Profession*! Cards ' ^_ [ 2 AARON WALL i Lawyer Practices is mil Courts j 1<—pQty,_Nob ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. ; L6g? C/TL SKBR£SK£. , ft J. NIGHTINGALE knj aibauMl'lftv LOUP 81TY. NEB- j ft H. MATHEW, Aitoriey-ai-Law, Aad Boadad AbEtnc&or. ' Loup City, Nebraska j OE. LONGACRE * PHT8IC1AK m in: Office. Orer Mew Hsnk TELEPHONE CALL. NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN ANB SURGEON Tn S«a of isnl Loop Citp - Hohrooko A. 8. MAIN ! PHYSICIAN iti SURGEON Loup Gity. Nebr. O3oi at kaMkoot TeJaptiofj* ‘ oonecUofs ROBERTP.3TAR R ■ SnrrMBinr to M H Mead Bonded Abstracter Lon Crrr. • Xiatiti*. Oaiy art at Abstract books la uooaty S. A. ALLEN, DEaYTMST\ um:p crrr. - sea. Oftm if nun ia ta* #** State1 loot bauiit#. wTU mabcy. DIKTIST, LOO? 0!TY, NEE OFFICE: EkitStde PuUicSoaait. Ffaoaa Mot A DR. J. R. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON Loup City. Nobr. Trial aU •! la rain of domcMk aoi ata Tactl. work a iiacbltf Off ico Phono. - 3 mi 72 I DR. RICH I | SPECIALIST | Tho Labor of Baking ■ to bh; Um reduced If you uee the righl had of Flour, ead If the qua Uoa, "Whet Is the beet Flour?' wee out la vote to—a the belters ead ho—keepers la this pert of the oouatry, the eaeelemue reply would White Satin Tea wouM vote for It If you were ^ai to It taa't It worth (Ivin* e wtotr MB NORTHWESTERS ' UIU -HJirii nut i> mua Intnf at ik> Lni City PoatuSce tor uu> mtmtm Rnmli tto mall* u —coed c&m BAttc; Office Phone, - 6 on 21 iesidenoe, » - 3 on 21 J. W. BCRLE1GB. Kd aad Pab Candidates' Cards Pu« Coeww Srruimswti 1 hereby utntie mvsrtf a candidate for ,aber‘hteb4ekt of school* of Sherman county vubject to tbe aid of Uur democrat and popu tat voter, at tto com to* primary election R D HENDRICKSON I hereby utourr that I am a candidate for to oSicr of Coonty Nopermtoodent of School, A Stormaa cooatv Nebraska on the Repub .can ticket *«bjwct to the will of the voter, vt tto Aaru«t primaries Your support will e appreciated Many A K Hniuiicxiot row OOCI T Tblast'Rkt I hereby announce my candidacy for tbe of Ice of Treasurer A Sherman county subject c tto wUl of the democ raiic and populist t ot rr. as cxprewied at the cotton* August pritna ■j eieciioa Paul #.«c«lti —■—— Proclamation At request of the members of the | Roman's Unity Club. I hereby pro ‘iAim May 39th as "clean up day." | for tbe town of Loup City. Nebraska, { iod require every resident to tbor >ughiy clean their premises, includ ng the alley adjoining same. H. W. Pedleb. Mayor. Only forty-two applications for iquor license so far in Lincoln and aew ooes still coming in. Mayor Armstrong proposes to en force tbe anti treating law with the Dooming saloons We understood he was in favor of 'em? Custer county is pushing forward fi-Ciov. Holcomb as a candidate for t-preme court justice. Will Custer »unty never lay down and keep juteCr Toe Bee Is out for Judge Norris lor C S. senator against Norris Brown. The Bee is bound the next ■enator shall continue to be a Norris ' one way or the other._ The Kearney iJemocrat wants to' know whether Lincoln fell off or did •omebody push it off into the water tank?" It looks up this way as if the “capital removal" ghost seared ‘ It off Omaha Commercial Club Trade Ex- i cunion train will arrive in Loup City over tiie Union Pacific at 7 JO a. m . May 25th. and will leave at 8:15 a. m. There will be about 7a members in the party. Evervbody join in giving them a hearty welcome. At the head of this column will be found tiie announcement of the can didacy of Mr Frank Lochick for county treasurer at the hands of the democratic and populist votersat the coming primaries. Frank is first in the fietd for that office, is an energet-. ic worker and will undoubtedly make! a fast race for tiie nomination. The iwwson county bar, over which Judge Hostetler has presided for many years with great favor, ten dered tiie Judge a royal banquet in Lexif^hon last Saturday night as a parting bequest of honor Dawson county has been removed from .1 udge Hostetler's jurisdiction and here after Judge Grimes of North Platte will attend to their cases in Dawson : county.