The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 18, 1911, Image 5

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    U You -—
«h« n*k of the hopUI^ *>,,ls- you wi" realize
mrth°d you "® "ow „,i'n°“ ‘»*e pock
First National Bank
of Loup City is tho pi
^untjr and conduct* it• bZL'T* °’ Sh«rman
** ' "* '"dependent lines t* ?** 0"IUCh****•">
s,*y to you. and w« cordon * to .mak* u*a neces
*nd do Businas* with u*. ComnV'te XOU to com®
pen,n* • <*«Po*ft accountC°m* *"d 460 us a^out
,EA E Pn*t I H
A. « 0,T«.H .S, V. IVeat ,, *. ' CMl,,er
-___-_ *" A,’**S Ami. Cashier
THt'ttSHAY MAY U. lull
A Fe» Market QitUtiuk.
Com per be... >t b
B'hmt. per bu..Zi # *1
•Ohm. per be .X * X.
Eye. per tw ... ~(t
BiUer per lb. At
Ecf« per dot. .U
» . *» u buy a natr-h or »et your
• at-* Henry M El*uri itf
tr at-.- yecler You ksu* it I*
•way* *
NtT.X Iwt fur Fred winder*
Tbr Infant diufklrr of Aahlry
t-jtprf lta» the !i;cn»-r*
M. .<*-■_ Alfa !* aoi • ane Seed at
T M IfMd i |
Mr- E <• Ta* -or and little dauirii
•rr L- r. »er»- i-nud laiand vl*i
U-ra .*•*. iuerdaf.
Repair murk udkll; and prompt]v .
dour at s.A.emrr'a
Mr* \ if ‘ *!.:]«,jw and Mrs A.
F * _ .n a: A.titan Saturday
• US Mr. I M FohAi
Tr A > nut ran. for your cook
«u<r For <** b» E Taylor.
MW Frai r \wHia®. the eOk-iem.
«r . t (rid . Tr? i* a **e» reader of
tt«r Nt-nUoura Thank*
I'jf Ur BEST out IB the *»v of
< re» '««*(®rat* r» «rr T V Band.
< a -ipbe. Bra* if** ripen* and
a.niifru i» U-. aed lor Loup Oty\
writ »eek T'uaaday See adf.
tf.u-.i~-r «an** u, fi*r you a nice |
*. rm liurMm* < a - and find out.
Mr aoi *4r- < • T. Adam, and j
liu-e dt^litrr »cnt loitruui la*t
M!-nllf murfkfna l »r a neek* tall. |
Barry ar. w lu > •arranged. aiMi|
l. < pn -r at Srti-anerV L»»e Jcneier.
I!rf.n Jrnnrr k addin* aaother
.t *r» v< ha. re^denor near tlie park
and itai-nt war tAlerpwd improve
Take your bother and to « oo
i.—ers efaett you can p>i anything
y ou. wact
M t». Brown Ai » CrW and Xel-on
-a.i ju. the nutier, irruetantfd •
iv «-r*om u> «*rd last Friday in tlie
iatket** auto
g aan iai ik>- ant <a>r of rug*
wow um at the li I* Ferdinandt Fur
nit urr * a.
I*r S A A Cl .eft Monday nion*
iag u> attend u«e Mate In-ntai A*
* • au«i wetit* in Lincoln this
week He hoped bo return llite
\ioe Wi(. *w Becker a* a rift, ab
* >H rCK at (onhiser's Satis
factory store
11 p Ferd; nan'll went to "so
Tf-odai morning to transfer U»e Udy ,
of one t»i (bra * Mt >enbrun* children
from the crairtirri there to our local;
«U of the dead
\n elegant Willow Barker riven
i«t. a* a premium by 4 onhtsrr See;
t. I* for par.icuiar*
.« J Lemmger returned last Sat
erday r>etunr from a trip up inu>
W part ul the state, visiting Mb
try. .-fha* Leminger and family
at N »rth Platte en route liome.
