The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 30, 1911, Image 5

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    Are You from Missouri?
W n thing we can not prove! If you want to
X the proof come right in aud exjjose your honest
‘1^ir,‘ 1 ' A «* court your attention to a f«*w facts.
< fur < a pit a I Ubdt is fci5,<JUO: Surplus, $12,oijU.
' - » *rkiiig capital is wholly unimpaired by absoutely
I. ,;, to any officer. director or even stockholder.
1 ■ .r j .my to make Units liberally, but cautiously,
-’ ft >t any kind, to deal hni.e-tly and brag modestly.
1 •> t*e iu ami see us about rates paid on tirre depo-its.
! n '» **»’• and combination pass books furnished free.
First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska
!n K HiLtUMs I*rest. L. H vxskjs, Cashier
A. II OtTNoi k \. I*rest. 0. E. Ai»ams, Asst, t'ashier
A Fr» lirkrl (^notation*.
CoOt. Mtf bu.M (0 .53
*'*-eat. l«-r tnJ .Wi .* :i
* fet*. peg bt» .j» -» JC
B'». per tw . ,<SS
Butter. per lb . .yt
F«P> per dor. .IS i
T M l«»-) for Kwd (<r jodm.
***-t yc r j» ~t • ard* at the Variety
-ti* from ti»e great winter
.a*i»g fed brti.
:.*-pair work neatly and promptly ’
d--r*e at ** haaarr‘1.
—j an order for a few nettings of
ill. -tr t».and fled ftj*.
Try Arte nut >*! for your cook
»t ■» » <t *a.- :»• Y. «•. Taylor.
■* » ::>/ in lie da* tr pie e. Phone
■ *il. Cl TH Ta* U»K.
an '-a*.: re*i*ietwr property
for ante. Hf. P. Ukku.
• :»r want* U* gite «ou a nice:
#. (barker fall and find out.
F r Uie Bt*T out m tlie way of)
‘fra* vjarv trr. -er T. M IM.
ton art ** fu i» warranted. al*o
tie pr»i e. at .vliw*»er *. lire jeweler.
i.r- lour div «.uarpetied. and new I
p • .’ at «»gte'* blacksmith j
Ivput* * ,rm I .aw fence Polski;
*.~.’ed a”, bom - at \*ht n o»er 'a»t
' * !*f
Take your butter and egg* to < on- >
.u-rV wlicffr you eaa get anything
you want
Han* Joi • * « f L fan township
. ng pigs in Son-1
day '* bii/jerd.
MILLIVKBY A nice line of
r»-»<Si tr. uaned hate at Mr*. IieWitt's
\ arivtt M«»r«
v ifl \*. \ a .n returned tl«e first
f ti «e. fr-m a business trip to
MlUie!. * !»
..vutb Burk eggs, '■■•c per setr
• g :s r.>^: *1 per hundred. Mr*.
If. J. J Mattes
• ^ ■ tint les nu by sccur
• t,/ at. ». . > i if Fer-iinandt tlte
Furniture man.
F r £ - id early kberson uatk. br
, r l«u*ite tee 11 otter i'. Ogle, or!
|Mk4k kin. 3 on VT.
It . Ila.e left for lljvbville Tues*l
a* t • it«t»**e <.f a number <»f jacks
hr .«• a* ti»at point.
Aw rtrpt Willow Corker given
. a» a t-re . . tir < int.lser. See
t>. :» for turtleulars.
«... awl -far* iu *e i«ti. Ute iie*t
«inter .atingiaeti Write Mr*. Irene
leltw. A urora. Seb
* »* a*en Br <*. i*a»e Ute contract for
building a cement Mock r***idence
for iondoebor Amtrk.
: kn.aifUT r • ITHMrlX
• t , y»e I! I* Kurils nan'll Furniture
i 'u * iil piei«r tall and settle.
mmkm urtni
i-. *reK and ■ili »*>rk for Milo
• •» rt <«n U<« farm this seaman.
HM a r«~ »i goad land, all good soil.
