The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 09, 1911, Image 5

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    Are You from Missouri?
^ ' !»*-:' * r !hiii£r »e catuiot prove! It you want to
I* *' i ' • ■ • rent in and expose \our L«.i!est
* 9
• .i* y. ur attention to a few tacts
• §25 ■ >. .
* - <■*•*? ' - vti \ utiiaipaired b\ abjM» ut«*lV
- ' ** -*-r din-ctor or «-\en »»tocklioider.
-■ > t a*-- loans 1 t,* rally, but cautiously,
’ * ? t" deal h«l*e*t v and braj i11«hIei*t 1 v
-*•*- l* ab*>ut rate* :>a. i mi ti;i e deposits
• * -• • •mbinati-.n pas* b.*oks furri!*lied tree.
First National Bank
Loup City. Nebraska
:«% K Will:\w*. IV*-** L. Havskx. C.shier
•». h A >iW. Am. Call ■ r
Ti! r K* * \ V. M \ 1: 1P11
X IV* . I u»n%.
*• ;» r '• • *|
•at*. >» f £ ... 3* * .3**
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Bffjo* 'per |JS ■■ ... .!•»
—• ! V ri . i • .» Ft-*": •. r:t. 4rr*
*- « r •• r •„»: r
» ■ It* iAtfw -f Frank
* It a*it & * * ?•*• ’ >**f
V-* ».?* *• V *r
■ >.'* ■* *" *• - ■*. and ;»!>
TS 2 - y «i «k # ' «*,3| jr
l - - < f «1 f >«k 1 ,r Tr nr 11
T'i*r»da Xmt I4f>'
T r\ \ > i i A r *r % r o*ok
tril »*• ■I’-uwf |p£i;Mi> t*'t I... ** T'JUt I'.iif*
T . •I* - i?*t fi11 Pirtl-i r |'f jf|pft>
?**f «a^e * f £•*.»:«
*' -• »» r A *1*1 !.f* 2 ^ ’ wit
i r tipr M>T * ift tl«e vii «jf
a ^ - . . T M !>rd
• '<rt. * *'•*;**■ * a% .*
» r a*' - v ;* ’* -n..iyr *«» i*
«a|f » V 4«fta &
^ JH#r *■ "M*. JiJMi • I*. Sitfr >t»L
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%|f. * - - rr*. uf rnw! .a«*l
rdai T? «a 4 Va 4a»> : mitii
* ... ? j f i. and t*f»
t- » jn* Ati * * tva*
L r - " t . *-d *.t <*ar
fct- --a?t - V 1 TW&J ML
iirf f t,*r f f*. .flfi l*a< iHc.
lifcr - _t " - * lr ? atd4tfi»l> ( <r*
— 4tta £*♦'*. anrthing
* V *!*'
ft*.* ; l>iii l* «i»! v*t fr-a tl«
• **: .._*- • ' • „v* *< Tm-rv
1' i. • . rj't* T-. }*rr »*rt
«Vf» ♦* J*rf 'jl'-'-'t Mr*
tl. J . -iaiwi.
Mr- • • !•*-*»•* . ** *••»•: •- >: lau!
*4 f aria * *a»jCttif«C ' 1 i*i! iarf iiaujptjf
•- M r% Han -- « • Kf. art
#i- * i»r *
r -
V*- J M I •_*■* .* I rt. * ra < it*
.-■iiarj r* ft*-, '•-■.la* »»li. Jifr
t B V -t< and
Vtt «i -j**t*r M • i: * ft*T g i ‘ *-»*
- » T .. ■■ •— " >«f
ti - l«r |*»r* it ti i».t>
* H *»» ■ »*• mer u.'tti
■ vrjd - •:»» its ;r*}i»ra
tr rs Vif l,i Hr* " : i»
■; - , • . V -» : **-.»**
. ft !' ter: lurid; I m;t .rr
o; J>e»»* > * add Mttk
ar M**. * in iu» tlm»
j, . - *-** ? .d freer 1*
*v . *>* ■ » u r at t>m«t
•; k r* ’uu«> * rt*. L •»«***•'
. tu ■; kmc 'J siiti -)*<:«*■ *tat»d
' * e • «d s *’d» at ieeenta*.
