The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 20, 1911, Image 5

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    If You Are a Farmer
V»e wish to impress on you the advantages
and convenience of a bank account
Rig*.! now is a good time to put your business
on a systematic basis. After cnce you have used
the check man oi paying all bills, you will realize
the r s< of the haphazard, lose money in the pock
et method you are now using. The old
First National Bank
cf -oup City is the Pioneer bank of Sherman
county anc conducts its business on such system
stir and independent lines as to makt us a neccs
s:ty 10 you and we cordially invite you to come
and do business with us. Come and see us about
opening a deposit account.
. :.i h W 1ULUH', L. H vxsr.x. Cashier
A. 1! t -i. \. PtaNt o. E. A;<am~. Tasbier
1 ^ . .'Z.I,..1
ruru>:iA v. aiuil a*, mi
A IV* lirlfl Ou«t«ljoiiv
—.. 1
*><*■%: i*t t*-« ........
* *iU. >r-r Ml _ Jm i x
B»». ;*r I*a .. •>
Battaa. jar? It*— .. .3*
Eoft. J»rr •-» . .|i
Trma is Monay
v. •. .•jty » »iu or *et your
H*ur> a Ci*««-a.
► at' '•►**•* Y«- kao« it n>
s aivt 'iXftt
Reyar worst r«rat t ana pro-r pliy
cm* a: Nl.»ii>rrt
W I're*..-!!. * nm br» * residence
i» i/iou.j iwMrt-i n© .
IT . »a»i *»>*-« tr jp'-w on your
i _•*• -a ta L !!
tiring ' t-gg* and pet >< _r Hate
a- tSr. In-stitt * Variety Stone.
Tr * kc: a tar tour cook
itate i> *».r -. E- *•
F'et F 'ter ***. .med uua*e from
Uao .a I r*da» on.** to remain
¥ r It* BUST ■-*. i® 'hr «ra» of
* Tea®. ?—^*ra r- **•*■ T M Lord
J H. Prto • fe» neidracr K eh
■ef and ready lor toe (naeterer*
...n .**r nK» b* cite iu> nice
* : w Burker < a and and out.
E ret ir *. t warranted, akt
the pm*, at J® .wa.ief'*. the /cneier.
Epp* taken in exchange for milli
ner* or any pswria at the Variety
TW J'jst totter and **rs> to < on*
t .«rr» w re ;■ u an re- inyTtifftf
you want
l';> »•. .... uu «*g* lie per •«>
t *ap € 'X»* a* ;»r .i. indie if. Mr*.
H J. JwJBseti
* .rt read;. ' <r ‘ur ice S4fl hy **ccf
,*x a Rt r tor *j a of IVrd:oi»dt the
i . ".iu.r« -7.a®
Mr and Mr* 7.*\nk ret umed
Tmai r*r»ufe f roc* Heir wedding
l_ip pier mu* Iowa
\n refint *: o« It* Set gi»eo
awa a* a pie™ in ( n;.uer. See
toa f««r ;arti'*
:• n't f ryr* '.*«* o*r of Judpe
II. atrr » t —•«. f ra*d» next week
Mit'ht. April 2s*Lt*.
X , ~• an • n.* llmne m index
ed t • < H I' ferhaia* Kaalture
« «. t ( -.a*- and wettie.
t ,r i ‘„,«u*r* of Irrdmandf
t;„. turn*tore n an He ha* a nice
*** if t.heiii arsd a*, pnoe* that are
K <• Tati * »*!;: te'-rand l»;and
1 ,i» . — ..»• •. j*.ne»w nmwelrd
».•. • a.’ tie may pt> to Lincoln
hr*-Or retJmtnr
11 < iV*f arid wife were over
... %«. . -**7 Kndat for a
* * - . .,•**•< *r UkhiW.edpr a
; e»*vrr* ra . fro* Mr. Farter
L, j - wife and Wp. ar
e-i , . ar.M-i h» I ►**» and Mw* Roby
* - ar -«® f* ...4* »rr toiird in L--*u *
a-'. - .wk>. re*. urninr Tuesday.
