The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 23, 1911, Image 4

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    Phofess'.onm Cards
- . -----.. . -|
J*ra«^K3e* in all Court*
L■ ufi Utv. Neb.
*ac^y ai
V n i tlinirj Ufcinrt/ir.
l>**ip City, Nebraska
<». k. i.on<;a( KK !
OtJl e. Over New Bank
TklirHOKK CALL, NO. 3t
rkMO. W <•••. ml trO toM*
Tow i.-«r. t.w«i or T « pfttral
Luup Citu - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
• rr i: tWW wv.
TrSriilmnr I olilurlioii
MnMHhi M. II MraU
Fended Abstracter
. er Cm. - Ne«u \»kA.
OwJ> wet of A otr» t *Kk>k»;u .ounti
S. a. ALLEN,
I \ XEK.
jft .tair. ,a : new State
It... .i.Uitnr.
Kut l*ul*il*- >1 HW»
hww. t*» on >.
i uate in L»u(i • in, with
■ ti « ulMi of |ini'tki%' Yrlerina
» V- i«r. Sur|trr> ini
- )-r plH lUriuM to ilav or
* «'ii. • (f U, wi».i front Itarn
AR Racial I hueaaeo cured with
er* a mgvai afwration. No
rt toeof< ra. eitu-r or other gen
oral HMt)eU( used CURE
TIME. Fuminitw Free
witkout an operation.
Pay when Cored.
1 riour
The Labor of Baking
.« iuni ti r<s reduced if you use tlie
- !>*1 jf Ki ur. and if Uwj <jues
- * Ut 1% tl.e best flour? " Mo
• • to tulr aniottc tiie bakers and
serrprrs in tlda part of ti«e
ntri lie unanimous reply would
White Satin
> * uld »ot# f.-r it if you were
to it. lao tit •ortl’ giving t
Loup City Mills i
Cums ~#i yu rm* tiar ir paid iw advadc*
CiiatH m th« Loup Hi? for irtoi
mlyaloA tHrou*h th** if>*lU a* ***con«1
<*1aar utiu-r
Office Phone. - 6 on 21
Residence. - - 3 on 21
J. \V. ROtl.FIKII. M. mill Pul.
Doctors Disagree
on Dread Disease
lo*t Friday evening. Itennie. the
•<•11 year oid v n of t-. It. llaines,
living in tlir northeast part of town
died after a short illness and was
given a private burial Monday morn
ing Saturday morning a second non
of Mr. liaines was found very ill.
•villi the same symptoms as that of
tiie deceased I my. The case was
diagnosed by one of our leading
physicians is a case of poliomyelitis.
>r infantile paralysis, the sick child
recovering * >n Ihs advice, the re
maining children were sent to the
home of relatives near Kockville as a
preventive of their also being taken
with Uie disease. Wednesday morn
ing word was received from I>r.
Dickinson of tliat village, that one
of the children, the eldest girl, was
ill with what iie diagnosed as in
fantile (.aralysis. thus corroborating
Uie diagnosis of our local physician.
SU1I later, it is reported on the
streets that the mother is also ill
with lfie same disease. It is but
fair to state that the regular phy
sician confesses he is puzzled over
U»e peculiar symptoms of the disease,
hut is not willing to concede it to be
poliomyelitis, and Hr. Lee of Arcadia,
who was called here to diagnose the
i .ness of the second boy. also refused
to concede It to lx- that disease,
which had prevailed to an alarming
extent in and around Arcadia a year
ago last summer. Thus it will he
s.-en that there is an honest ditier of opinion among the medical
practit; tiers, and our people, witli
•ne accord can only hope it mav not
lx- Uie dread disease above noted.
All you had to say the past week
was "Who got the short-arm jolt?”
' •cause an appreciative grin to spread
over Uie face of the listener.
The Wyoming governor voted tlie
aw paved by tlie Legislature allow
ing prize lighting In Washington
also, tlie women set their daintv
- ipoersdown on a law of tlie same
It is stated that Carrie Nation of
hatchet fame who is In a sanitarium
in Kansas lias lost her mind. And
-oiiie people will tie unkind enough to
-uggesi site could not have lost what
she never iiad.