Vr* 1 tr.ei. »e*i*. t*< r kttia
■ *■*•** sai *«r a **» date' *taj. and Vo
■ * ' r: • nr t»ro residence
a r*-* j* »«t ,and a Mill.
»» • i I' • :-t> at *'.*»*■.
XX I* fleet*
t*. *#r * i» <mr on a
* ■ * r., ;« Fid I ~*er
• j -nt :*»c 1 • I ran* » janCofftre dutln>
i ■ ».. Ms 'i-*I'd*®*-*1 tii ra*t
,, - * * rad* *asiH- tor
Mr* k *n and ter* < i.kd'-fi
, ran i . * a■-1 a'* :im »s*it iiy lief
in.»er»t* Mr and V'• Iran* Martin.
I ■* *a*r •- |» v .i'f J I; *t*t ( nails
•t* mn Lad * »fii ll t*i*T* X car pirk
.«» tlar I, (trf ♦! **» carts.
A J J*«n**o*.
i ur*» Jubats**® and tarniH amt to
I. i « r**. M -• ■. "tiiait toukt
a <tti> atUi li*- Irradi
nnd n tf e.
H 3 -»*««*ei »» • ■arnc after U*
t*_* f*~* •' Larmta. Un riwtim-r.
at tar •*-* s* a .nc if dUae at
liar retailer* rmsmiisn to «Mnalta
|(a>e *'•* — * r i Itsuae tine tt 11 ton
l; ■ »*** * « nt.iwf - not
it* • * -e iob ae FUFF. and lie
lia* J'C*» !*• »»F•** «wi* arid erert
am* of l > 'mam c- *i> .iier*.
Mr* /..i 11. i- and bai- -am* over
tr «a tirortri >*H •«-* for a »wt
artii !ef n» '*fit* X e*tr rdat aJie
• re to Ls«* in for a fee a*i» vtet.
*». ,u£ i.jt toanc f nude* la took
after ite or tar* ut ••raud^a and
i.randma Heed a.nuf ler atnence
Ja* isfaneti vtao lot been aufler
•ne fur tne I**-* to Oeea* nltii a
^rief* ram-of . *.«**•> left Mundar
tor Ft’»s»*>»r *j»* M lor treat
tufttt. He *»• ; nitni at Fanner u>
Mr* Anns* !»'*.ia*e. ao-..n,p*.ni-d
la Ms** Mart Mtnaisuil. Mr* IHw
,ixif as* co*'s« Useae for treatment.
*ur i-aslloc beet, orrs...»e*lf 111 for Use
*,**4 fen mundis* Mr J dunhea ea
r*, i* to be a-~*tr. prrta|» a fort
n^nt at Un >*snnc*
j \ :,ad- a hu-ine— trip
t IM I -?l Tuesday.
Vr> \. I* » u et came linme from
Y rs «« I M.ta-. evening.
• -t \: • rte i > t .ad egal
at >: ai. ye--, rday.
7 M Heed a- u-t ii n.-lied un
a :.rig a ar taro machinery.
• lin* 11 - ciihruiis and .! >lin Foy
• ere a: : • (-raiMi Island Tuesday.
1 «. .• -urantee _"_*<■ f •- hotter fat.
1 test and pat <-a»t. A. K. « h a-k
•anMMcd. ate
ti ' }•• • i! s ! waller s. the leweler.
'I H F • • r -ft Monday morning
■ 'an 1 - and na unting trip
Tr • , jttruud Mi Hendrickson dray
wi gitt . mi g ,> n1 sen s •*•.
• " i. l.-nga re arid Wm. Criss
w-re i as—nger- • • • ».i aiia Tuesday
m ruing
■d. fret- -ows tor tale
hj Lee Hri — < a at -nee if vou
• ant the-r
vit K Warn- *e aide to re
! as' i-idai evening from tlie
-a- i* a i —oita and t> doing
' " » it ker a- a gift, als
; - - S
•a - -ry •tote.
