The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 13, 1911, Image 4

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    Profession*! ’ Cards
AAK'lN wall
Practice* in all Court*
L>*upC«tv, Xeb.
r/17 at
%*d Bonded Ahtuiirtor,
L-Mip City, Xebraaka
Office. Over New Bank.
Loup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
«. See at Residence.
Tneji.<ttr i unecticrti
SaoMMor to M- H Mead
bonded Abstracter
«/ r ftrr. - Nieka-ka.
Oai - ~et u( Abtuici books id coan’.k
Oft.-- up stair» .a tbe Dear State
fcsc* cidmr.
OFFICE: Cast Side fMMie Senate.
Ptaooe. MooX
i late located .a L up lily, «itl»
.tit* tkiiob of ; rartkin* Veterina
leii m. SMjrrrj and Meatktij.
u - prow§SJ;- attended lo day or
* 1 rStoe at Buond Front Ham.
Alffarra DiseasesearwJwitb
sst a aatcnl epemoon No
anl aaaetBetie need. CURE
TIME. Ezmanatiaa Free.
The Labor of Baking
I' aa^<\ times reduced if you use U*e
n&A *iud at Flour, sad if the <jues
tus, Whsi Is the best nour?" was
pot to MU »■«* the takers end
hoi rwfrn in this (art of the
emery, the unanimous reply would
White Satin
Vit would wu for *t if you wen
,.,1 to it. Isn't It worth firing *
Loop City.MUU
bund u ike Ldiip CIit PusmBte tor traos
■llw Ik roach the m»iU u aeeond
CiMI wikti**
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence. - - 3 on 21
J. W. Bl'KLEIbli. E«l. mu.1 Pab
Easter Services
Services at the Methodist church
next Sunday a* follows: 10:30 a. in.,
a short sermon followed bv reception
and baptism of children. Parents
hating children whom they desire
baptized, please notify the pastor by
Saturday evening if possible. Sunday
school at usual hour. 11:45: Junior
Leage at 3 o'clock. Epworth League
at (JO and the Sunday school Easter
>ervice at 73». A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
Genua Evangelical Church
Next Sunday tliere will be Easter
serv ices at Loup City at 10:30 a. m..
in connection with the Lords Supper.
3 p m. services and Lord's Supper at
Ashton. ♦ P. J ueling. Pastor.
Along R. R. No. 2.
Miss Hanna Hichel is working at
the home of A. \V. Wilson.
Born, .a*! Thursday. to Mr and
Mrs. A W Wilson, a girl. Mother
and baby are getting along tine.
Anu»n Spotanski lias commenced to
build on his^place west of the old
Lindgren place
tie** MeFadden. C. J. N'orstedt and
Jurgen Piaiuiieck are each plowing
up tl»eir .. id fields of alfalfa. This
wj i make them a rich soil for several
< « Burt lias been trimming up
tiie trees in his yard tlie past week.
•lim Lee shelled com for Robert
Idnsdale last Friday.
Miss Anna Stutheit visited at the
t oroe .-f (Airis Oltjenbruns Thursday.
Frank Papiemik and famllv are
new patrons on K 2. Frank bought
ne of H. A. Wilkinson's quarters of
land southeast of C. L. Alleman's.
Tlie yc people of tlie M
at L jp City last week Wednesday
evening gave a reception to Clifford
Bone and W.C. Henderson and brides
Will and Geo. Peterson have set
out several hundred srees on their
places the past week, and were seen
mulching tl*em last Friday. It pays
to give them good care.
_Oias. Snyder was up from Ravenna
Friday, and was seen trimming up
tbe evergreens on his farm.
Clias. Snyder sold several Imrses on
tlie Grand Island market last week.
B. W. Parkhurst is breaking some
prairie forC. J. Norsteddt this week.
Carrier on Route2 has been in rural
mail service 5 years oo April l*th.
A L Enderieeliauied a load of coal
jout to the Hawk school Monday.
Chris Oltjenbruns has trimmed up
the trees along the road on his place.
Ike Keith and Jesse Fort were out
to John Haller's Monday, putting up
■a windmill, the tower being -Id feet
high. They are working for T. M.
Frank Zwlnk. one of carrier's old
patron's on R 1. was married Sundav
to Miss Ehna Coming of Loup City.i
We wish them much joy.
