Loup City Northwestern VOM -Mi; XXIX._ LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911. NUMBER 29. IMPORTANT NEWS NOTES OF A WEEK, -ATEST HAPPEMN&6 THE WORLD O^ER TOLD IN ITEMIZED FORM. EVENTS HERE AND THERE Condensed into • Fen Line* for the Ptou of tne Bus/ Man Latest Pe*»oral Infor mation. Washington Seer*- mz; at State Kncx has finished s draft at the arbitration pact for the l uied Blairs sad has eafemitied H M the British and French sHtbaasadors. • • • Secretary MacVeagb Invited popu lar .- ubarn pours to a S50.M6.M0 issue ■at cavsimmaat hoods to reimburse the treasury frteni fund for expenditure an account of the Panama canal The government * Announced Intention is to give preference ta small bidder* • • • Domestic President Taft ha* signed a proc lamation establishing tbe Harney ns tiema. forest in South Dakota. It embraces isl>28 arre*. formerly In tbe Black Hill* forest, and 58.727 acres taken from tbe public domain. m m m Chester. XU., lay* claim to tbe cham p«m tr*--cream eater erf tbe state. On a »age- Henry J. Heine, eraser of a back Lae. ate um gallon in IS min ute* e e e James Eliott, a structural iron a other of Pmsbur* appeared before labor leader* there and made an al leged cosfeasioe. In abtrb be charged tJSrer* of tbe National Erectors' a* sorts'.-n. and detectives employed by It arlth tbe wrecking of buticing* con stmeted by non union labor. • • • Fire which for an hour endangered tbe entire Kan a a* City stockyard* aad the Live Stock Exchange building <3e stroyed sheep peat covering a square, burned I MP sheep aad partly de stroyed two mote barn* • • • Fetlsetr a the bringing of 1» -arts ukm! lurmer state banks at Okla homa w hick have ~nationalized" since the re-eot special one per cent a» w-asment for the guaranty fund, salts were brought against 14 more basks to recover tbe amount of the asaesa awt • • • Throngfc hypnotic Shgze*t an Melrb wr Luvaterborg. a man of giant slat tare, wto for more than three years has bee* completely paralyzed from the waist down, was able to raise him self from tbe operating table In St. Mark's hospital. New York city, and • • • la a sett repute with sensational barge*. Attorney General Wicker sham. through his special deputy -ark MtKerrber. et’ered suit in tbe Cxi'ed Stale* circuit court In New York city asking that a permanent in )unniti* be leaned against tbe lumber Croat reetra-nttg It from continuing s vmspsmry in undue and unreason able restraint of trade" • • • Tttt I—LOU state senate adopted. 29 to It. tbe resolution of tbe Hein com su«*w dec taring that WUlais Lorimer wouid not bare been elected to tbe l Riled Plate* senate te May 3909. bad It Rot been for bribery mod cor ru**K*. and ukitg tbe national upper bouse to reopen tbe Illinois scandal To Oil resolution was added an amendment criticizing those senators •be bolted Albert J Hopkins, tbe prt ttary waiwt. to succeed himself. • • • Mayor Thomas E Knotts of Gary, it* already under indictment by the Lake county rrand Jury, mas arrested by deputy Utt.f* an warrants rharg tag him * ‘ti embezzlement, perjury aad malieasaace la office. • • • Fre»aslsng upon bis twelveyear-old mm to puli tbe trigger Fred Hus i fony*li year* old. ■ prosperous farm er of Green u art. Ccma.. he Lie ted tc b* crazy, bad hi* bead blown off wjta hla own shotgun. • • • Foist* Commissioner Oopsey of Xew Tusk has teen attacked by Juries ('.ntiast. bead of tbe municipal c;rl! >.rv»ce board, foe alleged ooUiion o! rtwtl serric* nUea. a shake up ot tbe (*MMM In expected. • • • Cot, Henry * Betzs* a well knows Laaader and a director in many prom !t>**t *n«-ainal corporations commit ted suicide In Central'park. Xew York cay. by shouting He was badly bit is the euitapoe of the Columbus and UsMthdo so ti r !■! y m 13 r "tdON* • • • A nensatlon has beet caused at tnrtpat. X T_ by tbe arrest of twe uuzuJ a-year-old acbocl boys on a charge preferred by Avery Murphy fourteen years old. who says they tied him to a t*m* and aitempted to bum him ail re m Indian fashion. • • • Farmer Free-d< *t Booserelt has an ardrie on "The Arbitration Treaty With Great Britain- in the Outlook in wbheb be any* tbe t uned States ought s***f ** naelf to arbitrate ques utma reorectJtsg ns honor. tndepesd •sen aad integrity. ■, - , ~ 14 i|.