The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 01, 1911, Image 4

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    Professional Cards
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb
texrj] a£Cnawni-Li»
Lour ttlTY. NEB
A mi Hooded AWnrtor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office. (H er New Bank
Loop City. - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
O-floe li UetldrOTr
TetepiKJOr t unnection 1
SuooM.r w N II. Meanly
Bonded Abstracter
Ltucr Crnr. Nebraska.
Only set of AUlmt book*m county
Otter up (Uir> in Ue urw State !
Bank UuMiBf.
OFFICE: Eaat Side Pubbc So ante.
Phone. 14 on »
Loup City. Nebr
Trent* nil diseases of domestic ani
aoaiv Terti. »ork a specialty
Office Phone. - 3 on 72
Ail taru Dmms cured trith
mmt > wirr'.ca.i operBLn* No
«ml Mesthcuc utci CURE
TIME. EiBmmaUoo Froo.
Pay when Cored.
The Labor of Baking
1» MB} tintt reduced if you use the
right kind of Flour, and if Ute ques
tion. "What b the be»t Flour?" wa*
put U> vote among the Inkers and
tmmtmmm it) U•*» part of ti»e
country. the uatBinon reply would
White Satin *
Yon would vote for it if you were
■ai to It len t It wortii git log a
Loup CltyiMBi*
CKM8 —00 rn tbah. ir paid m adtamoa
Entered at Loup dtp PuatoBee for trank
■I—ton tkroufh the mwlU^* second
else* matter.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
J. \V. Itt'KhEHill. Kd. and Pnk
Candidates' Cards
1 b«*r«- i»v annuuno* oiymelf a candidate for
Su§*Tieu»OAt«»ai »»f ScIhh.Is of Sherman county.
%ubjrrl to the trill of the democrat and popu
list totrrs at the romidtr pnmarv election.
I berrhy aunotiuce that 1 am a candidate for
the of «’ount\ Su|»eniitendent of Schools
1 «*f >n« rnian «<»uux\ \cOr»'*k» on the Kepub
• hcaa ticket *uhje t to li*r trill of the voters i
at the August primaries. Your support will
hr appreciated
I herrb> aouotitice my self as a candidate for
| the ofBcr of fount v Superintendent of S«*bools ,
fihermsacount> - • theirood will of
; the t'em.H-rat and people s independent voters ;
! at the Auprusi primary election I earnestly
*o!icit your support L H i’thhihh
I 1 hereby tcouug.r my candidacy fur tile of
1 Her of f rm.grrr of SbcrTiiun county. subject
t» the will of liar denuK-ratic and populist vot
ers As rxprrssm al tin- cumin* August prirna
rj rlreiioc Kiosk I.himiio
i hereby anaiaiirr in v self a candidate for the
• >IT.i e of Treasurer of Sbrrann county, subject
to tbe deri-iun uf the democratic ami populiat
rulers al Ibe coru.nif August primary elec
Uoo O K l’mKHKN
r<>U IXM'WTT Jl'fX.E
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for
.be o9he of County Judge of Sberman county.
• -tject to ibe deci-ion of the democratic and
t*- ople s independent party voters at the com
nr Auruat primaries K A. SMITH
What's become of the tuberculosis
hospital vexed question? Wiio knows?
Has no town been found tliat wants
The postmaster general claims the
postal deticit is now entirely wiped
out and the department is self sus
taining at the present time.
Kite ex-Nebraskans were killed at
L<»> Angeles last Sunday while riding
in an automobile, the mauhine beinj;
struck by an electric motor. Three
were former Kearney people by the
name of Kauffman
Curtis gets the new state agricul
tural school. B. K. Schaeffer, editor
of tlie Curtis Enterprise. is son-in
law of T. A. Taylor, lienee Loup City
can claim relationship to Curtis and
rejoice with it over Rs good fortune.
