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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1911)
^ If You Are a Farmer wish to impress on you the advantages and convenience of a bank account Right now is a good time to put your business on a systematic basis. After cncc you have used the check plan of paying all bills, you will realize the risk of the haphazard, lose money in the pock et method you are now using. The old • % First National Bank of Loup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman county and conducts its business on such system atic and independent lines as to makt us a neces sity to you. and we cordially iavit? you to come and do business with us. Come and see us about opening a deposit account Ika K Williams L If \xskx, C.-tsluer A. it Oi im«m-e. V. Treat O. K. A hams. Asst. Cashier THE NORTHWESTERN ■rnruM»AV. .\ruiL r. i»ii A Kf* Market ({aotalioav. Com. per bu..>« pi Hi eat per bu.*4 4 .73 list*, per be ..J» 4 JJ Kf«. per bu . 74 Batter, prr lb. .30 EfiT». per dot. .IS LOCAL_NEWS. Ttraas >• Money Worn io*i **.» a satrb or »ei your •atel. at Hoary M Eisner's tlie r* table jrweter. You know It te always right vt T 31 lire! for Feed Cl node r> • al. «e L II >pilir for a good | le>-t<V. < leap. Iteptir a rt neatiy and promptly dot at SrbsatweV H ■••isirt are repapenng and re pamuatg tie court room. If tuu want n<c trougio cm your Imnr. a -ciL ti SpaUr. I»*r I* *«r»w re: ;raed lawl Satur da> from ht» trip to 4 iktaboma. Try Arte « Jt mai for tour cook <Sote. F r *a e In 11 <t. Tavktr. F T t!«e Bfc*T out sn tlie wav of 1 rraw Vfimluo. ere T N Heed t * j*er want* to give iov a nk» k ,-a U>»-ker. <'a 1 and find out. E..-rv ar «-i- fui*r warranted, alwo ' .e peace. at »- ■ aiarr'a. tlae jeweler. Jar Junes saw last >aturday morn, .ig f ’ported <|u:te ill and confined to Ida I «ee. Take • jf butter and egg* to <on M«r - m. e-re tua an get anytlilng ton want Hard Vpr Yada «»'•* Saturday foe i.t* new h-ve and buainew at Mitrteell. > |a f* • - jts It* k egg* ISr per **t t-.< t IS egg* it per hundred Mr*. I! J. Juioawa. An etegvnt tVtilow Corker given a * at «• a yn"t.un In < onhiarr. See twite lor psrtdrniarw. Mr* f* *ra Z*m* -rmao i.a» taken a P 1 « a» t» • ■«.* ceper at llae Lein stager Lumber « a * u®rr. Ts*—e knowing tltesawrlae* tndebt - . 1 e II I* F ■: ii.-tandt Furniture 1 ■ tit poo call and aettie. di— Ae p n i:»4 sent to Aurora :>w w,*.ur!»t f >r an over-Sunday »£* • ith te* fnend. Anna Jubnwun #, t t<» r irr .*m rrnnniiwi t1«r ( intifiiir St*mt*. He id* a Birr ,f i <Ki aid at i>nm tliat arc ngii'. Mr*. L»ur L*‘«w vent u> Lincoln naturda; u* ipa «tUi l*r liuUaad. »;,■» i* ■ >rlin> for Thrasher and Frem-h on tlx lair ground* Lite Mar* Marry va* <4uite ill a few <L»* a-t »f»i ■ ttli vital «i» feared a* an attack of anurodscius. iwt a*. tlit» anting la much better. l.,4|i (lu and Rockville < roo*ed twta at Jennt-r* I‘ark last Sunday iftrroio. ti»e Irak o«ning by a m re «d • to t. A targe crond va* pt event. Have lent M«ni Umr fine Willow Bw-m» Ml » ( <oUnf * viodoa? He win give '.ou *<ne 4 KKK and ha* e- . .gb to supply each and every one m til* tiAtii rtt»Cd'•ffii \ r. aaleral va* received at • .e I; S M depot >asL veek to make a «r «-!. and bnck platform and to glefvw Sa up the building. Wet ting read* I -r tne through line. See: L<»*. Ret veen < oliltrr * home and . e letef.. **r it cemetery . tifovn purse . .<v.v.n.«., •;» in jnpef. »ae silver an I < <■* *er. riwirk* Finder please »r-a«e at Uin «** and receive reward | co.r t;,nh are late and your ■ , e n*r :« first-rate buy a big t od u{ n US kiieiied from corn tliat j. rr*. < nbbrd throe vear» For v*»lv fie -1,1 J* Arr made hi* appear ance miow vrstrrdav for the first t* i.e .<• a month or over Insight .. . be can't find U«ne fr--m the rush ,f a ,rk b* even think politics tliese 4*1** t etarr.agr ik-ense va* granted imefilth .% i>nl JKii. to Frank J. ii-*.w < • i siva and Kate Smidra I \. tt «n Tor* were to be married v *■* •*<« It *ih are Wertuan Foie*. 