- . eels wit
W Larsen neat Wednesday
a'tern n March J.'*tli
ar* a king a shirt, my line
; • Tue lias Hrand -hirts
are . ►td At Lorent/'.
'.a. i>ardiri«r d the Times i- pre
’ '.g f-..' gn ■ - ! -usekeeping ill tlie
I! tin Y ijtig • •ttage.
■ tma > r.amer. Co pats
■ - ggs de
ii*--'-*i a- the re a i -r; here.
' .v H-ri t-. k--n -Lic.-essors
* -r ger wi.l do your hauling
; - rr pt y and satisfactorily.
tg- Wj »i« »*1 enough from
■ - rr • ■ rie" : • go t* Comstock
•i -ga j-ine*- Tuesday evening.
■ »'• i a- mg 22 cents cash for
'ran - .-red at the creamery .
Uavknna ( keavkbv <Y*.
M *er was i e sick list
' ■ r-: ■ -lie Heel sure t
- •- a-, rig an overdose of
re*!, y ins d late
Tftmt ' meat -arters. S. F.
• n i- <i rig tm cutting at
: u.- e- - • .r a we-t during the ate
-*-•• - •' T ri> Joliansen. ,
i n * ■ i in in caiiie up ; rotr. <-rand
1- -ft A'- 'aTi rday : r a lew days
. » ... ■ mi it .1- rs
a’- uii.p down on the mer.
'*■ < ' iinatcit is getting tiie
- ’ - ies put ti his new
• - '■ ■ if" * x;— -s to tie safely at
’ ■ rein in a lew short weeks.
----- '- ai. Friua. and ^atur
nt $
■' ■ u i 'er the liiiuti J’acitic
t sherman county.
Larseri atid «»us Lorent/ ieft
s rr mg for < Uriah* to at
• i : -hate Retail I*eaierV con
' I'-’ ’ r-1 rn the la-st of the
' * •" ’ - : J*e 'um me need the
» -g *n I»r Mikivy - new
' • ad mining his oid office
i »-a»: * the square, to tie one
story . i*UM
■ ■ 'la* Mar ', lias been quite
■*'» wilt, a grippe, and w ith the
t:*f'-i’ roup !ier life at times
a - elKler thread, hut -tie is
he'ter at present.
' « afisrit na» purchased tlie
■' * of ti*e Baptist ciiurch.
* ■ t R I». iieitdricksoo. and we
. t. : i-.und »i build a residence
titcr« n -. i- spring
Fred I : was imne from Lin
c *« a *- of days this week, re
' capita city todav. He
* a- , a' “rd - tie first of the week.
••’ti ii. • '• I ues la' t visit In
i • " 'tun < «umy Teleptione
i- r .lining a »ire straigli! from
L up ( ity to Ravenna Charley
* vf •> s .n if F rank Martin of this
r is assisting Ed Vngier with the
line w
. i -per went to Rockville last
- . :a f late at the funeral of
»a-ac( cupamed by his son. Earl,
a: : ( art. Reynolds. They went in
tin- ( idendahl auto.
1 « , ■ m merit B. & M officials
■ in L p City a few hours Tues
. ii sit»*»v W. VV. Johnston,
a-sistaiif general freight agent of
* * i.ii.x. and J J. ('ox. division
freight agent of Lincoln.
Mr- i C. < arisen and Miss Ernie
Men ia entertained the "Lafalot
*'■ Friday afternoon at the
Mr- ('arisen If there's
anyth, g in a name, tills club will
.a v e in vaine meetings.