In talking with a Loup City man
the other day. Billy Thompson said
lie was in the right for the l\ S.
senators!.ip to a finish this time, and
would not step aside for any man or
any influence. That's bi/.. Billy: hop
to it.
In Washington the other day, Mr.
Bryan announced most emphatically
that he was not nor would be a can
didate for president at the coming
election. He als»> refused to express
liia preference as between Champ
l Clark. Woodrow Wilson and Gov.
A mong the political announcements
at the head of these columns this
week will be found that of E. A.
Smith, who asks for the nomination
for county judge at tlie hands of the
democrats and people's independent
voters at the primary election. It
goes without saying that Judge
i Smith will have no opposition for
tliat nomination, and in fact, judging
by comment, it would be but little
use for any one to try.
-Fainting Bertha”, tlie historical
Nebraska woman who lias received
more newspaper notoriety the past
few years for her crooked'work, and
has been contlned in numerous jails,
pen.- and insanity hospitals, was sent
to tlie pen at Lincoln the oilier day
for a term of three vears for stealing
goods from Miller & Paine in that
city. If she is crazy, as is universal
ly claimed by experts, why was she
not confined in a mad house.
A big head-end collision on the B.
A M. near McCook. Monday morning
between two overland trains, caused
the death of both engineers and fire
men and twelve others, and injured
~ Among the killed was Clarence
A. Hiisabeck, a traveling man of Hoi
dredge. thought to be broUier-in-law
of Mrs. N'an B. Hiisabeck, sister of
Mrs. C. C. Outhouse of Loup City,
and a frequent visitor here. The di's
aster was caused by the failure of tlie
' operator at McCook to deliver orders
to eastbound Xo. 12. Agent Daniel
j son of the B. A M. here was a close
friend of both dead engineers, who
were among the oldest in point of
service on tlie Burlington, most care
ful pilots and highly esteemed by of
ficials of Uie road.
The Northwestern is pleased to
*■ attention tiiis week to the pos
sibility and probabilitv that tlie
republicans will lave a'strong can
didate before tlie primaries for tiie
office of county treasurer, and one
wlto in the race this fall could and
would be elected to that most im
portant office. For some time, the
host of friends of F. M. Henry, bath
In and out of tlie republican party
have been besieging him to allow his
name to be Disced before tlie voters
for county treasurer, and so insistent
have been their demands that he has
almost consented to have it so. and
upon his return from his business
Lnp. ,owa this week will give his
anal decision. Mr. Henry is most
thoroughly qualified for tlie office,
*'**. M**.. work having been along
clerical lines, is a first class account*
ant and bookkeeper, and would under
stand all the details of the work to
stlrt *n . with. The county treas
uiership is one of tlie most important
of all county offices and should have
toe best and most competent men at
luhead. It is no disparagement of
oUiers to say that no better or more
competent man could be selected to
tliat important post oi duty. We
trust Mr. Henry may be prevailed
upwi to accept the wishes and
desires of his friends and allow his
name to he placed on tlie ticket. We
believe he should and can be nomi
nated and elected.
Swedish Gospel Meetings
The Swedish Christian church of
Loup City will hold a series of gospel
meetings J une 9-11, beginning on the
9th at 8 o'clock p. m. On the loth
the service will begin at 2:30 p. m.,
and on the Ilth at 10 a. m. and 2:15
p. m. All these meeting will be held
. at the Baptist church. Rev. F. O
, Gustafson of Aurora and G. D. Hall
of Stroinsburg will be present. All
are welcome. II. Blom, Pastor.
Residency for Sale
My house and sis lots for sale.
. Phone 6 on 13, or see me for particu
I lan. Wahd Vu Vauh.
Decoration Day
Tuesday of this week, in commem
oration of the glorious deeds of our
Boys in Blue, and in honor of the he
roic dead as well as of the few tot
tering veterans left with us, whose
footsteps are fast passing down the
vale of time, the citizens of Loup
City, old and young, met once more
to observe the day in patriotic mem
of tiiose thrilling days of ’61-’65, left
only in history to all save a few of
the' ninety millions of the present
day in this nation which shed of its
best blood for its preservation.