-i HgiFr: Will Rogers pleaded guilty at Las Vegas. X. M., to the charge of kidnap ing Waldo Rogers, the grandson of Henry L. Waldorf, general solicitor of the Atchison. Topeka ft Santa Fe railroad. Joe Wiggins, an ex-convict and alieged accomplice of Rogers in the kidnaping, pleaded not guilty. • • • All records for maximum tempera ture on May 18 went by the boards throughout the middle west and as far south as Memphis Deaths and prostrations were reported from vari ur places. Chicago and vicinity being hardest hit. in the city there were seven deaths anil a dozen prostra tions. ' • • • The death rate in New Tork is de creased each year, figures showing tte rate for three months of 1911 to be 17 per 1.000 as against 17.45 in 1910, which is equivalent to the saving of 6.500 lives. • • • Lack of harvest hands In Canada has caused J. G. Vpterward, a Cana dian immigration inspector, to go to Kansas City in search of men. He is seeking help for the farmers of Sas katchewan. • • • The General assemblies of the Pres bj-terian church and the Southern Presbyterian church met in annual -eRrion, the former in Atlantic City and the latter in Louiskille. Ky. • • • A drunken negro, recently released rc>tn Sing Sing prison, killed two white men. stat bed three other white niec. two of them policemen, shot a fourth w hite mui and a little girl, in a wild fight when a passenger on an elevated train at New York city at tacked the negro for smoking on the platform of the train. When swimming in Tippecanoe lake Bernard Minear and Morris Gary, high se bool pupils, were drowned at War saw. ]nd They had been missing and search for them resulted late in night in the finding of their bodies. • • • The supreme court of the District of Columbia, on its own initiative, In stituted proceedings for contempt against President Gompe-s. Vice-Pres ident Mitt hell and Secretary Morrison of tbe American Federation of Labor. If adjudged guilty the men may be sentenced to imprisonment. • • • Tbe principle of arbitration of prac • "ally all disputes between nations a-sumed vitality when Secretary of F'ate Knox submitted to the British and Frer. . ambassadors the draft of a convention to serve as a basis of ne gotiations The fact that tbis move ment would be inaugurated with France as well as Great Britain came as a surprise. • * • Former President Theodore Loose rejt told about 1.-'K> New York clergy men that materialism ard paganism are a serious menace to the welfare of the fnited States. He declared that men who blow up the buildings of capitalists at tbe behest of labor leaders are murderers, and that unless s- -r.»*t!.:nr is done to remedy present conditions, tbe results will be dire. • • • Personal Miss Gertrude Emily Gaynor. eldest tiaugi ter of Mayor Gaynor. was mar r:*-d :n Wilmington. Del., to William Seward Webb. Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. W; i:am Seward Webb and a grand son of the late W. H. Vanderbilt. • • 9 Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abra ham Lincoln, presented his resigna tion as president of the Pullman com panv at a meeting of tbe directors in Chicago and was elected chairman of the board. John Sumner Runnels, fee-president and general counsel of the company, was elected president. • • • Rev. John F. Carson of Brooklyn was elected moderator of the Pres byterian church on the second ballot by the general assembly in its one hundred and twenty-third session at Atlantic City. X. J. • • • F'urvesant Fish. Ill. arrived in this world late Monday night at the house of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stuy vesan: Fish. Jr., in New York. The r.es arrival is a grandson of the for mer president of the Illinois Central railroad. • • • It is reported that the engagement of Claude Grahame-VYhlte. the British aviator, and Pauline Chase, the actress, has been broken. • • • Foreign Miss Dorothy Campbell, champion of the United Stales, regained tbe woman s golf championship of Great Brrain by defeating Miss Violet Haz let. the Irish champion, at Portrush Ireland, in the final by 3 up and 2 to flay. • • • !t was said at the home of Dowagei I-auy Decies in London that Lady Dec res is making satisfactory prog t il toward recovery following the operation for appendicitis. • • • • Sot until Foreign Minister de Is Barra has been made president ad in terim of the republic of Mexico will Francisco l. Madero. Jr., provisional president, go to Mexico City to assist in reorganizing the government, but wiil remain in Juarez. • 1 • It is reported in Mexico City that the government, by several arrests made, frustrated a plat to kidnap President Diaz and carry him in an automobile to Pachuca. 56 miles from j -hat city, where the rebels are in con | trot IS FATALLV BURNED COMPANION INJURED TRYING TO SMOTHER FLAMES. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What ia Going on Here and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Broken Bow.—Miss Fannie Ross, living near Broken Bow. was fatally burned Saturday morning. Mrs. Knoell was also burned but not seriously. A can of paint setting on a hot stove exploded, throwing the blazing con tents over the person of Miss Ross. The women were ironing at the time and as the paint began to boil Miss Ross reached for it to set it off and as she touched the can. the explosion occurred. Loses Part of Hand in Explosion. Auburn.