The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 01, 1911, Image 3

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H-- -.rd JrCrW. immkrr'* mm. .edit
B» a f *4 K-«J»rrt l aJ>-««oJ
• * • * » ' a-i ■ T.' ■ •• ) • - • . .. • • • • I
MtoaSf ~Kinva ;t.- 4a »-r «f a
—nl—r a to. Hi and to «•■
! it 1 • t»- **r H tr.-» »*« «~T »'->rk
MM fail. A I—. r «■' liHim tiuB rank*—
• hWlMn— ...a i» H -a»"4 *W' li
*n««*«toa &,«** ..*»> and H I*trd 5*
kVn fad. ran*■ i ato !»»-» pr
p^-tord to H■ a if*. Ana-*-. Ip. !to
rat «*>* and i ad dm ton an**x*d
tn Aitoia. Howard"* rtrpsnoliirr. i a*
•RAMawaia at Artruria. and to «J
naxr-nt* <a
li- * ar' •» . »a
MM t~m maa ur.n*.i and <t> -uh > to
■■ M M» fcd» Sa n id
ktn—• :• triifc
a aort "f awial
Ms trup < nar
ti»* la«v t’ndrT
tf at a** HUM
Mr* curat*.
Mr* J.*r,
■ * ». i
»»*f» aba, a a
*1e • waWL~ laughed the Jude*.
”*«• &'-u that u; an* trained to
r*a4 my can t-U just anat s
panning :* mj brain?"
* Hr«* .»• ;y," replied ilk* doctor with
a smile ~liw psychoiagist can tell with
aUnoei matlM mutual accuracy just
boar yoar mental mecLamun: :• aork
ng 1 admit it sounds uat-anny but
it can be proved la fart, it has t>*en
>wo«ad uta and ume again "
Alina case- op and took the dor
tors arm.
“Oh. Ur Itemsteia." she protested.
~I ran t allow the lodge to monopolize
you tb this war Come with me. 1
want to introduce you to a most
rtart; .n* » -man a ho is dying to
mast you. she is perfectly crazy on
psychology -
"Inon't introduce me to her."
laughed the judge “1 see enough
rrszy people la the law courts.”
Ur It raatela smiled and followed
hut hostess Judge lireaster turned
to t tat atth the hanker From the dis
tant music room came the sound of
a plane and a beautiful soprano voice
The roosts sere now crowded and
•-•comers were arriving each mia
»'.» denaats passed in and out serv
ing trad delicacies and champagne.
bodbrnly the butler entered the
ask* and. guietly approaching Alicia,
handed her a letter In a low tone
be said
“This letter has just come. ta rn.
The messenger said it was very im
portaat and 1 should deliver it at
Alicia turned pale. She instantly
rsneuntt the handwriting. It was
from Robert Fhderwood. Was not her
last message enough* How dare he
adcr* s her again and at such a time?
Retiring to an inner room, she tore
•pen the eceeiepe and read as foUoms:
Issi Mrs JeCres This is the last
ns- 1 snail ever t- e» |<e srtth my iet
ter» Tos heve (• irbuddaa m* to see you
o>i fra- ticmiijr yea have estmeet
u - t»- a living e-»u. hut u i pr* f*r
dev » e : uc he partial, hot full and
•sss'ct* Jivw. I itlr this means at
b-ctmg > ■ - iwes that utaP-s* you revube
|ej -el of hsatahtaeat. I
•toil O.- an end of n nlL 1 shall b*
t at dead, it-'ndny nv -rr.irg. and you
nri anew sis is r-«fvt.».» >
Tears devotedly.
VU ta’s i:ps. and crushing «be tov up
•t b*r Land she bit her Ups till the
biu*<d ctar It «» just as she fcarc-d
Tbr xu tu desperate He was not
to be c«t rid of so easily, llow oar
1#—boar dare he’ The coward—to
think that she could be frightened by
curb a threat W hat did she care if
be luUed t.c.selJT It would be good
r.ddau- e. Tet suppose be was in
earnest, suppose be did carry out his
ttreat* There would be a terrible
•c audal, aa is realisation, people
would talk, her aam- would be men
tlo&ed No—eo—that must be pre
sented at aii costa
Distract*d. not knowing what course
to pursue she paced the floor of the
room Tbroucb the closed door she
could bear the music and the chatter
of htf guests She must go to see
I'nderuoud at once, that was certain,
and her visit must be a secret one.
