The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 09, 1911, Image 4

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    Professkxiai Cards '
A wall ,
Practice* iu all Court*
L-’Uf. Citv, Neb.
I Jr CITY. K£*kM<K£.
r z.j ist tau: it'Uv
b up cn i neb.
V*1 IL \ir.iru liur,
bmp < itv. N.-braskaj
O. K. LON<iA( KK I
Olifc*?. Over New Bank
rr. • r PH* »\ k » ALL. NO. i9
i iup City - Nebraska
_c*up Gity. .Nebr.
< • <<5r At ti^-Kjrlu r,
i. , .* • •!!?!« lion
< *)f t< M. 11 MraUI
i .cd Aostracter
l - rl m. - NcutuK.1.
( t j\ Alnirat't »->K» if.« ouu v ,
\ - .
. .(Sir* <U (hr li*-S >t*U* i
L. -. «• • i.4*tiif.
\l Ala Y.
< - . .
I'liJflr. !•< ofi 36
mi. .1. II. GiiEGG
1 i.. . st,4*a III I It), ttltli
i. of lira-lu itij.' \ rleriua
«* »ur|(i rj ai!«l 1 n-ntii-t rj.
j r »i|Kl> atliiidnt tods) or
4 Lr.Mi
* MCOP.,.l».C.r«d »
All Rectal Dueaae* cured with- 1
eat a eurrical operator. No [
chloroform, ether or other con
ceal aaaathetk used CURE
TIME. Eiusiuuca Free.
without an operation
Pay when Cured.
lY*** gW M
. «• >< p’10*45
i Ok »-t»i <jt
j ,ri®u r
! i-y m*<«r
" "«d< fr»m
You mu?
*W|i fc.
i he Labor of Baking
l- *bsm 'l • • » reduced If y u use the j
»C‘* «• '■ J 1- arni if tie- .|wv
t i. »'h*t i- u* U*t Kiojr'r" »u
p-: t * role *b.hdk the takers and
i .'ek eprr* in tld* part of the!
country. Uj* iHttriKOM reply would
White Satin
\ o «i -Id rote for it if you were
u-e*i to it. ba t it worth *niR|? a
Loup City Mills
-'iw-rtsl at the l.oup I’ll* PostoMce tor l ran -
muni on tbrousti tbs malls as second
class matter.
Dffice Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
I IV, til Ul.Fill.II. Kit ami Bull
Good Railroad Dope
> ui few months since, llie North
western made comment on railroad
miters in connection witli Loup
it), wliicii some of the friends were
iriciined to look upon as more or less
lint air. At tliat time we spoke of
iie possihilit) of the extension of
noth the B. 4 M. and V. 1*. roads
further west, giving us a good outlet
u> the coast, daily trains, including
Sundays, a possible location of a
illusion at this point, and otlier
pointers, the whole lieing based on
good ground. At that time, Hon.
F rank < urrie of Sargent, was in Bos
toll, understood ui lie tliere for the
purpi'se of placing bonds for the
uilding of a -hurt line from Loup
1 ity to Broken Bow, which in case of
its tielng built would betaken over
by the f rilon Pacitic to give them an
outlet from Loup City west. Also at
that time a corps of surveyors and
engineers for tlie B. A: M. were going
over tlie ground between Loup City
aiid < airo. making resurveys of the
oi • and go«l grounds were liad for
• -unwise tiiat in event of tlie ex
■•ii'ioii of the Union Pacitic, tlie
li rlington was ready to build from
i u. up tlie valley to Loup City to
niiect with their road at this place,
: . ii.v n to Sargent, whence they
would build over to Dunning, inak
:n. ! his their mainline and heavy
i '.it- route, saving tiie steep grades
• ’ w. fii i airo and Iiunning on their
t ■-« nt line. That this was not hot
«i I b proved in the not very
..-nit future. By tlie Omaha dailies
of Sunday we see tiiat tlie Nebraska
■ • ntral s Western, a new proposed
re from Broken Bow to Arnold,
advertised for graders to start
construction of the proposed line
<d» I- assured will liegin within
days Th. se • next" to what tiiat
means, have good evidence tiiat with
the construction of that short line,
an extension will be made from
Broken Bow to Loup City, if indeed
" Is not done earlier, giving tlie l'. P.