—The 9-year-old son of Mrs. Rose McKee lost the ends of three of his fingers and the other hand was so badly lacerated that it will be hardly possible to save the index finger, and the palm of the hand is badly cut. He was picking the insides out of a dyna mite canridge while sitting at his desk in the school room. Dedicate M. E. Church. David City.—St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal church of this city was for mally dedicated Sunday. The princi f al services were a sermon by Bishop McIntyre, reminiscences led by the Rev. B. W. Marsh of York, sermon by the Rev. G. W. Abbott of Omaha and special music by the choir. Lyons.—John Craig and bis mother, Mrs. A. L. Craig, of this place were killed and several injured, two prob ably fatally, when a passenger train struck a wagon in which they were riding at a crossing near town. Parts of the wrecked wagon lodged in a switch and derailed the train. Will Raise Frogs for Market. Nebraska City.—William Liebold is home from Langdon. Mo., where he was receiving instructions regarding the raising of frogs, an industry he ex I»ecis to start at once. It is the first venture of this kind in this part of the countrf. Is Badly Fractured at Any Rate. Lincoln.—Probably the record for assignments has been broken in the. appeal of William J. Ainley to the supreme court. Eight hundred and eighty assignments of error are made by his attorneys. Drowned While Fishing. West Point.—Thomas M. Frantz, the oldest practicing member of the Cum ing county bar and a former member of the legislature, was accidentally drowned while fishing at a mill pond. __ , Deshler will have a ball team this j season. Four conventions opened at Lincoln in one day last week. The Methodists of North Loup are building a new church. B. C. Ratho. a Sterling shoemaker, su cided by shooting himself Tuesday. Fremont will have a holiday when the State ball league opens the season there. A well organized movement for pav ing the public square is under way at Aurora. A civil service examination will be i held June 3 for rural carrier at Com stock and Lynch. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hayward of Ne ; braska City have returned from their trip around the world. The Nebraska Press association will : hold its thirty-ninth annual session at Omaha. June 5, 6 and 7. Benjamin Voight. who was injured in an auto accident several days ago at Aurora died as a result. The annual convention of the post masters of Nebraska will be held at York June 13. 14 and 15. instead of at Omaha as at first arranged. Deshler has sent a car load of brooms to Boston. Kearney is sore afflicted with dan delions. and has started a movement lor their extinction. Andrew J. Minor of Lincoln, a member of the house of representa tives during the recent session, died1 Wednesday of heart failure. He was 6S years old. Thomas C. Kelsey, a prominent labor leader and a general of a divF eion of the Coxey industrial army of the early nineties, died at Lincoln on Tuesday morning at the age of sixty I six years. Ernest Hunger, familiarly known as i "Dutch" Hunger, was appointed chief | of police by the new excise board of Lincoln. Charles Tuck of Scottsbluff had his head caught between a heavy wheel and the body of a traction engine, and is in the sanitarium with a badly crushed skull. It is quite doubtful if he recovers. Democratic State Chairman John C. Byrnes of Columbus was stricken with appendicitis Wednesday and his condition became so critical that he j was taken to a hospital for an orora | lion at once. ‘ , The Fairmont Methodists will erect a S 10.000 pressed brick house of wor ship. The race meet which was scheduled for Broken Bow during June has been declared off. Dr. J. M. Carr of Fairmont lost a foot when a gun supposed to be un loaded exploded in his auto. Six horses were burned to death when the barn of Jack Hillyer at Bea trice was destroyed by fire. Marvin Pape, a Hooper boy. was in stantly killed when he fell from a tree while hunting birds' nests. The village board of Chappell has let the contract for the construction of a water and electric light system. John Barrett has carried the mail from the Surprise postoffice for twen ty-one years. He has never missed a train. Dr. J. L. Webb, a pioneer resident of Beatrice, died suddenly after an ill ness of a few hours. Death was caused from acute gastritis. J. P. McRea of Bloomington dreamed the bouse was on fire, and jumped out of a hotel window at St. Joseph, breaking a leg. Robert Murray of Silver Creek fell from the roof of a barn to a cement walk eighteen feet below, and was fatally injured. William Leiboldt has stocked his farm near Nebraska City with frogs and tadpoles, and be will endeavor to raise frogs for table use. Ben Greenwood, living near Diller, plowed out and killed eleven rattle snakes in two days last week while breaking up a piece of new ground. Henry Palmer, who killed his wife at Hastings some time ago. plead guilty and received a sentence of twenty-two years in the penitentiary. A junior band has been organized in Tecumseh. The band includes thirty five boys and will be conducted under the direction of the vTecumseh military band. Charles F. Bryant, an inmate of the hospital for insane at Ingleside, near Hastings, hanged himself with a piece of barbed wire and was dead when found shortly afterward. The son of Frank Gundy. 