1 , ; >.«’• sge va* given a* 31 ion *■<■>*- tier bride ansvers to ; . vevr*. I. , Iced a fev sacks of Hi , r >nxir stork Uu* time of t -«r It nits ' be in condition for * an t i* a very valuable feed I ,r cutt* or calve* tariug luucii c ea.* • lu» stork food We have received a foil car load and vill make special price* on Z or 1« sack lot* - Loup CHc Milt or Taylors Klevator y p.ncknev left Saturday morn tog for Council Bluffs, accompanying e |ik aged fauier. «i*o baa been »U l fwg him for several mouths paw. ami wt*o i* oa Use vat to Ids tioue at St tar ime. % V.. and vill also visits omia at Knob Muster. Mo., vhom be has not seen for 4: years. At <«une4l KluS* anutimr son Is expect «d to accompany the father, but il wot. r A- will go to Missouri viti Ids father, as he is a severe suflerei fMW rheumatic troubles, which will jMoOfrjiMrlf^Mwui _ For buggies see T. M. Reed. I»o icu want a Rucker free? See t 'onhiser - adv. Attorney X ighUngale liad legal business at Ashton Monday. Try the Ntroud A llenrickson dray line. They will give you ginidservice. Sav. If you are looking for a second hind ga- line stove, see L. II. Spahr. Ruse *’ nb Brown Leghorn eggs, lo for . Mm per WO. A. J. Johnson. Sehwaner can and will save you money on anything in Uie jewelry line. Attorn«-v Starr went to Omalia and Lincoln Tuesday morning on legal bust ness. X»<-c Willow Rocker as a gift, ab sou :«dy FREE, at Coohiser's Satis factory Store. Mis» Man Minsliull went to Lir ooln Tuesday morning to iiave iier eye* treated Ret ready lor tne ice man by seem ing a nice ice box of Ferdinandt the Furniture man. A babv girl wa* bom Thursday. April 3*th. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wintiemanu in this city, stroud & llenrickson. successors to Conger, will do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. The Ravenna Creamery Co. pavs tlie higties? cash price for eggs de livered at tlie creamery here. <»eo. Kettle and family, who have t«een -pending tlie past six months in California, returned Saturday. Rive HER a Necklace on her birth day. and see |^r eyes sparkle. From to m to *3V flicssy M. Elssek. Frank Weed in of Aurora is here tins wee* attending to business mat ter- He return* home Friday. We are paying 1* cents cash for cream delivered at tlie creamery. Ravenna < keamehy Co. ( C < h.' liou-e left vesterdav noon for Carlisle. Ills., possibly to see how near the oil struck Ills land there. For Sa'e -i tats that made over fifty hu-liel- to tlie acre last year. Rohkkt Hinsdale A Co. Heat pel J ties came home Saturday evening from Lincoln, laving finished i.i- year'- work in the Agricultural school Mrs 11 Rensink returned home saturda evening from Denver, where *he »as railed by the illness of a brother 'll" Marie Nohneidereit was on duty at i 'onhtser's the first of'the week, and at home helping with the spring house cleaning. Miss Lulu Lee arrived home last >aturdav after lier mveral months’ absence at l»olores. Colo.. where she Isad been teaching school. Mi" Lizzie Leiriinger returned last >at urday from her two weeks' visit with her brother. C. II. Leininger. and family, at North Platte. For lowest prices on Millinery, call at the Variety Store. New goods coming in every week. Mrs. D. DeWitt. Parties wanting cattle and horses dipped can have it done on Monday and Tue*iay. May 1st and 2nd. Robert Hinsdale & Co. Mi* Minnie Gilbert was home over ast Sunday, returning to her duties Monday, connected with the Home for Friendless Children at Omaha. If you want adrav. phone A. L. En deriee. ~ on or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Tay lor. Best of service guaranteed. On Monday of this week the old eye-sore t*nd stand in the square was s<>id to Henry Jenner for a small sum and torn down and removed out of sight. Mr». K amo, mother of Mrs. Oltjen bruns. deceased, left Saturdav with iter daughter. Mrs. John McDonall, for Waco. A niece of deceased. Miss MuthriL. who was here at