- Kearney Democrat. We see by tiie papers that Billy j Thompson of Grand Island, better known as the “Little Giant". Is “agin or yit" a candidate for U. S. senator on the democratic side. Also, Willis Iieed and ex-Gov. Shallenberger, can didates for that office last fall, are again in the running. A democrat may die. but he never gets the idea out of tils head that he is just tiie proper fellow for some office. A fourth newspaper is to be start ed at Aurora as a “spite" sheet to run out tiie Republican Schuyler tried it. but it did not pan. Loup City has been undergoing the same scourge for tiie past few years, but tiie two old papers seem to survive, though their finances may be a little frayed on the edges. It is seldom, if ever, that the old papers have to quit business on account of these freaks. And now Bro. Beushausen of the Times is puzzling over the problem, if a newspaper Is not a retailer, and makes him ineligible to membership In a retailers' association, does the newspaper business come under the wholesale head, and if not where is the rating of the darned thing? That is dead easy. Charley: it is simply a pack horse, laden with material to boom a town and county and help retailers get business and make mon ey. It has no business rating, and we are ashamed of your ignorance. Bro. Cliarles^^_^_^^^__ Decoration Day will be properly ob served in Loup City this year as it is in all other years, only more elabor ately Leader Pritchard and his fine band will have charge of the instru mental and martial band music and will itave a grand chorus of vocal mu sic from children and adults to round out some of tiie patriotic band pieces and the program entire will be the beat ever. The efforts of a few but inski individuals to organize a little musical sideshow lias fallen flat. All legitimate peformance will be under the big canvass, and there will be no freak sideshows. The Lincoln boomers have come and gone. They captured the town at r. Main was called and i«wed up the wound, ne gave as his reason for the attempted deed that he was tired of life. After being attended to be went back to J tings restaurant where, on advice of Coun ty Attorney Starr, Sheriff Williams ind Marshal Burnett took charge of him and placed him in the jail pend ing future action. From all accounts he seemed to be mentally wrong, be sides being addicted to booze and cigarettes, and in his wrong moments complained he had no friends, was j unable to quit his bad habits and was tired of the tight. Saturday he was brought before the uoard of insanity commissioners and committed to the asylum at Hastings, sheriff Williams taking him there i Monday morning. He is man of per-i iiaps h) years of age and but little is; known of his history, save he lias a brother at Lincoln, and who refused M come or have anything to do witli the case. Reception to Grand Chancellor Long Last Friday evening. Sir Knights af Marmicn lodge Knights of Pythias. | tendered a reception and banquet to j their friend and brother, John W. j Long, who was so gloriously given j tlie office of grand chancellor for the j coming year. At 5:30 the Sir Knights headed by our splendid band, and joinen by scores of citizens, met ■ Grand Chancellor Long at the B. & M. depot and escorted him to the Castle Hall where a grand supper had been provided by an efficient committee of Sir Knights, and for two or more hours a glorious eatfest and talkfest was held, in which Sir Knights Pedler, Wall, Nightingale. Starr and Gallaway gave informal greetings to our honored brother, responded to in a most heartfelt manner by Sir Knight Long. The reception was planned and carried out without a thought on the part of its honored member that he was to be the receipient of such a greet ing and the whole affair w*» one of the most pleasing of any social func tion given in the history of Marmion Lodge. One of the regretB expressed was that Will Mellor could not have been present and caught the inspira tion of the hour. It was indeed a worthy honor paid to a worthy knight and brother. Tuberculosis Hospital The last legislature passed a law apropriating *40,000 for the establish ment of a tuberculosis hospital in the state, to be located somewhere west of the 99th meridian, the eastern limit being on a line running about a mile west of this city. The fixing of a location seems to prove a Chinese puzzle to the authorities, no town, with the possible exception of one or