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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1911)
Professionm Cards ' aaron wall ; Lawyer . Practice* in all Court* 1 I>up City, Neb. j BOOT. P.8 TAKE Attormey-at-Law. LOUF CITY. H&BR&SK&. i R J. NIGHTINGALE I LOUr tflTY. NEB R H. MATHEW, Anorney-at-Law, A ad Boaded Abstractor. b*up City, Nebraska <>. K. l.ONtiAC RE PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON Office. Over New Bank. TKL£rflOVK CALL. NO. 3» A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tm • • f* L<m 4 T rvtw intnl Loup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PMCliN ni SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. U*i» at Sckdron. Teicpitoae t uonection ROBERT P. STARR 'uwa*4 U> M 11. Mead | Bonded Abstracter Locr Omr. - )Iiiia«ka. Oalf act of A twtract »ook. is <xkid' > s7a. allexT" n£.fmr. UH P <iTT. - - NEB. <>ftf up >uir« in the new State Batik buudiur. W L MAJtCY. DEXT1ST, LOUa® city, neb OPF1CK. Last Side Public Suuate. PIkjo*. leooM DK. J. R. GREGG VETERINARY SURGEON 1 :.a*e ijcated in Loup < It}. »ith li*- iU’.Hitiua id practicing Veterina ry Medicine. >urgery and Iienttatn. 3 pfusnpuj' attended today or i gi.t. idioe at Round Front Barn. Pile, All Kactal Dmmm cured witib CU AKA STEED to iaat LI FE TIME CuamtwFrM RUPTURE CURED Pay DR. RICH SPECIALIST 7 mm H The Labor of Baking »- mi) U*« reduced If you um U.e i r.gijt kind td Flour. and if tie que» li e. »Ut 1* U* beet Fio jrV" a as ink to coke among Ike baker* and lokM-kMprn in lid* part of tie r jumiUf, it* unaninouk reply would tm White Satin Yen would _ toCr forit if you were utol* rHE NORTHWESTERN «kMS —ti uuf*m tkab.iv paid ip aotakci later— »t tar Lomp CU* Postofllce lor iraa, ■1—1 in throupb the nulla an second cla— nutter. Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence, - - 3 on 21 J. W . Hl KLKU.H. K*l. an.l Pub More Railroad News tjuit* a good deal of inquiry has jeen made of the Northwestern tiie ja«t two weeks as to what the status if raiiroad news was. Matters have Men quiet since our last article of three weeks since, but last week titere was a new impetus given. Mr. Durant, the oromoterof tiie proposed railroad from Loup City, or Arcadia, to a point west of Broken Bow. in Logan county, met citizens in Ar -adia and tried to interest them in a ine running from that village west to Broken Bow. running some two miles north of Westerville, but met with a frosty reception, tiie people turning a cold shoulder to it. seem ing to think it some scheme on paper alone. They knew a line had been surveyed from Loup City to Broken Bow.'running through Westerville, and felt it w as some other string than tiie one intended to be built and brought up to cause a rivalry over a proposed line east of Broken Bow. as It would make two proposed routes as mentioned atiove. Ijust week Wednesday evening, a big and enthusiastic railroad meet ing wa- held at Broken Baw , as we we by the Republican, and it was agreed with but one dissenting vote that Broken Bow township would rote ftpvnio bonds payable in twenty vcars with interest at 5 per cent an nually, the condition being that * 41.mi1 be delivered when the new proposed railroad was constructed to a point 30 miles west of Broken Bow, and fc>' ikm when the road was com pleted 1*0 miles east to Loup City or Arcadia The agreement further provides Uiat the construction of the Mad shall commence within 60 days from date of bond. The western end of tiie proposed road so far is named at tiie old town site of Logan, in Logan county, though parties from Banner county on the western border of tiie state, expressed a wish that the line might be extended to them, stating tlierc was a large quantity of government land in that county sub ject U) homestead. that the county had no railroad now. hence the de velopment of tint county was slow, tlwugh tiie soil was good So far Mr. I*urant has not visited Loup City with any proposition, though it is expect**! lie will be here later to see w hat the people of Loup City and Uie farmers along the proposed line through tiie Clear Creek valley have to say. From published reports. Mr. Iiurant is very enthusiastic and very