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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1911)
Professional Cards AaKoN wall Zj a "w "y © r I’ractiu-s lb mil Courts I » i < itv, Neb. ROBT. P. STARR . .ttorney-at-Law . ! N10 HTl.MiALE .v.T.t x kawe-ii-lit L JUF CITY. NEB 1 H MATHKW. Anorney-at-Law, Awl HmM \li»lfVU)r, L •up t i' v. Nebraska O. K. LOMiAl'RE HYSICIAS all SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TKM£I*H«»SK CALL, NO. 3» A. J. KEARNS F3YS1C1AN AND SURGEON %mmr. *4» itftir si lirsilemr* ▼ • ** » r* i « «l 4ue i «m. traii Loup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN I MAN am SURGEON Loup City. Nebr. * ler kt Lr*t.klbr, Icie^HW < uunectlon ROBERT P. STARR 'i.- mivr u» M. 11 M<«l Bonded Abstracter U r i'tTT. NuliAtii*. * * i cl <•{ ASwlrki t Uibkuo .uud’) S. A. ALLEN, OK.YT1ST r cm m:b. ■ i- up iuir> is the ui-w Male 1 . » ili&UXf. I L MAii( V. DENTIST, LC ITY, NEB K**t H4a 1 ‘ifciic Samir. Ptiow'. lo on M DU. J. U. GUKUG /i'l ERINABY SURGEON * «m>i i« L<>up 4 ay. will tit ion o! pr** !i« in*; \ i-tcrina 1 :.->r >ufjrriy ami 1 It-nusir> * promptly ailei.iini to iia> t»i »*lin si Uvutid From Kurn les^l^ ! rmr nu Cared | l cured w:th ,c-»' CO No r or other pen gmL CURE > teiaat LIFL Frar . RUPTURE CURED j, P«y Car ad. SPECIALIST J DR. RICH Y~~~ AKtawnl of OUR riour YfiuVaJL! The Labor of Baking i- aai tiaMs» r.-du<-<-*l if you uy Uk .t -.ud uf Kloar. and if tli«* «|U«*sy t (. n. -lUai i* lAw best Flour?' was jh.: i • * »t e atuotnr tiw takm and « c;«rr» in thi* (art of t!>« »• •.. tlie unanimous reply would br White Satin wi uld »ot* for It If you »er< - * to it. Isn't It wortli (irlnr ■ uitif Loup City, Mill* THE NORTHWESTERN F.KlIS —il UU PEK TKAH.IF PAM> IN A DVAKCk Kcirred at ti»c? Loup I’Jtv PwU'fllfft for trans miaaiou Umnurt t t** Dial Is -an second r :»•> matw Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 J. W. Itll'.I.KlHlI. K.l ami l*uli I’ete Ituwcsi^ he's going to run i for county judge a> an insurgent re ■ publican. wha’ lie means by that. I’ete believes in stirring the political < (lot. According to the late census re 1 turns. Buffalo county bad 255 less population in Win than it bad in j 1*W* 30 years before, tlreat faesarl And the home of Brown's Hub? But | maybe that's the reason. Tl»e Times and Hibson's paper are engaged in the ver.v suggestive fool I is!iness of calling names and making «mouths at each other. It may be fverv pleasing to themselves, but to theirreaders it can hardly be termed i creditable to either. The St. l‘aul Republican changed ' bands last week. II. O. Cooley leasing ! the plant to Messrs Aney & Hough, and going to South l*akota to take ! the secretaryship of a commercial club The pa|K-r shows a marked improvement under the new manage ment As there has been more or less .ostioning as to whether Herman ,J .h iJansen intended being a candi date for sheriff this fall, a reporter! ,1 r the Northwestern interviewed It oat gentleman on Monday afternoon •f this week and he asserted positive ■bat he would be a candidate be • re tin republican primaries for the V. e of sheriff That settles that -estiori on Mr Johansen's authority «iat > the matter with the em ployes of tiie present democratic legislature. or is it tiieir fault that oil!* coining up for action in several instances are without some essential j necessary to make them O. K. Ac • rding to re|*ort>. one ha> come up a it bout tiie enacting clause, another ■*itiiout proper title and still otliers ' und faulty in one way or another, arsing them to he returned for cor* j rection. Some are unkind enough to 'uspkion such things as put-up jobs n> parties interested in their defeat. Whatever the reason, such happen ings are very frequent during tiie present session and give rise to suspicion. Last week Friday was a genuine ('rime and Casualty" day. On that date dynamiters caused $15,000 dam age to the new million dollar court house at Omaha, and did tiie same destructive work at Indianapolis on tiie office of Caldwell & I»rake. tiie •(•tractors of the Omaha building. Tne same morning, masked men blew -p a hank at Hudson. Fas., securing i At Cofleyville. Kas., robbers held up a train in the suburbs and ifot Attain on the same day. a marked man Ixiarded a Northwest ern train at Dennison. Iowa, and relieved passengers of wau-iies and n. ney. Tliat's going some on un- j unlucky Friday. While the Northwestern is uncom promising y a supporter of republican! men and prin dpie-and a loyal sup porter of its candidates for office by ; v.ceand pec, it docs not feel called !