r—. ». j - r*f aa>- TrS CRAGRfJ RiyfR \ ■ lU i iI'N ©lie looks upon the gigantic / work that is in progress on the Is-ha us -f 1‘acacia and beholds wf | the hills and the mountains glr mg way before the onward » . * I m*r. h -f modern machinery— sees steam, electricity. air and water all ha rawed and made to the bidding of man. fas ©an hot stand tn ise and ask the raestioe What is the propel • f power ha k of this great undertaking* _I •. e guestioa comes to him tn re dout -d fere as be remember* that the spot on whir* *11 this great work Is in progress a as ..-sly r' *-ntlj t> garded as the death-hole of * :.e worid bat bus . w ben be beholds a land treed from the fearful savage# of the dis • ases that had for rectories taken their toll of human life by the ten# of thousands, he is .m*'rained to asa again What has wrought this wonderful change? And the answer nomes hvi to hint from far down the rugged road that is filled with the fumes of the msdt.ight oil that has been burned by student* and men of science of p**( and pmmi tines - O. fellow -toiler. B*W and abuts and around and directing this area* e*tsrprtse. upon which the eyes of the world ar> .entered today, is the irresistible power of w - ;• tra ced, cultured intellect. 1* i* remarkable -he number of people one find# who its of the .opinion -hat the idea of a ratal a* toss the Is tt.us of i'acarsa is some •.i.ia id. r*i*nt origin, when the fast is. it is Mi i ■ i —■ i ————— ■ ■ _ J Ci/L£SRA CUT - JHOWJ/tG GOLD ML tLJ have covered the sides of the excavation with solid gold. The cut through these mountains is known as Culebra cut. and is nine miles in length—through solid rock. The cut begins at Bas Obispo and ends at Pedro Miguel locks. The question is often asked. What be comes of the vast quantities of dirt, rock, etc, that are taken from the canal? It is loaded on trains by means of the steam shov els and hauled off—a portion being placed on Catun dam. a portion is taken to the Atlantic and a portion to the Pacific oceans and placed on the great breakwaters that are building there, and yet other trains are busily engaged in hauling the excavations to the railroad tracks that will skirt the northern edge of the canal, and which will have a solid rock bed the entire distance. They find use for every particle c! it. Getting rid of these excavations has caused the Canal Zone to become the busiest railroad center in the world. It is said that S00 trains pass a given point near the town of Culebra in a day. hauling out the rock from the cut. The United States is constructing a lock canal, as before stated. These locks are in pairs, each having a width of 110 feet and a length of 1,000 feet. Each lock consists of a chamber, with walls of concrete, and with water-tight gates at the ends. The level of water is to be regulated through openings in the bottom by the operation of valves in the side and center walls, which will permit the water to flow into and out of the locks by gravity. It is estimated that it will require eight minutes to fill one of them. The locks are the largest that have ever been designed in the history of the world. The gates con '• * -*'/. " CfiJ .'.Run CJLZBRA CUT /RlJAO SGGUlL LOCALS a maver zi.x' ha* enraged the attention of the rt'J.tef world for nearly five hundred year* Many answer rueful attempts hare br*n made t« a' com pi.* l the ob;er* ic the past, and it' m good te realist 'hat the dreass and designs of the Spamei. adventurers of the fifteenth cantmry are about to be brought to |mes by Aaetrtt ewzmeer* of the twentieth 'entury bpam. Portugal England and France have each is turn made a failure in their attempts to ta»rre the Isthmus with a canal Cutambwa * s 'he first to propose a water highway from Europe to Asia, westward, by way of -he Atlantic. It was such a highway be sou*, t. and not the new- world, which he real:? found He landed on the Isthmus of Panama, near the present site of Colon, in the >«*r lSdC. but It was a Spanish engineer aamed Saavedra, one of Balboa’s followers, who firs' advocated the construction of a eahai a roes Panama This was in 1517. and sXer studying *be question for a dozen years, he eubmttt 1 m* plans to Charles V . king of tapuic Surveys of ths Isthmus were made, bu' -he work of cutting a canal was reported to be iroprw. - ..-able After the dtatb of -alias X. his snrruggnr Philip II.. in 1657. sect an enrlceer to survey the Nicaraguan route, who likewise made an adverse report The vitwttoa was then abandoned for 2o0 'on. af'er wLi bile ever since. in "* '-or Is- i the French people, headed by faun* Ferdinand de Leasrpw. who had gained hot fatae and fortune by the surcess fu. -otw|l* oa of the Suez canal, took up the natter 4 <■oustrutting ’he Panama <-anal. and wen' vigorously to work to connect the two iwnsswt The great engineer thought he had na''.