City election comes one week from
neat Tuesday. April 4th. The ques
tion of saloons or no saloons will be
threshed over again, with tlie same
probable results, as tlie "wets” have
a big working majority.
ls'wn in Kentucky a bill lias been
introduced in tlie legislature to abol
ish tlie flip pockets of the male popu
lation. which a legislator insists is
never used by a Kentuckian except
for a gun or bottle. The ideal
Austin Scribbles
Art Klsner ua- out Monday and
■■ —k the pictures of Fairplav school
and made all the children happy with
a ride in his auto.
Frank Fi>s- is sporting a new horse.
Mrs Bob Gilmore and Mrs. Dan
McDonald were shhpping at Loup
City last Saturdav.
A C. < *gle wa- down to Austin last
Sunday, taking ids friends for a spin
in til's new auto and took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph John took
dinner and visited a while with S.
Foss' ia>t Saturdav.
I'aul Gilmore bought some alfalfa
hay of S. Foss last week.
Alfred Johnson was at Omaha last
week and purchased three head of
tine blooded cattle.
Jim Johnson took a living trip
Tuesday and back on tlie motor.
Ed Lew is is expecting his parents
from Hamilton countv on tlie even
ing train
Sunday, hlea McNulty and Mada
I'arlette were out riding with tlie
liter - uncle in bis auto, when
the tiling exploded. Klea said she
I ad two tits a minute, but no one
was hurt.
The farmers are all busy these days
and it begin- took like spring was
here, a- tlie grass and wheat are
green, but some wheat is winter
killed in places and needs rain hadiv.
Electric Theatre
Will lv Open on Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday evenings of each week,
witii an entire change of pictures
lust the place for yourself and fami
V to spend an enjoyable evening.
All stockholders of the Farmers’
F.levator of Loupl'itv are requested
to be present at a meeting called for
M nday. March 27th. at 2 o’clock
p. m.. to dose up the sale of the
elevator property.
" ‘1 liroHKs. President.
German Evangelical Church
Next Sunday, March 2*>. tliere will
be services at Loud City at 10:30 a. m
In connection witii tins service will
tie examination of candidates for con
March2.'*. lesson in Herman at Loud
City church at 10 a. m. v
_V.Jueling. Pastor.
I Rise to Remark
Many things are well done that are
not worth doing.
Keep busy and you’ll have no time
to be miserable.
After all. intuition is but another
word for feminine suspicion.
Of two evils choose neither.
Airmen are equal at birth and death
Some men’s only claim to distinc
tion is a pair of white duck trousers
or a three-colored hat-hand.
Most everybody wishes that lie
-ouid live liis life over again, but few
would live much better.
Kloquence is the truth well told.
An echo is the shadow of a noise.
A Christian doesn’t have to tell
Jnation causes moie aches ami
pains than all other ailments.
People witii lots of determination
are likely to be unpopular- and suc
cessful. J. W. Babcock in Woman's
Haw Companion for Match.
Along R. R. No. 2.
Oliver Brodoek and sister, Mrs.
Jessie McFadden. attended Rebekah
lodge last Wednesday evening.
The Oltjenbruns children surprised
their mother on her birthday anni
versary last week Wednesday even
ing. They invited the neighbors to
help them and reported the next
morning that it was a complete sur
Slush ice was again running in the
river. If tills keeps up we will have
all kinds of fruit this year.
The ladies' aid society met at the
home of H. W. Brodoek Thursday.
S. X. Criss took heme two loads of
l>ost.s last Thursday.
Rev. K. V. Steadman was compelled
to close the services at Wiggle Creek
last Thursday on account- of the
illness of ids wife at their home in
Hastings, and left for that place the
following day.
Pete Ogle and Will Simpson, on
their way from Omaha to Loup City
witli their new autoes. passed the
carrier at Stewart McFadden's, last
Claude Hurt came home Friday last
from York, where lie lias been at
tending college. He will return in
about ten days for the next three
months' term.
Roy McDonald had an exciting ex
perience for a little while in meeting
an outo last Friday.
Janies Smalley left for Avoca. Neb.
last Friday.