Route No 2 is tlie only route out
of Loup City tliat lias a Sundav
carrier ' I
A. R. Moore is working for Ren
O. S. Frass and F. A. Pinckney]
have each dragged the road along
their piaces tlie past week This is
•ne of tlie finest things that could
It done to a road at this time of tlie
Some one ha> covered the sandv
piece of road just north of Hans
«»bennilier's with hay. making a good !
road out of it.
A. W. Wilson and sons will farm1
tlie Parkhurst place in connection
with tlie home place.
John Gal la way will put in about!
i0 acres on E S. Hayhurst's place!
north of Homer Hughes' this vear.
Bert German was hauling liav for!
Milo Gilbert. Saturday, and left one
load for tlie carrier.
Fred Reed lias been carrying his1
hand in a sling tlie past week.
Romeo G nger is setting out a large
orchard this spring.
Cornell Brow n is again able to at
tend school.
Chas Scbwaderer and family. Joe and family, and Fritz Bichel
and family attended church at Loup
City Sunday.
Don't send money in your letters,
but get a money order, it is safe.
Tlien mail all your letters on the
Mr. arid Mrs. Jurgen riambeck and
family vi-ited at the home of A. P.
Paulsen Monday.
A I* l*aulseh sold tiis fat cattle to
! Bie-nond & Son last Saturday.
Frank Adams' new addition to his
home w ill soon he ready for the plas
, terers
Clifford Bone gave carrier a pack
age Monday
Will Hawk sold a car of hogs Mon
i day.
A tnil Shoening bought a pony last
week and -well, we won't tell what
| the pony did to A mil.
Geo. McFadden shipped three car
; loads of stock to South Omaha Tues-!
day. one of lejgs and two of cattle I
j He went with them.
Will Peterson is going to trv ir-1
rigatinga patch of potatoes this rear,
j Will Hawk shipped a car of hogs to
i South Omaha Tuesday, and went
along to look after them.
Miss Minnie Oltjenbruns received a
message from her father Mondav
j evening, that Mrs. Oltjenbruns had
1 through the operation and
1 was getting along as well as could be
; eapected.
Geo. Barring of Nance county was
' ‘isiting his brother-in-law, Hans
j Metz last week. He bought a tine
team of horses of Pete Thode and
j drove them home. He formerly lived
| here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Galiawav and
! family. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger.
2r “"L A T Conger. Mr. and
Mrs. Will Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Younglund, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. John George.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conger, and M r.
and Mrs. J. W. Conger made their
way to the home of Romeo Conger
last Saturday erening. and complete
ly surprised him, it being his birth
day. It was the small hours of the
morning before everyone made up
tbalr to go home.
Loup City, aa well as the farmers
living on the west side of the river,
ought u> get together and demand of
Loop City township better roads to
the bridges, especially to the west
bridge. which has been almost im
passible all winter. Good roads to a
town means more to it than any
thing else. Tour terms are worth
with a good roan leading to
All roads ought to be gone
i Urn road drag, especially
Wednesday. April 5tli, in Dlst. 37. |
Maggie MeFadden. teacher.
Song, “Welcome”, school; Welcome'
Address. Margaret Neisner: recita
tion, Ferdinand Obermiller: recita
tion. Roy Reed: recitation. Blanche
Gray; recitation. Hans Obermiller:
recitation. Yirgie MeFadden: song.
Margaret Neisner. Emma and Blanche
Gray: recitation. Mable MeFadden:
recitation. Theodore Gray: dialogue.
“Tom's Practical Joke". Fay Gray.
Fern Reed. Carl Obermiller; recita
tion. Arthur Obermiller: song. School:
recitation. Fred Obermiller: recita
tion. Emma Gray: Dialogue, “The
Old Man of the Wood": Fay Gray, j
Arthur and Fred Obermiller: recita
tion. Margaret Neisner: song. Emma
and Blanche Gray: recitation. Carl]
Obermiller: recitation, Charlie Gray: j
song. School: recitation Otto Ober
miller: dialogue. "Pins". Fern Reed.
Emma and Fay Gray and Carl Ober
miller: song. Fern Reed and Fay j
Gray: recitation.tGerman) Carl Ober- j
miller: recitation. Fern Reed: dia
logue. “Competition of Railroads." j
Otto and Arthur Obermiller. Austin
Neisner and Charlie Gray: recitation.