much in earnest and offers a splen did chance to people along the pro posed line to secure railroad facilities. Sliould tiie road be built, it would give Loup City an outlet west thro’ west Sherman. Custer. Logan and probably later through McPherson, Duell. (iieyenne and Banner counties to tiie Wyoming state line. Is it not about time for our people to wake up and see the possibilities of a new road to the Wyoming line northwest tlrough the undeveloped counties above named? B. & M. Surveyors Here A lively little bit of railroad news was captured this morning just be fore going to press. Last evening tiie division engineer of the B. & M. arrived iiere from the east with an assistant and started in this morning >urve\ing eastward on a line from the depot in a southeasterly direction the survey being through a portion of the buildings of Ohlsen Bros.’ brick plant. The survey extends in a southeasterly direction from there. A Northwestern reporter, without expectation of receiving any infor mation from the close-mouthed en gineer or his assistant, interviewed Lite gentlemen and gleaned enough to make him beleive that the survey is really for the purpose of connect ing the survey to a point of survey made last year from the main line about< airo to Boelus to Austin and to the east yards of the B &. M. at Loup City. Tlie Northwestern, from this and other information gleaned tiie pa'-t few weeks, is firmly of the opinion that within two years Loup « ity w ill tie on the main line of the B ■ M to the coast, the road from < airo to Loup City and from Sargent to liunning. being the connecting inks that will he built within that time. City Election Tuesday occurred the annual city ejection, which passed off so quietly and with so little interest manifest titat a large proportion of tlie voters failed to express their wishes. Tiiere was hut one ticket in tlie field and every candidate was by petition, no caucuses being held. Tlie surprise of the election was on tlie license vote which stood 104 for and 87 against saloons, a majority of 17 for license against some «> for last year. There w ill no doubt lie some figuring done by those interested to account for the slump in tlie saloon vote. Tiiere were S7 votes cast in the first ward and 112 in the second ward. Tlie interest being so slight, many votes were cast klong joking lines, Hon. Billy Oitmann receiving one or more votes for mayor, an honor lie bears with hecdtning modesty. Following is tlie official roster elected: Mavor, W H. Pedler. clerk, Peter Rowe: treisurrr, L. Hansen: police judge, <i. W. Hunter: engineer, D. L. Adam x»n: councilman. First Ward. Jas. H Lee. Second Ward. A. B. Outhouse: city appraisers. Aug. Beushausen. Jacob Albers, T. A. Tavlor. Jerrv Sliettler and T. L. Pilger.' School Notes A number of da vs ago we noticed in a popular daily newspaper, a list of tlie accredited high schools in tlie state of Nebraska. That of Loup < ity High School did not appear in the list. Of course this caused not a small amount of surprise and con sternation. not only among the stu dents. but also among manv of our school patrons. However, we in par ticular. and the public in general, were greatly reieived when Supt. O'Connell announced in chapel Tues day morning, that being informed by the state high school insoector. Mr. Reed, be could state that Loup City High Scliooi. Instead of decreasing as U> merit of credit, was rapidly in creasing. and had now received a standard of more credit than any other high school having the same number of teachers, in the state. S j the cause of oar grief was visibly Cantata Saturday Night This week Saturday evening, at the opera house will be given the charm ing little cantata, “The Brownie Band’’ by.Miss Conger's deparment of infantile household angels. Our ex cellent Loup City Cornet Band has kindly consented to furnish the mu sic for the occasion, thus giving our people a double treat. A small ad mission fee of 15 cents will be taken at the door. The house is sure to be overwhelmingly filled, so you will be obliged to come early to secure a seat as none will be reserved. Program: 1 ntrod uction.I nstru mental iva Henry Opening Chorus. Ensemble