* an easier undertaking before him than be had recently been successful in accotr. I»hrtiitig—that the cutting of the Suez ra tal but be *u vastly mistaken. As work juncressed oc : be canal wit h seeming suc cess. glowing reports were wafted back to France «/ what was feting done, and the fame of 4c bnfiW roe* to the point of flero wor ship la > he was eP ;-ted to the French academy, aad *. a saluted by Gambetta as “tfe* Grand Old Pr« n-1 man " In 1**5 he was seated among th< Immortal* Victor Hugo, the great Freni h novelist, being his sponsor, and Re*, a. that other brilliant French writer, dthvrrcd the valedictory. But the cark »-loud* were gathering behind all this fantastic show, and in a few more years the rms came. The evpendlture of money tfea* h .d be*-o «-onfributed mostly bv it. j-oor-t t-n;lc of Frail e was sojnethillg ■f”, • jrt b'lng placid as high as i... i ,n , -r* i vesrs and then the crash •swe burying a'h the wreck the hopes I and expectations of the great engineer, and carrying sorrow and want to the homes of thousands upon thousands of French people who had contributed their little all toward forwarding the great enterprise. The nation was brought to the very verge of revolution. Judicial proceedings were instituted, and trials were had. extending over a period of five years. There was disclosed to the horrified world such an orgy of corruption as history had never before recorded. A hundred French senators and deputies were accused of having taken bribes, and the police department was under the same charge. Count de I.esseps never recovered from the shock—and went down to his grave In 1S94— only 16 years ago—a broken-hearted old man— but his fame will remain immortal despite the sad ending of his career. In 1903 the United States purchased the interests and belongings of the French com pany on the Isthmus of Panama, paying there for the sum of $40,000,000—the assets consist ing of valuable surveys, implements of all kinds, many thousand houses, railroads, land; and also paid the Republic of Panama $10. 000.000 for the Canal Zone—a strip of land in said Republic of Panama ten miles wide and practically 50 miles long—extending from Co lon on the Atlantic side to Panama City on the Pacific. Through the center of this ten mile strip the canal is being constructed. At present there Is an army of nearly 40,000 men engaged in the gigantic undertaking of build ing this great water highway from ocean to ocean. The first party of Americans went to Pana ma in 1904 to begin work, but they found the country infested with diseases of the most fatal kinds, and the year 1904 was practically spent in improving health conditions. This work has been under the supervision of Col. \V. C Gorgas, and so effective have been the methods pursued by him and his able assist ants in the Canal Zone of the Isthmus of Panama that the health conditions of that tropical country are about as good today as those of the southern states of America. Contrary to the general belief, the United States is not digging a "big ditch" across the Isthmus of Panama. When the canal is fin tsi i d and ships are steaming across Panama from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vice versa, the waters of the two oceans will still be at least forty miles apart. They will never meet at all. A sea-level canal, which would have allowed the waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific to come together, is not being dug; but an 85-foot lock canal is being constructed. As to the relative merits of the sea-level and the lo-k canal it is not writhin the province of this article to discuss. The K5-foot lock canal which is being con structed consists of a sea-level entrance chan nel 7 miles long. 500 feet wide and 41 feet deep on the Atlantic side to the foot of Gatun t pronounced "Gatoon'T locks. On the Pacific side there is a corresponding sea-level chan nel to Miraflores locks, about S miles long. 500 feet wide and 45 feet deep. At Gatun the S5-foot lake level is obtained by a great dam about a mile and a half long, and nearly half a mile thick at the bottom or base. The dam rests on impermeable material of sufficient supporting power, and fills the openings between the hills at Gatun. through which the Chagres t pronounced ''Shaggers") river flows to the sea. This river crosses the channel of the canal no less than fifteen times in its serpentine course and is one of the most turbulent streams known during high water, though it looks peaceful enough during the dry season. It was one of the great ob structions to the possibility of digging a sea level canal, but this enemy has been converted into a friend, and will be made to supply the greater portion of the water for