«• to is* ,'j i itr. <1.«ap at
W. V. Hkku. j
i: J Nightingale and Judgr Wall
n* • . jl'I et.-ning. where
jrr ok - njf in a telephone case. *
\% intxi fir.t class slielled;
•n i.i>< amount. variety and;
.. I'ai t. BamuK. Seward. Neb. j
,ur i « of Ktrtlnandl
i tr man II* ha* a nice |
*»r of tle-m and at price*. that are
H |; M .-■ -rder» 1.1- paper sent
|'.r* -i* Ka» . K I !• No.^ 4. j
i itAMiir mured out oil lieir 320,
acne farm.
vi* from tie IL *' •»- I- Hed
• - at ' • I —lilt «*f i
-* a>:'«e kima Houle . Kos
I unarm. Nebr.
• class of and dates foe li#e sec
k p a«p mm
T —la* night- special session Let
-» r> >.r knight he present
l: M lloddleson and wife returned
~a" urdar e»**t«ir*g from ti»eir visit at
l. r. , Mi» 1'earie Needham re
ttaiig in Lin jIb over Sunday.
\ -i parties wl*o bare »**« "Muart
.—s m litis seel on are now out and
OSes inferred been Iunutated with
"fWirti‘" " as an iiMiimMin P»r
t* fiprmrl it.
rise \id Sorteiy for ti*e bmeBtof
l.t«rga**n tender) »i!l umd at
* jetr Htnumam* IrMat alter
«.« at .* odor*. All members re
>J -r*’jri ti be present
Hate too seen thorn «»»*
: . aers to <• «*. < onldeer* windows?
lie s.n give you one HILL, and i»e
m* enough to supply «mrh and every
etr of his many customers
Mrs II A. Hlnman and Miss Lun
ft itrrsinird ml the i*ome of tiie
-mer Wednesday afternoon in liooor
/ Mt*» H in to an of Si Edwards. the
,1 riling most «n joy ably spent in tug !
Last *»aturdmt afternoon from 2 to
, o< kmk. Master Loyal aodMisshes
er Ferdinand’ entertained a large
. jtnb-r of their l.M> friends at the
-un* <d their parents Mr and^Mro
II y Kejdinmndt- U«* afurnoonb^
at cm at the most enjoyable ever
u~ kT««* and queens of the
Time is Money
Wbsa vuu buy a watch or set your
Msnry M. Eisner V the
re.table jeweler. You know it is
always right.
I*o vou want a Hooker free? See
fonhiser's adv.
Lee Bros, have two good. fresh
milch cows for sale.
Try the Stroud & Hendrickson dray
• ine. They will give you good service.
R se Comb Brown Leghorn eggs.
15 for “ir. tl.M per 100.
A. J. Johnson.
Schwaner can and will save you
money on anything in the jewelry
Two gu. d. fresh milch cows for sale
by Lee Bros, ('all at once if you
want them.
Se»* the newest styles in corsets
just received at Mrs. Mathew's, (’an
tit any figure.
\sce Willow Rocker as a gift, ab
s t«elv H:KK. at Coniiiser's Satis
(actorv Store.
F *r glassware, dishes and notions,
the Variety Store is the cheapest
place to buy.
Miss FrancesSweetland and Archie
Kearn- are home from Bellevue for
tlte Faster vacation.
Stroud & Hendrickson, successors
to (' nger. will do your hauling
pr mptlv and satisfactorily.
Miss Stella Jamrog was a Loup
• in visitor Friday last, returning
to Ashton Saturday morning.
Th** Kavenna Creamery Co. pa vs
tlie highest cash price for eggs de
livered at the creamery here.
Mis* \ddie Leininger came home
from We-ievan college last Friday
evening for a few days’ vacation.
line HER a Necklace on her hirth
dav. and - e her eyes sparkle. From
*5 <•» to tiY Hensy M. Elsnkk.
Mr>. Woods of Iiannebrog, who has
lieen visiting tier daughter. Mrs. Geo
Howler, returned liome Tuesday.
We are paying 1H cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
acres of pasture. Will take in
horses for $2 for one season. Plenty
of good water. Kochanowski Bros.
I* n't forget the meeting of the
Domestic s >ience club in the M. E.
rliurrh nt Saturday at p. m.
'lrs Heald. president of the Mate
W C. T. I'., and Miss Dunn, will lie
in Loup City on April 9th and loth.
Further particulars next week.
Will French and Skip Thrasher ex
pect to g . to Lincoln Saturday morn
ing, where they have a contract for
grading on the State Fair grounds.
If you want a dray, plione A. L. En
derlee. ~ on 57, or leave your order
with either lumber vard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of sen Ice guaranteed.
The M‘»lern Woodmen had another
Monday evening, taking in
tw » candidates and balloting on
several more. Deputy Rowe is se
c ,ring tine bundles of :
da vs.