Austin Neisner; song. School: Ex
ercise. "Children of All Nations." by]
four girls and four bovs: recitation.
Fay Gray: dialogue. "Going to tlm
I»entlst's." Otto Obermiller. Austin
Neisner and Charlie Gray: Farewell ;
Song. School. The whole neighbor
hood on Wiggle Creek attended the
entertainment and said that it was
one of the best little entertainments
they had ever attended.
Stock to Pasture
I want stock to pasture at *1.75!
for the season. Hans Dietz.
Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage executed by lie-■tec i. Pttaes •
ter and Andrew W Pflaester to the First Na
tional Bank of L.oup City. Nebraska on July
9lh. 1910. to seeure the payment of one promts
sory note for the sum of $■**■ payable on Jai.
uary the 9th. 1911 with interest from date at
ten per cent per annum, and upon which there :
is now due the sum of Five Hundred Dollars. •
with interest from July the 9th. 1910. at ten,
per cent per annum. Also, by virtue of a
Chattel Mortgage executed by the said ileorge |
F. Pflaester and Andrew Pflaester to me sa d
First National Bank on Deeember 31st. 19b'. I
to seeure the payment of one promissory note j
for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, pay
able on April 39th. 1911. with interest ai leu
per cent per annum from dale and upon which '
there will be due on Auril 3uth. 1911. the sum |
of Three Thousand Dollars with interest at i
ten per ceui per annum from Deeember 31st.
1910 Also, by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage
executed by the said George F. Pflaester and 1
Andrew Pflaester to the said First National1
Bank on December Slst. 1910. to seeure the j
Ryuieut of one promissory note for the sum of J
o Huhdred and Ninely-flvc Dollars and
Sixty-flve cents, payable on January the Slst. !
1911. with interest from IVoember Slst.
1910. at ten per cent per annum and upon
which there isdue the sum of Two Hundred
and Ninety -ive Dollars and Sixty five cent',
with interest from December Slst. 1910.
at ten per cent per annum Also by
virtue of a Chattel Mortgage executed by
George F Pflaester to Grant Sticknev on
Deeember Sist. 1910. to seeure the payment of
one promissory note in the sum of Eighty-one
Dollars and Sixty-seven cents, payable on Mav
1st. 1911. with interest from date at ten per
cent per annum and which said note and
mortgage have been paid by the said First
National Bank in order to protect the tier,
of the last described mortgage and which
sakl First National Bank now owns, and
upon which there is due the sum of Eighty-one
Dollars and Sixty seven cents, with interest
from December Slst. 1910. at ten per cent per
annum anu coats ana expenses in
the sum of JIT 15. Also by virtue of
a Chattel Mortgage executed bv the
said l*tiaester Brothers to the said First
National Bank on March 24th 1911. to secure
th» pay meat of four promissory notes as fol
lows »>ae lor Three Thousand Hollars dated
December 31st 1910 and payable April Jmh
1911. and one for Two Hundred Ninety-bee
Dollars and Sixty live cents dated December
3lst. 1910 and payable January 31st 1911. and
one for One Hundred Dollars and Fifty rents
dated March 24th. 1911. payable on ilemand.
and one for Out- Hundred Twenty-four IK>1
lars and Seventy-five cents dated March 2tth.
■ 911. on Demand and upon which there
is due the sum of Thirty Five Hundred
and Taenty Dollars and Ninety cents
with interest at ten per cent per
annum from the respective dates of
said four notes And upon all of wh rh
mortgages there is no* due the sum of f»>!9 72
and int« rest at ten per cent per annum from
December Ssst. 1910.
Now therefore, default having been made
m tbe payment of said notes and the interest
thereon as to all of said notes which bv their
terms are past due. and as to said notes which
are not by their terms past due. the said mort
rlgager deems itself unsafe and has elected
to foreclose the same at this time, and no
suit or other proceedings at law having been
instituted to recover said “debts or anv part
thereof, we will sell the property therein de
scribed to-wit:
One sorrel blaied face horse, six years old.
name Jim.
One bay horse five years old. name Tom.
weight ISOU pounds.
One bay mare six years old. name Dolly,
weight ITU' pounds.
One dun mare, ten years old. weight IJflb
pounds, came Buck.
Two bay horses six and seven years old.
weight v*J0 pounds each, name Dick and 'linger.
