Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXIX. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY , JUNE 1, 1911. NUMBER 30. Laiet : News of interest BL*„'_d Down for the Busy Man. Washington - aa e***ri. Srsator Bor *t t t< "oa»ra? of tbe senate to bav » fist vet* ok tt* rwohniM for * . rr t.xtka of I'sttod Su:^ oft Jaae 22 A i*-Tesuj»t n*EKir that Franb&t MarV kU sottpaay uhCrr *t« '-'eat decuioo of the S_: ♦«#* ooart % as demutded of the .'toraty geaerol by the Cal ted Su.'»* »ti'h j-dop’ed without 4tt.it» • raootat. « of lay airy ofiercd by Sativor foattiw. A at-aertty of the ZBeztberc of the T tt.‘-e -■»-»■* aesaote otanuttee oa tad» t*r? ta a report filed oppooe the wtthcri-aJ of the right to attpemoe lit elect toe af T'n ted Scot** eetojor*. a* ~*t' itness states, disregarded the conductor's orders not to board tie way car. as the train was to h ek up. As he reached the platform ct the car he lost his balance, falling or. the bumiters and from there under the wheels, which passed over his tody. Church Cornerstone Laid. Osmond—The cornerstone of the new $30.w0 Catholic church at Os mond w as laid by Bishop Garrigan of Sioux City amid solemn ceremon ies. He was assisted by Rev. Fathers Peitz and Stahl of Osmond. McNa mara of Bloomfield, Fehaly of D.xon and Kuemper of Carroll. Ia. Before the laying o: the cornerstone the sac rament of the first communion was administered by the Bishop to a class of forty-tour boys and girls. A Great Cream Shipping Point. Deshler—Deshler is said to be the greatest shipping point for cream ia Nebraska, with the exception of re ceiving points. For the next three months the shipments will average 1.000 can? monthly. The cows in this section are mostly grade shorthorns. Bad Fire at Filtey. Beatrice.—The most destructive fire in the history of Filley occurred there Thursday morning and wij>ed out the entire block of the business section on the west side of Main street. The tota! loss is placed at between $15,000 and #20.000, partly covered by in surance. Strychnine Tablets Cause Death. York.—The little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Couch, near York, got hold of some tablets which contained strychnine and ate some of them, death following in a short time. New Minister Arrives. Anburn—Rev. George Grtib ar rived last week from the Province of Silisia. Germany, and has accepted the pastorate of the German Lutheran church of this city. Lost Three Fingers. Oakland—Frank Ericson. while playing with a lawn mower, caught fcis fingers in the blade and had three of them cut off. Fairbury voted wet at a special elec tion last week. Holdrege will graduate forty-one students this year. Sutton is contemplating the build ing of a new school bouse. Beatrice and Red Cloud will cele brate the Fourth of July. Scottsbluff will celebrate the glor ious Fourth in amplified style. North Platte is to have a new bank —the Piatte Valley State bank. The state Sunday school convention will be held at Grand Island. June 6. 7 and S. A girl baby about 2 weeks old was found in the waters of Indian creek, just north of Beatrice. The Republican valley medical as sociation will hold its annual meeting this year in Cambridge, on May 25. G. \V E. Dgrrsey. former congress man from Nebraska, is seriously ill at Salt Lake City according to a tele gram to relatives. Friends and neighbors of the Rev. Samuel Linn and family at Axteil, tendered them a farewell reception when he left to assume another pas torate Dr. O. C. Reynolds, a practicing physician of Lincoln for sixteen years, died suddenly at that place. A dam is to be bail: on the blue river near Beatrice to furnish power for light and heat. The baseball fever is certainly at ita height in Nebraska City, because already three of the ministers, those of the Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist churches, have organized baseball teams which play games each evening at the baseball park. The Lincoln excise board has adopt ed a rule requiring friends and rela tives of habitual drunkards to furnish pictures of the bibulous ones for the better information of the saloon keepers and their bartenders. Mrs. Joe Moss, wife of a prominent Amherst business man. was instantly killed in an automobile accident. While harrowing corn F. Stucker. living near Phillips, met with an acci dent that resulted in his death. Stona Pirer, 8-year-old daughter of Morley Piper, a teacher at the state normal at Kearney, was fatally in jured when she fell out of an attic window at her heme. During the heavy windstorm at St. Paul Saturday evening the large barn belonging U> A. Kasperson was blown down and wrecked. Two of his horses were killed. Yanials wrecked the furniture in the Christian church at Havelock. Andrew Carnegie has sent $25,000 to assist in erecting a science building for Doane college at Crete. John Aherns had his arm severely cut by a circular saw while at work in a carpenter shop at Deshler. A vigilance committee for the pro tection of citizens against highway men is to be formed in Omaha. John Weers of Auburn was instant ly killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun while shooting rats. John