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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1911)
Are You from Missouri? We advertise nothing we cannot prove! If you want to be >H' »WX the proof, cwine right in and expose your honest de»ire to learn. A e court your attention to a few facts. Our Capital Muck is $:io,UUO: Surplus, *12,oUU. ft is » < capital is wholly unimpaired by absolutely no la ns tiia<le t<« any officer. director or even stockholder. It is our policy to make loans liberally, but cautiously, to avoid graft of any kind, to deal honestly and brag modestly. C« roe in and see us about rates paid on tine depoi-iis. line b^ek books and combination pass books furnished free. First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska Ik* E William*. Prest. L. Hasses, Cashier A. B Ot TMor.E, V. I'rest O. E. Adams, Asst. Cashier THE NORTHWESTERN ♦ THl RKhAV. MAC Uk 1SU A Few Market ^notation*. Cora per b-. B *'rw*t per be. J| Oai* per U. . > m .» Eye per bu . .« ■utter, per lb . .30 Eggs per doi . .IS LOCAL^NEWS. v* T M IPrd f jt Feed G node rm se L rest/ im for your tailor B ade suits. Uf f r a* Inquire of Frank t nnaumski !► • ou want a Kucher freer see C emery ad« itepair work neatly and promptly done at iitmanai'i Lee hr « la«e two good, fresh an* i. «.»* for «a.e Mrs < i ' area returned from • easaia ast *>at-rday Try a rut net ml ! r cook •tote F <r sale by E. *'• Tavlor. Town t»ar*i residence propertr W I* Keen * Cowt.her want* to give you a nice *! low En~srr < a! and rmd out. Poe tli* BE>T >ut in ti*e way of < ream vjarat •> see T M heed "■ckwaiter an and wii save you money on anything in tl«e yewelrT •tee. tret your disc sharpened and new iat>*es at <v*s blacksmith Take your butter and eggs to Con luser'a. wfcesr you can get anything you want h yteauta kor» ««a :* nr **t unr •* .' egg- ay per hundred Mr> H / 1 -lansefi hay • •ardnerand wife commenced keeping ht*_«e *»t Saturday in tlie V _ng c Jttage For good, early Ikt.erson uau. Me per £uU*i. see Homer C. «vie. or phone him. 3 on 1C An elegant *'i—w Itorker given away a* a premium by ( onhiser. >** Ul.s for particulars Fete Ogle went to Omaha Tuesday. • iei» be may p.r r.a*e an auto and being it borne with tiim c KirM.m-Ti. suit*. L' la:* aad King Qaallty shoe* stand for good good* at L-renu I»r O. L Longacre »m* do* n to 1 >T4Ua a»t seek aad brought home a era auto, the Maiueii Tliae an • log lleam.m Indebt ed Ui Ute il !’ Ferdinandt Furnlture Co arid pets rail and set Lie. Kin JenCaiiiy sa* home from the rmtfnlli from act Friday evening ul. Monaay morning of Uii* seek. Rose Comb Broun Leghorn eggs li for T3r. C3 per W8 A. J. J<|RX«». mo arm of good land, ail good *oi:. close to Loup City. < "heap at HW. w p. Run For Sale- My miimoc fa east Lou; (V.r: or will trade came for re*. estate »iLTt» Wocsict. <«hi*ea hr e have tbe contract for a nr* residence near beiiaupps for M» C C Rhorpfel. the dimension* being 1-r and uork start* this uses Ti > the 12 ear-old daughter of Frill Mu s**i. t% dangerously ill at the buese *ith ukal promise* to be a at A typi ad ?e»cr from the pre ‘ symptom*. Ha>( ou *eet: those line Willo* . ut-r* ini » < juts her* uindousr lie si give you one FREE. and be 1.*- c*k -g!. to *uppi> each and every •jam at hi- many customer*. \ > «T1' F. 1 * i*li to announce to u ;- . LiAt Mr* \nna Peter- i* net totted In the potter* told, aad if s- t aev more about It. partie* s. tm*e to pro»e shat U*ey *ay. II p. Icawcisirr. vjw tsenty aid ladle*, friend* of * .madam Gibson gave that good adi a v.'tinv* party last Tuesday afternoon at the tome of her eon. » T «.io*en in oe-ebmuon of tier <*r . tsthiav anniversary, and a line u »a* i at ;* *■■ v rumor prevail* that D A Jobn * n of A a ora *hl purciase tbe St F_a»o :*ute. and *1-1 add another story Ueieta and remodel tl«e build :rg tut- t f rvt das bat. fTblle It t* lOKpumltutc ts gut the romdr ven t-ed u«e reject uOnommoo property and sacd to be a readty 'smaos A Lofbo-m live first of live seek o»-ed vheir drug stock Into u^tr am tiaboa. first door east of the Mate Ban* The bag room has i*ta re modeled and Itttnd vltb evegant sail rase*, etc-- and tbe boy* to»c one of ll*e best appointed »tsm in the city, being no* In better a ape t*»h» ever to attend to their e««e m reaatng custom IvuWht Jacoby and family