One team of black mares five and six years
old. weight 32t*> pounds, names Fanny and
One team of mares, bay and sorrel, name*
Be-»ie and Dolly, both white face, four and
five years old. weight 2t00 pounds
One bay mare six years old. weight l«9
pounds, name Doll
one roan mare ten Tears old. weight 1159
pounds, name Nell.
one roan horse nine years old. weight 1150
pounds, name Sam.
One team of males, mare and horse, eight
and nine years old. brown, weight 1100 pound>
One sorrel home eight years old. weight
It**' pounds, name Dick.
One sorrel mare with bald face, yearling.
One sorrel mare with bald face, yearling.
One bay eolt. horse, yearling.
One black horse colt, yearling,
line ten year old dark brown horse, weight
lt**i pounds, name Dick.
One bay saddle horse four years old. weight
about lit*'pounds, name King
And including all the horses owned by the
said George F. Pflaester and Andrew VV.
An undivided one-half interest in one hun
dred and fifty head of hogs and one hundred
and forty head of cattle, including eighty
head of cows from two to four years old.
and about fifty head of one and two year old
steers on full feed and balance young calves
being all the hogs and cattle owned by said
George F Pflaester and Andrew W Pflaes
ter jointly with Louis S Howe of Council
Bluffs, towa. •
One large roan bull, four yearn old
One large dark red cow with red calf.
Two sets of nearly new double harness
complete with collars.
One 9et of double work harness -complete,
and in good repai r.
All of the corn In the crib and granary on the
Howe farm, both ear and shelled corn
One seventy bushel Great WesternjManure
one combined sweep and hay slacker.
One new gang plow.
One lister, complete.
One nearly new mower, and one mower that
has been used about two years, both complete.
One hay rake complete. One dive One four
section harrow complete. One feed grinder
Two lumber wagons with top boxes, complete.
One hay rack. Three cultivators, complete
One three-row 'Go-Devil." Also, nil other
articles of personal property belonging to tbe
said Andrew W. Pflaester and George F.
Pflaester. not above described and now on
the Howe farm, on flections fifteen and six
teen. la Township sixteen. Range fourteen, in
Sherman County. Nebraska.
Skid sale to be made at public auction at
tbe Howe farm on the Southwest Quarter or
section fifteen, in Township sixteen Range
fourteen. Sherman County. Nebraska, on
Friiiav. May 5th. 1911. at the hour of ten
o rlork and Utirty minutes a. tn
Dated the 10th dav of April. 1911.
FiitsT National Bank of !.oup City Neb..
By Ira E. Williams. President.
Notice to Creditors
Stale of Nebraska t
a ss
Sherman County I State of Nebraska
In county Court wltkm and for Sherman
County. Nebraska. April lath. I»tl.
la tbe matter ot tbe estate of Jacob Schmal
iohn. deceased:
To tbe creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at
the County Court room in f.oupl'ily. la said
oo-jnty. oa the Tth day of November 1*11. at
one o'clock ia the afternoon, to receive and
examine all claims acaiast said estate with a
view to their adjustment and allowance
The llase limited for the presentation of
claims acaiast said estate is the Tth day of
November. A. D . 1811, and the time limited
for the payment of debts ia oue year from said
Tth day of November. Mil.
Witness my baud had tbe steal of said county
court this Nth day of April, mi.
lautj B. A. hum. Ceuaty Jadfia
Lai pah. Mart
We Will Sell
Reduced Sale
At Our Store. Two Doors North
of Jhe First National Bank on
April 13, 14, 15
So don't forget the days and come in early
Granite Pails. 50c value, at.35c
Galvanized Pails, 30c value__ .20c
Granite Pishpans, Toe value now...60c
Granite Coffee Pots, ooc value, at.45c
Granite Teapots. 55c value, now.45c
Gsanite Stew Kettles, 45c value, at.35c
Granite Water Pails. Toe value, uow.35c
Axel Grease,.. 10c size for 7c; 25c size for lot*
Anti other goods also at reduced prices.
Schultz & Sickels
Is now open for the Spring Trade
We have on hand a line of
Win: ' Fiiaiiii Blits
See Us for
Solid Gopcfete Wofk
Sidewalks, FI°°r£> Etc.
Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hay.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
Less Than Manufacturers' Prices
One Gallon Cans.