Miss Lottie Rushong's pupils went
over to Miss Madge Holmes* school
last Friday to engage in the contest
that followed during the afternoon. I
First there was a ciphering match.!
in which Miss Holmes' school was
successful by a score of 11 to 15. The 1
next was a ball game, which was
hotly contested, and at the ninth
inning the score stood t» to s. It took j
twelve innings to decide who were
the winners. In this also. Mists
Holmes' school were victors, score
12 to 16. It was one of the most
exciting ball games that these schools
, have ever had.
('las. Schwaderer gave carrier some
fresh pork last Saturday.
Several weddings will lake place on
the route before long. Guess who?
Tony Messeno. working for Frit/.
Bichei. won his lawsuit at Loup City
last week.
Some friends of Anton Spotanski
were up to his place hunting wolves
last Saturday.
Will Haw k gave carrier a plate of
dandy sausage Monday.
Leverne I’eterson. son of George
I’eterson. has been a very sick boy
the past week with the same sickness
that Cornell Brown had.
Have you noticed G. B. Wilkie's
mail box with the post and box
painted white, also how nice he has
the name and number painted on it
in black, which is a big help to new
substitute carriers in going over a
route for the first time.
Art Conger and sister, Henrietta,
are boarding down near the mill
these days.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garner visited
at Henry Bichel's Sunday, and while
there Henry took them for a spin in
his auto, going as far as Loup City.
Stew art McFadden v oluntarily quar
antined himself and family for several
days last week, thinking they had
small pox. l>r. Jones was called and
he decided it was a false alarm.
it looks good to see the farmws at
work in the fields again.
The Sherman County Telephone
Co. are busy these days running a
line to Ravenna.
Will i’eterson has been fencing
several acres of alfalfa with hog tight
fencing the past week.
C. S. Graham from Hazard, has
been putting down a tubular well
for Spotanski. on the farm just west
of the place farmed by Lindgren.
J. H. Bone has painted his mail
box white. Who will be the next one
to paint their box and post white?
t nns Oltjenbruns, w hile at Hast
ing bought a tine registered Short
horn cow, * Fannie Stone Shallen
berger," also a registered Shorthorn
hull at Minden. that cost him Sltk).
Chris already had ten tine blooded
cows and this addition makes his
herd among the best in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Plambeck are
visiting near Ashton this week.
Geo. McFadden had ids corn crib
and granary painted tlds week.
Adolph Rettenmayer, H. M. Hen
ning and B. W. Pa'rkhurst all had
their cattle dehorned tlds week.
Walt McNulty and Will Simpson
were out on Wiggle Creek Tuesday.
Miss Vera Cummings came home:
from Kearney Monday.
VV. H. Gunn is here tlds week look- ■
ing after his ranch on the creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daddow came
home from their visit to Polk, Neb.. ■
Monday evening.
Alfred Jorgenson has put ids mail 1
box in a handier place for the carrier.!
Henry Reed expects to start work
on the cemetery hill soon.
Will Engle came up from York
Monday evening to attend the wedd
ing of Miss May Bone and Will Hen
derson at the home of J. H. Bone
Tuesday evening. Rev. W. C. Harper j
F. A. Pinckney's father has been
on the sick list the past week.
Clark Reynolds attended the Bone- J
Htnderson wedding Tuesday night.
Romeo Conger sold E. G. Taylor «
load of hay last week for the mill
Miss Hanna Ricliel is herself again
after a weeks’ illness.
Clias. Schwaderer had the corn
shellers at ids place Tuesday.
J. A. Arnett and sons shelled corn
at Loup City last week.
S. N. Criss and A. C. Best were
seen with a big load of posts on the
divide Wednesday.
Will Henderson and Miss Mav Bone i
were married Tuesday evening at!
$ o’clock by Rev. W. *C. Harper, at
tlie home of the bride’s uncle. We them many happy returns of
tiie day.
W. u. Brown made ids second ship
ment of cattle to South Omaha
C. W Burt and Homer Hughes
have killed several geese near their
homes the past year.
Geo. McFadden shipped another
car of cattle to South Omaha Wednes
day. Tins is his second shipment.
Mrs. L. Johnson on Route 1, is but
very little better ai this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. lver Lyhne visited at
the home of J. P. Hansen Sunday.
Carrier found a box of wedding
cake at J. H. Bone's mail box. <
The Wiggle Creek Sunday school
was re-organiied Thursday evening ]
with la Daddow, aiipnrinteadent; j I
Bernice Casteel, secretary, and Al-j
fred Jorgenson, treasurer.