Tl. mr knowtag UifMnseive* indebt
• t.ieil I’ Ferdinand! Furniture
* wtil p>ease call and settle.
prof Hate* at Karenna rave u* a
, -i^an- cal ast Satunlar. Just by
* <-e-ion. in* liad walked oier
ns. making tl*e Tl miles
in *• u.»_r* Tliat 1 reals some of the
a ate time made In the past.
•et i .a? ice hexes of Ferdinand!
Ue ‘arniurr man He lias a nice
:r»r of them and at prices that are
J E. K »J»U- U* efficient -irong
arm man at tie Leininger lumber
lard. U.i* week add* his name to our
tost .ist of reader* in Sherman coun
tt We are always rl*d to welcome
g . si men to our army of subscribers
!« iVT pat down U*at old carpet
again Attend Ferdinandfa big rug
aw— and ret one of thane elegant
rug* at a big d—count
Three l*km were jailed here last
Saturday grubstaked at county ex
imnse over r>undav. and released to
hit t:ie trai cut of town Monday
m.rnung. wit*, the warning to keep
a-gotax < *ne of tiiem was suspected
of attempting to tap the till in Kar
tunek * harness simp.
Have von neen thane fine Willow
Backers in W < anhiser * window?
11* will rnr von «nr FREE and has
enoogii to supply each and every one
at ids many customer*.
M —* -a.c.owd tearlier in the sixth
and wrmtli grade* or our schools,
was called borne to Aurora Monday
hr the death of an sunt Thu is
the —ironif death in tier family in the
ff.m mark*, and she has the sytn
paUit at lter many friends in her
a* Action
1 L. Pilfer left for Idaho Tuesday
afternoon to improve his land near
Twin Falls, accompanied by Mrs
Xewum Pilfer and littie daughter on
thrir wav bosne to Butte Montana,
slier a few day*' visit enroute from
their eastern tii».^Mra^L L^rnf
For buggies see T M Reed.
Jeweler Eisner went to Omaha on
a business trip Monday.
I»o you want a Rocker freer See
Coohiser * adv
I>r. Main received his new auto last
week, a daisy little runabout.
Two thousand new post cards at
the Variety Store.
Try the Stroud A Henrickson dray
line They will give you good service.
A hand of gypsies camped in the
edge .f town a day or two last week.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorn eggs.
17 lor 77c. :XOo per 1(10.
A. J. Johnson.
The Industrial Society meets with
Mr» John Minshull. Wednesday.24tli.
>chwaner can ami will save you
mone* on anvthirig in the jewelrv
line. j
Miss Tony Erazim of Ravenna is
visiting at the home of her sister.
Mrs. C7us Lorentz.
Get ready for the ice man by secur
ing a nice ice bos of Ferdinandt the
Furniture man.
Mrs. S Leininger entertained
tl» .adies of the Entre N'ousclub last
Saturday afternoon.
i all at toe V ariety Store and get
prices, you will t»e surprised. No
trouble to show goods.
Ttie city is having another big well
bored up on the hill, to add to the |
volume of city water.
>tr ad A Henrickson. successors
■ mm will do your hauling
promptly and satisfactorily.
W R Mellor came up home w iLii j
tl-e Lincoln boosters, returning to:
U*e capital Tuesday.
We are paying Is cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Cueanekv Co.
• ■randma Gilbert is having her
barn, buggy shed and granary in Web
ster township nicely re-painted.
We will buy wliai you do not want,
aod^sei y *i w liat you do want cheap.
The Second Hand Stose.
Ladle- and children's hats cheaper
(ban ever while they last. We will
not carry any over.—Mrs. DeWitt's
Variety Store.
Mr and Mrs. Will Knoepful of
lioute 1* returned last Friday from
« olomdu. where they had been to
look over the country.