Half Gallon Cans.95
Quart Cans.50
COME or SEND in your color NOW, while stock is
State of Nebraska, i
y ss.
Sherman County. * state of Nebraska
In County Court within and for Sherman coun
ty. Nebraska. March 27th. 1911
In the matter of the estate of Crist Sehleich. ’
To the Creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will six at j
the county court room in Loup City in said i
county on the NSih day of June 1911. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, and on the 25th dav !
of tktoler 1911. to receive and examine all J
claims against said estate, with a view to i
their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation of I
claims against said estate is six months from !
the 2sth day of April. A. D. 1911 and tbe time !
limited for payment of debts is one year
1 from said 25th day of April. 1911.
Witness mv band and tbe seal of said coun
ty court, this 27th day of March. 1911.
IsKai.J K. A. Suits County Judge.
(Last pub April NH
Notice or Setnueit
In the County Court of Sherman county. .
1 In tbe matter of the estate of Henry F. j
Tangerman. deceased.
Notice of bearing oa final account or executrix 1
and pelitiou praying tor the allowance of
same and for an order distributing tbe
residue of said estate.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others j
interested in said estate:
Take notice, that on the 2Sth day of March. :
1911. ifoldle M. Tamrerman executrix of th* i
estate of Henry F. Tangerman. deceases),
tiled the dual account of her administration,
of said estate together with her petition pray- j
ing for tbe allowance of same, and for an order ,
distributing the residue of said estate in her |
hands an such executrix, and it is ordered that ;
the same stand for hearing the 15th day of \
April. 1911. at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, at !
the office of the County Judge of said county. J
at which time and plnre all persons interested
may appear and be heard concerning said
account and distribution Noti.-eof this pro
ceeding is ordered given by publication for
three weeks successively In the layup City
Northwestern, a legal newspaper published
and of general rin-ulatlon in said county.
Dated this 25th day of March 1911.
Iskai.I K. A. Surra. County Judge.
(Last pub. April 13)
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received at the office of the
County Clerk of Sherman county. •
Nebraska, on or before noon of tiie!
17th day of April. 1911. for the let
ting of a yearly contract for the |
building of woix! and steel bridges, as !
per plans and specifications adopted i
by the County Board of Supervisors j
of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the I
9th day of March. 1909. as the same
are on tile in tiie office of the county
clerk. All bids must be accompanied |
by a certified check of $1,000.00. The
board reserves tiie right to reject any ,
or ail bids.
Witness my hand and tiie seal of j
said county hereunto affixed this 9th ,
day of Mareh, 1911.
County Clerk. !
Last pub. April IJ I
-_ -.1 . i
For Sale or Trade
Since leasing my hay ground and 1
farm land. I have some good heavy j
work horses and some good heavy
harness to sell. Come and see me.
State of Nebraska, i
Sbrrinan County. I The State ol Nebraska
William A Russell and Mrs. Russell, safe ol
William A. Ruswli. first teal name unknown
defendants, will take dbtice that on Eebruart
1st. 1911 Thomas M Reed aad Hattie L. Reed
plaintiffs, filed their petition in the Districi
Court of Gherman county. Nebraska againsi
said defendants and each of them the .**«■:
and prayer of which are to obtain the decsev
of said court adjudging an 1 decreeing thwi
said defendants bate do right, title or in
terest in the following described real estate
to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land ijiat:
aad being situate in the northwest quarter ol
the northwest quarter of Section eighteen in
Township fifteen, worth of Range fourteen
west of sixth principal meridian in Sherman
county. Nebraska, and which is more par
ticnlarly described as follows, to-wit ('.an
menoing at the southeast corner of said north
west quarter of said northwest quarter of said
Seetioa eighteen, and running thence north
ninety feet to the place of baginning, running
thence north two hundred and ten feel thence
west three hundred feet, thence south two
hundred and ten feet, aad thence east three
hundred feet to the place of beginning; and
adjudging aad decreeing that the cloud caused
by the record of a certain deed which is re
corded in Rook IS at page S® of deed recced*
of said couatT be removed, and that the title
to said land be quieted aad continued in the
plaintiff. Thovtaw V Reed und ihat said
defendants and each of them and all persons
claiming by. through or under them may be
perpetually enjoined 'rota claiming aay in
terest in said premises adverse to that of said
plaintiffs and from interrupting plaintiffs' use
and enjoyment of the same and tor such other
relief as equity may require. That on March
Mth. 1911. an order or said court was du.y made
directing service by publication upon said
You are required to answer said petition oa
or before the first day of May. 1911.