Miss Madge Holmes spent Thurs
day ntght at ('lark AI Ionian's.
Mrs. (5. B. Wilkie isonthe sick list.
The Wiggle Creek ladies, aid will
meet March .'loth with Mrs. Ira
Arthur Woody of Austin spent|
Saturday and Sunday at the homes
of Albert Snyder and Clark Alleman.
Route No. I
'Grandpa Pinckney has been quite
sick, but is better at this writing.
F. A. Pinckney, Chris Zwink and
John Warrick shipped some stock to
Omaha last week and returned home
Saturday evening.
Remember the contest to lie given
at the Moon Creek school next Fri
day evening, March 24th.
Frank Fross is doing some painting
for F. A. Pinckney
Miss Ethel Mercer visited at the
Iliddleson home Sunday.
W. it. McCullough and family have
moved on their home place north of
the Weed in place.
Mr. and Mrs. Fross visited at the
McCullough home last Friday.
Some of the new library books sent
for by Miss Rowe have arrived.
Ruby Fross stayed over night with
Bessie Hendrickson last Tnursday. i
'R P. Hatch arrived from Aurora
Tuesday evening. With the help of
friends and neighlors he hauled his
goods out to the farm he has rented
northwest of Loup City.
Miss Nettie Arnett will come here
Thursday from Phillips, to stav with
her aunt. Mrs. Tom Clark.
Lvman Pray lias been busy the past
week hauling corn from his old place.
Mrs. W. T. ('lark, who has been
sick all winter, is no better yet.
Elmer Johnson and John Nelson
have both been trying tiieir hands at
painting the past week.
Thos. Parsley was sawing wood the
past week.
A. T. Kuhn. G. W. Hager. 11. A.
Henderson and L. Johnson have all
shelled corn the past few days.
\\. T. Clark and Rudolph Johns
have each tixed their l*>xes up in
good shape.
The Smythe hoys have been haul
ing hay the past week.
Frank /wink is helping Walter
Wo/.nick build a house for Chas. Kee.
Joe Toc/.ek has had a new well put
down on his place.
L. Domgard Wednesday purchased
a quarter section of land of Wright
Reynolds ami expects to move there
on soon.
W. T. Krat/.er has lieen trimming
up his trees lately, which is a great
The quarantine was raised from
R. E. Dale's last Saturday.
Frank /wink was having dental
work done the first of the week.
H. J Keister has been moving cn
to the old Draper farm north of tow n.
Miss Ada Smith, who is teaching
over near Litchfield, spent Sundav at
J. A. Summers and family left the
tirst of the week for their new home
at Almeria.
Loren llaylen has been down with
la grippe.
11. Hobart and family from near
Hazard spent Sunday at H. L. Ball's.;
Tlios. Parsley is spending part of i
his time these days breaking horses.
Jim Ling is digging a cistern.
Verna Kowalewski visited Bessie
Smith's school Tuesday.
Frank Kusek from Clear Creek
attended church at Loup City Sun
State of Nebraska. *
Sherman County, i The State of Nebraska
William A Kussell a mi Mis. Russell, wife df
William A- Russell, firs: real name unknown,
defendants, will take notice that on February
Ni. 1911. Thomas M Reed and Hattie L. Reed,
plaintiffs. Hied their petition in the District
Court of Sherman county. Nebraska. against
said defendants and each of them, the object
and prayer of which are to obtain the decree
of said court adjudgiug anl decreeing that
said defendants have no right, title or in
terest in the following described real estate
to-wit: A certain piece or parrel of land lying
and being situate in the northwest quarter of
the mmhwest quarter of Section eighteen in
Touifihip fifteen north of Range fourteen
wevt of sixth principal meridian in Sherman
county. Nebraska, and which is more par
ticularly described as follows, to-wil Com
mencing at the southeast corner of aaid north
west quarter of said northwest quarter of said
Section eighteen, and running thence north
ninety feet to the place of beginning, running
thence north two hundred and ten feet thence
west three hundred feet thence south two
hundred an«i ten feet and thence east three
hundrrd feet to the place of tteginning and
adjudging and decreeing that the cloud caused
by the record of a certain deed which is re
corded in Hook IS at page 3*k) of deed records
of said county removed and that the title
to said land he quieted and confirmed in the
pla miff Thomas M Reed, -nd that said
defendants and each of them and all persons
claiming by. through or under them may be
perpetually enjoined from claiming anv In
terest in said premises adverse to that of said
plaintiffs and from interrupting plaintiffs use
and enjoyment of the same, and for such other
relief as equity may require That on March
l-lth. 1911. an order or said court was duly made
directing service by publication upon said
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the first day of May. 1911.