There uas already * sough talk.
if her enemies could bear of her vis
it :ng him alone la his apartments that
would be the end
"Yes—I must see him at once To
morrow la Pundsr He's sure to be
borne in the evening He mentions
Monday morning There will still be
tla»* Mi go and see him tomorrow "
"Alicia* Alicia
The door opened and Mr. Jeffries
put his bend in.
"What are you doing here, my
de-r*- be asked "I was looking
e*erywhere for you. Judge Brewster
w iftbes u» say good-night."
*1 was fstng my hair, that's all."
replied Alicia wKh perfect compos
Among lb- many tuf» caravansaries
Ual at iwtBt rears hatt fprus; up
la New York to provide luxurious
guarier* regardless at r«! for those
who can afford to par for the best,
rone eouU rival the Astruria la size
and magnificence. Occupying an re
tire block :a tbe very heart of the
residential district. It took precedence
over all the other apartment hotels of
tbe metropolis as the biggest and
most splendidly appointed hostelry of
Ha kind la tbe world It was. Indeed,
a small city In itself It a as not nec
essary for ha fortunate tenants to
lease It unless they were so minded.
Everything for their comfort and
pleasure a as to be had without taking
tha trouble to go output doors. On
the ground floor were shops of all
kinds which catered only to the
Astruria's patrons. There were also
«n the premises s bank, s broker's
I*— a hairdresser, and a postal tele
Third degree
Arthur3horn blow Y
Q9»W0tf. Ml er C W OiLUtNCwAM COrmAHY
Rfnph office A special feature was
t'-e a^-jea court, containing over 30.
o*«t square feet of open space, and
tastefully laid out with palms and
flowe:* Here fountains splashed and
an orchestra played while the patrons
lounged on comfortable rattan chairs
■ ■r go-sip. d with their friends. Up on
t! sixteenth floor was the cool roof
cardt-n. an exquisite bower of palms
ed r. -es artificially painted by a
rr.e 'f FY-mh artist, with its rech
t . he restaurant, its picturesque
and its superb view of ail
Manhattan island.
The Astrurla was the last word in
e*P« six* apartment hotel building
Ar< ..itects declared that it was as far
as modern lavishness and extrava
-auee could go. Its interior arrange
m-nts were in keeping with its ex
ternal splendor. Its apartments were
"f noble dimensions, richly decorated,
-tid equipped with every device, new
and old. that modern science and
.ild. rs' ingenuity could suggest. That
the rents were on a scale with the
grandeur of the establishment goes
w ltkout saying. Only long purses
aid stand the strain. It was a fa
vorite headquarters for Westerners
who had "struck it rich." wealthy
bachelors, and successful actors and
••per* -ingers who loved the limelight
on and off the stage
Sunday evening was usually exceed
ingly quiet at the Astruria. Most of
the t-nants were out of town over the
u is-end. and as the restaurant and
• root garden were only slimly patron
ized. the elevators ran less frequently,
making less chatter and bustle in cor
ridors and stairways. Stillness reigned
Then came the answer. The boy!
looked up.
"He says you should go up. Apart
ment 165. Take the elevator.”
In his luxurious appointed rooms on
the fourteenth floor, Robert Under
wood sat before the fire puffing ner
vously at a strong cigar. All around
him was a litter of objets d'art, such
as would have filled the heart of any
connoisseur with joy. Oil paintings
in heavy gilt frames, of every period
and school. Rembrandts, Cuyps, Ruys
daels, Reynoldses. Corots. Henners,
some on easels, some resting on the
floor; handsome French bronzes,
dainty china on Japanese teakwood
tables, antique furniture, gold em
broider* d clerical vestments, hand
t aimed screens, costly oriental rugs,
rare ceramics—all were confusedly
jumbled together. On a grand piano
in a corner of the room stood“two tall
cloisonne vases of almost inestimable
value. On a desk close by were piled
miniatures and rare ivories. The
walls were covered with tapestries,
armor, and trophies of arms. More
like a museum than a sitting room, it
was the home of a man who made a
business of art or made of art a busi
Underwood stared moodily at the
glowing logs in the open chimney
place. His face was pale and de
termined. After coming in from the
restaurant he had changed his tux
edo for the more comfortable house
coat. Nothing called him away that
particular Sunday evening, and no
I one was likely to disturb him. Ferris,
“Yes. I Must See Him at Once.'