* »ur friend. A. M. Lewis and wife
>'f Phillip* were here last week look
ing after their real estate interests
and visiting their son. Ed and wife.
Friend Lewis may move up here next
year, and we hope he will.
Last week Thursday, while Adolph
Kettenrnaver was pitching hay at his
farm south of this city, he accidently
run the tines of the fork into his left;
foot, causing a very painful, tho’ not
serious injury to that member.
We are informed the Farmers' Ele-|
vator was sold last Saturday to the
I»insdale> for fct.OOA. The indebted
ness. w.- are also informed, is about
which leaves WOO to he dug up
by tlie unfortunate stockholders.
Mr and Mrs. A. A. Fancher. pa
rents of the late Mrs. C. C. Cooper,
who have resided here for the past
few ninths, returned Wednesday
morning to their home at Council
Bluffs. Thev are splendid people and
leave hosts of friends liere.
Mr. arid Mrs. A. K. Houser of
Annir* visited here over last Sunday
with their relatives, the Leininger's,
a'soJ It. Ford's Bro. Houser insists
be did not bring along the severe
storm of Sunday, but instead came
up to meet it.
J. W Long and Dr. Longacre re
turned from Itenver last Thursday
n on Mr. Long found his sister. |
Mi«* Ella Ix»ng past the worst stages
of her illness, and found she did not
l ave to undergo an operation for
appendicitis as was feared.
At the Itental convention held at
(irancl Island last week Tuesday.
I*r. S. A. Allen of Loup City was
elected president of the association
Thus another of Loup City’s repre
sents? citizens is honored with
tie- highest office in the gift of an
association with which he is con
Kev. D. W. Montgomery goes to
Pawnee City Friday morning, where
tie will preach next Sundav for one
of tiie Presbyterian chu relies, and
deliver a mid-week lecture in one of
the other Presbvterian churches.
Mrs. Montgomery will accompany
iiirn His good parents reside there,
hepce combines a pleasurable visit
with iiis ministerial duties.
The Ice Wagon will
start in a few days.
Please get your refriger
ator ready.
Jas. W. Conger.
A Bad Egg
George Pilaster, a farmer who has
been on the Howe ranch In Logan
; township the past few years, took
French leave of numerous creditors
about a week ago, managing before
he left to embroil a number of said
debitors in replevin suits and raising
"lied ' generally. He had the habit
of trading and selling mortgaged
property and his general devilishness
will leave several to hold empty sacks.
He has disappeared and as the mort
gaged animals and farm stuffs are
-till here lie has left as a heritage
•ome good picking for the legal
raternity at least. No warrant so
ar is out for his return. His wife,
we understand, left later for the
oome of her parents at Council Bluffs
Another Stroke of Paralysis
The distressing news came to Mrs.
•las. Johansen. Tuesday, that Mrs.
Annie Hinsdale, who is at Excelsior
Springs. Mo., suffered another stroke
of paralysis Monday morning. A con
sultation of physicians gave a verdict
that the chances were about even as
to her recov* ry. and at most three or
four days would determine. Certain
blood vessels in the brain broke and
her death or recovery rests with the
healing of tiiose vessels. From the
time of ahe stroke she lias been con
tinuously sleeping except at short
intervals, recognizes those about her
but has lost the power of speech.
Her children are all at her bedside.
Miss Elizabeth going last week, while
Robert and the two sons at Palmer
went Monday afternoon.
A Charming Cantata
On Friday evening. April 7lh. at
*:16 o'clock at the opera house, the
primary pupils of Miss Nettie Con
! gers department of our city schools.
: assisted by Orral Young and Lois
Henry, will render the juvenile can
1 tata entitled. ‘‘The Brownie Hand."
The characters of the play are The
! Fairy Queen. The Fairy' Princess.
; Leda. Pauline. Flo. Ida. Yetta. Ada.
Carrie. Jennie. Billy Rig-Eye and
Tommy Long-Wing. Chorus of Wee
Wees. Chorus of Wood Nymphs, Clior
j us of Gipsy Girls. Butterflies Lou and
iSue. the Brownie Band and the
' General Chorus, with Miss Iva Henry,
I pianist. The plan of this cantata is
to represent a picnic, and after the
opening choruses seven girls arrive
i on the picnic grounds and plan to
visit "The Brownies' Retreat." as
they are anxious to see the Brownies.