returned Ism Met Saturday. iFuright reporta a meat peasant trip to Teaas and * resirtiiilgr that some portion* of lie enuntry along the Rio Grande a re red him very meet) and*A* in mned fine On bit return to bis fami ly at Aurora, be found bia yoong son ft: utth a prevailing epidemic going < —1 ai,; ‘ZrLS bammrmr Will Cris* went to Omaha Tuesday afternoon on auto business. T M Reed has just finished un-1 i lading a car of farm machinery. H. W Parkhurst last week sold liis farm south of town to Rev. Miller, i I will guarantee 22c for butter fat.! 1 test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase Every article fully warranted, also j Ute price, at Schwaner s. the jeweler, i Try the Stroud & Hendrickson dray doe They will give you good service. Two good, fresh tuilch cows for sale by Lee Bros. Call at once if you want Hem. Nice Willow Rocker as a gift, ab solutely FREE, at Conhiser's Satis factory Store. If you are lacking a shirt, my line is complet • The <>ak Brand shirts are good At Lorentx' The Central Nebraska Teachers’ i Association will liold its next session at York. March 21»-3»i-31. The Ravenna Creamery Co. pays ! ’-he liigi.est cash price for eggs de livered at the creamery here. Stroud A Hendrickson, successors i to (onger. will do your hauling (promptly and satisfactorily. We are paying 22 cents cash for ream delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Ckeameky Co. 300 acres of pasture. Will take in > horses for t2 for one season. Plenty I of good water Kochanowski Bros. Word comes from Lincoln that the voung son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S Waite is a victim of an attack of mersies Mr and Mrs Ernest I>addow left Monday morning for a visit with Mrs. l*addow's sister and other relatives in Hamilton county. Mrs Rawson left this morning for Line n for a two weeks' visit with her daughter. Mrs. H A. SleeLh. and sister, Mrs. W. R. Mellor. A sung Uijv in attendance on the dlsirVrr '■■Tit were Adam Zahn of i Km. Paul weizner or Rockville and Wtn. Young of Boelus. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En 1 on 57. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Conductor A .nick of the Union Pacific, has purchased two lots from (liii Lonenu just south of his resi dence. and will buiM a cement block resideiK-e thereon immediately. Jas Bone this week purchased two lots of Mr*. Geo. Keeler, south of her residence. Stout da Zimmerman hav ing the contract Co build a cement block residence thereon for Mr Bone. Word from Excelsior Springs is to the effect that the baths are doing Jas Johansen much good, but in the case of Mrs Hinsdale the word is not so favorable, but the fact has been estabiisited that her illness of late! wa» tf>e result of a stroke of apoplexy, which Itad been disputed. Lou Schwaner, wife and baby. Mrs. Bert Chase and Miss Jennie Sutton went to ord last Sunday In Lou’s auto, returning Tuesday. We are not going to tell about the auto gett ing a p-nctured tire on the way up. n r of the necessity of having an auto from < *rd to come down and relieve the situation. We are not cruel enough to give it away. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fedler arrived home .ast Saturday evening from Rochester. Minn. lode Joe is fast regaining his old time health and strength and wittistood the fatigue of Uie journey home in a splendid manner At present, of course, he is quite weak and his voice is faint and husky, but all Uie same he is looking fine pbysicially. considering the fearful operaUon and dangerous condition he has been through, and will soon be himself again Mr. J X. McLeod of Sawpit. Colo., wiio owns a section of land in Webster tow nsinp some four miles due west of this city, arrived wiUi his family last week and will take charge of his land i> Ming* He will immediately build I a comfortable residence on the south west quarter and occupy Uie same. A cousin Mr. F. L. Imes. accom panied him from Colorado and assist him inUcklingUiesoil. Mr. McLeod.: who is an enterprising, active go ahead Scotchman. is well pleased with Uie lookout and thinks at Uie price of land here, compared with that of other parts of Uie country, and he las extensively traveled over all portions of Uncle Sam's domain, means a mighty good investment. We warmly welcome such splendid . people