I.. Saturday. W T. Iiraper sold
I- • , te rt . iii the east part of
■ emU a Rock
viiie Mr Iiraper will soon move to
:|ji- laru, west of the city, and he
me a plutocratic agriculturist
Rev !• W Montgomery went to
voU Bluffs. Monday morning, to m a s, ries jf meetings at that
piace and at Alliance, for the next
•w w.-eu- i ■ nson of Kear
ney ■ | pit next Sunday
Luoruing and evening.
l ast week. J. T. Hale traded his
farm in Webster township for the
F rank (itiewski farm north of the
■■ity. F'rank «itiewski has moved on
the farm. L'Bank's Hale moving to
town, while John Otlewski will re
j main on the farm this year.
Quiet Wedding
Sunday afternoon. March a. 15*11.
a; o'clock, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs A. 1.. Zimmerman in this city,
-courred the marriage of Mr. Clifford
I ne and Miss Nora May Henderson.
I; v I*. \\. Montgomery officiating,
on,i tiie immediate relatives being
: present Some tw weeks since, this
'dice printed invitations lor a double
wedding, tbe young couple atiove
being one e tiie hup; pairs. The
I coble wedding was to have been|
• ebratea at Lhe borne of Mr. and
Mr- .1 H Hone in Webster town
't ip ast evening. Wednesday. March
ibc unic tunatelv about a week*- the w uld-oe groom. Mr. W. C.
Henderson, vvlio was twed Miss May
I. mi. .is- quarantined for small pox
.n ibis city, making it necessary to
.. istpone their marriage for the time
it -ing. and the former young people
one oded they would not wait, but
t»o united in wedlock as above. We
understand they will live on tbe farm
oi toe grooms parents, whw will
i ive to Loup City. White the Nortli
i western. with the host of friends of
the newly wfilled pair will offer
beaitiest congratulations, they will
a- we sympathize with the others
w bo are obliged to postpone the
■ happy event till a later date.
Holmes-Good win
Last evening. Marc I s. 15*11. at the
I tome • M i a:,.: Mr- Henry L. Good
win. in Clay towrisliip. occurred the
marriage of their daughter. Cecelia
K.. t<> Mr Robert L Holmes, young
est son of Mr and Mrs. George
II i me.' . Bristol township, the Hev.
W C Harper f this city officiating.
Tiie ceremony took place at with
Mr Ro.anti Goodwin brother of tlie
Sri o . a- test ii an. and Miss Eleanor
I. ■ ne-. sisteri thegroom. asbrides
i.aid. Em! wing tiie ceremony, an
elegant supper was served by the
ci.arming hostess, to tiie large num
ber of inv ited guests present to en
jov the iiio-t felicitous occasion. The
y -ng p pie g to housekeeping at
net n the gro -m's farm in Harrison
b vvh'ip. May their tutu re be tilled ‘
with happiness and prosperity.
Death of C. H. Brown
Tut- many friend- of W. O. and
F A Brown will hear with sorrow
f tiie death of their eldest brother.
(‘ H. Brown, at Batavia. Ills., last
Friday evening at 11 o'clock, after
an i. ties- >f several months’ duration.
'Ir. Br<>wn had lieen postmaster of
Batavia for many years, and one of
its 1. no red and best citizens. lie
■va- well known here, and it is only
t" r three years since he and iiis
g ■ >d wife v isited the brothers and
many friends here. The following is
taken from a Batavia local paper:
“At 11 o'clock last night death1
ended tiie long struggle for health
madt by Cornwall fi. Brown, who
since Wednesday has been in an un
■uiis-ious condition. All Batavia
ii, 'Urn- the loss of this man. who'
was ne of t iie nest citizens that tiie
town ever had. Mr Brow-n was a
native of Batavia, being U>rn May
21. I«i3. on First street, the same
street n which lie died. When four-]
teen years ol age he started working
in the tea |iostoffice and lie lias
gradually worked up step by step
until June item. President McKinley
a; pointed him to tiie postmastership,
f r a time in* #a> mail clerk on the
mail train. He was also at one time
private -• retary of the YanNort
wicks. Later he vvas associated with
tiie lank of Mallory and Jones. In
in- public career lie was twice elected
mayor if Batavia, was an alderman
and wa~ at one lime a member of the
West Batavia si1km.i1 tioard. Tiie
ti.riera will lie held Tuesdav after
ti hi at 2 o'clock from the late home.