-* • * *»; eft i—unlay mominr
* u : ■» where tie rt pert*
. . . jj. •; - 4 7.e*ef Hr pan* for i!*e
. - •-*•..* niorfc h poorly
Mr an1 M-* tnton Eraiin and
• -ter- ».‘v * and L«ri le. catr*
l: r a art Saturday and
• „.j r «* .ndat nttb*»u» Loreotr
ard family.
ii , *4,1.- .eeft ’ »**■ "
. _ • W CtmiOmr'* efrdtov
» . j-t, ton nr FKI-E and hi*
. - - jp **cd. and e»erj on*
* •* «!iw nNMM
. V,, > «**,:. * !'•» with ha * tie
m. ... r, ... I [«r— t» ti*e 4ea*j» of l**’
..... V -v . pmbr-n*. n lamed
I Ti*r* ftHit* »«**. rdar. Mi*.
*l :♦ - * « ii: remain a te* dap*.
* * ... • t*r tea.rat*, buf a »«*e
• ,»» a,. -d from t m that
•* tee rear* for
. , - -jt I; 4* r* I» n*.da> A <**
* Htf-.
* Waite c-«nte«»*»latea e recline
• « ,-a* : ^ *»r‘: V * tiUlldiftf
i > ■ - »aa* * r* nrr aer -* li*e «»»«
*-.* Vauwia Kan►
.»• rare Km Wall* »*a* to tand
.4 re «m *od ne In rerard to the
ne e® •..»! after lb* return
T t» -*-•*.»» ea» up from I**!mer
,. . ,. • •*.- * »i»«. Ja* Jd«an
^4, 44,, «** 1,4*14 »rh b*m u» *n
Ofr. Jrf.o*-. *** Utte <r" T*r»
,4. . ,4,4,- .4~d *. tl-" I*1*™.,
♦. no, »«*.«•• -* eai—ir-t'.
M H4- *-* u* <aii«# •*** *"*'
. ..,->4 « L.JP«ir M*. beoa un
it* ante l.b and let a«air
Hi 4 eu uotref that «eraplivr
•»ile rad’V n* jt* lawtnann o
or fr nd tvria L**-***** Sun
-Jar' If* afl trrwn a dalntr Hub
adx came to make her U*«e •'t
bhn. arrtnar -*nd»r oeonhw nbot
-.oprru^e 0~jr?ZZl '~z&
•e -4.|*. np eanrrat ala*. »«*- »
ant! daarbtrr da*nr niceif.
Farmer* aboe*d feed a fee *ark* of
«, meal tr. their Wort U^*.^ m<±
•4*4 It pat* them la «'*2***"f *2
*prsnr a«d b a *ery «*J>*‘>ie feed
i .r «jt» or tarn toeinr much
, '4ao*f tl*an mock food •• hare
a ful car tedaad *‘u
For buppies see T. M. Keed.
Ca l ti L. H Spahr for a pood
bicycle. ciieap.
!> ic- »ant a Ro« ker free? See
< tmfiiser s adv
Ms.iet. Yfai'a and Cane Seed at
T M. Heed's.
J >. I’edler had business at Bur
■t" tbe first of tiie week.
Fresh milch cow for sale See or
phone Mr* Jonii Lofbohn.
Try t ■ >;r >ud & Henrickson dray
nt The wbi pi\e you pood service.
Say if? ^ are ks kinp for a second
:.aad pa— sne st-«. see L H. Spahr;
K ~e t I'fiti Brown Lepiiorn epps.
Li for T.Vr. ««• per l«»t
A. J. Johnson.
Srhwan-r ••an and will save you
tn fw • mi anythinc in the jewelry
Ni e W: » Kocker as a pi ft. ab
t*- > FI: EE. at Conhiser's Satis
5acti>ry -ti re.
• lave • —en tiie low prices on
anu w ite pranite ware at the
Varjetv N-ore'r
T:.e 1’ ut.ditioD of C, C. Carlsen's
new ;• r» . is in and work pro
pressinp rauidly .
II I* Ferdinandi i* today movinp
tit is new home, and now says,
no more movinp for him.
Str j..1 t. Henrickson. successors
u t nper. wi. do your liaulinp
pr ■» pt v and satisfactorily.
T;.e Kaverina Creamery Co. pavs
tltt hiplic-t east price for epps de
ivereda* tiie creamery tiere.
T: • nty pa pas met in repular
s* . >n Monday noon and finished
-p tiieir work Tue-day n<x>n.