Here Jennie discovers a bird’s nest
and tells them all about the baby
birds in song. As they leave to visit
the glen the Butterflies Lou and Sue,
Gipsy Girls and Wood Nymphs ap
pear. after which Leda enters, seek
ing her friends, as she is lost in the
woods. She is tired and sleepy and
and sits down to rest and falls
asleep and is found and taken care of
by the Brow nies and Fairies, but the
girls do not know this, and while
they are looking for Leda they dis
cover a shoe. left by the Brownies,
and thinking it is a Brownie's shoe
they feel sure that they are near. As
they continue their search the Fairy
Princess enters and will show you
the following people who dwell in
Fairyland—Billy Big-Eye, Tommy
Long-Wing, and Little Wee-Wees. A
little Brownie who enters and finds
Leda fast asleep, as does also the
Fairy Queen, leaves a letter from the
Brownies, which the girls find, and
while they are complying with the
terms and conditions laid down bv
the letter, the Brownies all appear
on the stage, bringing Leda with
them and tell the girls where they
found her. after which all characters
assemble for the closing chorus.
The proceeds of the Cantata will
be used to purchase pictures and for
beautifying the schoolroom. A small
admission fee of 16c will be charged.
We publish the program next week.
Let a crowded house greet the play.
March 22rd a marriage license was
issued to ('has. Ko/.el and Mary Yacha
both of Bristol. Monday the couple
came up and had Judge Smith put
on the finishing touches.
The Loup City bowling team went
to Ashton Tuesday and was beaten
by the local team by 122 points.
That's getting back at Loup City for
their defeat here last week.
Rev. N. C. Johnson of Kearney will
preach at the Presbyterian Church
this coming Sunday morning and
evening, and at Austin in the after
noon. If you want to hear good
Christian sermons, don’t miss these
Mr. \vm. sharp went to Grand
Island last Thursday to consult spec
ialists. one of whom claimed he had
cancer of the stomach, necessitating
an operation, while another claimed
he had not such trouble. He intends
going soon again to take treatment
of tiie latter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W’. Conhiser and
Miss Marie Schneidereit were driven
to Kearney last Sunday morning by
Will Criss in his auto, for a days’
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inks.
When within a couple of miles of
that city, a slight accident to the
auto compelled them to call another
auto to take then, into the city. Mr.
Conhiser returned Monday noon bv
train. Mr. Criss bringing the ladies
home Tuisday.
Doug. Iiowen has a riddle to solve.
Receiving word from his wife, who is
visiting her father at Gold Hill, Ore.,
to disuose of their household goods
and join her there, he did so. and
prepared to go this week. Monday
he received a telegram not to come,
and that she would be home the
latter part of the week, but it was
too late to save the furniture which
had t>een sold at a sacrifice, and now
Doug is waling for the riddle to solve
itself on his wife's return.
The Northwestern was pleased the
past few days to add the following
unsolicited readers to its rapidly
growing list, Jack Pageler, Frank
Casteel. Fred Schleich. Mrs. Gertrude
Prince. P. P. Platzvand Tom Caddy,
and received the good will in Uncle
Sam's cartwheels from the following
old-time subscribers: E..E. Tracy for
himself and good father. L. .1. Tracy
at Ghont. N. V.. R. M. Hiddleson,
J. Pleas a nee of Litchfield. Ed. Flynn,
Gus George. J. Magnuson. Clias. Lar
sen. S. S. Reynolds and H. Dolling.
We received a pleasant call Mon
day from Mr. Fred Schleich of Devil's
Lake. North Dakota. Mr. Schleich,
who is yardmaster at Devil's Lake,
was called home by the death of his
good father at Hazard last month,
and has since been busy settling up
the estate. The gentleman for a
number of years was a newspaper
man at Omaha and Plattsmouth.
graduating later into a railroad man
at Alliance and other points, and
finally securing the excellent position
at his present home, which he has
held for several years. He ordered
the Northwestern'to visit him regu
larly and also a copy to be sent to
his sister, Mrs. Gertrude Prince at
Hazard, where she and her husband
will have charge of the deceased
father’s estate.
Our Line of Kirschbaum Suits is superb. Such style,
fit, workmanship and fabsic youve never seen, even at consid*
erably higher prices.
Prices form $12.50 to $30. Whatever price you
pay tor a snii bearing the Kirschbaum label you can* be
assured of your money’s worth and more.
