and intend
to organize some kind of a society that
will do away with the pests.
Robert Talbot, son of A. R. Talbot,
bead of the Modern Woodmen, and
Philip Watkins, both of Lincoln, were
severely Injured when a forward
spring on an electric automobile
broke. The machine turned turtle and
both boys were badly bruised and
were cut with broken glass.
War on Bad Eggs.
Deputy Food Commissioner W. R.
Jackson has issued warning in the
form of a bulletin that he will prose
cute any person who sells bad eggs
and to this he adds that dealers who
desire to avoid the penalty must
candle all eggs purchased. The pen
alty is a fine of from $50 to $500. The
I bulletin is the beginning of a cam
paign which Food Commissioner Jack
son intends to wage against bad eggs
and people who sell them or offer
them for sale. He asserts that it is
unlawful for the farmer, merchant or
other dealer to sell or offer for sale
bad eggs
About ten o’clock Saturday night
Martin Skow, a patient at the Lin
coln asylum, killed Charles Brookman.
another patient, with whom he was
sleeping, choking him to death with
the aid of suspenders taken from
overalls which he was wearing. The
j crime was not discovered until Sunday
morning, shortly before the breakfast
hour at the institution.
Two bronze cups, trophies for ex
cellent marksmanship, have been re
ceived at the office of the adjutant
general. One will be sent to Captain
Iver S. Johnson of Stanton for rifle
record in 1910 and the other to Cap
tain Chris L. Anderson of Norfolk for
the best revolver record during the
1910 competition.
State Auditor Barton has refused to
renew the license of the Modern
Brotherhood of America to do busi
ness in the state on account of the
fact that they have scaled down many
claims and have had more or less dif
ficulty in settlement on death policies.
Session Laws Early,
Secretary of State Wait says that
the session laws will be printed and
ready for distribution by June 15. The
copy on the laws was started to the
printer as soon as they were deposited
in the office of the secretary of state
and proof on about seventy-five pages
of the volume had been received be
fore the legislature closed.
Petitions have been circulated ask
ing that the reservation near Valen
tine be opened up to settlers. There
are 60.000 acres in the tract.
Senator J. A. Ollis of Ord declares
that rumors to the effect that he might
make the race for railway commis
sioner this fall have been started
wholly without his knowledge or con
The Omaha produce exchange has
adopted a resolution favoring the en
forcement of the law against the sale
of bad eggs as proposed by the food
commissioner, fourteen firms subscrib
ing to the resolution. One firm which
is not now buying eggs declined to
vote for the resolution.
Senator Stone Will Lead in the Fight
. to Put Through the House Tariff
Washington. — Senate republicans
are to be compelled to go on record
on every phase of the tariff that is
acted upon by the house, if democrats
are able to bring this about. It is not
likely they will be compelled to vote
on other schedules than those which
the house revises, but it is certain at
least they can not evade record votes
on the schedules the houses passes
on and sends up.
Senate insurgents fought hard for
the lowering of duties two years ago,
and some of the democratic senators
Intend to see now whether they will
adhere to the same views.
Senator Stone of Missouri will lead
in the fight to put through the upper
house the tariff schedules that are re
vised in the house. He will not. with
out a contest, permit the finance
committee to bottle up these meas
ures. He will move to discharge the
finance committee from consideration
of each one of the bills that it tries to
bottle up. This will precipitate a long
debate on each.
The house has passed the recipro
city measure and the free list bill. It
will pass a bill to reduce woolen du
ties. It is not likely to do more than
this, though there has been some talk
of cotton being taken up.
The free list bill is now in the
finance committee, and that commit
tee purposes to keep it there. The
wool bill in due time will be sent
to the same committee and be pigeon
Senator Stone will move to dis
charge the committee from consider
ation of each of these bills. The re
sulting struggle may prolong the ses
sion greatly, it may be into August,
or even September.
Stone and other democrats intend to
•pufc it up to” the insurgents. They
purpose to do this especially on the
wool schedule. They intend to repre
sent to the country that the demo
cratic bill for a revision of the wool
schedule is substantially what Doliver
and other senate insurgents contend
ed for in 1900 and, if the insurgents
refuse to support it, then they will as
sail the insurgents for inconsistency
and cowardice.