■ -I* «k di»o irioiryFy of candidates • f tic ■ p( - t n. preferring to speas , of tiiein as ri -nd> and iivighb irs. and ; _• fellows in all -ao1 their d-spical I p .itii-a! tielief which hangs like a heavy. dismal veil between them and their political desires. The day is past when abuse stands yor argu-' aient So kind words for political opponent* does not mean support, but nly an eapre--ion of perso nal good will, while v >u smile and work and »>>te against them* still.” Democratic Gerrymandering Th«* prc>< nt democratio legislature i' busy placing the 'late in control >i Use Bourbons >o far as lies in their P^wer They have bill> to re-appor tion the 'tate judicially, congress! on - ally. sena- irially and representorialh ail in the interest of the democratic party. And w hat i* more, they evi dently hate a sufficient majority to t ake them go at least up to the I _• ivemor The congressional re-aje j p >rt ion merit proposed places Sherman • nt> m tie- Fourth and out of the Big Sixth. with Saunders, Kutler. Seward, saline. 1’olk. York. Valley, tireeiey. Verrick. Hamilton. Howard,: Hall and Buffalo. It leaves Buffalo I and S‘ e man in one senatorial dis-; r net. adding to it tiie county of Kearnet and calling it the 22nd I viu’.t rial district. The judicial! reap, *rti» ntnent would place Custer, | Sherman. B.tlalo and Hawson to-j a' the 12th judicial district lteure>entaLive Placet is the daddy of tiie mixtures. What do you think i f tiie concoctions? A Running at the Mouth?; For the past several wteks. Loup < ity and the country roundabout bas 'i passing through a siege of sev eral kinds and stages of diseases, just as various portions of the state are likewise suffering. There has been a nutulier of cases of quarantine for supposed small pox: a few cases of 'ome sort of sore mouth disease, and still other kinds of physical ailment, (•affling some of the physicians, while thers have diagnosed them as they honestly thought them to lie. Our jieople have taken sides one way or another, as they had faith in their family physicians. The fact that our physicians and people have dis agreed. is nothing more than has tieen the case with the physicians and people of other sections. Because such has been the result is no reason that the Times, edited by Bro. Beus bausen. should offer a gratuitous in -ult in regard to tiie ills we have been passing through, as shown by the following excerpt taken from his sheet last week: From the reports that seem to l<e current on the street all kinds of contagious and deathly dis eases seem to be prevelant in Loup City, but when you come to investigate it ninety per cent is fake, and we wonder how some of tiie hideous reports get started. It is started by somebody tltat always wants to be knocking or i' it just because too many have a running at the mouth. SUiuldn't you judge that in penn | ing such an abortion (liarley must have a little touch of the disease he i mentions as "a running at the 1 ■IMllIl »• City Election City election comes next week Tuesday, April There will be but one set of candidates, Wesley Pedler for mayor, Jas. II. Lee for councilman 1st ward. A. B. Outhouse for councilman 2nd ward, Peter Rowe for city clerk, L. Hansen for city treasurer, no candidate for police judge. I). L. Adamson city engineer. I and for the live city appraisers. Aug. Beushausen. Jacob Albers, T. A. Tay-1 lor. Jerry Shettler and T. L. Pilger. The question, for or against liquor} license, is placed on the ballot for' the disposal of the voter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Slate of Nebraska i V ss. Shermao County. ' State ot Nebraska Ln County Court within and for Sherman coun ty. Nebraska. March 2Ttb, 1911. In the matter of the estate of Crist Schleicb, deceased. To the Creditors of said ©state: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in l.oup City, in said county on the 26th day of June 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and on the 25th day of Wk-tober. 1911. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to thair adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of L-laims against said estate is six months from the 2sth day of April. A. D. 1911. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 25th day of April. 1911. Witness my hand and the seal of said coun ty court. ihis2?th day of March. 1911. ISEAI.l E. A. SMITH. Countv Judge, i Last pub. April 30* Notice of Settlement Id the County Court of Sherman county. . Nebraska. ln the matter of the estate of llenrv F. Tange rman. deceased. Notice of hearing on tinal account of executrix anil petition praying for the allowance of ! same and for an order distributing the residue of said estate. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others j interested in said estate: Take notice, that on the *J5th day of March i lvdi. Coldie M. Tangerman. executrix of the estate of Henry F. Tangerman. deceased filed the tinal account of her administration of said estate together with her petition pray ing for the allowance of same, and for an order distributing the residue of said estate in her hands as such executrix, and it is ordered that the same stand for the 15th day of April 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of the County Judge of said county at which time and place all persons interested , may appear and be heard concerning said account and distribution Notice of this pro ccediug is ordered given by publication for three weeks successively in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper published and of general circulation in said county. Dated this *J5th day of March. 1911. IsKAl] E. A. Smith. County Judge. (Last pub. April 13> LEGAL NOTICE State «»f Nebraska, i Sherman County. ' The state of Nebraska William A Russell ami Mrs. Russell, wife -»f William A Russell, tirst real name unknown, defendants, will take notice that on February l«t 1W11. Thomas M Heed and Hattie L Retd, plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska against "aid defendants and each of them, the object and prayer of which are to obtain the decree of said court adjudging ani decreeing that -aid defendant'* have no right. title or in terest in the following described real esta:e. to wit A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being situate in the northwest quarter «»f the northwest quarter of Section eighteen in Township fifteen, north of Range fourteen west of sixth principal meridian in Sherman county Nebraska, and which is more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit Com mencing at the southeast corner of said north west quarter of said northwest quarter of sa d Section eighteen, and running thence north ninety feet to the place of beginning. running thence uorth two hundred and ten feet, thence west three hundred feet, thence south two hundred and ten feet, and thence east three hundred feet to the place of beginning; and adjudging and decreeing that the cloud caused by lbe record of a certain deed which is re corded in Hook 13 at page 340 of deed records of said county be removed, and that the title to said land l>e quieted and confirmed in th*4 plaintiff Thomas M. Reed, and that said defendants and each of them and all persons claiming by. through or under them may be perpetually enjoined from claiming anv in ten st in said premises adverse to that of said plaintiffs and from interrupting plaintiffs use and enjoyment of the same, and for such other relief as equity may require. That on March Nth. Ikll, an order of said court was duly made directing service by publication upon said defendants. You are required to answer said petition on or before the first day of May. 1911. Dated this lMh day of March. 1911 Thomas M. Reed and Hattie L. Reed Plaintiff's, By their attorney. R. J. ortler of Hearns and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account In the County Court of Sherman County. Ne braska. State of Nebraska / >SS. Sherman County. \ To the Creditors. Heirs. Legatees, and all per sons interested in the Estate of GeorgeS. Keeler deceased: On reading the petition of Frances Keeler praying a final settlement and allowance of her account filed in this court on the 13th day of March. 1911. it is hereby ordered that you ana all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the Ith day of April A. D 1911. at 10 o'clock u. tn . to show cause, if any there In*, why the prayer of the petitioner should uot be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said pe ition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three sue cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. 1»eal] E A. Smith. County Judge. Last pub. Mar. So BRIDGE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on or before noon of the I’tb day of April, 1911. for the let ting of a yearly contract for the building of wood and steel bridges, as per plans and specifications adopted b> the County Hoard of Supervisors of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the 9th day ot March. 1909, as the same are on file in the office of the county! clerk. All bids must l*e accompanied by a certified check of $1,000.00. The • board reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. Witness my hand and the seal of j said county hereunto affixed this Sth j day of March, 1911. [SKAl.] W. C. DtETKKICHS, County Clerk. Last pub. April 13 OURCOAL I Heat Force We will admit, that slate and rock would t»e just as good, and maybe better, To Throw at Tramps as our high grade coal, but in tilling vour orders we have bet one thought in mind, and that is to furnifh you Coal That Will Burn Keystone Lbr. Co. Coal yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Austin. An Unparalleled Record 49,491,000 TEAYEL; NOT A LIFE LOST Harridan line':5 P&rsaiger Report for ID?7) Sion Vic tory of Safety Devices. ACCIDEXTo C3 J £0 THEED Union P&ciSc O.jceltica Drop to One-Fifth; Soalplnc Ts Becucod. The Karri m*n ranwaj Haas earned 10 pei cent •of the estimated 1S10 passenger traffle ot the United Stattc. or 43.401,000 people, without fatal accident _.