Room size rugs and rugs of all sizes
on sa e at a big discount Now is
Lite time to buy them.
Ferdinandt Fi kniteke Co.
Frank Evans was down from Wash
ington township Monday and report
ed a lieav v rain, accompanied by some
hai in tiiat section last Saturday.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
deriee. 7 on 77. or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mr. ('. J. Peterson, an energetic
young farmer of Oak Creek gave us a
'pleasant call Tuesday, becoming a
new Northwestern reader. Thanks.
"I>id you say coal*/" “Yes. Pinnacie
nut coal." This is a good coal for
cook stoves, free from slack and easy
to start. Try it. For sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Bert German was in the office last
Saturday and renewed for copies of
the Northwestern to his good moth
er and sister in St. Joe For another
yenr Bert says it beats writing each
tie* , u. * . .nee.wen nas consented
to come ud from Kearney and preach
>unda* morning and evening at tiie
First I’resbterian church. If all his
Loup City friends attend these ser
vices the church will be unable to ac
commodate them You are invited.
While at the ice house Tuesday
moraine after a load of congealed
aqua. Ashley Conger had the mis
fortune to lock himself in. and it
took him about an hour of frantic
distress' signs before parties came to
his relief and treed him from his
self-imposed prison. He will take
tf»e key inside with him hereafter.
Cigars, please.
We received a pleasant call Tuesday
from Mr S. C. Allison who recently
came from Dickson county and pur
citased a farm six miles north of
Litchfield He was accompanied by
Hon. W. H. Vanderbilt of Cedar who
was representative in the state legis
lature in the two old cronies vis
iting Loup Citv for the first time.
Mr. Allison ordered regular visits of
the Vonhwestem to his home. Call
again, gentlemen: you are always
Miss Etta Lofholm. who has been
a most efficient typo in this office for
the past six years, left us last Satur
day to accept a position as office girl
In tie dental rooms of Dr. S. A. A1
len. Her place in this office will be
taken by her younger sister. Miss
Lulu, after iter graduation from our
higl. school the first of J une. We re
gret U*e loss from this office of so
faithful a helper, but believe the sis
ter will prove a good substitute.
Mrs. Emma Kee and daughter.
Mies Lottie Kee. returned last Thurs
day evening from their visit to Mid
land City, Ills. They were accom
panied home by their daughter and
sister. Mrs. Rachael Piatt, and chil
dren. who will make their home in
Sherman county, all moving later on
the farm of Mrs. Kee in Washington
townshiy. adjoining the farm of their
son and brother. Charley Kee. one of
the best boys in Sherman county,
allow us to add. May they hare the
To be given at the M. E. church
Decoration Day, May 30, at 1:30 p. m.
M usic—Doxology.
Invocation—Rev. Harper.
Music—“Battle Hymn of Republic”
Gettysburg Address—A. T. Conger
M usic—G lee Cl ub.
Address—Rev. Shephard, Litchfield
Music—Male Quartet.
"America", sung by congregation
■ Benediction—Rev. Jueling.
The Loup City band will assist
with the music at the church, also
: lead the procession to the cemetery,
where the usual services will beheld.
Soldiers of G. A. R.. Ladies of Circle
and Sons of Veterans will meet at
their halls promptly at 1 o'clock,
when the band will meet them and
go to the church. Sunday, May 28.
will be Memorial Day. Services will
be held in the M. E. church, sermon
by Rev. Harper. Old Soldiers, Ladies
of G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans
will meet at their halls at 10 a. m.
sharp, and march in a body to the
church, where seats will be reserved
for them. Special music.
Jenner’s Park Opens Nay 21st
Jenner's Park will be open begin
ning Sunday, May 21st. You will be
surprised to see all the new things
which have been added during the
winter. New cages and animals and
a great variety of new games. Why
not take a day off and go to the Park?