The Brownies at Play.. Instrumental Iva Henry To the Woods We Go.Chorus Ensemble The Little Baby Birds.Solo Ruby Larsen Sweet Butterflies. Duet Rhea Minshull, Hilda Lakeman Gipsy Girls Are We. Soli Grada Lakeman, Laura Daddow Victoria Stanczick, Mary Baird Mary Marcy. Ada Iliddleson The Wood-nymphs.Soli Rhea Minshull. Hazel Burleigh Hilda Lakeman Lost in the Woods.Solo Elsa Ohlsen The Brownie Band.Soli Francis Young.Martin Janulewicz Chester Cramer. Curtis Roush Howard Rowe, George McCall. Otto Petersen Flower Song.Soli Ruby Larsen. Lela Cramer, lone Young. Oral Yeung. Edna Halts Lyal Cramer, Georgia DeWitt The Fairy Princess.Solo Hazel Burleigh Billy Big-Eye and Tommy Long Wing.Duet Earl Eggers, Walter Jones Little Wee-Wees.Soli Ruby Larsen. Margaret Long Naomi Fellows, Gertrude and Helen Collipriest I’m a Brownie. .Solo Francis Young Tiie Fairy's Lullaby . . Solo Lois Henry The Brownies' Charm.Soli Flower Song Girls The Lily.Soli The Brownies Home Again .Chorus Ensemble The following assist in the General Chorus: Lena Wharton. Emma An derson. Lucy Parrish. Helen Makow skL Elizabeth Anderson. Rosa Xou cha. Margaret Kaminski. Constance Bukowski. Bennie Rukowski. Herman Miller. Johnnie Kornrumpf, Earl Gal laway. Holland Brown, Clarence Bud ler. James Thompson. Carl Houder sheldt. Johnnie Dowliower. Johnnie Xoucha. Emerson Haines and Maud Bell. The capital removal bill joke, res urrected in the legislature, was over whelmingly defeated in the house last Friday, the vote being 58 to 19. Liquor License Notice In the matter of the application of T. Henry Eisner for liquor license: Notice is hereby given that T. Henry Eisner did on the tth day of April, 1911. tile his peti tion with the city clerk of Loup City. Ne braska. directed to the Mayor and City Coun cil of said city, asking for a license to sell at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situate on Lot 4 Block is on Nebraska avenue of the original town of Loup City, in the second ward of said city. Said license to run from the first Tuesday in May. 1911. and end on the first Tuesday in May. 1913. All objection, remonstrance or protest must be filed in writing according to taw T. HENRY ELSNKR. Applicant. Attest: Uetek Rowe. City Clerk. (Last pub. April 30) In the County Court of Sherman County. Ne braska. Slate of Nebraska. / ■ ss County of Sherman i To the heirs, legatees and to all persons in terested in the estate or Tilda Wilson, de ceased: On reading the petition of C. C. Carlsen. administrator, praying that the distribution of the residue of said estate be made, and the administrator be discharged and his bondsmen released upon his official bond It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 23nd day of April. A D. 1911 at 10 o clock a. m . to show cause. If any there be. why prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court this 1st day of April, A. D. lull. IsEAl.l E. A. Sm-h. County Judge. (Last pub. April 30) NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska. i > ss. Sherman County. ' State of Nebraska In County Court within and for Sherman coun ty. Nebraska. March 27th. 1911. In the matter of the estate of Crist Sehieirh deceased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City in said county on the 26th day of June 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and on the 2Stb day of October. 1911.'to receive and examine ail claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 25th day of April. A. D 1911. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 25th day of April. 19U. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court, this 27th day of March. 1911. I sexi.J K. A. Smith. County Judge (Last pub. April 20) Nonce of SettiemeDt In the County Court of Sherman county Nebraska. In-lbp matter of the estate of Henry F Tangerman, deceased. Notice of hearing on final account of executrix and petition praying Tor Che allowance of same and for an order distributing the residue of said estate. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in said estate: , ?“Ucf; th,t on the •Sth day of March. 