7 years of age. residing near Broken Bow. was burned in a horrible manned, when an older brother playfully shoved hiiy into a smoldering strawstack. During a thunder shower Saturday evening lightning struck a barn on 1-ee Huston's farm near Geneva. One horse and a colt, with feed and har ness were burned with the building. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilms was cele brated with appropriate ceremony at the First German l.utheran church at Hastings. Rev. L. Frank, the pastor, officiating. Major Penn to Instruct Guard. Major Julius A. Penn of the Twelfth infantry, United States army, now with his regiment in the Philippines, has been assigned by the war depart ment for duty at Lincoln in connec tion with the Nebraska national guard. His assignment is under a new act of congress which permits officers on the active list to be assigned as advisors of the guard in the various states. Morefield Asks for Tubercular*. Moorefiela. Frontier county, is the fourth town in the state that has asked the state board for the proposed state hospital for tubercular patients. Governor Aldrich has given T. K. Stewart, former bookkeeper at the in stitute for the feeble minded at Bea trice, the alternative of making up the entire amount of the shortage revealed on the books of the institution or stand prosecution. The governor says he does not want to be captious about the matter, but that if Stewart does not make restitution an action will be begun. Adjutant General Ernest H. Phelps is preparing an order notifying the Nebraska national guard that the an nual encampment will be held from September 27 to October 6. The camp will be near Omaha, but the grounds have not been selected. The guard will spend two days in Omaha and participate in street parades. Assistant Adjutant General Scothorn of the G. A. R. has compiled a con solidated report showing that there were 4.540 members of the G. A, R. in the department of Nebraska Janu ary 1, 1910, and that at the close of the year the number had diminished to 4.226. a net loss of 214. More than 200 of the loss was caused by death The supreme court held scvera months ago that another woman. Ger trude Johnson, was qualified to hold the office of county superintendent in Cherry county. J. H. Broady of the state commis sion to codify the Nebraska statutes has returned from a trip of in spec ticn in Ohio. Wisconsin and Minne sota. where similar work has been done. The information he obtained in other state* will be made use of by the Nebraska commission. Minatare, Scotts Bluff county, pro poses to bid for the state hospital for tubercular patients. I. L. Lyman, ed itor of the Minatare Flee Press, haa written Land Commissioner Cowles a letter asking for information in regard to the form of the bid which the state board requires. DISASTER IN FRANCE MINISTER OF WAR KILLED BY A MONOPLANE. SEVERAL ALSO 0 Accident Occurs When Machine Plunges Into Group Gathered to Witness the Start Paris.—France paid a terrible toll Sunday for its magnfiicent endeavor to attain supremacy of the air when a monoplane, the driver of which had lost control, plunged into a group ol members of the cabinet who had gathered to witness the start of the race from Paris to Madrid, killing the minister of war and injuring the prime minister, his son and a well known sportsman. The dead: Henri Maurice Berteaux. minister of war. The injured: Antoine Emmanuel Ernest Monis, premier and minister of the interior. Antoine Monis. son of the premier. Henri Detusch de la Mourthe. the aged patrno of aeronautics, automo- * biling and other sports. A large number of the other per- j sons of note had narrow escapes from [ injury. The accident occurred on the avia tion field at Issy les Molineux, where 200,000 persons had gathered to see the start of the race Mr. Train was piloting the mono plane. With him in the car was M. Bounier. a passenger. Neither of these men was injured. The machine was wrecked. Minister of War Berteaux was hor ribly mangled. The swiftly revolv- j ing propeller cut off his left arm. i which was found ten