It is certain, however, that some of
the insurgents, both in the house and
senate are going to support the demo
cratic bill revising the wool and wool
en duties. Just how many will do so
is unsettled.
July 1st the System to Be Extended to
First Class Offices.
Washington. — Postmaster General
Hitchcock has decided to increase the
extension of the postal savings sys
tem from 100 to 150 offices a week,
with at least 1,000 depositories desig
nated by July 1. This will be a
world's record in the number operated
within so short a time after estab
On July 1 the system is to be ex
tended to first class offices in the
large cities, only second class post
offices having been designated so far.
Fifty additional postoffices were
designated Saturday as depositories,
making a total to date of 450. They
will be ready to receive deposits on
July 1. Bismarck, N. D.; Norfolk and
Superior, Neb., and Carroll, la., are
First Army-Built Aeroplane.
San Antonio. Tex.—The first army
built aeroplane in this country made
two successful flights at the drill
grounds at Fort Sam Houston.
A. J. C. Sowden Dead.
Boston. Mass.—Arthur J. C. Sow
den, aged 77, governor of the Nation
al Society of Colonial Wars, and one
of the leading laymen of the Episco
pal church, died here Sunday.
Col. Stoll Dead.
Cheyenne, Wyo.—Colonel Walter R.
Stoll, the well known western crimi
nal lawyer, died suddenly at his home
in this city at 3 o'clock Friday morn
ing of heart failure.
The Wool Tariff.
Washington.—The wool tariff revi
sion bill will be reported favorably to
the house when it convenes Tuesday,
the ways and means committee so de
ciding. There was a strict party vote
on the bill, fourteen democrats ap
proving and seven republicans voting
against it.
Duty on American Animals.
Washington.—The customs court
has given a decision which promises
to bring customs collectors even more
unpopularity than heretofore. Treas
ury officials declare it will entangle
the government in end of disputes un
less congress amends it. Three words
in one section of the Payne-Aldrich
law have been construed to mean
that any American-born animal, once
taken out of this country must pay
duty to return. It*ls held that the
law applies to all animals from pet
poodles to draft horses.
Galveston, Texas.—Paul Graham, the
7-year-old son of Driscoll Graham, a
well-to-do farmer in Matagorda coun
ty, was rescued from an abandoned
well twenty-five feet deep, after an
all-night battle with a four-foot rattle
snake which the child killed. The boj
was bitten twice, but will recover, al
though suffering greatly from the
shock of the terrible experience. Thit
Boy's Battle with a Rattler.
little fellow had started to visit rela
lives on an adjoining farm at night
and fell into the well, where he re
mained all night. The big snake evf
dently did not molest the child foi
some time, for the boy said he was
down in the hole several hours be
fore he felt the snake colling about
his leg. The child freed himself and
climbed up several feet on the jagged
rocks of the well, where he held him
self until exhausted, when he fell back
to the bottom of the well, striking his
head and losing consciousness. About
daylight the snake came out of its j
hiding place and. coiling, prepared to 1
attack the boy, when the latter
grabbed it by the neck and held it
against the side of the well. As the
rattier would coil its body about the
child the little fellow would struggle
to uncoil the reptile, realizing that the
snake would win the battle if it got
its body circling his. Finally the boy
pulled a stone from its place and with
this struck the snake on the head and
ctunned X Encouraged, he delivered j
other blows and succeeded in killing
the rattler. His screams attracted the
attention of a searching party, and he
was taken from the well with ropes. It
was while pulling the stone from the
side of the well with one hand that
the snake bit him.
Indignant Pastor Threw Books at
Sleeper in a Pew. but Latter Com
placently Dozed On.
Los Angeles. Cal.—Dr. H. H. Cross
field, president of Transylvania uni
versity, Kentucky, was greatly annoyed
during the sermon one night re
cently at a series of revivals he has
been holding here by two of the breth
ren who had fallen asleep because oi
unusual exertions during the day.