• ive IIEl! a Ne -klru-e on her oirth
iay and --■*■ her eye- sparkle. From
- • • i Henry M Elsxer.
V.. at- layinp IT lints cash for
cream de nerei at tlie creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
hi r -_e < *ats that made over
Jiftp imkrw n>xtw acre Last year
ib>Hr.KT I»insI>ale"&: Co.
Mr* Aupust l*ietz was taken to
• »e 'Iran i I- and b -, ita. last Thur*
a for an operation for pall stone
L< *»Y An Eastern Star pin with
- a »e. stone attached Finder
; ea-e • i - same at this office and
be suitably rewarded.
l! y want a dray, phone A. L. En
‘ or leave your order
ti'.'er lumber yard or E G.
T»> ior. Best of service guaranteed.
• Nn ■ ■ S
L< • •. wh ■ !.•:» been for the past
:• w • ■ » :siting a * »n on tiie
1 ■». * -last, returned .asiThursday.
J u-tge Hunter will have a saie of
: r ri g.» i- on Saturday
a'•.♦-rii'>on. April ttinh one week from
Hits coming Saturday Keraember
tiie date.
A iut'i b»y wa> bom Friday. April
i4U '.« Mr and Mrs. Claude McCall.
Mr* McCall being at tiie home of
r pa'-tit'. Mr. and Mrs. ITes. Bell,
south of tiiis city.
». > Lcininger left Tuesday morn
ing f r « umbus. Montana, where
h- g ies to look up a possible location
in Cue umber business H»* expects
U> be air—nt a couple of weeks
iian I»eWitt last week purchased
A Fr W' interest in the barber
sii >p t i.ariey Crow will work for
• : : for a —ason We have not heard
a* to Mr Ke.lows' future intentions.
Bobl. H Mathew and wife will go
to ho .—-keeping this week in tiie
llenrv French cottage. Mr Mathew
intend* building a l»oine shortly on
is just east of Lou Hansen's
Tie framework of Gene Henry's
ne» resi ienre. on his lots just south
? tiie W It. Mellor place, is up and
» rk ;vrewsing rapidlv. Tiie liouse
is pr*ct ally 2"x42. one and a half wiLh four gables, six rooms
below and four above.
W:il and Flora Ohlsen. Emma and
Winnie <luthouse.Clifford Hein and
Herbert N ightingale returned to their
studies at tiie University. Tuesday
ri :ng. atter spending Ka*t>er Sun
lav at M»eir homes Jess Culley and
Me: * ■ ■ ihw returned yesterday.
Tu*--d'' and Wednesday of this
week < lid feHoersaipand Rebekahism
look terrible but peaceable possession
of tills city, and honored us bv elect- j
mg Mrs. W. O. Brown president of
t e lte *-kali district assembly. They
, me of tiieir most worthy
l»ug . ,* and taken from my pas-,
r re tie and one-half miles south
east f Loup City, on or about March
, .»•. a griwing cedar tree, between
sii aid se.en feet in height. Any
intornia* ion a- to I Is whereabouts
wid l»- Kept in conMence and suit
able n-«irded Aaron Wall.
1* m i: • .nd*. son of l*arl Rounds of
Arcadia was married In this city at
Inoe irs frtu to Mis*. Leona Evans,
daug! ter of Mrs. Flora Evans. Rev.
W. C. Harper odiciating. The wedd
ing w a* private and aL the old Mrs.
x-ott residence, occupied by Mrs.
Evans U»e past year
Rev John Chester Tourtellot. pas
tor of tlwr First Presbyteeian church
at Montezuma. Iowa, will preacii at
U«e Presbvterian church in this city
neat Sunda* morning and evening,
and at Austin in the afternoon. A
.-ordiai invitation extended to all to
attend U*+e services.
Town Property for Sale
Mv residence with bam and tive
ioU for sale Phone 5 on 61. or in
voke of Gao. & Lusqisb.
Great Rebekah Meeting
The third annual meet of the Ee
bekah District Assembly No. 32 was
held in this city Tuesday and yester
day, the work being done in Society
hall, followed by a banquet in the
lodge room, a great number being
pies -.'it from over the district. Fol-1
lowing is a well written account by]
one >t the Sister Rebekahs:
"The meeting opened Tuesday even
ing with a goodly attendance. th*
disuict officers iu charge, with Mrs.