’tie desired outlet west, which also
means doubt tlie proposed
fut-otls of tlie B Jk M. bringing tlie
main line to our very doors. Not
nly this, but tliere is no reasonable
doubt tiiat in event of unr getting
•he main line LoupCity will lie made
■he division point lietween Lincoln
and Alliance, as tlie distance between
tlie two points 1- just right and tliere
is no lietter location in tiie state,
witii finer grounds titan Loup City
•ail produce We still are not at
• it•city to give full reasons for tlie
faith within us. but should we give
rtim facts and pointers in our pos
sssiun we feel assured tiie most
skeptical would with us claim tiiat
within the next two years, at the
■ ■ •side. Loup City will be on the
uaiti line of the B. A: m. Black Hills j
•te and tiiat the Union Pacitic will)
be i inning trains further west. Now
a'l it hot air if you please, hut don’t
forget tlie prophecy.
Political Pot Puttering
Some two weeks since, the Times
’••led its readers the information.
'* <ii "T otherwise, of tiie proposed
indid >, v • >fi it- side of the political
fit D Hendrickson and L. H.
< rn r for the office of county super
inien lent oj -( bools, and tiiat of
it V Priud.ard for sheriff, while it.
a—tired its readers tiiat without
doubt there would tie no opposition
to tiie democratic holders of tlie
erksliip. clerk of tlie district court,
•unty udge and treasurer. We will ;
v hnit tiiat so far we have not heard
f jKis-itile republican candidates for
hose offices, hut are not willing to
i- opt the I imes' prophecy of no
pposition. However, we are able
• his wei k to add a little political in
formation which will tend to cause
the pel to get action looking toward
tie- boiling point. We have assur
iii. is from tlie most reliable sources
"hat Sheriff Williams is to have a
formidable opponent, for his re nomi
nation to tlie office lie has tilled so
well, in the person of Herman .1.
1 liansen. most well and favorably
known throughout tlie county. We
:tve it In rumor that Harry Miner
a -. out f,.r the office of sheriff.
I ii.- above is all the positive infor
• iti n we ha.e as to candidates.
■ gh we hear rumors of tlie pos
; ie candidacy for countv superin
• ode nt of sUpt. O'Connell and also
f I Mrs. Kmma McCray, both of
our public schools.
'• ' •’ 1:> Ballinger's resignation as >f the interior, which lias
e president's hands since
the l'*tli .if January, was finally ae
■ itci i .esday of this week and
" •*lt« r I. Fisher ofJChicago takes his,
plac.- in the cabinet. Taft takes
a ii u> say in accepting tlie res-1
-'bat n that lie thinks Ballinger the !
-T ii.aligned and aliused two-legged 1
‘bgej .i the male peisuasion ever on j
I me sphere, and that the |
• i-e ..f Ballinger was only a way of
-’"'ting Id-, the president's! goat, so
• speak All of which will scarcely
nake a ripple on tlie surface of pub
lic opinion.
( ounty option was killed in tlie
house Tue-day by a mighty close vote
-» to 5«i. needing 51 to tnak it go.
Along R. R. No. 2.
s.*>encer began school Monday.
will < riss ami Pete • >gle were out
on Route • along the divide last
II. S < onger is working at tlie mill. i
i.o> Miepard having moved to north
of Arcadia last week.
Joe Biasclike was helping Orsie
1 lenders.m l.aul hay tlie past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otlewski liave
vedon their place recently uur
•I ased of LBanks Hale
Miss P.usliong was among the sick
tlie past week.
Mrs. \\ <>. Brown and daugliter.!
Lillie, were grippe sufferers the past'
week. i
Mr. and Mrs. Will Peterson came!
i*ome last Thursday from Florida.
Mrs. John Koceimba's mother, who
lias been visiting her. returned to her
iiome last Friday.
F. A. Pinckney took Iiome a new
cream separator last week.
Hugh Cash lost two cows w ith corn
<alk disease Monday morning.
Revival meetings are being held at
he Wiggle Creek church. Come out
sad attend.
W. II. Brodock built a new well!
jo use tiie past week.
MJbhb LeUie and Laurice Pfeufh
took dinner at C. R. Spencer’s Sunday
Those neither absent nor tardy the
past month in the Hawk school dis
trict the past month were: Carl Nor
stedt, Elsie, Edna and Herbert
A. I). Peters had his sale Monday,
a good crowd being present. He lett
Wednesday with his family for Hen
derson. Neb. The carrier will miss
this family, especially the little boys.
Carl Squires helped his brother,
lohn, butcher Wednesday. John gave
carrier some fresh pork.