Interment wL take place in tiie
West Batavia cemetery.
Decoration Day
In a few short weeks will come
I a- ration I'ay. Apropos of this’
memorable occasion. It. N. Pritchard,
direct ir of o.,r splendid band, intends
getting up a program of music and i
entertainment, w hich can hut meet
with the approval of our entire citi
zenship. In doing so. he wishes the:
co-operation of some twenty to tliir-,
tv. or even more of our ladies and
cniidren in preparation for the event,
to assist in making impressive cer
tain parts of the program. Efforts'
will soon tie made to interest them [
in the occasion, and we call attention
thus early that an early formation of
tiie plans may lie made and tiie day i
lie om of the greatest interest of any |
In-coration Lay ever held intliiscity. '<
Walter Moon leaves tomorrow fori
Morrili. to look after his claim.
Andy Gray left this morning for a,
ten days visit with relatives at!
( ■■unci Bluffs and thence to his old
h ne in Nodaway county. Missouri.:
Mrs Mathew has in stock black!
silk waists, in large sizes, and closing
in front. These waists are especially '
suitable for elderly ladies.
Miss Kffie Moon leaves tomorrow
fot tiie Scott Bluffs country to look ;
after her claim. Mr-. Ed Angler |
lid' taiv ii nti • IL* " 1,1 1 v w-a
phone manager's office for the present.
II. S. ( inger has taken a position
at tiie mill and will move his ramily |
d >wn int-> tiie house just south of the 1
mi : rlj lecupied by Roy Shep
pard. wiit.>e resignation made tiie
vacancy to t*e tilled by Mr. Conger.
I ncle Willis Fulliton gave us a
•all last Saturday, his usual sunny
smile lieing more pronounced than
usual, and all because lie had just
received word that he was again
grandpa to a tine boy at the home of
his son. Morris Fulliton. out in
Mr. and Mrs. Marsel Youngquest
and bahy left this morning for their j
future home near Watertown. S. It.
where lie lias purchased land, and we
know will have a goodly measure of
success. Their many friends will
join witli us in wishing them success
and happiness in their new home.
i >n Tuesday evening, the members
of tiie O. E. S. of this city, to the j
number <>f some forty, were enter
tained at a three-course dinner at tiie ;
I home ol I»r. and Mrs Main, tiie
evening being spent in play ing flinch]
and a good social time enjoyed. Tiie
i oocaM in also being tiie loth anniver
>ar\ of the marriage of tiie genial;
host and hostess, the brothers and
sisters of the order presented them
with a handsome leather rocker, in
remembrance of the occasion.
County Clerk Iiieterichs is certain
ly having a run of hard luck. About
three weeks since his family was
quarantined and Mr. Dietericiis was
banished from home for tiie time
being dust as lie was given to un
derstand tiie embargo was nearlv off.
his two little daughters came down
and tiie quarantine was carried for
ward another period of time. And
besides that. Mrs. Dietericiis being
unable to attend to the increased
duties of tiie household and care of
tiie sick. Mr. Iiieterichs has suffered
l himself to be quarantined, that he
may assist the good wife in her over
1 burdened cares.
I HI——
Colonist Fares
r.'.Erch 10 to April 10, !9i»
$26.00 $26 09
Co California 7c P^cifniiorUnvest
v; a
n~y •
union racme
Strtilanl 1‘ in the Wist
Electric Bi«* k iN.nals !
Excellent Hininc Cars
*’ For further information re :i\t 'i ares, routes.« u*.
> call on in address
I G. W. Collipriest
I Loup City, Neb.
Ceo. Bowman Suicides
Postmaster Grow yesterday receiver
from .1. F. Jeffords the following
account of Uie suicide of Georgt
Bow man:
Bridgeport, Neb.. March 7.—Georgt
Bowman shot himself last night at
lo:.'to Billy and Jim were sitting uj
with him. lie had a revolver and a
razor in lied with him. He ordered
them out of the house and told them
of his intention, but had them sc
badly scared they did not know w hat
to do. They went out. and he fixed
the tied to suit hint, and then shot
liimse f in the back of the head,
dying immediately. He will be buried
here Wednesday. Jeff.