•\erywhere a? if the sobering influ
ence of tb*» Sabbath had invaded even
this exclusive domain of the unholy
rich. The uniformed attendants, hav
ing nothing to do. yawned lazily in
the deserted halls. Some even in
j duiged in surreptitious naps in cor
ners, confident that they would not
be disturbed. Callers were so rare
that when some one did enter from
; the street, he was looked upon with
| suspicion.
It was shortly after seven o'clock
the day following Mrs. Jeffries' re
, ception when a man came in by the
•nain entrance from Broadway, and
approaching one of the hall boys, in
quired for Mr. Robert I'nderwood.
The boy gave his interlocutor ar.
impudent stare. There was something
[ about the caller's dress and manner
which told him instinctively that he
was not dealing with a visitor whom
he must treat respectfully. No one
divines a man's or woman's social
status quicker or more unerringly
than a servant. The attendant saw
j at once that the man did not belong
j to the class w hich paid social visits
| to tenants in the Astruria. He w as
rather seedy looking, his collar was
| not immaculate, his boots were thick
* and clumsy, his clothes cheap and 111
1 Suing
"is Mr. I'nderwood in?" he de
"Not home." replied the attendant
insolently, after a pause. Like most
I hall boys, he took a savage pleasure
in saying that the tenants were out.
The caller looked annoyed.
"He must be in," he said with a
frown. "I have an appointment with
i him."
This was not strictly true, but the
bluff had the desired effect.
“Got an appointment: Why didn't
' you say so at once?"
Reaching iazlly over the telephone
switchboard, and without rising from
his seat, he asked surlily:
"What's the name?"
“Mr. Bennington.”
The boy took the transmitter and
spoke into it:
"A party called to see Mr. Under
j wood.”
There was a brief pause, as if the
( person upstairs was in doubt whether
to admit that he was home or not.
his man servant, had taken his usual
Sunday off and would not return until
midnight. The apartment was still as
the grave. It was so high above the
street that not a sound reached up
from the noisy Broadway below. Un
derwood liked the quiet so that he
could think, and he was thinking hard.
On the flat desk at his elbow stood a
dainty demi-tasse of black coffee—un
tasted'. There were glasses and de
canters of whisky and cordial, but
the stimulants did not tempt him.
He Pondered If Alicia would ignore
his letter or if she would come to
him. Surely she could not be so heart
less as to throw him over at such a
The Price of Fame.
It was id the office of one of the big
theaters. A lot of actors were hang
ing around, a couple of journalists
and a secretary or two. A young
woman dropped in for a hasty greet
ing. and then paused a moment to
speak to a very well-known actor
whom she evidently met for the first
time. The press agent’s desk was
open, and in a corner fas a package
of pictures of the celebrated actor.
The latter looked them over, and as
the young woman exclaimed that he
should give her one he said, with an
insinuating smile to the press agent:
“Alas, they are not mine. They be
long to Mr. Dash!"
“1 can’t give any away" said the
latter. “Each one costs me 20 cents."
“Surely that is cheap!” the young
lady suggested. ,
The press agent ignored her and
turned to the actor.
"Cheap? Do you think anybody
would pay that much for you?”
And the young lady laughed and
went without her picture.
Cost of Living Increasing.
The price of diamonds has been In
creased ten per cent. It appears im
possible for the poor man to get In on
the ground floor anywhere.
Martha Washington, Housekeeper.
In the oldest wealthy families of Vir
ginia all the women knew all about
cooking and housekeeping, and had to
in order to run an establishment of
many slaves, and an ignorant mistress
would not have commanded the re
spect of her cunning negroes, but
would have been a laughing stock.
Martha Washington owned 15.000
acres of laud and hundreds of negroes,
yet she knew all about cooking and
housekeeping and made the rounds of
her household every day, just as did
the general his plantation. Martha
was neither a sloven nor churl, but
true aristocrat of the right sort. Girls
should be taught housekeeping by
ladies who have sprightliness, vi
vacity, eloquence and fine manners, so
as to correct the miserable false no
tions besetting the modern Anglo
Saxon word about “menialism.”—New
York Press.