1911. Goldie M. Tangerman. executrix of tha estate of Henry F. Tangerman. deceased filed ihe Una) account of her administration of said eatate together with her petition pray “J* *or the allowance of same, and for an order distributing the residue of said estate in her hands as such executrix, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing tbe 15th day of April 1911, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, at the office of the County J udge of said county, at which lime and place ail persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said account and distribution Notice of this pro ceeding is ordered given by publication for three weeks successively in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper published and of general circulation in said county. Hated this 25th day of March. 1911. [seal] E. A. Smith. County Judge. (Last pub. April Hi BRIDGE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bids will be received at the office or tbe County Clerk of Slierinan county, Nebraska, on or before noon of tlie 17th day of April, 1911. for tlie let ting of a yearly contract for the building of wood and steel bridges, as per plans and specifications adopted by the County Board of Supervisors of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 9th day of March, 1909, as the same are on tile in tlie office of the countv clerk. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of $1,000.00. The board reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. Witness my hand and the seal of said county hereunto affixed this 8th day of March, 1911. [seal] W. C. Dietkbichs. County Clerk. Last pub. April 13 Memorial Day The 30th Day of May and Many Will Want to Buy Monuments Twenty-three Years’ Expeiience Enables Us to Sell You The Latest Patterns Satisfaction Guaranteed Get Our Prices, They Are thy Lowest Bell Phone, LI09; Independent, 446 Paine - Fishburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebraska We Wifi Sell A-T A. Reduced Sale At Our Store, Two Doors North of the First National Bank on April 13, 14, 15 FOR THREE DAYS ONLY So don't forget the days and come in early Granite Pails. 50c value, at.35c Galvanized Pails, 30c value.20c Granite Dishpans, 75c value now.. .^.60c Granite Coffee Pots. 55c value, at.45c Granite Teapots, 55c value, now.45c Gsanite Stew Kettles, 4oc valve, at.35c Granite Water Pails, 75c value, now.35c Axel Grease,.. 10c size for 7c; 25c size for loc I And other goods also at reduced prices. Schultz & Sickels i ; inumrur Is now open for the Spring Trade We have on hand a line of Solid Concrete Work Sidewalks, Floors, Etc. Call and get our prices. We have in connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and Baled Hay. GUY STOUT, Manager. LINCOLN PAINT Less Than Manufacturers' Prices One Gallon Cans.$1.80 Half Gallon Cans.05 Quart Cans.50 F. 0. B , YOUR STATION COME or SEND in your color NOW, while stock is complete BROWN’S PHARMACY, Ord, Neb. The Cemetery Ladies' Aid Society met at Society Hall last Friday after noon and elected the following offi cers for the year: President, Mrs. Viola Odendahi: vice president. Mrs. Clemma Conger: secretary-treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Corning: flower committee, Mesdames Conniser, Hansen. Pedler, Hale. Pilger. Brown, Grow. Solms, Petersen. Rettenmayer and Hansel. monies received: Dues.y 40 50 Contributed Decoration Day. 11.35 'V —— Total. | 51.75 expenditures: To C. J. Tracy (cement work, etc).$ S9 15 Flowers. 5.00 Balance on Sex ion s Salary. 171 Balance. y It* The officers would appreciate each member giving their dues. 50c. to either Mrs. Odendahi. Mrs. Conger or Mrs. Corning. Tiie purpose of the Aid Society is to help the Association keep our cemetery in good condition, help beautify it with flowers and any other improvements necessary. Any one wishing to contribute any amount to either society, it will be thankful ly received and' used for a good pur pose. Mrs. E. B. Corning, Sec y. For Sale or Trade Since leasing my hay ground and farm land. I have some good heavy work horses and some good heavy harness to sell. Gome and see me. Tsot Haul I LEGAL NOTICE State of Nebraska, i , ! >ss . Sherman County. I The State of Nebraska William A Kussell and Mrs. Russell, wife