The day, while opening cloudy and
gloomy, yet proved most pleasant and
lacking in the oppressive heat usual
on such occasions.
At 1 o’clock the usual procession
was formed on our streets, composed
ot childien, old soldiers sons of vet
erans, ladies of the relief corps and
civic organizations and headed by
the Loup City band marched to the
M. C. church" where the exercises of
the day were held. The church was
beautifully and tastefully decorated,
the pulpit smothered witn flowers, a
large chorus choir at hand, and after
the seats reserved for the procession
taken the church proved entirely in
adequate to accommodate more than
fifty per cent of those wishing seats.
The program of the day as pub
lished was given almost in its en
tirety. the medley of war songs by
the band, assisted by a chorus of
young ladies, proving bv far the (test
number and elicited a storm of ap
At the close of the program, the j
procession was formed and proceeded ;
to the cemetery, where the closing j
ceremonies took place The band
was to have headed it out there, but
through fault of management was
not provided with conveyance to the
cemetery, and returned to the city,
where they delighted the people with
several selections. It is to be hoped
a more careful aDd judicious selec
tion will be made to take charge of
such occasions hereafter.
Former members of Shiloh Post
No. 124, and other old Civil War
veterans who have answered to the
last roll call, and who were once
residents of Loup City and vicinity,
and the places where they are buried:
Samuel Hancock, Loup City.
Wm. Carruth, Austin.
John M. Taylor. Loup City.
Robert Taylor. Loup City."
L. I>. Gardner, Loup City.
W. T. Draper, Loup City.
August Reiman, Loup City.
Roger J. Wilson. Loup City.
Simpson Criss, Loup City.
George Lee, Loup City.
W. H. Conger. Loup City.
Elias Brewer, Loup City.
John L. Hawk. Loup City.
Wm. Kienu. Loup City.
Moses H. Smith. Loup'City.
B. Probasko. Loup City.
Ed I>ouglas. Loup City.
Wm. Young. Loup City.
Arthur Grow. Loup City.
Wm. Ke'ler, Loup Citv.
Joseph Rettenmayer. Loup City.
Squire Miiler. Loup City.
J. M. Snyder. Verdurette.
I>. Reynolds. Moon cemetery.
John Gilbert. Moon cemetery.
-Jinks, Moon cemetery. '
H. L. Burns. Arcadia.
John Waite. Arcadia.
John Ilair.
George Keeler. Stanton. Neb.
W. A. Wilson. Wisconsin.
W. H. Stevens. Austin.
W. II. Hawkins, Arcadia.
Ed Chapman, Loup City.
Above the grave of each is placed
a beautiful marker some three feet
in height, with the inscription on
the aluminum plate: “Shiloh Post.
No. 124. Loup City, Neb.”
Following are the few lefttoanswer
to roll call here on the morning of
Decoration Day. May 30, 1911. God
bless them all:
Yal McDonall Lewis Rechthold
Lewis Williams Herman Fiebig
Oliver Dubry D. C. Grow
W. II. Morgan Willis Fulliton
Jefferson Gregg T. A. Taylor
Jacob Winkleman W. H. Brown
J. Froehlich Walter Moon
W. T. Owens S. A. Pratt
John Chipps
A Sad Letter from Spokane
Spokane, Wash.. May 22.—Editor
Northwestern: We take this means
of letting our dear friends in Loup
City know of our first grief caused
by death.