Proof of Remembrance.
She (after elopement)—“I received a
letter from papa to-day. He writes
that he had just finished making his
will. He—“Did he remember us?**
She—“Yes, indeed. He has left all hia
money -to an ayslum for hopelesa
moment. Crushed in his Ten hand
was a copy of the New York Herald
containing an elaborate account of the
brilliant reception and musicale given
the previous evening at her home.
With an exclamation of impatience he
rose from his seat, threw the paper
from him. and began to pace the floor.
Was this the end of everything?
Had he reached the end of his rope?
He must pay tlie reckoning, if not to
day, to-morrow. As his eyes wan'
dered around the room and he took
mental inventory of each costly ob
ject, he experienced a sudden shock
as he recalled the things that were
missing. How could he explain their
absence? The art dealers were al
ready suspicious. They were not to
be put oft any longer with excuses.
Any moment they might insist either
on the immediate return of their prop
erty or on payment in full. He was
in the position to do neither. The
articles had been sold and the money
lost gambling. Curse the luck! Every
thing had gone against him of late.
The dealers would begin criminal pro
ceedings. disgrace and prison stripes
would follow. There was no way out
of It. He had no one to whom he
could turn In this crisis.
And now even Alicia had deserted
him. This was the last straw. While
he was still able to boast of the
friendship and patronage of the aris
tocratic Mrs. Howard Jeffries he
could still hold his head high in the
world. No one would dare question
his integrity, but now she had aban
doned him to his fate, people would be
gin to talk. There was no use keep
ing up a hopeless fight—suicide was
the only way out!
He stopped in front of a mirror,
startled at what he saw there. It
was the face of a man not yet 30, but
apparently much older. The features
were drawn and haggard, and his dark
hair was plentifully streaked with
gray. He looked like a man who had
lived two lives in one. To-night his
face frightened him. His eyes had a
fixed stare like those of a man he
had once seen in a madhouse. He
wondered if men looked like that when
they were about to be executed. Was
not his own hour close at hand? He
wondered why the clock was so noisy;
it seemed to him that the ticks were
louder than usual. He started sud
denly and looked around fearfully. He
thought he had heard a sound outside.
He shuddered as he glared toward the
little drawer on the right-hand side of
his desk, in which he knew there was
a loaded revolver.
If Alicia would only relent escape
might yet be possible. If he did not
hear from her It must be for to-night.
One slight little pressure on the trig
ger and all would be over.
Suddenly the bell of the telephone
connecting the apartment with the
main hall downstairs rang violently.
Interrupted thus abruptly in the
midst of his reflections, Underwood
jumped forward, startled. His nerves
were so unstrung that he was ever
apprehensive of danger. With a trem
ulous hand, he took hold of the re
ceiver and placed it to his ear. As he
listened, his already pallid face turned
whiter and the lines about his mouth
tightened. He hesitated a moment be
fore replying. Then, with an effort,
he said:
“Send him up.”
Dropping the receiver, he began to
walk nervously Up and down the
room. The crisis had come sooner than
he expected—exposure was at hand.
This man Bennington was the man
ager of the firm of dealers whose
goods he disposed of. He could not
make restitution. Prosecution was in
evitable. Disgrace and prison would
follow. He could not stand it; he
would rather kill himself. Trouble was
very close at hand, that was certain.
How could he get out of it? Pacing
the floor, he bit his lips till the blood
There was a sharp ring at the front
door. Underwood opened it. As he
recognized his visitor on the thresh
old. he exclaimed:
“Why, Bennington, this is a sur
The manager entered awkwardly.
He had the constrained air of a man
who has come on an unpleasant er
rand. but wants to be as amiable as
the circumstances will permit.
“You didn't expect me, did you?” hr
Shutting the front door, Underwood
led the way back into the sitting room,
and making an effort to control his
nerves, said:
“8it down, won't you?”
But Mr. Bennington merely bowed
stiffly. It was evident that he did not
wish his call to be mistaken for a so
cial visit.
“1 haven't time, thank you. To be
frank, my mission is rather a delicate
one, Mr. Underwood.”