> cay cf tfce num ber. This result Is ascribed ts the icsta&e tioii -of safety devices end Is believed: ts haw no parallel In tho ral^ond world. The report, cotuofnliyr this data. 'Just ha* been, compiled In the ofiices of Julius Krutl schnltt. director of maintenance end epera tlon on the system. Including the Southern Bacitlc and Union railroads. a total of 17.9G9 miles. The total number c.' passengers carried on a one mile- hasiv v. S.OOO.OCO.COO. The flgures of the country's railroads for 3910 have not yet be m compiled by the poverr. n'.ect; but in lf-09 the Interstate commerce commiss.on reported the number of nassen gers carried ar- ItiOOO 00,-000. The f.guras for 1910 tvill nofexceeJ a billion more. ltl» a aid. No Like SecoTtLSnotra. Many other railroad* have gone through a year without a fatality do aay of its passen gers. but It Is said.that r.o-system has made this record for such a large total of passen gers. The results’ on the ITarrlman are as cribed to a campaign waged by the manage ment for years to reduce accidents. The Kar riman system now has mere miles of auto matic block signal protection than any other system In the world. Mr. Kruttscknut h!m it'.f lies directed rpccUl attention to the ac it-cr*. problem and began ovcralyears ago . o- bring about a .reduction-by giving con e;c publicity a all f rms.of accidents and y ■- invest! get loft, which, it is believed, •r both oSicers and employfs to greater yys -t? u safeguard lives latructed to their di. cj»j 1TtiiurtiF.-lruary 12th. Union Pacific Not a Sins'* Fatal Accident. Tfca Nassau.* imea carried 10 par «cnt of the country'; estimated parJ*»n jcor trade for 1210. Sot 4 ctngle fatal accident occurred to a passenger any where on the pyctctn. This achievement Is dcsc.lbcd CM Bn paranelea in ritfirotdftic, and U U at tributed to tin w, i nation of safety do vices—Chiefly, If rot -wholly. If a email line kicsts through a year without a fatal accident the result may Itself be considered accidental. A vaat isyatem carrying millions of passengers owes safety do Improvements, caro and efficiency. Chicago Record-Herald, February 15tb. Standard Road of the West is Let us send to you or give to you, free, an interesting little book,“Making Travel bate.” Address your local agent or GERRIT FORT, P. T. M. OMAHA. NEB. LINCOLN PAIN T Less Than Manufacturers' Prices One Gallon Cans.$1.80 Half Gallon Cans.95 Quart Cans.50 F. 0. B ., YOUR STATION COME or SEND in your eolor NOW, while stock is complete BROWN’S PHARMACY, Ord, Neb. Do Not Let Your Wife or Mother WEAR HERSELF OUT By Keating a Carpet or Rug. and then not getting good results, when you can have it done by calling the sriTATORICM. Spots of every kind, all dirt and grease will be removed. 1 also clean and dye Chenille. Madras, Velvet and Lace Curtains. Couch Covers, Stand Covers, Sofa Pillow Covers, etc. Cleaning. Dyeing and Repairing of Ladies’ Plain. Silk. Satin. Velvet, Lace or Chiffon Dresses: Plain, Pleated or Fancy Skirts. Jackets Coats, etc. \ Also all kinds of Men’s Clothing. Hat Blocking a Specialty. J. W. Dorsey Suitatopupi Phone One Door South of : 6 on 73. Pioneer Meat Market The Season is at HARN Hand tor We have the quantity to select from. We have the Price- We have the Quality that Guarantees Durability to Correspond with the Quality, RAYRU PST - GALL A WAY hardware go. DO YOU NEED We have just received a large shipment of Wall Paper and have a choice lot of Latest Designs and patterns For Every Room in the House Look •’phepi Over |t Will Pay You SWANSON & LOFHOLM PHARMACY FARM It Means HONE To T se a Manure Spreader! T. SVl. Reed What He Has to Show Ycu Barrels to Pickle Pork in. Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens. Pickles in Bulk Olives in Bulk. A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens. Lee Brothers. FENCE POSTS We have a good stock of lumber and all kinds of building material on band. A carefully assorted stock ol Fence Posts ranging in price from 12c to 25c. No trouble to figure your bills and show our stock. LEINfNGER LUMBER. C0„ lobo Cilv Neb What a Splendid Picture youth, health and beau tv make forever. ft Is too bad they cannot last Ne Like to Take Photographs vs.™isr^2 .•»'%?»>">« p~»i. ou will decide to have us Dhotograph you 1 son T**en probably EDGAR DRAPER. Photographer.