Dated this Is'th dav of March. 1911
Thom as m Keep and Hattie L. Keep.
Hv their attorney. R. J. Nightingale
Nonce oi Heami oi Pennoi ter Letters
or AfimiEislraiioB
State of N«brasW» j
- ss> Countv ' The State o? Mebraska
To the next of kin and all persons interested
in the estate of Crist Schleich. deceased,
late of said county:
Notice is hereby given that on March
?nd. 1911. a petition was filed in the county
court of said countv for the appointment of an
administratrix o! the estate of Crist Schleich.
deceased, late of said county, and that the
same was set for hearing on Monday, the
7th day of March. 1911. at the hour of
1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the of
K. A. Smith. County Judge of said county, in
Loup City in said countv at which time and
place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and be heard concerning said
Given under my hand and the seal of said
court this thui day.of March. 1911.
{seal) E. A. Smith. County Judge,
il.ast pub. MarTti
Order ot Beirut and Notice os Petition toi
Settleneit ot Account
In ihe County Cuurl of Sherman County. Ne
Stall' of Nebraska, i
Sherman County. *
To the Creditors. Heirs. Legatees and all per
sons interested in the Estate of George S
Keeler deeea-ed
On reading the petition of Frances Keelei
praying a final -. clement and allowance ol
her accourt. ffled in this court on the !3th da.
of'Marrh, 1911. it is her»*by ordered that you
and all pe-sons interested in said matter may
and do. appear at the County Court to be held
in and for -aid county, on the tth day of April.
A. D. 1911 at 10 o'clock a. m . to show cause, il
any there le. why the prayerof the petitioner
should not be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said peiition and the hearing
thereof be given to alt persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of this order
in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three sue
tess;vc weeks prior to said dav of hearing.
[skal] E. A. Smith. County Judge.
Last pub. Mar. 30
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received at the office of the
County Clerk of Sherman county.
Nebraska, on or before noon of the
17th day of April. 1911. for the let
ting of a yearly contract for the
building of wood and steel bridges, as
per plans and specifications adopted
by the County Board of Supervisors
of Sherman county. Nebraska, on the
9th day of March, 1909. as the same
are on tile in the office of the county
clerk. All bids must be accompanied
by a certified check of $1,000.00. The
hoard reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county hereunto affixed this 8tli
day of March, 1911.
County Clerk.
Last pub. April 13
Is now open for the Spring Trade
We have on hand a line of
See Us for
Solid Gopcfete Work
Sidewalks, Fi°°rs> Etc.
Call and get our prices. We have in
connection a line of Feed, Ground Corn and
Baled Hav.
GUY STOUT, Manager.
Pioneer Meat Market
To get a nice, juicy piece of Steak
or anything in the Meat line. . . .
Highest Price Paid for Hides and Poultry
Less Than Manufacturers' Prices
One Gallon Cant.$1.8o
Half Gallon Cans. 99
^uart Cans.50
COME or SEND in your color NOW, while stock is
The Season is at Hand tor
We have the quantity to select from. We have
| the Price. We have the Quality that Guarantees
I Durability to Correspond with the Quality,
We have just received a large shipment of
Wall Paper and have a choice lot of j
Latest Designs and patterns
For Every Room in the House
Look Thepri Over
|t Will Pay You
It Means
To Use a
Manure Spreader!
T. M. Reed
What He Has to Show Ycu
Barrels to Pickle Pork in.
Oyster Shells and Green Out Bones for Chickens.
Pickles in Bulk
Olives iu Bulk.
A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens.
Lee Brothers.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of buildiug material on hand.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 25c
No trouble to figure your hills and show
our stock.
What a Splendid Picture ———-*
youtb. health and beauty make it ^ _
forever. “* 11 k too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
you will decide u> have us phot^re^yiu * re*son Then probably
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.