George Bowman came to Limp City
some ten years ago. with bis wife,
one son. Will Bow man. and a brother
James. Since coming here the family
made several moves to Colorado, Mis
souri and other points, invariably
returning to Loan City. Last Sep
tember they moved to Bridgeport,
where they had a claim. George being
at I»enve:. and afterwards joining
them. For years he bad been an
intense sufferer from Bright's dis
ease an 1 rheumatic troubles, from
which be had slight relief at times,
and the news of bis ending his suf
ferings in the above summary man
ner comes with little surprise tc
those who knew him here.
All stockholders of the Farmers'
Elevator of Loup City are requested
to be present at a meeting called for
Monday. March t’Ttb. at o'clock
p. m.. to close up the sale of the
elevator property.
W IL Hughes. President.
Route No. I
Lost, a braite block. between town
atul Coppersmith’s. Finder please
leave in mail box.
Aug. Iiietz bas the new house and
barn on his land north of Mcllravy s
nearly completed.
Mr. Neal from near Litchfield has
moved i>n the old Kennedy farm.
Jim Hager, who lias been in Okla
homa the past few months, returned
home la-t week.
('has. Hatch's brothers moved on
the place farmed by Gus Younglund
last year, and have a mail box on R. 1.
\V. B. Reynolds of Litchfield was
here visiting his folks and transact
ing business last Wednesday .
John Nelson and his father have
been putting up a granary this week.
E. J. 1‘ugsley was on the market
last Wednesday with a load of hogs
for Loren Gee.
Miss Lydia Jensen of Omaha, who
was here visiting friends, vi-ited Miss
Emma Rowe's school last Thursday .
L. L. Smith moved on his own
place tiie past week.
Thos. Parsley treated his team to
a new set of harness the past week.
Miss Verna Kowalewski is working
at John Warrick's at present.
A. (>. Zimmerman was hauling sand
to town last Friday.
Membt rs of the Swedish church
met at t he home of John Olson's last
Friday afternoon.
W. F. Howard has moved on the
old Leschiiisky farm.
Those living on Cole Creek who
have been trying the past year to get
a mail route have finally' succeeded
in getting one.
G W. Hagar attended a hog sale
at Sutton. Neb., last week.
C. S. Cash has moved on to the old
Zimmerman place the past week.
Chris I»omgard has taken liis place
at S. S. Rey nolds.
The little Roger children are sick
with colds.
Pearl Gilbert is a new pupil at the
Moon school.
Willie Ropers has been out of school
for the past two weeks.
A box social and the following pro
gram will be given Friday evening,
March loth, at the Moon school house.
Everybody invited.
Recitation. ■ Welcome". Edith Ward
Recitation, “When Papa's Sick"...
.Everett Gilbert
Dialogue."The Doctor's Visit"
Trio. "For That is all They Know"
. I>elbert Ward. Everett Gilbert
Harold Hendrickson
Pantomime."Spirit of 1776"
Recitation, "Two Spiders".
.Willie Me lira vy
Dialogue."An Abandoned Baby"
Recitation. "Papa's Letter"..*
.Marie Gilbert
Song. "Reminding the Hen".
.Primary Class
Dialogue. Entertaining Sister’s Beau
Recitation, "Why Bettie Didn't
Laugh,"-.*.Mildred Ling
Reading. "How Moon Creek Girls
Study.".Cecile Ling
Exercise, "Days of the Week."... .