Seville of Arcadia as president. Mrs !
Eni na L. Talbot, state secretary , of |
Soutli Ouiaiia was present and gave 1
ml • i-.struction Our state sec re '
ai.v is just tne right woman in ttie |
rigiit place. Iler splendid tact and j
hearty good cheer won the hearts of
all. There are times when women,
do not care to talk, notwithstanding
their reputation to tne contrary, but]
Sister Sevilie knows bow to call them
up. The address of welcome by Mrs. i
das. Conger was splendidly given and
reeponded to by Mrs. .lames Landeis
I Arcadia in a truly heartfelt man
ner. Mrs. Starr of Loup City fur
nished excellent music for the even
ing. Wednesday morning the trains I
brought good delegations from Sar
gent. Comstock and Arcadia, and
some Bockville members came in on j
the afternoon and evening trains.
At the afternoon session the district
officers for the ensuing year were
elected and the state secretary de
voted the rest of the afternoon to
genera! instruction and it was with
reluctance that the members were
forced to close the meeting of the
afternoon More delegates came
from Rockville, and a special train
brought another crow d from Sargent,
v linstock and Arcadia at 7 o'clock
in tiie evening. At the Wednesday
night meeting the initiating and
fancy drills put on by Sargent and
Rockville teams were very beautiful
and showed the effect of the hard
work done bv them. Past Grand
Master Miller was present and ex
pressed his good fellowshipand hearty
appreciation of the Rebekah lodges
in cl. -ice and appropriate language.
The meeting closed after installation
of the new district officers and all
repaired to the banquet hall where a
lieautiful repast awaited. It is meet
ing-- of tliis kind that make one glad
to !*e alive and happier yet that they
are Reltekalis. The Wednesday night
meeting closed with a beautiful
touching duet by Mesdatnes Parks
and Stark of Sargent."
Sec T M. Reed for Feed Grinders.
Re', dueling will hoid services at
Ashton next Sunday, at 10:30 a. in.
The North western is pleased this
week to add the name of Mr. Will
Henderson, another of the good Sher
man county hoys whe recently lie
came a Benedict, to its list of readers
and who will farm ou Route 1.
Sunday afternoon. Fritz Bichel’s,
big auto went wrong as lie was tak
ing a party of young people to Ash-:
t m for German services, getting tired
near Fred Schneidereit's. A team of
horses was drafted into service to
bring the delinquent hack to town.
We received a pleasant call last
Saturday from Mrs. Fred Thode. As
she renewed for another year of;
Northwestern visits she said she had
been getting the paper for twenty-.
three wars and could not do without
it. it is pleasant to hear such kind
w,.rds from subscribers, and trust
Mrs Thode may tie a subscriber for
more than a score of years longer.
On Monday of this week. Mrs.
sophia Pfiaester. mother of the
Pfiaester boys was brought before
th*- commissioners of insanitv. ad
judged of unsound mind and was
Tuesdav morning taken by the slier-!
iff to Hastings. Mrs. S. F. Reynolds j
attending the demented woman. At
the train, the old lady made some
i objections to going, but finally yield
ed without, much resistance.
The first base ball game of any!
special importance so far this season
was held last Friday, between the j
high school nines of Loup City and i
Ord. the local team defeating Ord by
the neat score of $ to 3. The game
w as said to lie a pretty one and very
enjoyable to the crowd present in
spite of tiie raw sort of weather pre
vailing. The visitors came over in
autos, and were a gentlemanly lot
; of fellows.
The barn of John Frederickson in
the east part of Elm township, ad
joining the Frank Henrikson farm,
was burned last Sunday night with
all its contents, including five head
of horses, four belonging to Fred
erickson and the fine stallion of Andy
Widstrand. a lot of grain, several
sets of harness and other articles of
value. We understand the barn and
horses were all insured, with the
exception of the Widstand horse.
The origin of the tire is unknown.
Mr and Mrs. W. F. Mason and son.,
Floyd, arrived last Saturday noon j
from their home in Indiana. Mrs.
Mason and son to remain for a few
weeks'visit, but Will, who has left!