of i William A. Russell, first real Dame unknown, defendants, ycijl take notice that on February 1st. Nil. Thomas U Reed and Hattie L. Reed, plaintiffs, filed their petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, against said defendants and each of tbem. the object and prayer of which are to obtain the decree of said court adjudging and decreeing that said defendants have no right, ti'le or in terest in the following describe*! real estate, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being situate m the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section eighteen in Township fifteen, north of Range fourteen west of sixth principal meridian in Sherman county. Nebraska, and which is more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Com mencing at the southeast corner of aaid north west quarter of said northwest quarter of said Section eighteen, and running thence north ninety feel to the place of beginning, running thence north two handled and ten feet, thence west three hundred feet, thence south two hundred and ten feet, and thence east three hundred feet to the place of beginning; and adjudging and decreeing that the cloud caused by i he record of a certain deed which is re corded in Book 13 at page 380 of deed records of said county be removed, and that the title to said land be quieted and confirmed in the plaintiff. Thomas M. Reed, and that said defendants and each of them and all persons claiming by. through or under them may be perpetually enjoined from claiming any in terest in said premises adverse to that of said plaintiffs and from interrupting plaintiffs' use and enjoyment of the same, and for such other relief as equity may require. That on March Nth. Nil. an order of said court was duly made directing service by publication upon said defendants. You are required to answer said petition on or before the firm day of May. Nil. Dated this 18th day of March. 1911. The Season is at Hand lor HARNESS We have the quantity to select from. We have the Price- We have the Quality that Guarantees Durability to Correspond with the Quality, PAYPUFST-GALLAWAY HAFDWAFE GO. — ^ To serve yoar bouse — your property — your dollars, you might say — you B ■Bast use paint. To do so economically the paint you use MUST have lasting qualities. !j Remember, pcwr paint costs more than good paint, for the work has to be done ofteaer. Start right by getting Horse Shoe Paint and you can make up your mind it*s on to stay. The reason for this is plain. Horae Shoe Paint is wholly composed of the strongest and best materials known in the 8c,ence of psint making — it contains no cheapening or adulterating materials what ever. it s made of strictly Pure Zinc and White Lead for pigments. Add to this Pore Linseed Oil—crushed hv the manufacturers themselves to insure its purity — then I the necessary drier and coloring matter and you’ve got the best paint that money, brains and material can produce. Horse Shoe Paint has stood the test for 20 long years—it’s a proven paint — and is sold in almost every town and city in the United States. Should not that fact alone convince you that Horse Shoe Paint gives satisfaction beyond question ? Hors* Shoe Paint does all we claim—we guarantee it to he pure and to wear, i Hors* Shoe Paint is absolutely pur*: you buy it subject to chemical analysis SDf^ It • paint that lasts. Pais* your house with H^nse Shoe Paint this season by all m«n«. SWANSON-LOFHCLM FF'ARMACY —t— i — i J FARMER! It Means MONET TO To L se a Manure Spreader! T. M. Reed What He Has to Show You A MARCIA IN Barrels to Pickle Pork in, Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens. Pickles in Bulk Olives in Bulk. A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens. _Lee Brothers. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on band. A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 25c No trouble to figure your bills a‘nd show our stock. LEINfNGER LUMBER, CO., Loup Cilv Neb What a Splendid Picture - C“ir."“'U‘ be,“ti 11 ls «"« l»1 U,„ |,5t Mfe Like to Take Photographs i5sux*A>rs&'z*zsr$r££nijr,«t-1- ' rou will decide to have us photograph you **ol* *“en probabh EDGAR DRAPER. Photographer.