C. Byrnes, who has been very sick for some time at Columbus, is reported on the road to recovery. The new steel bridge for wagons and foot passengers, recently ordered built at Tekamah. is now nearly done. Robert Nicholas of De Witt, aged seventy-eight years, committed sui cide by hanging himself early Sunday morning. Louis Guida. an Italian employe of the Omaha Gas company, bit the ear off Nick Levata and took away his revolver when Levata tried to hold up Guida. s>otne of the farmers around Colum bus are replanting their corn, the heavy rain having washed much of it out and to avoid a poor stand they are putting more in. Discouraged by the drouth preva lent throughout southwestern Nebras ka. many farmers are plowing under wheat which they believe has been damaged beyond recovery. With his wife lying dangerously ill in the next room. J. D. Robinson shot and killed himself at his home in Lin coln. He left a note saying that ill health was the cause of his act. William F. Stolley, a pioneer resi dent of Hall county, well known to many of the older settlers in other portions of Nebraska, died at Grand Island at the age of eighty years. Stephen L. Myrick of Greensboro N. C.. has been elected president ol Nebraska Central college at Central City, and will take active charge of the Institution this summer to share its afTairs for the opening of the fail term. Dick Kretsinger of Beatrice, who if attending Deane college at Crete, pitched a twenty-three inning game against the Peru norma! team Thurs day afternoon. The score was 1 to 0 in favor of Doane. Kretsinger pitched the entire game and made the only run for the Doane team. Railway Commissioner W. J. Purse acting for ex-Gevernor Shallenberger on behalf of the citizens of Alma, pre sented to each member of the public lands and buildings a beautiful photo graph album containing pictures ol Alma, the Joseph Snyder farm adjoin ing the city which the citizens offei to the state as a site for the proposed state agricultural school, and views ol the su:rounding country along the Re publican river. In addition he pre sented to each member a writter statement containing reasons why the town of Alma asks for the agricultural school. About ten o’clock Saturday night Martin Skow. a patient at the Lin coin asylum, killed Cnarles Brookman another patient, with w-hom he was sleeping, chdking him to death with the aid of suspenders taken from overalls which he was wearing. The crime was not discovered until Sunday morning, shortly before the breakfast hour at the institution. Lieutenant Colonel W. Edmund Baehr of the First regiment, Nebras ka national guard, of Omaha, and Cap tain Hoy E. Olmstead. commander ol company A, First regiment. York, have been assigned to attend the army maneuvers at San Antonio. Tex., for two weeks. The two officers are to report for duty at San Antonio May 27. At an election of officers the Ne braska state dental society at Lin coln. Dr. C. C. Farrell of Cozad was elected president to succeed Dr. P T. Barber. Dr. E. H. Bruening ol Omaha, vice-president; G. H. Wal lace of Omaha, re-elected secretary and W. A. McHenry of Nelson, treas urer. Governor Aldrich has received no tice that the next annual meeting ol governors will be held September 13 at Spring Lake. N. J. The scope ol the meeting and the subjects to be dis cussed have not as yet been an nounced. The stake races at the state fait this year will comprise a record-break ing number of entries. There were 1ST entered last year. So far 206 have been entered this year. This number will probably b« increased before the list is closed. Is Preparing a Brief. Arthur Mullen, attorney for the state in the case of Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha, who has been ab sent from Lincoln since the adjourn ment of the legislature, called at the office of Attorney General Martin a few days ago. Mr. Mullen as attorney for the state is preparing a brief to submit to the referee in the Donahue case. Governor Aldrich went to Gothen burg to deliver an address to high school graduates at commencement. LOB llff QUIT RUMOR THAT HE WILL RESIGN HIS SENATE SEAT. STORY IS NOT CONFIRMED Senate Devotes a Whole Day to Dis cussion of Illinois Senator’s Case. Washington.—In the cloaff rooms of the senate Friday there was much discussion of a persistent rumor that Senator Lorimer might resign before the new inquiry is actually author ized. to protect his friends from the attacks of those seeking to unseat him. Neither his colleague. Senator Cullom. nor any of the members of the Illinois delegation in the house, would admit they had any knowledge of such an intention on the part of Mr. Lorimer. Alter devoting practically the wnole session to the discussion of the pro posed reinvestigation of the election of Senator Lorimer. the senate ad journed without action, determined to jJFbceed again with the question at its nest sitting Monday. Senator La Follette concluded his fourday speech and announced that when the voting stage is reached he will so change his resolution as to provide that the senate shall elect an investigating committee of five from among the new senators. Senator Borah supported the La