.Primary Class
Duet — Miss Mercer. Mrs. Hiddleson
Recitation. "Miss Edith Helps
Things Along,”.Amy Mcllravy
Dialogue.“A Peach Pie"
Solo, "My Kitty"...Hilda Fross
Pantomime."Woman's Right*”
Recitation. "Grandpa.s Aversion to
Slang".Burnette Pinckney
Quartet. ..Cora. Yelva. Roy and
Frank Fross
Recitation. "The Factory Chim
ney".Emma Rowe
Newspaper.Nancie Lewis
Song. "The Grashopper's Croquet”
Dialogue—"From Way l>own East’
Recitation, “Good-bye". Bessie
Frank Lorcluvk on Tuesday of this
week sold his tine residence property
to Herman .1 mig.
‘‘Grandpa” Andy *.ra> was in the
I city bright and early Tuesday morn
j ing. and when asked the reason, re
; plied. :’lt's a boy. " The youngster
arrived Monday evening. March 6th,
I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Rowe. Jr. Mrs. Rowe was formerly
j Miss Juna Gray. Congratulations.
Swedish Christian Church
Rev. N a. Blomstrand of Aurora
l wiii >peak Friday evening. March 10.
! at 7:30 o'clock. also Sundav at 2:3 '
'o'clock, at the German church. All
j Scandinavians cordially invited.
German Evangelical Church
Next Sunday. March 12. there will
I he services at Loud City at 10:30 a. m.
j March 11. lesson in German at Loup
City church at lo a. m.
P. Jueling. Pastor.
Is Half Sold_
My linefor fall
is now in. Don’t
forget to look my
i line over. I can
save you money
by buying at the
right place—of
A& r
Heat Force
We will admit that slate
and rock would be just as
good, and maybe better,
To Throw at Tramps
as our high grade coal, but
in filling your orders we have
but one thought in mind, and
that is to furnifh you
Coal That Will Burn
Keystone Lbr. Co.
, Coal yards at Loup City,
Ashton, Rockville and Austin.
Poland China Boars for Sale.
I hare a few pood Poland China
Boars of the bip type for sale, from
sows like Ora Wonder (130353), which
1 purchased at the Ed Andrews' dis
persion sale last winter, bred to
Lonpwonder No. 131797a—54267, a
900-pound boar, and from Lady E..
No. 136601. The sire of these pips is
; Nebraska King (49336). The rest are
sired by Grand Look (56737).
A Wonderful Premium Offer
How to get
one of these
| abs( lutelv
Ask for one of
the bills ex
plaining the
deal and get
C. W. Conhiser
General Merchandise
The Satisfactory Store
One of the things which has popularized this
Bank Is the friendly atmosphere patrons always
find here
We don't believe in trying to make people
think we are doing them a lavor when we attend
to their wants, however small or great.
You are doing us a good turn when you bring
business of any nature to this bank- We appreci
ate it, and want you to always feel at home here,
and find it a pleasure to come.
Don't stay away because your transaction is a
small one. It's the sum of small things that
makes this bank great.
Capital and Surplus, $42,500 '
Officers and Directors:
J. S. Pedler, President, John W. Long, Vice Pres.
C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
W. R. Mellor S N. Sweetland
E. G. TaylorSamuel Daddow
The new lines of railroad now under construction in Wyoming offer
great opportunities for farmers and others for homebuilding.
The conditions and surroundings are very favorable for a new coun
try and the new railroad brings transportation to tne very doors of t he
new settler.
You can buy deeded land, homestead Government Irrigated home
steads. or file on land under the Carey Act. getting desirable irrigated
land on very easy payments at from *45.00 to *50.00 per acre; or you can
homestead free lands that cannot be irrigated, in 320-acre tracts.
SEND FOR LITERATURE. Send for our free literature with large maps,
telling all about these lands. Let me know what particular class of
lands you are interested in. Write today.
I). CLEM DEA.YER, General Agent, 1““”“
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Iron Bed Clamp
made of malleably iron, guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to break.
We carry a full line of these beds in
in stock and would be pleased to see
all prospective buyers. Call and look
over them.
This is only one of our many bargains in Iron Beds.
Come in and see our complete line of
Carpets, Pugs, Lipoleupi,
Before you place your orders. We «*ti save you money
on everything in our line.
H. P. Ferdinandt; Co.