the funeral, also left for lier home near Lincoln. John W. Long went to Omaha last Frida v to see his brother who is in the hospital there, returning home Tue»dav. W. R. Mellor and wife accompanied him home, Pete Ogle bringing tliem over from Ravenna in bis auto. Mn. will French went to Benson and Omaiia last Saturday morning to visit ove'ISunday with her sisters. Will »>' to join her in Lincoln and go with iter, site returning to Lincoln with hi-ti tiie first of the week for a j short v kit,. E G. Taylor has iteen committing , Iiarri karri with Ills fine lawn, at taut it looked like that, but has been done for tiie purpose of better beauti fving tiie same by lifting tiie grade and placing new cement walks^and a i driveway around it. That's tough. Mrs. Jas. Johansen and balo came home last week Wed nesdav from Palmer, where she had been under quarantine because of smallpoa in tite Hinsdale household, and after reaching home site came down with the disease and Saturday tiie whole family were quarantined. At tiie borne of Dr. A. S. Main on Tuesdav afternoon. Mrs. Main and Mrs. Ed Angierentertained the ladies of tiie Entre Nous club and at • o'clock gave Litem a genuine sur prise by baring their liege lords ap pear in time to enjoy the fine supper prepared. Tills can not occur any too often to suit the aforesaid lesser portion of each individual household. 1 It was a aMBt plea—t social affair. GROCERY BILL! 20 pounds of Granu lated Sugar for $1.00 W ith a $9.8o grocery bill as follows: 4 lbs None 8uch O'tfee. . $1.0f> 8 Ihs ha in I-picket I -Beans. .50 ij lbs .New Y »rk King Di ied Applt-s.90, ; 11»lb fancy Dried Peaches 1 30 6 lbs Prunes. .75j 2 cans Dried Beef. 25 10 lbs Jap Rice.5o 6 boxes Corn Flakes .... od 12 bars White Laundry Soap. 50 16 lb* 3-cn»wii Raisins.... .50 ; |4 cans TomatoC.50, *> cans g«H)d Corn ...00, 5 boxes Corn Starch .25 j !3 boxes best Floss Starch .25 5 lbs Bulk Gloss Starch.. .25 :6 cans Fancy Peaches.‘.Hi 5 gal Coal Oil.50 Total...... $9.85 i 20 lbs Granulated Sugar 1.00 Total.. $10 85 There is no freight to add; to this order, and you can see the goods before you buy. But this bill is for Gash or Produce only Loup City Mere. Co. Head the supplement for addition al news. ' Millet. Alfalfa and Cane Seed at T. M. Heed s. \V. L. Marry is suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis. H. G. Hosier has secured the job of sprinkling and cleaning the streets for the coming year. Miss Ella Taylor visited friends at Grand Island from last week Friday to Monday of this week. / While the court room is being fixed up, County Judge Smith is holding his business sessions in J udge Wall's office. The framework of C. C. Carlsen's new residence is being pushed to completion. W. H. Rettenmayer hav ing the contract. Mrs. Lincoln Thompson of South Omaha, wishes the news from home the coming year so oraers the North western to visit her regularly. Lost between Wiggle Creek church and Loup City, a pocketbook con taining about *5 in silver. Finder please return ts Alfred Jorgenson. The I. O. O. F. lodge of this city will have degree work at their meet ing Saturday evening and the Rock ville Odd Fellows are expected to come up and assist in the work. The ladies of the Industrial Society of the Presbyterian church gave Mrs. 1). W. Montgomery a pleasant sur prise Wednesday afternoon and pres ented her with a number of pieces of cut glass. Daddow last >aturaay traaea | his moving picture fixtures for an i auto to Messrs. Lee & Foss, two gen tlemen from Ord. who have changed the name from Electric to Gem Theatre, and will continue the mov ing picture shows at the opera house. .lack Pageler yesterday sold his Pioneer meat market to Lee Brothers and Jim and Marvin will handle the entire butcher business of the city. Jack gives as a reason for selling that the confinement of indoor work, which he is not used to, interferes with his health and lie could not stand it. hence gets out of the busi i ness. Our emaciated