After an illness of 22 days, the
after effects of whooping-cough, our
baby, Lois Lillian, aged 13 months,
went back to live with God Thurs
day, May 18, 1911. The funeral of
our little one was held at our home,
04123 Lincoln street, at 2 p. m.. Fri
day. Rev. Pemberton of the White
house M. E. church spoke to us such
words of sympathy as it seemed we
had never heard before. The soft
melodies were indeed soothing The
beautiful flowers given by schools,
churches and friends, and the kind
help and sympathy of our neighbors,
all aided greatly in relieving our sor
row, yet, with all, it is surely our
saddest time in life; just how sad no
one can know until they have passed
through the same great trial them
selves. Mrs. Zeigierand Mrs. Bower
of Coeur ‘d Alene, Idaho, were pres
ent at the funeral: also Mrs. Hoogen
boozem and daughter Cora. Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Biemond and little daugh
ter. and Belvidere. Neb-, friends, all
now residents of this beautiful citv.
Grandma Gardner has built herself
a nice cottage of 7 rooms at Coeur'd
Alene. and is in good health for one
as old as she.
We all love the beautiful western
country, but it is hard not to know
and be known as we were there. Otis
is a drug clerk at Wallace, Idaho.
Our other children are all with us.
Mr. Riser is manager of the Ravenna
Creamery Co., which has grown to be
quite a business at this place, having
sold 35 car loads of butter and eggs
during the past year.
We hear Loup City is prosperous,
of which we are glad, and we would
be pleased to see any and all our
friends from there, whenever they
are in Spoaane.
F. H. IIiskk and Family.
Order or Heirlii 01 mooi tor Appoimeit
or Aduiiftrator
State of Nebraska, i
Sherman Count;, |
In the Count; Court of Sherman count;, Ne
To the heirs and to all persons Interested la
the ertate of Mar; E. Weller, deceased:
On reading the petition of Willes E. Weller,
praying tost the administration of said estate
be granted to him, as administrator, it is here
by o'dered that you. and all persons interested
id slid matter, ouy, tod do. tpptr it
the county court to be held in and for said
county on the 17th day of June, A. D. i»u. at
ten o clock a. m., to show cause, if any there
be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted ana that notiee of the pendency
of eaid petition and that the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in said
-w-- —' - awua IUKJIC! __ _
ter b; publishing a coo; of this Older In' the
LoupiCit; Northwestern, a weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three snceemilwe
--—-- , ivi tlliCT MICCrKSl VP
weeks prior to said da; of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said count;
court this Slsi da; of May. mil. J
l**4*-! E. a. lairs, donas; dodge.
*-ah. June u ^
Flour Mill, General Store and
Modern Hotel
Situated on the Middle Loup river, in Custer county, the water is taken
from the Middlelxmp river, which is made from Mineral Springs. Victory
Creek, which is made from the famous New Halena Springs, and also the
Dtemal and other running water that is verv tine and soft and noted for its
mineral ingredience. The water in this lake runs a loo bbi. flouring mill
and is constantly moving, and therefore makes a verv healthy resort, with
a large quantity of shade trees, with bath houses and bathing suits, a
modern hotel offers special low rates to visitors and is surrounded with
some novelties: a merry-go round run by water power and a shooting gallerv
and many other attractions.
You are invited to come fish in this lake and be happy
The entire plant of R. G. Carr, at Doris. Neb., is for sale, trade orrent,
and consists of a 100 barrel flouring mill run bv water, large modern hotel
large store building full of goods, shop fitted for all kinds of wood and iron
work—runs by water power, blacksmith shop all up-to-date and modern, (a
good place for repair shop.
Plant includes a merry-go-round—run bv water, two motor boats, one
carrying twelve and the other sixty people, six row boats, shooting gallery,
striking machine, baby rack and ice cream stand. Good shade and resting
places. Waterworks, gas plant and opera hall. Will sell or rent anv part
or the whole property. Will close out mv entire stock of general'mer
chandise. $12,000 stock, at auction sale to commence Saturdav, March 4th,
mi. I expect to sell 1000 acres of land at auction on June 5th. as mv
opening will be on June 3rd and 4th. The plant is situated on Doris Lake
and the Middle Loup river, and as a pleasure resort and business proposi
tion. is the finest in the world. Juyers show will give free exhibition at 11
o'clock and in the evening in the hall at 25c and 35c.