to Sherman county. Ihsinet court convened here Tues day morning, with Judge Hostetler presiding, and finished up business a little after noon on Wednesday. There was little business of impor ■ lance coming before the court, and 3>ofci of wliat there was was carried over Uil Uie next term by desire of ! one or Uie other side of the cases. The Gibson criminal libel case, being one for a jurv. was carried over to (hr June term The Roechynialski case for the alleged disposal of mortg aged property was passed over to another term, the judge raising the appearance hoods to *1,000 each. The only case aUracUng the atten tion of the curious was the divorce action of Mrs. Lake man against her liege lord for conduct unbecoming, alleging cruelty and inhuman treat ment. ended in her getting a divorce, the custody of the four minor chil dren and defendant to pay the wife aad aotiier MOO and assist in sup perting the tittle ones Judging by gcaenJ, comment the decision gives * g Mathew-Zim merman At 5:15 o’clock, Thursday morning, March ltt. 1911. occurred the nuptials of Miss Elva Zimmerman and Robert H. Mathew, at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman the a.lair being private, only the parents and close relatives being present. Rev. I). \V. Montgomery officiated, after which the wedding breakfast was served, and the happy couple took the motor for the west for a few weeks’ honeymoon tour. They will be in Denver over the coming Sunday, thence to Cortez. Colo., where the groom has business interests, thence for a few days in various parts of Texas, and home by way of St. Joe, where they stop a few' days. The wedding of these popular young people comes in the nature of an early surprise to their friends, and to the community in which they have lived tiie major portion of their lives, although the event has been antici pated for some time. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman, a music ian and singer of note and a general favorite in all circles. The groom, only son of Mrs. H. M. Mathew, is a young attorney, who has served two terms as countv attorney, and had the brains and ability to take upon tiis young shoulders the large law practice of his lamented father and carry it forward where one of many more years' experience might have failed. On their return they will go to housekeeping in the Henry French cottage in south Loup City. The Northwestern, with our people in their entirety, will wish them happi ness and prosperity through life. The Pythian Sisters hold an ad journed meeting next Tuesday night. All interested please take notice. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lambert came up last week for a visit with Mrs. Lamberts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sami. Daddow. Mrs. D. A. Johnson and daughter, Esther, of Aurora, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Larsen, arriving last evening. A marriage license was issued the loth instant to John F. Bohn of Buf falo county and Anna M. Zeller of Rockville. Charley Grow arrived home Tues day evening from Sacremento. Calif., where lie has been working at the barber business. a company lias been formed at Litchfield to bore for natural gas on the Lang farm four miles northwest of tnat village. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Chamberlain of the west side visited here last Satur day at the home of Mrs. Clara Hawk, the ladies being sisters. Mrs. M. C. Mulick left Monday for Omaha to visit relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. Frank Goodwin and son joined her at Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baliman and chil dren of St. Paul were here over last Sunday visiting Mrs. Baliman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sami. Daddow. Cornell, the young son of W. O. Brown has been quite ill the past week with an attact of tonsilitis. with ac companying distressing condition of sore mouth. Miss Pearle Keeler kindly assisted in this ortiee the first of the week, in the absence of Miss Etta Lofholm, who allowed attack of la grippe to get tlie best of her. Mrs. Frimann of Cliapman. Xeb., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen from last Friday evening t* Monday •non of tills week. Mt. Frimann and Mr. Hansen are cousins. Chas. SR-kels and daughter. Ethe , and