(the banking business to be a pluto
cratic granger, having to return in a ■
few days to look after his farm. Can
you imagine Will gee-hawing a span
of oxen and tickling the soil back in
InjianerV Just the same. Friend
Mason looks in finer fettle than we
e\er saw him when here farming the
farmers instead. We understand lie1
intends moving to Alabama soon.
The repetition of the cantata. "The
Brownie Band.'1 by Miss Conger's
primary department last Friday
evening at the opera house, was
greeted by a crowd as iarge as is
usually given travelling theatrical
entertainments, in spite of the fact
that at the former rendition of the
cantata the opera house was crowded
J to its ut most capacity, and many w ho
attended the first were present to
hear the second, showing substantial
appreciation of the splendid work of
the little ones, which was fully equal
. to the former rendition, in 6pite of
j the fact that sickness caused several
changes in the characters. The band
again did a neat act in rendering
several selections before the curtain
raised. The hand will never lose by
such courtesies.
Hen it Ohlsen was down to Omaha
and Lincoln last week on business
connected with the brick plant.
While away. Mr. Ohlsen visited B &
M. headquarters, but the close
mouthed officials refused to give out
any iniorrcation regarding their fu
ture operations with regard to Loup
City, although Mr. Ohlsen informed
them of their purpose to enlarge and
rebuild their plant. Mr. Ohlsen has
purchased a fifteen-ton 50 horse pow
er engine, which lie is expecting
tills week from Springfield. Ills., and
' is now receiving other tine machinery
< which will he placed as quickly as
possible. Ohlsen Bros, are preparing
to enlarge their plant to many times
its present capacity, and the North
western will shortly give an exhaus
tive write-up of this business enter
prise. wbicb will be one of the largest
of its nature in central Nebraska.
Kirschbau rrT*Clothei
Our line of KiRCnBAFM Suits is superb. Such style. fit. workman
ship and fabric you've never seen, even at considerably higher prices.
Hard to beat the KIRSCHBAt.M EMPIRE COAT, with semi-ferm
titting back unrl the large imported ivory buttons showing through the
front. Fabrics in all the newest effects, rough or smooth, all shades.
Also the CJIESTERF1 KLI> overcoat in more sombre materials, like
black and oxford. Some trimmed with serge, some with silk through
out. even to the edges. A magnificent variety for your selection.
Prices from $12 50 to $.'5o. Whatever price'you pay for a coat or suit
bearing the k 1RSCH BA I'M label, you can lie assured of money's worth
and more Jf you tiud any imperfection in a •'KlRSCHBAr’M hand
tailored" garment, call at this store and get your money back.
Book for the K1RSCHBAUM label when you buy your clothes. It is
the guaranty of superiority in fabric, tailoring and "style.
Lorcnt2, Che Clothier.
Memorial Day
The 30th Day of May and
Many Will Want to Buy.
# a
Twenty-three Years' Experience
Enables Us to Sell You
The Latest Patterns
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Get Our Prices, They Are thy Lowest
Bell Phone, LI09; Independent 446
Paine - Fishburn Granite Co.
Grand Island, Nebraska
The Grim Reaper
Died, at the M. E. hospital in
Omaha. Friday, April 14th. 1911. re
sulting from an operation. Mrs. Chris
tian Oltjenbruns. at the age of 36
years and 2!' days. M rs. Oltjenbruns
was taken to the hospital the 8th
instant and following the operation
she seemed for a time doing nicely
but was taken worse and raDidly
failed till death came to her relief
on y six days later. Anna Klamp
was born near Lincoln. Neb., March
loth. 1875. and was married to Chris
tian Oltjenbruns xm Feb. 6th. 1893.
To this union were born five children
one of whom died in earlier years,
the others, namely, Minnie Louisa.
Elsie Ellen. Edna Fay and Herbert
Frank, are left with the husband and
father to mourn their loss. Her
aged mother lias made her home here
for some time. The family moved to
Sherman county six years ago and
located just south of town. Deceased
had been a sufferer for a long time,
at times her sufferings being inten
sified. but she bravely faced it all
and only as a last resort, when all
else failed, consented to the opera
tion from which she prophesied she
would not recover. Her cheery dis
position and affectionate manner won
the friendship of all with whom she
came in contact. The bereaved ones
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity over the loss of a devoted
wife, loving mother and loyal friend.
The funeral was held on Easter Sun
day from the M. E. church in this
city, of which deceased was a loyal
and consistent member. Rev. W.* C.