feet away from 1 the spot where he was struck, the) back of his head was crushed in. his throat gashed and the whole of his left side cut and lacerated. Premier Monis was buried beneath ; the wreckage of the monoplane. He I was taken out as quickly as possible . and examined by military surgeons. I who found he had sustained com pound fractures of two bones, his face badly contused and there were bruises on the breast and abdomen. M. Deutsch and M. Monis were not seriously hurt. Among those who had narrow es capes from injury was M. Lepine, the prefect of police. M. Berteaux's body was placed in a j closed automobile and escorted from the field by a squadron of dragoons with swords at salute, while tens of thousands of persons stood uncover ed. An intimate friend of the family communicated the news of M. Ber teaux's death to his wife. PEACE OFFICIALLY DECLARED. Document Signeed Pledges Cessation of Hostilities. Juarez. Mex.—Officially deesignated representatives of the Mexican gov eernment and the revolutionists at 10 o’clock Sunday night signed a peace agreement at the customs house here intended to end the hostilities that hav been waged in Mexico for the last six months. Though covering only the principal points ngotiated thus far. the agree ment practically records the conces sion by the government of those de mands which started on ovember 20 last by an armed revolution in Mexico. Telegrams announcing the signing of the agreement were dispatched throughout Mexico to revolutionary and federal leaders alike. Squaw Man Shot on PHarie. Lander, Wyo.—Word was received here that Lee Reagan, a squawman. living on the Shoshone Indian reserva tion. had been shot and Itilld by his j companion, Cal O’Neal, another ’ squawman. The two men had lefti Fort Washahkie to round up some cat tle. Killed a Chinese Banker. Laredo. Mex.—At the end of a rope which had been tied around his neck. Dr. J. M. Lim. a Chinese banker, was dragged around the plaza in Torreon. Mex.. until his body was a mass of broken bones and bleeding wounds. Nebraska Banker Dies Abroad. Redonda. Cal.—James Forbes, vice president of the National Bank of Anoka. Neb., who came here for his health, died Sunday night. Mr. Forbes, who was 71 years old, is sur vived by a widow and five children. Good Roads Congress. Birmingham. Ala.—Delegates from 18 states are gathering here for the fourth National Good Roads congress which will convene Tuesday. Presi dent Arthur C. Jackson, of Chicago was one of the first to arrive. Weather Bureau Investigation. Washington.—Complaints by apple growers in the west that the weather bureau's forecasts cannot be depend ed upon and that disastrous results to crops have followed erroneous pre dictions form the basis of the decision reached by the house commission on expenditures on the Agricultural de partment ot Investigate the weather bureau. The committee also will look into charges made by James Barry, former chief of the climatological di vision of the weather bureau, against its management. BUTTONING UP WIFE NEARLY COSTS $1,C;D 6T. LOUISAN, DUE IN COURT, DE LAYS HOUR TO HELP SPOUSE AND LOSES BOND. St. Louis.—The arduous task of but toning his wife's dress almost cost Ja cob Belly of Walnut Park J16 a minute —and he devoted 60 minutes to mad ame's toilette—in the United States circuit court of St. Louis. Belly was found guilty of attempting to extort fl.OOO from Frederick Essel brugge, a wealthy North St. Louis mer chant, by "Black Hand" methods. His bead was declared forfeited because Explains to the Judge. he had to wait for his wife to finish dressing to accompany him to court. The minutes spent by Belly in but toning his wife’s waist up the bach and in waiting for her to get her ha1 on straight before the two boarded a car down downtown, would haYe cost Belly and his bondsmen heavily had not Judge Dyer relented, after Belly explained, and set aside the forfeiture of the bond. Thus was it evidenced that even s Jurist may have an appreciation of a husband's predicament when wife has to be “buttoned up.” Belly's failure to put in an appear anee in Judge Dyer’s court at 10 a. m. when the verdict of the jury was tc be announced, caused great excite ment in the court room. Rumors thal Belly had fled were current. Judge Dyer, when ten o'clock had passed, ordered the bond forfeited and an attachment issued for Belly Before this action could be taken however. Belly walked into the court room with Mrs. Belly. The latter was securely fastened up the back and wore her hat at a perfect angle. Belly’s explanation of the cause o! his delay created ripples of merriment throughout the court room and every body appeared satisfied when Judge Dyer set aside the forfeiture of the bond. The verdict of the jury finding Belly guilty of attempting to extort >1.000 from Esselbrugge by threaten ing letters, was then read. Judge Dyer deferred sentence. IT’S THE “ARMADILLO” NOW The Latest Thing in Women's Hats That Has Supplanted the “Ding-a-Ling." Chicago.