brothers. Melvin and Everett, left Monday lor Greenfield, Iowa, to attend the funeral of an only son of their brother there. Mrs. I>r. Marcy was taken quite ill last Friday, the result of overdoing in lasing care of her little daughter. Mary, and at present is still confined to her room and bed. Mrs. Zua Davis returned from Lin coln Monday , and Wednesday she and baby returned home to Greeley. Miss Maude GHuertaccompanied hertiome for a few weeks' stav. r-ari jiunson, uie oaroer. ana wire left Monday morning, he expecting to purchase a barber shop at Holyoke, Colo. Irvin Conger has taken his position in Young's barber shop. Rev W. C. Harper lias been quite ill the past few days with an attack of tonsilitis and larangytis. He was unable to preach last Sunday and his pulpit was tilled by Rev. Whitaker. Mrs. Viola Odendahl and Miss Ernie Odendahl went to Arcadia Tuesday evening to visit friends. Miss Delight Byers going up last evening, all returning this morning.; On the Sth instant, County Judge Smith issued a license to' Newell Edwin Phillips of Custer county and Miss Dessa B. Cass of Buffalo county, and also united the couple in mar riage. A number of the girl friends of Miss Elva Zimmerman gave her a kitchen shower Tuesday evening, and the members of the Glee Club gave her a linen shower Wednesday even ing after school. Will French has moved his old buildings off his lots in Southwest Loup City and has given the contract to OliIson Bros, for a new one and a half story brick residence, with base ment. work to begin immediately. The domestic science auxiliary of tiie Farmers' Institute will hold their regular meetings on Uie first Saturday afternoon of each month in the M. E. church parlors. The next subject for discussion is "Puddings."' "It's a girl," said Jim Depew over the 'phone this morning, and you could hear the Uirob of joyousness in papa's voice. The little' one came from Storkland last night, and the hosts of friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Depew will rejoice with them over the happy event. The Messrs. Stenger have made arrangements for some splendid im provements on their land up the valley. They will put on a fine ad dition to the house formely occupied by H. B Musser. putting in an elec tric light plant, and private water works and ‘making the place up to date. They are also making extensive improvements on other houses on Uieir land. Mr. Fred Stepger will move here from Columbus and occupy the Musser house and look after the big acreagle of land. Thev will prove very valuable additions to our cltizen ship. W. O Brown returned last Friday from Batavia. Ills., and the funeral of of his brother, C. H. Brown. He arrived there some twenty-four hours before the brother passed away, but the brother's condition was such he was unable to recognize him or any body and passed away in that state. Deceased belonged to many of the fatemal societies, was a leading citizen, postmaster and most promi nent man of that city and the funeral was the largest held there in yean, all business booses being closed and the entire city in mourning. Boy Klllod by Train Just as we go to press this (Thure j day) evening, word reaches us from ; the passengers on the delayed motor ' that a 7-year-old Bohemian boy wai killed this afternoon on the bridge a i few miles below St. Paul, being rue over by the Ord passenger, in charge of Engineer Joe O'Bryan. Along R. R. No. 2. Mrs. C. Behrens, who has beenvisit | ing tiie winter with her daughter, i Mrs. H. Dietz, has secured rooms with Mrs. A. Budler in Loup City and gone to dressmaking again. Hans Dietz sold a stack of lay tc his new neighbor. John George. Every thing sold well at A. D. Peter's sale. John Peterson and sons are hauling corn and alfalfa hay irom tiie place farmed by O. Henderson last year. Miss Mady Holmes is driving bjwk and forth tio her senool these spring like days. Frank Grow, A. T. Conger. John O'Bryan. Lew Spalir, Harry Gardiner and 1. L. Conger have been camping the past week on one of the Islands east of Homer Hughes' place. Tiieir luck was not of the best. F. O. Henderson and Chris. Sinner bought a large bunch of young cattle on Route 2 last Thursday. Clark Allman was over to Yern Allman's last Friday with a load of com having it ground Miss Anna Persak is stopping at the home