Suit Coiffure to Hat
IF it is true (as those who make
it their business to know, say it
is) that American women have
less hair than the women of other
lands, then we are compelled to ad
mire the cleverness with which they
conceal this -deficiency. One would
naturally infer that a vairety of styles
in hairdressing would be impossible
to them, but this is not the case at
all. By using switches, chignons,
transformations and the many other
devices of dealevs in hair goods, all
the pretty conceits in the changing
fashions in coiffure are copied and
our gentlewomen continue to look to
day demure, tomorrow vivacious; an
other day finds them with a stately
coiffure and then again they effect
simplicity. No doubt Cleopatra rung
all the changes within her knowledge
or invention in matters of dress to
aid her in earning the greatest trib
ute pafd to her fascinations: ‘Age
cannot wither, nor custom stale, her
infinite variety.”
Just now we must concern our
selves with suiting our coiffures to
both large and small hats. The new
imports for midsummer are more than
large, one may almost call them enor
The large hats require a coiffure
designed to fill in the space under
the brim next the face and bead,
otherwise they look grotesque aDd
their beauty is wasted. The small
hats require only enough hair visible
! about the face to frame it, but 'it is
i necessary to have a coiffure under
tne hat, lor the hat must be taken
The puffed chignon shown in the
picture is woven in a long strip like
that used for a "transformation.” This
strip is drawn together at intervals
leaving quite large spaces on the un
der side of the coiffure, which are
covered by the puffs and curls on
the outside. These open spaces afford
ventilation, and they also make it
possible to arrange the chignon in a
great variety of styles. What with
them and the hair bands now uni
versally worn there is no end to the
variety of coiffures that fashion makes
The chignon placed high on the
head so that it is in the crown of the
hat solves the problem of the small
turban and makes a stately and beau
tiful coiffure. The puffs are crowded
together a little and pinned down
over a coil of the natural hair (or
two coils) placed on top. Usually no
other support is needed for this coif
fure. In case the natural hair is
very thin a small pompadour may be
arranged by using a small hair roll
before the chignon is pinned to
place.—Julia Bottomley in the Illus
trated Milliner.
Rows of Frills.
Rows cf little frills again finish the
hems of dressy gowns, but the frills
are scanty and their soft materials
make them far from bouffant. They
add little to the flow of the hem of the
; Attractive in Design and Affords
Ample Protection Against the
Flying Dust.
Here is a very attractive way of ar
; ranging headgear for motoring. The
| vieux rose strew shape is wound with
i a blue silk scarf, which terminates in
a loose chou at the side. A rose silk
frill frames the face and a chiffon
veil of the same color is gathered on
to the crown, to be thrown back off
the face if preferred. No pins at all
are required, except for fixing the
bonnet on the head.
Buy Ready-Made Linens.
Most housewives nowadays effect a
great saving in many ways by buying
their bed linen and towels ready made.
These are offered attractively hem
stitched at reasonable prices. But you
must conform to regulation sizes and
Many mistakenly believe that they
can economize by buying sheeting or
toweling by the yard and doing the
hemming or hemstitching themselves
The woman of leisurely hours who
loves to sew and who perhaps wants
to elaborate the hems with more or
less intricate drawn work may find
this worth while. Most women will
find it advisable to stick to the ready
Quaint Frocks.
When children form a part of the
bridal procession they are often dress
ed in quaint little gowns copied from
styles of other lands or of the years
gone by. Many of these are quaint,
old styles adapted to the fashion of
the present day, but all are pretty and
make the child an attractive attendant
at weddina.
_•_ i
Dainty Frock* in All Sort* of Design*
Are Nbw Well Within the
Reach of All.
It is astonishing how many dainty ■
frocks for the summer can be made •
these days setting the limit of ex- '
penditures at $1. including the pat
terns and threads.
■Never before have so many delicate ;
designs been shown in inexpensive
lawns and ginghams, and the busi
ness girl should begin now to make
the smart little dresses which she will
wear to the office during the coming j
Two things should be remembered.
One is that much trimming of any
sort detracts both from the cool ef- j
feet of the gown and makes it bad to
launder; the second is that however
dainty the very light materials are
they are far less serviceable than a
plaid or a plain buff or blue dress.