filling the great artificial lake. The great Gatun dam—upon the successful completion of which depends the success of the canal—consists of a water-tight center or core composed of clay and sand mixed in proper proportions. Those materials were adopted after consultation with the best ex perts in the world, who came to the conclusion that clay and sand were the most impervious materials that could be used. This material, after being properly mixed. Is deposited hy draulically—that is, by being pumped ifi by dredges. This center core is confined by a rock wall on each side, the rock so used being taken from Culebra cut. At the bot tom this impermeable core of clay and sand has a width of about S60 feet, and gradually tapers upward until a minimum thickness of 400 feet will be had at the water level of the lake. The dam will rise to a height of 115 feet, or a distance of 30 feet above the level of the lake. The artificial lake—which will be known as Lake Gatun—will cover an area of 164 square miles, or over 100,000 acres. The entire navy of the United States can find safe anchorage therein. The greatest obstacle that has stood in the way of the engineers for the past 500 years in constructing a canal across Panama has been the mountain range known as the Cor dilleras—the backbone of the continent. It was here that the French people wasted and squandered such a great amount of money . that the picture shown above is called “Gold hill”—It being asserted that they spent enough in their endeavor to cut through the moun tain at this point that the money used would sist of two leaves and are massive steel struc lures 7 feet thick, 65 feet long and from 4" to 82 feet high. Eighty-four leaves will be required for the entire canal, and their total weight will be 86,000,000 pounds, and will cost nearly $6,000,000. When the canal is completed—which Colonel George W. Goethals, who is in charge of the great work, says will be some time during the year 1913—here is the manner in which a ves sel from the Atlantic side will get to the Pacific: It will enter the sea-level channel at Colon and go a distance of seven miles to the foot of Ga tun locks; there it will be lifted by means of these locks a height of 85 feet above the sea level to the surface of Gatun lake; the gates of the lock will be opened and it will steam out on this lake and go a distance of 23 miles to the beginning of the great Culebra cut. and carefully proceeding through this cut a dis tance of nine miles, it will check up at Pedro Miguel locks, where it will enter the lock and be lowered a distance of 28 1-3 feet to the level of Miraflores lake, and then it will steam a distance of three miles across this lake to Miraflores locks, where it will be lowered by two flights a distance of 56 2-3 feet to sea level; and then it will enter the Pacific chan nel of the canal and go a distance of eight miles out to deep water of the ocean. It will require from ten to twelve hours for a vessel to make the passage from one ocean to the other—thus saving many thousands of miles of travel, and many days of time in a journey to any of the ports on the Pacific side of the Americas and also to the Orient. Colonel Goethals states most positively that the cost of the canal will not be over $375,000,000; and in this amount is included the purchase of the French company's be longings—$40,000.000—and the $10,000,000 paid for the Canal Zone, and also the cost of the sanitary department, which of course has been a considerable amount. In order to get some idea of what the cost of the canal means—$375.000,000—and put it so the mind can in some measure grasp the figures, we make the following statement: There are in the world nine principal canals, to wit: The Suez, the Kiel, the Manchester, the United States Ste. Marie, the Canadian Ste. Marie, the Amsterdam. Corinth, Cron stadt and the Erie-Ontario canal. The total cost of all nine of these canals was $264,000, 000, which is less by $111,000,000 than the Panama canal alone will cost at the lowest estimate. But even if this amount is doubled, the United States will complete it. The pride and reputation of the nation are at stake, and she cannot afford to make a failure as all the other countries have done that have gone bs foro». Hunt Buffalo in Autos T * • - ' Earagcu Bison Escaping Front James J. HtlFs Farm Is Run Down. The screams of school children bar ricaded la a district school seven wiu« from Anoka prevented a charge through s window of the building by the enraged buffalo that escaped from James J Hills farm 20 miles away, .pi pIt the clue to the whereabouts of the beast that led to .its death, says a Minneapolis dispatch to the New York World Reporters ascertained in their chase of the animal that it really was a full grown American