Mrs. L. Johnson on Route 1 has
been very sick the past week.
Supervisors’ Proceedings
Loup City, Neb., Febr. 21, 1911
County Board met this day pursuant
to adjournment of Jan. 11, 1911. at
1 o'clock p. m. Present. Brown, Wel
ty. Wolfe, Hiyo Aden. Waskowiak,
Jensen, J. 1. Depew, County Attorney
Starr, and W. C. Dieterichs, clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and
on motion accepted as read.
J. R. Gregg appeared and asked the
board to strike his labor tax in Loup
City township oil the tax list, as he
had worked out his poll tax in Loup
City. The matter was adjusted by
Mr. Gregg having his 1911 receipt
cnangcu to apply on ms isu taxes.
A petition was presented to the
board, signed by 159 taxpayers of tiie
county, asking tiie board to call a
special election to submit to tiie
people whether they wish to issue
$60,000 bonds for a new court house.
Action was referred to next meeting.
Tiie following official bonds were
on motion approved: Henry Heed,
Hoad Dist. 21, Clay twp.: John Haller
Clerk, Clay twp.: Wm. Harnett. Hoad
Dist. 25, Harrison twp.: John Haller
Justice of the Peacd, Hazard twp.
Tiie M. F. Swigart consent road
petition was allowed conditionally.
On motion clerk was ordered to
advertise for bridge building.
t)n motion county treasurer was
authorized to transfer $9.86 from
Bond fund of School Dist. No. 60. and
$7.55 from Bond fund of Dist. No. 75
to General Fund of said districts, also
to transfer $541.63 from Judgment
fund of Logan township to Bond fund
of said township.
Supervisor Wolfe was on motion
authorized to lease tiie 40 acres of
county land on the best possible terms.
Prescott Music Co. of Lincoln hav
ing furnished proof of having been
twice assessed on tiie same property,
their taxes were on motion stricken
from tax list in this county.
Moved to adjourn to Friday. Feb.
24. 1911. W. C. Dieteriehs, Clerk.
County Board met pursuant to ad
journment of Feb. 21. Present. Aden.
Waskowiak. Brown, Jensen. Welty.
Wolfe. Chairman Depew and W. C.
Dieteriehs. clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and
on motion accepted.
Bequest of County Superintendent
for a transfer of $1(H) from the Coun
ty General Fund to Institute Fund
was on motion allowed.
Supervisor Waskowiak was on mo
tion authorized to re-plank tiie Bill
Wilson bridge on Oak Creek in Ash
ton township.
Martin Placek being erroneously
assessed on a school land contract
belonging to Chauncey H. Sheldon,
on tiie W2Sec 16-16-14. tiie clerk was
on motion ordered to correct the
error on tiie tax list for tiie year 1910.
On motion the Board purchased a
new typewriter for use in tiie clerk's
office for the sum of $67.50 and the
old ty pewriter now in use in the
clerk's office.
Motion made by Welty. seconded
by Brown, that a special election be
called for a vote of the taxpayers on
a proposition to levy 5 mill annually
for four years to create a fund to
build a new courthouse was lost by
four voting Nay and two Aye.
Another motion by Brown, second
ed by Welty. that tiie above proposi
tion lie put to a vote of the taxpayers
at tiie next general election was
carried unanimously.
Claims committee reported having
allowed all claims, and made deduc
tions for taxes, except blaim of F. W.
Mills, which was referred to next
meeting, and tiie claim of Sherman
County Grain, Coal, Lumber & Live
stock Ass'n., which was not allowed.
Heport of Claims committee was on
motion accepted, and clerk ordered
to draw warrants for claims on tiie
respective funds.
UENKltAL fund:
H. 8-1. Cole (all tax) $16.05, School
Dist. No. 31. 5.00. A. S. Main 8.00, A.
Anderstrom 6.75, L. E. Dickinsontall
tax) 2.50, C. W. Gibson 5.50, Aaron
Wall (all tax) 3.00, A. J. Kearns 8.00.
Louis Hein 5.75, D. C. Grow 2.00, Ed.
Foster 2.00, Mrs. Ella Williams 2.00,
T. M. Heed (all tax) II.30. Leininger
Lumber Co., 43.45, StatS Journal Co..
63.50, Dr. J. W. Jones (6.83 tax) 43.17.