of Mike Klemek now. Andy Gray sold a bunch of young cattle last week. Mr. and Mrs. fl. S. Conger and family have moved in their new quarters at tiie mill the past week. John Gallaway and Romeo and Roy Conger were hauling hay last Thurs day. The II. A. Wilkinson sale was one of the largest that has been held this year in the neighborhood of Route 2. The crowd was also the largest and everything went off fine. The day was a perfect one also. This was tiie last free lunch that the farmers on Route 2 will have this year. Mrs. Nora Bone is boarding at the home of Fritz Bickel. Miss I»essa Cass w as married March 8th. G. K. Wilkie has fixed his mail box handier for the carrier the past week He has also painted his mail box and post white, the regulation color. This is the second box painted white on Route 2. It looks nice to people passing along the road. H. W. Brodock was painting some of tiis buildings the past week. Tom Gamer and sons marketed two loads or hogs at Loup City last Fri day. John Olson and Krischner Bros, were hauling hay last Thursday. The Big Four were blasting* ice in the mill race last week and the sound could be heard all over the country, and on Clear Creek, eleven miles west, you could feel the ground tremble under your feet after each blast. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Criss and Mother Criss are now located on Ruote 4 out of Litchfield. The ice is all out of the river at this place. The mill is now running with water power. Several teams have been stuck in the mud on the road between Geo. >Petenon'» and the awt steel bridge the past week. This is always a bad1 piece of roau in the winter, but could be made a good one if the grader was put on it and rounded up in the center. Sim Criss was seen last Thursday hauling lumber and posts home with him. Roy McDonald was out toJ. A. Arnett's last week. Sheriff Williams and R. H. Mathews were over south of Litchfield on business last Friday. Will Henderson has rented the place farmed by Fossman the past year. Ed Kilpatrick and Lars P. Neilson. Route 2. and F. A. Pickney and John Olsen. Route 1, each gave carrier some of their farm products the past Jessie Fort was out at F. A. Pinck ney’s several days ago and did some plumbing. L. Johnson on Route 1 has been quite poorly the past winter. Frank Adams and family are now patrons on Route 2. They live on the farm vacated by Carl Squiers. Hans Obermiller shipped a car of hogs ond cattle to South Omaha last Monday. Joe bmaiiey ties bought a barber shop at Bocl us, and was busy Monday moving to that place. W. O. Brown returned from his trip to Illinois iast week, w here he had been to the funeral of his brother. Ray McFadden was seen hauling out lumber last week. Please do not forget to put up your signals on the mail box, when placing letters in them. Unless the signals are up. the mail carriers do not hare to look in the boxes. Alfred Jorgensen has his cellar dug. We expect to see another house built by Alfred soon. Rev. £. M. Steadman is holding re vival meetings at the Wiggle Creek church. The meetings will continue all this week. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Chas. Snyder was up to his term from Ravenna last Monday to get the spring wagon. Charley and Siden berg are going to camp down on the Platte river for few days' hunting. Rev. Steadman is stopping at the home of C. L. Allman this week. Mike Krischner was gripping Mon *Carl Vian is now located on Route 2, on the A. D. Peters place. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes visit at the home of Carl Squiers. Clark Hile has almost all the ce ment blocks on the ground for a new cement block house on his term on Route 2, to be 26x28. story and a half. The intent child of Ms. and Mrs. Will Knoepfel, which was operated upon some time since, is growing fast and weigh* 13 pounds. They go again in about a month or so for a second operation, the first one prov ing a failure. John Squiers is digging a cistern this week. Clark Hile bought some hay of A. L. Zimmerman ana was seen hauling it Monday. N. P. Neitaoo bought a new water tank the past week. Ed. Kilpatrick and Gus Younglund were painting the barn on Ed’s place east of N. P. Nei Ison’s Monday. Carrier received a box of weddlt* cake at Henry Goodwin's last week. Winter wheat has never