After calling attention to the fact
that he w-as listened to most attentive
ly by all but a few of the congrega
tion, the doctor noticed that one of the
transgressors, evidently a light sleep- |
Hurls Book at Snorer.
cr, was aroused. The other, however
sitting in the next to the front pew,
was not awakened by such a soft re
The Kentucky parson could stand it
no longer. Keeping right on with the
sermon, he shied a song book at the
sleeper. One book followed another
until the audience was in a titter, but
the tired man simply opened his eyes
for a moment and shifted his position
from full face to profile, slept right on
until the benediction without appar
ent interruption.
Bites Off His Tongue.
Evansville, Ind.—In falling from a
wagon. Albert Henschelman. aged 17.
bit his chin violently, and his teeth
were driven through his tongue, which
was severed.
Takes Position as Janitor, and Tam
bourine Girl Apparently Has Ac
complished What His Father Tried
In Vain for Years to Do.
Brooklyn, N. Y.—Sir Genille Cave
Brown-Cave, twelfth baronet of Stan
ford, oldest of the noble families of
England, with possibly four excep
tions, has been rediscovered. This
time he is found in the ranks of the
Salvation army, working as janitor in
one of its local institutions at a salary
of $3.50 a week. Out of this princely
income he is endeavoring to save
$100, the fee required for matriculat
ing into the officers’ school In the
Salvation army.
His romantic nature was won by
the lure of the deep blue eyes of a
pretty Salvation lassie who sang
sweetly as she toy“d with a tambou
rine. He was drinking In a New York
saloon when the sound of the Salva
tion corps approaching aroused his
curiosity and he wandered to the curb
to hear them. When the procession
moved he dropped into line. Now he
is an ardent and zealous worker in
the cause.
His career has been an eventful
one. When a mere boy his father
sent him to sea to cure his wildness.
On his return he enlisted in a High
land regiment and was transferred to
a cavalry regiment, just leaving for
the war in Egypt.
He fought under Lord Wolseley in
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and later
went to Afghanistan, where he was j
captured by the Hill tribes, but es
caped. He quarreled with his father
on arriving in England and came tc
America with a small allowance. He
later went to Burmah with an expedi
Sir Genille Cave-Brown-Cave.
tion sent out by a museum to kill
big game. He then went to South
Africa to participate in the Boer war.
He lived in Hongkong and Yokohama
and returning to the United States
went to Kansas City, where he worked
as a member of the “whit^ wings”
in cleaning the streets.
He was a cowboy in Wyoming in
1908, when through the efforts of Sir
James Bryce he was located and noti
fied that he was heir to the ancient
title and to an estate of $80,000. He
had been a miner and ranchman and
took more pride in his steer-roping
records than he did in possessing the
claim to a title and an estate. His
fastest record is 23 seconds. He is
proud of his cowboy kit and Mexican
saddle, is an expert horseman and of
muscular and wiry build. He was
born in 1869 and his family is of'
Norman extraction, the first baron be
ing a strong supporter of his sor
preign during the civi war.
Rat Runs Up Man’s Leg.
Memphis. Tenn.—An exclusive
town restaurant was thrown In an up
roar when a strapping countryman
with a whoop that could be heard a
city block, overturned chairs and ta
bles and shouted, “Help! Help! Take
him off, he's biting me. Get him away."
Everyone in the place except the pro
prietor started for the exits. The pro
prietor stepped up to the man and
grasped him by the trousers leg,
whereupon a large rat dropped out and
scampered away.
Gander Scares GirT to Death.
Louisville, Ky.—The three-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Cleve Garland, living
near Chappell's Gap, died of fright fol
lowing an attack by a large gander.
The little one was playing in the yard
when her mother heard her scream
and ran out to find that the goose had
the child's dress in its bill and was
endeavoring to beat it with its wings.
The mother grabbed the little one in
her arms, when it expired immedi
Dog Finds Heap of Broken Bones.
New York.—A fox terrier with the
laws of a human skull in his mouth
ran through a crowd of boys in this
city, and an investigation revealed the
canine had unearthed a bushel o<
bones in a back yard. It was found
they are about 100 years old.