Follette pro position. and Senators Bailey and Dillingham opposed it. Mr. La Follette said he had been in fluenced to introduce his resolution for special committee on inquiry fol | lowing the Illinois investigation. New I investigators had been provided for j | because he believed that the question j should go to a committee not handi-, j capped by a previous decision. The next investigating committee, j | he felt, must have the confidence of the people, which he did not believe the old standing committee on privi leges and elections would have. The public, he said, would consider the old committee packed from the beginning, even as has been charged in connec tion with the Illinois juries in prose cutions growing out of the case. ■> Mr. La Follette said if he ^?r$'a member of the old committee he would not consent to serve on the I new one, because he would not feel capable of an impartial verdict. Mr. Bailey said that all the demo cratic senators desired a new investi gation. he himself favoring it, be cause of the discovery of new evi dence. He said the public sentiment ] against Mr. Lorimer was not well in formed, because it hed been shaped by newspaper expression rather than by reading of the testimony. Saying there had -been no investiga tion by a special committee on an election case since the creation of the committee on privileges and elections in 1871. Chairman Dillingham, of that committee, expressed confidence that if the investigation should be placed in its hands it would present such a i report as would command the respect of the senate and of the country. Senator Borah advocated a special committee in the interest of disinter estedness. Congress May Control Levees. Washington—The Mississippi river commission is empowered and direct ed in a resolution introduced by Rep resentative Brousard. of Lousiana. to investigate the report as to the advis ability of congress taking charge of the levee system of the Mississippi river to aid and improve navigation ■ of the river and to prevent inundation of the Mississippi valley. Breaks All Heat Records. Toledo. O.—Heat records here for the last 30 years were broken Friday when the mercury reached 93 de grees. Raised Bank Notes in West. Washington.—One dollar United ' States silver certificates made over into $20 national bank notes have been found circulating in some west ern states. The latest specimens were found in Helena. Mont. Chief of Police Suspended. San Francisco. Cal.—Chief of Po lice Symour was suspended by the board of police commissioners, pend ing trial on charges of conduct unbe coming an officer. Captain of Detec tives E. R. Wall was appointed act ing chief. Herbert Anstead is Dead. Ogdensburg. X. Y.—Herbert An stead. a well-known woodworker of Lincoln. Neb, died suddenly at the Erwin hotel at Canton. X. Y, near here Friday night. Anstead came to Canton about two weeks ago to settle up the affairs of his father. DIAZ SKIPS OUT. Takes a Vessel at Vera Cruz and Sails South. Mexico City. Mex. — Private tele grams received here Friday report the arrival of General Diaz at Vera Cruz at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Ac cording to these advices, he boarded the Ypiranga, a Hamburg-American boat, at nighL The Ypiranga is due to sail south to Coatzacoa Saturday. She. will return to Vera Cruz and sail for Europe Wednesday. ELEPHANT OBJECTS TO THE COLIC DOPE BEAST COUGHS THE MIXTURE INTO THE KEEPER’S FACE AND ALMOST STRANGLES HIM. New York.—When Head Keeper Billy Snyder of the Central Park *oo went into the pen of Hattie, the trick elephant, with her breakfast and was not greeted by the usual little squeal of welcome he knew something was wrong. Then he noticed that her head was hanging and her trunk drag ging listlessly on the ground, and when she answered his greeting mere ly by a lack luster glance his mind Coughs Up the Dope. was made up at once. "Clover colic," Snyder answered to Dirctor John M. Smith. "Poor old Hattie’s got it and Is swelled up like a dirigible. I gave her a bale of fresh clover yesterday. She needs medicine.” Snyder looked into his prescription book and pretty soon decided that the proper thing for Hattie's insides was a dainty little mixture of one-half gallon of linseed oil. two qunees of laudanum and two quarts of spirftus frumenti, the last being, according to Mr. Snyder, just plain whisky. But Hattie doesn't like boose. So they had to chain her feet and hoist her heaf'with a block and tackle and when she opened her mouth for a wisp of hay Snyder poured the mixture down her throat. Hattie coughed once when the mix ture was half way down, and, in the words of the song. "The blow almost killed Billy.’