went thro’ a winter in better shape than it has this winter. Farmers are discing and plowii* all over the route. Mrs. Joe Smalley visited her moth er, Mrs. A. R. Moore, this week. The horse race that was pulled off last week between John George and Will Peterson wae bat won by Will. ! Both claimed the race. John haa a span of bones that are hard to beat and he may show you some time. Mrs. John Haller's sister, Miss 4 Gertie Ladegaard, came up from St. Paul last Friday and visited over Sunday with her sister. Why not drag the roads before the spring rains come? Miss Lottie Bushong’s school and : Miss Madge Holme*’ school will have J another contest Thursday, consisting ; of a ciphering match and a hall game i We will give Lhe results next week. Several relatives of Mr. and Mr*. iJoe Blaschle .i*ited them the p.t.* j week, returning home Wednesday. John Peterson's children are going , to Mrs. Clifford Bone's school. Geo. McFadden has lieen building j a double corn crib and granary on hi farm. toe. dimensions of which ar 2*xJ2 with driveway between. Miss Hannah Bichel is among tin grippe sufferers and is quite sicl this week. Oscar McCullom is working foi Jake Klippenstein. Mrs. Klippenstein. who has beer very low at times, is very little better at this writing. The “R. F. D. News", an otticia paper of the R. F. D. carriers; put, lished at Washington, D. C., state* that the senate approved the hou* action granting carriers an increa < in salary on and after July 1st. Itfli All carriers on routes or 24 miles and over will receive an increase of Slid per year on their present salary. Route No. I The program and box social at the Moon school house was well attended by the patrons and friends of the school. The program was well ren dered and was certainly a credft to the teacher and pupil. The receipts from the supper was S15.75. A Medal contest will be held at the Moon school house, March 24tig. Frank Weedin was up from Aurora on a business trip the latter part of last week. Miss Laura Weedin is visiting rela tives in this neighborhood. Chris Zwink and sons shipped two j carloads of cattle and two cars of hogs to the South Omaha markets Tuesdav. Mrs. Everett Sickles is visiting at home this week. Mrs. E. J. Pugsley and family spent Tuesday night and Wednesday at Mrs. Fred Foster,s. Herbert Berger lost a young heifer 1 witli corn stalk disease Monday. Adam Zahn was on the market with hogs Tuesday. Frank Kusek was the first one on Route 1 to start spring plowing. A. E. Fielding is moving on to the old Eaton farm this week and has put up up a mail box. Carrier received a package of meat at Pinckney's last Friday. J. W. Conger carried the mail on Route 1 four days last week. A number of patrons painted their names on their boxes the past week, which is a great help if a new man is on the route, and the boxes all ought to have the names on anyway, i School Notos The girls' basket ball team has: been re-orgxnized, with four teams in the organization. Practice is held four days.of the week for half an ltour. It has also been arranged so that each class has a team. Inter-class games will be held every Friday from 4 to 4:30. Everybody invited. Frances Corning and Zelda Peugh are in school again after a week s absence on account of smallpox. Ten of Miss Young's pupils are absent on account of the smallpox scare. Maggie and Bertha Christensen are new members of the 8th grad*. All public questions of interest ate Joeing debated by the pupils during literary. On March 34th the ques tion is on "the popular election of Senators:" on April 7th "The Reci procity Treaty", and on April 21 "The enlargement of the U. S. navy. Everybody is invited to attend these literaries. The Domestic Science Class will begin this week if arrangements can be made It Doesn’t Seem Possible The Lincoln Daily News, Weekly Independent farmer and the Monthly Poultry Topics, all three leaders in their lines, will be mailed until April 1,1912, for the extremely low price of only *2, this offer not being open after our Bargain Week of March 21 to 28. Papers may be sent to different ad dresses if desired, so that if you do not want all three papers yourself you can send one or more to some friend. We publish all three of these papers ourselves, and the economies of co-operation, together with our