Dated this isth day of Marrh. 19’1
Thomas M Reed and Hattie L. Reek.
By their attorney. R- J. NicMTISOALE.
Livjvok License'Notice
In the matter of the application of T. Henry
Klsuer for liquor license:
Notice is hereby given that T. Henry Eisner
did on the 4th day of April. 1911. file his peti
tion with the city clertt of Loup City. Ne
braska. directed to tke Mayor aad City Coun
cil of said city, asking for a license to sell at
retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in
the building situate on Lot 4. Block 19. on
Nebraska avenue of the original town of Loup
City, in the second ward of said city.
Said li< ease to run rrom the first Tuesday
in Mar. 1911. and end oa the first Tuesday la
May. I91i. All objection, remonstrance or
protest must H- filed in writing according to
law T HENRY ELSNKK. Applicant.
Attest; Petes Rove. City Clerk.
(Last pub April Tbi
Ln the County Court of Sherman County. Ne
ktate of Nebraska, j
- ss
!\>uaty of Sherman 1
ro the heirs, legatees aad to all persons in
terested in the estate of Tilda Wilson de
Oa reading the petition of C. C. ('arisen.
idmiaistraTor.pra.yiar that the distribution
>f the residue of said estate be made, aad the ‘
idministrator be discharged and his bondsmen
eleased upon his official bond It is hereby ;
gderrd that you. and all persons interested
a said matter, may. and do. appear at the
bounty Court to be held in and for said
ounty. on the Sind day of April A D 1911.
it 19 o'clock a. ml. to show cause, if aay there
•e. why prayer of the petitioner should not be
meted, aad that notice of the pendency ol
aid petition aad that the hearing thereof he
riven to all persons Interested la aid matter
IT publishing a copy of this order in the Loup
Ity North western a weekly newspaper print
'd la said county, for three successive weeks
irior to said day of kftrlig'
Witness my hand, aad eeal of said conn,
his lat day of April. A-D. mi.
The Season is at Hand tor
We have the quantity to select from. We have
the Price. We have the Quality that Guarantees
Durability to Correspond with the Quality,
— —. rr --- -
i To wsene yotf boose — vour property-your collars, you might say — you ■
mmst use pa:at. To do so economically tbe paint you use MUST have lasting qualities.
Remember, (wr paiot costs mere than good paint, for tbe work has to be done V
oftener. Start right by getting \
Horse Shoe Paint
7®° caa n'-**e up your maj it's on to Kay. The reason for this is plain. Horse
Shoe Paint is wholly- composed of the strongest and host materials known in the
science of paint making — it contains so cheapening or adulterating materials what
•***■ b * mede of Krieth- Pure Zinc and White Lead for pigments. Add to this
Pare Linseed Oil—crushed hv the manufacturers themselves to insure its purity — then
the necessary drier and coloring mutter and you've got the best paint that money,
brains and material can produce.
Horse Shoe Paint has Kood the test for 20 long years— it's a proves paint — and
is sold in almost every tows and city in tbe United States. Should not that fact
•lose convince you that Horse Shoe Paint gives satisfaction beyond question ?
Hors* Shoe Paint does nil we claim — we guarantee it to be pure and to wear.
Hors* Shoe Paint is absolutely pur*: you buy- it subject to chemical analysis an*
k'« paint that lasts.
Pan* bouse with He* Shoe r’amt this season by all *w. I
It Means
To Use a
Manure Spreader?
T. IVI. Reed
What He Has to Show You
Barrels to Pickle Pork in.
Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chicke ns.
Pickles in Bulk
Olives in Bulk.
A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens.
_Lee Brothers. -
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock ol Fence Post*
ranging in price from ISC to 25c.
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock
What a Splendid Picture ~~~ ~ —
Wver.'*ea,Ul ,Dd ***"* It is too bad they cannot last .
W* lb1**to T*ke Photographs \
u^'do”!!-j“Ig a,nd>l|p»?^,m.w5S we ****** young people
you will decide to have us plKWoJ^Jh yi^ro Lhe reason. Then probably
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.