bison. In an auto mobile the reporters began the hunt for an animal now almost extinct. Even the skeptical people of the country, who scouted the first reports of farmers, who were terrorized by sight of the beast, are convinced that It really was a buffalo. Early the countryside was roused and the chase renewed. After an ex citing hunt the animal was located In i the heavy timber a quarter of a mile from Barney Monlon's place, on the State road. County Attorney H. Pratt and Lee Giddings left the automobile, in which they had been pursuing the beast, and hastily entered the tim bert tract. On the other side of the woodland Pratt made out the creature dashing through a field of stubble. Though it was a long shot, Pratt fired. This was followed by a volley from Giddtngs, and together the men has tened in the direction of the clearing. A trail of blood was found, and an other glimpse through the farther thickets showed that the animal was hampered in his rapid flight by a slight limp. Later in the day the buf falo was shot and killed by a posse. The Shapely Back, it is only within comparatively re cent years, says the London Daily Sketch, that women have come to real ize the importance of the back view. Bernhardt insisted on having the backs of her gowns trimmed and It was counted an eccentricity. Many women are charming simply because the lines of their backs are good, while others get no redlt for pretty faces because their backs are poorly shaped. One reason for dressing the back well is that people gaze at backs more than at faces. It Is not permis sible to do the latter, while nobody can object to the format. IMPORTANCE OF ERADICATING INJURIOUS CATTLE TICK Southern States Need More and Better Live Stock and Larger Dairy Industry—Objects be Promoted by Destroying Pest. The eradication of the cattle tick from the southern states is a problem of prime importance to the agricul tural interests of that section. More over. the good that would result from the elimination of the tick would not he entirely confined to the region dl- i rectly concerned, and thus the matter assumes to a certain degree a national Importance. The south needs more and better live stock and a larger dairy industry, and these objects would be greatly promoted by the destruction of the tick. The increased production of live stock by reason of its important bear ing in maintaining and improving the fertility of the soil, would be of dis tinct benefit in increasing the yield of field crops. An incidental though im portant advantage of stock raising and dairying would be found in the distri bution of the farmer's income through out the year, enabling him to live on a cash basis. It can thus be seen that the benefits which would accrue to southern agriculture from the exterm- j Ination of the cattle tick would be very great and far-reaching. There are several species of cattle ticks, but the chief one is commonly called the •'cattle" or "Texas fever" tick. It is the one most frequently found on cattle and Is much more abundant than the other species. When the losses occasioned by this parasite are once thoroughly under stood by farmers and stockmen there will be little need for arguments in lavor of tick eradication. Some of the losses are not directly noticeable and consequently make little impression, while other losses properly charge able to the tick are frequently attrib uted to other causes. Various writers have estimated the annual loss due to the tick at from 140.000,00 to $100,000,000. These fig ures should be ample argument, even »o the most comprehensive, for the eradication of the pest. In getting rid of the tick, it may be attacked on the pasture and on the cattle. In freeing pastures the method fol lowed may be either a direct or an indirect one. The former consists in excluding all cattle, horses and mules from pas tures until all the ticks have died from Pail Spraying Pump. starvation. The latter consists in per ' mining the cattle and other animals to continue on the infested pasture and treating them at regular inter vals with oils or other agents destruc tive to ticks and thus preventing en gorged females from dropping and re tnfesting the pasture. The larvae on the pasture, or those which hatch from eggs laid by females already there, will all eventually meet death. Such of these as get upon the cattle from time to time will be destroyed by the treatment, while those which fail to find a host will die in the pasturc from starvation. Animals may be freed of ticks in. two ways. They may be treated with an agent that will destroy all the ticks present, or they may be rotated at proper intervals on tick-free fields un til all the ticks have dropped. Spraying is probably the most con venient and practical way of treating cattle on