Lorent2, Cbe Clothier.
Is now open for the Spring Trade
We have on hand a line of
See Us for
Solid Gopcfete Wofk
Sidewalks, Floors, Etc.
Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hay.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
Q-o To TfcLe
Pioneer Neat Market
To get a nice, juicy piece of Steak
or anything in the Meat line. . . .
Highest Price Paid for Hides and Poultry
Millinery Opening
Mrs. II. M. Mathew announces her
millinery opening to take place on
Friday and Saturday of this week.
March 31st and April 1st. Most of
her hats have been carefully chosen
from several wholesale millinery
houses in St. Joseph and Omaha, and
are the best of their kind in material
and style. Your taste and pocket
look w ill both be entirely satisfied.
Will be glad to see everybody. Old
hats freshened and re-trimmed.
Pleasant Social Affair
Tuesday evening when Earl Harper
came home for supper, he was com
pletely surprised to find the parlor
occupied by his classmates, teachers
and a few other friends. He was so
surprised, that it was some time
before he realized that he was not
“only dreamin’, but he was fully
w akened by the time the delicious
four-course dinner was served, for
we noticed that he, as well- as the
guests, did ample justice to the
repast. After dinner the evening
was spent In various amusements.
An impromptu program was given,
consisting of several musical selec
tions ana readings. The affair was
in honor of Earl’s sixteenth birthday,
and he received many presents, among
which was a beautiful signet ring
from his most intimate friend, Clark
Reynolds. Mrs. Harper is to be con
gratulated as a hostess, as the affair
was a complete success, aed we wish
Earl many more happy birthdays.
The affair was gotten up by Rev. and
Mrs. Harper, assisted by Mr. Clark
Reynolds._ _ _ %•
A local paper, with its usual un
reliability for facts, stated last week
that G. S. Leininger would remove
to Washing on the Pacific Coast. Mr.
Leininger states he has no intention
of going there, and has not decided
fully on a future location, but has
several offers elsewhere, among them
one from a point in Montana, which
he may take up. He intends re
embarldng in the lumber business
wherever he goes.
Nllllnery Opening
March 31st—April 1st. Ladies call
and see my complete line of up-to
date hats—all styles and colors, prices
right. One door south of Arthur’s
store. Mrs. Adamson.
For Sale or Trade
Since leasing my hay ground and
farm land, I have some good heavy
work horses and some good heavy
harness to sell. Come and see me.
Troy Hals.
Farmers Notice
We want your good wheat and do
not sell before you get our prices.
We also want corn and oats and are
paying more than it will net to ship
to any terminal market. Your busi
ness is appreciated.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Electric Theatre
will be open on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday evenings of each week,
with an entire change of pictures
J ust the place for yourself and fami
ly to spend an enjoyable evening.
Poind Chiu Bun for Sale.
I hare a few good Poland China
Boars of the big type for sale, from
sows like Ora Wonder (130353), which
I purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis
persion sale last winter, bred to
Longwonder No. 131797a—54267. a
900-pound boar, and from Lady E.,
No. 138601. The sire of these pigs is
Nebraska King (49336). The rest are
sired by Grand Look (56737).
A Wonderful Premium Offer
! How to get
: >m» of these
V -k for one of
he bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
The Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here.
We don’t believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a favor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank. We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don’t stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It’s the sum of small things that
makes this bank great.
Capital and Surplus, $42,500
Officers and Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mellor S. N. Sweetland
E. G. Taylor Samuel Daddow
of $25.00 for one-way colonist tickets to California, Oregon, Washing
ton and the Far West, daily from March 10th to April 10th. Tickets
are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers.
via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake Route.
Every day to San Francisco. March 10th to April 10th, via Denver,
Scenic Colorado, Ogden; personally conducted tourist sleeper excur
sions every Thursday and Sunday to ’Frisco, thence Los Angeles via
Coast Line. Every day to Seattle, Portland and Northwest.
HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS- March 7th and 21st, to new territory
south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Basin.
YELLOWSTONE PARK. Think now about touring the Park this summ
er: inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonder
land—an eight-day personally conducted camping tour from Cody, via
the scenic entrance, everything provided; different from all other tours
An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to
take. Address Aaron Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo.. or undersigned.
J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent
L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be' pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place your orders. We can save you money
on everything in our line.’
H. P. Ferdinandt Fun:!* :cCc.