As to the question of expense, be
gin with the pattern. Choose one of
the new cues that are capable of being
carried out in several different fash
ions, with or without the high waist
line or with long or short sleeves and
with or without yoke. Thus for 15 :
cents you will provide yourself with
a pattern for several frocks.
Next, a few yards of white mull and
some inexpensive lace will make
broad collars and cuffs and a fichu or
a dainty pointed yoke, all of which
will serve as trimming, for your :
Then as to materials. Ginghams, ‘
plain ones, may be purchased as low j
as 8 and 10 cents a yard. A good
quality of lawn in dark colors Is
only a cent or two more in price.
Paper for Stitching.
When you buy a bolt of narrow rib
bon, save the paper on which it i9
wound, and use this later to place un
der soft materials when stitching
I them, to avoid puckering. You will
find this much better than tearing up
strips of newspaper for the purpose.
Ribbon Holder.
Cut four three and one-half inch
circles out of thin cardboard, tack
Dresden silk on one, and white soft
silk on the other, being careful that
it is on smoothly. Trim of all super
fluous ends and sew the circles to
gether firmly. Whip a tiny Valencien
nes lace on the edge of these and re
peat the process with the remaining
circles. When this is done insert a
bolt of baby ribbon between them,
and with a stiletto make two holes
from top circle through bolt and bot
tom circle. In these insert a short
piece of baby ribbon, tying in bow
on top and in this bow put a bene
ribbon threader.
Large Cellars.
Extremely large collars of heevj
lace are being worn on many suits and
dresses. Some are called the “Char
lotte Corday" collars, and all are
charming. Sailor collars, with or
without jabots, are being rhown by
all the leading blouse shops. Mate
rials are varied, and trimming is ap
plied In many ways.
Particular men who smoke realize
how offensive to people of refinement
is a strong tobacco breath, and how
objectionable to themselves is that
"dark brown taste” in the mouth
after smoking.
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic is worth
its weight in gold for this purpose
alone. Just a little in a glass of water
—rinse the mouth and brush the teeth.
The mouth is thoroughly deodorized,
the breath becomes pure and sweet
and a delightful sense of mouth clean
liness replaces that dark brown to
bacco taste.
Paxtine is far superior to liquid an
tiseptics and Peroxide for all toilet
and hygienic uses and may be obtain
ed at any drug store 25 and 50c a box
or sent postpaid upon receipt of price
by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston,
Mass. Send for a free sample.
Mrs. Homely—My husband is ex*
tremely hard to please.
Miss Caustique—Indeed' You don’t
look it.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so
much for poor complexions, red,
rough hands, and dry, thin and fall
ing hair, and cost so little that it i3
almost criminal not to use them.
Think of the suffering entailed by
neglected skin troubles—mental be
cause of disfiguration—physical be
cause of pain. Think of the pleasure
of a clear skin, soft white hands and
good hair. These blessings are often
only a matter of a little thoughtful,
timely care, viz.:—warm baths with
Cuticura Soap, assisted when neces
sary by gentle anointings with Cuti
cura Ointment. The latest Cuticura
book, an invaluable guide to skin and
hair health, will be mailed free, on
application to the Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp., Boston, Mass.
Many a man's idea of being well
dressed is a noisy necktie.
Lewis’ Single Binder, the fame us straight
6c cigar—annual sale 11,500,000.
Lots of people who have brains
don't know how to use them.
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkbam’s
Vegetable Compound
Pound, "Wis. — “I am plad to an
pounce that I have been cured of dys
pepsia ana xemale
troubles by your
medicine. I had
beeu troubled with
both for fourteen
years and consulted
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but failed to get any
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Lvdia E. Pinkham's
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pound and Blood
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i can t nna words to express my thanks
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—Mrs. Herman Sieth, Pound, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
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mation. ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
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Proof is abundant that it has cured
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It not cure you?
If yon want special advice write
Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for it.
It is free and always helpful.
Don’t Persecute
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Cut out cathartics ar.d purgatives. They are
brutal, harsh, unnecessary. T rv^i
Purely vegetable. Act
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eliminate bile, and
soothe the delicate,
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bowel. Curs
Sick Bead
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edy. At druggists In fifty cent and dol
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also pamphlet telling you how to find out
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Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, X. T.