Doris, Nebraska
Is now open for the Spring Trade
See Us for
Solid Copcfete Work
Sidewalks, floors, Etc.
. Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hay.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
What a Splendid Picture
youth, health and beauty make,
It is too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
of young people, and judging by the samples we have, young people
like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason. Then probably
you will decide to have us photograph you.
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.
I will stand my three imported
stallions at the same barn in Loup
City, two Percherons and one Belgian,
weighing from 1700 to 1900 pounds.
Come and see me, as it costs no more
to raise a colt from a good imported
horse than a grade. Terms, $15 to
insure colt to stand and suck, $1? to
insure mare with foal. $8 for season.
A11 mares that are sold, traded or
about to be moved from vicinity
where bred the service becomes due.
Tours resp't, James W. Johnson.
Legal Notice
In ibe District Court of Howard Count;. Ne
In the Matter of the Estate of John T. Tocke;.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of J. N. Paul. Judge of the District
Court of Howard count;. Nebraska, made on
the 14th da; or May. 1911. for the sale of real
estate hereinafter described, there wiU be
sold at public sale at the front door of the
court house in Loup City, in the county of
Sherman and State of Nebraska, on the list
day of June. 1911. at one o’clock p. m.. to the
highest bidder, for cash, the following de
scribed real estate situate in Sherman county.
Nebraska, to-wit: The Bast Half of the
Northwest Quarter (EH NWM) of Section
Thirty-six (Mi in Township Fourteen (14)
North of Range Thirteen (IS) West of the
6th P. M.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Susan Tocnr,
Administratrix of the Estate of John T.
Tockey. deceased.
State of Nebraska.
County. .
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of
the original notice delivered to me on the 13th
day of May. 1911. L A. Vnutas,
Good Judgment
Invariably results in the selection of
lumber from our yards and sheds
and Builders
Know that Rood work can.t be done
with poor material, that’s why so
many ot them are customers of ours.
Whatever you need in the way of
reliable building material, this is the
place to come for it.
Keystone Lbr. Co.
Goal yards at Loop City,
Ashton, Rock rill© and Austin.
Gfechep Combiped
DfSC eopp plaptep
The Grechen Disc Planter can be operated both
as a hill and drill drop planter, doing perfect work
as either. Farmers who are using it claim that it
I is one-third lighter draft than any runner planter.
Sarengtbens feeble Klomen
But very few women possess constitutions that will withstand the wear
and tear of daily routine—
Be it in the home, the office, the schoolroom, the store, or in the iacto
ry—there is an excessive strain on the delicate functional organs-these be
comeirrenular in their action, the nerves give wav under the strain, the
blood becomes impoverished and the result is a complete collapse.
Nepal’s "Vegetable prescription
If taken in time, will guard against this—its tonic properties will fortifv
the system. supply a nourishing blood flow, act as a sedative and tonic to
the nerves, and bring about regularity in body functions.
JSyars Vegetable prescription Is the foundation
for the building of perfect health,—one
that will stand the strain imposed upon it
Remember that this is not a "patent” that we are recommending it is
a prescription medicine, composed of ingredients of well known virtues and
we can tell you what they are
We will stand back of Nyai’s Vegetable Prescription—results have
proved that it does as represented.
11.00 for a large bottle.
A very fine line of rubber goods, such as hot water bottles, fountain
syringes, etc., now in stock.
Swanson & Lofbolm.
Mowins Machines
Sweeps and Stackers
T. M. Reed
Barrels to Pickle Pork in,
Oyster Shells and Green Cut Pones for Chickens
Pickles in Bulk
Olives in Bulk.
A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens.
_Lee Broth ers.
We have a good stork of (umber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Post,
ranging in price from 120 to 25c
No trouble to figure your bills and show