the majority of farms. A good style of pail spray pump will be sufficient for treating small herds. About 15 feet of 3-3 inch high pressure hose is required and a type of nozzle furnishing a cone-shaped spray will be found satisfactory. A nozzle with two small an aperture should not be used. Every portion of the body should he thoroughly treated, special attention being given to the head, dewlap, brisket, inside of elbows, thighs and fianks. the tail and the depressions at the base of the tail. Crude oil alone may be used, but in general a JO to 35 per cent, emulsion will be better. All the cattle should be sprayed every two weeks and the treatment should not be discontinued simply be cause the ticks have become scarce or seem to have disappeared. In localities where ticks commonly occur on cattle In considerable num bers during the winter time it will be advisable to continue spraying. In lo calities where ticks disappear or are present in very small numbers during the winter, the cattle should be in spected carefully each week to remove and destroy any ticks that may be present. When warm weather comes, it will be well in all cases in which spraying has been discontinued dur ing the winter to begin spraying and continue until It can be determined with certainty that eradication has. been accomplished. The spraying should not be delayed until ticks show again in considerable numbers. One tick destroyed in the early spring will save the trouble of destroying thou sands a few months later. Lambs and Wool. It is asking too much of a ewe to make her grow the heaviest or next to the heaviest fleece cf her life, and raise a lamb in one year. It cannot be done without checking the growth of the sheep and producing a lamb lacking in constitution. Continuing in that line for several years, the flockmaster will have a very uneven flock, and constitution will be bred out of them. The Hogpen Floor. The cement flooring with movable slat platforms makes the Ideal floor for the hogpen. The cement floor alone is too cold and damp for the hogs, but with the slatted flooring on top. which may be taken up to clean out the place, there is nothing which is better. Beans in Michigan. The cultivation of beans in Michi gan has become so large that bean , threshers with complete outfit of lua I chinery and men travel over some ' parts of the state to harvest the crop I as wheat threshers do in other states. SLIDING PARTITION IN STALL The sliding partition shown in the accompanying illustration provides | ; safe way to approach the head of a kicking horse to feed it or put on the i harness. It does away with the necessity of entering the stall from behind and the risk of being kicked. The partition reaches as far as the manger and the entire framework and boards are carried on two rollers attached to a joist above. Small metal clips are fastened to the floor on each side of the partition to keep the bottom in place and guide it in sliding back MEXICAN STYLE OF FARMING _ Most Primitive Methods of Agri culture Are Still Carried on In Many Parts of the Old Republic. (By VICE-CONSUL, R. M. STADPEN.) The most primitive method of farming is still carried on in many parts of Mexico. The plowing is done by the old-time bull tongue, which Is a crooked stick with the point cov ered with an iron shoe, which only scratches the soil. Corn is planted by hand, a man fol lowing the plow, dropping the seed and covering it with his Ibot. It is cultivated with the same plow, which gives very poor results in destroying the weeds. The fodder is gathered by pulling the leaves or blades from the stock, which are made into bun dles and carried from the fields by pack mules. Rice is planted, after the native plow has scratched over the land, by being thrown broadcast, and covered by hauling a bunch of brush over the land. When the rice is about one foot or 18 inches high it is cut down with grass hooks; not even a scythe is used for this work. This cutting back is said to make the rice grow more bunchy and enables the rice plant to get the best of the weeds, whereas, if the land had been proper ly plowed before planting, there would be no weeds and this cutting back would not be necessary. Some eight or ten days before cutting or harvesting time the water is shut off from the rice fields to allow the rice to ripen, when it is cut with the same grass hooks. It is then piled up for three days, when it is threshed by be ing hand beaten on a rock, by which process five to ten per cent, of the grain remains on the straw. During the eight or ten days the field is dry ing out a loss of about 40 per cent, of grain occurs from various causes. ' This style of farming, without farm implements, could be continued through the long list of crops that are raised in that country.