Bring your dinner and supper, and
you will feel more like working the
rest of the week. Be sure to get
your season tickets early. The ad
mission is still 5c aDd 10c. Watch
the papers and bills for the big open
ing. which will be on June 8th.
The Ravenna Creamery Co. pays
the highest cash price for eggs de
livered at the creamery here.
Mrs. A. R. Moore was called to
Gresham. Neb.. Monday by the ser
ious i I'ness of her daughter, Mrs.
I>ave Valentine, formerly Miss Neva
Rev. Tourtellot of Montezuma. la.,
has accepted the call to the pastorate
of the Presbyterian church of this
city, and will arrive here about June
15th to begin his labors.
If anybody wishes to see the editor
after supper these tine evenings they
will find him at home directing his
w ife how to do the gardening. She
is proving an apt scholar.
I»r. Longacre and Banker Carlsen
started for Broken Bow this morning
in the former s auto to attend the
district hunkers'convention, but as
they got in the edge of town the car
burator. (guess that's the way to
spell the pesky contrivance), became
clogged and they had to return to I
get a fresh start.
Mrs. Felix Makowski returned last
Thursday from Omaha with her little
daughter. Tillie. where she had taken
the latter in hopes of restoring her
hearing, and with bitter disappoint
ment. as the specialist claimed the
fever with which she suffered dur
ing tier recent illness had destroyed
the nerves of hearing, and nothing
could be done for her.
The game betw een the high schools I
of Arcadia and LoupCitv at Jenner's
Park last Friday proved very disas
trous for the visitors, the score being
against them to tlte tune of 12 to 5.
There was a big bunch of Arcadians
down from that little suburban vil
lage rooting for their bovs. but could
not save them from going down toj
defeat Iiefore the locals.
While the Pythian grand lodge was
granting the highest gift in its power
to a Loup City man. John W. Long,
the Pythian sisters, not to be left in
the shadow, elected a Loup City sis
ter to one of the biggest grand offices
in its gift, that of General Manager,
to Mrs. Frances B. Outhouse. With
two grand officers of Pythianism cor
ralled. Loup City is more than ever
on the map in Nebraska.
i ne grand lodge a. u. t . w. at
Lincoln last week failed to follow the
good example of the Pythians and
their sisters by electing a Loup City
man to a grand lodge office. Had we
known they were going to be so lack
ing in good taste we should have gone
down to the state capital and saw
that Taylor Gibson was properly
decorated, so that Loup City could
have been the whole show, instead of
Dr. W. L. Marcy left last Friday
morning for Sterling. Ills., on receipt
of a telegram giving the sad news of
the dangerous illness of his mother
in that city, and that she was failing
rapidly. The visit here of Mrs.
Marcy some two years' since will be
remembered by many who met the
dear mother and were pleased to call
her friend. We trust the doctor's
worst fears may not be realized and
that she may be spared for many
years yet.
Two Sherman county young couples
went to Grand Island yesterday to
be married. Mr. John B. Needham of
this city and Miss Anina Larsen of
Austin lieing one. and Mr. Wesley
Carpenter, formerly of Austin but
now of Big Creek, and Miss Laura
Larsen of Austin being the other
happy pair. Tho two ladies are sis
ters. Mr. and Mrs. Needham will live
in this city, while Mr. and Mrs. Car
penter w ill make their home at Big
Creek. Success attend all parties.
Editor and Mrs B. K. Schaeffer of
Curtis. Neb., arrived last Friday
evening for an over Sunday visit
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Taylor, leaving for tyome Monday.
Bro. Schaeffer is the editor of the
Curtis Enterprise and a very pleas
ant and companionable gentleman
and made this office a fraternal and
very welcome visit Saturday. They
had been to Lincoln, wliere Mr.