two, within the prescribed territory seeming desirous of attain ing it. In the past week letters have been received here importuning our people to go after it. A meeting of our citizens was called for Tuesday evening to discuss the question, some forty gathering at the Hayhurst-Gal laway hardware store to hear the matter discussed. No one seemed fully conversant with the subject which was debated pro and con, opin ions being widely at a variance, some being very insistent that such insti tution was a menace to the health and financial well being of the people, even going so far as to say its com ing would mean their properties and business would be for sale and they would remove elsewhere others tak ing the exact opposite views, while still others, not being warranted by their understanding to express their views in the matter, failed to record themselves either way, when a vote was taken, in which about two-thirds expressed themselves, evenly divided, the others, including the editor of the Northwestern, being vigorously lambasted for cowardice by one of the speakers for not going off half cocked on a question they were un decided in regard to, through lack of knowledge and consideration. How ever. after further thought, we are glad to remove the stigma of coward ice by recording our belief that the establishment of said hospital here is not for the best interests of the community in any way, and we trust it will not be located here. Legal Notice Id the District Court of Howard County. Ne braska. Id the Matter of the Estate of John T. Toekey. deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of J. N. Paul. Judge of the District Court of Howard county. Nebraska, made on tbe l'Jtb day of May. 1911. for the sale of real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public sale at tbe front door of tbe court house in Loup City, in the county of Sherman and State of Nebraska, on tbe 21st day of June. 1911. at one o'clock p. m.. to tbe highest bidder, for ensb. tbe following de scribed real estate situate in Sherman county. Nebraskn. to-wit: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter (EH NWQt of Section Thirty-six OKI in Township Fourteen (M) North of Rnnge Thirteen (IS) West of the «lh P M. Said sale will remain open one hour. Susan Toc xx". Administratrix of the Estate of John T. Toekey. deceased. State of Nebraska. Sherman County. I hereby certify that this is n true copy of tbe original notice delivered to me on the 13th dny of May. 1911. L. A. Williams. Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska. Last pub June* ROAD NOTICE (Obermlller) To all whom it may concern: Tbe commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northeast corner of Section 20, Town ship 14, Range 14, Sherman county. Nebraska, and running thence south on Section line two miles to the southeast corner of Section 29, same townshio and range, thence east on Section line to intersect with Road No. 36. between Sections 27 and 34 and terminating there, lias reported in favor of the establishment there of and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the 8th day of J une, 1911, or such road will be established without reference thereto. W. C. Dlbtuuchs, County Clerk. (Last pub. May 18) Will Exhibit at Loup City One Day, Only Tuesday, IMIa/y 23 CAMPB LL BROS.’ Big Gonsoiidatbd Railroad Shows The only big Zoological Exhibition presenting a mammoth Menagerie: and extensive display of tiare Wild Animals, a perfect universe of signals and astounding new feature*. Peo ple from all parts of the globe, displaying the most wonder ful marvels of all the world, in the greatest and newest and most daring sensational high-class acts. America’s Greatest Gigantic 3-Ring Circus THE AERIAL LAMYS, Leaders in Double Trapese Work Zahid Troupe of Royal Japanese Performeis Tozoni Troupe of Russian Cossacks 25 Male and Female Riders 25 20 Funny Mimic Clowns 20 LEO DeBARR World's Champion Trick Bicyclist Prof. Holland,s Herd of Performing Elephants Seeley’s Troupe of PERFORMING SEALS BLACK’S DOG CIRCUS 50 High School Ponies 50 4 The Marvellous Acrobatic Whites 4 3 B AITDS 3 4-Horae Roman Standing Races. Flat Races. Roman Chariot Races. 30-Horse Riders. Cowboys. Cowgirls. Indians. Turks. Russians. Bohemians. Esquimos. Big City of White Tents. 