* for he received about a pint of the mixture in his eyes and was blown clear off the barrel on which he was standing, but outside of this Hattie gave no trouble. Hattie swallowed enough, however, to chase away the colic caused from clover, and about an hour later was going through her tricks with Billy Snyder for the children as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. PHONOGRAPH CALLS COWS Ingenious Wisconsin Boys Make the Machine Do Work While They Play Checkers. Milwaukee, Wis—Boys whose main idea U to avoid work are full of In ventive genius when it comes to a matter of getting something or some body to do their work for them. Two boys living in the rural districts of northern Wisconsin through ingenuity prompted by laxiness made a phono graph do their work for them. They U9ed the machine until they had be come tired of the canned songs and then put it aside and amused them selves playing checkers. They found that doing the chores seriously Inter Call Cow* With Phonograph. fared with the game. One of them remembered that impressions of sound could be made on blank record The Ingenious one called into the mi chine “Come, boss: come, boss." They put the machine in the pasture and turned it loose. They resumed their checkers and the cows came home. Teacher Kills 27 Snakes. Indianapolis. Ind—Mary Jenkins, a young Posey county school teacher, in the afternoon recess recently was attracted by the frightened screams of her pupils. Rushing out she found them standing in excited groups talk ing about snakes they had seen in the school yard. Miss Jenkins found the grass fairly alive with black snakes. She seized a poker and a shovel and beat them right and left. Some showed fight, but with the sharp end of the shovel the teacher cut off their heads. With the poker she kept them from harming her. The fight was short and swift. At the finish 27 dead reptiles wai the score. “U" WilKProbe Grafting. New York.—Axift of $10,000 annual ly from an anonymous donor for surg ical research work is announced at Columbia university. Another gift is of $15,000 a year “for the establish ment and maintenance of a bureau tc promote scientific investigation of leg islative grafting.*’ A IS FOUND HANGING BY FOOT IN A TREE THREE BULLET HOLES IN HEAD OF MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING OKLAHOMA HACKMAN. LAST WITH A BUSINESS MAN Had Driven Hunter to the Country— One Theory Is That He Was Shot by Mistake After Seeking Squir rels’ Ne6t in the Tree. Tulsa. Okla.—Mystery was added to the unexplained absence of Daniel C. Bonner, a hackman of this city, when his body was found in a tree suspended by one foot and with three bullet holes in his face and head. The foot was firmly wedged between branches, where they fork, and his head was hanging downward. The last seen of Bonner in Tulsa was two months ago, when a man who announced he was a capitalist from Missouri engaged him to drive into the country OB'a hunting trip. The authorities have this man's name and are making inquiries about him. Bonner had no family and was of a roving disposition, so little attention was paid to his absence. It attracted only passing comment and had been nearly forgotten when the body was found. From the condition of the body it had evidently been hanging from the tree ail this time. In the tree was the nest of a squir rel. It is supposed Bonner climbed Found Hanging in a Tree. the tree to inspect the nest and lr coming down slipped and with one foot caught in the forks of a limb, hung head downward. A careful investigation of the vi cinlty shows that the hunter for whom he was driving might have been ap proaching this tree from any one ol several different directions where a glimpse through the trees would show him Bonner's head but not bis body. Men who went to the scene clr cled around the tree and found eev eral places where such a view might be had. At a distance of 50 or 75 yards it can be easily understood that a hunt er seeing some strange object hang ing from a limb of a tree would fire Even if he were thinking of his com panion he would not expect to see him hanging head downward from a tree. Bonner had been shot twice in tht head and once In the jaw. The theory of those who have been working on the case is that the Missourian when he found he had shot his driver walked back to a railroad station and left the country- The man supposed to have done the shooting is a busi ness man of considerable property who was here looking after some in vestments. Any robbery theory that might sug gest itself is disposed of by the rela tive financial condition of the two men. The hackman had nothing, while the Missourian had plenty ol money. Bonner's team was found in posses slon of a farmer near by. The farmer said two men came to his place and left the team, saying they would be back in a few hours. They never came, and the farmer has been using the team in putting in his crop. The authorftles have not considered arresting the Missouri man. but he win be asked to make a statement of the affair. On account of his stand ing and the absence of any ground for suspecting the shooting to be pre meditated. the coroner and sheriff have declined to giTe the name of the Missourian. There was no acquaint ance between the men prior to the time Bonner was hired to take the hunter out into the country. Rescues Woman Prom Well. Oriska. N. D.—To save Miss Marie Smith from death H. R. Olson was lowered head downward into a well 22 feet deep and only 18 inches in di ameter and pulled up after he had hold of the woman. The strain was so great that blood burst through his chest and left arm. Miss Smith fall into the well accidentally.