Schaeffer w as a delegate to the grand
lodge A. O. C. W., while Mrs. Schaef
fer was a delegate to the grand chap
ter O E. S.. and concluded to make
a vis't to' Loud City before going
Last Sunday evening a bunch of
Arcadia young fellows wlu> had been
[down to Ashton to a ball game, en
gaged in a rough house exhibition
at t he B. & M. depot, on their re
turn. breaking a couple of windows,
maltreated each others' countenances
in the melee, and caused people in
the vicinity of the depot to believe
a iot of burglars were breaking into
the sacred premises. Later Agent
Danielson took the matter in hand
and Tuesday the young fellows sent
down by mail a few dollars to pav
the sheriff's costs in the matter and
the damage to tire depot. A long
story could be made out of this, not
calculated to reflect much credit
upon the young bloods, but will be
let go this time in the hope that it
will be the last escapade of the kind
They can thank the kindness of Mr.
Danielson that an example was not
made of them and thev were let off
so dead easy.
Magnificent Display
Everyone turns out to see a circus
parade, and the crowds that gather
to watch the grand spectacular parade
given by the Campbell Brothers Big
Consolidated Shows when they exhibit
in Loup City on Tuesday May 23 will
witness one that is unexcelled any
where today. Horses are always a lead
ing feature with every circus, and
Campbell Brothers have spent years
in raising and training theirhundreds
and hundreds of fine horses that are
exhibited both in the free street
parade, and in various ways under the
big top. The horses are attractive,
but we must not fait to mention their
riders: of really beautiful women, gsi
ly and magnificently costumed and all
exhibitingdifferent feats of horseman
ship and daring. Then, there are th •
almost ungovernable horses and bron
chos that are mounted bycowboys.and
the troop of Russian Cossacks, whose
services CampbeWB rot hers have sec
ured direct from the Steppsof Russia,
at enormous expenses, and who are fa
mous the world over for performing
the most wonderful and reckless fea
ts on horseback with their horses go
ing at full speed. Dontfailtoseethem:
also many other features too numer
ous to mention that are always a part
of every circus, asgroups of beautiful
women posed as various characters on
the huge glittering wagons, bands of'
music and clowns, to say nothing of j
the valuable menagerie that is carri
ed with these shows.
Before Purchasing Elsewhere
Please call and see the many beau-:
tiful things we have to show you. j
Prices right and satisfaction guaran
teed. Henry Ha Eisner,
Reliable Jeweler.
Town Property for Sale
My residence with barn and five
lots for sale. Phone 5 on fit.or in-,
quire m Geo. S. Leixixgek.
Residence for Sale
Mv house and six lots for sale.
Phone »> on 1.'!. or see me ior particu
lars. Ward Yeu Yalix.
I will stand my three imported:
stallions at the same barn in Loup
City, two Percherons and one Belgian, i
weighing from 1700 to 19<>0 pounds. I
Come and see me, as it costs no more i
to raise a colt from a good imported \
horse than a grade. Terms, $15 to j
insure colt to stand and suck. *12 to
insure mare with foal. for season.
All mares that are sold, traded or i
abeut to he moved from vicinity,
where tired the service becomes due
Yours resp't. James W. Johnson, i
The household goods of tne Ctias.
Masin family arrived last Friday and
we sympathize with those good
people over the difficulties of moving
and getting to housekeeping in their
new nome- because, you know, a
fellow feeling makes one wondrous
kind. We know what the experience
Celebration of "Mothers' I»ay" last1
Sunday evening in this city.' with
appropriate ceremonies at the M. E.
church, was well attended and the pro
gram most excellent. The exercises
were under t lie auspices of the Modern
Woodman. Royal Neighborsand ladies ;
of tlie W. C. T. r. whose committees
did most excellently in preparing'for
the success of tiie day. The voluntary
by Earl'Harper. solo; by Mr*. R. H.