S. F. Heynolds 1.50, O. F. Petersen
5.60, Farmers' Institute 11.95.Omaha
Printing Co.. 16.00. L. A. Williams
145.42. E. G. Taylor 53.85, J. W. Bur
leigh 6.00, C. F. Beushausen 69.10,
Klopp & Bartlett 12.90. University
Publishing Co., 5.00, Hiyo Aden
G. W. Wolfe 8.80, Tom Jensen 9.40,
Anton Waskowiak 8.40, J. H. Welty
13.50, W. O. Brown 6.40. J. I. Depew
C. P. Godown 10.00, Dieterich Hue
bert 2.25. Hiyo Aden 8.10, Tom Jen
sen .3.30, F. F. Friesen 1.50, C. II Wall
(all tax) 6.75, G- W. Wolfe 5.00. A
Waskowiak 6.00.
W. O. Brown 2.00.
Moved to adjourn to April 17, loll.
W. C. Diktkkichs. County Clerk.
Austin Scribbles
Mrs. Lonnie Laddowand Mrs. P. G.
Paige went to Boelus Fridav to visit
their grandparents.
Orsie Henderson and Frank Foss
were sightseeing in Austin Fridav.
The Austin choir met at Mrs. Dad
dow's Sunday to practice for the
coming Tuesday service.
E. L. Patton lias moved in our
vicinity to be a farmer among us.
Vincent Johns visited Saturday
night at C. S. Barnes'.
Howard Kulliton left Tuesday for
the sandhills to live on his claim*.
Harold Hancock is working for
Troy Hale.
Paul Gilmore ami Roy Barr were
a( Loup City Saturday on business.
Will Hancock has bought a tine
team of horses of Troy Hale.
Mrs. Jim Johnson reports some t>0
persons attended the golden wedding
aiiniveriary. A very nice time was
had and some tine presents were
lies to wed on the aged couple.
Nelson Caddy and sister and Miss
Parlette called on Wilhua Foss last
Mrs. Couton called at Renrfrow’s
Sat urday, ami her little girl also took
her music lesson.
Mr and Mrs. Will Fletcher visited
Sunday in Boelus.
Mr. Caddy's and C. S. Barnes' were
over Tuesday evening to eat oysters
at Foss’, it being Mrs. Foss'* 54th
hirtl day anniversary, and while there
tlie Barnes baby was taken ill, mak
ing it. necessary to call tlie doctor.
The little one is much better at
Electric Theatre
will be 0|>eri on Tuesday. Thursday
ami Saturday eveninps of each week,
with an entire ehanpe of pictures
Just the place for yourself and fami
ly to spend an enjoyable eveninp.
Notice ol Hearing on Petition for Letter!
of Administration
State of Nebraska, j
w ss
Sherman County l The State of Mebruska
To the next ot kin and all persons interested
in the estate of Crist Schleich. deceased
late of said county:
Notice is hereby given that on Mate)
2nd. 1911. a petition was died in the count)
court of said countv for the appointment of at
administratrix of the estate of Crist Schleich
deceased, late of said county, and that th«
same was set for hearing on Monday. th«
27th day of March. 1911. at the hour o
1 o'clock in the afternoon, at^the office o!
E. A. Smith. County Judge of said county in
Loup City in said county, at which time and
place all persons interested in said estate
may appear and be heard concerning said
Given under my hand and the seal of said
court this 2nd dav of March. 1911.
[seal] E. a. Smith. County Judge.
_< Last pub. Mar 23)
Notice offiBartian_Sale ot Real Estate"
In the District Court in and for Shermac
County. Nebraska:
In the matter of the Estate of Michael S
Taffe. Deceased:
State of Nebraska, i
> ss
Sherman County. i
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance ol
an order of the Hon. Bruno O. Hostetler
Judge of the District C'ourt of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska, made on trie 17th day of Febru
ary. 1911. for the sale of the following des
cribed real estate to-wit: The undivided two
fifteenths interest of each of the live minors
Clinton J. Taffe. Gilbert F. Taffe. Malcolm S.
Taffe. Francis \V. Taffe and Edna E. Taffe, ir:
Block Fourteen (14). and Lot Six <ft>. in Block
Seventeen «17). in the Village of Litchfield
Sherman county. Nebraska, there will be sold
at public auction to the highest bidder foi
cash, at the south door of the court house, in
Loup City. Sherman county. Nebraska, on
the 11th day of March. 1911. at the hour of one
o’clock in the afternoon of said day. the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit: The undivid
ed two-fifteenths interest of each of the five
minors. Clinton J. Taffe. Gilbert F Taffe,
Malcolm S. Taffe Francis W. Taffe and Edna
E. Taffe. in Block Fourteen tilt and Lot Six ;«]
in Block Seventeen (I7> in the Village ol
Litchfield. Sherman county. Nebraska.