—“The Armadillo,” that's the name of the new headdress for women that has supplanted the “Ding a-Ling" bonnets. "The Armadillo” is to be had in different shapes of coarse straw. The name probably comes Curious Hat Creation. from the straw's woven resemblance to that animals hide. The weaving of the straw also resembles miniature mountain peaks rising one on top of the other, as it were, until the crest of the hat is reached. However, there is nothing of the far-away feeling of a mountain peak in the appearance of the new hats. They stick out like the eaves on a Japanese pagoda. Of course, many of the shapes still cover the wearer's eyes and you may still have three guesses as to the identitj of your lady acquaintance when you 6peak to her on the streets. ' HAS AREAL ML DETECTIVE WILLIAM J. BURNS IS WIDELY KNOWN AS THE “NEVER FAIL.” FAMOUS SECRET SERVICE MAN Gained Much Fame When He Ran Do#n Elusive Counterfeiters for Uncle Sam—For 25 Years He Has Successfully Tracked Criminals. Los Angeles, Cal.—William J. Burns, better known as “Billy” Burns to se cret service operators and detectives all over the country, and whose most recent claim to fame was the arrest of the McNamara brothers and Ortle Me Manigal for the long series of dyna mite crimes throughout the country, is an Ohio product. He was formerly cutter in a tailor shop at Columbus. Something over 30 years ago Burns earned a modest stipend as a cutter in a tailor shop at Columbus, where the uniforms for the police of that city were made. John E. Murphy was chief of police. He and Burns became great friends. Often when Murphy had a hard case he would talk it over with Burns. After the police had worked a week on a murder case Burns criti cised the methods employed. He told Murphy the men worked on bad lines. Murphy suggested Burns try his hand and the suggestion was promptly ac cepted. One week later Burns landed the man and secured a confession. He was taken from the cutter's bench and made a detective, and while he was there made his name a terror to criminals. After a short ezperienee he went with an agency at St. Louis. Later he became connected with the United States secret service and han dled with marked results a great mass of important work. William P. Hazen was chief of that branch of the treas ury when Burns was called into the of fice during the '90s and shown an al most perfect $100 Monroe head silver William J. Burns. certificate that had been caught at the sub-treasury at Philadelphia. A few days later John E. Wilkie was made chief of the secret service and he gave Bums the work and told him to use his own methods. It required sixteen months' work, at the end ol that period Burns had the two engrav ers. the men who circulated the bills, the plates, and over a million of the bogus notes. He had also discovered that a counterfeit equally good was al most ready to be passed. Soon after this a counterfeit silver certificate $10 bill bearing the head of Hancock appeared at Atlanta, Ga. where the cotton exposition was under way and many were put in circulation. Bums was put on that. A line he picked up led' to Kansas City and in volved a prominent man at the live stock exchange. The man was wealthy and had been in business, known and respected for 20 years. Four weeks Burns trailed that man and, finally made the arrest, found incriminating documents In his pockets and caught $20,000 of the counterfeit bills ad dressed to the man at the express office. He cleaned up the Gen. De Mora and Captain Requesans gang that op erated in New York and manufac tured bogus bills for circulation in the central American states. He also cleaned up the Brockway, Ulrich and Bradford crowd of counterfeiters and captured all the plates they used In the manufacture of $20 silver certifi cates. When San Francisco citizens decid ed cn an investigation of graft condi tions in that city they went to Wash ington to get advice about the firm of detectives to make the investiga tion. Chief Wilkie was asked about it and he said Bums could and would clean It up if they employed him and let him alone. He was loaned by the treasury department at the personal request of President Roosevelt, and it is recent history how he riddled the gang that had been plundering that city, secured confessions, sent a num ber to the penitentiary and upset the graft conditions. In 30 years of detective work Burns holds the enviable record of never having lost a big case, never having shot a man in making any of the scores of important arrests he has made. No man has ever shot him