editorial friend, E A. Brown, was up from University I Place over last Sunday visiting his brother. W. O. Brown’ and making W. O. feel badly by triumphantly gloating over the fact that he was the bigger around the girth by two .inches. If Ed keeps on he will'have ’ Bert Charlton outclassed. All the 1 same. Bro. Ed looks distressingly ; healthy. Mr. H. J. Schwaner, father of our popular jeweler. Lou Schwaner, was , over from Ord Tuesday looking after the welfare of his p'randson. whom grandpa thinks is the best ever. He ! left Wednesday noon for Texas with a bunch of landseekers. he being in i terested in Texas land. Mr. Schwaner came from the same part of Iowa as did the editor of the Northwestern, -and we had a good time talking over old times Uncle Jason Gilbert arrived Tues day evening from Marshalltown, la., i for an extended visit with relatives and friends. He is in quite feeble ! health, and the old veteran of the (Civil War has the horrors of those strenuous times to thank for his fail : ing health together with his advanced age He is a grand old man, and we I trust he may return to better health 1 and be here to bless the world for many years to come. Rev. John Chester Tourtellot. pas tjr of the First Presbyterian church of Monte/.uma. Iowa, gave two very excellent discourses at the First Pres bvterian church in this city last Sunday and also preached at Austin in the afternoon. Rev. Tourtellot is a young man, probably under 30 years, hut his sermons were among the best ever heard in this city and universal comment was most flattering. We understand it is the unanimous wish of the church that be be called to the pastorate, but whether his con sent can be gained is as yet unknown. On Tuesday afternoon of this week every slot machine in this city was closed by order of the city council and no more will be allowed. For years there has been a number in operation and heretofore no steps have been taken to have those games stopped. It is claimed that at the bowling alley boys of tender age have played the game without question, which was the principal cause of action being taken. At the pool hall we know Mr. Pratt was insistent that no one under 18 years of age should play them and indeed he has never allowed minors in his place of business, yet the violation of the law in that regard by others bite him as well and he complies cheerfully to their elimination from his hall. Mr. Pratt is one of the cleanest and most law abiding men who has ever run a pool hall in this or any other city, .. |r. . otiAKAirret*. lYtrschbaum Qottiei AJAJJ22L hahd TAI LOW CO Spring days are top-coat days -too warm for the heavy overcoat, too cool for no overcoat. Our line of KlRCHBAl'M Suits is superb. Such style, fit. workman ship and fabric you've never seen, even at considerably higher prices. Hard to heat the KIRSCHRAl'M EMPIRE COAT, with semi-form fitting back and the large imported ivory buttons showing through the fruiit. Fabrics in all the newest effects, rough or smooth, all shades. Also the CHESTERFIELD overcoat in more sombre materials, like black and oxford. Some trimmed with serge, some with silk through out. even to the edge?.. A magnificent variety for your selection. Prices from $12 .00 to #30. Whatever price you pay for a coat or suit bearing the KIRSCHRAl'M label, you can be assured of money's worth and more If you find any imperfection in a ''KIRSCHRAl'M hand tailored " garment, call at this store and get your money back. Look for the KIRSCHRAl'M label when you buy your clothes. It is the guaranty of superiority in fabric, tailoring and style. Wells — ^ * - ** ^se -T0* — Do You Want a Hydraulic or Casing Well On Yotlr Ranch or Farm? Best Put In and Guaranteed by O. R. BISHOP Paul, ind*p«nd«nr b°m9*b«ii. Rsdizr Nebraska What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beauty make. It is too bad they cannot last forever. We Like to Take Photographs of young people, and judging by the samples we have, young people