400 People 400 200 Fine Horses 200 35 Palace Cars 35 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY at 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier GRAND SPECTACULAR FREE Sireel Parade Daily,\0:30 a.m.,Rain or Shine iipmciBT BLOK COM Is now open for the Spring Trade See Us for Solid Concrete Work Sidewalks, Floors, Etc. Call and get our prices. We have in connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and Baled Hay. GUY STOUT. Manager. NOTICE OF PETITION State of Nebraska, i VSS. Sherman County, 1 In County Court: In the matter of the estate of Dorothy Wolf, deceased: Notice is hereby given that, petition having been filed in the Count. Court of Sherman count;. Nebraska, for the allowance of the final account of the executor. Louts Wolf, and for decree of distribution and for his dis charge as executor of Dorothy Wolf, deceased. late of said county The same is set ror hear ing at nine o'clock a. m., on Friday the i#th day of May. 1911. at the office of the county judge in Loup City, in said cdhnty. at which time end place all persons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said petition. Given under mv hand and official seal this «lh day of May. 1911. E. A. Smith. County Judge. (Last pub. May 2S) Poland China Burs for Sole. I hare a few good Poland China Boars of the big type for sale, from sows like Ora Wonder (130.353), which I purchased at the Ed Andrews’ dis persion sale last winter, bred to Longwonder So. 131797a—54267, a 900-pound boar, and from Lady E., So. 1.36601. The sire of these pigs to Nebraska King (49336). The rest are sired by Grand Look (56737). M. A. GILBERT. I . ,r . IOURCOALI Heat Force We will admit that slate and rock would be just as good, and maybe better, To Throw at Tramps as our high crrade coal, but in filling your orders we have but one thought in mind, and ] that is to furnifh you Coal That Will Burn , Keystone Lbr. Co., Coal yards at Loup City, i Ashton, Rockville and Austin. I Grechep Gombiped DJSC COPP PLANTEP The Grechen Disc Planter can be operated both as a hill and drill drop planter, doing perfect work as either. Farmers who are using it claim that it is one-third lighter draft than any runner planter. HAYPU ps-T - G A LL A w/\ y HApPWflPE CO. To preserve yoer house — your property — your d.Hars. you might say —you BUt use paint. To do so economically the paint you use MUST have lasting qualities. Remember, poor paint costs more than good put, {or the work has to he done oftener. Start right by gening Horse Shoe Paint nnd you can make up your mind it’s on to stay. The reason for this is plain. Horae Shoe Psint is wholly composed of the strongest end best materials known in the «jf paint making — it contains no cheapening or adulterating materials what ever. It's made o( strictly Pure Zinc and White Lead for pigments. Add to this Pure Linseed CM—crushed by te manufacturers themselves to insure its purity — then ■ jbemsmumry drier and coloring matter end you’ve got the best paint that money. Horse Shoe Paint has stood the teat for 20 long yean— it’s a proven paint — and “ aoM in nfanoat every town and city in the United Sates. Should not that fact •loac convince you that Horae Shoe Paint gives satisfaction beyond question ? Horae Shoe Psint does ell we claim—we guarantee it to be pure and to wear. Horse Shoe Paint is absolutely purr: you buy it subject to chemical analysa ant) fee paint that lasts. Paia* your hsnas with H-raa Shoe Paint tins sraann hy all means SWANSON -LOFHOLM PHARMACY FARMERS Don’t you want a Lister, both single and double row Two-Row Disc and Shovel Cultivators, Single Row Disc and Shovel ultivators, Harrows. Corn Planters. Harrows or anything else in the wav jf Machinery i If so, call and will be pleased to show you my line of goods. T. M. Reed A BARGAIN™" Barrels to Pickle Pork in, Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens Pickles in Bulk Olives iu Bulk. A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens. _Lee Brothers. PENCE POSTS We havc a g&od stock of lumber and all finds of building material on hand. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts •anging in price from 120 to 25c No trouble to figure your bills aud show . \ >ur stock. ^ .EINFNGER LUMBER. CO., Loud City Neb,