Dated this 21st day of February. 1911
E. M. S Taffe.
Guardian of Cliuton J. Taffe. Gilbert .F.
Taffe. Malcolm S. Taffe. Francis \V. Taffe
and Edna E. Taffe. minors
Last pub. Mar. 9
State of Nebraska, i
> ss.
Sherman County S State of Nebraska
In County Court within and for Sherman coun
ty. Nebraska. February Jsth. 1911.
In the matter of the estate of Carl L. Keeler,
To the Creditors of said estate:
You arc hereby uotitied. that I will sit at
the county courtroom in Loup Citv. in said
countv on the 55th day of August 1911. at one
o'clock in the afternoon, to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allowance.
The lime limited for the presentation of
claim- against -aid e-tate is the -‘nth day of
August. A. D. 1911. and the time limited for
payment of debt- is one year from said 55th
dav of Aagust 1911.
Witness my hand anil the seal of said coun
ty court this Nh day of February 1911.
|skai.] F.. A. smith Countv Judge.
(La.-t pub. Mar 16'.
In the County Court of Sherman County. Nc«
In the matter of the estate of William J.
McNeill, deceased:
Notice of hearing on tinal account of adminis
State of Nebraska i
v ss
Sherman County *
To all persons interested in the estate of
William J McNeill, deceased:
You are hereby notified that on the 57th day
of February. 1911. Mary J. McNeill, adminis
tratrix of the estate of William J. McNeill,
deceased, tiled in said court her tinal account
as such administratrix, and her petition pray
ing for the allowance of the same and for her
discharge, and that said final account and
petition will be heard on the 1Mb dav ot March.
1911. at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the
county court room in Loup City, in said coun
ty : and you are hereby cited to appear at the
lime and place above designated, and show
cause, if anv there be why said account should
not be allowed. It is hereby ordered that said
administratrix give notice to all persons in
terested in said estate by causing a copy of
this order to be-published in The Loup City
Northwestern, a legal newspaper published
and of general circulation in said county for
three successive weeks prior to the dav set
for said hearing
Dated this 57th .lav of February. 1911.
IsKAi.j E. A. Smith. County Judge.
(Last pub. Mar. 16)
INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other
typewriting machines into one and compare it fea
ture with feature, working part with working part,
with the
Underwi x >d
T ypewriter
and the UNDERWOOD stands
out as the best machine--one per- ^
:mitting the greatest latitude of
work, doing more and better work
per given effort, and is
The Machine You Will Eventually Buy
It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every
trying condition and is simple in construction. The
Underwood Type Bar Stroke has but three ele
ments: the Key Lever, Connecting Link and Type
Underwood Typewriting Company
Farmers Notice
We want your good wheat and do
| not sell before you get our prices.
We also want corn and oats and are
■ paying more than it will net to ship
, to any terminal market. Your busi
1 ness is appreciated.
Lori* City Mill & Light Co.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. 7 on 57. or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
The Season is at Hand tor
We have the quantity to select frdm. We have
the Price. We have the Quality that Guarantees
Durability to Correspond with the Quality,
hardware co.
We have just received a large shipment of
Wall Paper and have a choice lot of|
Latest Designs and patterns
For Every Room in the House
Look fhefn Over
|t Will pay You
It Means
To Use a
Manure Spreader!
T. M. Reed
What He Has to Show Ycu
Barrels to Pickle Pork in.
Oyster Shells and Green Cut Bones for Chickens.
Pickles in Bulk
Olives in Bulk.
A Large Price Paid for Hides and Chickens.
_Lee Rrothcrs.
We have a good stock of lumber and all
kinds of building material on band.
A carefully assorted stock of Fence Posts
ranging in price from 12c to 25c.
No trouble to figure your bills and show
our stock.
What a Splendid Picture ^
forever.hea,th and make- II * too bad they cannot last
We Like to Take Photographs
of young people, and judging by the saniDles w» h«v«
like to have us do it. Come and learn the reason Vh™"* P?°P e
jrou will decide to have us photograph you. reason. Then probably
EDGAR DRAPER, Photographer.