doing cosiness with you without sending an expensive canvasser to see you, enable us to make this very low rate. All papers are stopped when the time is out, and nobody is put on the list until paid for, thus saving all lasses and giving them to you in the price reduction. The Daily News is the snappiest daily paper in the state; the Independent Farmer is a practical, helpful weekly farm and stock paper; Poultry Topics is a beau tifully printed monthly msgaxine devoted to the profitable side of the poultry industry. You ought not t« be without any of them, especially when you get them at such a cut price. The regular price of The News alone is S3. Don't pay money to strangers for any paper, but send Sur order direct to The Lincoln dly News or to your local agent. Time tsVleney When you buy a watch or set your watch at Henry M. Eisner's, the reliable jeweler. You know it is always right Electric Theatre will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings of escb week, with an entire change of pictures Just the place for yourself and fami ly to spend an enjoyable evening. Notice All stockholders of the Farmers’ Elevator of Loup City are requested to be present at a meeting called for Monday, March 27th. at 2 o’clock p. m., to close up the sale of the elevator property. w. H. HreRK. President. Formers Notice We want your good wheat ani do not sell before you get our prices. We also want corn and oats and are paying more than it will net to ship to anv terming} market. Your busi ness is appreciated. Uwr City Mill A Lmst Co. A Wonderful Premium Offer How to get one of these absolutely Free! Ask for one of ihe bills ex- 1 plaiuing the deal and get a COUPON! C. W. Conhiser General Merchandise The Satisfactory Store One of the things which has popularized this Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always find here. We don’t believe in trying to make people think we are doing them a favor when we attend to their wants, however small or great You are doing us a good turn when you bring business of any nature to this bank. We appreci ate it and want you to always feel at home here, and find it a pleasure to come. Don’t stay away because your transaction is a small one. It’s the sum of small things that makes this bank great_»_ LOUP CITY STATE Ml Capital and Surplus, $42,500 Officers arid Directors: - - J- 3. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres. G. C. Carisen, Cashier W. R. Mel lor 3. N. Sweetland E. G. TaylorSamuel Daddow ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR MARCH YkRY LOW ONE-WAY RATES TO PACIFIC COAST. A general basis of $25.00 for one-way colonist tickets to California, Oregon, Washing ton and the Far West, daily from March 10th to April 10th. Tickets are honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPER SDRVICE. Every day to Los Angeles, via Denver, Scenic Colorado. Salt Lake Route. ■ day to San Francisco, March 10th to April 10th, via Denver, Colorado. Ogden; personally conducted tourist sleeper excur sions every Thursday and Sunday to 'Frisco, thence Los Armeies via Coast Line. Every day to Seattle, Portland and Northwest. HOMES KEKERS* EXCURSIONS March 1th and 21st, to new territory south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Basin. YELLOWSTONE PARK. Think now about touring the Park this summ er; inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonder land—an eight-day personally conducted camping tour from Codv, via the scenic entrance, everything provided; different from all other tours An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small partv of friends to take. Address Aaron Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo., or undersigned. J. A. DANIELSON, Local Agent L. W. WAKELY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Omaha NOTICE THE Salisbury-Saterlee Iron Bed Clamp made of malleably iron, guaranteed by the manufacturers not to break. We carry a full line of these beds in in stock and would be pleased to see all prospective buyers. Call and look over them. This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds. Come in and see our complete line of FURNITURE Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleujn, Before you place your orders. Wo can save you money on everything in our hue. H. P. Ferdinandt FurrJl::; Co. - - %