Harper conducting the services, and
the remains laid to rest In Evergreen
cemetery. We are requested to re
turn the heartfelt thanks of Mr. Olt
jenbruns and family to friends and
neighbors for their* aid aDd sympa
thy during the illness and subsequent
death of their devoted wife and lov
ing mother.
C. E. District Convention
The District Convention of the 8th
Nebraska Christian Endeavor Dis
trict is to be held in Loup City on
April 2s-2t*-30. beginning the evening
of 'April 28th. All sessions are to be
held in the Presbyterian church.
Rev. J. H. Salsburyof South Auburn
will have charge of the work Satur
day. and Carl Lehmann, inter-state
field worker, will have charge Sunday.
Mr. Lehmann is a “live wire’’, arid
everyone interested in young people’s
societies should bear him. A partial
program will appear next week.
Residence for Sale
My house and six lots for sale.
Phone 6 on 13, or see me forparticu
laxa. Wabd Via vun.
I will stand my stallion, Porte
Jones, at the Lee Arthur stable east
of the B. & M. depot, on Mondays,
Fridays and Saturdays of each week,
the balance of the time at my farm
one mile east of Loup City. See bills
for terms and particulars.
For Sale or Trade
Since leasing my hay ground and
farm land. I have some good heave
work horses and some good heavy'
harness to sell. Come and see me.
Troy Hale.
Alfalfa Seed for Sale
Alfalfa and Millet seed for sale.
Tel. 4 on 92. Atfrecht Bros.
Electric Theatre
will be open on Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday evenings of each week,
with an entire change of pictures
Just the place for yourself and fami
ly to spend an enjoyable evening.
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska i
J ss
Shermao County > State of Nebraska
In County Court within and for Sherman
County. Nebraska. April loth. 1811.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Schmal
john. deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at
the County Court room in Loup City, in said
county, on the Tth day of November. 1911. at
one o'clock in the afternoon, to receive and
examine all claims against said estate with a
view to their adjustment and allowance
The time limited tor the presentation of
claims against said estate is the Tth day of
November. A. D.. 1911, and the time limited
for the payment of debts la one year from said
Tth day of November. 1811.
Witness my hand and the seal of aaid county
court this 10th day of April. 1811.
[SEAL] E A. Smith County Judge
Last pub Hay 4
To All Whom It May Concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the south
east corner of section twenty-four,
and running thence west on the sec
tion line between sections twenty
four and twenty five, twenty-three
and twenty-six. twenty-two and twen
ty-seven. and terminating at the
southwest corner of section twenty
two, ail in township sixteen north
range thirteen west of the 6th P. M.
in Sherman county, Nebraska, has
reported in favor of the establish
meat thereof, and all objections there
to or claims for damages, must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or
> before noon of the 28th day of May,
! A. D. 1911, or such road will be es
| tablished without reference thereto.
! W. C. Diktkbichs, County Clerk.
(Last pub. May 11)
A Great Cash Discount Offer
How to get
one of these
Ask for one of
the bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
fhe Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don’t believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a favor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don't stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It’s the sum of small things that
makes this bank great
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President John W. Long, Vice Pres.
G. C Car I sen. Cashier
W. R. Mel lor S. N. Sweetland
E. C. Taylor Samuel Daddow
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt Furniture Co.
on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September:
still lower general basis of *50.00 on certain dates in June and Julv.
General excursion basis to PORTLAND, SEATTLE, *60.00 on certain
dates in May and daily from June to September: still lower genera! basis
of *5o.oo on certain dates in June and July; *15.00 higher to include
Shasta Route Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The tour
of the C-oast is the world's greatest railroad journey.
YELLOWSTONE PARK: Plan now a tour of this wonderland. All kinds
of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways: also
personally conducted camping tours through Cody.
BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The resorts of this delightful region near
Sheridan and Thermopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist pat
ronage. Send for special publication.
COLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Usual papular summer rates
to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Send for Estes Park booklet.
Get in touch with me and let me send >< < any of our publica
tions, “Colorado Hand Book”, “Big Lu„ Resorts”, “Yellow
stone Park”, “Pacific Coast Toura.”
J. A. DANIELSON, Local Age-*
L. W. WAKELY, Gen.Pass. Agt.v.*::: _