like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason. Then probably you will decide to have us photograph you. EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer. Dug up and taken from my pas ture. one and one-half miles south east of Loup City, on or about March 31st, a growing cedar tree, between six and se*en feet in height. Any Information as to its whereabouts will be kept in confidence and suit ably rewarded. Aaron Wall. Town Property for Sale My residence with barn and five lots for sal# Phone 5 on 61, or in quire of Geo. S. Leininqek. For Sale or Trade Since leasing my hay ground and farm land, I have some good heavy work horses and some good heavy harness to sell. Come and see me. Tboy Hale. Notice I will stand my stallion, Porte Jones, at the Lee Arthur stable east of the B. & M. depot, on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays of each week, the balance of the time at my farm one mile east of Loup City. See bills for terms and particulars. H. J. JOHANSEN. Alfalfa Seed for Sale Alfalfa and Millet seed for sale, Tel. 4 on 92.- Aufrecht Bros. Residence for Sale My house and six lots for sale. Phone 6 on 13, c u Sars. A Great Cash Discount Offer How to get one of these I j absolutely Free! Ask for one of the bills ex plaining the deal and get a COUPON! C. W. Conhiser General Merchandise •fhe Satisfactory Stcfe One of the things which has popularized this Bank is the friendly atmosphere patrons aiw s find here. We don’t beiieve in trying to make peo : e think we are doing them a *avor when wc atle t d to their wants, however small or great. You are doing us a good turn when you g business of any nature to this bank. We apn ci ate it, and want you to always feel at home i_re, and find it a pleasure to come. Don’t stay away because your transactio. a small one. It’s the sum of small things th£.t makes this bank great. Capital and Surplus, $42,500 Officers and Directors: J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres. C. C. Carlsen, Cashier W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow ———^ ' NOTICE THE Salisbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of malleably iron, guaranteed by the manufacturers not to break. We carry a full line of these beds in in stock and would be pleased to see all prospective buyers. Call and look over them. . This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds. Come in and see our complete line ui' FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi. Before you place your orders. We can save you n <. ney on everything in our line. H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Cc. SPRING AND SUMMER RATES SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA: general basis on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to Septen r. still lower general basis of $5o.<o on certain dates in June and - General excursion basis to PORTLAND, SEATTLE, fwuio (>n t dates in May and daily from June to September:still lower general of $50.00 on certain dates in June and July; $15.00 higher to ini a. Shasta Route Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The r of the Coast is the world's greatest railroad journey. YELLOWSTONE PARK: Plan now a tour of this wonderland. All ’ of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways: . > personally conducted camping tours through Cody. BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The resorts of this delightful region in Sheridan and Ttiermopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist pat ronage. Send for special publication. COLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Usual popular summer rates to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Send fro Pstes Park booklet. Get in touch with me and let me sent • • any of our publica tions, “Colorado Hand Book”, “Big Hesorts”, “Yellow stone Park”, “Pacitic Coast Tours.” J. A. DANIELSON, Local Arc U W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt,C.. „ , II—Hi