Mathew. Miss Lizzie^ Leininger and
M iss I >epew. the recitations by M isses
Blanche Draper and Hallene Mellor
a»nd the addresses by Mrs. w. T. Draper
and John W. Long, with closing re
marks by the pastor, all interspersed
with pleasing music by the large choir,
made the occasion most memorable.1
Summer Tourist Round-Trip
Fares to the Pacific Coast
Frorr Missouri River Gate- $50
Tickets on sale June 5 and
wavs to California and North *>, June 10 to22,inclusive,
and June 27 to July 5, in
Pacific Coast points .... iStleptemterlt ***
From Missouri River gate
ways to California one way ndwa 2*
via North Pacific Coaat
From Missouri River gate- £mu%uy l^wandM*
^ _ Final return limit July 31
ways to California and North To North Pacific Coast
. Points, May 29. 30 and 31.
Pacific Coast points . . . Final return J ulv 31.
To both California and
North Pacific Coast Points
June 1 to September 30,
inclusive. Final return
. , limit October 31.
From Missouri River gate
ways to California one-wav
via North Pacific Coast ▼' ^
Points Tickets on sale same dates
and limits as #60 fare.
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park
Excellent DINING CARS on ALL Trains
For all additional information, and illustrated California
and Pacific Northwest book, call on or address
G. W. Collipriest, Agent
What a Splendid Picture
youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
of young people, and judging by the samples we have, young people
,,, ,k° ***** 05 ®° **>• Come and learn the reason. Then probablv
you will decide to have us photograph you.
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.
we conldn't build up a good reouta
tion that way. We must sell you
clothes that will wear, hold their
shape and always look well, and must
be made right and from absolutely
all-wool fabrics.
We are safe in selling them; you
are safe in buying them.
The Reliable Clothier
BRAIN, NO. 58929
Four years old. Dark
Dapple Cray
Season— Mondays. Fridays and Sat
urdays at Round Front barn, balance
of week at farm one mile northeast
of tow n. Terms of service—$10.00 to
insure colt to stand and suck; $7.50
to insure mare safe in foal. If mare
is traded, sold or removed from coun
ty. foal bill of same will become due
and I will expect immediate settle
ment. Care will be taken to Drevent
accidents, but will not be responsible
should any occur.
As we are using the improved eap
sul system this year, it will he neces
sary for ail mares to be at the bam
not later than 4 o'clock, as they
must be examined and ready to be
bred at 4:30 p. m. each day. Statistics
show that this method of breeding
will get .'to per cent more colts than
by tiie actual service of the horse.
Bring in your shy breeders and we
will breed them for you.
Mellor &Johnson.
A Great Cash Discount Offer
How to get
one of these
absolutely I
Free! I
Ask for one of |
the bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
•file Satisfactory Store
— •
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don't believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a favor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don't stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It's the sum of small things that
makes this bank great
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mellor S N. Sweetland
E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our llndw
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
Have your ticket read “Burlington”
•jr. n i Go via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake: return Shasta
f 1& l/CDTCr Route via Portland, Seattle. Yellowstone Park,
f Gardiner entrance, on your way.
1T5« V...<l Going to Seattle direct thro' Billings, or via Denver
T Id 1 OrildIlU,\ and Billings. Shasta Route thro'Califomia. Yel
Upnfflp t lowstone l*ark, Gardiner entrance on way. Return
oratuc ing thro' Salt Lake. Scenic Colorado and Denver.
d| r A ffl fl \ This is the general excursion rate basit to Cali
|| HU fornia. Portland and Seattle, on certain dates in
Irv VivU ' June and July. *15.00 higher via Shasta Route.
^ A _ Genera] excursion rate basis to California, certain
VC tl fill ' dates in May. and daily June to September, also
•tfU U UII i 10 Rurtland. Seattle, certain dates in Mav, daily
w w w June to September. *15.00 higher via Shasta Route.
Tlie Burlington folder map will help you plan your tour, or let us help vou.
Your nearest agent can ticket you '•Burlington.''
J. A. DANIELSON, Local A—t r f i
L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt, c.
' ns-.-. -. ~■ d